
Defines functions sentopicmodel_params make_colors days_period plot_proportion_topics proportion_topics plot_sentiment_topics sentiment_topics plot_sentiment_breakdown sentiment_breakdown sentiment_series `sentopics_labels<-` sentopics_labels `sentopics_date<-` sentopics_date `sentopics_sentiment<-` sentopics_sentiment

Documented in plot_proportion_topics plot_sentiment_breakdown plot_sentiment_topics proportion_topics sentiment_breakdown sentiment_series sentiment_topics sentopics_date sentopics_labels sentopics_sentiment

#' Internal sentiment
#' @family sentopics helpers
#' @author Olivier Delmarcelle
#' @description Compute, extract or replace the internal sentiment of a
#'   `sentopicmodel`. The internal sentiment is used to create time series using
#'   the functions [sentiment_series()] or [sentiment_topics()]. If the input
#'   model contains a sentiment layer, sentiment can be computed directly from
#'   the output of the model. Otherwise, sentiment obtained externally should be
#'   added for each document.
#' @param x a `sentopicmodel` created from the [LDA()], [JST()], [rJST()] or
#'   [sentopicmodel()] function
#' @param method the method used to compute sentiment, see "Methods" below.
#'   Ignored if an internal sentiment is already stored, unless `override` is
#'   `TRUE`.
#' @param override by default, the function computes sentiment only if no
#'   internal sentiment is already stored within the `sentopicmodel` object.
#'   This avoid, for example, erasing externally provided sentiment. Set to
#'   `TRUE` to force computation of new sentiment values. Only useful for models
#'   with a sentiment layer.
#' @param quiet if `FALSE`, print a message when internal sentiment is found.
#' @param include_docvars if `TRUE` the function will return all docvars stored
#'   in the internal `tokens` object of the model
#' @return A data.frame with the stored sentiment per document.
#' @details The computed sentiment varies depending on the model. For [LDA],
#'   sentiment computation is not possible.
#'   For [JST], the sentiment is computed on a per-document basis according to
#'   the document-level sentiment mixtures.
#'   For a [rJST] model, a sentiment is computed for each topic, resulting in
#'   `K` sentiment values per document. In that case, the `.sentiment` column is
#'   an average of the `K` sentiment values, weighted by they respective topical
#'   proportions.
#' @section Methods:
#'   The function accepts two methods of computing sentiment:
#'   - **proportional** computes the difference between the estimated positive
#'   and negative proportions for each document (and possibly each topic).
#'   \deqn{positive - negative}
#'   - **proportionalPol** computes the difference between positive and negative
#'   proportions, divided by the sum of positive and negative proportions. As a
#'   result, the computed sentiment lies within the (-1;1) interval.
#'   \deqn{\frac{positive - negative}{positive + negative}}{(positive -
#'   negative) / (positive + negative)}
#'   Both methods will lead to the same result for a JST model containing only
#'   negative and positive sentiments.
#' @note The internal sentiment is stored internally in the *docvars* of the
#'   topic model. This means that sentiment may also be accessed through the
#'   [docvars()] function, although this is discouraged.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{# example dataset already contains ".sentiment" docvar
#' docvars(ECB_press_conferences_tokens)
#' # sentiment is automatically stored in the sentopicmodel object
#' lda <- LDA(ECB_press_conferences_tokens)
#' sentopics_sentiment(lda)
#' # sentiment can be removed or modified by the assignment operator
#' sentopics_sentiment(lda) <- NULL
#' sentopics_sentiment(lda) <- docvars(ECB_press_conferences_tokens, ".sentiment")
#' # for JST models, sentiment can be computed from the output of the model
#' jst <- JST(ECB_press_conferences_tokens, lexicon = LoughranMcDonald)
#' jst <- grow(jst, 100)
#' sentopics_sentiment(jst, override = TRUE) # replace existing sentiment
#' ## for rJST models one sentiment value is computed by topic
#' rjst <- rJST(ECB_press_conferences_tokens, lexicon = LoughranMcDonald)
#' rjst <- grow(rjst, 100)
#' sentopics_sentiment(rjst, override = TRUE)}
sentopics_sentiment <- function(x,
                      method = c("proportional", "proportionalPol"),
                      override = FALSE,
                      quiet = FALSE,
                      include_docvars = FALSE) {
  ## CMD check
  .id <- positive <- negative <- topic <- L1_prob <- NULL

  docvars <- attr(x$tokens, "docvars")

