
Defines functions getDiscrepancyFunctionFromFittingFunction getFittingFunctionFromEstimator checkEllipsis checkMissingTypes checkDataGenerationTypes checkNullEffect checkComparisonModel checkPowerTypes checkSquare checkSymmetricSquare checkPositiveDefinite checkBounded checkPositive validateInput powerPrepare

Documented in checkBounded checkComparisonModel checkDataGenerationTypes checkEllipsis checkMissingTypes checkNullEffect checkPositive checkPositiveDefinite checkPowerTypes checkSquare checkSymmetricSquare getDiscrepancyFunctionFromFittingFunction getFittingFunctionFromEstimator powerPrepare validateInput

#' powerPrepare
#' Performs some preparations common to all types of power analyses.
#' @param type type of power analysis
#' @param effect effect size specifying the discrepancy between H0 and H1 (a list for multiple group models; a vector of length 2 for effect-size differences)
#' @param effect.measure type of effect, one of `"F0"`, `"RMSEA"`, `"Mc"`, `"GFI"`, `"AGFI"`
#' @param alpha alpha error
#' @param beta beta error; set either beta or power
#' @param power power (=1 - beta); set either beta or power
#' @param abratio the ratio of alpha to beta
#' @param N the number of observations (a list for multiple group models)
#' @param df the model degrees of freedom 
#' @param p the number of observed variables, required for `effect.measure = "GFI"` and `effect.measure = "AGFI"`
#' @param SigmaHat model implied covariance matrix (a list for multiple group models). Use in conjunction with `Sigma` to define `effect` and `effect.measure`. 
#' @param Sigma observed (or population) covariance matrix (a list for multiple group models). Use in conjunction with `SigmaHat` to define `effect` and `effect.measure`.
#' @param muHat model implied mean vector
#' @param mu observed (or population) mean vector
#' @param fittingFunction one of `'ML'` (default), `'WLS'`, `'DWLS'`, `'ULS'`. Defines the discrepancy function used to obtain Fmin.
#' @param simulatedPower whether to perform a simulated (`TRUE`) (rather than analytical, `FALSE`) power analysis.
#' @param modelH0 for simulated power: `lavaan` model string defining the (incorrect) analysis model.
#' @param nReplications for simulated power: number of random samples drawn.
#' @param minConvergenceRate for simulated power: the minimum convergence rate required
#' @param lavOptions for simulated power: a list of additional options passed to `lavaan`, e. g., `list(estimator = 'mlm')` to request robust ML estimation.
#' @return list
#' @importFrom utils installed.packages menu
powerPrepare <- function(type = NULL, 
                         effect = NULL, effect.measure = NULL,
                         alpha = NULL, beta = NULL, power = NULL, abratio = NULL,
                         N = NULL, df = NULL, p = NULL,
                         SigmaHat = NULL, Sigma = NULL, muHat = NULL, mu = NULL,
                         fittingFunction = 'ML',
                         simulatedPower = FALSE, 
                         modelH0 = NULL, 
                         nReplications = NULL, minConvergenceRate = NULL, lavOptions = NULL){
  if(!is.null(effect.measure)) effect.measure <- toupper(effect.measure)
  fittingFunction <- toupper(fittingFunction)
  if(!is.list(N) && length(N) > 1) N <- as.list(N)

  validateInput(type, effect = effect, effect.measure = effect.measure,
                alpha = alpha, beta = beta, power = power, abratio = abratio,
                N = N, df = df, p = p,
                SigmaHat = SigmaHat, Sigma = Sigma, muHat = muHat, mu = mu,
                fittingFunction = fittingFunction,
                simulatedPower = simulatedPower, 
                modelH0 = modelH0)

