
Defines functions samplemap

Documented in samplemap

#' @title Common plotting function for plot.rawDist and plot.spotDist functions
#' @description Used as an internal function to make the code more comprehensible. See \code{\link{plot.rawDist}} and \code{\link{plot.spotDist}} for plotting \code{\link[=convert.ijdata]{rawDist}} and \code{\link[=spot.dist]{spotDist}} objects, respectively.
#' @param x \link[=convert.ijdata]{rawDist}} or \code{\link[=spot.dist]{spotDist} object.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to other methods, such as \link[=par]{graphical parameters}.
#' @param sname equals to \code{\link[=plot.rawDist]{sample.name}}
#' @param sptype equals to \code{\link[=plot.rawDist]{sample.type}}
#' @param size equals to \code{\link[=plot.rawDist]{spot.size}}
#' @param scol equals to \code{\link[=plot.rawDist]{spot.color}}
#' @param mtype equals to \code{\link[=plot.rawDist]{main.type}}
#' @param colpalette equals to \code{\link[=plot.rawDist]{color.palette}}
#' @param hlight equals to \code{\link[=plot.rawDist]{highlight.gbs}}
#' @param hlcol equals to \code{\link[=plot.rawDist]{highlight.col}}
#' @author Mikko Vihtakari
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.rawDist}}, \code{\link{plot.spotDist}}
#' @import spatstat

samplemap <- function(x, ..., sname, sptype, size, scol, mtype, colpalette, hlight, hlcol){

## Define the unit for axes
unit <- strsplit(as.character(x$window$units), "/")[[1]]

## Plot header (main)
if(sname == "keep") sample.name = x$sample.name

## Establish colors for hole sequences
if(is.null(scol)) {
  hole.cols <- c("#E41A1C", "#377EB8", "#4DAF4A", "#984EA3", "#FF7F00", "#FFFF33", "#A65628", "#F781BF", "#999999")
} else {
  hole.cols <- scol

## Spots
if(!is.null(x$mid.point.type)) {
if(x$mid.point.type == "spots") {
  spots <- x$spots
} else {
if(x$mid.point.type == "centroids") {
  spots <- x$spot.area$centroids
} else {
  if(is.null(x$spot.area)) {
    spots <- x$spots
  } else {
    spots <- x$spot.area$centroids

## Make layout if sptype == "value" | sptype == "idvalue"
if(sptype == "value" | sptype == "idvalue") layout(matrix(c(1,2), nrow = 1), widths = c(9,1))

par(mar = c(4, 4, 2.5, 1) + 0.1)
plot(x = x$window$xrange, y = x$window$yrange, ..., type = "n", main = sample.name, asp = 1, axes = F, xlab = paste0("x ", "(", unit, ")"), ylab = paste0("y ", "(", unit, ")"))

## Plot the axes
axis(2, las = 2)
## Plot growth bands
plot(x$gbs, col = "darkgrey", add = TRUE)

## Highlighted growth bands
if(!is.null(hlight)) {
  plot(x$gbs[marks(x$gbs) %in% hlight], col = hlcol, add = TRUE)
## Colors (if sptype == "value" or "idvalue")  

if(sptype %in% c("value", "idvalue")) {
      if(all(unlist(lapply(x$values, is.null)))) stop("'values' for the color mapping must be specified. See ?assign.value")
      color.spec = TRUE
      colmap <- colourmap(colpalette, range = range(unlist(lapply(x$values, function(k) range(k[,2]))), na.rm = TRUE))
      COLOR <- lapply(seq_along(x$spots), function(i){
      ifelse(is.na(x$values[[i]][,2]), "white", colmap(x$values[[i]][,2]))
      } else color.spec = FALSE

## Should sample number be printed?
if(sptype %in% c("id", "idvalue")) id.spec = TRUE else id.spec = FALSE
## Plot sample spots
if(size == "actual") {
  ## Plot actual sample spot size (if size == TRUE)
  if(is.null(x$spot.area$spot.dat)) stop("x does not contain spot size information. See ?assign.size")
  if(color.spec) {
    lapply(seq_along(x$spot.area$spot.dat), function(i) {
  lapply(seq_along(x$spot.area$spot.dat[[i]]$spot.owins), function(j) plot(x$spot.area$spot.dat[[i]]$spot.owins[[j]], add = TRUE, col = COLOR[[i]][[j]]))})
     } else {
    lapply(x$spot.area$spot.dat, function(k) {
  lapply(k$spot.owins, function(j) plot(j, add = TRUE))})
  if(id.spec) lapply(seq_along(spots), function(i){
  text(coords(spots[[i]])[,1], coords(spots[[i]])[,2], marks(spots[[i]]), col = hole.cols[i], cex = 0.6, font = 2)
} else {
## Other sample spot plotting operations
  if(color.spec) {
    lapply(seq_along(spots), function(i) {
      points(x = coords(spots[[i]])[,1], y = coords(spots[[i]])[,2], bg = COLOR[[i]], cex = size, pch = 21)
  } else {
    lapply(seq_along(spots), function(i) {
      points(x = coords(spots[[i]])[,1], y = coords(spots[[i]])[,2], cex = size, pch = 21)
  if(id.spec) {
    lapply(seq_along(spots), function(i){
      text(coords(spots[[i]])[,1], coords(spots[[i]])[,2], marks(spots[[i]]), col = hole.cols[i], cex = 0.6, font = 2)

## Plot the main axis
if(mtype %in% c("all", "axis")) plot(x$main, add = T, col = "darkslateblue")

## Plot the end and start positions for the main axis
if(mtype %in% c("all", "ends")) {
  text(coords(x$start.main)[,1], coords(x$start.main)[,2], x$start.main$marks, col = "dark green", font = 2)
  text(coords(x$end.main)[,1], coords(x$end.main)[,2], x$end.main$marks, col = "dark green", font = 2)
if(color.spec) output <- list(spots = spots, hole.cols = hole.cols, colmap = colmap) else output <- list(spots = spots, hole.cols = hole.cols)

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sclero documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:26 p.m.