
Defines functions eovcheck.lm eovcheck.formula eovcheck

Documented in eovcheck eovcheck.formula eovcheck.lm

#' Testing for equality of variance plot
#' Plots the residuals versus the fitted (or predicted) values from a linear
#' model. A horizontal line is drawn at y = 0, reflecting the fact that we
#' expect the residuals to have a mean of zero. An optional lowess line is
#' drawn if smoother is set to TRUE. This can be useful in determining whether
#' a trend still exists in the residuals. An optional pair of lines is drawn at
#' +/- 2 times the standard deviation of the residuals - which is estimated
#' from the Residual Mean Sqare (Within group mean square = WGMS). This can be
#' useful in highlighting potential outliers. If the model has one or two
#' factors and no continous variables, i.e. if it is a oneway or twoway ANOVA
#' model, and \code{levene = TRUE} then the P-value from Levene's test for
#' equality variance is displayed in the top left hand corner,as long as the
#' number of observations per group exceeds two.
#' @param x A linear model formula. Alternatively, a fitted lm object from
#' a linear model.
#' @param data A data frame in which to evaluate the formula.
#' @param xlab a title for the x axis: see \code{\link{title}}.
#' @param ylab a title for the y axis: see \code{\link{title}}.
#' @param col a color for the lowess smoother line.
#' @param smoother if TRUE then a smoothed lowess line will be added to the
#' plot
#' @param twosd if \code{TRUE} then horizontal dotted lines will be drawn at +/-2sd
#' @param levene if \code{TRUE} then the P-value from Levene's test for equality of
#' variance is displayed
#' @param \dots Optional arguments
#' @seealso \code{\link{levene.test}}
#' @keywords hplot
#' @examples
#' # one way ANOVA - oysters
#' data(oysters.df)
#' oyster.fit = lm(Oysters ~ Site, data = oysters.df)
#' eovcheck(oyster.fit)
#' # Same model as the previous example, but using eovcheck.formula
#' data(oysters.df)
#' eovcheck(Oysters ~ Site, data = oysters.df)
#' # A two-way model without interaction
#' data(soyabean.df)
#' soya.fit=lm(yield ~ planttime + cultivar, data = soyabean.df)
#' eovcheck(soya.fit)
#' # A two-way model with interaction
#' data(arousal.df)
#' arousal.fit = lm(arousal ~ gender * picture, data = arousal.df)
#' eovcheck(arousal.fit)
#' # A regression model
#' data(peru.df)
#' peru.fit = lm(BP ~ height + weight + age + years, data = peru.df)
#' eovcheck(peru.fit)
#' # A time series model
#' data(airpass.df)
#' t = 1:144
#' month = factor(rep(1:12, 12))
#' airpass.df = data.frame(passengers = airpass.df$passengers, t = t, month = month)
#' airpass.fit = lm(log(passengers)[-1] ~ t[-1] + month[-1] 
#'                  + log(passengers)[-144], data  = airpass.df)
#' eovcheck(airpass.fit)
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export eovcheck
eovcheck = function(x, ...) {

#' @describeIn eovcheck Testing for equality of variance plot
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
eovcheck.formula = function(x, data = NULL, 
                            xlab = "Fitted values", ylab = "Residuals", 
                            col = NULL, smoother = FALSE, twosd = FALSE, levene = FALSE, ...) {
    if (missing(x) || !is(x, "formula")){ 
        stop("missing or incorrect formula formula")
    call = match.call()
    m = match.call()
    mn = match(c("x", "data"), names(m), 0)
    m = m[c(1, mn)]
    m$drop.unused.levels = TRUE
    form = formula(eval(m[[2]], parent.frame()))
    terms.form = terms(form)
    data.f = data.frame(eval(m[[3]], parent.frame()))
    # checks and balances 1. Is there a response variable
    if (attr(terms.form, "response") == 0) 
        stop("There must be a response variable in the formula")
    m[[1]] = as.name("model.frame")
    names(m)[[2]] = "formula"
    m = eval(m, parent.frame())
    # see if we can work out what kind of model this is we have to assume the response is continous and not a factor
    num.factors = sum(sapply(m, is.factor))
    num.cts = ncol(m) - num.factors - 1
    bOneWay = FALSE
    bTwoWay = FALSE
    bRegression = FALSE
    bInsuffRep = FALSE
    p.value = NA
    if (num.cts == 0 & num.factors > 0) {
        # we're in the ANOVA realm
        if (levene & num.factors > 2) {
            warning("This version Levene's test only works for up to two factors")
            p.value = NA
        } else {
            bOneWay = num.factors == 1
            bTwoWay = num.factors == 2
    } else {
        if (ncol(m) == 1) {
            stop("You must have at least two variables for this function to work")
        } else {
            bRegression = TRUE
    fit = NULL
    if (levene && (bOneWay | bTwoWay)) {
        ## 2. There are no more than two explantory variables
        factors.form = attr(terms.form, "factors")
        num.factors = sum(apply(factors.form, 1, sum) > 0)
        ## This should never get called - but just in case at this point
        if (num.factors < 1 || num.factors > 2) {
            if (num.factors < 1) {
                stop("There must be at least one explantory variable")
            } else {
                stop("This function only works for up to two factors")
        bInteraction = FALSE
        if (num.factors == 2) 
            if (any(grep(":", attr(terms.form, "term.labels")))) 
                nIteraction = TRUE
        if (ncol(m) < 2) 
            stop("Incorrect formula")
        Terms = attr(m, "terms")
        x = model.extract(m, "response")
        fac1 = as.factor(m[, 2])
        if (num.factors == 2) {
            fac2 = as.factor(m[, 3])
            fac1 = factor(crossFactors(fac1, fac2))
        fit = lm(x ~ fac1)
        num.obs.per.group.min = min(sapply(split(x, fac1), length))
        p.value = 0
        if (num.obs.per.group.min == 1) {
            stop("There is a group with no replication")
        } else if (num.obs.per.group.min == 2) {
            warning("Smallest group size is 2.\n It may make no sense to check for equality of variance")
            bInsuffRep = TRUE
        } else {
            p.value = levene.test(fit, show.table = FALSE)$p.value
    } else {
        fit = lm(form, data = data.f)
    opar = par(xaxs = "r", yaxs = "r")
    plot(residuals(fit) ~ fitted(fit), xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = "", ...)
    abline(h = 0, lty = 3, col = "lightgrey")
    resids = residuals(fit)
    yhat = fitted(fit)
    if (smoother) {
        lines(lowess(yhat, resids), col = "lightblue")
    if (twosd) {
        sigma = summary(fit)$sigma
        abline(h = c(-2, 2) * sigma, lty = 3, col = "grey", lwd = 2)
    usr.coords = par("usr")
    xlims = usr.coords[1:2]
    ylims = usr.coords[3:4]
    if (!is.na(p.value) && ((bOneWay | bTwoWay) & !bInsuffRep & levene)) {
        ypos = ylims[2] - diff(ylims) * 0.02
        xpos = xlims[1] + diff(xlims) * 0.02
        text(xpos, ypos, paste("Levene Test P-value: ", round(p.value, 4)), adj = c(0))

#' @describeIn eovcheck Testing for equality of variance plot
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
eovcheck.lm = function(x, smoother = FALSE, twosd = FALSE, levene = FALSE, ...) {
    if (missing(x) || !methods::is(x, "lm")){ 
        stop("missing or incorrect lm object")
    form = formula(x$call$formula)
    data.f = data.frame(eval(x$call$data, parent.frame()))
    eovcheck.formula(x = form, data = data.f, smoother = smoother, twosd = twosd, levene = levene, ...)

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