
Defines functions rtsplot.fake.stock.data rtsplot.corner.label rtsplot.scale.volume rtsplot.volume.col rtsplot.candle.col rtsplot.layout rtsplot.format rtsplot.text rtsplot.lines rtsplot2Y rtsplot.xaxis rtsplot.map.xaxis rtsplot.create.xaxis.map rtsplot.get.xaxis.map rtsplot.set.xaxis.map rtsplot.colors rtsplot.theme.set rtsplot.theme

Documented in rtsplot2Y rtsplot.candle.col rtsplot.colors rtsplot.corner.label rtsplot.fake.stock.data rtsplot.format rtsplot.layout rtsplot.lines rtsplot.scale.volume rtsplot.text rtsplot.theme rtsplot.theme.set rtsplot.volume.col

#' @title `rtsplot` - Time series plot with base R Graphics.
#' @description Plot time series data with base R Graphics.
#' The `rtsplot` package is **fast** time series plot package with base R Graphics.
#' @examples
#'	# generate time series data
#'	y = rtsplot.fake.stock.data(1000)
#'	symbol = 'Test'
#'	sma = TTR::SMA(y, 250)
#'	rsi = TTR::RSI(y, 20)	
#'	# plot candles and RSI charts
#'	layout(c(1,1,1,2))
#'	cols = rtsplot.colors(2)
#'	rtsplot(y, type = 'l', plotX = FALSE, col=cols[1],lwd=1.5)
#'		rtsplot.lines(sma, col=cols[2], lwd=1.5)
#'		rtsplot.legend(c(symbol, 'SMA(250)'), cols[1:2], list(y,sma))
#'	# plot rsi
#'	rtsplot(rsi, type = 'l', ylim=c(0,100),
#'		y.highlight = c(c(0,30), c(70,100)),
#'		y.highlight.col = grDevices::adjustcolor(c('green','red'), 50/255)
#'	)	
#'	rtsplot.legend('RSI(20)', 'black', rsi)
#' @name rtsplot
#' @docType package

#' Theme
#' Setup theme
#' @param grid.color color for grid lines, \strong{defaults to 'gray90'}
#' @param colors RColorBrewer set to generate colors, \strong{defaults to "Set1" in RColorBrewer}
#' @param col.border border color for drawing candles, \strong{defaults to 'black'}
#' @param col.up up color for drawing candles, \strong{defaults to 'green'}
#' @param col.dn down color for drawing candles, \strong{defaults to 'red'}
#' @param col.x.highlight color for highlighting along x axis, \strong{defaults to 'orange'}
#' @param col.y.highlight color for highlighting along y axis, \strong{defaults to 'orange'}
#' @param cex font size, \strong{defaults to 1}
#' @param legend.bg.col background legend color, \strong{defaults to grDevices::adjustcolor('white', 200/255)}
#' @param n number of colors to generate
#' @param ... additional settings
#' @return None
#' @import grDevices
#' @export
#' @rdname Themes
register.theme = function
	grid.color = 'gray90',
	colors = 'Set1',
	col.border = 'black',
	col.up = 'green',
	col.dn = 'red',
	col.x.highlight = 'orange',
	col.y.highlight = 'orange',
	cex = 1,
	legend.bg.col = grDevices::adjustcolor('white', 200/255)
			grid.color = grid.color,
			colors = colors,
			col.border = col.border,
			col.up = col.up,
			col.dn = col.dn,
			col.x.highlight = col.x.highlight,
			col.y.highlight = col.y.highlight,
			cex = cex,
			legend.bg.col = legend.bg.col

#' @export
#' @rdname Themes
rtsplot.theme = function() getOption('rtsplot.theme')

#' @export
#' @rdname Themes
rtsplot.theme.set = function(...) set.options('rtsplot.theme', ..., overwrite=TRUE)

#' @export
#' @rdname Themes
rtsplot.colors = function(n) {
	colors = rtsplot.theme()$colors
	if(is.character(colors)) {
		rtsplot.theme.set(colors = grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9,colors)))	
		colors = rtsplot.theme()$colors

# Translate date/time axis to categorical axis if skip.breaks flag provided 
# in 'rtsplot' function to skip plotting missing date/times (i.e. nights and weekends)
rtsplot.set.xaxis.map = function(map = NULL) options('rtsplot.map' = map)

rtsplot.get.xaxis.map = function() getOption('rtsplot.map')

# approxfun is only doing a linear interpolation; values outside of interval are set
# at extremes. We need Linear extrapolation for 10% range outside of interval.
rtsplot.create.xaxis.map = function(x0) {
	n = length(x0)
	dx = 0.1 * (x0[n] - x0[1])
	dn = 0.1 * (n-1)
		c(x0[1] - dx, x0, x0[n] + dx), 
		c(1 - dn, 1:n, n + dn),
		rule=2, yleft = 1 - dn, yright = n + dn)

rtsplot.map.xaxis = function(y) {
	temp.x = xts::.index(y)
	map = rtsplot.get.xaxis.map()

rtsplot.xaxis = function(y) {
	z = xts::.index(y)
	n = length(z)
	d = 1.1 * (z[n] - z[1])
	# use same format as axis.POSIXct - to be consistent
	if (d < 1.1 * 60) {
		format = "%S"
	} else if (d < 1.1 * 3600) {
		format = "%M:%S"
	} else if (d < 1.1 * 3600 * 24) {
        format = "%H:%M"
    } else if (d < 2 * 3600 * 24) {
        format = "%a %H:%M"
    } else if (d < 7 * 3600 * 24) {
        format = "%a"
    } else if (d < 50 * 3600 * 24) {
			format = "%b %d"
	} else if (d < 1.1 * 365 * 3600 * 24) {
		format = "%b"
	} else {			
		format = "%Y"
	# use same logic to get breaks as in xts::axTicksByTime
	tick.opts = c("years", "quarters", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds")
	tick.k.opts = c(10, 5, 2, 1, 3, 6, 1, 1, 1, 4, 2, 1, 30, 15, 1, 1)
	tick.opts = rep(tick.opts, c(4, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1))
	is = structure(rep(0, length(tick.opts)), .Names = tick.opts)

