
Defines functions .getVarImpObject .varImpEns ._varImp

# Author: Babak Naimi, naimi.b@gmail.com
# Date :  July 2016
# Last update :  Feb 2024
# Version 3.4
# Licence GPL v3

# ._varImp <- function(pv,pred,sp,nsim=5) {
#   # if the datatype is different than sdmDataFrame, then it should be updated to support...
#   ww <- names(pv[[2]])[which(names(pv[[2]]) != sp)]
#   dd <- pv[[2]]
#   obs <- pv[[2]][,sp]
#   d1 <- pred(pv)
#   vi <- vj <- rep(NA,nsim)
#   varImp1 <- varImp2 <- rep(NA,length(ww))
#   names(varImp1) <- names(varImp2) <- ww
#   a1 <- .auc(obs,d1)
#   for (v in ww) {
#     for (i in 1:nsim) {
#       pv[[2]][,v] <- dd[sample(nrow(dd)),v]
#       d2 <- pred(pv)
#       cr <- cor(d1,d2,use="complete.obs")
#       if (cr < 0) cr <- 0
#       vi[i] <- 1 - cr
#       a2 <- .auc(obs,d2)
#       a2 <- (a1-a2)*2
#       if (a2 > 1) a2 <- 1
#       else if (a2 < 0) a2 <- 0
#       vj[i] <- a2
#     }
#     varImp1[v] <- round(mean(vi,na.rm=TRUE),4)
#     varImp2[v] <- round(mean(vj,na.rm=TRUE),4)
#     pv[[2]] <- dd
#   }
#   new('.varImportance',variables=ww,varImportance=data.frame(variables=ww,corTest=varImp1,AUCtest=varImp2))
# }
# #---------

# for internal use in .workLoad
# # pv is pred.par
# vn: names of main predictor variables (without transformation)
# frame: featureGenerator Function
._varImp <- function(pv,pred,sp,nsim=5,.df,vn,frame) {
  # if the datatype is different than sdmDataFrame, then it should be updated to support...
  obs <- .df[,sp]
  pv[[2]] <- frame(.df)
  d1 <- pred(pv)
  vi <- vj <- rep(NA,nsim)
  varImp1 <- varImp2 <- rep(NA,length(vn))
  names(varImp1) <- names(varImp2) <- vn
  a1 <- .auc(obs,d1)
  .df2 <- .df
  for (v in vn) {
    for (i in 1:nsim) {
      .df2[,v] <- .df[sample(nrow(.df)),v]
      pv[[2]] <- frame(.df2)
      d2 <- pred(pv)
      cr <- cor(d1,d2,use="complete.obs")
      if (cr < 0) cr <- 0
      vi[i] <- 1 - cr
      a2 <- .auc(obs,d2)
      a2 <- (a1-a2)*2
      if (a2 > 1) a2 <- 1
      else if (a2 < 0) a2 <- 0
      vj[i] <- a2
    varImp1[v] <- round(mean(vi,na.rm=TRUE),4)
    varImp2[v] <- round(mean(vj,na.rm=TRUE),4)
    .df2 <- .df