  # convert vectors to lists and vice versa
  if(is.list(N) && length(N) == 1) N <- N[[1]]
  if(is.list(effect) && length(effect) == 1) effect <- effect[[1]]
  if(is.list(SigmaHat) && length(SigmaHat) == 1) SigmaHat <- SigmaHat[[1]]
  if(is.list(Sigma) && length(Sigma) == 1) Sigma <- Sigma[[1]]
  if(is.list(muHat) && length(muHat) == 1) muHat <- muHat[[1]]
  if(is.list(mu) && length(mu) == 1) mu <- mu[[1]]
    effect.measure <- 'F0'
    p <- ifelse(is.list(Sigma), ncol(Sigma[[1]]), ncol(Sigma))
  # make sure N/effects have the same length
  if((is.list(effect) || is.list(Sigma)) && length(N) == 1){
    N <- as.list(rep(N, ifelse(is.null(Sigma), length(effect), length(Sigma))))
  if(type == 'a-priori'){
    if(!is.null(Sigma) && !is.list(Sigma)){
      N <- 1 # single weight for single group model
    }else if(length(effect) == 1 || (length(effect) == 2 && is.null(N))){
      N <- 1 # single weight for single group model
  if(is.null(Sigma) && is.list(N) && length(effect) == 1){
    effect <- as.list(rep(effect, length(N)))
    if(is.list(effect) || length(effect) == 1){
      fmin.g <- sapply(effect, FUN = getF, effect.measure = effect.measure, df = df, p = p)
      # power for effect differences
      f1 <- getF(effect[1], effect.measure, df[1], p)
      f2 <- getF(effect[2], effect.measure, df[2], p)
      fdiff <- abs(f2 - f1)   # let's make order arbitrary  
      fmin.g <- rep(fdiff, length(N)) 
      df <- abs(df[2] - df[1]) # let's make order arbitrary  
      fmin.g <- sapply(seq_along(SigmaHat), FUN = function(x) {getF.Sigma(SigmaHat = SigmaHat[[x]], S = Sigma[[x]], muHat = muHat[[x]], mu = mu[[x]], fittingFunction = fittingFunction)})
      fmin.g <- getF.Sigma(SigmaHat = SigmaHat, S = Sigma, muHat = muHat, mu = mu, fittingFunction = fittingFunction)
    fmin <- sum(unlist(fmin.g) * unlist(N) / sum(unlist(N)))
    fmin <- fmin.g <- NULL
    if(!'lavaan' %in% rownames(installed.packages())) stop('This function depends on the lavaan package, so install lavaan first.')
    effect.measure = effect.measure,
    SigmaHat = SigmaHat, 
    Sigma = Sigma, 
    muHat = muHat, 
    mu = mu,    
    N = N,
    p = p,
    effect = effect,
    fmin = fmin,
    fmin.g = fmin.g,
    df = df

#' validateInput
#' Validates input for power functions.
#' @param power.type type of power analyses, one of `"a-priori"`, `"post-hoc"`, `"compromise"`, `"powerplot.byN"`, `"powerplot.byEffect"`
#' @param effect effect size specifying the discrepancy between H0 and H1
#' @param effect.measure type of effect, one of `"F0"`, `"RMSEA"`, `"Mc"`, `"GFI"`, `"AGFI"`
#' @param alpha alpha error
#' @param beta beta error
#' @param power power (= 1 - beta)
#' @param abratio ratio alpha/beta
#' @param N the number of observations
#' @param df the model degrees of freedom
#' @param p the number of observed variables, required for `effect.measure = "GFI"` and `effect.measure = "AGFI"`
#' @param SigmaHat model implied covariance matrix
#' @param Sigma observed (or population) covariance matrix
#' @param muHat model implied mean vector
#' @param mu observed (or population) mean vector
#' @param fittingFunction whether to use `ML` (the default) or `WLS`
#' @param simulatedPower whether to perform a simulated (`TRUE`) (rather than analytical, `FALSE`) power analysis.
#' @param modelH0 for simulated power: `lavaan` model string defining the (incorrect) analysis model.
#' @param power.min for plotting: minimum power
#' @param power.max for plotting: maximum power
#' @param effect.min for plotting: minimum effect
#' @param effect.max for plotting: maximum effect
#' @param steps for plotting: number of sampled points
#' @param linewidth for plotting: linewidth
validateInput <- function(power.type = NULL, effect = NULL, effect.measure = NULL,
                          alpha = NULL, beta = NULL, power = NULL, abratio = NULL,
                          N = NULL, df = NULL, p = NULL,
                          SigmaHat = NULL, Sigma = NULL, muHat = NULL, mu = NULL,
                          fittingFunction = 'ML',
                          simulatedPower = FALSE, modelH0 = NULL,
                          power.min = alpha, power.max = .999,
                          effect.min = NULL, effect.max = NULL,
                          steps = 50, linewidth = 1){

