
Defines functions createProjectTemplate

Documented in createProjectTemplate

#' Create a Project Template
#' Create a project template. See
#' \url{https://rstudio.github.io/rstudio-extensions/rstudio_project_templates.html}
#' for more information.
#' @param package The path to an package sources.
#' @param binding The skeleton function to associate with this project
#' template. This is the name of the function that will be used to initialize
#' the project.
#' @param title The title to be shown within the \strong{New Project...}
#' wizard.
#' @param subtitle (optional) The subtitle to be shown within the \strong{New
#' Project...} wizard.
#' @param caption (optional) The caption to be shown on the landing page for
#' this template.
#' @param icon (optional) The path to an icon, on disk, to be used in the
#' dialog. Must be an \code{.png} of size less than 64KB.
#' @param open_files (optional) Files that should be opened by RStudio when the
#' project is generated. Shell-style globs can be used to indicate when
#' multiple files matching some pattern should be opened -- for example,
#' OpenFiles: R/*.R would indicate that RStudio should open all .R files within
#' the R folder of the generated project.
#' @param overwrite Boolean; overwrite a pre-existing template file if one
#' exists?
#' @param edit Boolean; open the file for editting after creation?
#' @export createProjectTemplate
createProjectTemplate <- function(package = ".",
                                  subtitle = paste("Create a new", title),
                                  caption = paste("Create", title),
                                  icon = NULL,
                                  open_files = NULL,
                                  overwrite = FALSE,
                                  edit = TRUE)
  package <- normalizePath(package, winslash = "/", mustWork = TRUE)

  # construct metadata
  metadata <- list(
    Binding   = binding,
    Title     = title,
    Subtitle  = subtitle,
    Caption   = caption,
    Icon      = icon,
    OpenFiles = open_files

  # drop nulls
  metadata <-
    metadata[vapply(metadata, Negate(is.null), FUN.VALUE = logical(1))]

  # create templates directory
  templates_dir <- file.path(package, "inst/rstudio/templates/project")
  if (!file.exists(templates_dir))
    if (!dir.create(templates_dir, recursive = TRUE))
      stop(sprintf("failed to create '%s' directory", templates_dir))

  # construct DCF metadata contents
  dcf <- paste(names(metadata), ": ", metadata, sep = "")

  # add header linking to online documentation
  header <- c(
    "# This file provides the metadata necessary for RStudio to",
    "# use the '%s()' function when initializing a project. See",
    "# the documentation online at: ",
    "#   https://rstudio.github.io/rstudio-extensions/rstudio_project_templates.html",
    "# for more details.",
  header <- sprintf(header, binding)
  dcf <- c(header, dcf)

  # construct path to file
  name <- gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_.]", "_", binding)
  path <- file.path(templates_dir, paste(name, "dcf", sep = "."))
  if (file.exists(path) && !overwrite)
    stop(sprintf("a skeleton function already exists at path '%s'", path))

  # write out
  writeLines(dcf, con = path)
  if (edit)


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rstudioapi documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:54 a.m.