
Defines functions single_sim param_extract fit_models_checker stansim_uni

#### single_sim ####
# single_sim is the primary 'under the hood' function. It calls
# on the other internal functions to safely fit the stan model,
# extract the correct parameters and format them into a suitable
# row format. It then returns them. single_sim is only intended
# to be called by stan_sim using the foreach package. One instance
# of single_sim will be ran for every dataset provided to stan_sim
# with the sim_data parameter.
single_sim <- function(dataset, stan_args,
                       calc_loo, parameters, probs,
                       estimates, stan_warnings, cache){

  # garbage collect on start

  ## setup stan data properly
  # read in the data varying from model to model
  stan_args$data <- readRDS(dataset)

  # fix stan's use of cores to 1
  stan_args$cores <- 1L

  ## set up call handler functions

  # warning handler to catch warnings in fitting
  # parsing is done in stansim constructor
  if (stan_warnings == "catch"){
    w_handler <- function(w) {
      my_warnings <<- c(my_warnings, list(w))
  } else if (stan_warnings == "suppress"){
    w_handler <- function(w) {
  } else if (stan_warnings == "print"){
    w_handler <- function(w) {

  # init warning store
  my_warnings <- NULL

  ## fit the model
  start_time <- Sys.time()

  fitted_stan <- withCallingHandlers(do.call(rstan::sampling, stan_args),
                                     warning = w_handler)

  # garbage collect after model fitting
  rm(stan_args, w_handler)

  ## extract all param values
  extracted_data <- param_extract(fitted_stan, calc_loo,
                                  parameters, probs, estimates,
                                  data = dataset)

  # garbage collect after para, extraction
  rm(calc_loo, parameters, probs, estimates)

  ## package into internal stansim_uni object
  single_out <- stansim_uni(
    fit = fitted_stan,
    data_name = dataset,
    ran_at = start_time,
    long_data = extracted_data,
    stan_warnings = my_warnings

  ## if cache is true then write to .sim_cache folder, cleaning dataset first
  if (cache){
    cleaned_dataset <- sub(".rds", "", sub("(.*)/", "", dataset))
    saveRDS(single_out, paste0(".cache/", cleaned_dataset, "_cached.rds"))

  ## return object


#### param_extract ####
# param_extract takes a fitted stan mode and returns a flattened
# set of summary parameter estimates. The parameters and estimates
# to report are user specified. Also specified is whether or not
# the user wishes to extract loo statistics for the model (requires
# a valid log_lik quantity in the stan model). If true then the
# output of loo::loo are returned in the output row.
param_extract <- function(fitted_stan, calc_loo, parameters,
                          probs, estimates, data){

  ## extract specified parameter quantiles and all string estimates

  if ("all" %in% parameters){
    parameters <- fitted_stan@model_pars
  } else if (sum(parameters %in% fitted_stan@model_pars) == 0){
      "None of the provided parameters were identified in the model,",
         "check your stan code and arguments."))
  } else if (sum(parameters %in% fitted_stan@model_pars) <
    stop(paste0("Following parameter(s) could not be found in the model, ",
               "check your stan code and arguments.\n[",
               paste(parameters[!(parameters %in% fitted_stan@model_pars)],
                     collapse = ", "), "]"

  all_param_estimates <- rstan::summary(fitted_stan,
                                        probs = probs,
                                        pars = parameters)$summary

  ## remove any non-requested string estimates
  estimates_vect <- unlist(estimates)

  estimates_to_drop <- setdiff(c("Rhat", "n_eff", "mean",
                                 "se_mean", "sd"), estimates_vect)

  output <-
    all_param_estimates[, !colnames(all_param_estimates) %in%

  ## reshape to long format

  colnames(output) <- paste0("value-", colnames(output))

  wide_output <- data.frame(parameters = row.names(output),
                            output, row.names = NULL, check.names = FALSE)

  long_output <- stats::reshape(
    direction = "long",
    sep = "-",
    varying = 2:ncol(wide_output),
    idvar = "parameters"

  rownames(long_output) <- NULL
  colnames(long_output)[1] <- "parameter"
  colnames(long_output)[2] <- "estimate"

  ## if calc_loo, then calculate loo values and append
  if (calc_loo){
    log_lik_1 <- loo::extract_log_lik(fitted_stan)
    loo_1 <- loo::loo(log_lik_1, cores = 1)

    loo_params <-

    loo_value <- as.vector(loo_1[loo_params], "numeric")

    loo_output <- data.frame(
      "parameter" = c(rep("elpd_loo", 2),
                     rep("p_loo", 2),
                     rep("looic", 2)),
      "estimate" = c("estimate", "se"),
      "value" = loo_value

    long_output <- rbind(long_output, loo_output)

  ## add an indicator for dataset and sort rows
  indicator_data <- cbind("dataset" = data, long_output)

  # order output
  ordered_data <-
    indicator_data[with(indicator_data, order(parameter, estimate)), ]

  ## remove rownames and format columns
  rownames(ordered_data) <- NULL

  factor_index <- sapply(ordered_data, is.factor)

  ordered_data[factor_index] <-
    lapply(ordered_data[factor_index], as.character)