	# axis.POSIXct is using 5 breaks, the default setting in 'pretty'
	for (i in 1:length(tick.opts)) {
		ep = xts::endpoints(y, tick.opts[i], tick.k.opts[i])
		is[i] = length(ep) - 1
		if (is[i] > 5) break
	loc = which.min(abs(is-6))
	ep = xts::endpoints(y, tick.opts[loc], tick.k.opts[loc])
	# remove first and last
	ep = ep[2:(length(ep)-1)] + 1

	# add labels
	names(ep) = format(.POSIXct(z[ep], attr(z, "tzone")), format = format)

#' Plot function for time series
#' @param y \code{\link{xts}} object
#' @param main plot title
#' @param plotX flag to display X axis
#' @param LeftMargin to plot second Y axis, set LeftMargin=3, \strong{defaults to 0}
#' @param grid which grid lines to draw, \strong{defaults to 'xy'}
#' @param x.highlight segments to highlight along X axis, \strong{defaults to NULL}
#' @param y.highlight segments to highlight along Y axis, \strong{defaults to NULL}
#' @param y.highlight.col color to highlight segments Y axis, \strong{defaults to NULL}
#' @param las rotation of Y axis labels, \strong{defaults to 1}, for more info see \code{\link{par}}
#' @param type plot type, \strong{defaults to 'l'}, for more info see \code{\link{plot}}
#'			also support 'ohlc', 'hl', 'candle', 'volume' types
#' @param xlab X label, \strong{defaults to ''}, for more info see \code{\link{plot}}
#' @param ylab Y label, \strong{defaults to ''}, for more info see \code{\link{plot}}
#' @param ylim range on Y values, \strong{defaults to NULL}
#' @param log log scale x, y, xy axes, \strong{defaults to ''}
#' @param skip.breaks flag to skip plotting missing date/times (i.e. nights and weekends), \strong{defaults to FALSE}
#' @param xaxis.map xaxis map function used if skip.breaks is TRUE, \strong{defaults to rtsplot.create.xaxis.map}
#' @param ... additional parameters to the \code{\link{plot}}
#' @return nothing
#' @examples
#'	y = rtsplot.fake.stock.data(1000)
#'	symbol = 'SPY'
#'  # simple example
#'  highlight = which(y < 10)
#'  # plot
#'  layout(1)
#'  rtsplot.theme.set(col.x.highlight=grDevices::adjustcolor('orange', 200/255))
#'  rtsplot(y, type = 'l', main = symbol, x.highlight = highlight)
#'  # 'skip.breaks' example with daily data
#'  y = rtsplot.fake.stock.data(10, remove.non.trading = TRUE)
#'  layout(1:2)
#'  rtsplot(y, type='b')
#'		rtsplot.legend('skip.breaks=FALSE', text.col='red')
#'  rtsplot(y, type='b', skip.breaks=TRUE)
#'		rtsplot.legend('skip.breaks=TRUE', text.col='red')
#'  # 'skip.breaks' example with intra-day data
#'  y = rtsplot.fake.stock.data(5*24*60, period = 'minute', remove.non.trading = TRUE)
#'  layout(1:2)
#'  rtsplot(y, type='l')
#'		rtsplot.legend('skip.breaks=FALSE', text.col='red')
#'  rtsplot(y, type='l', skip.breaks=TRUE)
#'		rtsplot.legend('skip.breaks=TRUE', text.col='red')
#' @export 
rtsplot <- function
	y,					# xts object to plot
	main = NULL,		# plot title
	plotX = TRUE,		# flag to display X axis
	LeftMargin = 0,		# to plot second Y axis, set LeftMargin=3
	grid = 'xy',		# add grid lines
	x.highlight = NULL,	# segments to highlight along X axis
	y.highlight = NULL,	# segments to highlight along Y axis
	y.highlight.col = NULL,	# color for segments to highlight along Y axis
	las = 1,			# rotation of Y axis labels
	type = 'l',			# plot type
	xlab = '',			# X label
	ylab = '',			# Y label
	ylim = NULL,		# range on Y values
	log = '',			# log scale x, y, xy axes
	skip.breaks = FALSE,# flag to skip plotting missing date/times (i.e. nights and weekends)
	xaxis.map = rtsplot.create.xaxis.map, # xaxis map function used if skip.breaks is TRUE
	...					# other parameters to plot
	# set plot margins : bottom,left,top,right
	hasTitle = !is.null(main);
	# if !plotX leave some space, 0.5, between sections; this way y-axis do not overlap
	graphics::par( mar = c(iif(plotX,2,0.4), LeftMargin , iif(hasTitle,2,0), 3) )
	# set plot y range
	if(quantmod::has.Cl(y)) y1 = quantmod::Cl(y) else y1 = y[,1]
	if( is.null(ylim) ) {
		ylim = range(y1, na.rm = TRUE)
			'ohlc' = ,
			'hl' = ,
			'candle' = { ylim = range(quantmod::OHLC(y), na.rm = TRUE) },
			'volume' = { y1 = quantmod::Vo(y); ylim = range(quantmod::Vo(y), na.rm = TRUE) }
	# create plot frame, do not plot data
	temp.x = xts::.index(y)	
	# create map if skip.breaks
	if(skip.breaks) {
		temp.x = 1:nrow(y)
	} else

	graphics::plot( temp.x, y1, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main,
		frame.plot = FALSE,
		type = 'n', yaxt = 'n', xaxt = 'n', ylim = ylim, log = log, ... )
		#[R Base Plot suppress axis line but show ticks](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42932941/r-base-plot-suppress-axis-line-but-show-ticks)
		grid.color = rtsplot.theme()$grid.color
		cex = rtsplot.theme()$cex
		# Y axis rotation in 90 degrees increments : las=0,las=1,las=2,las=3
		graphics::axis(4, las = las, col = NA, col.ticks = grid.color, cex.axis=cex)
		# plot X axis
		if(skip.breaks) {
			xaxis.ticks = rtsplot.xaxis(y)
			graphics::axis(1, at = xaxis.ticks, labels = iif(plotX, names(xaxis.ticks), FALSE), tick = TRUE, 
			col = NA, col.ticks = grid.color, cex.axis=cex)			
		} else {
			class(temp.x) = c('POSIXct', 'POSIXt')
			xaxis.ticks = graphics::axis.POSIXct(1, temp.x,labels = plotX, tick = TRUE, 
			col = NA, col.ticks = grid.color, cex.axis=cex)
			# subticks tcl = -0.2

