
Defines functions getControlSubj

Documented in getControlSubj

## The function getControlSubj
## History:
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Date         Programmer            Note
## ----------   --------------------  ------------------------------------------
## 2020-12-04   Bo Larsen             Initial version

#' Extract a list of control animals for a list of studies
#' Returns a data table with a list of animals belonging to the groups for
#' negative control in the given list of studies.\cr
#' The set of animals contains all animals from DM where the SETCD
#' is associated with a TX parameter 'TCNTRL'. Negative control animals are
#' further defined by
#' \itemize{
#'   \item  either containing a word from a set of words, to
#'    automatically distinguish it as a negative control:
#'    \itemize{
#'      \item \['placebo', 'untreated', 'sham'\]
#'    }
#'   \item or containing a combination of a word  from of two lists:
#'     \enumerate{
#'      \item \['negative', 'saline', 'peg', 'vehicle', 'citrate', 'dextrose', 'water', 'air'\]
#'      \item \['item', 'control', 'article'\]
#'    }
#' }
#' Animals are in all cases excluded (i.e. whether \code{inclUncertain=TRUE} or
#' \code{inclUncertain=FALSE}) from the output set, when they are identified as
#' positive control animals - i.e. they are associated with a TX parameter
#' 'TCNTRL' containing a word from this set of words:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \['positive','reference'\]
#' }
#' The age in days at reference start date is calculated for each animal based
#' on the age related variables in DM:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item If BRTHDTC is populated compute DM.RFSTDTC – DM.BRTHDTC + 1
#'   \item Else If AGE is populated convert from units specified in AGEU to days.
#'   \item Else If AGETXT is populated convert the mid-point of the range from
#'   units specified in AGEU to days.\cr
#' These AGEU units are handled with the described conversion from value to
#' number of days:
#'     \itemize{
#'        \item DAYS
#'        \item WEEKS   : value * 7
#'        \item MONTHS  : value * 365/12
#'        \item YEARS   : value * 365
#'     }
#' }
#' If input parameter \code{inclUncertain=TRUE}, uncertain animals are included
#' in the output set. These uncertain situations are identified and reported (in
#' column UNCERTAIN_MSG):
#' \itemize{
#' \item TX parameter 'TCNTRL' is missing
#' \item TXVAL for TX parameter 'TCNTRL' cannot be identified as Negative or
#' Positive control according to the algorithm described above
#' }
#' @param dbToken Mandatory.\cr
#'   Token for the open database connection (see \code{\link{initEnvironment}}).
#' @param studyList Mandatory, data.table.\cr
#'  A table with a list of studies to limit the output to be within this
#'  set of studies.\cr
#'  The table must include a column named 'STUDYID'.
#' @param inclUncertain Mandatory, boolean.\cr
#'   Indicates whether animals, which cannot be identified as neither negative
#'   nor positive control (i.e. uncertain animals), shall be included or not in
#'   the output data table.
#' @return The function return a data.table with columns:
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item STUDYID       (character)
#'   \item Additional columns contained in the \code{studyList} table
#'   \item TCNTRL        (character)\cr
#'         The value of the TX parameter TCNTRL which is used for identification
#'         of whether it is a negative control group or not
#'   \item USUBJID       (character)
#'   \item RFSTDTC       (character)
#'   \item DM_AGEDAYS    (integer)\cr
#'         The calculated age in days of the animal at the reference start day
#'         - i.e. the age registered in DM.
#'   \item DSDECOD    (character)\cr
#'         The standardized disposition term for the animal
#'   \item DS_AGEDAYS    (integer)\cr
#'         The calculated age in days of the animal at the disposition
#'   \item NO_AGE_MSG    (character)\cr
#'         Empty or contains the reason if a DM_AGEDAYS couldn't be calculated
#'   \item UNCERTAIN_MSG (character)\cr
#'         Included when parameter \code{inclUncertain=TRUE}.\cr
#'         Contains the reason for an uncertain animal is NA for rows for
#'         confident identified negative control animals.
#'   \item NOT_VALID_MSG (character)\cr
#'         Included if the column is included in data table specified in
#'         \code{studyList},
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' controlAnimals <- getControlSubj(myDbToken, allSTudies)
#' }
                         inclUncertain=FALSE) {

