
Defines functions createAppManifest isWindows getTarImplementation writeBundle tweakRProfile bundleAppDir

# Given a path to an directory and a list of files in that directory, copies
# those files to a new temporary directory. Performs some small modifications
# in this process, including renaming single-file Shiny apps to "app.R" and
# stripping packrat and renv commands from .Rprofile. Returns the path to the
# temporary directory.
bundleAppDir <- function(
  appPrimaryDoc = NULL,
  appMode = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE
) {
  logger <- verboseLogger(verbose)

  logger("Creating bundle staging directory")
  bundleDir <- dirCreate(tempfile())

  logger("Copying files into bundle staging directory")
  for (file in appFiles) {
    logger("Copying", file)
    from <- file.path(appDir, file)
    to <- file.path(bundleDir, file)

    if (!is.null(appMode) && appMode == "shiny") {
      # When deploying a single-file Shiny application and we have been provided
      # appPrimaryDoc (usually by RStudio), rename that file to `app.R` so it
      # will be discovered and run by shiny::runApp(getwd()).
      # Note: We do not expect to see writeManifest(appPrimaryDoc="notapp.R").
      if (is.character(appPrimaryDoc) &&
            tolower(tools::file_ext(appPrimaryDoc)) == "r" &&
            file == appPrimaryDoc) {
        to <- file.path(bundleDir, "app.R")

    file.copy(from, to, copy.date = TRUE)

    # ensure .Rprofile doesn't call packrat/init.R or renv/activate.R
    if (basename(to) == ".Rprofile") {


tweakRProfile <- function(path) {
  lines <- readLines(path)

  packratLines <- grep('source("packrat/init.R")', lines, fixed = TRUE)
  if (length(packratLines) > 0) {
    lines[packratLines] <- paste0(
       "# Packrat initialization disabled in published application\n",
       '# source("packrat/init.R")'

  renvLines <- grep('source("renv/activate.R")', lines, fixed = TRUE)
  if (length(renvLines) > 0) {
    lines[renvLines] <- paste0(
       "# renv initialization disabled in published application\n",
       '# source("renv/activate.R")'

  if (length(renvLines) > 0 || length(packratLines) > 0) {
    msg <-  sprintf(
      "# Modified by rsconnect package %s on %s",
    lines <- c(msg, lines)

  writeLines(lines, path)

# Writes a tar.gz file located at bundlePath containing all files in bundleDir.
writeBundle <- function(bundleDir, bundlePath, verbose = FALSE) {
  logger <- verboseLogger(verbose)

  prevDir <- setwd(bundleDir)

  tarImplementation <- getTarImplementation()
  logger("Using tar: ", tarImplementation)

  if (tarImplementation == "internal") {

  utils::tar(bundlePath, files = NULL, compression = "gzip", tar = tarImplementation)

getTarImplementation <- function() {
  # Check the rsconnect.tar option first. If that is unset, check the
  # RSCONNECT_TAR environment var. If neither are set, use "internal".
  tarImplementation <- getOption("rsconnect.tar", default = NA)
  if (is.na(tarImplementation) || !nzchar(tarImplementation)) {
    tarImplementation <- Sys.getenv("RSCONNECT_TAR", unset = NA)
  if (is.na(tarImplementation) || !nzchar(tarImplementation)) {
    tarImplementation <- "internal"

isWindows <- function() {
  Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows"

createAppManifest <- function(appDir,
                              users = NULL,
                              pythonConfig = NULL,
                              retainPackratDirectory = TRUE,
                              image = NULL,
                              envManagement = NULL,
                              envManagementR = NULL,
                              envManagementPy = NULL,
                              verbose = FALSE,
                              quiet = FALSE) {

  if (is.null(image)) {
    imageEnv <- Sys.getenv("RSCONNECT_IMAGE", unset = NA)
    if (!is.na(imageEnv) && nchar(imageEnv) > 0) {
      image <- imageEnv

  if (needsR(appMetadata)) {
    extraPackages <- inferRPackageDependencies(appMetadata)
    # provide package entries for all dependencies
    packages <- bundlePackages(
      bundleDir = appDir,
      extraPackages = extraPackages,
      verbose = verbose,
      quiet = quiet
  } else {
    packages <- list()