  if (!override & ".sentiment" %in% names(docvars)) {
    if (!quiet & !inherits(x, "LDA")) message("'.sentiment' docvars found. Returning these values. To re-compute sentiment, please set `override = TRUE`.")
    if (include_docvars) {
      res <- data.table(.id = names(x$tokens), docvars(x$tokens))
      if (".sentiment_scaled" %in% names(docvars))
        data.table::setcolorder(res, c(".id", ".sentiment", ".sentiment_scaled")) else
          data.table::setcolorder(res, c(".id", ".sentiment"))
    } else {
      if (".sentiment_scaled" %in% names(docvars)) {
        res <-
          data.table(.id = names(x$tokens),
                     .sentiment = docvars$`.sentiment`,
                     .sentiment_scaled = docvars$`.sentiment_scaled`)
      }  else  {
        res <- data.table(.id = names(x$tokens),
                     .sentiment = docvars$`.sentiment`)
      if (attr(x, "Sdim") == "L2") {
        idx <- grepl("^\\.s_", names(docvars))
        res <- cbind(res, docvars[, idx])

  if (inherits(x, "LDA")) stop("Impossible to compute sentiment for an LDA model. Please input first a '.sentiment' docvars by either\n\t1: ensuring the presence of a '.sentiment' docvars in the dfm or tokens object used to create the model.\n\t2: using `sentopics_sentiment(x) <- value` to register a vector of sentiment values in the topic model object.")
  if (any(!c("positive", "negative") %in% levels(x$vocabulary$lexicon))) stop("Sentiment computation requires defined positive and negative sentiment. Ensure that a lexicon containing negative and positive categories was provided when creating the model or input a '.sentiment' docvars by either\n\t1: ensuring the presence of a '.sentiment' docvars in the dfm or tokens object used to create the model.\n\t2: using `sentopics_sentiment(x) <- value` to register a vector of sentiment values in the topic model object.")

  method <- match.arg(method)
  melted <- melt(x, include_docvars = FALSE)
  ## store order to reverse dcast ordering
  # ord <- order(unique(melted$.id))

         proportionalPol = {
           fn <- function(dt) {
             dt[, list(.id, .sentiment = (positive - negative) / (positive + negative))]
         proportional = {
           fn <- function(dt) {
             dt[, list(.id, .sentiment = (positive - negative))]

  if ( attr(x, "Sdim") == "L1" ) { ## then it is JST

    ## discard topics, only need L1_prob
    # res <- dcast(melted, .id ~ sent, value.var = "L1_prob", fun.aggregate = mean)
    res <- dcast(melted[, list("L1_prob" = mean(L1_prob)), by = c("sent", ".id")],
          .id ~ sent, value.var = "L1_prob")
    res <- fn(res)

    ## recover initial ordering
    setkey(res, NULL)
    # res <- res[order(ord)]
    res <- res[match(unique(melted$.id), .id)]
    stopifnot(identical(res$.id, names(x$tokens)))

    docvars$`.sentiment` <- res$`.sentiment`
    data.table::setattr(x$tokens, "docvars", docvars)
    message("Sentiment computed and assigned internally")

  } else {
    LIST <- lapply(
      stats::setNames(levels(melted$topic), nm = paste0(".s_", levels(melted$topic))),
      function(t) {
        fn(dcast(melted[topic == t], .id ~ sent, value.var = "prob"))
    res <- data.table::rbindlist(LIST, idcol = "topic")
    res <- dcast(res, .id ~ topic, value.var = ".sentiment")

    ## recover initial ordering
    setkey(res, NULL)
    # res <- res[order(ord)]
    res <- res[match(unique(melted$.id), .id)]
    stopifnot(identical(res$.id, names(x$tokens)))

    res$.sentiment <- rowSums(as.matrix(res, rownames = ".id") * x$theta)
    data.table::setcolorder(res, c(".id", ".sentiment"))

    docvars <- utils::modifyList(docvars, res[, -".id"])
    data.table::setattr(x$tokens, "docvars", docvars)
    message("Sentiment computed and assigned internally")
  ## to recompute at the end of mergeTopics, need this attribute
  data.table::setattr(x, "sentiment_not_external", TRUE)

  if (include_docvars) { res <- cbind(res, docvars(x$tokens)) }


#' @rdname sentopics_sentiment
#' @param value a numeric vector of sentiment to input into the model.
#' @export
`sentopics_sentiment<-` <- function(x, value) {
  if (!inherits(x, "sentopicmodel")) stop("Replacement of internal sentiment is only possible for topic models of package `sentopics`")
  if (anyNA(value)) stop("NA sentiment not allowed.")

