importanceSampling-class: Class '"importanceSampling"'

Description Objects from the Class Slots Extends Methods Author(s) References See Also Examples


This is the class definition that allows for the application of importance sampling to downLog or standingTree objects. Examples of the class usage can be found in the Monte Carlo sampling vignette referenced below.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("importanceSampling", ...). However, an object constructor of the same name, importanceSampling, has been provided and is the preferred method for creating objects that are ensured to be valid.


Please note that diameters below are presumed to be in the same units as length, i.e., meters for “metric”, and feet for “English” units. Cross-sectional areas are in compatible units.

In addition to the slots provided by the virtual superclass “MonteCarloSampling”, and the immediate superclass “crudeMonteCarlo”, the following slots are represented (please see the superclasses for shared slot definitions)...


Object of class "character": The name of the proxy function used. For built-in proxies, choose one of “gvProxy” or “wbProxy”. These are explained in detail in the vignette cited below.


Class "crudeMonteCarlo", directly.
Class "MonteCarloSampling", by class "crudeMonteCarlo", distance 2.


No new methods defined with class "importanceSampling" in the signature. However, various methods such as summary and plot are available through inheritance.


Jeffrey H. Gove


Gove, J. H. 2013. Monte Carlo sampling methods in sampSurf. Package vignette.

See Also

MonteCarloSampling, crudeMonteCarlo, controlVariate, antitheticSampling.



sampSurf documentation built on March 5, 2021, 5:06 p.m.