
Defines functions store_secret_with_key try_get_aes_key share_secret_with_key1 share_secret_with_key secret_does_not_exist secret_exists unshare_secret list_owners share_secret list_secrets delete_secret update_secret get_secret add_secret

Documented in add_secret delete_secret get_secret list_owners list_secrets share_secret share_secret_with_key share_secret_with_key1 store_secret_with_key try_get_aes_key unshare_secret update_secret

#' Add a new secret to the vault.
#' By default, the newly added secret is not shared with other
#' users. See the users argument if you want to change this.
#' You can also use [share_secret()] later, to specify the users that
#' have access to the secret.
#' @param name Name of the secret, a string that can contain alphanumeric
#'   characters, underscores, dashes and dots.
#' @param value Value of the secret, an arbitrary R object that
#'   will be serialized using [base::serialize()].
#' @param users Email addresses of users that will have access to the
#'   secret. (See [add_user()])
#' @param vault Vault location (starting point to find the vault).
#'   To create a vault, use [create_vault()] or [create_package_vault()].
#'   If this is `NULL`, then `secret` tries to find the vault automatically:
#'   * If the `secret.vault` option is set to path, that is used as the
#'     starting point.
#'   * Otherwise, if the `R_SECRET_VAULT` environment variable is set to a
#'     path, that is used as a starting point.
#'   * Otherwise the current working directory is used as the starting
#'     point.
#'   If the starting point is a vault, that is used. Otherwise, if the
#'   starting point is in a package tree, the `inst/vault` folder is used
#'   within the package. If no vault can be found, an error is thrown.
#' @family secret functions
#' @export
#' @importFrom openssl aes_keygen aes_cbc_encrypt read_pubkey rsa_encrypt
#' @example inst/examples/example-secret.R

add_secret <- function(name, value, users, vault = NULL) {
  vault <- find_vault(vault)
  assert_that(secret_does_not_exist(vault, name))
  assert_that(users_exist(vault, users))

  ## Create an AES key for the secret, and store it
  key <- aes_keygen()
  store_secret_with_key(name, value, key, vault)

  ## Share it with the specified users
  share_secret_with_key(name, users, aeskey = key, vault = vault)


#' Retrieve a secret from the vault.
#' @param name Name of the secret.
#' @param key The private RSA key to use. It defaults to the current
#'   user's default key.
#' @inheritParams add_secret
#' @family secret functions
#' @export
#' @importFrom openssl rsa_decrypt aes_cbc_decrypt
#' @example inst/examples/example-secret.R

get_secret <- function(name, key = local_key(), vault = NULL) {
  vault <- find_vault(vault)

  secret_file <- get_secret_file(vault, name)
  if (! file.exists(secret_file)) {
    stop("secret ", sQuote(name), " does not exist")

  ## Try to decrypt all AES encryptions, to see if user has access
  aeskey <- try_get_aes_key(vault, name, key)
  if (is.null(aeskey)) stop("Access denied to secret ", sQuote(name))

  secret <- unserialize(read_raw(secret_file))
  data <- aes_cbc_decrypt(secret, aeskey)

#' Update a secret in the vault.
#' @inheritParams get_secret
#' @inheritParams add_secret
#' @family secret functions
#' @export
#' @importFrom openssl aes_keygen

update_secret <- function(name, value, key = local_key(), vault = NULL) {
  vault <- find_vault(vault)

  secret_file <- get_secret_file(vault, name)
  if (! file.exists(secret_file)) {
    stop("secret ", sQuote(name), " does not exist")

  ## Need a new AES key, because we might have deleted some users since
  ## the last value was set. These users still have the old AES key,
  ## but they should not have access to the new value of the secret.
  ## See also https://github.com/gaborcsardi/secret/issues/10
  aeskey <- aes_keygen()

  ## Store the secret
  store_secret_with_key(name, value, aeskey, vault)

  ## Give access to the same users
  users <- get_secret_user_emails(vault, name)
  share_secret_with_key(name, users, aeskey = aeskey, vault = vault)


#' Remove a secret from the vault.
#' @param name Name of the secret to delete.
#' @inheritParams add_secret
#' @family secret functions
#' @export

delete_secret <- function(name, vault = NULL) {
  vault <- find_vault(vault)

  secret_file <- get_secret_file(vault, name)
  secret_dir <- dirname(secret_file)
  if (!file.exists(secret_dir)) {
    stop("Secret ", sQuote(name), " does not exist.")

  unlink(secret_dir, recursive = TRUE)