  docvars <- attr(x$tokens, "docvars")
  if (".sentiment" %in% names(docvars) & !is.null(value)) {
    message("Replacing existing '.sentiment' docvars")

  if (!is.null(value)) x$tokens$`.sentiment` <- value
  if (is.null(value)) {
    x$tokens$`.sentiment` <- NULL
    idx <- names(docvars)[names(docvars) %in% paste0(".s_", sentopics_labels(x, flat = FALSE)[["topic"]])]
    if (length(idx) > 0) {
      for (i in idx) {
        eval(substitute(x$tokens$y <- NULL, list(y = i)))
        # eval(data.table::substitute2(x$tokens$y <- NULL, list(y = i)))
  attr(x, "sentiment_not_external") <- NULL


#' Internal date
#' @author Olivier Delmarcelle
#' @family sentopics helpers
#' @inheritParams sentopics_sentiment
#' @description Extract or replace the internal dates of a `sentopicmodel`. The
#'   internal dates are used to create time series using the functions
#'   [sentiment_series()] or [sentiment_topics()]. Dates should be provided by
#'   using `sentopics_date(x) <- value` or by storing a '.date' docvars in
#'   the [tokens] object used to create the model.
#' @export
#' @note The internal date is stored internally in the *docvars* of the topic
#'   model. This means that dates may also be accessed through the [docvars()]
#'   function, although this is discouraged.
#' @return a data.frame with the stored date per document.
#' @examples
#' # example dataset already contains ".date" docvar
#' docvars(ECB_press_conferences_tokens)
#' # dates are automatically stored in the sentopicmodel object
#' lda <- LDA(ECB_press_conferences_tokens)
#' sentopics_date(lda)
#' # dates can be removed or modified by the assignment operator
#' sentopics_date(lda) <- NULL
#' sentopics_date(lda) <- docvars(ECB_press_conferences_tokens, ".date")
sentopics_date <- function(x, include_docvars = FALSE) {
  docvars <- quanteda::docvars(x$tokens)
  if (!".date" %in% names(docvars)) stop("No dates stored internally. Please add dates to the documents by either\n\t1: ensuring the presence of a '.date' docvars in the dfm or tokens object used to create the model.\n\t2: using `sentopics_date(x) <- value` to register a vector of Dates in the topic model object.")
  if (include_docvars) {
    res <- data.table(.id = names(x$tokens), docvars(x$tokens))
    data.table::setcolorder(res, c(".id", ".date"))
  } else {
    res <- data.table(.id = names(x$tokens), .date = as.Date(docvars$`.date`))
#' @rdname sentopics_date
#' @param value a `Date`-coercible vector of dates to input into the model.
#' @export
`sentopics_date<-` <- function(x, value) {
  if (!inherits(x, "sentopicmodel")) stop("Replacement of internal date is only possible for topic models of package `sentopics`")
  if (anyNA(value)) stop("NA date not allowed.")

  docvars <- attr(x$tokens, "docvars")
  if (".date" %in% names(docvars) & !is.null(value)) {
    message("Replacing existing '.date' docvars")

  if (!is.null(value)) x$tokens$`.date` <- as.Date(value)
  if (is.null(value)) x$tokens$`.date` <- NULL


#' Setting topic or sentiment labels
#' @author Olivier Delmarcelle
#' @family sentopics helpers
#' @inheritParams sentopics_sentiment
#' @description Extract or replace the labels of a `sentopicmodel`. The replaced
#'   labels will appear in most functions dealing with the output of the
#'   `sentomicmodel`.
#' @param flat if FALSE, return a list of dimension labels instead of a
#'   character vector.
#' @export
#' @seealso mergeTopics
#' @return a character vector of topic/sentiment labels.
#' @examples
#' # by default, sentopics_labels() generate standard topic names
#' lda <- LDA(ECB_press_conferences_tokens)
#' sentopics_labels(lda)
#' # to change labels, a named list must be provided
#' sentopics_labels(lda) <- list(
#'  topic = paste0("superTopic", 1:lda$K)
#' )
#' sentopics_labels(lda)
#' # using NULL remove labels
#' sentopics_labels(lda) <- NULL
#' sentopics_labels(lda)
#' # also works for JST/rJST models
#' jst <- JST(ECB_press_conferences_tokens)
#' sentopics_labels(jst) <- list(
#'   topic = paste0("superTopic", 1:jst$K),
#'   sentiment = c("negative", "neutral", "positive")
#' )
#' sentopics_labels(jst)
#' # setting flat = FALSE return a list or labels for each dimension
#' sentopics_labels(jst, flat = FALSE)
sentopics_labels <- function(x, flat = TRUE) {
  res <- create_labels(x, flat = flat)
  if (!flat) {
    params <- sentopicmodel_params(x)
    names(res) <- c(params$L1_name, params$L2_name)[seq_along(res)]
#' @rdname sentopics_labels
#' @param value a list of future labels for the topic model. The list should be
#'   named and contain a character vector for each dimension to label. See the
#'   examples for a correct usage.
#' @export
`sentopics_labels<-` <- function(x, value) {

