
Defines functions getCFI.Sigma.mgroups getCFI.Sigma getSRMR.Sigma.mgroups getSRMR.Sigma getWLSv getF.Sigma getAGFI.F getGFI.F getMc.F getRMSEA.F getIndices.F getF.AGFI getF.GFI getF.Mc getF.RMSEA getF getChiSquare.F getChiSquare.NCP getNCP

Documented in getAGFI.F getCFI.Sigma getCFI.Sigma.mgroups getChiSquare.F getChiSquare.NCP getF getF.AGFI getF.GFI getF.Mc getF.RMSEA getF.Sigma getGFI.F getIndices.F getMc.F getNCP getRMSEA.F getSRMR.Sigma getSRMR.Sigma.mgroups getWLSv

##########################  determine ncp, chi-square from Fmin   #####################

#' getNCP
#' Computes the non-centrality parameter from the population minimum of the fit-function 
#' (dividing by N - 1 following the Wishart likelihood): `ncp = (N - 1) * F0`.
#' @param Fmin population minimum of the fit-function (can be a list for multiple group models).
#' @param n number of observations (can be a list for multiple group models).
#' @return Returns the implied NCP.
getNCP <- function(Fmin, n){
  NCP <- unlist(Fmin) * (unlist(n) - 1)

#' getChiSquare.NCP
#' Computes chi-square from the non-centrality parameter: `chi-square = ncp + df`.
#' @param NCP non-centrality parameter
#' @param df model degrees of freedom
#' @return Returns chi-square
getChiSquare.NCP <- function(NCP, df){
  chiSquare <- NCP + df

#' getChiSquare.F
#' Computes the (Wishart-) chi-square from the population minimum of the fit-function: 
#' `chi-square = (N - 1) * F0 + df = ncp + df`. Note that F0 is the population minimum. 
#' Using F_hat would give `chi-square = (N - 1) * F_hat`.
#' @param Fmin population minimum of the fit-function (can be a list for multiple group models).
#' @param n number of observations  (can be a list for multiple group models).
#' @param df model degrees of freedom
#' @return Returns chi-square
getChiSquare.F <- function(Fmin, n, df){
  chiSquare <- getNCP(Fmin, n) + df

##########################  determine Fmin from RMSEA , Mc , GFI , AGFI   #####################

#' getF
#' Computes the minimum of the ML-fit-function from known fit indices.
#' @param effect magnitude of effect
#' @param effect.measure measure of effect, one of `'fmin'`, `'rmsea'`, `'agfi'`, `'gfi'`, `'mc'`
#' @param df model degrees of freedom
#' @param p number of observed variables
#' @param SigmaHat model implied covariance matrix
#' @param Sigma observed (or population) covariance matrix
#' @param muHat model implied mean vector
#' @param mu observed (or population) mean vector
#' @param fittingFunction one of `ML` (default), `WLS`, `DWLS`, `ULS`
#' @return Returns Fmin
getF <- function(effect, effect.measure, df = NULL, p = NULL, SigmaHat = NULL, Sigma = NULL, muHat = NULL, mu = NULL, fittingFunction = 'ML'){
  fmin <- effect
  if(is.null(SigmaHat)){ # sufficient to check for on NULL matrix; primary validity check is in validateInput
           "RMSEA" = fmin <- getF.RMSEA(effect, df),
           "MC" = fmin <- getF.Mc(effect),
           "GFI" = fmin <- getF.GFI(effect, p),
           "AGFI" = fmin <- getF.AGFI(effect, df, p)
    fmin <- effect <- getF.Sigma(SigmaHat, Sigma, muHat, mu, fittingFunction = fittingFunction)

#' getF.RMSEA
#' Computes the minimum of the ML-fit-function from RMSEA:
#' `F_min = rmsea^2 * df`.
#' @param RMSEA RMSEA
#' @param df model degrees of freedom
#' @return Returns Fmin
getF.RMSEA <- function(RMSEA, df){
  fmin <- RMSEA^2 * df

#' getF.Mc
#' Computes the minimum of the ML-fit-function from Mc.
#' @param Mc Mc
#' @return Returns Fmin
getF.Mc <- function(Mc){
  fmin <- -2 * log(Mc)

