
Defines functions print.rpms predict.rpms node_plot in_node end_nodes linearize boxes grow_rpms prune_rpms box_ind covariates survLm

Documented in boxes box_ind end_nodes grow_rpms in_node linearize node_plot predict.rpms print.rpms prune_rpms survLm

#File Containing All support functions for RPM that are intended to be made public
# Version 0.2 
# Contains: survLm, end_nodes, in_node, node_plot, predict, print, (plot)

#################  Front End to survLm_model  ###################
#' survLm
#' @param e_equ formula representing the equation to fit
#' @param data data.frame 
#' @param weights formula or vector of sample weights for each observation 
#' @param strata formula or vector of strata labels
#' @param clusters formula or vector of cluster labels
#' @return list containing coefficients, covariance matrix and the residuals
#' @description  wrapper function for the C++ function survLm_model 
#' @aliases survLm
#' @keywords internal
survLm<-function(e_equ, data, weights=rep(1, nrow(data)), strata=rep(1L, nrow(data)), clusters=(1L:nrow(data))){
  if(length(all.vars(e_equ))> nrow(data)) stop("Number of parameters p > n")
  mX<-model.matrix(e_equ, data)
  survLm_model(y=as.matrix(y), X=mX, weights=weights, strata=strata, clusters=clusters)

# #################################  covariates ##################################
# #---gets regressors for simple function
# covariates <- function(splits, data){
#   x<-as.matrix(rep(0,length=nrow(data))) #first column = x satifies no splits
#   if(length(splits)<=0) return(x) else
#     for(i in 1:length(splits))
#       x<-cbind(x, #if x satisfies split 1 in that column else 0 in that colum
#                eval(parse(text=paste("ifelse(", splits[i], ", 1, 0)")), data),
#                deparse.level=0)
# #  x <- sapply(splits, function(sp) eval(parse(text=paste("ifelse(", sp, ", 1, 0)")), data))
#     #colnames(x)<-paste("E", seq(0:(ncol(x)-1)), sep="")
#     return(x[,-1, drop=FALSE])
# }
# ##################################### End covariates ##########################

################################  covariates ##################################
##---gets regressors for simple function

covariates <- function(splits, data){

  x<-matrix(0, nrow = nrow(data), ncol=length(splits))
  #case of no splits

  #if x satisfies split i in that column else 0 in that colum
  for(i in seq(splits)){
    x[eval(parse(text=paste(splits[i])), data),i] <- 1

##################################### End covariates ##########################

#---gets regressors for simple function
#################################  box_ind #########################################################################################
#' box_ind
#' @param x \code{rpms} object
#' @param newdata dataframe containing the variables used for the recursive 
#'       partitioning. 
#' @description  For each row of data, returns a vector indicators whether
#'               observation is in that box or not
#' @return Matrix where each row is a vector of indicators whether
#'         observation is in box or not. 
#' @export 
box_ind <- function(x, newdata){
  newdata<-newdata[,vX, drop=FALSE]
  # ------------------identify categorical variable ------
  # need to handle length 1 separately
  if(length(vX)==1) {
    cat_vec <- is.factor(newdata[,vX, drop=FALSE])
    cat_vec <- sapply(newdata[,vX, drop=FALSE], FUN=is.factor)
  #---------- There are categorical variables ------------
    # ----- function to turn NA into ? category
    fn_q <- function(x){
      #x[which(is.na(x))]<- (min(x, na.rm=TRUE)-1)
      nas <- which(is.na(x))
        x <- factor(x, levels=c(levels(x), "?"))
        x[nas]<- factor("?")
    } # end internal function fn
    # ---------- now turn each NA into ? category
    if(length(which(cat_vec))==1) {
      newdata[,vX[which(cat_vec)]] <- fn_q(newdata[,vX[which(cat_vec)]])
      newdata[,vX[which(cat_vec)]] <- lapply(newdata[,vX[which(cat_vec)]], fn_q)
  } #end if n_cats>0
  boxes<-covariates(x$partition[,"splits"], newdata)
  # names(boxes)<-

