
Defines functions .formatSubTitleValue .getGridLegendPosition .getGridPlotSettings saveLastPlot .getRelativeFigureOutputPath getLambdaStepFunction .getLambdaStepFunction .getLambdaStepFunctionByTime .addQnormAlphaLine .getLegendPosition .getPointBorder .plotDataFrame .getScalingFactors .naAndNaNOmit .plotParameterSet .allGroupValuesEqual .getAxisLabel .getCategories .getParameterSetAsDataFrame .testPlotCommand .showPlotSourceInformation .createValidParameterName .getRexepSaveCharacter .getVariedParameterHint getAvailablePlotTypes .removeInvalidPlotTypes .isValidVariedParameterVectorForPlotting plotTypes .printPlotShowSourceSeparator .createPlotResultObject .getPlotTypeNumber .getPlotCaption .addNumberToPlotCaption

Documented in getAvailablePlotTypes getLambdaStepFunction plotTypes

## |
## |  *Plot functions*
## |
## |  This file is part of the R package rpact:
## |  Confirmatory Adaptive Clinical Trial Design and Analysis
## |
## |  Author: Gernot Wassmer, PhD, and Friedrich Pahlke, PhD
## |  Licensed under "GNU Lesser General Public License" version 3
## |  License text can be found here: https://www.r-project.org/Licenses/LGPL-3
## |
## |  RPACT company website: https://www.rpact.com
## |  rpact package website: https://www.rpact.org
## |
## |  Contact us for information about our services: info@rpact.com
## |
## |  File version: $Revision: 7645 $
## |  Last changed: $Date: 2024-02-16 16:12:34 +0100 (Fr, 16 Feb 2024) $
## |  Last changed by: $Author: pahlke $
## |

#' @include f_core_utilities.R

.addNumberToPlotCaption <- function(caption, type, numberInCaptionEnabled = FALSE) {
    if (!numberInCaptionEnabled) {

    return(paste0(caption, " [", type, "]"))

.getPlotCaption <- function(obj, type, numberInCaptionEnabled = FALSE, ..., stopIfNotFound = FALSE) {
    if (is.null(obj) || length(type) == 0) {

    .assertIsSingleInteger(type, "type", validateType = FALSE)

    if (inherits(obj, "TrialDesignPlan")) {
        if (type == 1) {
            if (.isTrialDesignPlanSurvival(obj)) {
                return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Boundaries Z Scale", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
            } else {
                return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Boundaries", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 2) {
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Boundaries Effect Scale", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 3) {
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Boundaries p Values Scale", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 4) {
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Error Spending", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))

    if (.isMultiArmSimulationResults(obj)) {
        if (type == 1) { # Multi-arm, Overall Success
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Overall Success", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 2) { # Multi-arm, Success per Stage
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Success per Stage", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 3) { # Multi-arm, Selected Arms per Stage
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Selected Arms per Stage", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 4) { # Multi-arm, Rejected Arms per Stage
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption(ifelse(obj$.design$kMax > 1,
                "Rejected Arms per Stage", "Rejected Arms"
            ), type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
    } else if (.isEnrichmentSimulationResults(obj)) {
        if (type == 1) { # Enrichment, Overall Success
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Overall Success", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 2) { # Enrichment, Success per Stage
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Success per Stage", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 3) { # Enrichment, Selected Populations per Stage
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Selected Populations per Stage", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 4) { # Enrichment, Rejected Populations per Stage
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption(ifelse(obj$.design$kMax > 1,
                "Rejected Populations per Stage", "Rejected Populations"
            ), type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
    } else if (inherits(obj, "SimulationResults") && type == 4) {
        return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Reject per Stage", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))

    if (inherits(obj, "TrialDesignPlan") || inherits(obj, "SimulationResults")) {
        if (type == 5) {
            if (obj$.isSampleSizeObject()) {
                return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Sample Size", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
            } else {
                    "Overall Power and Early Stopping",
                    type, numberInCaptionEnabled
        } else if (type == 6) {
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption(ifelse(.isTrialDesignPlanSurvival(obj) ||
                inherits(obj, "SimulationResultsSurvival"),
            "Number of Events", "Sample Size"
            ), type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 7) {
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Overall Power", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 8) {
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Overall Early Stopping", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 9) {
            if (.isTrialDesignPlanSurvival(obj) ||
                    inherits(obj, "SimulationResultsSurvival")) {
                return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Expected Number of Events", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
            } else {
                return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Expected Sample Size", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 10) {
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Study Duration", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 11) {
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Expected Number of Subjects", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 12) {
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Analysis Time", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 13) {
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Cumulative Distribution Function", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 14) {
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Survival Function", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
    } else if (inherits(obj, "TrialDesign") || inherits(obj, "TrialDesignSet")) {
        if (type == 1) {
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Boundaries", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 3) {
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Stage Levels", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 4) {
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Error Spending", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 5) {
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Power and Early Stopping", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 6) {
                "Average Sample Size and Power / Early Stop",
                type, numberInCaptionEnabled
        } else if (type == 7) {
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Power", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 8) {
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Early Stopping", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 9) {
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Average Sample Size", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
    } else if (inherits(obj, "AnalysisResults")) {
        if (type == 1) {
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption(C_PLOT_MAIN_CONDITIONAL_POWER_WITH_LIKELIHOOD, type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
        } else if (type == 2) {
            return(.addNumberToPlotCaption("Repeated Confidence Intervals", type, numberInCaptionEnabled))
    } else if (inherits(obj, "StageResults")) {
        return(.addNumberToPlotCaption(C_PLOT_MAIN_CONDITIONAL_POWER_WITH_LIKELIHOOD, type, numberInCaptionEnabled))

    if (stopIfNotFound) {
        stop(C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_RUNTIME_ISSUE, "could not find plot caption for ", .getClassName(obj), " and type ", type)


.getPlotTypeNumber <- function(type, x) {
    if (missing(type) || is.null(type) || length(type) == 0 || all(is.na(type))) {
        stop(C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_MISSING_ARGUMENT, "'type' must be defined")

    if (!is.numeric(type) && !is.character(type)) {
            "'type' must be an integer or character value or vector (is ", .getClassName(type), ")"

    if (is.numeric(type)) {
        .assertIsIntegerVector(type, "type", naAllowed = FALSE, validateType = FALSE)

    if (is.character(type)) {
        if (length(type) == 1 && type == "all") {
            availablePlotTypes <- getAvailablePlotTypes(x)
            if (is.null(availablePlotTypes)) {
                stop(C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_RUNTIME_ISSUE, "function 'getAvailablePlotTypes' not implemented for ", .getClassName(x))

        types <- getAvailablePlotTypes(x, output = "numeric")
        captions <- tolower(getAvailablePlotTypes(x, output = "caption"))
        typeNumbers <- c()
        for (typeStr in type) {
            if (grepl("^\\d+$", typeStr)) {
                typeNumbers <- c(typeNumbers, as.integer(typeStr))
            } else {
                index <- pmatch(tolower(typeStr), captions)
                if (!is.na(index)) {
                    typeNumbers <- c(typeNumbers, types[index])
                } else {
                    index <- grep(tolower(typeStr), captions)
                    if (length(index) > 0) {
                        for (i in index) {
                            typeNumbers <- c(typeNumbers, types[i])

        if (length(typeNumbers) > 0) {

        message("Available plot types: ", .arrayToString(tolower(
            getAvailablePlotTypes(x, output = "caption")
        ), encapsulate = TRUE))
        stop(C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "'type' (", .arrayToString(type), ") could not be identified")


