
Defines functions mlePde2D mlePde1D dTpdPde2D dTpdPde1D

Documented in dTpdPde1D dTpdPde2D mlePde1D mlePde2D

#' @title Transition probability density in 1D by PDE solving
#' @description Computation of the transition probability density (tpd) of the
#' Wrapped Normal (WN) or von Mises (vM) diffusion, by solving its associated
#' Fokker--Planck Partial Differential Equation (PDE) in 1D.
#' @inheritParams crankNicolson1D
#' @param x0 point giving the mean of the initial circular density, a WN with
#' standard deviation equal to \code{sdInitial}.
#' @param t time separating \code{x0} and the evaluation of the tpd.
#' @param type either \code{"WN"} or \code{"vM"}.
#' @inheritParams dTpdWou1D
#' @param Mt size of the time grid in \eqn{[0, t]}.
#' @param sdInitial the standard deviation of the concentrated WN giving the
#' initial condition.
#' @param ... Further parameters passed to \code{\link{crankNicolson1D}}.
#' @return A vector of length \code{Mx} with the tpd evaluated at
#' \code{seq(-pi, pi, l = Mx + 1)[-(Mx + 1)]}.
#' @details A combination of small \code{sdInitial} and coarse space-time
#' discretization (small \code{Mx} and \code{Mt}) is prone to create numerical
#' instabilities. See Sections 3.4.1, 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 in García-Portugués et
#' al. (2019) for details.
#' @references
#' García-Portugués, E., Sørensen, M., Mardia, K. V. and Hamelryck, T. (2019)
#' Langevin diffusions on the torus: estimation and applications.
#' \emph{Statistics and Computing}, 29(2):1--22. \doi{10.1007/s11222-017-9790-2}
#' @examples
#' Mx <- 100
#' x <- seq(-pi, pi, l = Mx + 1)[-c(Mx + 1)]
#' x0 <- pi
#' t <- 0.5
#' alpha <- 1
#' mu <- 0
#' sigma <- 1
#' isRStudio <- identical(.Platform$GUI, "RStudio")
#' if (isRStudio) {
#'   manipulate::manipulate({
#'   plot(x, dTpdPde1D(Mx = Mx, x0 = x0, t = t, alpha = alpha, mu = 0,
#'                     sigma = sigma), type = "l", ylab = "Density",
#'        xlab = "", ylim = c(0, 0.75))
#'   lines(x, dTpdWou1D(x = x, x0 = rep(x0, Mx), t = t, alpha = alpha, mu = 0,
#'                       sigma = sigma), col = 2)
#'   }, x0 = manipulate::slider(-pi, pi, step = 0.01, initial = 0),
#'   alpha = manipulate::slider(0.01, 5, step = 0.01, initial = 1),
#'   sigma = manipulate::slider(0.01, 5, step = 0.01, initial = 1),
#'   t = manipulate::slider(0.01, 5, step = 0.01, initial = 1))
#' }
#' @export
dTpdPde1D <- function(Mx = 500, x0, t, alpha, mu, sigma, type = "WN",
                      Mt = ceiling(1e2 * t), sdInitial = 0.1, ...) {

  # Initialize list of parameters
  grid <- seq(-pi, pi, l = Mx + 1)[-c(Mx + 1)]

  # Initial conditions
  u0 <- matrix(dWn1D(x = grid, mu = x0, sigma = sdInitial), ncol = 1)

  # Drift and diffusion
  if (type == "WN") {

    bGrid <- driftWn1D(x = grid, alpha = alpha, mu = mu, sigma = sigma)
    sigma2Grid <- rep(sigma^2, Mx)

  } else if (type == "vM") {

    bGrid <- alpha * sin(mu - grid)
    sigma2Grid <- rep(sigma^2, Mx)


  # Solution Tpd
  crankNicolson1D(u0 = u0, b = bGrid, sigma2 = sigma2Grid, Mx = Mx,
                  deltax = grid[2] - grid[1], N = Mt, deltat = t / Mt, ...)