###################################### prune,rpms ################################################################
#' prune_rpms
#' @param x \code{rpms} object
#' @param node number of node to prune to.
#' @description  prune rpms tree to given node  
#' @return subtree ending clipping off any splits after given node.
#' @export
prune_rpms<-function(x, node){

  #===========get new frame =============== 

    #internal function get_indx finds rows in frame for all children of given node
      if(2*node %in% t_nodes) c(which(t_nodes==2*node), get_indx(2*node)),
      if((2*node+1) %in% t_nodes) c(which(t_nodes==(2*node+1)), get_indx(2*node+1)))
  } #end get indx
  if(length(indx)==0) return(x)

  # done getting new frame  

  x$callvals$pruned <- c(x$callvals$pruned, paste0("at node ", node))
# ################################### End prune_rpms #################################################################

######################################## grow.rpms ################################################
#' grow_rpms
#' @param x \code{rpms} object
#' @param node node from which to grow tree further 
#' @param data data.frame that includes variables used in rp_equ, e_equ, 
#'        and design information
#' @param weights formula or vector of sample weights for each observation 
#' @param strata formula or vector of strata labels
#' @param clusters formula or vector of cluster labels
#' @param pval numeric p-value used to reject null hypothesis in permutation test 
#' @param bin_size numeric minimum number of observations in each node
#' @description  grow an rpms tree from a given node 
#' @return rpms tree expanded from node.
#' @export
grow_rpms <- function(x, node, data, weights=~1, strata=~1, clusters=~1, pval=NA, bin_size=NA){
  #============= format data set ================================================
  des_ind<- !is.na(x$callvals$design)
    varlist <- unique(c(all.vars(x$rp_equ), all.vars(x$e_equ)))
    varlist <- unique(c(all.vars(x$rp_equ), all.vars(x$e_equ), x$callvals$design[which(des_ind)]))
  #---------- check all variables are in data set --------------
  if(!all(varlist %in% names(data))){
    e1ind <- which(!(varlist %in% names(data)))[1]
    stop(paste("Variable", varlist[e1ind], "not in dataset"))
  #find rows of data in the starting node
  if(!(node %in% x$partition$nodes)) x<-prune_rpms(x, node)
  s=which(end_nodes(x, data)==node)
  #================= finished design variables ===============================================  
  # get model matrix and variable data in matrix form
  mX<-model.matrix(x$e_equ, data)
  if(det(t(mX)%*%mX)==0) stop("Model matrix is singular")
  #-----check all variables are numeric or categorical
  if(length(varlist)<2) stop("rpms model needs at least two variables")
                         function(x) !(is.factor(x)|is.numeric(x)))))>0){
    stop("RPMS works only on numeric or factor data types.")
  #------ recurisive partitioning variables ------
  ##########################   handle categorical variables for C++  ########################
  # ------------------identify categorical variable ------
  # need to handle length 1 separately
  if(length(vX)==1) cat_vec <- is.factor(data[,vX]) 
    cat_vec <- sapply(data[, vX], FUN=is.factor)
  #---------- There are categorical variables ------------
    # ----- function to turn NA into ? category
    fn_q <- function(x){
      #x[which(is.na(x))]<- (min(x, na.rm=TRUE)-1)
      nas <- which(is.na(x))
        x <- factor(x, levels=c(levels(x), "?"))
        x[nas]<- factor("?")
    } # end internal function fn
    # ---------- turn each NA into ? category
    if(n_cats==1) {
      data[,vX[which(cat_vec)]] <- fn_q(data[,vX[which(cat_vec)]])
      data[,vX[which(cat_vec)]] <- lapply(data[,vX[which(cat_vec)]], fn_q)
    # ----- store original levels for each categorical variable ------------
    cat_table <- list()
    # ----- function to turn categories into integers for C++ 
    for(i in 1:n_cats){
      #print(paste("variable ", vX[which(cat_vec)[i]], " has ", length(levels(data[,vX[which(cat_vec)[i]]])), "levels"))
      cat_table[[i]] <- levels(data[,vX[which(cat_vec)[i]]]) # --store original levels in cat_table
      #---- replace original levels with integer -------
      levels(data[,vX[which(cat_vec)[i]]]) <- (1:length(levels(data[,vX[which(cat_vec)[i]]])))
      #print(paste("variable ", vX[which(cat_vec)[i]], "now has ", length(levels(data[,vX[which(cat_vec)[i]]])), "levels"))
    } #end for loop
  } # done with if categorical variables

