
Defines functions summary_rpm

Documented in summary_rpm

#' Summarize Revealed Preference Matchings data via a Model Specification
#' \code{\link{summary_rpm}} produces tabular summaries of data revealed preference matchings
#' based on a formula specifying a revealed preference model
#' for men and women of certain
#' characteristics (or shared characteristics) of people of the opposite sex.
#' The model assumes a one-to-one stable matching using an observed set of
#' matchings and a set of (possibly dyadic) covariates to 
#' estimate the parameters for
#' linear equations of utilities.
#' @aliases print.summary_rpm show.summary_rpm
#' @param formula formula; an \code{\link{formula}} object, of the form \code{
#' ~ <model terms>}. For the details on the possible \code{<model terms>}, see
#' \code{\link{rpm-terms}}.
#' @param Xdata data.frame for women. Each row is a woman, each column is a variable on that women
#' or her partnerships. It must contain the women's ID variable (see \code{Xid}) and
#' a variable with the ID of the women's partner. If the women is single the men's ID should be NA.
#' @param Zdata data.frame for men. Each row is a man, each column is a variable on that men
#' It must contain the men's ID variable (see \code{Zid}).
#' @param Xid string The name of the variable in \code{Xdata} containing the IDs of the women.
#' @param Zid string The name of the variable in \code{Zdata} containing the IDs of the men.
#' @param pair_id string The name of the variable in \code{Xdata} containing the ID of the men paired with the women in
#' \code{Xid}. If the women is not paired it must be NA.
#' @param X_w string The name of the variable in \code{Xdata} containing the individual weight of the women.
#' If this is NULL then it is assumed the sample is unweighted from a population with 2000 women in it.
#' @param Z_w string The name of the variable in \code{Zdata} containing the individual weight of the man
#' If this is NULL then it is assumed the sample is unweighted from a population with 2000 men in it.
#' @param pair_w string The name of the variable in \code{Xdata} containing the pair weight of that women.
#' If the women is not paired it should be NA.
#' If this is NULL then it is computed from the individual weights using the \code{sampling_design}.
#' Note that the pair weights currently do not play a role in the estimation. They do in the quasi-likelihood version of the code.
##' If this is NULL then it is assumed the sample is unweighted from a population with 2000 men in it.
#' @param sampled string The name of the logical variable in \code{Xdata} and \code{Zdata} containing the 
#' indicator that the person was sampled directly (as distinct from being included as the match of a directly sampled
#' person. All single people are directly sampled. 
#' @param sampling_design string; The name of the sampling protocol used to select the survey data. Valid values are
#' \code{"stock-flow"} (default) (individuals are sampled, data contains both
#' singles and couples);
#' \code{"stock-stock"} (households are sampled, each household can be a single or a couple);
#' \code{"census"} (the sample is a census of the population of people).
## (only couples are included in the data).
#' @param control A list of control parameters for algorithm tuning. Constructed using
#' \code{\link{control.rpm}}, which should be consulted for specifics. 
#' @param verbose logical; if this is \code{TRUE}, the program will print out
#' additional information, including data summary statistics.
#' @details The pairings are determined by the \code{pair_id} variable in \code{Xdata}. 
#' If that variable is NA then the women is
#' assumed to be single. If men are listed in \code{Zdata} and are not partnered then they are assumed single.
#' Weights are specified by three optional variables in \code{Xdata}.
#' \describe{
#' \item{X_w}{: This is character string of the name of the weight variable for women. The sum of the weights should be the
#' number of women in the population.}
#' \item{Z_w}{: This is character string of the name of the weight variable for men. The sum of the weights should be the
#' number of men in the population.}
#' \item{pair_w}{: This is character string of the name of the weight variable for pairs.}
#' }
#' @return \code{\link{summary}} returns a list with many components, like \code{\link{rpm}} object without the model estimates. In particular it includes \code{stats} and \code{popstats}.
#' \code{stats} is the named vector of sample statistics from the model. 
#' while \code{popstats} is the named vector of population statistics from the model. 
#' It alos includes \code{counts} and \code{pmf}. Each of these is a contingency table in array
#' representation of S3 class \code{c("xtabs", "table")}, with a \code{"call"}
#' @seealso control.rpm, summary.rpm, rpm
#' @references
#' Goyal, Shuchi; Handcock, Mark S.; Jackson, Heide M.; Rendall, Michael S. and Yeung, Fiona C. (2023).
#' \emph{A Practical Revealed Preference Model for Separating Preferences and Availability Effects in Marriage Formation},
#' \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society}, A. \doi{10.1093/jrsssa/qnad031} 
#' Dagsvik, John K. (2000) \emph{Aggregation in Matching Markets} \emph{International Economic Review},, Vol. 41, 27-57.
#' JSTOR: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2648822, \doi{10.1111/1468-2354.00054}
#' Menzel, Konrad (2015).
#' \emph{Large Matching Markets as Two-Sided Demand Systems}
#' Econometrica, Vol. 83, No. 3 (May, 2015), 897-941. \doi{10.3982/ECTA12299}
#' @keywords models
#' @examples
#' library(rpm)
#' data(fauxmatching)
#' summary_rpm(~match("edu") + WtoM_diff("edu",3),
#'         Xdata=fauxmatching$Xdata, Zdata=fauxmatching$Zdata,
#'         X_w="X_w", Z_w="Z_w",
#'         pair_w="pair_w", pair_id="pair_id", Xid="pid", Zid="pid",
#'         sampled="sampled",sampling_design="stock-flow")
#' @export summary_rpm
summary_rpm <- function(formula, Xdata, Zdata,
    Xid=NULL, Zid=NULL, pair_id=NULL,
    X_w=NULL, Z_w=NULL, pair_w=NULL,
    control=control.rpm(), verbose=FALSE){

