
## plot.secr.R
## Method for plotting detection function from fitted secr object
## 2009 02 12 2009 08 09 2009 09 13 (limits)
## 2009 11 04 signal strength
## 2010 07 01 alpha detectfn
## 2010 09 15 amend message for missing cutval
## 2010 11 01 enabled plot detectfn=9
## 2011 03 26 reversed order of first two arguments of dfn's
## default of limits changed to FALSE in plot.secr()
## 2012-10-21 moved HN etc to utility.r
## 2013-04-20 new detection functions HHN, HHR, HEX, HAN, HCG
## 2013-04-24 uses getdfn from utility.r
## 2014-04-25 ylim bug when g0 fixed
## 2014-09-18 limits = TRUE now works with acoustic dfn

## 2017-05-24 BUG label of plot.secr 'Detection lambda' suppressed
## 2017-10-16 plot.secr confidence limits for detection functions 14:18 use 
##            log(hazard) scale to match output of predict.secr for g(0)
## 2018-01-16 HVP detection function

plot.secrlist <- function (x, newdata=NULL, add = FALSE,
    sigmatick = FALSE, rgr = FALSE, limits = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, xval = 0:200,
    ylim = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, ..., overlay = TRUE)
    if (overlay) {
       ## plot(x[[1]], newdata, add, sigmatick, rgr, limits, alpha, xval, ylim, xlab,
       ##        ylab, ...)
       ## lapply(x[-1], plot, newdata, TRUE, sigmatick, rgr, limits, alpha, xval, ylim, xlab,
       ##        ylab, ...)
        plotargs <- list(...)
        nplot <- length(x)

        if ("col" %in% names(plotargs))
            col <- rep(plotargs$col, nplot)
            col <- rep("black", nplot)

        if ("lty" %in% names(plotargs))
            lty <- rep(plotargs$lty, nplot)
            lty <- rep(1, nplot)

        if ("lwd" %in% names(plotargs))
            lwd <- rep(plotargs$lwd, nplot)
            lwd <- rep(1, nplot)

        plot(x[[1]], newdata, add, sigmatick, rgr, limits, alpha, xval, ylim, xlab,
               ylab, col=col[1], lwd=lwd[1], lty=lty[1])
        if (length(x)>1)
        mapply(plot, x[-1], col=col[-1], lwd=lwd[-1], lty=lty[-1],
               MoreArgs = list(newdata= newdata, add=TRUE, sigmatick=sigmatick, rgr=rgr,
               limits=limits, alpha=alpha, xval=xval, ylim=ylim, xlab='', ylab=''),
               SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    else {
        lapply(x, plot, newdata, TRUE, sigmatick, rgr, limits, alpha, xval, ylim, xlab,
               ylab, ...)

plot.secr <- function (x, newdata = NULL, add = FALSE,
    sigmatick = FALSE, rgr = FALSE, limits = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, # bootstrap = FALSE, nboot = 10000, 
    xval = 0:200, ylim = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, ...)
    gline <- function (predicted, rowi = 1, eps = 1e-10) {
        ## eps is used to limit y to range where gradient() works
        ## may need later adjustment
        if (!is.data.frame(predicted)) {
            out <- list()
            for (i in 1:length(predicted))
                out[[i]] <- gline(predicted[[i]], i)
            names(out) <- names(predicted)
        else {
            pars <- predicted[parnames(x$detectfn),'estimate']
            pars[is.na(pars)] <- unlist(x$fixed)
            dfn <- getdfn(x$detectfn)
            if (sigmatick) {
              sigma <- pars[2]
              y <- dfn(sigma, pars, x$details$cutval)
              dy <- par()$usr[4]/20
              segments (sigma, y-dy, sigma, y+dy)

            y <- dfn(xval, pars, x$details$cutval)
            if (rgr) {
              y <- xval * y
              ymax <- par()$usr[4]
              lines (xval, y * 0.8 * ymax / max(y), lty = 2, ...)
            else lines (xval, y, ...)

