
Defines functions coef.fit_model_b print.summary_fit_model_b .initmethod .fit_model_b_huberm .computekappa

Documented in coef.fit_model_b print.summary_fit_model_b

# consistency correction term
.computekappa <- function(k)
    2 * (k^2 * (1 - pnorm(k)) + pnorm(k) - 0.5  - k * dnorm(k))
# workhorse function
.fit_model_b_huberm <- function(method, model, k,
    control = fitsaemodel.control(...), ...)
    # methods: 'ml' vs. 'huberm'
    if (method == "ml") {
        k <- rep(control$k_Inf, 3)
        kappa <- rep(1, 2)
        methodName <- list(type = "Maximum likelihood estimation")
    } else {
        if (missing(k))
            stop("Robustness tuning constant is missing! \n", call. = FALSE)
        if (is.list(k)) {
            if (any(is.na(match(names(k), c("beta", "v", "d")))))
                stop("k can be list with named entries 'beta', 'v', and 'd'\n",
                    call. = FALSE)
            k <- c(k$beta, k$v, k$d)
            stopifnot(all(is.numeric(k)), all(k) > 0)
            kappa <- c(.computekappa(k[2]), .computekappa(k[3]))
            k.report <- k
        } else {
            stopifnot(length(k) == 1, is.numeric(k), k > 0)
            kappa <- rep(.computekappa(k), 2)
            k <- rep(k, 3)
            k.report <- k[1]
        methodName <- list(type = "Huber-type M-estimation", tuning =
            list(k = k.report))
    # initialize the full parameter vector
    init <- if (length(control$add) == 0)
        .initmethod(model, control$init)
        .initmethod(model, control$init, control$add)
    # compute estimates
    taurecord <- matrix(0, control$niter, (model$p + 2))
    eps <- .Machine$double.eps
    tmp <- .Fortran("drsaehub", n = as.integer(model$n),
        p = as.integer(model$p), g = as.integer(model$g),
        niter = as.integer(control$niter), nsize = as.integer(model$nsize),
        iter = as.integer(control$iter), iterrecord = as.matrix(matrix(0,
        control$niter, 3)), allacc = as.double(control$acc[1]),
        acc = as.matrix(control$acc[2:4]), sumwgt = as.matrix(rep(0, 3)),
        xmat = as.matrix(model$X), yvec = as.matrix(model$y),
        k = as.matrix(k), kappa = as.matrix(kappa),
        epsd = as.double(eps^(1 / 4)), tau = as.matrix(init),
        taurecord = as.matrix(taurecord), converged = as.integer(0),
        dec = as.integer(control$dec), decorr = as.integer(control$decorr),
        PACKAGE = "rsae")
    # check for cycling an choose the parameter-vector estimate whose
    # estimate of v is closer to the (robust) init (i.e., either the "lts" or
    # "s" estimate) value. This method is not supported for init=default or ml
    converged <- tmp$converged
    p <- model$p
    if (control$init > 0 & converged == 0) {
        taurecord <- tmp$taurecord
        # take the second diff, take the mean over each parameter vector,
        # and take the last that fullfiled the criterion
        u <- max(which(rowMeans(diff(taurecord, 2)) <= eps^(1 / 2)))
        # take the difference from init for at u
        uat <- abs(taurecord[u, (p + 1)] - init[(p + 1)])
        # take the difference from init for one before u
        ubefore <- abs(taurecord[(u - 1), (p + 1)] - init[(p + 1)])
        if (uat <= ubefore) {
            tau <- taurecord[u, ]
            converged <- 1
        } else {
            tau <- taurecord[(u-1), ]
            converged <- 1
    } else {
        tau <- tmp$tau
    if (converged != 1)
        tau <- rep(NA_real_, p + 2)