  if (is.null(value)) {
    attr(x, "labels") <- NULL
    x <- grow(x, 0, displayProgress = FALSE)

  if (!is.list(x)) stop("Only accepts list as input")
  if ( length( setdiff(names(value), c("topic", "sentiment")) ) > 0 ) stop("List should only contain named components 'topic' or 'sentiment'.")
  if (length(value) < 1) warning("Empty input, nothing is replaced.")
  if (length(names(value)) < 1) warning("Input list should be named.")

  params <- sentopicmodel_params(x)
  if (is.null(attr(x, "labels"))) attr(x, "labels") <- list()
  if ( params$L1_name %in% names(value) ) {
    if ( length(value[[params$L1_name]]) != params$L1 ) stop("The number of ", params$L1_name, " labels should match the number of topics.")
    attr(x, "labels")[["L1"]] <- value[[params$L1_name]]
    if (params$Sdim == "L1") levels(x$vocabulary$lexicon) <- value[[params$L1_name]]
  if ( params$L2_name %in% names(value) ) {
    if ( length(value[[params$L2_name]]) != params$L2 ) stop("The number of ", params$L2_name, " labels should match the number of topics.")
    attr(x, "labels")[["L2"]] <- value[[params$L2_name]]
    if (params$Sdim == "L2") levels(x$vocabulary$lexicon) <- value[[params$L2_name]]

  ## force update of labels on theta phi ect..
  x <- grow(x, 0, displayProgress = FALSE)

  ## manually adjust stored sentiment in docvars (if any)
  docvars <- attr(x$tokens, "docvars")
  idx <- grepl("^\\.s_", names(docvars))
  if (any(idx) & !is.null(value$topic)) {
    names(docvars)[idx] <- paste0(".s_", value$topic)
    attr(x$tokens, "docvars") <- docvars


#' Compute a sentiment time series
#' @family series functions
#' @inheritParams sentiment_topics
#' @param x a [LDA()], [JST()] or [rJST()] model populated with internal dates
#'   and/or internal sentiment.
#' @description Compute a sentiment time series based on the internal sentiment
#'   and dates of a `sentopicmodel`. The time series computation supports
#'   multiple sampling period and optionally allow computing a moving average.
#' @return A time series of sentiment, stored as an [xts::xts] or
#'   data.frame.
#' @export
#' @seealso sentopics_sentiment sentopics_date
#' @examples
#' lda <- LDA(ECB_press_conferences_tokens)
#' series <- sentiment_series(lda, period = "month")
#' # JST and rJST models can use computed sentiment from the sentiment layer,
#' # but the model must be estimated first.
#' rjst <- rJST(ECB_press_conferences_tokens, lexicon = LoughranMcDonald)
#' sentiment_series(rjst)
#' sentopics_sentiment(rjst) <- NULL ## remove existing sentiment
#' rjst <- grow(rjst, 10) ## estimating the model is then needed
#' sentiment_series(rjst)
#' # note the presence of both raw and scaled sentiment values
#' # in the initial object
#' sentopics_sentiment(lda)
#' sentopics_sentiment(rjst)
sentiment_series <- function(x,
                             period = c("year", "quarter", "month", "day"),
                             rolling_window = 1,
                             scale =  TRUE,
                             scaling_period = c("1900-01-01", "2099-12-31"),
                             as.xts = TRUE,
                             ...) {
  ## CMD check
  .date <- .sentiment <- sentiment <- NULL

  period <- match.arg(period)

  mis <- c()
  if (rolling_window > 1) mis <- c("zoo")
  if (as.xts) mis <- c(mis, "xts")
  mis <- missingSuggets(mis)
  if (length(mis) > 0) stop("Suggested packages are missing for the sentiment_series function.\n",
                            "Please install first the following packages: ",
                            paste0(mis, collapse = ", "),".\n",
                            "Install command: install.packages(",
                            paste0("'", mis, "'", collapse = ", "),")" )

  res <- cbind(
    sentopics_sentiment(x, quiet = TRUE),
  ## TODO: maybe expand to multiple columns?
  # res <- res[, lapply(.SD, mean),
  #            keyby = list(date = floor_date(.date, period)),
  #            .SDcols = ".sentiment"]
  res <- res[, list(sentiment = mean(.sentiment)),
             keyby = list(date = floor_date(.date, period))]

  if (rolling_window > 1) {
    ## Store existing dates
    idx <- res$date
    ## Fill empty periods
    res <- merge(data.table(date = seq(min(res$date),
                                       by = period)),
                 res, by = "date",
                 all.x = TRUE)