    if(!is.null(control$seed)) set.seed(control$seed)

      warning("The variable name in Xdata of the women's IDs is missing and is presumed to be 'Xid'.")
      Xid <- "Xid"
        stop("The variable name in Xdata of the women's IDs must be specified as the character string 'Xid'.")
      warning("The variable name in Zdata of the men's IDs is missing and is presumed to be 'Zid'.")
      Zid <- "Zid"
        stop("The variable name in Zdata of the women's IDs must be specified as the character string 'Xid'.")
      warning("The variable name in Xdata of the men's IDs of the women's partners has not been specified. It is presumed to be 'pair_id'.")
      pair_id <- "pair_id"
        stop("The variable 'pair_id' in Xdata of the men's IDs of the women's partners is NULL.")
    if(missing(sampled) & sampling_design != "census"){
      stop("The variable name in Xdata and Zdata of the (directly) sampled indicator must be specified as the character string 'sampled'.")
    if(is.null(X_w) & sampling_design != "census"){
      warning("The variable name in Xdata of the women's weights has not been specified. It is presumed to be 'X_w'.")
      X_w <- "X_w"
    #   This is the unweighted case
        warning("The variable name in Xdata of the women's weights has not been specified. It is specified by the character string 'X_w'. We will presume the sample is unweighted from a population with 2000 women in it.")
        nw <- 2000

    if(is.null(Z_w) & sampling_design != "census"){
      warning("The variable name in Zdata of the men's weights has not been specified. It is presumed to be 'Z_w'.")
      Z_w <- "Z_w"
      # This is the unweighted case
        warning("The variable name in Zdata of the men's weights has not been specified. It is specified by the character string 'Z_w'. We will presume the sample is unweighted from a population with 2000 men in it.")
        nm <- 2000

    if(is.null(X_w)){ X_w <- "X_w" }
    if(is.null(Z_w)){ Z_w <- "Z_w" }
    if(sampling_design == "stock-flow" && all(Xdata[,sampled]) && all(Zdata[,sampled])){
      warning("The sampling design is specified as stock-flow, but all men and women are designated as directly sampled.")