    res <- list(beta = tau[1:p], theta = c(tau[p+1], tau[p + 1] * tau[p + 2]),
        converged = converged)
    # additional attributes
    attr(res, "optim") <- list(acc = control$acc, niter = c(control$niter,
        control$iter), usediter = tmp$iterrecord, tau = tmp$taurecord,
        kappa = kappa)
    if (method == "huberm")
        attr(res, "robustness") <- list(wgt = tmp$sumwgt)
    attr(res, "init") <- init
    attr(res, "method") <- methodName
    attr(res, "saemodel") <- model
    attr(res, "dec") <- control$dec
    class(res) <- "fit_model_b"
# initialization
.initmethod <- function(model, init, ...)
    # default (i.e., robust fixed-effects estimator; see AJS2012)
    if (init == 0) {
        areaID <- model$areaID
        # center y by the area-specific median of y
        y_list <- split(model$y, areaID)
        y_centered <- unsplit(lapply(y_list, function(u) u - median(u)), areaID)
        # center X by the area-specific mean of x
        X_list <- split(as.data.frame(model$X), areaID)
        X_centered <- unsplit(lapply(X_list, function(u)
            as.data.frame(sweep(as.matrix(u), 2, colMeans(u)))), areaID)
        p <- model$p
        g <- model$g
        if (model$intercept == 1) {
            X_centered <- X_centered[, -1]
            p <- p - 1
        # prepare the model.frame
        mm <- model.matrix(~ -1 + as.factor(areaID))
        # some magic numbers
        k <- 1.345; acc <- 0.00001; niter <- 20
        # compute the robust fixed-effects estimator
        tmp <- .Fortran("drlm", n = as.integer(model$n),
            p = as.integer(p + g), xmat = as.matrix(cbind(X_centered, mm)),
            yvec = as.matrix(y_centered), k = as.double(k),
            beta = as.matrix(rep(1, (p + g))), s = as.double(1.2),
            info = as.integer(1), niter = as.integer(niter),
            acc = as.double(acc), PACKAGE = "rsae")
        res <- c(0, tmp$beta[1:p], tmp$s^2, 100)
    # check whether robustbase must be loaded
    if (init > 0) {
        check <- requireNamespace("robustbase", quietly = TRUE)
        if (!check)
            stop("You cannot use 'lts' or 's', because the \n
                'robustbase' package is not installed! \n", call. = FALSE)
    # lts
    if (init == 1) {
        x <- as.matrix(model$X)
        if (model$intercept == 1) {
            x <- as.matrix(x[, (2:model$p)])
            intercept <- TRUE
        } else {
            intercept <- FALSE
        tmp <- robustbase::ltsReg(x = x, y = model$y, intercept=intercept, ...)
        res <- as.numeric(c(tmp$coefficients, tmp$raw.scale^2, 1))
    # lmrob.S
    if (init == 2) {
        control <- robustbase::lmrob.control(...)
        tmp <- robustbase::lmrob.S(x = as.matrix(model$X), y = model$y,
            control = control)
        res <- as.numeric(c(tmp$coefficients, tmp$scale^2, 1))
# S3 print method
print.fit_model_b <- function (x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L),
    # failure of convergence
    if (x$converged != 1) {
        cat(paste0("THE ALGORITHM DID NOT CONVERGE!\n---\n",
            " 1) use convergence() of your fitted model to learn more\n",
            " 2) study the documentation using the command ?fitsaemodel\n",
            " 3) you may call fitsaemodel with 'init' equal to (either) 'lts'\n",
            "    or 's' (this works also for ML, though it may no be very efficient)\n",
            " 4) if it still does not converge, the last resort is to modify\n",
            "   'acc' and/or 'niter'\n\n"))
    # otherwise
    saemodel <- attr(x, "saemodel")
    method <- attr(x, "method")
    cat("ESTIMATES OF SAE-MODEL (model type B) \n")
    cat("Method: ", method$type, "\n")
    # branch: robust vs. non-robust methods
    if (length(method) > 1) {
        tuning <- method$tuning$k
        if (length(tuning) == 1)
            cat("Robustness tuning constant: k =", tuning, "\n")
            cat(paste0("Robustness tuning constants: k_beta = ", tuning[1],
                ", k_v = ", tuning[2], ", k_d = ", tuning[3],"\n"))
    cat("---\nFixed effects\n")
    cat(paste0("Model: ", attr(saemodel, "yname"), " ~ ",
        paste0(attr(saemodel, "xnames"), collapse = " + ")), "\n")
    cat("\nCoefficients: \n")
    beta <- x$beta
    names(beta) <- attr(saemodel, "xnames")
    if (saemodel$intercept == 1)
        names(beta)[1] <- "(Intercept)"

    print.default(format(beta, digits = digits), print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
    cat("---\nRandom effects\n")
    cat("\nModel: ~1|", attr(saemodel, "areadef"), "\n")

