
Defines functions deep_family token_family select_token_family select_tokens merge_req_and_not_req merge_not_req merge_req rec_selection rec_find

# Recursive search tokens
# tokens   The tokenIndex
# ids      A data.table with global ids (doc_id,sentence,token_id). 
# ql       a list of queriers (possibly the list nested in another query, or containing nested queries)
# block    A data.table with global ids (doc_id,sentence,token_id) for excluding nodes from the search
# fill     Include or exclude fill nodes
# block_loop should nodes found within the loop be added to block?
rec_find <- function(tokens, ids, ql, block=NULL, fill=TRUE, block_loop=T) {
  out_req = list()
  out_not_req = list()
  ## make sure that NOT queries are performed last
  is_NOT = sapply(ql, function(x) x$NOT)
  ql = c(ql[!is_NOT], ql[is_NOT])
  for (i in seq_along(ql)) {
    q = ql[[i]]
    if (!fill && methods::is(q, 'tQueryFill')) next   
    if (is.na(q$label)) {
      q$label = paste('.DROP', i) ## if label is not used, the temporary .DROP name is used to hold the queries during search. .DROP columns are removed when no longer needed
    if (q$NOT) {
      selection = rec_selection(tokens, ids, q, NULL, fill)
    } else {
      selection = rec_selection(tokens, ids, q, block, fill)
    if (q$NOT) {
      if (nrow(selection) > 0) {
        selection = data.table::fsetdiff(data.table::data.table(ids[,1],ids[,2], .MATCH_ID=ids[[3]]), selection[,c('doc_id','sentence','.MATCH_ID')])
      } else selection = data.table::data.table(ids[,1], ids[,2], .MATCH_ID=ids[[3]])
    if (q$req) {
      if (nrow(selection) == 0) return(selection)
      out_req[['']] = selection
      dropcols = grep('.DROP.*', colnames(selection), value=TRUE)
      if (length(dropcols) > 0) selection[, (dropcols) := NULL]
      if (block_loop) 
        block = get_long_ids(block, selection)
    } else {
      out_not_req[['']] = selection
  has_req = length(out_req) > 0  
  has_not_req = length(out_not_req) > 0  
  if (has_req && !has_not_req) 
    out = merge_req(out_req)
  if (!has_req && has_not_req)
    out = merge_not_req(ids, out_not_req)
  if (has_req && has_not_req)
    out = merge_req_and_not_req(ids, out_req, out_not_req)
  if (!has_req && !has_not_req)
    out = data.table::data.table()

rec_selection <- function(tokens, ids, q, block, fill) {
  selection = select_tokens(tokens, ids=ids, q=q, block=block)
  if (length(q$nested) > 0 & length(selection) > 0) {
    nested = rec_find(tokens, ids=selection[,c('doc_id','sentence',q$label),with=FALSE], ql=q$nested, block=block, fill=fill) 
    ## The .MATCH_ID column in 'nested' is used to match nested results to the token_id of the current level (stored under the label column)
    is_req = any(sapply(q$nested, function(x) x$req))
    if (nrow(nested) > 0) {
      if (is_req) {
        selection = merge(selection, nested, by.x=c('doc_id','sentence',q$label), by.y=c('doc_id','sentence','.MATCH_ID'), allow.cartesian=TRUE) 
      } else {
      selection = merge(selection, nested, by.x=c('doc_id','sentence',q$label), by.y=c('doc_id','sentence','.MATCH_ID'), allow.cartesian=TRUE, all.x=TRUE) 
    } else {
      if (is_req) selection = data.table::data.table(.MATCH_ID = numeric(), doc_id=numeric(), sentence=numeric(), .DROP = numeric())
  data.table::setkeyv(selection, c('doc_id','sentence','.MATCH_ID'))

## merge a list of results where all results are required: req[[1]] AND req[[2]] AND etc.
merge_req <- function(req) {
  out = data.table::data.table()
  if (any(sapply(req, nrow) == 0)) return(out)
  for (dt in req) {
    out = if (nrow(out) == 0) dt else merge(out, dt, by=c('doc_id','sentence','.MATCH_ID'), allow.cartesian=TRUE)

## merge a list of results where results are not required: req[[1]] OR req[[2]] OR etc.
merge_not_req <- function(ids, not_req) {
  out = data.table::data.table()
  for (dt in not_req) {
    out = if (nrow(out) == 0) dt else merge(out, dt, by=c('doc_id','sentence','.MATCH_ID'), allow.cartesian=TRUE, all=TRUE)
  merge(out, ids, by.x=c('doc_id','sentence','.MATCH_ID'), by.y=colnames(ids), allow.cartesian=TRUE, all.y=TRUE)