.createPlotResultObject <- function(plotList, grid = 1) {
    .assertIsSingleInteger(grid, "grid", naAllowed = FALSE, validateType = FALSE)
    .assertIsInClosedInterval(grid, "grid", lower = 0, upper = 100)

    if (length(plotList) == 0) {
        if (grid == 0) {


    if (!inherits(plotList[[1]], "ggplot") || grid == 1) {

    if (grid == 0) {
        for (p in plotList) {

    if (length(plotList) > grid) {

    plotCmd <- NA_character_
    if (grid > 1) {
        if ("ggpubr" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) {
            if (length(plotList) < 8 && length(plotList) %% 2 == 1) {
                plotCmd <- paste0(
                    "ggpubr::ggarrange(plotList[[1]], ",
                    "ggpubr::ggarrange(plotlist = plotList[2:", length(plotList), "]), ncol = 1)"
            } else if (length(plotList) == 2) {
                plotCmd <- paste0("ggpubr::ggarrange(plotlist = plotList, ncol = 1)")
            } else {
                plotCmd <- paste0("ggpubr::ggarrange(plotlist = plotList)")
        } else if ("gridExtra" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) {
            ncol <- ifelse(length(plotList) == 2, 1, 2)
            plotCmd <- paste0("gridExtra::grid.arrange(grobs = plotList, ncol = ", ncol, ")")
        } else if ("cowplot" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) {
            plotCmd <- "cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = plotList)"
        } else {
                "Unable to create grid plot because neither 'ggpubr', 'gridExtra', nor 'cowplot' are installed. ",
                "Install one of these packages to enable grid plots"
    if (!is.na(plotCmd)) {
                return(eval(parse(text = plotCmd)))
            error = function(e) {
                warning("Failed to create grid plot using command '", plotCmd, "': ", e$message)


.printPlotShowSourceSeparator <- function(showSource, typeNumber, typeNumbers) {
    if (is.logical(showSource) && !showSource) {

    if (length(typeNumbers) == 1) {

    if (typeNumber == typeNumbers[length(typeNumbers)]) {


#' @rdname getAvailablePlotTypes
#' @export
plotTypes <- function(obj, output = c("numeric", "caption", "numcap", "capnum"),
        numberInCaptionEnabled = FALSE) {
        obj = obj, output = output,
        numberInCaptionEnabled = numberInCaptionEnabled

.isValidVariedParameterVectorForPlotting <- function(resultObject, plotType) {
    if (plotType > 12) {

    for (param in c("alternative", "pi1", "hazardRatio", "muMaxVector", "piMaxVector", "omegaMaxVector")) {
        if (!is.null(resultObject[[param]]) &&
                resultObject$.getParameterType(param) != C_PARAM_NOT_APPLICABLE &&
                (any(is.na(resultObject[[param]])) ||
                    length(resultObject[[param]]) <= 1)) {

    if (!is.null(resultObject[["hazardRatio"]]) && !is.null(resultObject[["overallReject"]]) &&
            resultObject$.getParameterType("hazardRatio") != C_PARAM_NOT_APPLICABLE &&
            resultObject$.getParameterType("overallReject") != C_PARAM_NOT_APPLICABLE &&
            length(resultObject$hazardRatio) > 0 &&
            length(resultObject$hazardRatio) != length(resultObject$overallReject)) {


.removeInvalidPlotTypes <- function(resultObject, plotTypes, plotTypesToCheck) {
    if (is.null(plotTypes) || length(plotTypes) == 0) {

    validPlotTypes <- integer(0)
    for (plotType in plotTypes) {
        if (!(plotType %in% plotTypesToCheck)) {
            validPlotTypes <- c(validPlotTypes, plotType)
        } else if (.isValidVariedParameterVectorForPlotting(resultObject, plotType)) {
            validPlotTypes <- c(validPlotTypes, plotType)

#' @title
#' Get Available Plot Types
#' @description
#' Function to identify the available plot types of an object.
#' @param obj The object for which the plot types shall be identified, e.g. produced by
#'        \code{\link[=getDesignGroupSequential]{getDesignGroupSequential()}} or \code{\link[=getSampleSizeMeans]{getSampleSizeMeans()}}.
#' @param output The output type. Can be one of \code{c("numeric", "caption", "numcap", "capnum")}.
#' @param numberInCaptionEnabled If \code{TRUE}, the number will be added to the
#'        caption, default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @details
#' \code{plotTypes} and \code{getAvailablePlotTypes()} are equivalent, i.e.,
#' \code{plotTypes} is a short form of \code{getAvailablePlotTypes()}.
#' \code{output}:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item \code{numeric}: numeric output
#'   \item \code{caption}: caption as character output
#'   \item \code{numcap}:  list with number and caption
#'   \item \code{capnum}:  list with caption and number
#' }
#' @return Returns a list if \code{option} is either \code{capnum} or \code{numcap}
#' or returns a vector that is of  character type for \code{option=caption} or
#' of numeric type for \code{option=numeric}.
#' @examples
#' design <- getDesignInverseNormal(kMax = 2)
#' getAvailablePlotTypes(design, "numeric")
#' plotTypes(design, "caption")
#' getAvailablePlotTypes(design, "numcap")
#' plotTypes(design, "capnum")
#' @export
getAvailablePlotTypes <- function(obj, output = c("numeric", "caption", "numcap", "capnum"),
        numberInCaptionEnabled = FALSE) {
    output <- match.arg(output)
    if (is.null(obj)) {
        if (output == "numeric") {
        if (output == "caption") {

    types <- integer(0)
    if (inherits(obj, "TrialDesignPlan")) {
        if (obj$.design$kMax > 1) {
            types <- c(types, 1)
            if (!.isTrialDesignPlanCountData(obj)) {
                types <- c(types, 2)
            types <- c(types, 3:4)
        if (obj$.isSampleSizeObject()) {
            if (!.isTrialDesignPlanCountData(obj) || length(obj[["theta"]]) > 1) {
                types <- c(types, 5)
            if (.isTrialDesignPlanSurvival(obj)) {
                types <- c(types, 13, 14)
        } else {
            if (obj$.design$kMax > 1) {
                types <- c(types, 5, 6)
            types <- c(types, 7)
            if (obj$.design$kMax > 1) {
                types <- c(types, 8)
                if (!.isTrialDesignPlanCountData(obj) ||
                        obj$.getParameterType("expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1") == C_PARAM_GENERATED) {
                    types <- c(types, 9)
            if (.isTrialDesignPlanSurvival(obj)) {
                types <- c(types, 10:14)
        types <- .removeInvalidPlotTypes(obj, types, c(5:14))
    } else if (inherits(obj, "SimulationResults")) {
        if (grepl("Enrichment", .getClassName(obj)) && !.getSimulationEnrichmentEffectData(
                validatePlotCapability = FALSE
            )$valid) {
            if (output == "numeric") {
            if (output == "caption") {