    # warn if the raneff variance is almost zero
    if (!is.na(x$theta[2])){
        if (x$theta[2] <= .Machine$double.eps^(1 / 4)) {

    theta <- sqrt(x$theta)
    theta <- c(theta[2], theta[1])  # change the order of theta
    names(theta) <- c("(Intercept)", "Residual")
    theta <- as.matrix(theta)
    colnames(theta) <- "Std. Dev."
    print.default(format(t(theta), digits = digits), print.gap = 2,
        quote = FALSE)
    cat("---\nNumber of Observations: ", saemodel$n, "\nNumber of Areas: ",
        saemodel$g, "\n\n")
# S3 summary method
summary.fit_model_b <- function (object, ...)
    # covariance matrix
    model <- attr(object, "saemodel")
    vcovbeta <- if (object$converged == 1)
        .Fortran("drsaehubvariance", n = as.integer(model$n),
            p = as.integer(model$p), g = as.integer(model$g),
            nsize = as.integer(model$nsize), kappa = as.double(attr(object,
            "optim")$kappa), v = as.double(object$theta[1]),
            d = as.double(object$theta[2] / object$theta[1]),
            xmat = as.matrix(model$X), vcovbeta = as.matrix(matrix(0,
            model$p, model$p)), dec = as.integer(attr(object, "dec")),
            PACKAGE = "rsae")$vcovbeta
        matrix(NA_real_, model$p, model$p)

    method <- attr(object, "method")
    res <- list(converged = object$converged, method = method,
        vcovbeta = vcovbeta)
    # fixed effects table
    saemodel <- attr(object, "saemodel")
    df <- saemodel$n - saemodel$g - saemodel$p + 1
    fixed <- object$beta
    stdfixed <- sqrt(diag(vcovbeta))
    tTable <- cbind(fixed, stdfixed, fixed / stdfixed, df, fixed)
    colnames(tTable) <- c("Value", "Std.Error", "t-value", "df", "p-value")
    rownames(tTable) <- attr(saemodel, "xnames")
    # p-value
    tTable[, 5] <- 2 * pt(-abs(tTable[, 3]), tTable[, 4])
    res$tTable <- tTable
    wgt <- attr(object, "robustness")$wgt
    if (!is.null(wgt) && object$converged) {
        wgt <- t(wgt) / saemodel$n
        colnames(wgt) <- c("fixeff", "residual var", "area raneff var")
        rownames(wgt) <- "sum(wgt)/n"
        res$wgt <- wgt
    class(res) <- "summary_fit_model_b"
# S3 print method for model summary
print.summary_fit_model_b <- function(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits")
    - 3L), ...)
    # failure of convergence
    if (x$converged != 1) {
        cat("ALGORITHM FAILED TO CONVERGE! use convergence() to learn more\n\n")
    cat("Method:", x$method$type, "\n")
    # branch: robust vs. non-robust methods
    if (length(x$method) > 1) {
        tuning <- x$method$tuning$k
        if (length(tuning) == 1)
            cat("Robustness tuning constant: k =", tuning, "\n")
            cat(paste0("Robustness tuning constants: k_beta = ", tuning[1],
                ", k_v = ", tuning[2], ", k_d = ", tuning[3],"\n"))
    cat("---\nFixed effects\n")
    printCoefmat(x$tTable, digits = digits, P.values = TRUE,
        has.Pvalue = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(x$wgt)) {
        cat("---\nDegree of downweighting/winsorization:\n\n")
        print.default(format(t(x$wgt), digits = digits), print.gap = 2,
            quote = FALSE)
# S3 coef method to extract the coefficients
coef.fit_model_b <- function(object, type = "both", ...)
    model <- attr(object, "saemodel")
    raneff <- t(as.matrix(object$theta))
    colnames(raneff) <- c("ResidualVar", "AreaVar")
    rownames(raneff) <- "raneff"

    fixeff <- t(as.matrix(object$beta))
    colnames(fixeff) <- colnames(model$X)
    rownames(fixeff) <- "fixeff"

    type <- match.arg(type, c("both", "raneff", "fixeff"))
    if (type == "both")
        type <- c("fixeff", "raneff")

    res <- NULL
    if ("fixeff" %in% type)
        res$fixeff <- fixeff
    if ("raneff" %in% type)
        res$raneff <- raneff

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