#' @title Transition probability density in 2D by PDE solving
#' @description Computation of the transition probability density (tpd) of the
#' Wrapped Normal (WN) or Multivariate von Mises (MvM) diffusion, by solving
#' its associated Fokker--Planck Partial Differential Equation (PDE) in 2D.
#' @inheritParams crankNicolson2D
#' @inheritParams dTpdPde1D
#' @param x0 point giving the mean of the initial circular density, an
#' isotropic WN with standard deviations equal to \code{sdInitial}.
#' @param alpha for \code{"WN"}, a vector of length \code{3} parametrizing
#' the \code{A} matrix as in \code{\link{alphaToA}}. For \code{"vM"}, a vector
#' of length \code{3} containing \code{c(alpha[1:2], A[1, 2])}, from the
#' arguments \code{alpha} and \code{A} in \code{\link{driftMvm}}.
#' @param mu vector of length \code{2} giving the mean.
#' @param sigma for \code{"WN"}, a vector of length \code{2} containing the
#' \strong{square root} of the diagonal of the diffusion matrix. For
#' \code{"vM"}, the standard deviation giving the isotropic diffusion matrix.
#' @param rho for \code{"WN"}, the correlation of the diffusion matrix.
#' @param sdInitial standard deviations of the concentrated WN giving the
#' initial condition.
#' @param ... Further parameters passed to \code{\link{crankNicolson2D}}.
#' @return A matrix of size \code{c(Mx, My)} with the tpd evaluated at the
#' combinations of \code{seq(-pi, pi, l = Mx + 1)[-(Mx + 1)]} and
#' \code{seq(-pi, pi, l = My + 1)[-(My + 1)]}.
#' @details A combination of small \code{sdInitial} and coarse space-time
#' discretization (small \code{Mx} and \code{Mt}) is prone to create numerical
#' instabilities. See Sections 3.4.2, 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 in García-Portugués et al.
#' (2019) for details.
#' @references
#' García-Portugués, E., Sørensen, M., Mardia, K. V. and Hamelryck, T. (2019)
#' Langevin diffusions on the torus: estimation and applications.
#' \emph{Statistics and Computing}, 29(2):1--22. \doi{10.1007/s11222-017-9790-2}
#' @examples
#' M <- 100
#' x <- seq(-pi, pi, l = M + 1)[-c(M + 1)]
#' image(x, x, dTpdPde2D(Mx = M, My = M, x0 = c(0, pi), t = 1,
#'                       alpha = c(1, 1, 0.5), mu = c(pi / 2, 0), sigma = 1:2),
#'       zlim = c(0, 0.25), col = matlab.like.colorRamps(20),
#'       xlab = "x", ylab = "y")
#' @export
dTpdPde2D <- function(Mx = 50, My = 50, x0, t, alpha, mu, sigma, rho = 0,
                      type = "WN", Mt = ceiling(1e2 * t), sdInitial = 0.1,
                      ...) {

  # Drifts
  gridX <- seq(-pi, pi, l = Mx + 1)[-c(Mx + 1)]
  gridY <- seq(-pi, pi, l = My + 1)[-c(My + 1)]
  grid <- as.matrix(expand.grid(gridX, gridY))

  # Drift and diffusion
  if (type == "WN") {

    bGrid <- driftWn2D(x = grid, A = alphaToA(alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma),
                       mu = mu, sigma = sigma, rho = rho)
    bxGrid <- matrix(bGrid[, 1], nrow = Mx, ncol = My)
    byGrid <- matrix(bGrid[, 2], nrow = Mx, ncol = My)
    sigma2xGrid <- matrix(sigma[1]^2, nrow = Mx, ncol = My)
    sigma2yGrid <- matrix(sigma[2]^2, nrow = Mx, ncol = My)
    sigmaxyGrid <- matrix(0, nrow = Mx, ncol = My)