  knownEffectMeasures <- c("F0", "RMSEA", "MC", "GFI", "AGFI")
  knownFittingFunctions <- c("ML", "WLS", "DWLS", "ULS")
  if(!fittingFunction %in% knownFittingFunctions){
    stop(paste("Fitting function must be one of", paste(knownFittingFunctions, collapse = ', '), '.'))
    if(is.null(df)) stop("df must be defined")
    lapply(df, checkPositive, message = 'df')
    # generic power analyses
    if(is.null(SigmaHat) && is.null(Sigma)){
      if(!effect.measure %in% knownEffectMeasures){
        stop(paste("Effect measure is unknown, must be one of", paste(knownEffectMeasures, collapse = ", ")))
      # for effect-size differences, check matching length
      if(!is.null(effect) && !is.list(effect)){
        if(length(effect) > 2){
          stop("Power analyses with multiple groups requires specification of the effect size in each group provided as a list.")
          if(length(effect) == 2 && length(df) != 2){
            stop("Power analyses for effect size differences requires specification of the df of the model pairs.")
      # for multiple group analyses, check matching length
        if(is.list(effect) && length(effect) == 1){
          warning("Only single effect size provided in multiple group power analyses, assuming equal effects in each group.")
        }else if(is.list(effect) && length(N) != length(effect)){
          stop("Power analyses with multiple groups requires specification of the effect size in each group.")
      if(is.list(effect) && power.type == "a-priori"){   # special messages for a priori, given weights need to be provided 
        if(is.null(N) || length(N) == 1){
          warning("No or only a single sample weight provided in multiple group power analyses, assuming equal weights.")        
        }else if(!is.null(N) && length(N) != length(effect)){
          stop("A priori power analyses with multiple groups requires specification of sample size weights for each group via the N argument")      
      if(is.list(effect) && (power.type == "post-hoc" || power.type == "compromise")){
        if(!is.null(N) && length(N) == 1){
          warning("Only single sample size provided in multiple group power analyses, assuming equal sample sizes for each group.")
        }else if(!is.null(N) && length(N) != length(effect)){
          stop("Power analyses with multiple groups requires specification of sample sizes for each group")        
      if(power.type != 'powerplot.byEffect'){
        if(is.null(effect)) stop('Effect is not defined.')
        lapply(effect, checkPositive, message = effect.measure)
      if(effect.measure == "GFI" || effect.measure == "AGFI"){
          stop("effect.measure GFI and AGFI require specification of p")
    # power analyses based on covariance matrices  
    if((!is.null(SigmaHat) && is.null(Sigma)) || (!is.null(Sigma) && is.null(SigmaHat))){
      stop("Both SigmaHat and Sigma must be defined when effect is determined from covariance matrices")
    if((!is.null(unlist(muHat)) && is.null(unlist(mu))) || (!is.null(unlist(mu)) && is.null(unlist(muHat)))){
      stop("Both muHat and mu must be defined when effect is determined from covariance matrices and meanstructures.")
    if((!is.null(unlist(muHat)) || !is.null(unlist(mu))) && (is.null(Sigma) || is.null(SigmaHat))){
      stop("When effect is to be determined from covariance matrices and meanstructures, Sigma, SigmaHat, mu, and muHat must be provided.")
    if(!is.null(SigmaHat) && !is.null(Sigma)){
      if(!is.null(modelH0)) warning("ModelH0 is ignored when SigmaHat is defined.")
      if(!is.null(effect) || !is.null(effect.measure))
        warning("Ignoring effect and effect.measure when Sigma and SigmaHat are defined.")
      # convert to list in any case so validiation below always applies 
      if(!is.list(Sigma)) Sigma <- list(Sigma)
      if(!is.list(SigmaHat)) SigmaHat <- list(SigmaHat)
      if(any(sapply(Sigma, ncol) != sapply(SigmaHat, ncol)) || any(sapply(Sigma, nrow) != sapply(SigmaHat, nrow)))