    # coerce IDs to character to aid comparison
    Xdata[,Xid] <- as.character(Xdata[,Xid])
    Zdata[,Zid] <- as.character(Zdata[,Zid])
    Xdata[,pair_id] <- as.character(Xdata[,pair_id])
    Zdata[,pair_id] <- as.character(Zdata[,pair_id])

    M_paired_to_W <- Zdata[!is.na(Zdata[,pair_id]),pair_id] %in%  Xdata[,Xid]
    W_paired_to_M <- Xdata[!is.na(Xdata[,pair_id]),pair_id] %in%  Zdata[,Zid]
    W_pair_id <- Xdata[!is.na(Xdata[,pair_id]),pair_id]
    W_duplicated_pair_id <- W_pair_id[duplicated(W_pair_id)]
    M_pair_id <- Zdata[!is.na(Zdata[,pair_id]),pair_id]
    M_duplicated_pair_id <- M_pair_id[duplicated(M_pair_id)]

      message("The women's data, Xdata, contains people with pair IDs that do not appear in the men's data, Zdata. These are:")
      a <- Xdata[!is.na(Xdata[,pair_id]),][!W_paired_to_M,]
      message("Please correct this before rerunning.")

      message("The men's data, Zdata, contains people with pair IDs that do not appear in the women's data, Xdata. These are:")
      a <- Zdata[!is.na(Zdata[,pair_id]),][!M_paired_to_W,]
      message("Please correct this before rerunning.")

      message("The women's data, Xdata, contains duplicated pair IDs. These are:")
      a <- Xdata[!is.na(Xdata[,pair_id]),][W_pair_id %in% W_duplicated_pair_id,]
      message("Please correct this before reruning.")
      message("The men's data, Zdata, contains duplicated pair IDs. These are:")
      a <- Zdata[!is.na(Zdata[,pair_id]),][M_pair_id %in% M_duplicated_pair_id,]
      message("Please correct this before reruning.")
    if(!is.empty(W_duplicated_pair_id) | !is.empty(W_duplicated_pair_id) | !all(W_paired_to_M) | !all(M_paired_to_W)){

    if(sampling_design != "census"){
    # IDs of the women matched to the sampled men (and vice versa)
     paired_and_sampled_M <- Zdata[,sampled] & !is.na(Zdata[,pair_id])
     paired_and_sampled_W <- Xdata[,sampled] & !is.na(Xdata[,pair_id])
     paired_and_unsampled_M <- !Zdata[,sampled] & !is.na(Zdata[,pair_id])
     paired_and_unsampled_W <- !Xdata[,sampled] & !is.na(Xdata[,pair_id])
     W_paired_to_sampled_M <- match(Zdata[paired_and_sampled_M,pair_id], Xdata[,Xid])
     M_paired_to_sampled_W <- match(Xdata[paired_and_sampled_W,pair_id], Zdata[,Zid])
     W_paired_to_unsampled_M <- match(Zdata[paired_and_unsampled_M,pair_id], Xdata[,Xid])
     M_paired_to_unsampled_W <- match(Xdata[paired_and_unsampled_W,pair_id], Zdata[,Zid])
     paired_and_sampled_M <- !is.na(Zdata[,pair_id])
     paired_and_sampled_W <- !is.na(Xdata[,pair_id])
     W_paired_to_sampled_M <- match(Zdata[paired_and_sampled_M,pair_id], Xdata[,Xid])
     M_paired_to_sampled_W <- match(Xdata[paired_and_sampled_W,pair_id], Zdata[,Zid])