  } else if (type == "vM") {

    bxGrid <- matrix(alpha[1] * sin(mu[1] - grid[, 1]) -
                       alpha[3] * cos(mu[1] - grid[, 1]) *
                       sin(mu[2] - grid[, 2]), nrow = Mx, ncol = My)
    byGrid <- matrix(alpha[2] * sin(mu[2] - grid[, 2]) -
                       alpha[3] * sin(mu[1] - grid[, 1]) *
                       cos(mu[2] - grid[, 2]), nrow = Mx, ncol = My)
    sigma2xGrid <- matrix(sigma[1]^2, nrow = Mx, ncol = My)
    sigma2yGrid <- sigma2xGrid
    sigmaxyGrid <- matrix(0, nrow = Mx, ncol = My)


  # Initial condition
  u0 <- matrix(dWn1D(x = gridX, mu = x0[1], sigma = sdInitial) %*%
                 t(dWn1D(x = gridY, mu = x0[2], sigma = sdInitial)), ncol = 1)

  # Go only throgout the unique indices (tpd[x1, x0])
  matrix(crankNicolson2D(u0 = u0, bx = bxGrid, by = byGrid,
                         sigma2x = sigma2xGrid, sigma2y = sigma2yGrid,
                         sigmaxy = sigmaxyGrid, N = Mt, deltat = t / Mt,
                         Mx = Mx, deltax = gridX[2] - gridX[1], My = My,
                         deltay = gridY[2] - gridY[1], ...), nrow = Mx,
         ncol = My)


#' @title MLE for toroidal process via PDE solving in 1D
#' @description Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) for arbitrary diffusions,
#' based on the transition probability density (tpd) obtained as the numerical
#' solution of the Fokker--Planck Partial Differential Equation (PDE) in 1D.
#' @param b drift function. Must return a vector of the same size as its
#' argument.
#' @param sigma2 function giving the squared diffusion coefficient. Must
#' return a vector of the same size as its argument.
#' @inheritParams dTpdPde1D
#' @inheritParams mleOu
#' @param linearBinning flag to indicate whether linear binning should be
#' applied for the initial values of the tpd, instead of usual simple binning
#' (cheaper). Linear binning is always done in the evaluation of the tpd.
#' @return Output from \code{\link{mleOptimWrapper}}.
#' @details See Sections 3.4.1 and 3.4.4 in García-Portugués et al. (2019) for
#' details.
#' @references
#' García-Portugués, E., Sørensen, M., Mardia, K. V. and Hamelryck, T. (2019)
#' Langevin diffusions on the torus: estimation and applications.
#' \emph{Statistics and Computing}, 29(2):1--22. \doi{10.1007/s11222-017-9790-2}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Test in OU
#' alpha <- 2
#' mu <- 0
#' sigma <- 1
#' set.seed(234567)
#' traj <- rTrajOu(x0 = 0, alpha = alpha, mu = mu, sigma = sigma, N = 500,
#'                 delta = 0.5)
#' b <- function(x, pars) pars[1] * (pars[2] - x)
#' sigma2 <- function(x, pars) rep(pars[3]^2, length(x))
#' exactOu <- mleOu(traj, delta = 0.5, start = c(1, 1, 2),
#'                  lower = c(0.1, -pi, 0.1), upper = c(10, pi, 10))
#' pdeOu <- mlePde1D(data = traj, delta = 0.5, Mx = 100, Mt = 100, b = b,
#'                   sigma2 = sigma2, start = c(1, 1, 2),
#'                   lower = c(0.1, -pi, -10), upper = c(10, pi, 10),
#'                   verbose = 2)
#' pdeOuLin <- mlePde1D(data = traj, delta = 0.5, Mx = 100, Mt = 100, b = b,
#'                      sigma2 = sigma2, start = c(1, 1, 2),
#'                      lower = c(0.1, -pi, -10), upper = c(10, pi, 10),
#'                      linearBinning = TRUE, verbose = 2)
#' head(exactOu)
#' head(pdeOu)
#' head(pdeOuLin)
#' # Test in WN diffusion
#' alpha <- 2
#' mu <- 0
#' sigma <- 1
#' set.seed(234567)
#' traj <- rTrajWn1D(x0 = 0, alpha = alpha, mu = mu, sigma = sigma, N = 500,
#'                  delta = 0.5)
#' exactOu <- mleOu(traj, delta = 0.5, start = c(1, 1, 2),
#'                  lower = c(0.1, -pi, 0.1), upper = c(10, pi, 10))
#' pdeWn <- mlePde1D(data = traj, delta = 0.5, Mx = 100, Mt = 100,
#'                   b = function(x, pars)
#'                     driftWn1D(x = x, alpha = pars[1], mu = pars[2],
#'                               sigma = pars[3]),
#'                   sigma2 = function(x, pars) rep(pars[3]^2, length(x)),
#'                   start = c(1, 1, 2), lower = c(0.1, -pi, -10),
#'                   upper = c(10, pi, 10), verbose = 2)
#' pdeWnLin <- mlePde1D(data = traj, delta = 0.5, Mx = 100, Mt = 100,
#'                      b = function(x, pars)
#'                        driftWn1D(x = x, alpha = pars[1], mu = pars[2],
#'                                  sigma = pars[3]),
#'                      sigma2 = function(x, pars) rep(pars[3]^2, length(x)),
#'                      start = c(1, 1, 2), lower = c(0.1, -pi, -10),
#'                      upper = c(10, pi, 10), linearBinning = TRUE,
#'                      verbose = 2)
#' head(exactOu)
#' head(pdeWn)
#' head(pdeWnLin)
#' }
#' @export
mlePde1D <- function(data, delta, b, sigma2, Mx = 500,
                     Mt = ceiling(1e2 * delta), sdInitial = 0.1,
                     linearBinning = FALSE, start, lower, upper, ...) {