## merge req and not_req results: (req[[1]] AND req[[2]] AND etc.) AND (not_req[[1]] OR not_req[[2]] OR etc).)
merge_req_and_not_req <- function(ids, req, not_req) {
  out = merge_req(req)
  if (nrow(out) > 0) {
    out_not_req = merge_not_req(ids, not_req)
    if (nrow(out_not_req) > 0) {
      out = merge(out, out_not_req, by=c('doc_id','sentence','.MATCH_ID'), allow.cartesian=TRUE, all.x=TRUE)

# Select which tokens to add
# Given ids, look for their parents/children (specified in query q) and filter on criteria (specified in query q)
# tokens   The tokenIndex
# ids      A data.table with global ids (doc_id,sentence,token_id). 
# q        a query (possibly nested in another query, or containing nested queries)
# block    A data.table with global ids (doc_id,sentence,token_id) for excluding nodes from the search
select_tokens <- function(tokens, ids, q, block=NULL) {
  .MATCH_ID = NULL ## bindings for data.table
  selection = select_token_family(tokens, ids, q, block)
  if (!grepl('_FILL', q$label, fixed=TRUE)) {
    selection = subset(selection, select=c('.MATCH_ID', 'doc_id','sentence','token_id'))
    data.table::setnames(selection, 'token_id', q$label)
  } else {
    selection = subset(selection, select=c('.MATCH_ID', 'doc_id','sentence','.FILL_LEVEL','token_id'))
    data.table::setnames(selection, c('token_id','.FILL_LEVEL'), c(q$label, paste0(q$label, '_LEVEL')))
  if (nrow(selection) > 0 && !identical(q$max_window, c(Inf,Inf))) {
    dist = selection[[q$label]] - selection$.MATCH_ID
    distfilter = dist >= (-q$max_window[1]) & dist <= q$max_window[2]
    selection = selection[distfilter,]
  if (nrow(selection) > 0 && !identical(q$min_window, c(0,0))) {
    dist = selection[[q$label]] - selection$.MATCH_ID
    distfilter = dist <= (-q$min_window[1]) | dist >= q$min_window[2]
    selection = selection[distfilter,]

select_token_family <- function(tokens, ids, q, block) {
  if (q$connected) {
    selection = token_family(tokens, ids=ids, level=q$level, depth=q$depth, block=block, replace=TRUE, show_level = TRUE, lookup=q$lookup, g_id=q$g_id)
  } else {
    selection = token_family(tokens, ids=ids, level=q$level, depth=q$depth, block=block, replace=TRUE, show_level = TRUE, lookup=q$BREAK)
    if (!data.table::haskey(selection)) data.table::setkeyv(selection, c('doc_id','sentence','token_id'))
    selection = filter_tokens(selection, q$lookup, .G_ID = q$g_id)

# Get the parents or children of a set of ids
# tokens   The tokenIndex
# ids      A data.table with global ids (doc_id,sentence,token_id). 
# level    either 'children' or 'parents'
# depth    How deep to search. eg. children -> grandchildren -> grandgrand etc.
# minimal  If TRUE, only return doc_id, sentence, token_id and parent
# block    A data.table with global ids (doc_id,sentence,token_id) for excluding nodes from the search
# replace  If TRUE, re-use nodes in deep_family() 
# show_level If TRUE, add a column showing the level (depth in tree) of a node.
# lookup   filter tokens by lookup values. Will be applied at each level (if depth > 1) 
# g_id     filter tokens by id. See lookup
token_family <- function(tokens, ids, level='children', depth=Inf, minimal=FALSE, block=NULL, replace=FALSE, show_level=FALSE, lookup=NULL, g_id=NULL) {
  if (!replace) block = get_long_ids(ids, block)
  if ('.MATCH_ID' %in% colnames(tokens)) tokens[, .MATCH_ID := NULL]
  if (level == 'children') {
    id = tokens[list(ids[[1]], ids[[2]], ids[[3]]), on=c('doc_id','sentence','parent'), nomatch=0, allow.cartesian=TRUE]
    id = filter_tokens(id, .BLOCK=block, lookup=lookup, .G_ID = g_id)
    if (minimal) id = subset(id, select = c('doc_id','sentence','token_id','parent'))
    data.table::set(id, j = '.MATCH_ID', value = id[['parent']])
  if (level == 'parents') {
    .NODE = filter_tokens(tokens, .G_ID = ids)
    .NODE = subset(.NODE, select=c('doc_id','sentence','parent','token_id'))
    data.table::setnames(.NODE, old='token_id', new='.MATCH_ID')
    id = filter_tokens(tokens, .G_ID = .NODE[,c('doc_id','sentence','parent')], .BLOCK=block)
    id = filter_tokens(id, .G_ID = g_id, lookup=lookup)
    if (minimal) id = subset(id, select = c('doc_id','sentence','token_id','parent'))
    id = merge(id, .NODE, by.x=c('doc_id','sentence','token_id'), by.y=c('doc_id','sentence','parent'), allow.cartesian=TRUE)
  if (depth > 1) id = deep_family(tokens, id, level, depth, minimal=minimal, block=block, replace=replace, show_level=show_level, lookup=lookup, g_id=g_id) 
  if (depth <= 1 && show_level) id = cbind(.FILL_LEVEL=as.double(rep(1,nrow(id))), id)

