
Defines functions plot.NumberOfSubjects plot.EventProbabilities

Documented in plot.EventProbabilities plot.NumberOfSubjects

## |
## |  *Event probabilities classes*
## |
## |  This file is part of the R package rpact:
## |  Confirmatory Adaptive Clinical Trial Design and Analysis
## |
## |  Author: Gernot Wassmer, PhD, and Friedrich Pahlke, PhD
## |  Licensed under "GNU Lesser General Public License" version 3
## |  License text can be found here: https://www.r-project.org/Licenses/LGPL-3
## |
## |  RPACT company website: https://www.rpact.com
## |  rpact package website: https://www.rpact.org
## |
## |  Contact us for information about our services: info@rpact.com
## |
## |  File version: $Revision: 7620 $
## |  Last changed: $Date: 2024-02-09 12:57:37 +0100 (Fr, 09 Feb 2024) $
## |  Last changed by: $Author: pahlke $
## |

#' @name EventProbabilities
#' @title
#' Event Probabilities
#' @template field_time
#' @template field_accrualTime
#' @template field_accrualIntensity
#' @template field_kappa
#' @template field_piecewiseSurvivalTime
#' @template field_lambda1
#' @template field_lambda2
#' @template field_allocationRatioPlanned
#' @template field_hazardRatio
#' @template field_dropoutRate1
#' @template field_dropoutRate2
#' @template field_dropoutTime
#' @template field_maxNumberOfSubjects
#' @template field_overallEventProbabilities
#' @template field_cumulativeEventProbabilities
#' @template field_eventProbabilities1
#' @template field_eventProbabilities2
#' @description
#' Class for the definition of event probabilities.
#' @details
#' \code{EventProbabilities} is a class for the definition of event probabilities.
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @include f_core_constants.R
#' @include class_core_parameter_set.R
#' @include class_time.R
#' @keywords internal
EventProbabilities <- setRefClass("EventProbabilities",
    contains = "ParameterSet",
    fields = list(
        .piecewiseSurvivalTime = "PiecewiseSurvivalTime",
        .accrualTime = "AccrualTime",
        .plotSettings = "PlotSettings",
        time = "numeric",
        accrualTime = "numeric",
        accrualIntensity = "numeric",
        kappa = "numeric",
        piecewiseSurvivalTime = "numeric",
        lambda1 = "numeric",
        lambda2 = "numeric",
        allocationRatioPlanned = "numeric",
        hazardRatio = "numeric",
        dropoutRate1 = "numeric",
        dropoutRate2 = "numeric",
        dropoutTime = "numeric",
        maxNumberOfSubjects = "numeric",
        overallEventProbabilities = "numeric", # deprecated
        cumulativeEventProbabilities = "numeric",
        eventProbabilities1 = "numeric",
        eventProbabilities2 = "numeric"
    methods = list(
        initialize = function(...) {
            .plotSettings <<- PlotSettings()
            .setParameterType("overallEventProbabilities", C_PARAM_NOT_APPLICABLE) # deprecated
        getPlotSettings = function() {
        show = function(showType = 1, digits = NA_integer_) {
            .show(showType = showType, digits = digits, consoleOutputEnabled = TRUE)
        .show = function(showType = 1, digits = NA_integer_, consoleOutputEnabled = TRUE) {
            "Method for automatically printing event probabilities objects"
            if (showType == 2) {
                callSuper(showType = showType, digits = digits, consoleOutputEnabled = consoleOutputEnabled)
            } else {
                .cat("Event probabilities at given time:\n\n",
                    heading = 1,
                    consoleOutputEnabled = consoleOutputEnabled

                .showParametersOfOneGroup(.getUserDefinedParameters(), "User defined parameters",
                    orderByParameterName = FALSE, consoleOutputEnabled = consoleOutputEnabled
                .showParametersOfOneGroup(.getDefaultParameters(), "Default parameters",
                    orderByParameterName = FALSE, consoleOutputEnabled = consoleOutputEnabled
                .showParametersOfOneGroup(.getGeneratedParameters(), "Time and output",
                    orderByParameterName = FALSE, consoleOutputEnabled = consoleOutputEnabled

                .showUnknownParameters(consoleOutputEnabled = consoleOutputEnabled)