        if (grepl("MultiArm|Enrichment", .getClassName(obj))) {
            types <- c(types, 1)
            if (obj$.design$kMax > 1) {
                types <- c(types, 2:3)
        types <- c(types, 4)
        if (!grepl("MultiArm", .getClassName(obj)) || obj$.design$kMax > 1) {
            types <- c(types, 5:6)
        types <- c(types, 7)
        if (obj$.design$kMax > 1) {
            types <- c(types, 8)
        if (!grepl("MultiArm", .getClassName(obj)) || obj$.design$kMax > 1) {
            types <- c(types, 9)
        if (inherits(obj, "SimulationResultsSurvival")) {
            types <- c(types, 10:14)
        plotTypesToCheck <- c(4:14)
        if (grepl("MultiArm", .getClassName(obj))) {
            plotTypesToCheck <- c(1:14)
        types <- .removeInvalidPlotTypes(obj, types, plotTypesToCheck)
    } else if (inherits(obj, "TrialDesign") || inherits(obj, "TrialDesignSet")) {
        design <- obj
        if (inherits(obj, "TrialDesignSet")) {
            design <- obj$getDesignMaster()
        if (design$kMax > 1) {
            types <- c(types, 1, 3)
        if (inherits(design, "TrialDesignFisher")) {
            types <- c(types, 4)
        } else {
            types <- c(types, 4:9)
    } else if (inherits(obj, "AnalysisResults")) {
        types <- integer(0)
        if (.isConditionalPowerEnabled(obj$nPlanned)) {
            types <- c(1)
        types <- c(types, 2)
    } else if (inherits(obj, "StageResults")) {
        types <- c(1)

    if (output == "numeric") {

    if (output == "caption") {
        captions <- character()
        for (type in types) {
            captions <- c(captions, .getPlotCaption(obj,
                type = type,
                numberInCaptionEnabled = numberInCaptionEnabled

    if (output == "numcap") {
        numcap <- list()
        for (type in types) {
            numcap[[as.character(type)]] <- .getPlotCaption(obj,
                type = type,
                numberInCaptionEnabled = numberInCaptionEnabled

    capnum <- list()
    for (type in types) {
            type = type,
            numberInCaptionEnabled = numberInCaptionEnabled
        )]] <- type

.getVariedParameterHint <- function(variedParameter, variedParameterName) {
    if (length(variedParameter) != 2) {
        "Note: interim values between ", round(variedParameter[1], 4), " and ",
        round(variedParameter[2], 4), " were calculated to get smoother lines; use, e.g., '",
        variedParameterName, " = ",
        .getVariedParameterVectorSeqCommand(variedParameter), "' to get all interim values"

.getRexepSaveCharacter <- function(x) {
    x <- gsub("\\$", "\\\\$", x)
    x <- gsub("\\.", "\\\\.", x)

.createValidParameterName <- function(objectName, parameterName) {
    if (grepl(paste0(.getRexepSaveCharacter(objectName), "\\$"), parameterName) &&
            !grepl("^\\.design", parameterName)) {

    if (is.null(objectName) || length(objectName) == 0 || is.na(objectName)) {

    if (grepl("^-?\\.?get[A-Z]{1}", parameterName)) {

    if (grepl("^rpact::", parameterName)) {

    return(paste0(objectName, "$", parameterName))

.showPlotSourceInformation <- function(objectName, ...,
        xParameterName, yParameterNames,
        hint = NA_character_, nMax = NA_integer_, type = NA_integer_,
        showSource = FALSE, xValues = NA_real_,
        lineType = TRUE) {
    if (is.character(showSource)) {
        if (length(showSource) != 1 || trimws(showSource) == "") {

        if (!(showSource %in% C_PLOT_SHOW_SOURCE_ARGUMENTS)) {
            warning("'showSource' (", showSource, ") is not allowed and will be ignored", call. = FALSE)
    } else if (!isTRUE(showSource)) {

    .assertIsSingleCharacter(xParameterName, "xParameterName")
    if (length(yParameterNames) == 0 || !all(is.character(yParameterNames)) || all(is.na(yParameterNames))) {
            C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "'yParameterNames' (", .arrayToString(yParameterNames),
            ") must be a valid character vector"
    .assertIsSingleCharacter(hint, "hint", naAllowed = TRUE)
    .assertIsSingleNumber(nMax, "nMax", naAllowed = TRUE)
    .assertIsNumericVector(xValues, "xValues", naAllowed = TRUE)

    cat("Source data of the plot", ifelse(!is.na(type), paste0(
        " (type ",
        type, ")"
    ), ""), ":\n", sep = "")

    xAxisCmd <- .reconstructSequenceCommand(xValues)
    if (is.na(xAxisCmd)) {
        if (!grepl("(\\$)|(^c\\()", xParameterName) || grepl("^\\.design", xParameterName)) {
            if (length(objectName) == 0 || is.na(objectName)) {
                objectName <- "x"

            xAxisCmd <- paste0(objectName, "$", xParameterName)
        } else {
            xAxisCmd <- xParameterName
    if (!is.na(nMax) && length(yParameterNames) < 3 &&
            xParameterName == "informationRates") {
        xAxisCmd <- paste0(xAxisCmd, " * ", round(nMax, 1))
    cat("  x-axis: ", xAxisCmd, "\n", sep = "")

    if (all(c("futilityBounds", "criticalValues") %in% yParameterNames)) {
        yParameterNames[1] <- paste0(
            "c(", objectName, "$futilityBounds, ",
            objectName, "$criticalValues[length(", objectName, "$criticalValues)])"
    } else if (identical(yParameterNames, c("futilityBoundsEffectScale", "criticalValuesEffectScale"))) {
        yParameterNames[1] <- paste0(
            "c(", objectName, "$futilityBoundsEffectScale, ",
            objectName, "$criticalValuesEffectScale[length(", objectName, "$criticalValuesEffectScale)])"

    yAxisCmds <- c()
    if (length(yParameterNames) == 1) {
        yAxisCmds <- .createValidParameterName(objectName, yParameterNames)
    } else {
        for (yParameterName in yParameterNames) {
            yAxisCmds <- c(yAxisCmds, .createValidParameterName(objectName, yParameterName))
    if (length(yAxisCmds) == 1) {
        cat("  y-axis: ", yAxisCmds, "\n", sep = "")
    } else {
        cat("  y-axes:\n")
        for (i in 1:length(yAxisCmds)) {
            cat("    y", i, ": ", yAxisCmds[i], "\n", sep = "")

    if (!is.na(hint) && is.character(hint) && nchar(hint) > 0) {
        cat(hint, "\n", sep = "")