            if (limits & !rgr) {
                ## delta method variance of g()

                grad <- matrix(nrow = length(xval), ncol = length(x$fit$par))  ## beta pars
                if (is.null(newdata)) {
                    # newdata <- secr.make.newdata (x)
                    newdata <- makeNewData(x)
                parnamvec <- parnames(x$detectfn)
                ## 2019-01-25 added beta0
                if (!parnamvec[1] %in% c('g0','lambda0','beta0'))
                    stop ("first detection parameter not g0 or lambda0")
                lkdfn <- function (beta, r) {
                    ## real g() from all beta pars and model.matrix
                    real <- numeric(length(parnamvec))
                    names(real) <- parnamvec
                    for (rn in parnamvec) {
                        par.rn <- x$parindx[[rn]]
                        mat <- general.model.matrix(
                            data = newdata[rowi,,drop=FALSE], 
                            gamsmth = x$smoothsetup[[rn]],
                            contrasts = x$details$contrasts)
                        lp <- mat %*% matrix(beta[par.rn], ncol = 1)
                        real[rn] <- untransform (lp, x$link[[rn]])
                    # 2017-10-16 logit(dfn(r, real, x$details$cutval))
                    gr <- dfn(r, real, x$details$cutval)
                    if (parnamvec[1] == 'lambda0')
                for (i in 1:length(xval))
                    grad[i,] <- gradient (pars = x$fit$par, fun = lkdfn, r = xval[i])  ## see 'utility.R'
                vc <- vcov (x)
                gfn <- function(gg) {
                    gg <- matrix(gg, nrow = 1)
                    gg %*% vc %*% t(gg)
                se <- apply(grad, 1, gfn)^0.5
                ## limits on g(r) scale 2017-10-16
                if (parnamvec[1] == 'lambda0') {
                    lcl <- ifelse ((y>eps) & (y<(1-eps)), 1 - exp(-exp(log(-log(1-y)) - z*se)), NA)
                    ucl <- ifelse ((y>eps) & (y<(1-eps)), 1 - exp(-exp(log(-log(1-y)) + z*se)), NA)
                else {
                    lcl <- ifelse ((y>eps) & (y<(1-eps)), invlogit(logit(y) - z*se), NA)
                    ucl <- ifelse ((y>eps) & (y<(1-eps)), invlogit(logit(y) + z*se), NA)
                lines (xval, lcl, lty=2, ...)
                lines (xval, ucl, lty=2, ...)
            if (limits & !rgr)
                data.frame(x=xval, y=y, lcl = lcl, ucl = ucl)
                data.frame(x=xval, y=y)
    z <- abs(qnorm(1-alpha/2))   ## beware confusion with hazard-rate z!
    temp <- predict (x, newdata)
    if (is.null(ylim)) {
        if (x$detectfn %in% c(9,10,11,12,13)) {      ## included 9 2010-11-01
            ylim <- c(0, 1)
        else {
            if (x$detectfn %in% 14:19)
                yname <- 'lambda0'
                yname <- 'g0'
            getmax <- function(x) {
                g0 <- x[yname,'estimate']
                se.g0 <- x[yname,'SE.estimate']
                if (limits & is.finite(se.g0))  ## is.finite 2010-10-10
                    min(1, g0 + z * se.g0)
            if (is.data.frame(temp)) maxg0 <- getmax(temp)
            else maxg0 <- max(sapply (temp, getmax))

            if (is.na(maxg0)) maxg0 <- x$fixed[[yname]]
            if (maxg0 > 0.75) maxg0 <- max(maxg0,1)
            ylim <- c(0, maxg0)
    if (!add) {
        if (is.null(xlab))
            xlab <- 'Distance  (m)'
        if (is.null(ylab)) {
           binomN <- ifelse(is.null(x$details$binomN),0,x$details$binomN)
## revisit this 2011-02-06
## suppress confusing option 2017-05-24           
           # dlambda <- any(detector(traps(x$capthist)) %in% c('polygon','polygonX')) |
           #     any((detector(traps(x$capthist)) %in% c('count')) & (binomN==0))
           # if (dlambda)
           #     ylab <- 'Detection lambda'
           # else
           ylab <- 'Detection probability'
        plot (type ='n', 0,0, xlim=range(xval), ylim=ylim,
            xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,...)

