#' @title Substitute new values into the input object
#' @description
#' Replaces existing values found in one object with new values
#' @param x A character vector of the form "name=value"
#' @param ssparams A character vector with arbitrary lines,
#' currently imagined to be .ss.params
#' @details
#' For each line of x, the function: 1) finds the "name" and the "value"
#' 2) checks to see whether the "name" exists in ssparams.
#' If the "name" exists in .ss.params, then the existing line is replaced
#' with that line of x
#' If the "name" does not exist in .ss.params, then later parameter sets
#' are check to see if the "name" exists in them. If the "name" exists
#' in a later parameter set, this is printed as a note to the user. If
#' the "name" is not found in any parameter set, then a warning is given.
#' Not expected to be used directly.
#' @return The modified ssparams.
subin = function (x,ssparams) {
for (i in 1:length(x)) {
inprm = substr(x[i],1,regexpr("=",x[i]))
indef = substr(x[i],regexpr("=",x[i])+1, nchar(x[i]))
if (length(which(substr(ssparams,1,regexpr("=",ssparams)) == inprm)) == 0) { = substr(inprm,1,regexpr("=",inprm)-1)
warning("Trouble! There is no parameter '",, "'.", call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
earliest.parameter.set = search_for_param(ssenv, inprm)
if(earliest.parameter.set != "") {
message(paste0("Note: The parameter '", , "' is an available option in the ", earliest.parameter.set," and later parameter sets."))
else {ssparams[which(substr(ssparams,1,regexpr("=",ssparams)) == inprm)]=paste0(inprm,indef)}
#' @title find earliest SaTScan parameter set that contains specified parameter
#' @description This function sorts the SaTScan parameter sets by version number.
#' Then, it searches forward from the current version to find which (if any)
#' parameter sets contain the specified parameter. If any parameter set contains
#' the specified parameter, then that parameter set's version number is returned
#' as a string.
#' Not expected to be used directly.
#' @param ssenv the SaTScan environment to search for the specified parameter in
#' @param param the parameter to search for in the SaTScan environment
#' @return A string specifying the earliest parameter set that contains the specified
#' parameter. If the parameter is not found in any parameter set, then an empty string
#' is returned.
search_for_param = function (ssenv, param) {
#convert environment to list
ssenv.list <- as.list(ssenv, all.names=TRUE)
#extract version lines from parameter sets
version.lines <- vapply(ssenv.list, function(set) regmatches(set, regexpr("Version=\\d+[.]\\d+", set)), character(1))
#extract version numbers from version lines
version.nums <- vapply(version.lines, function(line) strsplit(line, "=", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2], character(1))
#sort parameter sets by version number
param.sets.sorted <- ssenv.list[order(numeric_version(version.nums))]
#extract version line of current parameter set
current.version.line <- regmatches(ssenv$.ss.params, regexpr("Version=\\d+[.]\\d+", ssenv$.ss.params))
#extract current parameter set version number
current.version.num <- strsplit(current.version.line, "=", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2]
#subset parameter sets that are later than the current parameter set
later.parameter.sets <- param.sets.sorted[sort(numeric_version(version.nums)) > numeric_version(current.version.num)]
#check to see if the specified parameter in any of the parameter sets later than the current version
param.found <- vapply(later.parameter.sets, function(set) length(regmatches(set, regexpr(param, set))) > 0, logical(1))
#if the parameter is found, then print the earliest parameter set it is found in and return TRUE.
if(any(param.found)) {
#find the earliest parameter set which contains the parameter
earliest.parameter.set <- later.parameter.sets[[match(TRUE, param.found)]]
#extract the version number of the earliest parameter set
earliest.version.line <- regmatches(earliest.parameter.set, regexpr("Version=\\d+[.]\\d+", earliest.parameter.set))
earliest.version.number <- strsplit(earliest.version.line, "=", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2]
#if the parameter is not found, return empty string.
else {
# test whether this works appropriately when there is no = in a an input line
# test whether it works if "name = value", as well as "name=value".
# most likely I should re-do to extract the = from inorm and remove trailing blanks
#' @title Change list version of paramaters into char vector
#' @description
#' Turns a list of options into a charvar of options
#' @details
#' The resulting charvar has values such as "name=value" where "name" was the named item
#' of the list.
#' @return
#' A character vector
#' Not expected to be used directly.
#' @param x A list.
charlistopts = function (x) {
#Huge ups to
#which helped me get the scoping to play out correctly.