  # Size
  N <- length(data)

  # Circular grid for solution
  grid <- seq(-pi, pi, l = Mx + 1)[-c(Mx + 1)]

  # State step
  delx <- grid[2] - grid[1]

  # Time step
  delt <- delta / Mt

  # Lower and upper indexes for linear binning of the evaluation points
  # grid[lowerIndBins] <= data <= grid[upperIndBins] (safer using findInterval
  # than ceiling((data - pi) / delx))
  lowerIndBins <- findInterval(x = data, vec = grid)
  upperIndBins <- toInt(lowerIndBins + 1, a = 1, b = Mx + 1)

  # Evaluation indexes (indEval for x[i])
  indEval <- cbind(lowerIndBins[-1], upperIndBins[-1])

  # Evaluation weights for linear binning
  wEval <- weightsLinearInterp1D(x = data[-1], g1 = grid[indEval[, 1]],
                                 g2 = grid[indEval[, 2]], circular = TRUE)

  if (linearBinning) {

    # Unique indexes for both lower and upper bins
    uniqueInd <- unique(c(lowerIndBins, upperIndBins))

    # Link from lower and upper bins to the aggregated (lower + upper)
    # unique values
    matchLowerIndBins <- match(x = lowerIndBins, table = uniqueInd)
    matchUpperIndBins <- match(x = upperIndBins, table = uniqueInd)

    # Start indexes
    indStart <- cbind(matchLowerIndBins[-N], matchUpperIndBins[-N])

    # Start weights
    wStart <- weightsLinearInterp1D(x = data[-N], g1 = grid[lowerIndBins[-N]],
                                    g2 = grid[upperIndBins[-N]],
                                    circular = TRUE)

    # Initial conditions (normalized to ensure they are a density in the grid)
    u0 <- sapply(uniqueInd, function(i) dWn1D(x = grid, mu = grid[i],
                                              sigma = sdInitial))
    u0 <- sweep(u0, 2, apply(u0, 2, periodicTrapRule1D), FUN = "/")

    # Loglikelihood (expensive part)
    minusLogLik <- function(x) {

      # Update drifts and squared diffusion
      bGrid <- b(x = grid, pars = x)
      sigma2Grid <- sigma2(x = grid, pars = x)