  #--------- reduce data to only y with observations and required variables and no more missing values ---
  data <- na.omit(data[,varlist]) #remove any other missing
  nas<-abs(n_o -nrow(data))
  if(nas > 0)
    warning(paste0("Data had ", nas, " incomplete rows, which have been removed."))
  #===================== Design Information =================================
  #capture design information if equations for use in graphing
  design <- c(weights=NA, stratum=NA, clusters=NA)
  # des<-list(weights=~1, strata=~1, clusters=~1)
  #------ Sample Weights ----------------------------
  if(is.numeric(weights)) { 
    if(length(weights)!=nrow(data)) stop("Number of design weights != rows of data")
    design[1] <- TRUE 
  } else
    if(length(all.vars(weights))==0) {
      weights <- rep(1, nrow(data))
    } else 
      if(all.vars(weights)[1] %in% names(data)){
        #  des$weights=weights
        weights <- as.numeric(data[,all.vars(weights)[1]])
        if(var(weights)>0) {
          design[1] <- all.vars(weights)[1]
      } else {stop(paste("Problem with weights:",
                         all.vars(weights)[1], "not in data set"))}
  #------ Strata Labels ----------------------------
  if(is.numeric(strata) | is.factor(strata)){
    design[2] <- TRUE
      stop("Number of strata labels != rows of data")
  } else
    if(length(all.vars(strata))==0) {strata <- rep(1L, nrow(data))} else
      if(all.vars(strata)[1] %in% names(data)) {
        # des$strata=strata
        design[2] <- all.vars(strata)[1]
        strata <- as.integer(data[,all.vars(strata)[1]])} else 
          stop(paste("Problem with strata:",
                     all.vars(strata)[1], "not in data set"))
  #------ Cluster Labels ---------------------------- 
  if(is.numeric(clusters) | is.factor(clusters)){
    design[3] <- TRUE
      stop("Number of cluster labels != rows of data")
  } else
    if(length(all.vars(clusters))==0) {clusters <- seq(1L:nrow(data))} else
      if(all.vars(clusters)[1] %in% names(data)) {
        #      des$clusters <- clusters
        design[3] <- all.vars(clusters)[1]
        clusters <- as.integer(data[,all.vars(clusters)[1]])} else
          stop(paste("Problem with clusters:",
                     all.vars(clusters)[1], "not in data set")) 
  #------ recurisive partitioning variables ------
  X<- data.matrix(as.data.frame(data[,vX]))
  y <- data[,all.vars(x$e_equ)[1]]
  if(is.na(pval)) pval<-x$callvals$pval
  if(is.na(bin_size)) bin_size <- x$callvals$bin_size
  frame2 <-
                 split_rpms(node=node, y=y, mX=mX, X=X, vnames=vX, cat_vec=cat_vec, 
                            weights=weights, strata=strata, clusters=clusters, des_ind=des_ind, 
                            bin_size=bin_size, gridpts=x$callvals$gridpts, perm_reps=x$callvals$perm_reps, pval=pval))
  #if there were splits make new frame and partition otherwise just return original tree
    #======================================= return to original the factor levels in the data ==============================
      for(i in 1:n_cats){
        #---- return to original levels -------
        levels(data[,vX[which(cat_vec)[i]]]) <- unlist(cat_table[[i]])
    # put original level names in the frame
    for(i in cat_splits){
      vis <- which(vX[cat_vec]==frame2$var[[i]]) #variable location in cat_table
      frame2$xval[i] <- list(cat_table[[vis]][unlist(frame2$xval[i])]) #replace numbers with factor names
    frame2 <-  make_nice(frame2) # format resulting tree frame for R 
    # puts an 'E' after each end node on the frame
    # get first half of frame without ends marked
    frame1 <- x$frame[,-which(names(x$frame)=="end")]
    #new frame is combinded old and new
    frame<-rbind(frame1, frame2)
    frame <- mark_ends(frame)
    x$frame <- frame
    x$partition <- partition
  }# else return the original tree