    if(is.null(pair_w) & sampling_design != "census"){
    # This is the unweighted case
    # Construct individual weight case 
#     a=rep(NA, length=nrow(Xdata))
      # sampled women matched to men: women + man
#     a[paired_and_sampled_W] <- 1/(1/Xdata[paired_and_sampled_W,X_w] + 1/Zdata[M_paired_to_sampled_W,Z_w])
      # unsampled women matched to men: women + man
#     a[!Xdata[,sampled] & !is.na(Xdata[,pair_id])] <- 1/(1/Zdata[match(Xdata[!Xdata[,sampled] & !is.na(Xdata[,pair_id]),Xid],Zdata[,pair_id]),Z_w] + 1/Xdata[W_paired_to_sampled_M,X_w])
#     a[paired_and_unsampled_W] <- 1/(1/Zdata[match(Xdata[paired_and_unsampled_W,Xid],Zdata[,pair_id]),Z_w] +
#                                     1/Xdata[paired_and_unsampled_W,X_w])
      a=rep(NA, length=nrow(Xdata))
      a[paired_and_sampled_W] <- Xdata[paired_and_sampled_W,X_w]
#     a[paired_and_unsampled_W] <- Zdata[match(Xdata[paired_and_unsampled_W,Xid],Zdata[,pair_id]),Z_w]
      a[paired_and_unsampled_W] <- 0
#     a[paired_and_unsampled_W] <- Xdata[paired_and_unsampled_W,X_w]
      pair_w <- "pair_w"
#     a=rep(NA, length=nrow(Zdata))
#     a[paired_and_sampled_M] <- 1/(1/Zdata[paired_and_sampled_M,Z_w] + 1/Xdata[W_paired_to_sampled_M,X_w])
#     a[paired_and_unsampled_M] <- 1/(1/Xdata[match(Zdata[paired_and_unsampled_M,Zid],Xdata[,pair_id]),X_w] +
#                                     1/Zdata[paired_and_unsampled_M,Z_w])
      a=rep(NA, length=nrow(Zdata))
      a[paired_and_sampled_M] <- Zdata[paired_and_sampled_M,Z_w]
#     a[paired_and_unsampled_M] <- Xdata[match(Zdata[paired_and_unsampled_M,Zid],Xdata[,pair_id]),X_w]
      a[paired_and_unsampled_M] <- 0
    if(is.null(pair_w)){ pair_w <- "pair_w" }
    # get the proportion of men and women
    if(sampling_design != "census"){
     if (sampling_design == "stock-stock") {
      XdataM <- Xdata[W_paired_to_sampled_M,]
      ZdataW <- Zdata[M_paired_to_sampled_W,]
      # Presumes individual weights
      n_w = sum(Xdata[Xdata[,sampled] & is.na(Xdata[,pair_id]),X_w])
      n_w = n_w + sum(Xdata[Xdata[,sampled] & !is.na(Xdata[,pair_id]),X_w]) # number of women
      n_m = sum(Zdata[Zdata[,sampled] & is.na(Zdata[,pair_id]),Z_w])
      n_m = n_m + sum(Zdata[Zdata[,sampled] & !is.na(Zdata[,pair_id]),Z_w]) # number of men
      n = n_w + n_m
      gw = log(n_w/n) # to ensure exp(gw)+exp(gm) = 1
      gm = log(n_m/n) # to ensure exp(gw)+exp(gm) = 1
      # Presumes individual weights
      n_w = sum(Xdata[Xdata[,sampled],X_w])
      n_m = sum(Zdata[Zdata[,sampled],Z_w])
      n = n_w + n_m
      gw = log(n_w/n) # to ensure exp(gw)+exp(gm) = 1
      gm = log(n_m/n) # to ensure exp(gw)+exp(gm) = 1
      n = nrow(Xdata) + nrow(Zdata) # The population size
      gw = log(nrow(Xdata)/n) # to ensure exp(gw)+exp(gm) = 1
      gm = log(nrow(Zdata)/n)
    # 1) parse the formula
    # intercept is always added as the first column
    Xdata <- cbind(1, Xdata)
    Zdata <- cbind(1, Zdata)
    colnames(Xdata)[1] <- "Int"
    colnames(Zdata)[1] <- "Int"
    # 2) get the subset of the variables that are relevant according to the formula
    # Define the variables used in the model (and hence the unique classes of partners)
    # This is typically a subset of the available variables
    model_vars_fn <- function(x){
    model_vars <- c("Int", unlist(unique(lapply(model.terms, model_vars_fn))))
    W_matched_vars <- model_vars %in% colnames(Xdata)    
      message("Some of the variables in the formula do not appear in the women's data, Xdata. These are:")
      message("Please correct this before reruning.")
    M_matched_vars <- model_vars %in% colnames(Zdata)    
      message("Some of the variables in the formula do not appear in the men's data, Zdata. These are:")
      message("Please correct this before reruning.")
    if(!all(W_matched_vars) | !all(W_matched_vars)){