      # Go only throgout the unique indices (tpd[xEval, xStart])
      tpd <- crankNicolson1D(u0 = u0, b = bGrid, sigma2 = sigma2Grid, N = Mt,
                             deltat = delt, Mx = Mx, deltax = delx,
                             imposePositive = TRUE)

      # Linear binning in evaluation and start
      res <- -sum(sapply(1:(N - 1), function(i)
        log(max(crossprod(wEval[i, ], tpd[indEval[i, ], indStart[i, ]])
                %*% wStart[i, ], 1e-08))))



  } else {

    # closestIndBins <- sapply(seq_along(data), function(i)
    #   which.min(abs(toPiInt(data[i] - grid))))
    closestIndBins <- toInt(round((data + pi) / delx) + 1, a = 1, b = Mx + 1)

    # Unique indexes of closests bins
    simpleUniqueInd <- unique(closestIndBins)

    # Link from closest bin to the unique values
    matchClosestIndBins <- match(x = closestIndBins, table = simpleUniqueInd)

    # Start indexes
    indStart <- matchClosestIndBins[-N]

    # Initial conditions (normalized to ensure they are a density in the grid)
    u0 <- sapply(simpleUniqueInd, function(i) dWn1D(x = grid, mu = grid[i],
                                                    sigma = sdInitial))
    u0 <- sweep(u0, 2, apply(u0, 2, periodicTrapRule1D), FUN = "/")

    # Loglikelihood (expensive part)
    minusLogLik <- function(x) {

      # Update drifts and squared diffusion
      bGrid <- b(x = grid, pars = x)
      sigma2Grid <- sigma2(x = grid, pars = x)

      # Go only throgout the unique indices (tpd[xEval, xStart])
      tpd <- crankNicolson1D(u0 = u0, b = bGrid, sigma2 = sigma2Grid, N = Mt,
                             deltat = delt, Mx = Mx, deltax = delx)

      # Linear binning in evaluation
      res <- -sum(sapply(1:(N - 1), function(i)
        log(max(crossprod(wEval[i, ], tpd[indEval[i, ], indStart[i]]), 1e-08))))




  # Optimization
  mleOptimWrapper(minusLogLik = minusLogLik, start = start, lower = lower,
                  upper = upper, ...)