	# highlight logic
	if( !is.null(x.highlight) ) rtsplot.x.highlight(y, x.highlight); 	
	if( !is.null(y.highlight) ) rtsplot.y.highlight(y.highlight, y.highlight.col); 	
	# plot grid
	rtsplot.grid(grid, xaxis.ticks, col=grid.color)

	# plot data
		'candle' = rtsplot.candle(y, ...),
		'hl' = rtsplot.hl(y, ...),
		'ohlc' = rtsplot.ohlc(y, ...),
		'volume' = rtsplot.volume(y, ...),
		{  graphics::lines(temp.x, y1, type=type, ...) }
	# plot box

#' Plot time series with second Y axis
#' Detailed discussion for validity of dual Y axis at [Dual axes time series plots may be ok sometimes after all](http://freerangestats.info/blog/2016/08/18/dualaxes)
#' @param y \code{\link{xts}} object
#' @param las rotation of Y axis labels, \strong{defaults to 1}, for more info see \code{\link{par}}
#' @param type plot type, \strong{defaults to 'l'}, for more info see \code{\link{plot}}
#'			also support 'ohlc', 'hl', 'candle', 'volume' types
#' @param col.axis axis color, \strong{defaults to 'red'}
#' @param ylim range on Y values, \strong{defaults to NULL}
#' @param log log scale x, y, xy axes, \strong{defaults to ''}
#' @param ... additional parameters to the \code{\link{plot}}
#' @return nothing
#' @examples
#'	# generate time series data
#'	y = rtsplot.fake.stock.data(1000)
#'	symbol = 'SPY'
#'	y1 = rtsplot.fake.stock.data(1000, 100)
#'	symbol = 'IBM'
#'  # two Y axis example
#'  # to plot second Y axis, free some space on left side, set LeftMargin=3
#'  layout(1)
#'  cols = c('black', 'red')
#'  rtsplot(y, type = 'l', LeftMargin=3, col=cols[1])
#'  rtsplot2Y(y1, type='l', las=1, col=cols[2], col.axis=cols[2])
#'  rtsplot.legend('SPY(rhs),IBM(lhs)', cols, list(y,y1))
#' @export 
rtsplot2Y <- function(
	y,			# xts object to plot
	las = 1,	# rotation of Y axis labels
	type = 'l',	# plot type
	col.axis = 'red',# axis color
	ylim = NULL,	# range on Y values
	log = '',	# log scale x, y, xy axes	
	...			# other parameters to plot
	# exctract visible plot data
	xlim = graphics::par('usr')[1:2]
		class(xlim) = c('POSIXct', 'POSIXt')

	# subset		
	y = y[paste(format(xlim, '%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S'), sep = '', collapse = '::')]	
	# set plot y range
	if(quantmod::has.Cl(y)) y1 = quantmod::Cl(y) else y1 = y[,1]
	if( is.null(ylim) ) {
		ylim = range(y1, na.rm = TRUE)
			'ohlc' = ,
			'hl' = ,
			'candle' = { ylim = range(quantmod::OHLC(y), na.rm = TRUE) },
			'volume' = { y1 = quantmod::Vo(y); ylim = range(quantmod::Vo(y), na.rm = TRUE) }
	# create plot frame, do not plot data
	graphics::par(new = TRUE)	
	temp.x = rtsplot.map.xaxis(y1)
	graphics::plot( temp.x , y1, xlim = xlim, xaxs = 'i', type = 'n',
		yaxt = 'n', xaxt = 'n', xlab = '', ylab = '', axes = FALSE, ylim = ylim, log = log, ... )
		# Y axis rotation
		cex = rtsplot.theme()$cex		
		graphics::axis(2, las = las, col=col.axis, col.axis=col.axis, cex.axis=cex)
	# plot data
		'candle' = rtsplot.candle(y, ...),
		'hl' = rtsplot.hl(y, ...),
		'ohlc' = rtsplot.ohlc(y, ...),
		'volume' = rtsplot.volume(y, ...),
		{  graphics::lines(temp.x, y1, type=type, ...) }

#' Add grid to time series plot
#' @param grid which grid lines to draw, \strong{defaults to 'xy'}
#' @param xaxis.ticks location of x axis ticks
#' @param col grid color, \strong{defaults to rtsplot.theme()$grid.color}
#' @return nothing
#' @export 
rtsplot.grid <- function
	col = rtsplot.theme()$grid.color
	#abline( h = axTicks(2), col = 'lightgray', lty = 'dotted')
	#abline( v = rtsplot.control$xaxis.ticks, col = 'lightgray', lty = 'dotted')
	# grid flag 'xy', 'x', 'y', '' or NA, NULL
	grid = iif(is.null(grid) || is.na(grid), '', grid)
	if(grepl('x', grid)) graphics::abline( h = graphics::axTicks(2), col = col)
	if(grepl('y', grid)) graphics::abline( v = xaxis.ticks, col = col)	

#' Add lines to time series plot
#' @param y \code{\link{xts}} object
#' @param type line type, \strong{defaults to 'l'}, for more info see \code{\link{lines}}
#' @param col color, \strong{defaults to par('col')}
#' @param ... additional parameters to the \code{\link{lines}}
#' @return nothing
#' @examples
#'	y = rtsplot.fake.stock.data(1000)
#'	symbol = 'SPY'
#'  # moving average
#'	sma = TTR::SMA(y, 250)
#'  # plot
#'  layout(1)
#'  rtsplot(y, type = 'l', col='black')
#'  rtsplot.lines(sma, col='blue', lwd=1.5)
#'	rtsplot.legend(c(symbol, 'SMA(250)'), 'black,blue', list(y,sma))
#' @export 
rtsplot.lines <- function(
	y,					# xts object to plot
	type = 'l',			# plot type
	col = graphics::par('col'),	# color
	...					# other parameters to lines
	if(quantmod::has.Cl(y)) y1 = quantmod::Cl(y) else y1 = y[,1]	
	temp.x = rtsplot.map.xaxis(y)
	if( type == 'l' & len(col) > 1 ) {
		for( icol in unique(col) ) {
			graphics::lines(temp.x, iif(col == icol, y1, NA), type = type, col = icol, ...)
	} else {
		graphics::lines(temp.x, y1, type = type, col = col, ...)