######################################## end grow_rpms #################################################

#---gets regressors for simple function
#################################  boxes #########################################################################################
#' boxes
#' @param x \code{rpms} object
#' @description  returns end boxes that partition the data
#' @return data.frame including end_node, sample size, splits, and values for each end node
#' @export 
boxes <- function(x){

##################################### End boxes ##########################

#---gets regressors for simple function
#################################  linearize #########################################################################################
#' linearize
#' @param x \code{rpms} object
#' @param data data.frame 
#' @param weights formula or vector of sample weights for each observation 
#' @param strata formula or vector of strata labels
#' @param clusters formula or vector of cluster labels
#' @param type is on of "part" or "lin"
#' @description  returns a linerized version of the splits. The coefficients represent 
#'               the effect that each split has on the mean
#' @return data.frame including splits and estimates for the coefficient and their standard errors
#' @export 
########################################## Linearize ###########################################
#takes frame (f1) from tree and outputs linear logical splits
linearize<-function(x, data, weights=~1, strata=~1, clusters=~1, type="part"){

  if(class(x)!="rpms") return("rpms::linearize is for rpms objects only")
  #============= format data set ================================================
  varlist <- unique(c(all.vars(x$rp_equ), all.vars(weights), 
                      all.vars(strata), all.vars(clusters)))  
  #---------- check all variables are in data set --------------
  if(!all(varlist %in% names(data))){
    e1ind <- which(!(varlist %in% names(data)))[1]
    stop(paste("Variable", varlist[e1ind], "not in dataset"))
  #-----check all variables are numeric or categorical
  if(length(which(sapply(data[,varlist, drop=FALSE], 
                         function(x) !(is.factor(x)|is.numeric(x)))))>0){
    stop("RPMS works only on numeric or factor data types.")
  #------ recurisive partitioning variables ------
  ##########################   handle categorical variables for C++  ########################
  # ------------------identify categorical variable ------
  # need to handle length 1 separately
  if(length(vX)==1) cat_vec <- is.factor(data[,vX]) 
    cat_vec <- sapply(data[, vX], FUN=is.factor)
  #---------- There are categorical variables ------------
    # ----- function to turn NA into ? category
    fn_q <- function(x){
      #x[which(is.na(x))]<- (min(x, na.rm=TRUE)-1)
      nas <- which(is.na(x))
        x <- factor(x, levels=c(levels(x), "?"))
        x[nas]<- factor("?")
    } # end internal function fn
    # ---------- apply function to turn each NA into ? category ---------
    if(n_cats==1) {
      data[,vX[which(cat_vec)]] <- fn_q(data[,vX[which(cat_vec)]])
      data[,vX[which(cat_vec)]] <- lapply(data[,vX[which(cat_vec)]], fn_q)
  } # done with if categorical variables
  #===================== Design Information =================================
  #------ Sample Weights ----------------------------
  if(is.numeric(weights)) { 
    if(length(weights)!=nrow(data)) stop("Number of design weights != rows of data")
  } else
    if(length(all.vars(weights))==0) {
      weights <- rep(1, nrow(data))
    } else 
      if(all.vars(weights)[1] %in% names(data))
        #  des$weights=weights
        weights <- as.numeric(data[,all.vars(weights)[1]])
      } else {stop(paste("Problem with weights:",
                         all.vars(weights)[1], "not in data set"))}
  #------ Strata Labels ----------------------------
  if(is.numeric(strata) | is.factor(strata)){
      stop("Number of strata labels != rows of data")
  } else
    if(length(all.vars(strata))==0) {strata <- rep(1L, nrow(data))} else
      if(all.vars(strata)[1] %in% names(data)) {
        strata <- as.integer(data[,all.vars(strata)[1]])} else 
          stop(paste("Problem with strata:",
                     all.vars(strata)[1], "not in data set"))
  #------ Cluster Labels ---------------------------- 
  if(is.numeric(clusters) | is.factor(clusters)){
      stop("Number of cluster labels != rows of data")
  } else
    if(length(all.vars(clusters))==0) {clusters <- seq(1L:nrow(data))} else
      if(all.vars(clusters)[1] %in% names(data)) {
        clusters <- as.integer(data[,all.vars(clusters)[1]])} else
          stop(paste("Problem with clusters:",
                     all.vars(clusters)[1], "not in data set")) 
  #--------- reduce data to only those with observations and required variables 
  data <- na.omit(data[,varlist]) #remove any other missing
  nas<-abs(n_o -nrow(data))
  if(nas > 0)
    warning(paste0("Data had ", nas, " incomplete rows, which have been removed."))