#' @title MLE for toroidal process via PDE solving in 2D
#' @description Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) for arbitrary diffusions,
#' based on the transition probability density (tpd) obtained as the numerical
#' solution of the Fokker--Planck Partial Differential Equation (PDE) in 2D.
#' @param b drift function. Must return a vector of the same size as its
#' argument.
#' @param sigma2 function giving the diagonal of the diffusion matrix. Must
#' return a vector of the same size as its argument.
#' @inheritParams psMle
#' @inheritParams dTpdPde2D
#' @inheritParams mlePde1D
#' @return Output from \code{\link{mleOptimWrapper}}.
#' @details See Sections 3.4.2 and 3.4.4 in García-Portugués et al. (2019) for
#' details. The function currently includes the \code{region} function for
#' imposing a feasibility region on the parameters of the bivariate WN
#' diffusion.
#' @references
#' García-Portugués, E., Sørensen, M., Mardia, K. V. and Hamelryck, T. (2019)
#' Langevin diffusions on the torus: estimation and applications.
#' \emph{Statistics and Computing}, 29(2):1--22. \doi{10.1007/s11222-017-9790-2}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Test in OU process
#' alpha <- c(1, 2, -0.5)
#' mu <- c(0, 0)
#' sigma <- c(0.5, 1)
#' set.seed(2334567)
#' data <- rTrajMou(x0 = c(0, 0), A = alphaToA(alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma),
#'                  mu = mu, Sigma = diag(sigma^2), N = 500, delta = 0.5)
#' b <- function(x, pars) sweep(-x, 2, pars[4:5], "+") %*%
#'                        t(alphaToA(alpha = pars[1:3], sigma = sigma))
#' sigma2 <- function(x, pars) repRow(sigma^2, nrow(x))
#' exactOu <- mleMou(data = data, delta = 0.5, sigma = sigma,
#'                   start = c(1, 1, 0, 2, 2),
#'                   lower = c(0.1, 0.1, -25, -10, -10),
#'                   upper = c(25, 25, 25, 10, 10))
#' head(exactOu, 2)
#' pdeOu <- mlePde2D(data = data, delta = 0.5, b = b, sigma2 = sigma2,
#'                   Mx = 10, My = 10, Mt = 10,
#'                   start = rbind(c(1, 1, 0, 2, 2)),
#'                   lower = c(0.1, 0.1, -25, -10, -10),
#'                   upper = c(25, 25, 25, 10, 10), verbose = 2)
#' head(pdeOu, 2)
#' pdeOuLin <- mlePde2D(data = data, delta = 0.5, b = b, sigma2 = sigma2,
#'                      Mx = 10, My = 10, Mt = 10,
#'                      start = rbind(c(1, 1, 0, 2, 2)),
#'                      lower = c(0.1, 0.1, -25, -10, -10),
#'                      upper = c(25, 25, 25, 10, 10), verbose = 2,
#'                      linearBinning = TRUE)
#' head(pdeOuLin, 2)
#' # Test in WN diffusion
#' alpha <- c(1, 0.5, 0.25)
#' mu <- c(0, 0)
#' sigma <- c(2, 1)
#' set.seed(234567)
#' data <- rTrajWn2D(x0 = c(0, 0), alpha = alpha, mu = mu, sigma = sigma,
#'                     N = 200, delta = 0.5)
#' b <- function(x, pars) driftWn2D(x = x, A = alphaToA(alpha = pars[1:3],
#'                                                      sigma = sigma),
#'                                  mu = pars[4:5], sigma = sigma)
#' sigma2 <- function(x, pars) repRow(sigma^2, nrow(x))
#' exactOu <- mleMou(data = data, delta = 0.5, sigma = sigma,
#'                   start = c(1, 1, 0, 1, 1),
#'                   lower = c(0.1, 0.1, -25, -25, -25),
#'                   upper = c(25, 25, 25, 25, 25), optMethod = "nlm")
#' pdeWn <- mlePde2D(data = data, delta = 0.5, b = b, sigma2 = sigma2,
#'                   Mx = 20, My = 20, Mt = 10, start = rbind(c(1, 1, 0, 1, 1)),
#'                   lower = c(0.1, 0.1, -25, -25, -25),
#'                   upper = c(25, 25, 25, 25, 25), verbose = 2,
#'                   optMethod = "nlm")
#' pdeWnLin <- mlePde2D(data = data, delta = 0.5, b = b, sigma2 = sigma2,
#'                      Mx = 20, My = 20, Mt = 10,
#'                      start = rbind(c(1, 1, 0, 1, 1)),
#'                      lower = c(0.1, 0.1, -25, -25, -25),
#'                      upper = c(25, 25, 25, 25, 25), verbose = 2,
#'                      linearBinning = TRUE)
#' head(exactOu)
#' head(pdeOu)
#' head(pdeOuLin)
#' }
#' @export
mlePde2D <- function(data, delta, b, sigma2, Mx = 50, My = 50,
                     Mt = ceiling(1e2 * delta), sdInitial = 0.1,
                     linearBinning = FALSE, start, lower, upper, ...) {

  # Get N
  if (!is.matrix(data)) {

    stop("data must be a matrix")

  N <- nrow(data)

  # Circular grids
  gridX <- seq(-pi, pi, l = Mx + 1)[-c(Mx + 1)]
  gridY <- seq(-pi, pi, l = My + 1)[-c(My + 1)]
  gridXY <- as.matrix(expand.grid(gridX, gridY))

  # State steps
  delx <- gridX[2] - gridX[1]
  dely <- gridY[2] - gridY[1]

  # Time step
  delt <- delta / Mt

  # Lower and upper indexes for linear binning of the evaluation points
  # gridX[lowerIndBinsX] <= data[, 1] <= gridX[upperIndBinsX]
  # gridY[lowerIndBinsY] <= data[, 2] <= gridY[upperIndBinsY]
  lowerIndBinsX <- findInterval(x = data[, 1], vec = gridX)
  upperIndBinsX <- toInt(lowerIndBinsX + 1, a = 1, b = Mx + 1)
  lowerIndBinsY <- findInterval(x = data[, 2], vec = gridY)
  upperIndBinsY <- toInt(lowerIndBinsY + 1, a = 1, b = My + 1)