    # 3) Compute the marginal distributions of women's and men's types
    Xu <- unique(Xdata[,model_vars])
    Xu <- Xu[do.call(order, as.data.frame(Xu)),]
    Zu <- unique(Zdata[,model_vars])
    Zu <- Zu[do.call(order, as.data.frame(Zu)),]

    cnW <- paste(colnames(Xu)[2],Xu[,2], sep=".")
    for(i in 3:ncol(Xu)){
      cnW <- paste(cnW,paste(colnames(Xu)[i],Xu[,i], sep="."),sep='.')
    cnM <- paste(colnames(Zu)[2],Zu[,2], sep=".")
    for(i in 2:ncol(Zu)){
      cnM <- paste(cnM,paste(colnames(Zu)[i],Zu[,i], sep="."),sep='.')
    # 4) Create joint PMF
    # Xtype: group membership for women (one for each woman in the pop)
    Xtype <- rep(NA,nrow(Xdata))
    for(i in 1:nrow(Xu)){
        Xtype[apply(Xdata[,model_vars], 1, function(x) identical(x, unlist(Xu[i,])))] <- i
    Xdata[["Xtype"]] <- Xtype
    # Ztype: group membership for men (one for each man in the pop)
    Ztype <- rep(NA,nrow(Zdata))
    for(i in 1:nrow(Zu)){
        Ztype[apply(Zdata[,model_vars], 1, function(x) identical(x, unlist(Zu[i,])))] <- i
    Zdata[["Ztype"]] <- Ztype
    if (!is.null(X_w) & sampling_design != "census") {
        Xdata$X_w = Xdata[,X_w]
    if (!is.null(Z_w) & sampling_design != "census") {
        Zdata$Z_w = Zdata[,Z_w]

    num_Xu = nrow(Xu)
    num_Zu = nrow(Zu)
    if (sampling_design == "stock-stock") {
     subset=Xdata[,sampled] &  is.na(Xdata[,pair_id])
     pmfW_S = as.numeric(stats::xtabs(X_w ~ factor(Xtype,1:num_Xu), data=Xdata, subset=subset))
     subset=Xdata[,sampled] & !is.na(Xdata[,pair_id])
     pmfW_P = as.numeric(stats::xtabs(X_w ~ factor(Xtype,1:num_Xu), data=Xdata, subset=subset))
     pmfW = pmfW_S + pmfW_P
     subset=Zdata[,sampled] &  is.na(Zdata[,pair_id])
     pmfM_S = as.numeric(stats::xtabs(Z_w ~ factor(Ztype,1:num_Zu), data=Zdata, subset=subset))
     subset=Zdata[,sampled] & !is.na(Zdata[,pair_id])
     pmfM_P = as.numeric(stats::xtabs(Z_w ~ factor(Ztype,1:num_Zu), data=Zdata, subset=subset))
     pmfM = pmfM_S + pmfM_P
    if (sampling_design == "stock-flow") {
      pmfW = as.numeric(stats::xtabs(X_w ~ factor(Xtype,1:num_Xu), data=Xdata, subset=sampled))
      subset=Zdata[,sampled] & !is.na(Zdata[,pair_id])
      pmfW = pmfW + as.numeric(stats::xtabs(Zdata$Z_w[subset] ~ factor(Xdata$Xtype[W_paired_to_sampled_M],1:num_Xu)))
      pmfM = as.numeric(stats::xtabs(Z_w ~ factor(Ztype,1:num_Zu), data=Zdata, subset=sampled))
      subset=Xdata[,sampled] & !is.na(Xdata[,pair_id])
      pmfM = pmfM + as.numeric(stats::xtabs(Xdata$X_w[subset] ~ factor(Zdata$Ztype[M_paired_to_sampled_W],1:num_Zu)))
    if (sampling_design == "census") {
     pmfW = as.numeric(stats::xtabs(~ factor(Xtype,1:num_Xu), data=Xdata))
     pmfM = as.numeric(stats::xtabs(~ factor(Ztype,1:num_Zu), data=Zdata))
    pmfW = pmfW/sum(pmfW)
    pmfM = pmfM/sum(pmfM)
    names(pmfW) <- cnW
    names(pmfM) <- cnM