        stop("Sigma and SigmaHat must be of equal size")
      if(any(!sapply(c(Sigma, SigmaHat), isSymmetric)))
        stop("Sigma and SigmaHat must be symmetric square matrices")
      if(any(sapply(c(Sigma, SigmaHat), ncol) < 2))
        stop("Sigma and SigmaHat must be at least of dimension 2*2")
      if(any(sapply(c(Sigma, SigmaHat), function(x){sum(eigen(x)$values < 0) > 0})))
        stop("Sigma and SigmaHat must be positive definite")
      # now remove list structure for length = 1
      if(is.list(SigmaHat) && length(SigmaHat) == 1) SigmaHat <- SigmaHat[[1]]
      if(is.list(Sigma) && length(Sigma) == 1) Sigma <- Sigma[[1]]
      # multigroup case
      if(is.list(SigmaHat) || is.list(Sigma)){
        if(length(SigmaHat) != length(Sigma)) stop("Multiple group power analyses require specification of SigmaHat and Sigma for each group.")
        if(is.null(N) && power.type != "a-priori") stop("Multiple group power analyses require specification of N for each group (representing weights in a priori power analysis).")
        if(is.null(N) && power.type == "a-priori") warning("No sample weights provided, assuming equal sample sizes in each group.")
        if(length(N) == 1){
          warning("Only single sample size provided in multiple group power analyses, assuming equal sample sizes (weights in a priori power analyses) for each group.")
        }else if(length(SigmaHat) != length(N)){
          stop("Multiple group power analyses require specification of N for each group.")
        if(!is.null(unlist(muHat)) && !is.null(unlist(mu))){
          if(!is.list(muHat)) muHat <- list(muHat)
          if(!is.list(mu)) mu <- list(mu)
          if(length(muHat) != length(mu)) stop("Multiple group power analyses require specification of mu and muHat for each group.")
          if(length(mu) != length(Sigma)) stop("Multiple group power analyses require specification of mu and muHat for each group.")
          if(any(sapply(c(mu, muHat), is.na)))
            stop("mu and muHat must not contain NA values.")
          if(any(sapply(mu, length) != sapply(muHat, length)))
            stop("mu and muHat must be of same size.")
          if(is.list(Sigma) && any(sapply(mu, length) != sapply(Sigma, ncol)))
            stop("mu and muHat must be of same length as the columns/rows of Sigma and SigmaHat.")
    ### TODO remove code duplication by merging the following with the preceding block
    # simulated power specifics  
    if(is.null(Sigma) || is.null(modelH0)) stop("Simulated power requires specification of Sigma and modelH0.")
    if(!is.null(effect) || !is.null(effect.measure))
      warning("Ignoring effect and effect.measure in simulated power.")
    if(!is.list(Sigma)) Sigma <- list(Sigma)
    if(any(!sapply(Sigma, isSymmetric)))
      stop("Sigma must be symmetric square matrices")
    if(any(sapply(Sigma, ncol) < 2))
      stop("Sigma must be at least of dimension 2*2")
    if(any(sapply(Sigma, function(x){sum(eigen(x)$values < 0) > 0})))
      stop("Sigma must be positive definite")
    if(length(Sigma) == 1) Sigma <- Sigma[[1]]
    if(!is.null(mu) && length(mu) == 1) mu <- mu[[1]]
      if(!is.null(mu) && length(mu) != length(Sigma))
        stop("Multiple group power analyses require specification of mu for each group.")
      if(is.null(N) && power.type != "a-priori") stop("Multiple group power analyses require specification of N for each group (representing weights in a priori power analysis).")
      if(is.null(N) && power.type == "a-priori") warning("No sample weights provided, assuming equal sample sizes in each group.")
      if(length(N) == 1){
        warning("Only single sample size provided in multiple group power analyses, assuming equal sample sizes (weights in a priori power analyses) for each group.")
      }else if(length(Sigma) != length(N)){
        stop("Multiple group power analyses require specification of N for each group.")
      if(!is.null(mu) && length(mu) != ncol(Sigma)) stop("Mu must have the same length as ncol(Sigma).")