  y <- data[,all.vars(x$rp_equ)[1]]

  lt<-rbind("1", lin_splits(x$frame))

   # row.names(lt)<-NULL
  fit<-survLm_model(y, covariates(lt, data), weights, strata, clusters)
  return(list(splits=lt, ln_coef=as.numeric(fit$coefficients),ln_coef_cov=fit$covM))
}#end function
##################################### End Linearize #########################################

###################################### end_nodes ################################################################
#' end_nodes
#' @param object \code{rpms} object
#' @param newdata data.frame
#' @description  Either a vector of end-node labels for each opbservation in newdata or 
#'               a vector of the endnodes in the tree model if newdata is not provided.
#' @return vector of end_node labels
#' @examples 
#' {
#' # model mean of retirement account value for households with reported 
#' # retirment account values > 0 using a binary tree while accounting for 
#' # clusterd data and sample weights.
#' s1<- which(CE$IRAX > 0)
#' r1 <-rpms(IRAX~EDUCA+AGE+BLS_URBN, data = CE[s1,],  weights=~FINLWT21, clusters=~CID) 
#'  end_nodes(r1)
#' }
#' @export
end_nodes <- function(object, newdata=NULL){
  else {
    varlist <- unique(c(all.vars(object$rp_equ[-1]), all.vars(object$e_equ)[-1]))  
    newdata<-newdata[,varlist, drop=FALSE]
    # ------------------identify categorical variable ------
    # need to handle length 1 separately
    if(length(vX)==1) {
      cat_vec <- is.factor(newdata[,vX])
      cat_vec <- sapply(newdata[,vX], FUN=is.factor)
    #---------- There are categorical variables ------------
      # ----- function to turn NA into ? category
      fn_q <- function(x){
        #x[which(is.na(x))]<- (min(x, na.rm=TRUE)-1)
        nas <- which(is.na(x))
          x <- factor(x, levels=c(levels(x), "?"))
          x[nas]<- factor("?")
      } # end internal function fn
      # ---------- now turn each NA into ? category
      if(length(which(cat_vec))==1) {
        newdata[,vX[which(cat_vec)]] <- fn_q(newdata[,vX[which(cat_vec)]])
        newdata[,vX[which(cat_vec)]] <- lapply(newdata[,vX[which(cat_vec)]], fn_q)
    } #end if n_cats>0
    #newdata <- na.omit(newdata) #remove any other missing
    if(length(which(is.na(newdata)))>0) stop("Remove any records with missing numeric predictor variables")
    return(apply(covariates(object$partition[,"splits"], newdata), 1, function(x) object$partition$node[which(x==1)] ))
 } #end if new data
# ################################### End end_nodes #################################################################

###################################### in_node ################################################################
#' in_node
#' @param x \code{rpms} object
#' @param node integer label of the desired end-node.
#' @param data dataframe containing the variables used for the recursive 
#'       partitioning. 
#' @description  Get index of elements in dataframe that are in the specified 
#'               end-node of an \code{rpms} object.  A "which" function for end-nodes.
#' @return vector of indexes for observations in the end-node. 
#' @examples
#' {
#' # model mean of retirement account value for households with reported 
#' # retirment account values > 0 using a binary tree while accounting for 
#' # clusterd data and sample weights.
#' s1<- which(CE$IRAX > 0)
#' r1 <-rpms(IRAX~EDUCA+AGE+BLS_URBN, data = CE[s1,],  weights=~FINLWT21, clusters=~CID) 
#' # Get summary statistics of CUTENURE for households in end-nodes 7 and 8 of the tree
#' if(7 %in% end_nodes(r1)) 
#'   summary(CE$CUTENURE[in_node(node=7, r1, data=CE[s1,])])
#' if(8 %in% end_nodes(r1)) 
#'   summary(CE$CUTENURE[in_node(node=8, r1, data=CE[s1,])])
#' }
#' @export 
in_node<-function(x, node, data){
  if(!(node %in% x$partition$nodes)) x<-prune_rpms(x, node)
    return(which(end_nodes(x, data)==node))