    # add simple plot command examples
    cat("Simple plot command example", ifelse(length(yAxisCmds) == 1, "", "s"), ":\n", sep = "")
    plotCmds <- c()
    for (yAxisCmd in yAxisCmds) {
        plotCmd <- paste0("plot(", xAxisCmd, ", ", yAxisCmd)
        if (lineType) {
            plotCmd <- paste0(plotCmd, ", type = \"l\"")
        plotCmd <- paste0(plotCmd, ")")
        plotCmds <- c(plotCmds, plotCmd)
        cat("  ", plotCmd, "\n", sep = "")

    if (showSource == "commands") {
    } else if (showSource == "axes") {
        return(invisible(list(x = xAxisCmd, y = yAxisCmds)))
    } else if (showSource == "test") {
        success <- TRUE
        for (plotCmd in plotCmds) {
            if (!.testPlotCommand(plotCmd)) {
                success <- FALSE
        if (success) {
            cat("All plot commands are valid\n")
        } else {
            cat("One ore more plot commands are invalid\n")
    } else if (showSource == "validate") {
        for (plotCmd in plotCmds) {
            .testPlotCommand(plotCmd, silent = FALSE)


.testPlotCommand <- function(plotCmd, silent = TRUE) {
            eval(parse(text = plotCmd))
        error = function(e) {
            msg <- paste0(
                "failed to evaluate plot command \"", plotCmd, "\" ",
                "('", as.character(e$call), "'): ", e$message
            if (!silent) {
                stop(C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_RUNTIME_ISSUE, msg[1])
            cat(.firstCharacterToUpperCase(msg), "\n")

.getParameterSetAsDataFrame <- function(...,
        addPowerAndAverageSampleNumber = FALSE,
        theta = seq(-1, 1, 0.02),
        nMax = NA_integer_,
        mandatoryParameterNames = character(),
        yParameterNames = character()) {
    if (.isTrialDesignSet(parameterSet) && parameterSet$getSize() > 1 &&
            (is.null(parameterSet$variedParameters) || length(parameterSet$variedParameters) == 0)) {
            C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_RUNTIME_ISSUE, "'variedParameters' must be not empty; ",
            "use 'DesignSet$addVariedParameters(character)' to add one or more varied parameters"

    if (inherits(parameterSet, "TrialDesignSet")) {
        suppressWarnings(data <- as.data.frame(
            niceColumnNamesEnabled = FALSE,
            includeAllParameters = TRUE,
            addPowerAndAverageSampleNumber = addPowerAndAverageSampleNumber,
            theta = theta, 
            nMax = nMax
    } else {
        parameterNames <- parameterSet$.getVisibleFieldNamesOrdered()
        suppressWarnings(data <- .getAsDataFrame(
            parameterSet = parameterSet,
            parameterNames = parameterNames,
            niceColumnNamesEnabled = FALSE,
            includeAllParameters = FALSE,
            mandatoryParameterNames = mandatoryParameterNames

    if (!.isTrialDesignSet(parameterSet)) {
        variedParameters <- logical(0)
        if ("stages" %in% colnames(data)) {
            if ((!.isTrialDesignPlan(parameterSet) && !("overallReject" %in% yParameterNames)) ||
                    any(grepl("rejectPerStage|numberOfSubjects", yParameterNames))) {
                variedParameters <- "stages"
                names(variedParameters) <- "Stage"
        return(list(data = data, variedParameters = variedParameters))

    if (parameterSet$getSize() <= 1) {
        return(list(data = data, variedParameters = parameterSet$variedParameters))

    variedParameters <- parameterSet$variedParameters
    if (nrow(data) > 1) {
        for (variedParameter in variedParameters) {
            column <- data[[variedParameter]]
            if (length(column) <= 1) {
                    "varied parameter '", variedParameter, "' has length ", length(column)

            valueBefore <- column[1]
            for (i in 2:length(column)) {
                if (is.na(column[i])) {
                    column[i] <- valueBefore
                } else {
                    valueBefore <- column[i]
            data[[variedParameter]] <- column
    variedParameterNames <- c()
    for (variedParameter in variedParameters) {
        variedParameterNames <- c(
            .getParameterCaption(variedParameter, designMaster, tableOutputEnabled = TRUE)
    names(variedParameters) <- variedParameterNames
    return(list(data = data, variedParameters = variedParameters))

.getCategories <- function(data, yParameterName, parameterSet) {
    axisLabel <- .getAxisLabel(yParameterName, parameterSet)
    if (is.null(data$categories) || sum(is.na(data$categories)) > 0) {
        return(rep(axisLabel, nrow(data)))

    return(paste(data$categories, axisLabel, sep = ", "))

.getAxisLabel <- function(parameterName, parameterSet) {
    axisLabel <- .getParameterCaption(parameterName, parameterSet, tableOutputEnabled = TRUE)
    if (is.null(axisLabel)) {
        return(paste0("%", parameterName, "%"))

.allGroupValuesEqual <- function(data, parameterName, groupName) {
    groupedValues <- base::by(data[[parameterName]], data[[groupName]], paste, collapse = ",")
    groupedValues <- groupedValues[!grepl("^NA(,NA)*$", groupedValues)]
    if (length(groupedValues) <= 1) {

    for (i in 1:(length(groupedValues) - 1)) {
        for (j in (i + 1):length(groupedValues)) {
            if (!is.na(groupedValues[i]) && !is.na(groupedValues[j]) &&
                    groupedValues[i] != groupedValues[j]) {

.plotParameterSet <- function(..., parameterSet, designMaster, xParameterName, yParameterNames,
        mainTitle = NA_character_, xlab = NA_character_, ylab = NA_character_,
        palette = "Set1", theta = seq(-1, 1, 0.02), nMax = NA_integer_,
        plotPointsEnabled = NA, legendPosition = NA_integer_,
        variedParameters = logical(0),
        qnormAlphaLineEnabled = TRUE,
        yAxisScalingEnabled = TRUE,
        ratioEnabled = NA, plotSettings = NULL) {
    simulationEnrichmentEnmabled <- grepl("SimulationResultsEnrichment", .getClassName(parameterSet))
    if (.isParameterSet(parameterSet) || .isTrialDesignSet(parameterSet)) {
        parameterNames <- c(xParameterName, yParameterNames)
        parameterNames <- parameterNames[!(parameterNames %in% c(
            "theta", "averageSampleNumber",
            "overallEarlyStop", "calculatedPower"
        fieldNames <- c(
        if (simulationEnrichmentEnmabled) {
            fieldNames <- c(fieldNames, gsub("s$", "", names(parameterSet$effectList)), "situation")
        for (parameterName in parameterNames) {
            if (!is.na(parameterName) && !(parameterName %in% fieldNames)) {
                    "'", .getClassName(parameterSet), "' and '", .getClassName(designMaster), "' ",
                    "do not contain a field with name '", parameterName, "'"
        if (is.null(plotSettings) || !inherits(plotSettings, "PlotSettings")) {
            plotSettings <- parameterSet$getPlotSettings()
    } else {
        if (is.null(plotSettings) || !inherits(plotSettings, "PlotSettings")) {
            plotSettings <- PlotSettings()

    if (.isTrialDesignSet(parameterSet)) {

    addPowerAndAverageSampleNumber <- xParameterName == "theta" &&
        yParameterNames[1] %in% c(
            "averageSampleNumber", "calculatedPower", "overallEarlyStop",
            "overallReject", "overallFutility"

    if (!addPowerAndAverageSampleNumber) {
        addPowerAndAverageSampleNumber <- xParameterName %in% c("effect", "effectMatrix") &&
            yParameterNames[1] %in% c(
                "overallReject", "futilityStop",
                "earlyStop", "expectedNumberOfSubjects", "expectedNumberOfEvents"

