
setGeneric("sen_query", function(server,
                                 ...) {
#' @importFrom utils URLencode
  f = "sen_query",
  signature = c("character", "character"),
  function(server, product, ...) {
    arg <- list(...)
    query <- file.path(server, "search?q=")
    if (!"verbose" %in% names(arg)) {
      arg$verbose <- FALSE
    # add ingestion date to query
    if ("startDate" %in% names(arg)) {
      if (arg$verbose) {
        message("Adapting dates.")
      startDate <- paste0(format(arg$startDate, "%Y-%m-%d"), "T00:00:00.000Z")
      if (is.null(arg$endDate)) {
        endDate <- "NOW"
      } else {
        endDate <- paste0(format(arg$endDate, "%Y-%m-%d"), "T23:59:59.999Z")
      query <- paste0(query, "beginposition:[", startDate, " TO ", endDate, "]")
    if ("platform" %in% names(arg)) {
      if (arg$verbose) {
        message("Adding platform name.")
      query <- paste0(query, " AND platformname:", arg$platform)
    if ("extent" %in% names(arg)) {
      if (arg$verbose) {
        message("Adding query extent.")
      ext <- extent(arg$extent)
      query <- paste0(
        query, " AND footprint:",
        "intersects(POLYGON((", ext@xmin, " ", ext@ymin, ",",
        ext@xmin, " ", ext@ymax, ",",
        ext@xmax, " ", ext@ymax, ",",
        ext@xmax, " ", ext@ymin, ",",
        ext@xmin, " ", ext@ymin, ")))", '"'
    if ("lonlat" %in% names(arg)) {
      if (arg$verbose) {
        message(print("Adding query intersects"))
      if (!length(arg$lonlat) == 2) {
        stop(paste0("The intersects argument is not a",
                    " longitude/latitude valid location."))
      query <- paste0(query, " AND footprint:", '"', "intersects(",
                      arg$lonlat[1], ", ",
                      arg$lonlat[2], ")", '"')
    if ("region" %in% names(arg)) {
      if (arg$verbose) {
        message(print("Adding query region"))
      arg$region <- transform_multiple_proj(arg$region, proj4 = st_crs(4326))
      ext <- st_bbox(arg$region)
      query <- paste0(
        query, " AND footprint:", '"', "intersects(POLYGON((",
        ext$xmin, " ", ext$ymin, ",",
        ext$xmin, " ", ext$ymax, ",",
        ext$xmax, " ", ext$ymax, ",",
        ext$xmax, " ", ext$ymin, ",",
        ext$xmin, " ", ext$ymin, ")))", '"'
    if (!missing(product)) {
      if (arg$verbose) {
        message("Added product type.")
      query <- paste0(query, " AND producttype:", product)
    } else {
      stop("product must to be defined for sentinel image searching.")
    if ("relativeorbit" %in% names(arg)) {
      if (arg$verbose) {
        message("Added relative orbit number type.")
      query <- paste0(query, " AND relativeorbitnumber:", arg$relativeorbit)
    if ("timeliness" %in% names(arg)) {
      if (arg$verbose) {
        message("Added timeliness.")
      url <- paste0(url, ' AND timeliness:"', arg$timeliness, '"')
    if ("cloudCover" %in% names(arg)) {
      if (arg$verbose) {
        message("Added cloud cover percentage.")
      query <- paste0(query, " AND cloudcoverpercentage:[",
                      min(arg$cloudCover), " TO ",
                      max(arg$cloudCover), "]")
    if ("qformat" %in% names(arg)) {
      query <- paste0(query, "&format=", arg$qformat)
    } else {
      query <- paste0(query, "&format=json")
    query <- paste0(query, "&rows=100")

setGeneric("sen_search", function(region,
                                  ...) {
  f = "sen_search",
  signature = c("ANY", "character"),
           verbose = FALSE,
           test.mode = FALSE,
           ...) {
    if (!missing(dates)) {
      startDate <- min(dates)
      endDate <- max(dates)

    if (product %in% SENPRODUCTS$`Sentinel-5`) {
      apiname <- "scihubs5p"
    } else {
      apiname <- "scihub"

    con <- connection$getApi(apiname)

    query <- sen_query(
      server = con$getServer(),
      product = product,
      startDate = startDate,
      endDate = endDate,
      region = region,
      verbose = verbose,
    if(verbose) message(paste0("Sentinel_query: ",query))
    res.download <- fromJSON(con$secureCall(query))
    ndownload <- as.numeric(res.download$feed$`opensearch:totalResults`)
    if (!is.na(ndownload) & ndownload > 0) {
      name <- c()
      download <- c()
      bounds <- c()
      dates <- c()
      path <- c()
      tileid <- c()
      sat <- c()
      for (img in res.download$feed$entry) {
        name <- c(name, img$title)
        download <- c(download, img$link[[1]]$href)
        dates <- c(dates, as.Date(img$date[[1]]$content))
        for (s in img$str) {
          if (s$name == "footprint") {
            coords <- as.numeric(
              unlist(strsplit(gsub("  ", " ",
                                   gsub(",", " ",
                                        gsub("\\)", "",
                                             gsub(".*\\(", "", s$content)
                                   ), " ")
            nc <- length(coords)
            x <- coords[seq(1, nc, 2)]
            y <- coords[seq(2, nc, 2)]
          if (s$name == "tileid") {
            tileid <- c(tileid, s$content)
          if (s$name == "platformname") {
            sat <- c(sat, s$content)

        pth <- unlist(img$int[[2]])
        if (length(pth) == 2) {
          path <- c(path, as.numeric(pth[2]))
        } else {
          path <- c(path, as.numeric(pth))

        bounds <- rbind(bounds, c(xmin = min(x),
                                  ymin = min(y),
                                  xmax = max(x),
                                  ymax = max(y)))
      nlen <- length(name)

      if (is.null(tileid)) {
        if (product == "S2MSI2A") {
          tileid <- getTileID_MSIL2A(name)
        } else {
          tileid <- rep("", nlen)

      # TODO define order by product
      # order = con$scihubIsLTA(download)
      order <- rep(FALSE, nlen)

      records <- new_record(
        sat = sat,
        name = name,
        date = as.Date(dates),
        product = rep(product, nlen),
        download = download,
        file_path = file.path(sat, product, paste0(name, ".zip")),
        path = path,
        row = rep(0, nlen),
        tileid = tileid,
        preview = gsub("$value", "Products('Quicklook')/$value",
                       download, fixed = TRUE),
        api_name = rep(apiname, nlen),
        order = order,
        extent_crs = new("extent_crs",
          EPSG = rep(4326, nlen),
          xmin = bounds[, "xmin"],
          ymin = bounds[, "ymin"],
          xmax = bounds[, "xmax"],
          ymax = bounds[, "ymax"]

      if (ndownload > 100) {
        dt <- dates(records)
        mn.date <- min(dt)
        if (sum(dt == mn.date) == 100) {
        stop("Spatial regions composed by 100 or more tiles are not supported!
           Try the search using a smaller region.")
        if (sum(dt == mn.date) > 50) {
          mn.date <- mn.date - 1
        records <- c(records, sen_search(
          region = region,
          product = product,
          startDate = startDate,
          endDate = mn.date,
          verbose = verbose,
    } else {
      message("There is no images for your region and periods.")

Try the rsat package in your browser

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rsat documentation built on March 18, 2022, 5:40 p.m.