
Defines functions influ_continuous

Documented in influ_continuous

#' Influential Species Detection - Trait Evolution Continuous Characters
#' Fits models for trait evolution of continuous characters, 
#' detecting influential species. 
#' @param data Data vector for a single continuous trait, with names matching tips in \code{phy}.
#' @param phy A phylogeny (class 'phylo') matching \code{data}.
#' @param model The evolutionary model (see Details). 
#' @param cutoff The cut-off parameter for influential species (see Details). 
#' @param bounds settings to constrain parameter estimates. See \code{\link[geiger]{fitContinuous}}
#' @param n.cores number of cores to use. If 'NULL', number of cores is detected.
#' @param track Print a report tracking function progress (default = TRUE)
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link[geiger]{fitContinuous}}
#' @details
#' This function sequentially removes one species at a time,  
#' fits different models of continuous character evolution using \code{\link[geiger]{fitContinuous}}, 
#' stores the results and calculates the effects on model parameters.
#' \code{influ_continuous} detects influential species based on the standardised
#' difference in the rate parameter \code{sigsq} and the optimisation parameter \code{optpar} 
#' (e.g. lamda, kappa, alpha, depending on which \code{model} is set), when removing 
#' a given species compared to the full model including all species. 
#' Species with a standardised difference above the value of 
#' \code{cutoff} are identified as influential. 
#' Different evolutionary models from \code{fitContinuous} can be used, i.e. \code{BM},\code{OU},
#' \code{EB}, \code{trend}, \code{lambda}, \code{kappa}, \code{delta} and \code{drift}.
#' See \code{\link[geiger]{fitContinuous}} for more details on evolutionary models. 
#' @return The function \code{tree_discrete} returns a list with the following
#' components:
#' @return \code{call}: The function call
#' @return \code{cutoff}: The value selected for \code{cutoff}
#' @return \code{data}: The original full data vector
#' @return \code{optpar}: Transformation parameter used (e.g. \code{lambda}, \code{kappa} etc.)
#' @return \code{full.model.estimates}: Parameter estimates (rate of evolution \code{sigsq}
#' and where applicable \code{optpar}), root state \code{z0}, 
#' AICc for the full model without deleted species.
#' @return \code{influential_species}: List of influential species, based on standardised 
#' difference in estimates for sigsq and optpar. Species are ordered from most influential to 
#' less influential and only include species with a standardised difference > \code{cutoff}.
#' @return \code{sensi.estimates}: Parameter estimates (sigsq and optpar),(percentual) difference 
#' in parameter estimate compared to the full model (DIFsigsq, sigsq.perc,sDIFsigsq, 
#' DIFoptpar, optpar.perc,sDIFoptpar), 
#' AICc and z0 for each repeat with a species removed.
#' @author Gijsbert Werner & Gustavo Paterno
#' @seealso \code{\link[geiger]{fitContinuous}}
#' @references 
#' Paterno, G. B., Penone, C. Werner, G. D. A. 
#' \href{http://doi.wiley.com/10.1111/2041-210X.12990}{sensiPhy: 
#' An r-package for sensitivity analysis in phylogenetic 
#' comparative methods.} Methods in Ecology and Evolution 
#' 2018, 9(6):1461-1467.  
#' Yang Z. 2006. Computational Molecular Evolution. Oxford University Press: Oxford. 
#' Harmon Luke J, Jason T Weir, Chad D Brock, Richard E Glor, and Wendell Challenger. 2008.
#' GEIGER: investigating evolutionary radiations. Bioinformatics 24:129-131.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' #Load data:
#' data("primates")
#' #Model trait evolution accounting for influential species
#' adultMass<-primates$data$adultMass
#' names(adultMass)<-rownames(primates$data)
#' influ_cont<-influ_continuous(data = adultMass,phy = primates$phy[[1]],
#' model = "OU",cutoff = 2,n.cores = 2,track = TRUE)
#' #Print summary statistics
#' summary(influ_cont)
#' sensi_plot(influ_cont)
#' sensi_plot(influ_cont,graphs="sigsq")
#' #' sensi_plot(influ_cont,graphs="optpar")
#' #Use a different evolutionary model or cutoff 
#' influ_cont2<-influ_continuous(data = adultMass,phy = primates$phy[[1]],
#' model = "lambda",cutoff = 1.2,n.cores = 2,track = TRUE)
#' summary(influ_cont2)
#' sensi_plot(influ_cont2)
#' influ_cont3<-influ_continuous(data = adultMass,phy = primates$phy[[1]],
#' model = "BM",cutoff = 2,n.cores = 2,track = TRUE)
#' summary(influ_cont3)
#' }
#' @export