#ss.options will: 1) return the current values of .ss.params, if no invals
# 2) Reset the values of .ss.params, if reset==TRUE
# 3) change the values of the listed parameters, if a) invals =
# c("param=value","param=value") or list(param="value")
#' @title Set or reset parameters to be used by SaTScan
#' @description Set or reset parameters to be used by SaTScan
#' @details \code{ss.options()} is intended to function like \code{par()} or
#' \code{options()}. There is a default set of parameter settings that resembles
#' the one used by SaTScan, except that it produces all possible output files and
#' makes them as .dbf files instead of text.
#' @param invals A list with entries of the form name=value, where value should be
#' in quotes unless it is a number. Alternatively, may be a character vector whose
#' entries are of the form "name=value". The "name" in either case should be a
#' valid SaTScan parameter name; unrecognized names will generate a warning and will
#' do nothing.
#' @param reset If TRUE, will restore the default parameter values described in
#' the "Details" section.
#' @param version A string of the form "#.#" or "#.#.#" specifying a SaTScan
#' parameter set. If this parameter is NULL or not specified, then parameters
#' are reset based on the latest version of SaTScan.
#' This parameter defines which parameter set the script uses,
#' not necessarily the version of SaTScan being used to execute the analyses.
#' SaTScan is backwards compatible with older versions of parameter sets.
#' For instance you might create a script that uses the 10.1 parameter set.
#' That parameter set in the script will continue to work as you upgrade your SaTScan
#' executable to newer versions. This is the same way that rsatscan worked up to version 1.0.3
#' where the script was locked to the 9.2 parameter set but you still could use SaTScan 9.3,
#' 9.4, 9.7, 10.1, etc without access to the newer parameter set options introduced in
#' those versions. As such, users with scripts created with rsatscan prior to version 1.0.4
#' must explicitly set the parameter set version in their scripts.
#' The parameter sets are stored in the 'ssenv' environment object.
#' WARNING: Clearing your R environment will delete the 'ssenv' object and cause an error
#' when attempting to use any SaTScan parameter sets. The 'rsatscan' library must
#' be reloaded to restore the 'ssenv' object and allow SaTScan parameters to work
#' correctly.
#' @return If \code{invals == NULL}, returns the current parameter set,
#' as altered by previous
#' calls to \code{ss.options()} since the last call with \code{reset=TRUE}. Otherwise
#' returns modified parameter set invisibly. The side effect, if \code{invals != NULL}, is to
#' set the current values of the parameters per the value of \code{invals}
#' and \code{reset}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' head(ss.options(),3)
#' ss.options(list(CaseFile="NYCfever.cas"))
#' head(ss.options(),3)
#' # reset; shows whole parameter file without invisible()
#' invisible(ss.options(reset=TRUE))
#' head(ss.options(),3)
#' # Explicitly specifying a parameter set
#' invisible(ss.options(reset=TRUE, version="9.2"))
#' head(ss.options(), 3)
#' }
ss.options = function (invals=NULL, reset=FALSE, version=NULL) {
inparms = ssenv$.ss.params
if (reset == TRUE && is.null(version)) ssenv$.ss.params = ssenv$.ss.params.defaults
else if (reset == TRUE) {
if(!is.character(version)) version = as.character(version)
version.regex = "^\\d+[.]\\d+([.]\\d+)?$"
if(!grepl(version.regex, version)) stop("Invalid version of SaTScan - versions should be formatted as '#.#' or '#.#.#'")
else {
version.components = strsplit(version, ".", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
major = as.numeric(version.components[1])
minor = as.numeric(version.components[2])
if (major < 9 || (major == 9 && minor < 2)) {
ssenv$.ss.params = ssenv$.ss.params.v9_2
warning("The minimum defined parameters version of SaTScan is 9.2")
else if (major == 9 && minor == 2) ssenv$.ss.params = ssenv$.ss.params.v9_2
else if (major == 9 && minor == 3) ssenv$.ss.params = ssenv$.ss.params.v9_3
else if (major == 9 && minor == 4) ssenv$.ss.params = ssenv$.ss.params.v9_4
else if (major == 9 && minor == 5) ssenv$.ss.params = ssenv$.ss.params.v9_5
else if (major == 9 && minor == 6) ssenv$.ss.params = ssenv$.ss.params.v9_6
else if (major == 9 && minor == 7) ssenv$.ss.params = ssenv$.ss.params.v9_7
else if (major == 10 && minor == 0) ssenv$.ss.params = ssenv$.ss.params.v10_0
else if (major == 10 && minor == 1) ssenv$.ss.params = ssenv$.ss.params.v10_1
else if (major == 10 && minor == 2) ssenv$.ss.params = ssenv$.ss.params.v10_2
else {
ssenv$.ss.params = ssenv$.ss.params.defaults
default.version.line <- regmatches(ssenv$.ss.params, regexpr("Version=\\d+[.]\\d+", ssenv$.ss.params))
default.version.num <- strsplit(default.version.line, "=", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2]
print(paste0("The specified parameters version is not known, defaulting to version ", default.version.num))
if (is.null(invals)) {return(ssenv$.ss.params)}
else {
if (inherits(invals, "list")) invals = charlistopts(invals)
ssenv$.ss.params = subin(invals, inparms)
# review the help text for logic-- matches function??
#I need to think about how this will work when called by another function.