                .cat("Legend:\n", heading = 2, consoleOutputEnabled = consoleOutputEnabled)
                .cat("  (i): values of treatment arm i\n", consoleOutputEnabled = consoleOutputEnabled)

                .cat("\n", consoleOutputEnabled = consoleOutputEnabled)

#' @name NumberOfSubjects
#' @title
#' Number Of Subjects
#' @description
#' Class for the definition of number of subjects results.
#' @template field_time
#' @template field_accrualTime
#' @template field_accrualIntensity
#' @template field_maxNumberOfSubjects
#' @template field_numberOfSubjects
#' @details
#' \code{NumberOfSubjects} is a class for the definition of number of subjects results.
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @include f_core_constants.R
#' @include class_core_parameter_set.R
#' @include class_time.R
#' @keywords internal
NumberOfSubjects <- setRefClass("NumberOfSubjects",
    contains = "ParameterSet",
    fields = list(
        .accrualTime = "AccrualTime",
        .plotSettings = "PlotSettings",
        time = "numeric",
        accrualTime = "numeric",
        accrualIntensity = "numeric",
        maxNumberOfSubjects = "numeric",
        numberOfSubjects = "numeric"
    methods = list(
        initialize = function(...) {
            .plotSettings <<- PlotSettings()
        getPlotSettings = function() {
        show = function(showType = 1, digits = NA_integer_) {
            .show(showType = showType, digits = digits, consoleOutputEnabled = TRUE)
        .show = function(showType = 1, digits = NA_integer_, consoleOutputEnabled = TRUE) {
            "Method for automatically printing number of subjects objects"
            if (showType == 2) {
                callSuper(showType = showType, digits = digits, consoleOutputEnabled = consoleOutputEnabled)
            } else {
                .cat("Number of recruited subjects at given time:\n\n",
                    heading = 1,
                    consoleOutputEnabled = consoleOutputEnabled

                .showParametersOfOneGroup(.getUserDefinedParameters(), "User defined parameters",
                    orderByParameterName = FALSE, consoleOutputEnabled = consoleOutputEnabled
                .showParametersOfOneGroup(.getDefaultParameters(), "Default parameters",
                    orderByParameterName = FALSE, consoleOutputEnabled = consoleOutputEnabled
                .showParametersOfOneGroup(.getGeneratedParameters(), "Time and output",
                    orderByParameterName = FALSE, consoleOutputEnabled = consoleOutputEnabled

                .showUnknownParameters(consoleOutputEnabled = consoleOutputEnabled)

                .cat("\n", consoleOutputEnabled = consoleOutputEnabled)

#' @title
#' Event Probabilities Plotting
#' @description
#' Plots an object that inherits from class \code{\link{EventProbabilities}}.
#' @details
#' Generic function to plot an event probabilities object.
#' @param x The object that inherits from \code{\link{EventProbabilities}}.
#' @param y An optional object that inherits from \code{\link{NumberOfSubjects}}.
#' @inheritParams param_allocationRatioPlanned
#' @param main The main title.
#' @param xlab The x-axis label.
#' @param ylab The y-axis label.
#' @param type The plot type (default = 1). Note that at the moment only one type is available.
#' @param legendTitle The legend title, default is \code{""}.
#' @inheritParams param_palette
#' @inheritParams param_plotPointsEnabled
#' @inheritParams param_showSource
#' @inheritParams param_plotSettings
#' @inheritParams param_legendPosition
#' @inheritParams param_three_dots_plot
#' @details
#' Generic function to plot a parameter set.
#' @template return_object_ggplot
#' @export
plot.EventProbabilities <- function(x, y, ...,
        allocationRatioPlanned = x$allocationRatioPlanned,
        main = NA_character_, xlab = NA_character_, ylab = NA_character_, type = 1L,
        legendTitle = NA_character_, palette = "Set1",
        plotPointsEnabled = NA, legendPosition = NA_integer_, showSource = FALSE,
        plotSettings = NULL) {
    fCall <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    xObjectName <- deparse(fCall$x)
    yObjectName <- NA_character_