#' List all secrets.
#' Returns a data frame with secrets and emails that these are shared with.
#' The emails are in a list-column, each element of the `email` column is
#' a character vector.
#' @inheritParams add_secret
#' @family secret functions
#' @return data.frame
#' @export

list_secrets <- function(vault = NULL) {
  vault <- find_vault(vault)

  secrets <- list.files(
    file.path(vault, "secrets"),
    recursive = TRUE,
    full.names = FALSE,
    pattern = ".raw$"
  secrets <- gsub(".raw$", "", dirname(secrets))
  secrets <- sort(secrets)

  users <- lapply(
    file.path(vault, "secrets", secrets),
    pattern = "\\.enc$"
  users <- lapply(users, sub, pattern = "\\.enc$", replacement = "")

    secret = secrets,
    email  = I(users),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

#' Share a secret among some users.
#' Use this function to extend the set of users that have access to a
#' secret. The calling user must have access to the secret as well.
#' @param key Private key that has access to the secret. (I.e. its
#'   corresponding public key is among the vault users.)
#' @param users addresses of users that will have access to the secret.
#'   (See [add_user()]).
#' @inheritParams add_secret
#' @seealso [unshare_secret()], [list_owners()] to list users that have
#' access to a secret.
#' @family secret functions
#' @export

share_secret <- function(name, users, key = local_key(), vault = NULL) {
  vault <- find_vault(vault)
  assert_that(secret_exists(vault, name))
  assert_that(users_exist(vault, users))

  aeskey <- try_get_aes_key(vault, name, key)
  if (is.null(aeskey)) stop("Access denied to secret ", sQuote(name))
  share_secret_with_key(name, users, aeskey, vault)


#' List users that have access to a secret
#' @inheritParams add_secret
#' @family secret functions
#' @export

list_owners <- function(name, vault = NULL) {
  vault <- find_vault(vault)
  get_secret_user_emails(name, vault = vault)

#' Unshare a secret among some users.
#' Use this function to restrict the set of users that have access to a
#' secret. Note that users may still have access to the secret, through
#' version control history, or if they have a copy of the project. They
#' will not have access to future values of the secret, though.
#' @inheritParams add_secret
#' @seealso [share_secret()]
#' @family secret functions
#' @export

unshare_secret <- function(name, users, vault = NULL) {
  vault <- find_vault(vault)
  assert_that(secret_exists(vault, name))
  assert_that(users_exist(vault, users))

  files <- vapply(users, get_secret_user_file, "",
                  vault = vault, name = name)
  files <- Filter(file.exists, files)


# Internals -------------------------------------------------------------

secret_exists <- function(vault, name) {
  file.exists(get_secret_file(vault, name))

on_failure(secret_exists) <- function(call, env) {
  paste0("Secret ", deparse(call$name), " does not exist")

secret_does_not_exist <- function(vault, name) {
  ! secret_exists(vault, name)

on_failure(secret_does_not_exist) <- function(call, env) {
  paste0("Secret ", deparse(call$name), " already exists")

#' Share a secret, its AES key is known already.
#' @param name Name of the secret.
#' @param users Email addresses of users.
#' @param aeskey AES key of the secret.
#' @param vault Vault directory.
#' @keywords internal

share_secret_with_key <- function(name, users, aeskey, vault) {
  lapply(users, share_secret_with_key1,
         name = name, aeskey = aeskey, vault = vault)

#' Share a secret with a single user, AES key is known.
#' @param name Name of the secret.
#' @param email Email address of the user.
#' @param aeskey The AES key of the secret.
#' @param vault Vault directory.
#' @keywords internal

share_secret_with_key1 <- function(name, email, aeskey, vault) {
  secret_user_file <- get_secret_user_file(vault, name, email)
  rsa_key <- get_user_key(vault, email)
  encaes <- rsa_encrypt(serialize(aeskey, NULL), rsa_key)
  writeBin(encaes, secret_user_file)

#' Try to get the AES key of a secret, using a private RSA key.
#' We just try the private key against all encrypted copies of the
#' AES key. If none of the succeed, then we return `NULL`. Otherwise
#' we return the AES key, an `aes` object, from the `openssl` package.
#' @keywords internal

try_get_aes_key <- function(vault, name, key) {
  file <- get_secret_user_file_for_key(vault, name, key)
  if (is.null(file) || !file.exists(file)) return(NULL)
    unserialize(rsa_decrypt(read_raw(file), key = key)),
    error = function(e) NULL

#' Store a secret, encrypted with its AES key.
#' @param name Name of secret.
#' @param value Value of secret.
#' @param key The AES key, an `aes` object from the `openssl` package.
#' @param vault Vault directory.
#' @keywords internal

store_secret_with_key <- function(name, value, key, vault) {
  ## Encrypt the secret with it
  data <- serialize(value, NULL)
  enc <- aes_cbc_encrypt(data, key)

  ## Write it out
  secret_file <- get_secret_file(vault, name)
  writeBin(serialize(enc, NULL), secret_file)

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secret documentation built on July 2, 2020, 1:49 a.m.