#' Add polygon to time series plot
#' @param y \code{\link{xts}} object with 2 columns
#' @param col color, \strong{defaults to par('col')}
#' @param ... additional parameters to the \code{\link{lines}}
#' @return nothing
#' @examples
#'	y = rtsplot.fake.stock.data(1000, ohlc=TRUE) 
#'	symbol = 'SPY'
#'  # moving average
#'	bbands = TTR::BBands(quantmod::HLC(y), n=200, sd=1)[,c('up','dn')]	
#'  # plot
#'  layout(1)
#'  rtsplot(y, type = 'l', col='black')
#'  col = grDevices::adjustcolor('green', 50/255)
#'  rtsplot.polygon(bbands, col = col)
#'	rtsplot.legend(c(symbol, 'BBands'), c('black', col), list(y,bbands))
#' @export 
rtsplot.polygon <- function
	y,					# xts object to plot
	col = graphics::par('col'),	# color
	...					# other parameters to lines
	if(is.null(ncol(y)) || ncol(y) < 2) {
		warning('rtsplot.polygon: y must have 2 columns')
	x = rtsplot.map.xaxis(y)
	y = zoo::coredata(y[, 1:2])
	prep.x = c(x[1], x, x[len(x):1])
	prep.y = c(y[1,1], y[,2], rev(y[,1]))
	graphics::polygon(prep.x, prep.y, border = NA, col = col, ...) 

#' Add text to time series plot
#' @param y \code{\link{xts}} object
#' @param ... additional parameters to the \code{\link{lines}}
#' @return nothing
#' @examples
#'	y = rtsplot.fake.stock.data(1000)
#'	symbol = 'SPY'
#'  # plot
#'  layout(1)
#'  rtsplot(y, type = 'l', col='black')
#'  rtsplot.text(y[100], 'Text', col='red')
#'	rtsplot.legend(symbol, 'black', y)
#' @export 
rtsplot.text <- function(
	y,					# xts object to plot
	...					# other parameters to text
	if(quantmod::has.Cl(y)) y1 = quantmod::Cl(y) else y1 = y[,1]	
	temp = xts::.index(y1)
		# class(temp)='POSIXct' 
	graphics::text(temp, y1, ...)

#' Format numbers using 1000 separator
#' @param temp numbers
#' @param nround number of rounding digits, \strong{defaults to '2'}
#' @param sprefix start prefix string, \strong{defaults to ''}
#' @param eprefix end postfix string, \strong{defaults to ''}
#' @return numbers formatted using 1000 separator
#' @export 
rtsplot.format <- function(
	temp,			# numbers
	nround = 2,		# number of rounding digits
	sprefix = '',	# start prefix string
	eprefix = ''	# end postfix string
	return( paste(sprefix, 
			format(round(as.numeric(temp), nround), big.mark = ',', scientific=FALSE),
			eprefix ,sep='') )

#' Plot legend - shortcut to the \code{\link{legend}} function
#' @param labels legend labels
#' @param fill fill colors, \strong{defaults to NULL}
#' @param lastobs list of last observations, \strong{defaults to NULL}
#' @param x location of legend, \strong{defaults to 'topleft'}
#' @param merge merge, \strong{defaults to FALSE}, see \code{\link{legend}} function for more info
#' @param bty box, \strong{defaults to 'n'}, see \code{\link{legend}} function for more info
#' @param border border color, \strong{defaults to NA - no color}
#' @param yformat format Y values function, \strong{defaults to \code{\link{rtsplot.format}}}
#' @param cex font size, \strong{defaults to 1}
#' @param ... other parameters to legend, see \code{\link{legend}} function for more info
#' @return nothing
#' @examples
#'	y = rtsplot.fake.stock.data(1000)
#'	symbol = 'SPY'
#'  # plot
#'  layout(1)
#'  rtsplot(y, type = 'l', col='black')
#'	rtsplot.legend(symbol, 'black', y)
#' @export 
rtsplot.legend <- function
	labels,					# labels
	fill = NULL,			# fill colors
	lastobs = NULL, 		# last observations
	x = 'topleft',			# location of legend
	merge = FALSE, 				# merge
	bty = 'n',				# box
	border = NA,			# the border color for the boxes / NA means no color 
	yformat = rtsplot.format,	# format values
	cex = 1,
	...						# other parameters to legend
	# split fill colors & labels
	if( !is.null(fill) ) fill = spl( as.character(fill) )	
	labels = spl( as.character(labels) )

	# extract last observation, use Close if available; otherwise use first column 	
	get.lastobs = function(x)
	# if last observations, add them to labels
	if( !is.null(lastobs) ) {
		if( is.list(lastobs) ) {
			labels1 = sapply(lastobs, get.lastobs)
		} else { 
			labels1 = get.lastobs(lastobs)
		# format last observations
		labels = paste(labels, match.fun(yformat)( labels1 ))		
	# plot legend
	theme = rtsplot.theme()	
	a = graphics::legend(x, legend = labels, fill = fill, merge = merge, bty = bty, border=border, cex = cex * theme$cex, ...)
		left = a$rect$left
		r = a$rect$left+a$rect$w
		top = a$rect$top
		b = a$rect$top-a$rect$h		
		if(graphics::par('ylog')) {
            top = 10^top
            b = 10^b
        graphics::rect(left, top, r, b, col=theme$legend.bg.col, border=border)

	graphics::legend(x, legend = labels, fill = fill, merge = merge, bty = bty, border=border, cex = cex * theme$cex, ...)