    ## Set default parameter for rolling
    dots <- list(...)
    if (is.null(dots$FUN)) dots$FUN <- mean
    if (is.null(dots$na.rm)) dots$na.rm <- TRUE
    if (is.null(dots$fill)) dots$fill <- NA
    if (is.null(dots$align)) dots$align <- "right"

    # res <- res[, list(date, sentiment = zoo::rollapply(sentiment, rolling_window, FUN = FUN, na.rm = na.rm, fill = fill, align = align, ...))]
    res <- res[, list(date, sentiment = do.call(zoo::rollapply, c(
      list(data = sentiment, width = rolling_window),

    res <- res[date %in% idx]

  if (scale) {
    if (nrow(res) < 2) stop("At least two periods are required to scale de series. Please the date range of documents or use a shorter period.")
    ## Set default parameter for scaling
    dots <- list(...)
    if (is.null(dots$na.rm)) na.rm <- TRUE
    if (is.null(dots$trim)) trim <- 0
    params <- res[date >= scaling_period[1] & date <= scaling_period[2],
                    c(sigma = stats::sd(sentiment, na.rm = na.rm), mu = mean(sentiment, na.rm = na.rm, trim = trim))]

    res[, sentiment := (sentiment - params["mu"]) / params["sigma"] ]
    ## Add scaled sentiment at the document level by reference
      docvars <- attr(x$tokens, "docvars")
      docvars$`.sentiment_scaled` <- (docvars$`.sentiment` - params["mu"]) / params["sigma"]

      ## dealing with multiple values for rJST
      idx <- grepl("^\\.s_", names(docvars), perl = TRUE) &
        !grepl("_scaled$", names(docvars), perl = TRUE)
      if (any(idx)) {
        idx <- names(docvars)[idx]
        for (s in idx) {
          docvars[[paste0(s, "_scaled")]] <- (docvars[[s]] - params["mu"]) / params["sigma"]

      ## putting back the results in docvars
      data.table::setattr(x$tokens, "docvars", docvars)

  # res <- res[, list(s = mean(s)), by = list(date = floor_date(res[[date_docvar]], period))]
  if (as.xts & length(missingSuggets("xts")) == 0)
    res <- xts::as.xts(res, dateFormat = "Date")

  if (scale) data.table::setattr(res, "scaling_parameters", params)

#' Breakdown the sentiment into topical components
#' @family series functions
#' @inheritParams sentiment_topics
#' @description Break down the sentiment series obtained with
#'   [sentiment_series()] into topical components. Sentiment is broken down at
#'   the document level using estimated topic proportions, then processed to
#'   create a time series and its components.
#' @return A time series of sentiment, stored as an [xts::xts] object or as a
#'   data.frame.
#' @export
#' @details The sentiment is broken down at the sentiment level assuming the
#'   following composition: \deqn{s = \sum^K_{i=1} s_i \times \theta_i}, where
#'   \eqn{s_i} is the sentiment of topic i and \eqn{theta_i} the proportion of
#'   topic i in a given document. For an LDA model, the sentiment of each topic
#'   is considered equal to the document sentiment (i.e. \eqn{s_i = s \forall i
#'   \in K}). The topical sentiment attention, defined by \eqn{s*_i = s_i \times
#'   \theta_i} represent the effective sentiment conveyed by a topic in a
#'   document. The topical sentiment attention of all documents in a period are
#'   averaged to compute the breakdown of the sentiment time series.
#' @seealso sentopics_sentiment sentopics_date
#' @examples
#' \donttest{lda <- LDA(ECB_press_conferences_tokens)
#' lda <- grow(lda, 100)
#' sentiment_breakdown(lda)
#' # plot shortcut
#' plot_sentiment_breakdown(lda)
#' # also available for rJST models (with topic-level sentiment)
#' rjst <- rJST(ECB_press_conferences_tokens, lexicon = LoughranMcDonald)
#' rjst <- grow(rjst, 100)
#' sentopics_sentiment(rjst, override = TRUE)
#' plot_sentiment_breakdown(rjst)}
sentiment_breakdown <- function(x,
                                period = c("year", "quarter", "month", "day", "identity"),
                                rolling_window = 1,
                                scale =  TRUE,
                                scaling_period = c("1900-01-01", "2099-12-31"),
                                plot = c(FALSE, TRUE, "silent"),
                                as.xts = TRUE,
                                ...) {
  ## CMD check
  .id <- .date <- .sentiment <- .sentiment_scaled <- sentiment <- value <-
    variable <- width <- Topic <- date_center <- theta <- s <- ..cols <-
    prob <- NULL