influ_continuous <- function(data,
                             bounds = list(),
                             cutoff = 2,
                             n.cores = NULL,
                             track = TRUE,
                             ...) {
  #Error check
  if (is.null(model))
    stop("model must be specified, e.g. 'OU' or 'lambda'")
  if (!inherits(data, "numeric") |
    stop("data must supplied as a numeric vector with species as names")
  if (!inherits(phy, "phylo"))
    stop("phy must be class 'phylo'")
  if (model == "white")
    stop("the white-noise (non-phylogenetic) model is not allowed")
  if ((model == "drift") &
      "A drift model is unidentifiable for ultrametric trees., see ?fitContinuous for details"
    #Matching tree
    full.data <- data
  phy <- phy
  #Calculates the full model, extracts model parameters
  N                   <- length(full.data)
  mod.0               <-
      phy = phy,
      dat = full.data,
      model = model,
      bounds = bounds,
      ncores = n.cores,
  sigsq.0               <- mod.0$opt$sigsq
  z0.0                  <- mod.0$opt$z0
  aicc.0              <- mod.0$opt$aicc
  if (model == "BM") {
    optpar.0 <- NA
  if (model == "OU") {
    optpar.0        <- mod.0$opt$alpha
  if (model == "EB") {
    optpar.0               <- mod.0$opt$a
  if (model == "trend") {
    optpar.0               <- mod.0$opt$slope
  if (model == "lambda") {
    optpar.0               <- mod.0$opt$lambda
  if (model == "kappa") {
    optpar.0               <- mod.0$opt$kappa
  if (model == "delta") {
    optpar.0               <- mod.0$opt$delta
  if (model == "drift") {
    optpar.0               <- mod.0$opt$drift
  #Creates empty data frame to store model outputs
  sensi.estimates <- data.frame(
    "species" = numeric(),
    "sigsq" = numeric(),
    "DIFsigsq" = numeric(),
    "sigsq.perc" = numeric(),
    "optpar" = numeric(),
    "DIFoptpar" = numeric(),
    "optpar.perc" = numeric(),
    "z0" = numeric(),
    "aicc" = numeric()
  #Loops over all species, and removes each one individually
  counter <- 1
  errors <- NULL
  if (track == TRUE)
    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = N, style = 3)
  for (i in 1:N) {
    crop.data <- full.data[c(1:N)[-i]]
    crop.phy <-
      ape::drop.tip(phy, setdiff(phy$tip.label, names(crop.data)))
    mod = try(geiger::fitContinuous(
      phy = crop.phy,
      dat = crop.data,
      model = model,
      bounds = bounds,
      ncores = n.cores,
    if (isTRUE(class(mod) == "try-error")) {
      error <- i
      names(error) <- rownames(full.data$data)[i]
      errors <- c(errors, error)
    else {
      sp                   <- phy$tip.label[i]
      sigsq               <- mod$opt$sigsq
      z0                  <- mod$opt$z0
      aicc              <- mod$opt$aicc
      DIFsigsq            <- sigsq - sigsq.0
      sigsq.perc          <-
        round((abs(DIFsigsq / sigsq.0)) * 100,
              digits = 1)
      aicc              <- mod$opt$aicc
      if (model == "BM") {
        optpar <- NA
      if (model == "OU") {
        optpar        <- mod$opt$alpha
      if (model == "EB") {
        optpar               <- mod$opt$a
      if (model == "trend") {
        optpar               <- mod$opt$slope
      if (model == "lambda") {
        optpar               <- mod$opt$lambda
      if (model == "kappa") {
        optpar               <- mod$opt$kappa
      if (model == "delta") {
        optpar               <- mod$opt$delta
      if (model == "drift") {
        optpar              <- mod$opt$drift
      DIFoptpar            <- optpar - optpar.0
      optpar.perc        <-
        round((abs(DIFoptpar / optpar.0)) * 100,
              digits = 1)
      if (track == TRUE)
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
      # Stores values for each simulation
      # Store reduced model parameters:
      estim.simu <- data.frame(
        stringsAsFactors = F
      sensi.estimates[counter,]  <- estim.simu
      counter = counter + 1
  if (track == TRUE)
  #Calculates Standardized DFbeta and DIFq12
  sDIFsigsq <- sensi.estimates$DIFsigsq /
  sensi.estimates$sDIFsigsq     <- sDIFsigsq
  if (model == "BM") {
    sDIFoptpar <- NA
  if (model != "BM") {
    if ((stats::sd(sensi.estimates$DIFoptpar)) == 0) {
      sDIFoptpar <- NA
      sDIFoptpar     <- sensi.estimates$DIFoptpar /
      sensi.estimates$sDIFoptpar     <- sDIFoptpar
  #Creates a list with full model estimates:
  #full model estimates:
  param0 <- list(
    sigsq = sigsq.0,
    optpar = optpar.0,
    z0 = z0.0,
    aicc = aicc.0
  #Identifies influencital species (sDF > cutoff) and orders by influence
  reorder.on.sigsq         <- sensi.estimates[order(abs(sensi.estimates$sDIFsigsq), decreasing =
                                                      T), c("species", "sDIFsigsq")]
  influ.sp.sigsq           <-
    as.character(reorder.on.sigsq$species[abs(reorder.on.sigsq$sDIFsigsq) >
  if (model == "BM") {
    influ.sp.optpar <-
      "No optpar calculated for BM-model. Influential species not calculated"
  if (model != "BM") {
    if ((stats::sd(sensi.estimates$DIFoptpar)) == 0) {
      influ.sp.optpar <-
        "No variation in optpar. Influential species not calculated"
    else {
      reorder.on.optpar     <- sensi.estimates[order(abs(sensi.estimates$sDIFoptpar), decreasing =
                                                       T), c("species", "sDIFoptpar")]
      influ.sp.optpar       <-
        as.character(reorder.on.optpar$species[abs(reorder.on.optpar$sDIFoptpar) >
  #Generates output:
  res <- list(
    call = match.call(),
    cutoff = cutoff,
    data = full.data,
    optpar = model,
    full.model.estimates = param0,
    influential.species = list(influ.sp.sigsq = influ.sp.sigsq,
                               influ.sp.optpar = influ.sp.optpar),
    sensi.estimates = sensi.estimates,
    errors = errors
  class(res) <- "sensiInflu.TraitEvol"
  ### Warnings:
  if (length(res$errors) > 0) {
    warning("Some species deletion presented errors, please check: output$errors")
  else {
    res$errors <- "No errors found."

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sensiPhy documentation built on April 14, 2020, 7:15 p.m.