#' Create layout
#' @param ilayout matrix stored as a string 
#' @param delim delimiter, \strong{defaults to ','}
#' @return nothing
#' @export 
rtsplot.layout <- function(
	ilayout,	# matrix stored as a string 
	delim = ','	# delimiter
	ilayout = matrix( as.double(spl( gsub('\n', delim, ilayout), delim)), 
				nrow = len(spl(ilayout, '\n')), byrow=TRUE)
	graphics::layout(mat = ilayout)

# rtsplot.dx - determine data spacing along X axis
rtsplot.dx <- function
	y	# xts object to plot
	# determine portion of data visible on X axis
	xlim = graphics::par('usr')[1:2]

	# subset	
	class(xlim) = c('POSIXct', 'POSIXt')
	y1 = y[paste(format(xlim, '%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S'), sep = '', collapse = '::')]

	# R by default extends xrange by 1.08
	xlim = graphics::par('usr')[1:2]
	xportion = min(1, diff(unclass(range(xts::.index(y1))))*1.08 / diff(xlim) )
	return( xportion * diff(xlim) / ( 2* nrow(y1)  ) )

#' Highlight vertical segments
#' @param y \code{\link{xts}} object
#' @param highlight segments to highlight along X axis
#' @param col highlight color, \strong{defaults to rtsplot.control$col.x.highlight}
#' @return nothing
#' @export 
rtsplot.x.highlight <- function
	y,						# xts object to plot
	highlight,				# segments to highlight along X axis
	col = rtsplot.theme()$col.x.highlight
	if(len(col)==1) {
		rtsplot.x.highlight.helper(y, highlight, col = col)		
	} else { # do for each color
		for( icol in unique(col[highlight]) ) {
			rtsplot.x.highlight.helper(y, iif(col == icol, highlight, FALSE), col = icol)					

rtsplot.x.highlight.helper <- function
	y,						# xts object to plot
	highlight,				# segments to highlight along X axis
	dx = rtsplot.dx(y);	
	hl_index = highlight;
	if( is.logical(highlight) ) hl_index = which(highlight);
	if( identical(unique(highlight) , c(0, 1)) ) hl_index = which(as.logical(highlight));

	# determine continuous segments to highlight
	hl_index1 = which(diff(hl_index) > 1 )	
	hl_index = hl_index[ sort(c(1, len(hl_index), hl_index1, (hl_index1+1))) ]
	# see par documentation
	temp.y = graphics::par('usr')[3:4]
	if(graphics::par('ylog')) temp.y = 10^temp.y
	temp.x = rtsplot.map.xaxis(y)
	for( i in seq(1,len(hl_index),2) ) {		
		graphics::rect(temp.x[hl_index[i]] - dx/2, temp.y[1],
			temp.x[hl_index[(i + 1)]] + dx/2, temp.y[2],
            col = col, border = col ) 		

#' Highlight horizontal segments
#' @param highlight segments to highlight along Y axis
#' @param col highlight color, \strong{defaults to rtsplot.control$col.y.highlight}
#' @return nothing
#' @examples
#' # generate time series data
#' y = rtsplot.fake.stock.data(1000)
#' rsi = TTR::RSI(y, 20)	
#' #set up two regions for graphs candlestick price data on top 2/3 of the plot
#' #and rsi on the bottom 1/3 of the plot
#' layout(c(1,1,2))  
#' rtsplot(y, type = 'line', plotX = FALSE)
#'   rtsplot.legend('SPY', 'grey70', y)
#' rtsplot(rsi, type = 'l')
#' col = grDevices::adjustcolor(c('green','red'), 80/255)
#' rtsplot.y.highlight(col=col[1], highlight=c(50,100))	
#' rtsplot.y.highlight(col=col[2], highlight=c(0,50))	
#' abline(h = 50, col = 'gray20')
#' rtsplot.legend('RSI(20)', 'black', rsi)
#' @export 
rtsplot.y.highlight <- function
	highlight,			# segments to highlight along Y axis
	col = rtsplot.theme()$col.y.highlight
	# see par documentation
	temp.y = graphics::par('usr')[3:4]
	if(graphics::par('ylog')) temp.y = 10^temp.y

	temp.x = graphics::par('usr')[1:2]
	if(graphics::par('xlog')) temp.x = 10^temp.x
	highlight[highlight == Inf] = temp.y[2]
	highlight[highlight == -Inf] = temp.y[1]
	for( i in seq(2,len(highlight),by=2) ) {
		icol = col[(i/2)]
		graphics::rect(temp.x[1], highlight[(i-1)],
			temp.x[2], highlight[i],
            col = icol, border = icol ) 			

#' Bar Colors for Candle and Volume plots
#' @param y \code{\link{xts}} object
#' @return colors
#' @export
#' @rdname Colors
rtsplot.candle.col <- function(	y ) {
	theme = rtsplot.theme()
	iif( quantmod::Cl(y) > quantmod::Op(y), theme$col.up, theme$col.dn)

#' @export
#' @rdname Colors
rtsplot.volume.col <- function( y ) { 
	theme = rtsplot.theme()
	iif( quantmod::Cl(y) > mlag(quantmod::Cl(y)), theme$col.up, theme$col.dn)