     message(sprintf("Proportion population paired size: %f",sum(Zdata[paired_and_sampled_M,Z_w])/n))

   if (sampling_design != "census") {
       # These indicate those sampled who are single
       # The counts of the number of women in the population who are single
       XdataS <- Xdata[Xdata[,sampled],]
       ZdataS <- Zdata[Zdata[,sampled],]
       XdataM <- Xdata[W_paired_to_sampled_M,]
       ZdataW <- Zdata[M_paired_to_sampled_W,]
       X_sel <- is.na(XdataS[,pair_id])
       Z_sel <- is.na(ZdataS[,pair_id])
       Xtype_single = as.numeric(stats::xtabs(X_w ~ factor(Xtype, 1:num_Xu), data=XdataS, subset=X_sel)) 
       Ztype_single = as.numeric(stats::xtabs(Z_w ~ factor(Ztype, 1:num_Zu), data=ZdataS, subset=Z_sel))
     } else {
       XdataS <- Xdata
       ZdataS <- Zdata
       XdataM <- Xdata[W_paired_to_sampled_M,]
       ZdataW <- Zdata[M_paired_to_sampled_W,]
       X_sel <- is.na(XdataS[,pair_id])
       Z_sel <- is.na(ZdataS[,pair_id])
    # Compute the number sampled (manly for s.e. computation
    if (sampling_design == "stock-stock") {
      num_sampled = sum(Xdata[,sampled] & is.na(Xdata[,pair_id]))
      num_sampled = num_sampled + sum(Zdata[,sampled])
      if (sampling_design == "stock-flow") {
        num_sampled <- sum(Xdata[,sampled])+sum(Zdata[,sampled])
        num_sampled <- nrow(Xdata) + nrow(Zdata)
    Xcounts_single = as.numeric(stats::xtabs(~ factor(Xtype, 1:num_Xu), data=XdataS, subset=X_sel)) 
    Zcounts_single = as.numeric(stats::xtabs(~ factor(Ztype, 1:num_Zu), data=ZdataS, subset=Z_sel))

    if (sampling_design == "census") { 
      # The number of people in the population
      N <- n

      pmf = matrix(0,nrow=1+num_Xu, ncol=1+num_Zu) # women (X) indexed by row, men (Z) indexed by column
      colnames(pmf) <- c(cnM,"singles")
      rownames(pmf) <- c(cnW,"singles")
      counts = matrix(0,nrow=1+num_Xu, ncol=1+num_Zu) # women (X) indexed by row, men (Z) indexed by column
      colnames(counts) <- c(cnM,"singles")
      rownames(counts) <- c(cnW,"singles")
      # The number of people in the population of each (X,Z) pair
      pmf[1:num_Xu,1:num_Zu] <- as.numeric(stats::xtabs(~factor(Xdata[paired_and_sampled_W,"Xtype"],1:num_Xu)+factor(ZdataW[,"Ztype"],1:num_Zu))) + as.numeric(stats::xtabs(~factor(XdataM[,"Xtype"],1:num_Xu)+factor(Zdata[paired_and_sampled_M,"Ztype"],1:num_Zu)))
      # The proportion of people in the population of each (X,Z) pair
      pmf[1:num_Xu,1:num_Zu] <- pmf[1:num_Xu,1:num_Zu] / N

