
Defines functions accountLabel registerAccount removeAccount hasAccount findAccountInfo accountInfo findShinyAppsAccountId setAccountInfo getAuthedUser waitForAuthedUser generateToken getAuthToken getAuthTokenAndUser connectUser connectApiUser accounts

Documented in accountInfo accounts connectApiUser connectUser removeAccount setAccountInfo

#' Account Management Functions
#' Functions to enumerate and remove accounts on the local system. Prior to
#' deploying applications you need to register your account on the local system.
#' You register an account using the [setAccountInfo()] function (for
#' ShinyApps) or [connectUser()] function (for other servers). You can
#' subsequently remove the account using the `removeAccount` function.
#' The `accounts` and `accountInfo` functions are provided for viewing
#' previously registered accounts.
#' @param name Name of account
#' @param server Name of the server on which the account is registered
#'   (optional; see [servers()])
#' @return `accounts` returns a data frame with the names of all accounts
#' registered on the system and the servers on which they reside.
#' `accountInfo` returns a list with account details.
#' @rdname accounts
#' @export
accounts <- function(server = NULL) {
  configPaths <- accountConfigFiles(server)

  names <- file_path_sans_ext(basename(configPaths))

  servers <- basename(dirname(configPaths))
  servers[servers == "."] <- "shinyapps.io"

  data.frame(name = names, server = servers, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#' Register account on Posit Connect
#' @description
#' `connectUser()` and `connectApiUser()` connect your Posit Connect account to
#' the rsconnect package so that it can deploy and manage applications on
#' your behalf.
#' `connectUser()` is the easiest place to start because it allows you to
#' authenticate in-browser to your Posit Connect server. `connectApiUser()` is
#' appropriate for non-interactive settings; you'll need to copy-and-paste the
#' API key from your account settings.
#' @param account A name for the account to connect.
#' @param server The server to connect to.
#' @param launch.browser If true, the system's default web browser will be
#'   launched automatically after the app is started. Defaults to `TRUE` in
#'   interactive sessions only. If a function is passed, it will be called
#'   after the app is started, with the app URL as a parameter.
#' @param apiKey The API key used to authenticate the user
#' @param quiet Whether or not to show messages and prompts while connecting the
#'   account.
#' @family Account functions
#' @export
connectApiUser <- function(account = NULL, server = NULL, apiKey, quiet = FALSE) {
  server <- findServer(server)
  user <- getAuthedUser(server, apiKey = apiKey)

    serverName = server,
    accountName = account %||% user$username,
    accountId = user$id,
    apiKey = apiKey

  if (!quiet) {
    accountLabel <- accountLabel(user$username, server)
    cli::cli_alert_success("Registered account for {accountLabel}")

#' @rdname connectApiUser
#' @export
connectUser <- function(account = NULL,
                        server = NULL,
                        quiet = FALSE,
                        launch.browser = getOption("rsconnect.launch.browser", interactive())) {
  server <- findServer(server)
  resp <- getAuthTokenAndUser(server, launch.browser)

    serverName = server,
    accountName = account %||% resp$user$username,
    accountId = resp$user$id,
    token = resp$token$token,
    private_key = resp$token$private_key

  if (!quiet) {
    accountLabel <- accountLabel(resp$user$username, server)
    cli::cli_alert_success("Registered account for {accountLabel}")

getAuthTokenAndUser <- function(server, launch.browser = TRUE) {
  token <- getAuthToken(server)

  if (isTRUE(launch.browser))
  else if (is.function(launch.browser))

  if (isFALSE(launch.browser)) {
    cli::cli_alert_warning("Open {.url {token$claim_url}} to authenticate")
  } else {
    cli::cli_alert_info("A browser window should open to complete authentication")
    cli::cli_alert_warning("If it doesn't open, please go to {.url {token$claim_url}}")

  user <- waitForAuthedUser(
    token = token$token,
    private_key = token$private_key

    token = token,
    user = user

# Used by the IDE
getAuthToken <- function(server, userId = 0) {
  token <- generateToken()

  # Send public key to server, and generate URL where the token can be claimed
  account <- list(server = server)
  client <- clientForAccount(account)
  response <- client$addToken(list(
    token = token$token,
    public_key = token$public_key,
    user_id = 0L

    token = token$token,
    private_key = secret(token$private_key),
    claim_url = response$token_claim_url