  if (!inherits(x, c("LDA", "rJST"))) stop("`sentiment_breakdown` is only implemented for LDA and rJST models.")

  period <- match.arg(period)
  plot <- as.character(plot)
  plot <- match.arg(plot)
  plot <- as.logical(plot)

  mis <- c()
  if (rolling_window > 1) mis <- c("zoo")
  if (as.xts) mis <- c(mis, "xts")
  if (!isFALSE(plot)) mis <- c(mis, "ggplot2")
  mis <- missingSuggets(mis)
  if (length(mis) > 0) stop("Suggested packages are missing for the sentiment_breakdown function.\n",
                            "Please install first the following packages: ",
                            paste0(mis, collapse = ", "),".\n",
                            "Install command: install.packages(",
                            paste0("'", mis, "'", collapse = ", "),")" )

  # proportions <- dcast(melt(x), .id ~ topic, value.var = "prob", fun.aggregate = sum)
  proportions <- dcast(melt(x)[, list(prob = sum(prob)), by = c("topic", ".id")],
                       .id ~ topic, value.var = "prob")

  if (scale & period != "identity") {
    invisible(sentiment_series(x, period = period, rolling_window = rolling_window, scale = scale, scaling_period = scaling_period, ...))
    tmp_sent <- sentopics_sentiment(x, quiet = TRUE)
    cols <- grepl("^\\.s", names(tmp_sent)) & grepl("_scaled$", names(tmp_sent))
    cols <- names(tmp_sent)[cols]
    tmp_sent <- eval(substitute(tmp_sent[, c(".id", ..cols)], list(..cols = cols)))
    # TODO: re-activate once data.table 1.14.3 is released.
    # tmp_sent <- tmp_sent[, c(".id", ..cols), env = I(list(..cols = cols))]
    names(tmp_sent) <- gsub("(^\\.(?!id))|(_scaled$)", "", names(tmp_sent), perl = TRUE)
  } else {
    tmp_sent <- sentopics_sentiment(x, quiet = TRUE)
    cols <- grepl("^\\.s", names(tmp_sent)) & !grepl("_scaled$", names(tmp_sent))
    cols <- names(tmp_sent)[cols]
    tmp_sent <- eval(substitute(tmp_sent[, c(".id", ..cols)], list(..cols = cols)))
    # TODO: re-activate once data.table 1.14.3 is released.
    # tmp_sent <- tmp_sent[, c(".id", ..cols), env = I(list(..cols = cols))]
     names(tmp_sent) <- gsub("(^\\.(?!id))|(_scaled$)", "", names(tmp_sent), perl = TRUE)

  proportions <- merge(
      by = ".id", sort = FALSE
    by = ".id", sort = FALSE

  ## early return
  if (period == "identity") {
    sCols <- names(proportions)[grepl("^s_", names(proportions))]
    if (length(sCols) == 0) sCols <- "sentiment"
    thetaCols <- sentopics_labels(x, flat = FALSE)[["topic"]]
    breakdown <- eval(substitute(
      proportions[, c(
        list(.id = .id, date = .date, sentiment = sentiment),
        mapply(function(s_i, theta_i) s_i * theta_i,
               theta_i = .SD[, theta], s_i = .SD[, s],
               SIMPLIFY = FALSE))],
      list( s = sCols, theta = thetaCols)))
    # TODO: re-activate once data.table 1.14.3 is released.
    # breakdown <- proportions[, c(
    #   list(.id = .id, date = .date, sentiment = sentiment),
    #   mapply(function(s_i, theta_i) s_i * theta_i,
    #          theta_i = .SD[, theta], s_i = .SD[, s],
    #          SIMPLIFY = FALSE)),
    #   env = I(list( s = sCols, theta = thetaCols))]