  # Evaluation indexes (indEval for x[i]), lower-lower, upper-lower,
  # lower-upper, upper-upper
  indEval <- matrix(kIndex(i = rep(c(lowerIndBinsX[-1], upperIndBinsX[-1]), 2),
                           j = c(rep(lowerIndBinsY[-1], 2),
                                 rep(upperIndBinsY[-1], 2)),
                           nr = Mx, nc = My, byRows = TRUE),
                    ncol = 4, nrow = N - 1)

  # Evaluation weights for linear binning, sorted as lower-lower, upper-lower,
  # lower-upper, upper-upper
  wEval <- weightsLinearInterp2D(x = data[-1, 1], y = data[-1, 2],
                                 gx1 = gridX[lowerIndBinsX[-1]],
                                 gx2 = gridX[upperIndBinsX[-1]],
                                 gy1 = gridY[lowerIndBinsY[-1]],
                                 gy2 = gridY[upperIndBinsY[-1]],
                                 circular = TRUE)

  if (linearBinning) {

    # Unique indexes for both (lower, lower), (lower, upper), (upper, lower)
    # and (upper, upper) bins
    uniqueInd <- unique(cbind(rep(c(lowerIndBinsX, upperIndBinsX), 2),
                              c(rep(lowerIndBinsY, 2), rep(upperIndBinsY, 2))))

    # Link from lower and upper bins to the aggregated (lower + upper)
    # unique values
    matchLowerLowerIndBins <- matMatch(x = cbind(lowerIndBinsX, lowerIndBinsY),
                                       mat = uniqueInd)
    matchUpperLowerIndBins <- matMatch(x = cbind(upperIndBinsX, lowerIndBinsY),
                                       mat = uniqueInd)
    matchLowerUpperIndBins <- matMatch(x = cbind(lowerIndBinsX, upperIndBinsY),
                                       mat = uniqueInd)
    matchUpperUpperIndBins <- matMatch(x = cbind(upperIndBinsX, upperIndBinsY),
                                       mat = uniqueInd)

    # Start indexes
    indStart <- cbind(matchLowerLowerIndBins[-N], matchUpperLowerIndBins[-N],
                      matchLowerUpperIndBins[-N], matchUpperUpperIndBins[-N])

    # Start weights
    wStart <- weightsLinearInterp2D(x = data[-N, 1], y = data[-N, 2],
                                    gx1 = gridX[lowerIndBinsX[-N]],
                                    gx2 = gridX[upperIndBinsX[-N]],
                                    gy1 = gridY[lowerIndBinsY[-N]],
                                    gy2 = gridY[upperIndBinsY[-N]],
                                    circular = TRUE)

    # Initial conditions (normalized to ensure they are a density in the grid)
    u0 <- apply(uniqueInd, 1, function(ij) c(tcrossprod(
      dWn1D(x = gridX, mu = gridX[ij[1]], sigma = sdInitial),
      dWn1D(x = gridY, mu = gridY[ij[2]], sigma = sdInitial))))
    u0 <- sweep(u0, 2, apply(u0, 2, periodicTrapRule2D), FUN = "/")

    # Loglikelihood (expensive part)
    minusLogLik <- function(x) {

      # Update drifts and parameters
      bGrid <- b(x = gridXY, pars = x)
      bxGrid <- matrix(bGrid[, 1], nrow = Mx, ncol = My)
      byGrid <- matrix(bGrid[, 2], nrow = Mx, ncol = My)
      sigmaGrid <- sigma2(x = gridXY, pars = x)
      sigma2xGrid <- matrix(sigmaGrid[, 1], nrow = Mx, ncol = My)
      sigma2yGrid <- matrix(sigmaGrid[, 2], nrow = Mx, ncol = My)
      sigmaxyGrid <- matrix(0, nrow = Mx, ncol = My)