      # The number of pairs of people in the sample of each (X,Z) pair
      counts[1:num_Xu,1:num_Zu] <- as.numeric(stats::xtabs(~factor(Xdata[paired_and_sampled_W,"Xtype"],1:num_Xu)+factor(ZdataW[,"Ztype"],1:num_Zu))) + as.numeric(stats::xtabs(~factor(XdataM[,"Xtype"],1:num_Xu)+factor(Zdata[paired_and_sampled_M,"Ztype"],1:num_Zu)))
      if (!is.empty(Xcounts_single)) {
        pmf[1:num_Xu,1+num_Zu] = Xcounts_single / N
        counts[1:num_Xu,1+num_Zu] = Xcounts_single
      if (!is.empty(Zcounts_single)) {
        pmf[1+num_Xu,1:num_Zu] = Zcounts_single / N
        counts[1+num_Xu,1:num_Zu] = Zcounts_single
    } else if (sampling_design == "stock-stock") {
      pmf = matrix(0,nrow=1+num_Xu, ncol=1+num_Zu) # women (X) indexed by row, men (Z) indexed by column
      counts = matrix(0,nrow=1+num_Xu, ncol=1+num_Zu) # women (X) indexed by row, men (Z) indexed by column
      colnames(pmf) <- c(cnM,"singles")
      rownames(pmf) <- c(cnW,"singles")
      colnames(counts) <- c(cnM,"singles")
      rownames(counts) <- c(cnW,"singles")
      # The number of people in the population
      N <- n

      # The number of people in the population of each (X,Z) pair
      pmf[1:num_Xu,1:num_Zu] <- as.numeric(stats::xtabs(Xdata[paired_and_sampled_W,X_w]~factor(Xdata[paired_and_sampled_W,"Xtype"],1:num_Xu)+factor(ZdataW[,"Ztype"],1:num_Zu))) + as.numeric(stats::xtabs(Zdata[paired_and_sampled_M,Z_w]~factor(XdataM[,"Xtype"],1:num_Xu)+factor(Zdata[paired_and_sampled_M,"Ztype"],1:num_Zu)))
      # The proportion of people in the population of each (X,Z) pair
      pmf[1:num_Xu,1:num_Zu] <- pmf[1:num_Xu,1:num_Zu] / N

      # The number of pairs of people in the sample of each (X,Z) pair
      counts[1:num_Xu,1:num_Zu] <- as.numeric(stats::xtabs(~factor(Xdata[paired_and_sampled_W,"Xtype"],1:num_Xu)+factor(ZdataW[,"Ztype"],1:num_Zu)))
      if (!is.empty(Xtype_single)) {
        pmf[1:num_Xu,1+num_Zu] = Xtype_single / N
        counts[1:num_Xu,1+num_Zu] = Xcounts_single
      if (!is.empty(Ztype_single)) {
        pmf[1+num_Xu,1:num_Zu] = Ztype_single / N
        counts[1+num_Xu,1:num_Zu] = Zcounts_single

    } else { # assume "stock-flow"
      pmf = matrix(0,nrow=1+num_Xu, ncol=1+num_Zu) # women (X) indexed by row, men (Z) indexed by column
      counts = matrix(0,nrow=1+num_Xu, ncol=1+num_Zu) # women (X) indexed by row, men (Z) indexed by column
      colnames(pmf) <- c(cnM,"singles")
      rownames(pmf) <- c(cnW,"singles")
      colnames(counts) <- c(cnM,"singles")
      rownames(counts) <- c(cnW,"singles")
      # The number of people in the population
      N <- n

      # The number of people in the population of each (X,Z) pair
      pmf[1:num_Xu,1:num_Zu] <- as.numeric(stats::xtabs(Xdata[paired_and_sampled_W,X_w]~factor(Xdata[paired_and_sampled_W,"Xtype"],1:num_Xu)+factor(ZdataW[,"Ztype"],1:num_Zu))) + as.numeric(stats::xtabs(Zdata[paired_and_sampled_M,Z_w]~factor(XdataM[,"Xtype"],1:num_Xu)+factor(Zdata[paired_and_sampled_M,"Ztype"],1:num_Zu)))
      # The proportion of people in the population of each (X,Z) pair
      # note that pmf[1:num_Xu,1:num_Zu] is *twice* the number of pairs so that
      # exp(-gw)*apply(pmf,1,sum) = pmfW
      pmf[1:num_Xu,1:num_Zu] <- pmf[1:num_Xu,1:num_Zu] / N