  # calculate the age for an animal at the reference start date in DM to days
  # - returns either the calculated age or a text with reason why the age couldn't be calculated.
    if (!(RFSTDTC == "" | is.na(RFSTDTC) | BRTHDTC == "" | is.na(BRTHDTC))) {
      # BRTHDTC is populated
      if (is.na(parsedate::parse_iso_8601(RFSTDTC)) |  is.na(parsedate::parse_iso_8601(BRTHDTC)))
        return("DMAnimalAge: RFSTDTC or BRTHDTC is not a valid ISO 8601 date")
      return(ceiling(as.numeric(parsedate::parse_iso_8601(RFSTDTC) - parsedate::parse_iso_8601(BRTHDTC))))
    } else if (!(((AGE == "" | is.na(AGE)) & (AGETXT == "" | is.na(AGETXT))))) {
      ageCalc <- NA
      if (!(AGE == "" | is.na(AGE))) {
        ageCalc <- as.numeric(AGE)
      } else  {
        # AGETXT is populated
        if (!grepl("^\\d+-\\d+$", AGETXT))
          return("DMAnimalAge: AGETXT does not have a valid format (number-number)")
        # Use the mid value for calculation
        ageCalc <- (as.numeric(stringr::word(AGETXT,1,sep = "-")) + as.numeric(stringr::word(AGETXT,2,sep = "-")))/2
      # Convert age to number of days:
      if (AGEU=='DAYS') {
      } else if (AGEU=='WEEKS') {
      } else if (AGEU=='MONTHS') {
      } else if (AGEU=='YEARS') {
      } else {
        # Not supported AGEU - cannot calculate
        return("DMAnimalAge: Not supported or missing AGEU value has been populated")
    } else {
      # Not enough variables has been populated to do calculations
      return("DMAnimalAge: Neither RFSTDTC/BRTHDTC nor AGE/AGETXT/AGEU has been fully populated")
  # calculate the age for an animal at the disposition date to days
  # - returns either the calculated age or a text with reason why the age couldn't be calculated.

    if (!(DSSTDTC == "" | is.na(DSSTDTC) | BRTHDTC == "" | is.na(BRTHDTC))) {
      # BRTHDTC is populated
      if (is.na(parsedate::parse_iso_8601(DSSTDTC)) |  is.na(parsedate::parse_iso_8601(BRTHDTC)))
        return("DSAnimalAge: DSSTDTC or BRTHDTC is not a valid ISO 8601 date")
      return(ceiling(as.numeric(parsedate::parse_iso_8601(DSSTDTC) - parsedate::parse_iso_8601(BRTHDTC))))
    } else if (!(((AGE == "" | is.na(AGE)) & (AGETXT == "" | is.na(AGETXT))))) {
      if (!(RFSTDTC == "" | is.na(RFSTDTC) | DSSTDTC == "" | is.na(DSSTDTC))) {
        if (is.na(parsedate::parse_iso_8601(RFSTDTC)) |  is.na(parsedate::parse_iso_8601(DSSTDTC)))
          return("DSAnimalAge: RFSTDTC or DSSTDTC is not a valid ISO 8601 date")
      #Remove the time part from the RFSTDTC.
      dateRFDTC <- substr(RFSTDTC, 1, 10)
      ageDiff <- floor(as.numeric(parsedate::parse_iso_8601(DSSTDTC) - parsedate::parse_iso_8601(dateRFDTC)))
      ageCalc <- NA
      if (!(AGE == "" | is.na(AGE))) {
        ageCalc <- as.numeric(AGE)
      } else  {
        # AGETXT is populated
        if (!grepl("^\\d+-\\d+$", AGETXT))
          return("DSAnimalAge: AGETXT does not have a valid format (number-number)")
        # Use the mid value for calculation
        ageCalc <- (as.numeric(stringr::word(AGETXT,1,sep = "-")) + as.numeric(stringr::word(AGETXT,2,sep = "-")))/2
      #print(paste0("Agediff:", ageDiff, "ageCalc:", ageCalc))

      # Convert age to number of days:
      if (AGEU=='DAYS') {
        return(as.character(ceiling(ageCalc + ageDiff)))
      } else if (AGEU=='WEEKS') {
        return(as.character(ceiling(ageCalc*7 + ageDiff)))
      } else if (AGEU=='MONTHS') {
        return(as.character(ceiling(ageCalc*365/12 + ageDiff)))
      } else if (AGEU=='YEARS') {
        return(as.character(ceiling(ageCalc*365 + ageDiff)))
      } else {
        # Not supported AGEU - cannot calculate
        return("DSAnimalAge: Not supported or missing AGEU value has been populated")
    } else {
      # Not enough variables has been populated to do calculations
      return("DSAnimalAge: Neither DSSTDTC/BRTHDTC nor DSSTDTC/RFSTDTC/AGE/AGETXT/AGEU has been fully populated")

  # Definition of the search words for negative control terms
  negStandAlonesWords <- c('placebo', 'untreated', 'sham')
  negModifiers <- c('negative', 'saline', 'peg', 'vehicle', 'citrate',
                    'dextrose', 'water', 'air')

  # Definition of the search words for positive control terms
  posModifiers <- c('positive','reference')

  # Definition of the search words for common for negative/positive control terms
  allCntrlNouns <- c('item', 'control', 'article')

  # Check whether the input string setNames contains a value indicating it's a
  # negative or positive control group.
  # Default input parameter values set to identify negative or positive control groups
  HasControlTerms<-function(setName, standAlonesWords=negStandAlonesWords,
                                     controlNouns=allCntrlNouns) {
    # trim white space and convert to lowercase
    setName <- trimws(tolower(setName))

    # prepare strings in regex format
    if (! is.null(standAlonesWords)) {
      standAlongString <- paste(standAlonesWords, collapse = '|')
    controlModsString <- paste(controlMods, collapse = '|')
    controlNounsString <- paste(controlNouns, collapse = '|')