  # if present drop 'value' estimate, appears if probs = NA
  # then return
  ordered_data[ordered_data$estimate != "value", ]


#### fit_models_checker ####
# fit_models_checker runs several tests on input to fit_models() to
# check for input validity early in the function. Only basic type
# checks are made.
fit_models_checker <- function(sim_data, calc_loo, use_cores,
                             parameters, probs, estimates, stan_args,
                             stan_warnings, cache, seed,

  ## specify helper 'is positive integer' function
  is_pos_int <- function(val){
    if (is.numeric(val)){
      val %% 1 == 0 && val > 0
    } else FALSE

  ## stanSim parameter checks
  # sim data must be specified
  if (is.null(sim_data))
    stop("sim_data must be specified")

  if (typeof(sim_data) != "character" &
      class(sim_data) != "stansim_data")
      "sim_data must be an object of class",
      "stansim_data or of type character"

  if (class(sim_data) != "stansim_data") {
    if (length(sim_data) < 1)
      stop("sim_data must have length > 0")

    # all sim_data locations must exist
    # sim_data must be .rds file
    sim_data_checks <- function(each_sim_data) {
      if (!file.exists(each_sim_data))
        stop(paste0("sim_data arg \"",
                    "\" could not be found"))

      if (tolower(substr(
        nchar(each_sim_data) - 3 + 1,
      )) != "rds") {
        stop(paste0("sim_data arg \"",
                    "\" is not a .rds file"))

    lapply(sim_data, sim_data_checks)

  # calc_loo must be Boolean
  if (!is.logical(calc_loo))
    stop("calc_loo must be of type logical")

  # calc_loo cant be missing
  if (is.na(calc_loo))
    stop("calc_loo cannot be NA")

  # use_cores must be a positive integer
  if (!is_pos_int(use_cores))
    stop("use_cores must be a positive integer")

  # stan args must be a list
  if (!is.list(stan_args))
    stop("stan_args must be of type list")

  # parameters must be character
  if (!is.character(parameters))
    stop("parameters must be of type character")

  # if one parameter is all length must be 1
  if ("all" %in% parameters) {
    if (length(parameters) > 1) {
        paste0("if parameters argument contains \"any\", ",
               "length(parameters) must be 1")

  # stan_args$cores will just be overwritten
  # if specified warn user
  if ("cores" %in% names(stan_args))
    warning(paste("fit_models is parallel across stan instances,",
                   "not within. stan_arg$cores is fixed to 1"))

  # stan_warnings must be one of print, catch, suppress
  if (!(stan_warnings %in% c("print", "catch", "suppress")))
      "stan_warnings must be one of \"print\", \"catch\", or \"suppress\""

  # stan_args$data must not be provided
  if (!is.null(stan_args$data))
      "stan_args$data cannot be directly specified, sim_data should be used")

  # stan_args$pars must not be provided
  if (!is.null(stan_args$pars))
      "stan_args$pars cannot be directly specified, parameters should be used")

  # cache must be Boolean
  if (!is.logical(cache))
    stop("cache must be of type logical")

  # sample_file must be NULL
  if (!is.null(stan_args$sample_file))
    stop("stan_args$sample_file must be NULL to prevent write conflicts")

  # diagnostic_file must be NULL
  if (!is.null(stan_args$diagnostic_file))
    stop("stan_args$diagnostic_file must be NULL to prevent write conflicts")

  # sim_name must be character
  if (!is.character(sim_name))
    stop("sim_name must be of type character")

  # probs must be numeric between 0 and 1
  probs_validate <- function(prob) {
    if (is.numeric(prob) & prob >= 0 & prob <= 1) {
    } else {
      stop("all probs arguments must be numbers between 0 and 1")
  sapply(probs, probs_validate)

  ## check that all estimates values are valid
  estimate_validate <- function(estimate) {
    # valid if numeric between 0 and 1
    if (estimate %in%
        c("Rhat", "n_eff", "mean",
          "se_mean", "sd")) {
    } else {
        paste("estimate arguments must be one of \"Rhat\",",
              "\"n_eff\", \"mean\", \"se_mean\", or \"sd\".")
  sapply(estimates, estimate_validate)


#### stansim_uni ####
# constructor for internal object that is returned by each parallel
# run of foreach. Only for internal use and will be combined into
# stansim_simulation object before being returned.
stansim_uni <- function(fit, data_name, ran_at, long_data, stan_warnings,
                        cache) {

      "data_name" = data_name,
      "ran_at" = ran_at,
      "elapsed_time" = rstan::get_elapsed_time(fit),
      "stan_inits" = fit@inits,
      "stan_args" = fit@stan_args,
      "seed" = rstan::get_seed(fit),
      "out_data" = long_data,
      "model_name" = fit@model_name,
      "model_code" = fit@stanmodel@model_code,
      "warnings" = stan_warnings
    class = "stansim_uni"


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rstansim documentation built on Sept. 22, 2017, 1:06 a.m.