  if (length(tmp_sent) <= 2) {
    ## then there is only one sentiment column
    if (inherits(x, "rJST")) warning("Sentiment for the rJST model comes from an external source. This means that the sentiment layer of the model is ignored. Was it really your intent? Perhaps should you run `sentopics_sentiment(x, override = TRUE)` on the model before calling this function, or instead remove the sentiment layer by using an LDA model.")
    breakdown <- proportions[, c(list(sentiment = mean(sentiment)),
                                 lapply(.SD, function(x) mean(x * sentiment) )), .SDcols = -c(".id", ".date", "sentiment"),
                             by = list(date = floor_date(.date, period))]
  } else {
    ## deal with topical sentiment values (rJST)
    sCols <- names(proportions)[grepl("^s_", names(proportions))]
    thetaCols <- sentopics_labels(x, flat = FALSE)[["topic"]]
    breakdown <- eval(substitute(
      proportions[, c(list(sentiment = mean(sentiment)),
                      mapply(function(s_i, theta_i) mean(s_i * theta_i),
                             theta_i = .SD[, theta], s_i = .SD[, s],
                             SIMPLIFY = FALSE)),
                  by = list(date = floor_date(.date, period))],
      list( s = sCols, theta = thetaCols)))
    # TODO: re-activate once data.table 1.14.3 is released.
    # breakdown <- proportions[, c(list(sentiment = mean(sentiment)),
    #                              mapply(function(s_i, theta_i) mean(s_i * theta_i),
    #                                     theta_i = .SD[, theta], s_i = .SD[, s],
    #                                     SIMPLIFY = FALSE)),
    #                          by = list(date = floor_date(.date, period)),
    #                          env = I(list( s = sCols, theta = thetaCols))]

  breakdown <- breakdown[order(date)]

  ## quick check
  if (!isTRUE(all.equal(
              breakdown$sentiment - rowSums(breakdown[, -c("date", "sentiment")]),
              rep(0, nrow(breakdown)))))
    stop("Computation of breakdown failed. Please contact the author of the package to work on a solution.")

  if (rolling_window > 1) {
    ## Store existing dates
    idx <- breakdown$date
    ## Fill empty periods
    breakdown <- merge(data.table(date = seq(min(breakdown$date),
                                       by = period)),
                 breakdown, by = "date",
                 all.x = TRUE)

    ## Set default parameter for rolling
    dots <- list(...)
    if (is.null(dots$FUN)) dots$FUN <- mean
    if (is.null(dots$na.rm)) dots$na.rm <- TRUE
    if (is.null(dots$fill)) dots$fill <- NA
    if (is.null(dots$align)) dots$align <- "right"

    cols <- setdiff(names(breakdown), c("date"))
      (cols) := lapply(.SD, function(col)
        do.call(zoo::rollapply, c(
          list(data = col, width = rolling_window),
      .SDcols = cols]

    breakdown <- breakdown[date %in% idx]

  ## Prepare plot
  if (!isFALSE(plot)) {
    ## Store existing dates
    idx <- breakdown$date
    ## Fill empty periods
    breakdown <- merge(data.table(date = seq(min(breakdown$date),
                                             by = period)),
                       breakdown, by = "date",
                       all.x = TRUE)

    plot_data <- breakdown[, lapply(.SD, nafill, type = "locf")]
    plot_data <- stats::na.omit(melt(plot_data, id.vars = "date", variable.name = "Topic"))
    plot_data[, width := days_period(date, period)]
    plot_data[, date_center := as.POSIXct(date) + as.difftime(width / 2, units = "days")]

    p_breakdown <- ggplot2::ggplot(plot_data[Topic != "sentiment"], ggplot2::aes(x = date_center, y = value, fill = Topic)) +
      ggplot2::geom_col(alpha = .8, position = ggplot2::position_stack(reverse = TRUE), width = plot_data[Topic != "sentiment"]$width*24*60*60) +
      ggplot2::geom_line(data = plot_data[Topic == "sentiment"], ggplot2::aes(x = date_center, y = value, group = 1L), inherit.aes = FALSE, linewidth = .8) +
      ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = make_colors(x, "L1")) +
      ggplot2::ylab("Sentiment") +
      ggplot2::xlab("Date") +
      ggplot2::guides(fill = ggplot2::guide_legend(reverse = TRUE)) +
      # scale_x_date(name = "Date", date_breaks = "1 month", date_labels = "%B") +
      # theme_classic(base_size = 12) +
      # theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
      ggplot2::ggtitle("Sentiment breakdown")
    if (isTRUE(plot)) print(p_breakdown)
    breakdown <- breakdown[date %in% idx]