# generateToken generates a token for signing requests sent to the Posit
# Connect service. The token's ID and public key are sent to the server, and
# the private key is saved locally.
generateToken <- function() {
  key <- openssl::rsa_keygen(2048L)
  priv.der <- openssl::write_der(key)
  pub.der <- openssl::write_der(key$pubkey)
  tokenId <- paste(c("T", openssl::rand_bytes(16)), collapse = "")

    token = tokenId,
    public_key = openssl::base64_encode(pub.der),
    private_key = openssl::base64_encode(priv.der)

waitForAuthedUser <- function(server,
                              token = NULL,
                              private_key = NULL,
                              apiKey = NULL) {
  # keep trying to authenticate until we're successful; server returns
  # 500 "Token is unclaimed error" while waiting for interactive auth to complete
  cli::cli_progress_bar(format = "{cli::pb_spin} Waiting for authentication...")

  repeat {
    for (i in 1:10) {
    user <- tryCatch(
        token = token,
        private_key = private_key,
        apiKey = apiKey
      rsconnect_http_500 = function(err) NULL
    if (!is.null(user)) {


getAuthedUser <- function(server,
                          token = NULL,
                          private_key = NULL,
                          apiKey = NULL) {
  if (!xor(is.null(token) && is.null(private_key), is.null(apiKey))) {
    cli::cli_abort("Must supply either {.arg token} + {private_key} or {.arg apiKey}")

  account <- list(
    server = server,
    apiKey = apiKey,
    token = token,
    private_key = private_key
  client <- clientForAccount(account)

#' Register account on shinyapps.io or posit.cloud
#' Configure a ShinyApps or Posit Cloud account for publishing from this system.
#' @param name Name of account to save or remove
#' @param token User token for the account
#' @param secret User secret for the account
#' @param server Server to associate account with.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # register an account
#' setAccountInfo("user", "token", "secret")
#' # remove the same account
#' removeAccount("user")
#' }
#' @family Account functions
#' @export
setAccountInfo <- function(name, token, secret, server = "shinyapps.io") {

  accountId <- findShinyAppsAccountId(name, token, secret, server)

    serverName = server,
    accountName = name,
    accountId = accountId,
    token = token,
    secret = secret

# A user can have multiple accounts, so iterate over all accounts looking
# for one with the specified name
findShinyAppsAccountId <- function(name,
                                   error_call = caller_env()) {
  if (secret == "<SECRET>") {
        "You've copied and pasted the wrong thing.",
        i = "Either click 'Show secret' or 'Copy to clipboard'."
      call = error_call

  account <- list(token = token, secret = secret, server = server)
  client <- clientForAccount(account)

  userId <- client$currentUser()$id

  accountId <- NULL
  accounts <- client$accountsForUser(userId)
  for (account in accounts) {
    if (identical(account$name, name)) {
  cli::cli_abort("Unable to determine {.arg accountId} for account {.str {name}}")

#' @rdname accounts
#' @family Account functions
#' @export
accountInfo <- function(name = NULL, server = NULL) {
  findAccountInfo(name, server)

# Discovers then loads details about an account from disk.
# Internal equivalent to accountInfo that lets callers provide error context.
findAccountInfo <- function(name = NULL, server = NULL, error_call = caller_env()) {
  fullAccount <- findAccount(name, server, error_call = error_call)
  configFile <- accountConfigFile(fullAccount$name, fullAccount$server)

  accountDcf <- read.dcf(configFile, all = TRUE)
  info <- as.list(accountDcf)

  # Account records previously had username, now have name. Internal callers expect "name", but
  # external callers may expect "username". (#1024)
  info$name <- info$name %||% info$username
  info$username <- info$name

  # remove all whitespace from private key
  if (!is.null(info$private_key)) {
    info$private_key <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", info$private_key)

  # Hide credentials
  info$private_key <- secret(info$private_key)
  info$secret <- secret(info$secret)
  info$apiKey <- secret(info$apiKey)


hasAccount <- function(name, server) {
  file.exists(accountConfigFile(name, server))

#' @rdname accounts
#' @export
removeAccount <- function(name = NULL, server = NULL) {
  fullAccount <- findAccount(name, server)

  configFile <- accountConfigFile(fullAccount$name, fullAccount$server)


registerAccount <- function(serverName,
                            token = NULL,
                            secret = NULL,
                            private_key = NULL,
                            apiKey = NULL) {

  if (!is.null(secret)) {
    secret <- as.character(secret)

  fields <- list(
    name = accountName,
    server = serverName,
    accountId = accountId,
    token = token,
    secret = secret,
    private_key = private_key,
    apiKey = apiKey

  path <- accountConfigFile(accountName, serverName)
  dir.create(dirname(path), recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
  write.dcf(compact(fields), path, width = 100)

  # set restrictive permissions on it if possible
  if (identical(.Platform$OS.type, "unix"))
    Sys.chmod(path, mode = "0600")


accountLabel <- function(account, server) {
  # Note: The incoming "account" may correspond to our local account name, which does not always
  # match the remote username.
  paste0("server: ", server, " / username: ", account)

Try the rsconnect package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rsconnect documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:26 a.m.