  needsPython <- appMetadata$documentsHavePython ||
    "jupyter" %in% appMetadata$quartoInfo$engines ||
    "reticulate" %in% names(packages)
  if (needsPython && !is.null(pythonConfig)) {
    python <- pythonConfig(appDir)

    packageFile <- file.path(appDir, python$package_manager$package_file)
    writeLines(python$package_manager$contents, packageFile)
    python$package_manager$contents <- NULL
  } else {
    python <- NULL

  if (!retainPackratDirectory) {
    # Optionally remove the packrat directory when it will not be included in
    # deployments, such as manifest-only deployments.
    unlink(file.path(appDir, "packrat"), recursive = TRUE)

  # build the list of files to checksum
  files <- list.files(appDir, recursive = TRUE, all.files = TRUE,
                      full.names = FALSE)

  # provide checksums for all files
  filelist <- list()
  for (file in files) {
    filepath <- file.path(appDir, file)
    checksum <- list(checksum = fileMD5(filepath))
    filelist[[file]] <- I(checksum)

  # create userlist
  userlist <- list()
  if (!is.null(users) && length(users) > 0) {
    for (i in 1:nrow(users)) {
      user <- users[i, "user"]
      hash <- users[i, "hash"]
      userinfo <- list()
      userinfo$hash <- hash
      userlist[[user]] <- userinfo

  # create the manifest
  manifest <- list()
  manifest$version <- 1
  manifest$locale <- getOption("rsconnect.locale", detectLocale())
  manifest$platform <- paste(R.Version()$major, R.Version()$minor, sep = ".")

  metadata <- list(appmode = appMetadata$appMode)

  # emit appropriate primary document information
  primaryDoc <- ifelse(is.null(appMetadata$appPrimaryDoc) ||
                         tolower(tools::file_ext(appMetadata$appPrimaryDoc)) == "r",
                       NA, appMetadata$appPrimaryDoc)
  metadata$primary_rmd <- ifelse(appMetadata$appMode %in% c("rmd-shiny", "rmd-static", "quarto-shiny", "quarto-static"), primaryDoc, NA)
  metadata$primary_html <- ifelse(appMetadata$appMode == "static", primaryDoc, NA)

  # emit content category (plots, etc)
  metadata$content_category <- ifelse(!is.null(appMetadata$contentCategory),
                                      appMetadata$contentCategory, NA)
  metadata$has_parameters <- appMetadata$hasParameters

  # add metadata
  manifest$metadata <- metadata

  # handle shorthand arg to enable/disable both R and Python
  if (!is.null(envManagement)) {
    envManagementR <- envManagement
    envManagementPy <- envManagement

  # if envManagement is explicitly enabled/disabled,
  # create an environment_management obj
  envManagementInfo <- list()
  if (!is.null(envManagementR)) {
    envManagementInfo$r <- envManagementR
  if (!is.null(envManagementPy)) {
    envManagementInfo$python <- envManagementPy

  # emit the environment field
  if (!is.null(image) || length(envManagementInfo) > 0) {
    manifest$environment <- list()

    # if there is a target image, attach it to the environment
    if (!is.null(image)) {
      manifest$environment$image <- image

    # if either environment_management.r or environment_management.python
    # is provided, write the environment_management field
    if (length(envManagementInfo) > 0) {
      manifest$environment$environment_management <- envManagementInfo

  # indicate whether this is a quarto app/doc
  manifest$quarto <- appMetadata$quartoInfo

  # if there is python info for reticulate or Quarto, attach it
  if (!is.null(python)) {
    manifest$python <- python
  # if there are no packages set manifest$packages to NA (json null)
  if (length(packages) > 0) {
    manifest$packages <- I(packages)
  } else {
    manifest$packages <- NA
  # if there are no files, set manifest$files to NA (json null)
  if (length(files) > 0) {
    manifest$files <- I(filelist)
  } else {
    manifest$files <- NA
  # if there are no users set manifest$users to NA (json null)
  if (length(users) > 0) {
    manifest$users <- I(userlist)
  } else {
    manifest$users <- NA


Try the rsconnect package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rsconnect documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:26 a.m.