#' getF.GFI
#' Computes the minimum of the ML-fit-function from GFI.
#' @param GFI GFI
#' @param p number of observed variables
#' @return Returns Fmin
getF.GFI <- function(GFI, p){
  fmin <- -(GFI - 1) * p / (2 * GFI)

#' getF.AGFI
#' Computes the minimum of the ML-fit-function from AGFI.
#' @param AGFI AGFI
#' @param df model degrees of freedom
#' @param p number of observed variables
#' @return Returns Fmin
getF.AGFI <- function(AGFI, df, p){
  fmin <- -(AGFI - 1) * df * p / (p * p + p + (2 * AGFI - 2) * df)

##########################  determine RMSEA Mc GFI AGFI from Fmin   #####################

#' getIndices.F
#' Computes known indices from the minimum of the ML-fit-function.
#' @param fmin minimum of the ML-fit-function
#' @param df model degrees of freedom
#' @param p number of observed variables
#' @param SigmaHat model implied covariance matrix
#' @param Sigma population covariance matrix
#' @param muHat model implied means
#' @param mu population means
#' @param N list of sample weights
#' @return list of indices
getIndices.F <- function(fmin, df, p = NULL, SigmaHat = NULL, Sigma = NULL, muHat = NULL, mu = NULL, N = NULL){
  # may happen in simulated power
  if(fmin <= 0){
    fit <- list(
      rmsea = 0,
      mc = 1,
      gfi = 1, 
      agfi = 1
    fit <- list(
      rmsea = getRMSEA.F(fmin, df, nGroups = ifelse(length(N) > 1, length(N), 1)),
      mc = getMc.F(fmin),
      gfi = NULL,
      agfi = NULL
      fit[['gfi']] <- getGFI.F(fmin, p)
      fit[['agfi']] <- getAGFI.F(fmin, df, p)
    if(length(N) > 1){
      fit[['srmr']] <- getSRMR.Sigma.mgroups(SigmaHat, Sigma, muHat, mu, N)
      fit[['cfi']] <- getCFI.Sigma.mgroups(SigmaHat, Sigma, muHat, mu, N)
      fit[['srmr']] <- getSRMR.Sigma(SigmaHat, Sigma, muHat, mu)
      fit[['cfi']] <- getCFI.Sigma(SigmaHat, Sigma, muHat, mu)

#' getRMSEA.F
#' Computes RMSEA from the minimum of the ML-fit-function
#' `F_min = rmsea^2 * df`.
#' @param Fmin minimum of the ML-fit-function
#' @param df model degrees of freedom
#' @param nGroups the number of groups
#' @return Returns RMSEA
getRMSEA.F <- function(Fmin, df, nGroups = 1){
  RMSEA <- sqrt(Fmin / df) * sqrt(nGroups)

#' getMc.F
#' Computes Mc from the minimum of the ML-fit-function.
#' @param Fmin minimum of the ML-fit-function
#' @return Returns Mc
getMc.F <- function(Fmin){
  Mc <- exp(-.5 * Fmin)

#' getGFI.F
#' Computes GFI from the minimum of the ML-fit-function.
#' @param Fmin minimum of the ML-fit-function
#' @param p number of observed variables
#' @return Returns GFI
getGFI.F <- function(Fmin, p){
  GFI <- p / (p + 2 * Fmin)

#' getAGFI.F
#' Computes AGFI from the minimum of the ML-fit-function.
#' @param Fmin minimum of the ML-fit-function
#' @param df model degrees of freedom
#' @param p number of observed variables
#' @return Returns AGFI
getAGFI.F <- function(Fmin, df, p){
  AGFI <- -(Fmin * p * p + (Fmin - df) * p - 2 * df * Fmin) / (df * p + 2 * df * Fmin)

##########################  compute Fmin RMSEA SRMR CFI from covariance matrix #####################