  # specifics depending on type of power analyses
  if(power.type == "post-hoc" || power.type == "compromise" || (power.type == "a-priori" && is.list(effect))){
    if(is.null(N)) stop('N is not defined.')
    lapply(N, checkPositive, message = 'N')
  if(power.type == "a-priori" || power.type == "post-hoc"){
  if(power.type == "a-priori"){
    if(is.null(beta) && is.null(power))
      stop("Need to define either beta or power in a-priori power analyis")
    if(!is.null(beta) && !is.null(power) && power != (1 - beta))
      stop("Either set beta or set power, but not both.")
  if(power.type == "compromise"){
  # specifics for power plots
  if(power.type == "powerplot.byN"){
  if(power.type == "powerplot.byEffect"){


#' checkPositive
#' Checks whether `x` is defined and a positive number, stop otherwise.
#' @param x x
#' @param message identifier for `x`
checkPositive <- function(x, message = NULL){
  if(is.null(message)) message <- deparse(substitute(x))
  if(is.null(x) || is.na(x) || x <= 0){
    stop(paste(message, " must be larger than zero"))

#' checkBounded
#' Checks whether x is defined and lies within the specified bound, stop otherwise.
#' @param x x
#' @param message identifier for x
#' @param bound the boundaries, array of size two
#' @param inclusive whether x might lie on boundary
checkBounded <- function(x, message = NULL, bound = c(0, 1), inclusive = FALSE){
  if(is.null(message)) message <- deparse(substitute(x))
  inv <- is.null(x) || is.na(x) || !is.numeric(x)
  if(!inv && !inclusive && (x <= bound[1] || x >= bound[2])) inv <- TRUE
  if(!inv && inclusive && (x < bound[1] || x > bound[2])) inv <- TRUE
  if(inv) stop(paste(message, "must must lie within", bound[1], 'and', bound[2]))

#' checkPositiveDefinite
#' Checks whether `x` is positive definite, stop otherwise.
#' @param x x
#' @param message identifier for `x`
#' @param stop whether to stop or to throw a warning
checkPositiveDefinite <- function(x, message = NULL, stop = TRUE){
  if(is.null(message)) message <- deparse(substitute(x))
  if(sum(eigen(x)$values < 0) > 0){
    if(stop) stop(paste(message, " must be positive definite"))
    if(!stop) warning(paste(message, " must be positive definite"))

#' checkSymmetricSquare
#' Checks whether `x` is a symmetric square matrix, stop otherwise.
#' @param x x
#' @param message identifier for `x`
checkSymmetricSquare <- function(x, message = NULL){
  if(is.null(message)) message <- deparse(substitute(x))
    stop(paste(message, " must be a symmetric square matrix"))

#' checkSquare
#' Checks whether `x` is a square matrix, stop otherwise.
#' @param x x
#' @param message identifier for `x`
checkSquare <- function(x, message = NULL){
  if(is.null(message)) message <- deparse(substitute(x))
    stop(paste(message, " may not be NULL"))
    stop(paste(message, " must contain numeric elements only"))
    stop(paste(message, " must be a matrix"))
  if(ncol(x) != nrow(x))
    stop(paste(message, " must be a square matrix"))

#' checkPowerTypes
#' Checks whether type is one of `'a-priori'`, `'post-hoc'`, or `'compromise'` (or respective shortcuts), stop otherwise.
#' @param type type
#' @return Returns cleaned type
checkPowerTypes <- function(type){
  if(is.null(type) || length(type) != 1 || typeof(type) != 'character') stop('Type must be one of a-priori, post-hoc, or compromise.')
  type <- tolower(trimws(type))
  if(type == 'a priori' || type == 'apriori' || type == 'a_priori' || type == 'ap') type <- 'a-priori'
  if(type == 'post hoc' || type == 'posthoc' || type == 'post_hoc' || type == 'ph') type <- 'post-hoc'
  if(type == 'co' || type == 'comp') type <- 'compromise'
  if(!type %in% c('a-priori', 'post-hoc', 'compromise')) stop('Type must be one of a-priori, post-hoc, or compromise.')

#' checkComparisonModel
#' Checks whether comparison is one of `'restricted'` or `'saturated'` (or respective shortcuts), stop otherwise.
#' @param comparison comparison
#' @return Returns cleaned comparison
checkComparisonModel <- function(comparison){
  if(is.null(comparison) || length(comparison) != 1 || typeof(comparison) != 'character') stop('Comparison model must be one of "saturated" or "restricted".')
  comparison <- tolower(trimws(comparison))
  if(comparison == 'saturated' || comparison == 'sat') comparison <- 'saturated'
  if(comparison == 'restricted' || comparison == 'restr') comparison <- 'restricted'
  if(!comparison %in% c('saturated', 'restricted')) stop('Comparison model must be one of "saturated" or "restricted"')