    .assertIsValidAllocationRatioPlanned(allocationRatioPlanned, 2L)
    # .assertIsSingleInteger(type, "type", naAllowed = FALSE, validateType = FALSE)

    numberOfSubjectsObject <- NULL
    if (!missing(y) && inherits(y, "NumberOfSubjects")) {
        numberOfSubjectsObject <- y
        yObjectName <- deparse(fCall$y)

    maxNumberOfSubjects <- 1
    maxNumberOfSubjects1 <- 1
    maxNumberOfSubjects2 <- 1

    maxNumberOfSubjectsToUse <- NA_integer_
    if (!is.null(numberOfSubjectsObject)) {
        maxNumberOfSubjectsToUse <- numberOfSubjectsObject$maxNumberOfSubjects

    if (is.na(maxNumberOfSubjectsToUse)) {
        maxNumberOfSubjectsToUse <- x$maxNumberOfSubjects
    } else if (!is.na(x$maxNumberOfSubjects) && x$maxNumberOfSubjects != maxNumberOfSubjectsToUse) {
        stop("'x' (EventProbabilities) and 'y' (NumberOfSubjects) must have the same 'maxNumberOfSubjects' defined")

    if (!is.na(maxNumberOfSubjectsToUse)) {
        maxNumberOfSubjects <- maxNumberOfSubjectsToUse
        maxNumberOfSubjects1 <- .getNumberOfSubjects1(maxNumberOfSubjects, allocationRatioPlanned)
        maxNumberOfSubjects2 <- .getNumberOfSubjects2(maxNumberOfSubjects, allocationRatioPlanned)

    if (is.na(maxNumberOfSubjectsToUse)) {
        mainDefault <- "Event Probabilities"
    } else {
        mainDefault <- ifelse(!is.null(numberOfSubjectsObject),
            "Number of subjects and expected number of events",
            "Expected number of events"
    main <- ifelse(is.na(main), mainDefault, main)
    if (!is.null(numberOfSubjectsObject)) {
        ylabDefault <- "Number of subjects/events"
    } else {
        ylabDefault <- ifelse(is.na(maxNumberOfSubjectsToUse),
            "Event probabilities", "Expected number of events"
    ylab <- ifelse(is.na(ylab), ylabDefault, ylab)
    data <- data.frame(
        xValues = c(x$time, x$time, x$time),
        yValues = c(
            x$cumulativeEventProbabilities * maxNumberOfSubjects, # cumulative
            x$eventProbabilities1 * maxNumberOfSubjects1, # treatment
            x$eventProbabilities2 * maxNumberOfSubjects2 # control
        categories = c(
            rep("Overall", length(x$time)),
            rep("Treatment", length(x$time)),
            rep("Control", length(x$time))
    data$categories <- factor(data$categories, levels = c("Overall", "Treatment", "Control"))

    if (!is.null(numberOfSubjectsObject)) {
        data <- rbind(
                xValues = numberOfSubjectsObject$time,
                yValues = numberOfSubjectsObject$numberOfSubjects,
                categories = "Number of subjects"

    if (is.na(legendPosition)) {
        legendPosition <- C_POSITION_LEFT_TOP
    if (is.na(legendTitle)) {
        legendTitle <- ""

    srcCmd <- .showPlotSourceInformation(
        objectName = xObjectName,
        xParameterName = "time",
        yParameterNames = c("cumulativeEventProbabilities", "eventProbabilities1", "eventProbabilities2"),
        type = type,
        showSource = showSource
    if (!is.na(yObjectName)) {
        srcCmd2 <- .showPlotSourceInformation(
            objectName = yObjectName,
            xParameterName = "time",
            yParameterNames = "numberOfSubjects",
            type = type,
            showSource = showSource
        if (is.list(srcCmd)) {
            if (!is.null(srcCmd2[["y"]])) {
                if (identical(x[["time"]], y[["time"]])) {
                    srcCmd$y <- c(srcCmd$y, srcCmd2$y)
                } else {
                    srcCmd$x2 <- srcCmd2[["x"]]
                    srcCmd$y2 <- srcCmd2$y
        } else {
            srcCmd <- c(srcCmd, srcCmd2)
    if (!is.null(srcCmd)) {
        if (.isSpecialPlotShowSourceArgument(showSource)) {

    if (is.null(plotSettings)) {
        plotSettings <- x$.plotSettings

        mainTitle = main,
        xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xAxisLabel = "Time",
        yAxisLabel1 = NA_character_, yAxisLabel2 = NA_character_,
        palette = palette, plotPointsEnabled = plotPointsEnabled,
        legendTitle = legendTitle,
        legendPosition = legendPosition, scalingFactor1 = 1, scalingFactor2 = 1,
        addPowerAndAverageSampleNumber = FALSE, mirrorModeEnabled = FALSE,
        ratioEnabled = FALSE, plotSettings = plotSettings, sided = 1, ...