    if (addPowerAndAverageSampleNumber && .isMultiArmSimulationResults(parameterSet)) {
        addPowerAndAverageSampleNumber <- FALSE

    if (.isParameterSet(parameterSet) || .isTrialDesignSet(parameterSet)) {
        df <- .getParameterSetAsDataFrame(
            parameterSet = parameterSet,
            designMaster = designMaster,
            addPowerAndAverageSampleNumber = addPowerAndAverageSampleNumber,
            theta = theta,
            nMax = nMax,
            mandatoryParameterNames = c(xParameterName, yParameterNames),
            yParameterNames = yParameterNames
        data <- df$data
        variedParameters <- df$variedParameters
        variedParameters <- na.omit(variedParameters)
        variedParameters <- variedParameters[variedParameters != "NA"]

        if (length(variedParameters) == 1 && length(yParameterNames) == 1) {
            if (.allGroupValuesEqual(data, parameterName = yParameterNames, groupName = variedParameters)) {
                variedParameters <- logical(0)
    } else if (is.data.frame(parameterSet)) {
        data <- parameterSet
    } else {
            "'parameterSet' (", .getClassName(parameterSet), ") must be a data.frame, a 'TrialDesignSet' ",
            "or an object that inherits from 'ParameterSet'"

    if (length(variedParameters) > 0) {
        legendTitle <- .firstCharacterToUpperCase(paste(names(variedParameters), collapse = "\n"))
        categoryParameterName <- variedParameters[1]
    } else {
        legendTitle <- NA_character_
        categoryParameterName <- NA_character_

    yParameterName1 <- yParameterNames[1]
    yParameterName2 <- NULL
    yParameterName3 <- NULL
    if (length(yParameterNames) >= 2) {
        yParameterName2 <- yParameterNames[2]
    if (length(yParameterNames) >= 3) {
        yParameterName3 <- yParameterNames[3]

    mirrorModeEnabled <- any(grepl("Mirrored$", yParameterNames))
    xAxisLabel <- .getAxisLabel(xParameterName, parameterSet)
    yAxisLabel1 <- .getAxisLabel(yParameterName1, parameterSet)
    yAxisLabel2 <- NULL
    if (!is.null(yParameterName2) && !is.null(yParameterName3)) {
        if (!is.na(yParameterName2)) {
            pn2 <- .getAxisLabel(yParameterName2, parameterSet)
            if (yParameterName2 == "overallEarlyStop") {
                pn2 <- "Stopping Probability"
            yAxisLabel2 <- paste(pn2, .getAxisLabel(yParameterName3, parameterSet), sep = " and ")
        } else {
            yAxisLabel2 <- .getAxisLabel(yParameterName3, parameterSet)
    } else if (xParameterName == "effectMatrix" && !is.null(yParameterName2) && !is.na(yParameterName2) &&
            yParameterName1 %in% c("expectedNumberOfEvents", "expectedNumberOfSubjects") &&
            yParameterName2 == "rejectAtLeastOne") {
        # special case: simulation results, plot type 6 (expected number of subjects and power)
        yAxisLabel2 <- .getAxisLabel(yParameterName2, parameterSet)
        yParameterName3 <- yParameterName2
        yParameterName2 <- NA_character_
    } else if (!is.null(yParameterName2) && !mirrorModeEnabled) {
        yAxisLabel1 <- paste(yAxisLabel1, .getAxisLabel(yParameterName2, parameterSet), sep = " and ")
    if (yParameterName1 %in% c("alphaSpent", "betaSpent")) {
        yAxisLabel1 <- "Cumulative Error"
        if (is.null(yParameterName2)) {
            yAxisLabel1 <- paste0(yAxisLabel1, " (", .getAxisLabel(yParameterName1, parameterSet), ")")

    yAxisLabel1 <- sub(paste0(.getParameterCaption("futilityBoundsDelayedInformation"), " and"),
        "Lower and", yAxisLabel1,
        fixed = TRUE
    yAxisLabel1 <- sub(paste0(.getParameterCaption("futilityBoundsDelayedInformationNonBinding"), " and"),
        "Lower and", yAxisLabel1,
        fixed = TRUE
    if (!("xValues" %in% colnames(data)) || !("yValues" %in% colnames(data))) {
        if (!(xParameterName %in% colnames(data))) {
            stop(C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_RUNTIME_ISSUE, sQuote(xParameterName), " is not available in dataset")
        if (!(yParameterName1 %in% colnames(data))) {
            stop(C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_RUNTIME_ISSUE, sQuote(yParameterName1), " is not available in dataset")

        data$xValues <- data[[xParameterName]]
        data$yValues <- data[[yParameterName1]]
        if (yParameterName1 == "futilityBounds") {
            data$yValues[!is.na(data$yValues) &
                (is.infinite(data$yValues) | data$yValues == C_FUTILITY_BOUNDS_DEFAULT)] <- NA_real_
        } else if (yParameterName1 == "alpha0Vec") {
            data$yValues[!is.na(data$yValues) & data$yValues == C_ALPHA_0_VEC_DEFAULT] <- NA_real_

        if (is.null(yParameterName2) || is.na(yParameterName2)) {
            data$yValues2 <- rep(NA_real_, nrow(data))
        } else {
            if (!(yParameterName2 %in% colnames(data))) {
                stop(C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_RUNTIME_ISSUE, sQuote(yParameterName2), " is not available in dataset")
            data$yValues2 <- data[[yParameterName2]]
        if (is.null(yParameterName3)) {
            data$yValues3 <- rep(NA_real_, nrow(data))
        } else {
            if (!(yParameterName3 %in% colnames(data))) {
                stop(C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_RUNTIME_ISSUE, sQuote(yParameterName3), " is not available in dataset")
            data$yValues3 <- data[[yParameterName3]]

        if (!is.na(categoryParameterName)) {
            data$categories <- data[[categoryParameterName]]
            if (length(variedParameters) > 1) {
                data$categories <- paste0(
                    variedParameters[1], " = ", data$categories, ", ",
                    variedParameters[2], " = ", data[[variedParameters[2]]]
        } else {
            data$categories <- rep(NA_character_, nrow(data))
    if (!is.na(nMax) && is.null(yParameterName3) && xParameterName == "informationRates") {
        xAxisLabel <- "Sample Size"
        data$xValues <- data$xValues * nMax
                data$xValues <- as.numeric(.formatSampleSizes(data$xValues))
            error = function(e) {
                warning("Failed to format sample sizes on x-axis: ", e$message)