#' checkNullEffect
#' Checks whether `nullEffect` is one of the valid effects, stop otherwise.
#' @param nullEffect nullEffect
#' @param valid vector of valid effects 
#' @param message message 
#' @return Returns cleaned nullEffect
checkNullEffect <- function(nullEffect, valid, message = NULL){
  if(is.null(message)) message <- deparse(substitute(nullEffect))
  if(is.null(nullEffect)) stop(paste(message, 'must be defined.'))
  if(length(nullEffect) > 1) stop(paste(message, 'must contain a single hypothesis'))
  nullEffect <- unlist(lapply(nullEffect, function(x) tolower(trimws(x))))
  nullEffect <- gsub(" ", "", nullEffect, fixed = TRUE)
  if(any(unlist(lapply(nullEffect, function(x) !x %in% valid)))) stop(paste(message, 'must be one of', paste(valid, collapse = ' ')))

#' checkDataGenerationTypes
#' Checks whether data generation type is one of `'normal'`, `'IG'`, `'mnonr'`, `'RK'`, or `'VM'`, stop otherwise.
#' @param type type
#' @return Returns cleaned data generation type
checkDataGenerationTypes <- function(type){
  if(is.null(type) || length(type) != 1 || typeof(type) != 'character') stop('Data generation type is invalid.')
  type <- tolower(trimws(type))
  if(type == 'norm') type <- 'normal'
  if(!type %in% c('normal', 'ig', 'mnonr', 'rk', 'vm')) stop('Data generation type must be one of "normal", "IG", "mnonr", "RK", or "VM"')

#' checkMissingTypes
#' Checks whether missing generation type is one of `'mcar'`, `'mar'`, or `'nmar'`, stop otherwise.
#' @param type type
#' @return Returns cleaned data generation type
checkMissingTypes <- function(type){
  if(is.null(type) || length(type) != 1 || typeof(type) != 'character') stop('Missing mechanism must be one of "mcar", "mar", or "mnar".')
  type <- tolower(trimws(type))
  if(!type %in% c('mcar', 'mar', 'nmar')) stop('Missing mechanism must be one of "mcar", "mar", or "mnar"')

#' checkEllipsis
#' Checks whether `...` contains arguments related to loadings and to power, stop otherwise.
#' @param ... the parameters to search.
checkEllipsis <- function(...){
  args <- names(list(...))
  if(!any(c('Lambda', 'loadings', 'nIndicator', 'loadM') %in% args)) stop('Missing arguments specifying the factor model. Remember to set either Lambda, loadings, or nIndicator and loadM.')
  if(!('alpha' %in% args || 'abratio' %in% args)) stop('Missing arguments related to power analysis. Remember to set alpha, power, N, and/or abratio.')

#' getFittingFunctionFromEstimator
#' get proper fitting function (to obtain sigmaHat) for chosen estimator
#' @param lavOptions lavOptions
#' @return fitting function
getFittingFunctionFromEstimator <- function(lavOptions){
  lavEstimML <- c('ML', 'MLM', 'MLMV', 'MLMVS', 'MLF', 'MLR')
  lavEstimWLS <- c('WLS')
  lavEstimDWLS <- c('DWLS', 'WLSM', 'WLSMV')
  lavEstimULS <- c('ULS', 'ULSM', 'ULSMV')
  ff <- 'ML'
    lavEst <- toupper(lavOptions[['estimator']])
    if(lavEst %in% lavEstimML) ff <- 'ML'
    if(lavEst %in% lavEstimWLS) ff <- 'WLS'
    if(lavEst %in% lavEstimDWLS) ff <- 'DWLS'
    if(lavEst %in% lavEstimULS) ff <- 'ULS'

#' getDiscrepancyFunctionFromFittingFunction
#' get proper discrepancy function (to measure F0) from fitting function (to obtain SigmaHat)
#' @param fittingFunction fittingFunction
#' @return discrepancy function
getDiscrepancyFunctionFromFittingFunction <- function(fittingFunction){
  df <- 'ML'
  # two-stage estimators: estimate using reduced weight matrix, but obtain test-statistics using full weight matrix
  # this is currently (effectively) unused, since using the same approach in estimating and discrepancy assessement 
  # yields results closer to what lavaan does.
  if(fittingFunction %in% c('WLS', 'DWLS', 'ULS')) df <- 'WLS'

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