#' Create Candle Plot
#' Plot candles if dx is sufficient otherwise ohlc or bars 
#' @param y \code{\link{xts}} object
#' @param col color for bars, \strong{defaults to rtsplot.candle.col}
#' @param border border color, \strong{defaults to rtsplot.theme()$col.border}
#' @return nothing
#' @examples
#'	y = rtsplot.fake.stock.data(50, ohlc=TRUE)
#'	symbol = 'SPY'
#'  # plot
#'  layout(1)
#'  rtsplot(y, type = 'n')
#'  rtsplot.candle(y)
#'	rtsplot.legend(symbol, 'black', y)
#' @export
rtsplot.candle <- function
	y,					# xts object to plot
	col = rtsplot.candle.col(y),
	border = rtsplot.theme()$col.border
	dx = rtsplot.dx(y)
	# convert dx to line width
	dxi0 = ( dx / graphics::xinch() ) * 96

	if( dxi0 < 1 ) {
		rtsplot.hl.lwd(y, col = col, lwd = 1)
	} else if ( dxi0 < 1.75 ) {
		rtsplot.ohlc.lwd(y, col = col, lwd = 1)
	} else {
		temp.x = rtsplot.map.xaxis(y)
		graphics::rect(temp.x - dx/10, quantmod::Lo(y), temp.x + dx/10, quantmod::Hi(y), 
			col = border, border = border)
		graphics::rect(temp.x - dx/2, quantmod::Op(y), temp.x + dx/2, quantmod::Cl(y), 
			col = col, border = border)	

#' Create OHLC Plot
#' Plot ohlc if dx is sufficient otherwise bars 
#' @param y \code{\link{xts}} object
#' @param col color for bars, \strong{defaults to rtsplot.theme()$col.border}
#' @return nothing
#' @examples
#'	y = rtsplot.fake.stock.data(50, ohlc=TRUE)
#'	symbol = 'SPY'
#'  # plot
#'  layout(1)
#'  rtsplot(y, type = 'n')
#'  rtsplot.ohlc(y)
#'	rtsplot.legend(symbol, 'black', y)
#'	rtsplot.theme.set(legend.bg.col=grDevices::adjustcolor('blue', 25/255))
#'	rtsplot.corner.label('Logo \uA9', x=1, y=-1, cex = 0.7, space='figure', col='blue')
#'	rtsplot.theme.set(legend.bg.col = grDevices::adjustcolor('white', 200/255))
#' @export
rtsplot.ohlc <- function
	y,					# xts object to plot
	col = rtsplot.theme()$col.border
	dx = rtsplot.dx(y)
	# convert dx to line width
	dxi0 = ( dx / graphics::xinch() ) * 96
	if( dxi0 < 1 ) {
		rtsplot.hl.lwd(y, col = col, lwd = 1)
	} else if ( dxi0 < 1.75 ) {
		rtsplot.ohlc.lwd(y, col = col, lwd = 1)
	} else {
		temp.x = rtsplot.map.xaxis(y)
		graphics::rect(temp.x - dx/8, quantmod::Lo(y), temp.x + dx/8, quantmod::Hi(y), col = col, border = col)
		graphics::segments(temp.x - dx/2, quantmod::Op(y), temp.x, quantmod::Op(y), col = col)	
		graphics::segments(temp.x + dx/2, quantmod::Cl(y), temp.x, quantmod::Cl(y), col = col)	

#' Create HL Plot
#' @param y \code{\link{xts}} object
#' @param col color for bars, \strong{defaults to rtsplot.volume.col}
#' @param border border color, \strong{defaults to rtsplot.theme()$col.border}
#' @return nothing
#' @examples
#'	y = rtsplot.fake.stock.data(50, ohlc=TRUE)
#'	symbol = 'SPY'
#'  # plot
#'  layout(1)
#'  rtsplot(y, type = 'n')
#'  rtsplot.hl(y)
#'	rtsplot.legend(symbol, 'black', y)
#' @export
rtsplot.hl <- function
	y,					# xts object to plot
	col = rtsplot.volume.col(y),
	border = rtsplot.theme()$col.border
	dx = rtsplot.dx(y)
	# convert dx to line width	
	dxi0 = ( dx / graphics::xinch() ) * 96
	if( dxi0 < 1.75 ) {
		rtsplot.hl.lwd(y, col = col, lwd = 1)
	} else {
		temp.x = rtsplot.map.xaxis(y)
		graphics::rect(temp.x - dx/2, quantmod::Lo(y), temp.x + dx/2, quantmod::Hi(y), 
			col = col, border = border)

# rtsplot.ohlc.lwd - plot ohlc using line width
rtsplot.ohlc.lwd <- function
	y,					# xts object to plot
	lwd=1,				# line width
	...					# other parameters to segments
	dx = rtsplot.dx(y)
	temp.x = rtsplot.map.xaxis(y)
	graphics::segments(temp.x, quantmod::Lo(y), temp.x, quantmod::Hi(y), lwd = lwd, lend = 2,  ...)
	graphics::segments(temp.x - dx/2, quantmod::Op(y), temp.x, quantmod::Op(y), lwd = lwd, lend = 2, ...)
	graphics::segments(temp.x + dx/2, quantmod::Cl(y), temp.x, quantmod::Cl(y), lwd = lwd, lend = 2, ...)

# rtsplot.hl.lwd - plot hl using line width
rtsplot.hl.lwd <- function
	y,					# xts object to plot
	lwd=1,				# line width
	...					# other parameters to segments
	temp.x = rtsplot.map.xaxis(y)
	graphics::segments(temp.x, quantmod::Lo(y), temp.x, quantmod::Hi(y), lwd = lwd, lend = 2, ...)

#' Plot volume
#' @param y \code{\link{xts}} object
#' @param col color for volume bars
#' @param border color for volume bars border
#' @return nothing
#' @export
rtsplot.volume <- function
	y,							# xts object to plot
	col = rtsplot.volume.col(y),	# color
	border = rtsplot.theme()$col.border
	dx = rtsplot.dx(y)
	# convert dx to line width
	dxi0 = ( dx / graphics::xinch() ) * 96
	temp.x = rtsplot.map.xaxis(y)
	if( dxi0 < 1.75 ) {
		graphics::segments(temp.x, 0, temp.x, quantmod::Vo(y), col = col, lwd = 1, lend = 2)	
	} else {
		graphics::rect(temp.x - dx/2, 0, temp.x + dx/2, quantmod::Vo(y), 
			col = col, border = border)
	idv = grep('Volume', colnames(y)) 
	temp = spl(colnames(y)[idv], ';')
	if( len(temp) > 1 ) rtsplot.legend(temp[len(temp)], x='topright')	