      # Go only throgout the unique indices (tpd[x1, x0])
      tpd <- crankNicolson2D(u0 = u0, bx = bxGrid, by = byGrid,
                             sigma2x = sigma2xGrid, sigma2y = sigma2yGrid,
                             sigmaxy = sigmaxyGrid, N = Mt, deltat = delt,
                             Mx = Mx, deltax = delx, My = My, deltay = dely,
                             imposePositive = TRUE)

      # Linear binning in evaluation and start
      res <- -sum(sapply(1:(N - 1), function(i)
        log(max(crossprod(wEval[i, ], tpd[indEval[i, ], indStart[i, ]]) %*%
                  wStart[i, ], 1e-08))))



  } else {

    # closestIndBins <- cbind(
    #   sapply(1:nrow(data), function(i)
    #     which.min(abs(toPiInt(data[i, 1] - gridX)))),
    #   sapply(1:nrow(data), function(i)
    #     which.min(abs(toPiInt(data[i, 2] - gridY)))))
    closestIndBins <- toInt(round(sweep(data + pi, 2, c(delx, dely), "/")) + 1,
                            a = 1, b = Mx + 1)

    # Unique indexes of closests bins
    simpleUniqueInd <- unique(closestIndBins)

    # Link from closest bin to the unique values
    matchClosestIndBins <- matMatch(x = closestIndBins, mat = simpleUniqueInd)

    # Start indexes
    indStart <- matchClosestIndBins[-N]

    # Initial conditions (normalized to ensure they are a density in the grid)
    u0 <- apply(simpleUniqueInd, 1, function(ij) c(tcrossprod(
      dWn1D(x = gridX, mu = gridX[ij[1]], sigma = sdInitial),
      dWn1D(x = gridY, mu = gridY[ij[2]], sigma = sdInitial))))
    u0 <- sweep(u0, 2, apply(u0, 2, periodicTrapRule2D), FUN = "/")

    # Loglikelihood (expensive part)
    minusLogLik <- function(x) {

      # Update drifts and parameters
      bGrid <- b(x = gridXY, pars = x)
      bxGrid <- matrix(bGrid[, 1], nrow = Mx, ncol = My)
      byGrid <- matrix(bGrid[, 2], nrow = Mx, ncol = My)
      sigmaGrid <- sigma2(x = gridXY, pars = x)
      sigma2xGrid <- matrix(sigmaGrid[, 1], nrow = Mx, ncol = My)
      sigma2yGrid <- matrix(sigmaGrid[, 2], nrow = Mx, ncol = My)
      sigmaxyGrid <- matrix(0, nrow = Mx, ncol = My)

      # Go only throgout the unique indices (tpd[x1, x0])
      tpd <- crankNicolson2D(u0 = u0, bx = bxGrid, by = byGrid,
                             sigma2x = sigma2xGrid, sigma2y = sigma2yGrid,
                             sigmaxy = sigmaxyGrid, N = Mt, deltat = delt,
                             Mx = Mx, deltax = delx, My = My, deltay = dely,
                             imposePositive = TRUE)

      # Linear binning in evaluation
      res <- -sum(sapply(1:(N - 1), function(i)
        log(max(crossprod(wEval[i, ], tpd[indEval[i, ], indStart[i]]), 1e-08))))




  # Check positvedefiniteness
  region <- function(pars) {

    testPosDef <- pars[1] * pars[2] - pars[3]^2

    if (testPosDef < 0) {

      pars[3] <- sign(pars[3]) * sqrt(pars[1] * pars[2]) * 0.99
      penalty <- 1e3 * testPosDef - 10

    } else {

      penalty <- 0


    return(list("pars" = pars, "penalty" = -penalty))


  # Optimization
  mleOptimWrapper(minusLogLik = minusLogLik, region = region, start = start,
                  lower = lower, upper = upper, ...)


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