    # add zero point to data
    if (yParameterName1 %in% c("alphaSpent", "betaSpent")) {
        data <- data[, c("xValues", "yValues", "yValues2", "categories")]
        uc <- unique(data$categories)
        data <- rbind(data.frame(
            xValues = rep(-0.00001, length(uc)),
            yValues = rep(0, length(uc)),
            yValues2 = rep(0, length(uc)),
            categories = uc
        ), data)

    scalingFactor1 <- 1
    scalingFactor2 <- 1
    if (!is.null(yParameterName2) && "yValues2" %in% colnames(data) && "yValues3" %in% colnames(data)) {
        if (yAxisScalingEnabled && !is.null(yParameterName3)) {
            if (is.na(yParameterName2)) {
                scalingFactors <- .getScalingFactors(data$yValues, data$yValues3)
            } else {
                scalingFactors <- .getScalingFactors(data$yValues, c(data$yValues2, data$yValues3))
            scalingFactor1 <- scalingFactors$scalingFactor1
            scalingFactor2 <- scalingFactors$scalingFactor2
        df1 <- data.frame(
            xValues = data$xValues,
            yValues = data$yValues * scalingFactor1,
            categories = .getCategories(data, yParameterName1, parameterSet)
        if (!is.na(yParameterName2)) {
            df2 <- data.frame(
                xValues = data$xValues,
                yValues = data$yValues2 * scalingFactor2,
                categories = .getCategories(data, yParameterName2, parameterSet)
        if (!is.null(yParameterName3)) {
            df3 <- data.frame(
                xValues = data$xValues,
                yValues = data$yValues3 * scalingFactor2,
                categories = .getCategories(data, yParameterName3, parameterSet)
            if (is.na(yParameterName2)) {
                data <- rbind(df1, df3)
            } else {
                data <- rbind(df1, df2, df3)
        } else {
            data <- rbind(df1, df2)

        # sort categories for pairwise printing of the legend
        unqiueValues <- unique(as.character(data$categories))
        decreasing <- addPowerAndAverageSampleNumber && xParameterName %in% c("effect", "effectMatrix")
        catLevels <- unqiueValues[order(unqiueValues, decreasing = decreasing)]
        data$categories <- factor(data$categories, levels = catLevels)
        if (!is.na(legendTitle) && yParameterName1 == "alphaSpent" && yParameterName2 == "betaSpent") {
            sep <- ifelse(length(legendTitle) > 0 && nchar(legendTitle) > 0, "\n", "")
            legendTitle <- paste(legendTitle, "Type of error", sep = sep)
    if (is.na(legendPosition)) {
        legendPosition <- .getLegendPosition(
            plotSettings, designMaster, data, yParameterName1,
            yParameterName2, addPowerAndAverageSampleNumber

    if (is.na(ratioEnabled)) {
        ratioEnabled <- .isTrialDesignPlanSurvival(parameterSet) ||
            (.isTrialDesignPlanMeans(parameterSet) && parameterSet$meanRatio) ||
            (.isTrialDesignPlanRates(parameterSet) && parameterSet$riskRatio)

    plotDashedHorizontalLine <- "criticalValuesEffectScale" %in% yParameterNames && designMaster$sided == 2
    p <- .plotDataFrame(data,
        mainTitle = mainTitle, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
        xAxisLabel = xAxisLabel, yAxisLabel1 = yAxisLabel1, yAxisLabel2 = yAxisLabel2,
        palette = palette, plotPointsEnabled = plotPointsEnabled, legendTitle = legendTitle,
        legendPosition = legendPosition, scalingFactor1 = scalingFactor1, scalingFactor2 = scalingFactor2,
        addPowerAndAverageSampleNumber = addPowerAndAverageSampleNumber,
        mirrorModeEnabled = mirrorModeEnabled, plotDashedHorizontalLine = plotDashedHorizontalLine,
        ratioEnabled = ratioEnabled, plotSettings = plotSettings, sided = designMaster$sided, ...

    if (xParameterName == "informationRates") {
        p <- p + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(0, round(data$xValues, 3)))
    } else if (xParameterName == "situation") { # simulation enrichment
        p <- p + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = round(data$xValues))

    # add mirrored lines
    if (!is.data.frame(parameterSet) && designMaster$sided == 2 &&
            ((yParameterName1 == "criticalValues" || yParameterName1 == "criticalValuesEffectScale") ||
                (!is.null(yParameterName2) && !is.na(yParameterName2) &&
                    (yParameterName2 == "criticalValues" || yParameterName2 == "criticalValuesEffectScale")))) {
        p <- plotSettings$mirrorYValues(p,
            yValues = data$yValues,
            plotPointsEnabled = !addPowerAndAverageSampleNumber,
            pointBorder = .getPointBorder(data, plotSettings)

        # add zero line for Pampallona Tsiatis design
        p <- p + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "solid") # longdash

    if (!.isTrialDesignFisher(designMaster) && qnormAlphaLineEnabled &&
                    !is.data.frame(parameterSet) &&
                            yParameterName1 == "criticalValues" ||
                                    yParameterName1 == "futilityBounds" && !is.null(yParameterName2) &&
                                        yParameterName2 == "criticalValues"
                ) ||
                        !is.null(yParameterName2) &&
                            grepl("futilityBounds|criticalValues", yParameterName1) &&
                            grepl("criticalValues", yParameterName2)
        ) {
        p <- .addQnormAlphaLine(p, designMaster, plotSettings, data)

    if (!.isTrialDesignFisher(designMaster) &&
            (xParameterName == "informationRates" || xParameterName == "cumulativeEventsPerStage") &&
            yParameterName1 == "stageLevels") {
        yValue <- designMaster$alpha
        if (designMaster$sided == 2) {
            yValue <- yValue / 2
        p <- p + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = yValue, linetype = "dashed")
        yValueLabel <- paste0("alpha == ", round(yValue, 4))
        hjust <- plotSettings$scaleSize(-0.2)
        p <- p + ggplot2::annotate("label",
            x = -Inf, hjust = hjust, y = yValue,
            label = yValueLabel, size = plotSettings$scaleSize(2.5), parse = TRUE, colour = "white", fill = "white"
        p <- p + ggplot2::annotate("text",
            x = -Inf, hjust = hjust - plotSettings$scaleSize(0.15), y = yValue,
            label = yValueLabel, size = plotSettings$scaleSize(2.5), parse = TRUE


.naAndNaNOmit <- function(x) {
    if (is.null(x) || length(x) == 0) {

    x <- na.omit(x)

.getScalingFactors <- function(leftAxisValues, rightAxisValues) {
    m1 <- ifelse(length(.naAndNaNOmit(leftAxisValues)) == 0, 1, max(.naAndNaNOmit(leftAxisValues)))
    m2 <- ifelse(length(.naAndNaNOmit(rightAxisValues)) == 0, 1, max(.naAndNaNOmit(rightAxisValues)))
    if (is.na(m1)) {
            C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_RUNTIME_ISSUE, "y-values, left (",
            .arrayToString(leftAxisValues), ") are not specified correctly"
    if (is.na(m2)) {
            C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_RUNTIME_ISSUE, "y-values, right (",
            .arrayToString(rightAxisValues), ") are not specified correctly"

    if (m1 > m2) {
        scalingFactor1 <- 1
        scalingFactor2 <- ifelse(m2 == 0, m1, m1 / m2)
    } else if (m1 < m2) {
        scalingFactor1 <- ifelse(m1 == 0, m2, m2 / m1)
        scalingFactor2 <- 1
    } else {
        scalingFactor1 <- 1
        scalingFactor2 <- 1

    if (is.infinite(scalingFactor2)) {
            "Failed to calculate 'scalingFactor2' (", scalingFactor2, ") for ",
            .arrayToString(leftAxisValues, maxLength = 15), " and ", .arrayToString(rightAxisValues, maxLength = 15)

    return(list(scalingFactor1 = scalingFactor1, scalingFactor2 = scalingFactor2))