# This is for calculation of varImp based on ensemble approach!
.varImpEns <- function(m,sp=NULL,nsim=5,setting,...) {
  vn <- m@setting@featureFrame@predictors
  if (is.null(sp)) sp <- m@setting@featureFrame@responses[1]
  if (missing(setting) || is.null(setting)) setting <- list(method='weighted',stat='auc')
  dd <- as.data.frame(m@data,sp=sp,...)
  obs <- dd[,sp]
  dd <- dd[,vn,drop=FALSE]
  options(warn = -1)
  d1 <- ensemble(m,dd,setting = setting)[,1]
  vi <- vj <- rep(NA,nsim)
  varImp1 <- varImp2 <- rep(NA,length(vn))
  names(varImp1) <- names(varImp2) <- vn
  a1 <- .auc(obs,d1)
  dd2 <- dd
  for (v in vn) {
    for (i in 1:nsim) {
      dd2[,v] <- dd[sample(nrow(dd)),v]
      d2 <- ensemble(m,dd2,setting = setting)[,1]
      cr <- cor(d1,d2,use="complete.obs")
      if (cr < 0) cr <- 0
      vi[i] <- 1 - cr
      a2 <- .auc(obs,d2)
      a2 <- (a1-a2)*2
      if (a2 > 1) a2 <- 1
      else if (a2 < 0) a2 <- 0
      vj[i] <- a2
    varImp1[v] <- round(mean(vi,na.rm=TRUE),4)
    varImp2[v] <- round(mean(vj,na.rm=TRUE),4)
    dd2 <- dd
  options(warn = 0)
# .getVarImpObject <- function(x,id,wtest) {
#   # stat can be 1 (threshold-independent) OR 2 (threshold-dependent)
#   mi <- x@run.info
#   w <- which(mi$modelID == id)
#   if (length(w) == 1) {
#     if (missing(wtest) || is.null(wtest)) wtest <- colnames(mi)[9:7][which(as.matrix(mi[1,c(9,8,7)]))[1]]
#     else {
#       wtest <- .pmatch(wtest,c('training','test.dep','test.indep'))[1]
#       if (is.na(wtest)) wtest <- colnames(mi)[9:7][which(as.matrix(mi[1,c(9,8,7)]))[1]]
#     }
#     sp <- as.character(mi$species)[w]
#     mo <- as.character(mi$method)[w]
#     i <- as.character(mi$modelID)[w]
#     x@models[[sp]][[mo]][[i]]@varImportance[[wtest]]
#   } 
# }
.getVarImpObject <- function(x,id,wtest) {
  # stat can be 1 (threshold-independent) OR 2 (threshold-dependent)
  mi <- x@run.info[x@run.info$modelID %in% id,]
  mi <- mi[mi$success,]
  #mi <- x@run.info
  #w <- which(mi$modelID == id)
  if (missing(wtest) || is.null(wtest)) wtest <- colnames(mi)[9:7][which(as.matrix(mi[1,c(9,8,7)]))[1]]
  else {
    wtest <- .pmatch(wtest,c('training','test.dep','test.indep'))[1]
    if (is.na(wtest)) wtest <- colnames(mi)[9:7][which(as.matrix(mi[1,c(9,8,7)]))[1]]
  if (length(id) == 1) {
    w <- which(mi$modelID == id)
    sp <- as.character(mi$species[w])
    mo <- as.character(mi$method[w])
    .id <- as.character(id)
  } else {
    o <- list()
    for (i in id) {
      w <- which(mi$modelID == i)
      sp <- as.character(mi$species[w])
      mo <- as.character(mi$method[w])
      .id <- as.character(i)
      o[[.id]] <- x@models[[sp]][[mo]][[.id]]@varImportance[[wtest]]
    if (length(unique(sapply(o,function(x) length(x@variables)))) > 1) stop('The specified models (id) used different set of variables; in case of multiple id, select id for the models that used same predictors')
    .n <- length(o[[1]]@variables)
    vi2 <- vi1 <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=.n,nrow=length(o)))
    colnames(vi1) <- colnames(vi2) <- as.character(o[[1]]@varImportance[,1])
    for (i in 1:length(o)) {
      vi1[i,] <- o[[i]]@varImportance$corTest
      vi2[i,] <- o[[i]]@varImportance$AUCtest
    .m <- apply(vi1,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
    .ci <- 1.96 * apply(vi1,2,sd,na.rm=TRUE) / sqrt(.n)
    vi1 <- data.frame(variables=  colnames(vi1),corTest=.m,lower=.m - .ci,upper=.m + .ci)
    .m <- apply(vi2,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
    .ci <- 1.96 * apply(vi2,2,sd,na.rm=TRUE) / sqrt(.n)
    vi2 <- data.frame(variables=  colnames(vi2),AUCtest=.m,lower=.m - .ci,upper=.m + .ci)
    o <- new('.varImportanceList',variables=as.character(vi1$variables),varImportanceList=o,

if (!isGeneric("getVarImp")) {
  setGeneric("getVarImp", function(x,id, wtest, setting, ...)

setMethod('getVarImp', signature(x='sdmModels'),
          function(x, id, wtest,setting=NULL,...) {
            if (missing(setting)) setting <- NULL
            mi <- x@run.info[x@run.info$success,]
            if (nrow(mi) == 0) stop('No successfully fitted models exist in the sdmModels object!')
            if (missing(id) || is.null(id)) {
              id <- getModelId(x, success = TRUE, ...)
              if (length(id) == 0) stop('No successfully fitted models is selected!')
              else if (length(id) > 1 && length(id) == nrow(mi)) cat('\nThe variable importance for all the models are combined (averaged)... \n')
              else cat(paste0('\nThe values of relative variable importance are generated from ', length(id),' models... \n'))
              if (missing(wtest)) wtest <- NULL
            } else {
              if (is.character(id)) {
                if (!tolower(id[1]) %in% c('ens','ensemble','ensmble','ensmbl','en','ensembl','e')) stop('id should be either "ensemble" (character) or a numeric vector specifying model IDs!')
                id <- getModelId(x, success = TRUE, ...)
                if (length(id) == 0) stop('No successfully fitted models is selected!')
                sp <- as.character(unique(mi$species[mi$modelID %in% id]))
                if (length(sp) > 1) {
                  sp <- sp[1]
                  warning('More than one species are avaialble in the sdmModels object; the first species is considered (or use species="speciesName" in the function to select the certain species)...!')
                .varImpEns(x,sp=sp,nsim=5,setting = setting)
              } else {
                if (!any(id %in% mi$modelID)) stop('No successfully fitted models corresspond to the specified modelIDs (id)!')
                if (!all(id %in% mi$modelID)) {
                  id <- id[id %in% mi$modelID]
                  if (length(id) == 1) cat(paste0('Only the id  = ',id,' does exist in the list of successfully fitted models. \n'))
                  else if (length(id) > 1) cat(paste0('Some of the specified modelIDs (id) are not available; ', length(id),' models are considered...! \n'))
                mi <- mi[mi$modelID %in% id,]
                if (length(unique(mi$species)) > 1) {
                  warning('Consider that the specified modelIDs in id are related to several species!')
                if (length(unique(mi$method)) > 1) {
                  warning('Consider that the specified modelIDs in id are related to several methods!')
                if (missing(wtest)) wtest <- NULL

# setMethod('getVarImp', signature(x='sdmModels'),
#           function(x, id, wtest,...) {
#             if (missing(id)) id <- NULL
#             if (missing(wtest)) wtest <- NULL
#             if (!is.null(id) & length(id) == 1) {
#               .getVarImpObject(x,id,wtest)
#             } else {
#               stop('This version only support extracting the variable importance for 1 model each time!')
#             }
#           }
# )

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