#' getF.Sigma
#' Computes the minimum of the chosen fitting-function given the model-implied and the observed (or population) covariance matrix.
#' The ML fitting function is:
#' `F_min = tr(S %*% SigmaHat^-1) - p + ln(det(SigmaHat)) - ln(det(S))`. When a meanstructure is included, 
#' `(mu - muHat)' SigmaHat^-1 (mu - muHat)` is added.
#' The WLS fitting function is:
#' `F_min = (Sij - SijHat)'  V  (Sij - SijHat)` 
#' where V is the inverse of N times the asymptotic covariance matrix of the sample statistics (Gamma; N x ACOV(mu, vech(S))). 
#' For DWLS, V is the diagonal of the inverse of diag(NACOV), i.e. diag(solve(diag(Gamma))). 
#' For ULS, V = I. ULS has an unknown asymptotic distribution, so it is actually irrelevant, but provided for the sake of completeness.
#' @param SigmaHat model implied covariance matrix
#' @param S observed (or population) covariance matrix
#' @param muHat model implied mean vector
#' @param mu observed (or population) mean vector
#' @param fittingFunction one of `ML` (default), `WLS`, `DWLS`, `ULS` 
#' @return Returns Fmin
getF.Sigma <- function(SigmaHat, S, muHat = NULL, mu = NULL, fittingFunction = 'ML'){
  if(fittingFunction == 'ML'){
    fmin <- sum(diag(S %*% solve(SigmaHat))) + log(det(SigmaHat)) - log(det(S)) - ncol(S)
      fmean <- t(c(mu - muHat)) %*% solve(SigmaHat) %*% c(mu - muHat)
      fmin <- fmin + fmean  
  }else if(fittingFunction %in% c('WLS', 'ULS', 'DWLS')){
    Sij <- S[row(S) >= col(S)] 
    SijHat <- SigmaHat[row(SigmaHat) >= col(SigmaHat)]
        Sij <- c(mu, Sij) 
        SijHat <- c(muHat, SijHat)
    diff <- (Sij - SijHat)
    if(fittingFunction == 'WLS') fmin <- t(diff) %*% getWLSv(S, mu) %*% diff
    if(fittingFunction == 'DWLS') fmin <- sum(diff^2 * getWLSv(S, mu, diag = TRUE))
    if(fittingFunction == 'ULS') fmin <- sum(diff^2)
    stop('fittingFunction must be one of ML, WLS, DWLS, or ULS.')

#' getWLSv
#' Computes the WLS weight matrix as the asymptotic covariance matrix of the sample statistics 
#' @param S observed (or population) covariance matrix
#' @param mu observed (or population) mean vector
#' @param diag weight matrix for DWLS
#' @return Returns V
getWLSv <- function(S, mu = NULL, diag = FALSE){
  Sinv <- solve(S)
  wlsV <- 0.5*lavaan::lav_matrix_duplication_pre_post(Sinv %x% Sinv)
    wlsV <- lavaan::lav_matrix_bdiag(Sinv, wlsV)
    dv <- diag(nrow(wlsV))
    diag(dv) <- diag(solve(wlsV))
    wlsV <- diag(solve(dv))

#' getSRMR.Sigma
#' Computes SRMR given the model-implied and the observed (or population) covariance matrix, 
#' using the Hu & Bentler approach to standardization.
#' @param SigmaHat model implied covariance matrix
#' @param S observed (or population) covariance matrix
#' @param muHat model implied mean vector
#' @param mu observed (or population) mean vector
#' @return Returns SRMR
getSRMR.Sigma <- function(SigmaHat, S, muHat = NULL, mu = NULL){
  p <- ncol(S)
  # bollen approach to standardization
  # m <- cov2cor(S) - cov2cor(SigmaHat)
  # hu+bentler approach to std
  sqrt.d <- 1 / sqrt(diag(S))
  D <- diag(sqrt.d, ncol = length(sqrt.d))
  m <- D %*% (S - SigmaHat) %*% D
  fols <- sum(m[lower.tri(m, diag = TRUE)]^2)
  # mplus variant
  #fols <- (sum(m[lower.tri(m, diag=F)]^2)  +  sum(((diag(S) - diag(SigmaHat))/diag(S))^2)) 
  enum <- fols
  denum <- (p * (p + 1) / 2)
    # mplus / bollen approach
    #stdMeanResid <- sum( mu/sqrt(diag(S)) - muHat/sqrt(diag(SigmaHat)) )^2
    # hu+bentler approach
    stdMeanResid <- sum( (D %*% (mu - muHat))^2 )
    enum <- enum + stdMeanResid
    denum <- denum + p
  srmr <- sqrt(enum / denum)    