# Do I need to re-think this? There is
# a [Multiple Data Sets] line already...
#' @title Add lines to the current SaTScan parameter list
#' @description Allows you to add arbitrary lines to the current set
#' of SaTScan parameters
#' @details For certain SaTScan models or inputs (multiple data sets,
#' Polygon),
#' SaTScan allows a variable number of parameters; these
#' parameters are not used/allowed for other models or inputs.
#' This function allows the user to add
#' arbitrary lines to the current list of
#' parameters. In addition to the options mentioned, it could also be
#' used to add comments to the parameter file.
#' @param invals A character vector, which will be added to the current parameter list.
#' @param section A character vector of length 1 that specifies the section of the
#' parameter file to add the new parameters to. Sections are denoted in the 'ssenv'
#' object by square brackets.
#' @return Nothing.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Append second data file to the Multiple Data Sets section of the parameter list
#' ss.options.extra(invals=list(CaseFile2="NYCfever.cas"), section="Multiple Data Sets")
#' print(ss.options()[67:70])
#' # Can also append to the end of the parameter file by not specifying a section.
#' # This is useful for adding comments.
#' # Note that the input value can be specified as a character string instead of a list
#' # just like 'ss.options()'
#' ss.options.extra(invals=";This is the end of the parameter list.")
#' tail(ss.options(), 3)
#' }
ss.options.extra = function(invals=NULL, section=NULL) {
if (is.null(invals)) stop("This function doesn't do anything when there is no input")
if(!inherits(invals, "list") && !inherits(invals, "character")) stop("Please input a character vector or list for 'invals'")
if (inherits(invals, "list")) {
invals = charlistopts(invals)
if(is.null(section)) {
#if no section of the parameter list is specified, simply append to the end of the parameter list
#this is useful for adding comments/notes
ssenv$.ss.params = c(ssenv$.ss.params, invals)
} else {
if(!inherits(section, "character")) {
stop("'section' must be a character string.")
if(length(section) > 1) {
stop("Only one section can be specified.")
#add brackets to section name if not present already
if(!(startsWith(section, "[") && endsWith(section, "]"))) {
section = paste0("[", section, "]")
#error if section is not in parameter list
if(!(tolower(section) %in% tolower(ssenv$.ss.params))) {
stop(paste0("Section '", section, "' not found in parameter list."))
#add parameter(s) to selected section
insertion.index <- match(tolower(section), tolower(ssenv$.ss.params))
ssenv$.ss.params = append(ssenv$.ss.params, invals, after=insertion.index)
# for help page: examples of [Polygon] and Multiple Data Sets
# Functions to write out the param file
# Probably a really bad idea to make matchout = FALSE-- only useful to write file
# from R but examine output manually
#' @title Write the SaTScan parameter file
#' @description Writes the current set of SaTScan parameters to a
#' specified location in the OS.
#' @details The current SaTScan options can be reset or modified
#' \code{ss.options()} and/or \code{ss.options.extra()}. Once
#' they are set as desired, they can be written to the OS
#' using this function.
#' @param location A directory location, excluding the trailing "/".
#' @param filename The name of the file to be written to the OS;
#' The extension ".prm" will be appended.
#' @param matchout If false, the ResultsFile parameter will not
#' be touched; note that this will likely result in undesirable
#' performance from calls to \code{satcan()} using the parameter file.
#' If true, the ResultsFile is reset to share the filename given here.
#' @return Nothing. (Invisibly.) Side effect is to write a file
#' in the OS.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Would write the current ss.options() to c:/temp/NYCfever.prm
#' }
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{ss.options}}, \code{\link{ss.options.extra}}
# I should change this to detect and deal with the trailing /.
# change docs to cross-link. = function(location, filename, matchout = TRUE) {
if (matchout) ss.options(list(ResultsFile=paste0(filename,".txt")))
writeLines(ssenv$.ss.params, fileconn)
#check = ss.options(reset=TRUE)
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