    # if the string matches any of  the words
    # in the controlMods vector exactly
    # it should be treated as a relevant control
    if (setName %in% controlMods) {

    # the logic in the code below first
    # checks if the string contains any standalone words
    # to delineate it  as a relevant control group
    # the second if block check if it contains
    # words from both the 'controlNouns' and
    # 'controlMods'

    if (! is.null(standAlonesWords) & grepl(standAlongString, setName)) {
    if ((grepl(controlModsString, setName)) & (grepl(controlNounsString, setName))) {

  # Verify input parameter
  if (!data.table::is.data.table(studyList)) {
    stop('Input parameter studyList must have assigned a data table ')
  if (!(inclUncertain %in% c(TRUE,FALSE))) {
    stop("Parameter inclUncertain must be either TRUE or FALSE")

  # Extract  TX parameter 'TCNTRL' for the studies included in studyList
  # - include a row for each for study which may miss a 'TCNTRL' parameter
  # - include the animals from DM belonging to the identified trial sets
  txDmCtrlSet <- genericQuery(dbToken,
                            "select ts.studyid
                                   ,tx.txval as TCNTRL
                             from (select distinct STUDYID
                                   from ts
                                   where studyid in (:1)) ts
                             left join tx
                               on ts.studyid = tx.studyid
                              and tx.txparmcd = 'TCNTRL'
                             left join dm
                               on dm.studyid = ts.studyid
                              and ((tx.setcd is not null
                                    and dm.setcd = tx.setcd)
                                   (tx.setcd is null))
                              left join ds
                               on ts.studyid = ds.studyid
                               and dm.usubjid = ds.usubjid",

  # Extract the unique set of trial sets
  txCtrlSet <- unique(txDmCtrlSet[!is.na(TCNTRL),c('TCNTRL')])

  # Calculate age at RFSTDTC
  txDmCtrlSet[,DM_AGEDAYStxt := mapply(calcDMAgeDays, RFSTDTC,BRTHDTC,AGETXT,AGE,AGEU)]
  # Calculate age at disposition
  # If an age has been calculated - convert returned value from function to
  # numeric age in days value - else save returned error message
  # also calculate the age of the animal in days at the disposition
  txDmCtrlSet[,`:=` (DM_AGEDAYS=suppressWarnings(as.numeric(DM_AGEDAYStxt)),

  # Get set of control groups identified as negative
  foundCtrlSet <- txCtrlSet[FALSE]
  if (txCtrlSet[,.N] > 0)
    foundCtrlSet <- txCtrlSet[sapply(txCtrlSet$TCNTRL, HasControlTerms)]

  if (inclUncertain) {
    ## Include uncertain studies/animals

    # Get the control groups not identified as negative
    notNegCtrlSet <- data.table::fsetdiff(txCtrlSet, foundCtrlSet[])
    # Get the uncertain control groups  - i.e. control set not identified as negative or positive
    uncertainCtrlSet <- notNegCtrlSet[FALSE]
    if (notNegCtrlSet[,.N] > 0)
      uncertainCtrlSet <-
                             # Set of control groups identified as positive
                             notNegCtrlSet[sapply(notNegCtrlSet$TCNTRL, HasControlTerms,NA,posModifiers)])

    # add empty UNCERTAIN_MSG to confidently identified control groups
    foundCtrlSet[,`:=` (UNCERTAIN_MSG = as.character(NA))]

    if (uncertainCtrlSet[,.N] > 0) {
      # Uncertain groups have been identified

      # Set the UNCERTAIN_MSG for the control groups identified as uncertain
      uncertainCtrlSet[, `:=` (UNCERTAIN_MSG = 'ControlAnimals: Cannot decide type of control group from TXVAL in TX parameter TCNTRL')]

      # Combine set of negative and uncertain control groups
      foundCtrlSet<-data.table::rbindlist(list(foundCtrlSet, uncertainCtrlSet))

    # Get the list of animals belonging to identified plus uncertain control groups
    dmCtrlSet <- data.table::merge.data.table(txDmCtrlSet, foundCtrlSet,
    # Add the list of animals which may belong to studies with no TX.TCNTRL defined
    dmCtrlSet <- data.table::rbindlist(list(dmCtrlSet,
                                                        UNCERTAIN_MSG :='ControlAnimals: TX parameter TCNTRL is missing']),
                                       use.names = TRUE,
                                       fill = TRUE)

    # Merge with the studyList to include all study level attributes and accumulate eventual UNCERTAIN_MSG texts
    dmCtrlSet <- merge(studyList, dmCtrlSet, by='STUDYID')
  else {
    # Get the list of animals belong to the identified control groups
    dmCtrlSet <- data.table::merge.data.table(txDmCtrlSet,
    # Merge with the studyList to include all study level attributes
    dmCtrlSet <- data.table::merge.data.table(studyList, dmCtrlSet, by='STUDYID')

  # Do final preparation of set of found animals and return
  prepareFinalResults(dmCtrlSet, names(studyList), c('TCNTRL',


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