#' @title
#' Number Of Subjects Plotting
#' @description
#' Plots an object that inherits from class \code{\link{NumberOfSubjects}}.
#' @details
#' Generic function to plot an "number of subjects" object.
#' @param x The object that inherits from \code{\link{NumberOfSubjects}}.
#' @param y An optional object that inherits from \code{\link{EventProbabilities}}.
#' @param allocationRatioPlanned The planned allocation ratio \code{n1 / n2} for a two treatment groups
#'   design, default is \code{1}. Will be ignored if \code{y} is undefined.
#' @param main The main title.
#' @param xlab The x-axis label.
#' @param ylab The y-axis label.
#' @param type The plot type (default = 1). Note that at the moment only one type is available.
#' @param legendTitle The legend title, default is \code{""}.
#' @inheritParams param_palette
#' @inheritParams param_plotPointsEnabled
#' @inheritParams param_showSource
#' @inheritParams param_plotSettings
#' @inheritParams param_legendPosition
#' @inheritParams param_three_dots_plot
#' @details
#' Generic function to plot a parameter set.
#' @template return_object_ggplot
#' @export
plot.NumberOfSubjects <- function(x, y, ...,
        allocationRatioPlanned = NA_real_,
        main = NA_character_, xlab = NA_character_, ylab = NA_character_, type = 1L,
        legendTitle = NA_character_, palette = "Set1",
        plotPointsEnabled = NA, legendPosition = NA_integer_, showSource = FALSE,
        plotSettings = NULL) {
    fCall <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    objectName <- deparse(fCall$x)

    # .assertIsSingleInteger(type, "type", naAllowed = FALSE, validateType = FALSE)

    if (!missing(y) && inherits(y, "EventProbabilities")) {
            x = y, y = x,
            allocationRatioPlanned = ifelse(is.na(allocationRatioPlanned), y$allocationRatioPlanned, allocationRatioPlanned),
            main = main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, type = type,
            legendTitle = legendTitle, palette = palette,
            plotPointsEnabled = plotPointsEnabled, legendPosition = legendPosition,
            showSource = showSource, plotSettings = plotSettings, ...

    if (!is.na(allocationRatioPlanned)) {
        warning("'allocationRatioPlanned' (", allocationRatioPlanned,
            ") will be ignored because 'y' is undefined (for more information see ?plot.NumberOfSubjects)",
            call. = FALSE


    main <- ifelse(is.na(main), "Number of Subjects", main)
    ylab <- ifelse(is.na(ylab), "Number of subjects", ylab)
    data <- data.frame(
        xValues = x$time,
        yValues = x$numberOfSubjects,
        categories = "Number of subjects"

    if (is.na(legendPosition)) {
        legendPosition <- -1
    if (is.na(legendTitle)) {
        legendTitle <- ""

    srcCmd <- .showPlotSourceInformation(
        objectName = objectName,
        xParameterName = "time",
        yParameterNames = "numberOfSubjects",
        type = type,
        showSource = showSource
    if (!is.null(srcCmd)) {
        if (.isSpecialPlotShowSourceArgument(showSource)) {

    if (is.null(plotSettings)) {
        plotSettings <- x$.plotSettings

        mainTitle = main,
        xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xAxisLabel = "Time",
        yAxisLabel1 = NA_character_, yAxisLabel2 = NA_character_,
        palette = palette, plotPointsEnabled = plotPointsEnabled,
        legendTitle = legendTitle,
        legendPosition = legendPosition, scalingFactor1 = 1, scalingFactor2 = 1,
        addPowerAndAverageSampleNumber = FALSE, mirrorModeEnabled = FALSE,
        ratioEnabled = FALSE, plotSettings = plotSettings, sided = 1, ...

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