.plotDataFrame <- function(data, ..., mainTitle = NA_character_,
        xlab = NA_character_, ylab = NA_character_, xAxisLabel = NA_character_,
        yAxisLabel1 = NA_character_, yAxisLabel2 = NA_character_,
        palette = "Set1", plotPointsEnabled = NA, legendTitle = NA_character_,
        legendPosition = NA_integer_, scalingFactor1 = 1, scalingFactor2 = 1,
        addPowerAndAverageSampleNumber = FALSE, mirrorModeEnabled = FALSE, plotDashedHorizontalLine = FALSE,
        ratioEnabled = FALSE, plotSettings = NULL, sided = 1, discreteXAxis = FALSE) {
    if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
        stop(C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_RUNTIME_ISSUE, "'data' must be a data.frame (is ", .getClassName(data), ")")

    if (is.null(plotSettings)) {
        plotSettings <- PlotSettings()

    nRow <- nrow(data)
    data <- data[!(data$xValues == 0 & data$xValues == data$yValues), ]
    removedRows1 <- nRow - nrow(data)

    nRow <- nrow(data)
    data <- data[!is.na(data$yValues), ]
    removedRows2 <- nRow - nrow(data)

    if (getLogLevel() == C_LOG_LEVEL_WARN && (removedRows1 > 0 || removedRows2 > 0)) {
            "Removed %s rows containing (0, 0)-points and %s rows containing missing values",
            removedRows1, removedRows2
        ), call. = FALSE)

    categoryEnabled <- !is.null(data[["categories"]]) && !all(is.na(data$categories))
    groupEnabled <- !is.null(data[["groups"]]) && !all(is.na(data$groups))
    if (categoryEnabled && groupEnabled) {
        data <- data[, c("xValues", "yValues", "categories", "groups")]
    } else if (categoryEnabled) {
        data <- data[, c("xValues", "yValues", "categories")]
    } else if (groupEnabled) {
        data <- data[, c("xValues", "yValues", "groups")]
    } else {
        data <- data[, c("xValues", "yValues")]

    data$yValues[!is.na(data$yValues) & is.infinite(data$yValues)] <- NA_real_
    data <- data[!is.na(data$yValues), ]
    if (categoryEnabled && groupEnabled) {
        p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data, ggplot2::aes(
            x = .data[["xValues"]], y = .data[["yValues"]],
            colour = factor(.data[["groups"]]),
            fill = factor(.data[["categories"]])
    } else if (mirrorModeEnabled) {
        p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data, ggplot2::aes(
            x = .data[["xValues"]], y = .data[["yValues"]],
            fill = factor(.data[["categories"]])
    } else if (categoryEnabled) {
        p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data, ggplot2::aes(
            x = .data[["xValues"]], y = .data[["yValues"]],
            colour = factor(.data[["categories"]])
    } else {
        p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data, ggplot2::aes(x = .data[["xValues"]], y = .data[["yValues"]]))

    p <- plotSettings$setTheme(p)
    p <- plotSettings$hideGridLines(p)

    if (discreteXAxis) {
        p <- p + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = round(data$xValues))

    # set main title
    p <- plotSettings$setMainTitle(p, mainTitle)

    # set legend
    if (!categoryEnabled || mirrorModeEnabled || (!is.na(legendPosition) && legendPosition == -1)) {
        p <- p + ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")
    } else {
        p <- plotSettings$setLegendPosition(p, legendPosition = legendPosition)
        p <- plotSettings$setLegendBorder(p)
        p <- plotSettings$setLegendTitle(p, legendTitle)
        p <- plotSettings$setLegendLabelSize(p)

    # set optional scale limits
    xLim <- .getOptionalArgument("xlim", ...)
    yLim <- .getOptionalArgument("ylim", ...)
    if (is.null(yLim) && !missing(yAxisLabel1) &&
            !is.na(yAxisLabel1) && yAxisLabel1 == "Critical value") {
        yMax <- max(na.omit(data$yValues))
        if (length(yMax) == 1 && yMax < 0.1) {
            yLim <- c(0, 2 * yMax)
    if ((!is.null(xLim) && is.numeric(xLim) && length(xLim) == 2) ||
            (!is.null(yLim) && is.numeric(yLim) && length(yLim) == 2)) {
        p <- p + ggplot2::coord_cartesian(
            xlim = xLim, ylim = yLim, expand = TRUE,
            default = FALSE, clip = "on"

    # add dashed line to y = 0 or y = 1
    if (mirrorModeEnabled || plotDashedHorizontalLine) {
        p <- p + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = ifelse(ratioEnabled, 1, 0), linetype = "dashed")

    xAxisLabel <- .toCapitalized(xAxisLabel)
    yAxisLabel1 <- .toCapitalized(yAxisLabel1)
    yAxisLabel2 <- .toCapitalized(yAxisLabel2)

    p <- plotSettings$setAxesLabels(p,
        xAxisLabel = xAxisLabel, yAxisLabel1 = yAxisLabel1, yAxisLabel2 = yAxisLabel2,
        xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, scalingFactor1 = scalingFactor1, scalingFactor2 = scalingFactor2

    # plot lines and points
    plotPointsEnabled <- ifelse(is.na(plotPointsEnabled),
        !addPowerAndAverageSampleNumber, plotPointsEnabled
    if (length(unique(data$xValues)) > 20) {
        plotPointsEnabled <- FALSE
    p <- plotSettings$plotValues(p,
        plotPointsEnabled = plotPointsEnabled,
        pointBorder = .getPointBorder(data, plotSettings)

    p <- plotSettings$setAxesAppearance(p)
    p <- plotSettings$setColorPalette(p, palette)
    p <- plotSettings$enlargeAxisTicks(p)

    companyAnnotationEnabled <- .getOptionalArgument("companyAnnotationEnabled", ...)
    if (is.null(companyAnnotationEnabled) || !is.logical(companyAnnotationEnabled)) {
        companyAnnotationEnabled <- FALSE
    p <- plotSettings$addCompanyAnnotation(p, enabled = companyAnnotationEnabled)

    # start plot generation

.getPointBorder <- function(data, plotSettings) {
    numberOfCategories <- 1
    if (sum(is.na(data$categories)) < length(data$categories)) {
        numberOfCategories <- length(unique(as.character(data$categories)))

    pointBorder <- 4
    if (length(unique(data$xValues)) / numberOfCategories > 10) {
        pointBorder <- 1
    } else if (numberOfCategories > 8) {
        pointBorder <- 1
    } else if (numberOfCategories > 6) {
        pointBorder <- 2
    } else if (numberOfCategories > 4) {
        pointBorder <- 3