# Get the parents or children of a set of ids
# tokens   The tokenIndex
# id       rows in the tokenIndex to use as the ID (for whom to get the family)
# level    either 'children' or 'parents'
# depth    How deep to search. eg. children -> grandchildren -> grandgrand etc.
# minimal  If TRUE, only return doc_id, sentence, token_id and parent
# block    A data.table with global ids (doc_id,sentence,token_id) for excluding nodes from the search
# replace  If TRUE, re-use nodes 
# show_level If TRUE, return a column with the level at which the node was found (e.g., as a parent, grantparent, etc.)
# only_new If TRUE, only return new found family. Otherwise, the id input is included as well.
# lookup   Optional lookup filter
# g_id     Optional filter with specific global token ids
deep_family <- function(tokens, id, level, depth, minimal=FALSE, block=NULL, replace=FALSE, show_level=FALSE, only_new=FALSE, lookup=NULL, g_id=NULL) {
  id_list = vector('list', 10) ## 10 is just for reserving (more than sufficient) items. R will automatically add more if needed (don't think this actually requires reallocation).
  id_list[[1]] = id
  i = 2
  ilc = data.table()  ## infinite loop catcher. Because some parsers have loops...
  safety_depth = max(tokens$token_id) + 1
  while (i <= depth) {
    if (i == safety_depth) {
      warning(sprintf('Safety depth threshold was reached (max token_id), which probably indicates an infinite loop in deep_family(), which shouldnt happen. Please make a GitHub issue if you see this'))
    .NODE = id_list[[i-1]]
    if (nrow(ilc) > 0) {
      .NODE = .NODE[!list(ilc$doc_id, ilc$sentence, ilc$token_id, ilc$.MATCH_ID), on=c('doc_id','sentence','token_id','.MATCH_ID')]
    ilc = rbind(ilc, subset(.NODE, select = c('doc_id','sentence','token_id','.MATCH_ID')))
    if (!replace) block = get_long_ids(block, .NODE[,c('doc_id','sentence','token_id'), with=FALSE])
    #.NODE = subset(.NODE, .NODE$token_id %in% unique(.NODE$parent)) ## prevent infinite loops
    if (level == 'children') {
      id = filter_tokens(tokens, .G_PARENT = .NODE[,c('doc_id','sentence','token_id')], .BLOCK=block, lookup=lookup, .G_ID=g_id)
      id = merge(id, subset(.NODE, select = c('doc_id','sentence','token_id','.MATCH_ID')), by.x=c('doc_id','sentence','parent'), by.y=c('doc_id','sentence','token_id'), allow.cartesian=TRUE)
      id_list[[i]] = if (minimal) subset(id, select = c('doc_id','sentence','token_id','parent','.MATCH_ID')) else id
    if (level == 'parents') {
      id = filter_tokens(tokens, .G_ID = .NODE[,c('doc_id','sentence','parent')], .BLOCK=block)
      id = filter_tokens(id, .G_ID = g_id, lookup=lookup)
      id = merge(id, subset(.NODE, select = c('doc_id','sentence','parent', '.MATCH_ID')), by.x=c('doc_id','sentence','token_id'), by.y=c('doc_id','sentence','parent'), allow.cartesian=TRUE)
      id_list[[i]] = if (minimal) subset(id, select = c('doc_id','sentence','token_id','parent','.MATCH_ID')) else id
    if (nrow(id_list[[i]]) == 0) break
    i = i + 1
  if (only_new) id_list[[1]] = NULL
  if (show_level) {
    id_list = id_list[!sapply(id_list, is.null)]   ## in older version of data.table R breaks (badly) if idcol is used in rbindlist with NULL values in list
    out = data.table::rbindlist(id_list, use.names = TRUE, idcol = '.FILL_LEVEL')
    out$.FILL_LEVEL = as.double(out$.FILL_LEVEL)
  } else {
    return(data.table::rbindlist(id_list, use.names = TRUE))

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rsyntax documentation built on June 7, 2022, 9:07 a.m.