###################################### End in_node ############################

################################## node_plot ##################################
#' node_plot
#' @param object \code{rpms} object
#' @param node integer label of the desired end-node. 
#' @param data data.frame that includes variables used in rp_equ, e_equ, 
#'        and design information
#' @param variable string name of variable in data to use as x-axis in plot
#' @param ...	further arguments passed to plot function.      
#' @description  plots end-node of object of class \code{rpms}
#' @import graphics
#' @examples{
#' # model mean of retirement account value for households with reported 
#' # retirment account values > 0 using a binary tree while accounting for 
#' # clusterd data and sample weights.
#' s1<- which(CE$IRAX > 0)
#' r1 <-rpms(IRAX~EDUCA+AGE+BLS_URBN, data = CE[s1,],  weights=~FINLWT21, clusters=~CID) 
#' # plot node 6 if it is an end-node of the tree
#' if(6 %in% end_nodes(r1))
#'   node_plot(object=r1, node=6, data=CE[s1,])
#' # plot node 6 if it is an end-node of the tree
#' if(8 %in% end_nodes(r1))
#'   node_plot(object=r1, node=8, data=CE[s1,])
#' }
#' @export
node_plot<-function(object, node, data, variable=NA, ...){
  if("col" %in% names(pars)) col=pars$col else col="blue"
  if("lwd" %in% names(pars)) lwd=pars$lwd else lwd=3
  if("lty" %in% names(pars)) lty=pars$lty else lty=1
  #if no variable provided use first variable in estimating equation
  #as x axis to plot on
      variable <- all.vars(object$e_equ)[2]
    else variable <- all.vars(object$rp_equ)[2]
  } #if variable provided check to make sure it is in the dataset
  else  if(!(variable %in% names(data) && is.character(variable)))
    stop(paste("variable", paste(variable, collapse=""), 
               "is not a name in the data set"))

  # y variable is the y from the estimating equation 
  #which element has coefficients for that node
  nind <- which(object$partition[,"node"]==node)
  # if the variable chosen is numeric produce the best fit line in the plot
  if(is.numeric(data[, variable])) coline <-TRUE else coline <-FALSE
  #get index of observations contained in end node
  eindx<-in_node(node=node, x=object, data=data)
  plot(data[eindx, c(variable, yvariable)])
  title(main=paste0("Node ", node), ylab=yvariable, xlab=variable)
  #find variable in estimating equation being used to graph against
  vindx <- match(variable, all.vars(object$e_equ))

  if(coline && !is.na(vindx) && vindx>1)
      abline(coef=unlist(object$partition$value[nind])[c(1,vindx)], col=col, lwd=lwd, lty=lty)
} #end node_plot
################################### End plot.rpms #################################################################

###################################### predict.rpms ################################################################
#' predict.rpms
#' @param object  Object inheriting from  \code{rpms}
#' @param newdata data frame with variables to use for predicting new values. 
#' @param ...	further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @description  Predicted values based on \code{rpms} object
#' @return vector of predicticed values for each row of newdata
#' @examples{
#' # get rpms model of mean Soc Security income for families headed by a 
#' # retired person by several factors
#'           data=CE[which(CE$INCNONWK==1),], clusters=~CID) 
#' r1
#' # first 10 predicted means
#' predict(r1, CE[10:20, ])
#' }
predict.rpms<-function(object, newdata, ...){
  # pars<-list(...)  #currently does not take other parameters