.getLegendPosition <- function(plotSettings, designMaster, data, yParameterName1,
        yParameterName2, addPowerAndAverageSampleNumber) {
    if (length(unique(data$categories)) > 6) {

    if (.isTrialDesignWithValidFutilityBounds(designMaster) &&
            yParameterName1 == "futilityBounds" && yParameterName2 == "criticalValues") {

    if (.isTrialDesignWithValidAlpha0Vec(designMaster) &&
            yParameterName1 == "alpha0Vec" && yParameterName2 == "criticalValues") {

    if (yParameterName1 == "criticalValues") {

    if (yParameterName1 %in% c("stageLevels", "alphaSpent", "betaSpent")) {

    if (addPowerAndAverageSampleNumber) {


.addQnormAlphaLine <- function(p, designMaster, plotSettings, data, annotationEnabled = TRUE) {
    alpha <- designMaster$alpha
    if (designMaster$sided == 2) {
        alpha <- alpha / 2
    yValue <- .getOneMinusQNorm(alpha)
    yValueLabel <- paste0("qnorm(1 - ", alpha, " ) == ", round(yValue, 4))
    if (designMaster$sided == 1) {
        p <- p + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = yValue, linetype = "dashed")
    } else {
        p <- p + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = yValue, linetype = "dashed")
        p <- p + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = -yValue, linetype = "dashed")
    if (annotationEnabled) {
        p <- p + ggplot2::annotate("label",
            x = -Inf, hjust = plotSettings$scaleSize(-0.1), y = yValue,
            label = yValueLabel, size = plotSettings$scaleSize(2.5), parse = TRUE, colour = "white", fill = "white"
        p <- p + ggplot2::annotate("text",
            x = -Inf, hjust = plotSettings$scaleSize(-0.15), y = yValue,
            label = yValueLabel, size = plotSettings$scaleSize(2.5), parse = TRUE

    # expand y-axis range
    if (designMaster$sided == 1) {
        yMax <- max(stats::na.omit(data$yValues))
        if (!is.null(data$yValues2) && length(data$yValues2) > 0) {
            yMax <- max(yMax, stats::na.omit(data$yValues2))
        eps <- (yMax - yValue) * 0.15

        p <- plotSettings$expandAxesRange(p, y = yValue - eps)


.getLambdaStepFunctionByTime <- function(time, piecewiseSurvivalTime, lambda2) {
    if (length(piecewiseSurvivalTime) == 0 || any(is.na(piecewiseSurvivalTime))) {

    for (i in 1:length(piecewiseSurvivalTime)) {
        if (time <= piecewiseSurvivalTime[i]) {

.getLambdaStepFunction <- function(timeValues, piecewiseSurvivalTime, piecewiseLambda) {
    if (length(piecewiseSurvivalTime) != length(piecewiseLambda)) {
            "length of 'piecewiseSurvivalTime' (", length(piecewiseSurvivalTime),
            ") must be equal to length of 'piecewiseLambda' (", length(piecewiseLambda), ") - 1"

    piecewiseSurvivalTime <- .getPiecewiseExpStartTimesWithoutLeadingZero(piecewiseSurvivalTime)
    if (length(piecewiseSurvivalTime) == 0) {

    lambdaValues <- c()
    for (time in timeValues) {
        lambdaValues <- c(lambdaValues, .getLambdaStepFunctionByTime(time, piecewiseSurvivalTime, piecewiseLambda))

#' @title
#' Get Lambda Step Function
#' @description
#' Calculates the lambda step values for a given time vector.
#' @param timeValues A numeric vector that specifies the time values for which the lambda step values shall be calculated.
#' @param piecewiseSurvivalTime A numeric vector that specifies the time intervals for the piecewise
#'        definition of the exponential survival time cumulative distribution function (see details).
#' @param piecewiseLambda A numeric vector that specifies the assumed hazard rate in the treatment group.
#' @inheritParams param_three_dots
#' @details
#' The first element of the vector \code{piecewiseSurvivalTime} must be equal to \code{0}.
#' This function is used for plotting of sample size survival results
#' (cf., \code{\link[=plot.TrialDesignPlan]{plot}}, \code{type = 13} and \code{type = 14}).
#' @return A numeric vector containing the lambda step values that corresponds to the specified time values.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
getLambdaStepFunction <- function(timeValues, ..., piecewiseSurvivalTime, piecewiseLambda) {
    .assertIsNumericVector(timeValues, "timeValues")
    .assertIsNumericVector(piecewiseSurvivalTime, "piecewiseSurvivalTime")
    .assertIsNumericVector(piecewiseLambda, "piecewiseLambda")
    .warnInCaseOfUnknownArguments(functionName = "getLambdaStepFunction", ...)

        timeValues = timeValues,
        piecewiseSurvivalTime = piecewiseSurvivalTime,
        piecewiseLambda = piecewiseLambda

.getRelativeFigureOutputPath <- function(subDir = NULL) {
    if (is.null(subDir)) {
        subDir <- format(Sys.Date(), format = "%Y-%m-%d")
    figPath <- file.path(getwd(), "_examples", "output", "figures", subDir)
    if (!dir.exists(figPath)) {
        dir.create(figPath, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

# @title
# Save Last Plot
# @description
# Saves the last plot to a PNG file located in
# '[getwd()]/_examples/output/figures/[current date]/[filename].png'.
# @param filename The filename (without extension!).
# @details
# This is a wrapper function that creates a output path and uses \code{ggsave} to save the last plot.
# @examples
# # saveLastPlot('my_plot')
# @keywords internal
saveLastPlot <- function(filename, outputPath = .getRelativeFigureOutputPath()) {

    if (grepl("\\\\|/", filename)) {
            C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "'filename' seems to be a path. ",
            "Please specify 'outputPath' separately"

    if (!grepl("\\.png$", filename)) {
        filename <- paste0(filename, ".png")

    path <- file.path(outputPath, filename)
        filename = path,
        plot = ggplot2::last_plot(), device = NULL, path = NULL,
        scale = 1.2, width = 16, height = 15, units = "cm", dpi = 600, limitsize = TRUE

    cat("Last plot was saved to '", path, "'\n")

.getGridPlotSettings <- function(x, typeNumbers, grid) {
    if (length(typeNumbers) <= 3 || grid <= 1) {

    if (is.null(x[[".plotSettings"]])) {
        stop(C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_RUNTIME_ISSUE, "'x' (", .getClassName(x), ") does not contain field .plotSettings")

    plotSettings <- x$.plotSettings
    if (is.null(plotSettings)) {
        plotSettings <- PlotSettings()
    } else {
        plotSettings <- plotSettings$clone()
    if (plotSettings$scalingFactor == 1) {
        plotSettings$scalingFactor <- 0.6

.getGridLegendPosition <- function(legendPosition, typeNumbers, grid) {
    if (length(typeNumbers) <= 3 || grid <= 1) {

    if (is.na(legendPosition)) {
        return(-1L) # hide legend


.formatSubTitleValue <- function(value, paramName) {
    if (paramName == "allocationRatioPlanned") {
        return(round(value, 2))

    if (paramName %in% c("assumedStDev", "assumedStDevs")) {
        if (length(value) > 1) {
            return(paste0("(", .arrayToString(round(value, 1), encapsulate = FALSE), ")"))

        return(round(value, 2))

    if (paramName %in% c("piControls", "pi2")) {
        if (length(value) > 1) {
            return(paste0("(", .arrayToString(round(value, 3), encapsulate = FALSE), ")"))

        return(round(value, 3))

    return(.arrayToString(round(value, 2)))

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