#'  Scale volume
#' @param y \code{\link{xts}} object
#' @return adjusted y object
#' @export
rtsplot.scale.volume <- function(y) 
	Volumes = quantmod::Vo(y)
	max.vol = max(Volumes, na.rm = TRUE)
	vol.scale = list(100, '100s')
	if (max.vol > 10000) 
		vol.scale = list(1000, '1000s')
	if (max.vol > 1e+05) 
		vol.scale = list(10000, '10,000s')
	if (max.vol > 1e+06) 
		vol.scale = list(1e+05, '100,000s')
	if (max.vol > 1e+07) 
		vol.scale = list(1e+06, 'millions')
	idv = grep('Volume', colnames(y))
	y[, idv] = Volumes/vol.scale[[1]]
	colnames(y)[idv] = paste( colnames(y)[idv], vol.scale[[2]], sep=';' )

#' Create Stacked plot
#' @param x dates object
#' @param y matrix with weights
#' @param xlab X label, \strong{defaults to ''}, for more info see \code{\link{plot}}
#' @param cols colors, \strong{defaults to colors \code{\link{rtsplot.theme}}}
#' @param type plot type: lines, step stairs c('l','s')
#' @param flip.legend flag to reverse legend order, \strong{defaults to FALSE}
#' @param ... additional parameters to the \code{\link{plot}}
#' @return nothing
#' @export 
rtsplot.stacked <- function
	x,				# x data
	y, 				# matrix with y data : len(x) = nrow(y)
	xlab='',		# x axis label	
	cols = rtsplot.colors(ncol(y)), # colors
	type=c('l','s'),# plot type  : lines, step stairs
	flip.legend = FALSE,# reverse legend order
	...				# other parameters for plot

	# transform y
	y = 100 * y
	y1 = list()
	y1$positive = y
		y1$positive[ y1$positive < 0 ] = 0
	y1$negative = y
		y1$negative[ y1$negative > 0 ] = 0
	# find y ranges
	ylim = c(min(rowSums(y1$negative, na.rm = TRUE)), max(1, rowSums(y1$positive, na.rm = TRUE)))
	# create empty plot
	# par(mar = c(4, 4, 2, 1), cex = 0.8)
	if( class(x)[1] != 'Date' & class(x)[1] != 'POSIXct') {
		graphics::plot(x, rep(0, len(x)), ylim = ylim, t = 'n', xlab = '', ylab = '', cex = graphics::par('cex'), ...)
	} else {
		#plot(x, rep(0, len(x)), ylim = ylim, t = 'n', yaxt = 'n', xaxt = 'n', xlab = '', ylab = '', cex = graphics::par('cex'), ...)
		#	axis(2)
		#	xaxis.ticks = axis.Date(1, x, labels = TRUE, tick = TRUE)		
		#	abline( h = axTicks(2), col = 'lightgray', lty = 'dotted')
		#	abline( v = xaxis.ticks, col = 'lightgray', lty = 'dotted')		
		rtsplot(xts::xts(y[,1], x), ylim = ylim, cex = graphics::par('cex'), LeftMargin = 4, ...)
		graphics::axis(2, las = 1) 
		x = unclass(as.POSIXct(x))
	graphics::mtext('Allocation %', side = 2,line = 3, cex = graphics::par('cex'))
	graphics::mtext(xlab, side = 1,line = 2, cex = graphics::par('cex'))		
	# plot stacked areas	
	if( type[1] == 'l' ) {
		prep.x = c(x[1], x, x[len(x)])     
		for( y in y1 ) {   	
			for (i in ncol(y) : 1) {
		    	prep.y = c(0, rowSums(y[, 1 : i, drop = FALSE]), 0)
		    	graphics::polygon(prep.x, prep.y, col = cols[i], border = NA, angle = 90)
    } else {
    	# http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/how-to-fill-between-2-stair-plots-td819257.html
    	dx = mean(diff(x))
   		prep.x = c(rep(x,each=2), x[len(x)] + dx, x[len(x)] + dx)     
   		for( y in y1 ) {   	
			for (i in ncol(y) : 1) {
		    	prep.y = c(0, rep(rowSums(y[, 1 : i, drop = FALSE]),each=2), 0)
		    	graphics::polygon(prep.x, prep.y, col = cols[i], border = NA, angle = 90)

    # legend
    	rtsplot.legend(rev(colnames(y)), rev(cols))    
    	rtsplot.legend(colnames(y), cols)    

#' \code{\link[graphics]{matplot}} version for \code{\link[xts]{xts}} object
#' @param y \code{\link{xts}} object
#' @param dates subset of dates\strong{defaults to NULL}
#' @param ylim range on Y values, \strong{defaults to NULL}
#' @param type plot type, \strong{defaults to 'l'}, see \code{\link[graphics]{plot}} for details
#' @param cols colors
#' @param ... additional parameters to the \code{\link[graphics]{matplot}}
#' @return nothing
#' @export 
rtsplot.matplot <- function
	y,				# xts object or list of xts objects to plot
	dates = NULL,	# dates subset	
	ylim = NULL,
	type = 'l',
	cols = rtsplot.colors(ncol(y)), # colors
	...				# other parameters for plot
	# find ylim	
	if( is.list(y) ) {
		if(!is.null(dates)) y[[1]] = y[[1]][dates]
		if(is.null(ylim)) {
			ylim = c()
			n = len(y)
			for( i in 1:n ) {
	   			if(!is.null(dates)) y[[i]] = y[[i]][dates]
				ylim = range(ylim, y[[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
		rtsplot(y[[1]], ylim = ylim, col = cols[1], type = type, ...)
		if( n > 1 ) {
			for( i in 2:n ) rtsplot.lines(y[[i]], col = cols[i], type = type, ...)

		rtsplot.legend(names(y), paste(1:n), y)	
	} else {
		n = ncol(y)
		if(!is.null(dates)) y = y[dates]
		if(is.null(ylim)) ylim = range(y, na.rm = TRUE)
		rtsplot(y[,1], ylim = ylim, col = cols[1], type = type, ...)
		if( n > 1 ) {
			for( i in 2:n ) rtsplot.lines(y[,i], col = cols[i], type = type, ...)
		rtsplot.legend(names(y), paste(1:n), as.list(y))	