  #----------------------- Prepare data for predict -----------------------------------  
  new_equ <- object$e_equ[-2]
  varlist <- unique(c(all.vars(object$rp_equ[-1]), all.vars(object$e_equ)[-1]))  
  newdata<-newdata[,varlist, drop=FALSE]
  # ------------------identify categorical variable ------
  # need to handle length 1 separately
  if(length(vX)==1) {
    cat_vec <- is.factor(newdata[,vX])
    cat_vec <- sapply(newdata[,vX], FUN=is.factor)
  #---------- There are categorical variables ------------
    # ----- function to turn NA into ? category
    fn_q <- function(x){
      #x[which(is.na(x))]<- (min(x, na.rm=TRUE)-1)
      nas <- which(is.na(x))
        x <- factor(x, levels=c(levels(x), "?"))
        x[nas]<- factor("?")
    } # end internal function fn
    # ---------- now turn each NA into ? category
    if(length(which(cat_vec))==1) {
      newdata[,vX[which(cat_vec)]] <- fn_q(newdata[,vX[which(cat_vec)]])
      newdata[,vX[which(cat_vec)]] <- lapply(newdata[,vX[which(cat_vec)]], fn_q)
  } #end if n_cats>0
  if(length(which(is.na(newdata)))>0) stop("Remove any records with missing numeric predictor variables")
  #-------------------------------------------- Done preparing data --------------------------------------------
  #coefficient values for each end node
  beta_mat<-do.call(rbind, object$partition$value)

    #no linear function just return beta
    return(as.vector(apply(covariates(object$partition[,"splits"], newdata), 1, function(x) beta_mat[match(1, x)]))) 
    #return(beta_mat[match(1, box_ind(object, newdata))])
  else{ # linear model
    #get model matrix X
    X <- model.matrix(new_equ, newdata) #x values
    #-- beta values for that each observation
    b<-as.matrix(apply(covariates(object$partition[,"splits"], newdata), 1, function(x) beta_mat[match(1, x), ,drop=FALSE]))
    #--if no offset and only one variable
      return(sapply(1:nrow(X), function(i) X[i,]%*%b[,i]))
      return(sapply(1:nrow(X), function(i) X[i,]*b[i]))
  }# end if lin model

################################### End predict #################################################################

################################# print.rpms ###################################################################
#' print.rpms
#' @param x \code{rpms} object
#' @param ...	further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @description  print method for class \code{rpms}
#' @export
print.rpms<-function(x, ...){
  if(class(x)!="rpms") stop("argument must be of class rpms") else t1 <- x
    cat("RPMS Recursive Partitioning Equation \n")
    print(t1$rp_equ, showEnv=FALSE)
    cat("Estimating Equation \n")
    print(t1$e_equ, showEnv=FALSE)

    des_ind<- !is.na(x$callvals$design)
    des_string <- if(sum(des_ind)==0) "Simple Random Sample"
    else paste(c("unequal probability of selection", "stratified", "clustered")[which(des_ind)], "sample design", sep=", ")
      print(paste0("Pruned rpms tree  ", t1$callvals$pruned), showEnv=FALSE)
    #make matrix of estimated coefficients (colums) for each end node (row)
    if(attr(terms(t1$e_equ), "intercept")==1)
      coef_names<-list(node=t1$frame$node[ends], coefficients=c("1", all.vars(t1$e_equ)[-1]))
      coef_names<-list(node=t1$frame$node[ends], coefficients=all.vars(t1$e_equ)[-1])
                     byrow=TRUE, dimnames=coef_names)
   # if(dim(sptab)==0) sptab <- as.matrix(sptab)
    print(paste0("R-squared of model: ", t1$r_2))
    cat("===================== Tree Model =================== \n \n")
    print(sptab, quote=F, zero.print=".")
    print(coef_mat, quote=F, zero.print=".")
    cat("\n \n")
}#end print.rpm

################################### End print.rpm #################################################################

################################## plot.rpms ###################################################################
# #' plot.rpms
# #'
# #' @param x \code{rpms} object
# #' @param ...	further arguments passed to or from other methods.
# #'
# #' @description  plott method for class \code{rpms}
# #'
# #' @aliases plot
# #' 
# plot.rpms<-function(x, ...){
# } #end plot.rpms
# ################################### End plot.rpms #################################################################

########################################### function ################################################################################


########################################### function ################################################################################


########################################### function ################################################################################


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rpms documentation built on June 26, 2021, 1:07 a.m.