detectfnplot <- function (detectfn, pars, details = NULL,
    add = FALSE, sigmatick = FALSE, rgr = FALSE, hazard = FALSE, 
    xval = 0:200, ylim = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, ...)
    gline <- function (pars) {
        ## here pars is a vector of parameter values
        dfn <- getdfn(detectfn)
        if (sigmatick) {
            sigma <- pars[2]
            y <- dfn(sigma, pars,details$cutval)
            ## 2017-08-28
            if (hazard)
                y <- -log(1-y)
            dy <- par()$usr[4]/20
            segments (sigma, y-dy, sigma, y+dy)
        y <- dfn(xval, pars, details$cutval)
        ## 2017-08-28
        if (hazard)
            y <- -log(1-y)
        if (rgr) {
            y <- xval * y
            ymax <- par()$usr[4]
            lines (xval, y * 0.8 * ymax / max(y), lty = 2, ...)
        else lines (xval, y, ...)

        data.frame(x=xval, y=y)


    ### mainline
    if (is.list(pars)) {   ## 2010-10-26
        if (is.list(pars[[1]]))
            pars <- matrix(unlist(pars), nrow = length(pars), byrow = T)
            pars <- unlist(pars)

    if (!is.matrix(pars)) pars <- matrix(pars, nrow = 1)

    ## added 2010-07-01
    if (is.character(detectfn))
        detectfn <- detectionfunctionnumber(detectfn)

    needp <- c(2,3,2,3,2,3,3,3,3,2,3,3,5,5,2,3,2,3,3,3)[detectfn+1]

    if (ncol(pars) != needp)
        stop ("require ", needp, " parameters for ",
             detectionfunctionname(detectfn), " detection function")

    if (is.null(ylim)) {
        if (detectfn %in% c(10,11,12,13)) {
            ylim <- c(0, 1)
        else {
            ylim <- c(0, max(pars[,1]))   ## g0 or lambda0

    if (!add) {
        if (is.null(xlab))
            xlab <- 'Distance  (m)'
        if (is.null(ylab))
            ylab <- 'Detection'
        plot (type ='n', 0,0, xlim=range(xval), ylim=ylim,
            xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,...)

    invisible( apply (pars, 1, gline) )


attenuationplot <- function (pars, add = FALSE, spherical = TRUE,
    xval = 0:200, ylim = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, ...) {

    mufn <- function (pars, r) {
        beta0 <- pars[1]
        beta1 <- pars[2]
        ## if spherical, assume distance r measured from 1 m
        if (spherical) {
            mu <- beta0 - 10 * log ( r^2 ) / 2.302585 + beta1 * (r-1)
            mu[r<1] <- beta0
            mu <- beta0 + beta1 * r

    aline <- function (pars, r) {
        y <- mufn (pars, xval)
        lines (xval, y, ...)
        data.frame(x=xval, y=y)

    if (is.list(pars)) {   ## 2010-10-26
        if (is.list(pars[[1]]))
            pars <- matrix(unlist(pars), nrow = length(pars), byrow = T)
            pars <- unlist(pars)
    if (!is.matrix(pars)) pars <- matrix(pars, nrow = 1)

    if (is.null(ylim)) {
        lower <- min(apply(pars, 1, mufn, r = max(xval)))
        ylim <- c(lower, max(pars[,1]))

    if (!add) {
        if (is.null(xlab))
            xlab <- 'Distance  (m)'
        if (is.null(ylab))
            ylab <- 'Acoustic power (dB)'
        plot (type ='n', 0,0, xlim=range(xval), ylim=ylim,
            xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,...)
    invisible( apply (pars, 1, aline) )


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