#' Plot corner label
#' Plot corner label, based on the [text at the upper left corner outside of the plot region](http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/text-at-the-upper-left-corner-outside-of-the-plot-region-td885675.html)
#' @param label label
#' @param col label color
#' @param x x location, \strong{defaults to -1}
#' @param y y location, \strong{defaults to 1}
#' @param xoffset x offset, \strong{defaults to NA}
#' @param yoffset y offset, \strong{defaults to NA}
#' @param space coordinate space, can be "plot" or "figure", \strong{defaults to "plot"}
#' @param cex font size, \strong{defaults to 1}
#' @param border border color, \strong{defaults to NA - no color}
#' @return nothing
#' @examples
#'  rtsplot.theme.set(legend.bg.col=grDevices::adjustcolor('orange', 200/255))
#'  plot(rnorm(20), rnorm(20))
#'  rtsplot.corner.label('test1', y=-1, space='figure')
#'  rtsplot.corner.label('test2', y=1, space='figure')
#'  rtsplot.corner.label('test3', x=1, space='figure')
#'  rtsplot.corner.label('test4', x=1, y=-1, space='figure')
#'  rtsplot.theme.set(legend.bg.col=grDevices::adjustcolor('white', 50/255))
#' @export 
rtsplot.corner.label = function(
	label = NULL,
	col = 'black',
	x = -1,
	y = 1,
	xoffset = NA,
	yoffset = NA, 
	space = c("plot","figure"), 
	cex = 1,
	border = NA			# the border color for the boxes / NA means no color 
) {
	theme = rtsplot.theme()	

	if(is.na(xoffset)) xoffset = graphics::strwidth("m", cex = cex * theme$cex)/2
	if(is.na(yoffset)) yoffset = graphics::strheight("m", cex = cex * theme$cex)/2

	par.usr = graphics::par("usr")
	xpos = par.usr[(3+x)/2]
	ypos = par.usr[(3+y)/2+2]

	if(match(space[1],"figure",0)) {
		par.pin = graphics::par("pin")
		xplotrange = par.usr[2]-par.usr[1]
		yplotrange = par.usr[4]-par.usr[3]
		par.mai = graphics::par("mai")
		xmar = xplotrange*par.mai[3+x]/par.pin[1]
		ymar = yplotrange*par.mai[2+y]/par.pin[2]
		xpos = xpos+x*xmar
		ypos = ypos+y*ymar
	if(!is.null(label)) {
		if(match(space[1],"figure",0)) graphics::par(xpd=TRUE)

		xh = 5/3*graphics::strwidth(label, cex = cex * theme$cex)
		yh = 5/3*graphics::strheight(label, cex = cex * theme$cex)
			graphics::rect(xpos-xh,ypos-yh, xpos-x*xoffset + xh, ypos-y*yoffset + yh, col=theme$legend.bg.col, border=border)
		graphics::text(xpos-x*xoffset,ypos-y*yoffset,label,adj=c((1+x)/2,(1+y)/2), col = col, cex = cex * theme$cex)

		if(match(space[1],"figure",0)) graphics::par(xpd=FALSE)

#' Generate fake stock data
#' Generate fake stock data for use in rtsplot examples
#' @param n number of points to generate
#' @param y0 starting price, \strong{defaults to 10 }
#' @param stdev standard deviation, \strong{defaults to 0.1}
#' @param ohlc generate ohlc data, \strong{defaults to FALSE}
#' @param method method to generate fake stock data, \strong{defaults to 'normal'}
#'   two methods are implemented: 
#'   * 'normal' - generate fake stock data assuming returns 
#'   are normally distributed with zero drift
#'   * 'uniform' - generate fake stock data assuming returns 
#'   are uniformly distributed with zero drift
#' @param period frequency to generate fake stock data, (possible values: "day", "minute"),  \strong{defaults to "day"}
#' @param remove.non.trading flag to remove non trading periods(i.e. weekends and non-trading hours).
#'   Note, this flag likely will cause function return less than 'n' observation, \strong{defaults to FALSE}
#' @return \code{\link{xts}} object with fake stock data
#' @examples
#'  rtsplot.fake.stock.data(10)
#' @export 
rtsplot.fake.stock.data = function(
	y0 = 10, 
	stdev = 0.1, 
	ohlc = FALSE,
	method = c('normal', 'adhoc'),
	period = c('day', 'minute'),
	remove.non.trading = FALSE
) {
	if(period[1] == 'day')
		x =  xts::xts(1:n, seq(Sys.Date(), by = 'day', length.out = n))
	else {
		order.by = seq(Sys.time(), by = 'min', length.out = n)
		x =  xts::xts(1:n, order.by)		
		# remove non-trading hours
		if(remove.non.trading) {
			#x = x["T09:30/T16:00"]	
			filter = as.numeric(format(order.by, '%H%M'))
			x = x[(filter >= 930) & (filter <= 1600)]
	# remove weekends
	if(remove.non.trading) x = x[xts::.indexwday(x) %in% 1:5]
	if(len(x) == 0) return(x)
	n = len(x)
	x = zoo::index(x)				
	if(method[1] == 'normal') {
		y = y0 + cumsum(stats::rnorm(n, sd = stdev))
	} else {
		#[Are there known techniques to generate realistic looking fake stock data?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8597731/are-there-known-techniques-to-generate-realistic-looking-fake-stock-data)
		y = y0 + cumsum(2 * stdev * (stats::runif(n) - 0.5))
	if(!ohlc) return(xts::xts(y, x))
	high = y + stats::runif(n) * stdev / 2
	low = y - stats::runif(n) * stdev / 2
	open = (high + low) / 2
	volume = stats::runif(n) * 100 * 1000
	y = xts::xts(cbind(open, high, low, y, y, volume), x)
	colnames(y) = spl('Open,High,Low,Close,Adjusted,Volume')

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rtsplot documentation built on Sept. 24, 2023, 1:07 a.m.