      # The number of pairs of people in the sample of each (X,Z) pair
      counts[1:num_Xu,1:num_Zu] <- as.numeric(stats::xtabs(~factor(Xdata[paired_and_sampled_W,"Xtype"],1:num_Xu)+factor(ZdataW[,"Ztype"],1:num_Zu))) + as.numeric(stats::xtabs(~factor(XdataM[,"Xtype"],1:num_Xu)+factor(Zdata[paired_and_sampled_M,"Ztype"],1:num_Zu)))
      if (!is.empty(Xtype_single)) {
        pmf[1:num_Xu,1+num_Zu] = Xtype_single / N
        counts[1:num_Xu,1+num_Zu] = Xcounts_single
      if (!is.empty(Ztype_single)) {
        pmf[1+num_Xu,1:num_Zu] = Ztype_single / N
        counts[1+num_Xu,1:num_Zu] = Zcounts_single
        message(sprintf("Population size: %f",N))
        message(sprintf("Matrix of counts:"))


    pmfN <- pmf*num_sampled

      message(sprintf("Population proportions of women by category:"))
      message(sprintf("Population proportions of men by category:"))
      message(sprintf("Matrix of population proportions of women x men by category:"))

    out <- list(control=control)

    modelmat <- rpm.model.matrix(model.terms, Xu, Zu)
      Sstats = as.vector(apply(modelmat$S,3,function(x){sum(x*counts[-nrow(counts),-ncol(counts)])}))
      names(Sstats) <- modelmat$Snames
      Spopstats = as.vector(apply(modelmat$S,3,function(x){sum(x*pmf[-nrow(pmf),-ncol(pmf)])}))
      names(Spopstats) <- modelmat$Snames
      Sstats <- NULL
      Spopstats <- NULL
      Xstats = as.vector(apply(modelmat$X,3,function(x){sum(x*counts[-nrow(counts),-ncol(counts)])}))
      names(Xstats) <- modelmat$Xnames
      Xpopstats = as.vector(apply(modelmat$X,3,function(x){sum(x*pmf[-nrow(pmf),-ncol(pmf)])}))
      names(Xpopstats) <- modelmat$Xnames
      Xstats <- NULL
      Xpopstats <- NULL
      Zstats = as.vector(apply(modelmat$Z,c(1,2),function(x){sum(x*counts[-nrow(counts),-ncol(counts)])}))
      names(Zstats) <- modelmat$Znames
      Zpopstats = as.vector(apply(modelmat$Z,c(1,2),function(x){sum(x*pmf[-nrow(pmf),-ncol(pmf)])}))
      names(Zpopstats) <- modelmat$Znames
      Zstats <- NULL
      Zpopstats <- NULL
    out$stats <- c(Sstats, Xstats, Zstats)
    out$popstats <- c(Spopstats, Xpopstats, Zpopstats)

    class(counts) <- c("xtabs", "table")
    attr(counts, "call") <- match.call()

    out$pmf=pmf; out$pmfW=pmfW; out$pmfM=pmfM
    out$nobs <- num_sampled

    out$formula <- formula
    out$sampled <- sampled
    out$Xid <- Xid
    out$Zid <- Zid
    out$pair_id <- pair_id
    out$X_w <- X_w
    out$Z_w <- Z_w
    out$Xu <- Xu
    out$Zu <- Zu
    out$Xdata <- Xdata
    out$Zdata <- Zdata
    out$gw <- gw
    out$gm <- gm
    out$N <- N
    out$sampling_design <- sampling_design
    class(out) <- "summary_rpm"
#' @method print summary_rpm
#' @export
# The <print.summary_rpm> function prints a subset of the information given
# by <summary_rpm>
print.summary_rpm <- function (x, 
                              digits = max(6, getOption("digits") - 3),
    cat("Summary of RPM model data\n")
    cat("Formula:   ")
    cat("Sample statistics\n")

    cat("Population statistics\n")

    message(sprintf("\nSampling Design: %s",x$sampling_design))
    message(sprintf("Sample size: %f",x$num_sampled))
    message(sprintf("Matrix of counts:"))

    message(sprintf("\nPopulation size: %f",x$N))
    message(sprintf("\nPopulation proportions of women by category:"))
    message(sprintf("\nPopulation proportions of men by category:"))
    message(sprintf("\nMatrix of population proportions of women x men by category:"))


#' @method print summary.rpm
#' @export
show.summary_rpm <- print.summary_rpm

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rpm documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:07 p.m.