#' getSRMR.Sigma.mgroups 
#' Computes SRMR given the model-implied and the observed (or population) covariance matrix for multiple group models
#' using the Hu & Bentler approach to standardization and the MPlus approach to multiple group sampling weights 
#' (weight squared sums of residuals).
#' @param SigmaHat a list of model implied covariance matrices
#' @param S a list of observed (or population) covariance matrices
#' @param muHat model implied mean vector
#' @param mu observed (or population) mean vector
#' @param N a list of group weights
#' @return Returns SRMR
getSRMR.Sigma.mgroups <- function(SigmaHat, S, muHat = NULL, mu = NULL, N){
    srmrs <- sapply(seq_along(SigmaHat), function(x) getSRMR.Sigma(SigmaHat[[x]], S[[x]]))
    srmrs <- sapply(seq_along(SigmaHat), function(x) getSRMR.Sigma(SigmaHat[[x]], S[[x]], muHat[[x]], mu[[x]]))
  # lavaan approach: apply sample weights to srmr
  # srmr <- (sum(srmrs*N)/sum(N))
  # mplus approach: apply sample weights to squared sums of res
  srmr <- sqrt( sum(unlist(srmrs)^2 * unlist(N)) / sum(unlist(N)) )

#' getCFI.Sigma
#' Computes CFI given the model-implied and the observed (or population) covariance matrix: 
#' `CFI = (F_null - F_hyp) / F_null`.
#' @param SigmaHat model implied covariance matrix
#' @param S observed (or population) covariance matrix
#' @param muHat model implied mean vector
#' @param mu observed (or population) mean vector
#' @param fittingFunction whether to use `ML` or `WLS`
#' @return Returns CFI
getCFI.Sigma <- function(SigmaHat, S, muHat = NULL, mu = NULL, fittingFunction = 'ML'){
  fm <- getF.Sigma(SigmaHat, S, muHat, mu, fittingFunction = fittingFunction)
  SigmaHatNull <- diag(ncol(S))
  diag(SigmaHatNull) <- diag(S)
  muHatNull <- mu # as in mplus: baseline model has unrestricted means
  f0 <- getF.Sigma(SigmaHatNull, S, muHatNull, mu, fittingFunction = fittingFunction)
  cfi <- (f0-fm)/f0

#' getCFI.Sigma.mgroups
#' Computes CFI given the model-implied and the observed (or population) covariance matrix for multiple group models.
#' `CFI = (F_null - F_hyp) / F_null` applying multiple group sampling weights to `F_hyp` and `F_null`. 
#' @param SigmaHat a list of model implied covariance matrix
#' @param S a list of observed (or population) covariance matrix
#' @param muHat model implied mean vector
#' @param mu observed (or population) mean vector
#' @param N a list of group weights
#' @param fittingFunction whether to use `ML` or `WLS`
#' @return Returns CFI
getCFI.Sigma.mgroups <- function(SigmaHat, S, muHat = NULL, mu = NULL, N, fittingFunction = 'ML'){
  N <- unlist(N)
    fmin.g <- sapply(seq_along(S), function(x){getF.Sigma(SigmaHat[[x]], S[[x]], fittingFunction = fittingFunction)})
    fnull.g <- sapply(seq_along(S), function(x){
      SigmaHatNull <- diag(ncol(S[[x]]))
      diag(SigmaHatNull) <- diag(S[[x]])
      getF.Sigma(SigmaHatNull, S[[x]], fittingFunction = fittingFunction)
    fmin.g <- sapply(seq_along(S), function(x){getF.Sigma(SigmaHat[[x]], S[[x]], muHat[[x]], mu[[x]], fittingFunction = fittingFunction)})
    fnull.g <- sapply(seq_along(S), function(x){
      SigmaHatNull <- diag(ncol(S[[x]]))
      diag(SigmaHatNull) <- diag(S[[x]])
      muHatNull <- mu[[x]]   # as in mplus: baseline model has unrestricted means
      getF.Sigma(SigmaHatNull, S[[x]], muHatNull[[x]], mu[[x]], fittingFunction = fittingFunction)
  # approach A: apply sampling weights to CFI
  #cfi.g <- (fnull.g - fmin.g) / fnull.g
  #cfi <-  sum(cfi.g * N) / sum(N)
  # approach B: apply sampling weights to fmin and fnull
  fmin <- sum(fmin.g * N) / sum(N)
  fnull <- sum(fnull.g * N) / sum(N)
  cfi <- (fnull - fmin) / fnull

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