  if (as.xts & length(missingSuggets("xts")) == 0)
    breakdown <- xts::as.xts(breakdown, dateFormat = "Date")

  if (!isFALSE(plot)) attr(breakdown, "plot") <- p_breakdown


#' @rdname sentiment_breakdown
#' @export
plot_sentiment_breakdown <- function(x,
                                     period = c("year", "quarter", "month", "day"),
                                     rolling_window = 1,
                                     scale =  TRUE,
                                     scaling_period = c("1900-01-01", "2099-12-31"),
                                     ...) {
  period <- match.arg(period)
  res <- sentiment_breakdown(x, period, rolling_window, scale, scaling_period,
                             plot = "silent", as.xts = FALSE, ...)
  attr(res, "plot")

#' Compute time series of topical sentiments
#' @family series functions
#' @description Derive topical time series of sentiment from a [LDA()] or
#'   [rJST()] model. The time series are created by leveraging on estimated
#'   topic proportions and internal sentiment (for `LDA` models) or topical
#'   sentiment (for `rJST` models).
#' @param x a [LDA()] or [rJST()] model populated with internal dates and/or
#'   internal sentiment.
#' @param period the sampling period within which the sentiment of documents
#'   will be averaged. `period = "identity"` is a special case that will return
#'   document-level variables before the aggregation happens. Useful to rapidly
#'   compute topical sentiment at the document level.
#' @param rolling_window if greater than 1, determines the rolling window to
#'   compute a moving average of sentiment. The rolling window is based on the
#'   period unit and rely on actual dates (i.e, is not affected by unequally
#'   spaced data points).
#' @param scale if `TRUE`, the resulting time series will be scaled to a mean of
#'   zero and a standard deviation of 1. This argument also has the side effect
#'   of attaching scaled sentiment values as *docvars* to the input object with
#'   the `_scaled` suffix.
#' @param scaling_period the date range over which the scaling should be
#'   applied. Particularly useful to normalize only the beginning of the time
#'   series.
#' @param plot if `TRUE`, prints a plot of the time series and attaches it as an
#'   attribute to the returned object. If `'silent'`, do not print the plot but
#'   still attaches it as an attribute.
#' @param plot_ridgelines if `TRUE`, time series are plotted as ridgelines.
#'   Requires `ggridges` package installed. If `FALSE`, the plot will use only
#'   standards `ggplot2` functions. If the argument is missing and the package
#'   `ggridges` is not installed, this will quietly switch to a `ggplot2`
#'   output.
#' @param as.xts if `TRUE`, returns an [xts::xts] object. Otherwise, returns a
#'   data.frame.
#' @param ... other arguments passed on to [zoo::rollapply()] or [mean()] and
#'   [sd()].
#' @details A topical sentiment is computed at the document level for each
#'   topic. For an LDA model, the sentiment of each topic is considered equal to
#'   the document sentiment (i.e. \eqn{s_i = s \forall i \in K}). For a rJST
#'   model, these result from the proportions in the sentiment layer under each
#'   topic. To compute the topical time series, the topical sentiment of all
#'   documents in a period are aggregated according to their respective topic
#'   proportion. For example, for a given topic, the topical sentiment in period
#'   \eqn{t} is computed using: \deqn{s_t = \frac{\sum_{d = 1}^D s_d \times
#'   \theta_d}{\sum_{d = 1}^D \theta_d}}, where \eqn{s_d} is the sentiment of
#'   the topic in document d and \eqn{theta_d} the topic proportion in a
#'   document d.
#' @seealso sentopics_sentiment sentopics_date
#' @return an [xts::xts] or data.frame containing the time series of topical
#'   sentiments.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{lda <- LDA(ECB_press_conferences_tokens)
#' lda <- grow(lda, 100)
#' sentiment_topics(lda)
#' # plot shortcut
#' plot_sentiment_topics(lda, period = "month", rolling_window = 3)
#' # with or without ridgelines
#' plot_sentiment_topics(lda, period = "month", plot_ridgelines = FALSE)
#' # also available for rJST models with internal sentiment computation
#' rjst <- rJST(ECB_press_conferences_tokens, lexicon = LoughranMcDonald)
#' rjst <- grow(rjst, 100)
#' sentopics_sentiment(rjst, override = TRUE)
#' sentiment_topics(rjst)}
sentiment_topics <- function(x,
                             period = c("year", "quarter", "month", "day", "identity"),
                             rolling_window = 1,
                             scale =  TRUE,
                             scaling_period = c("1900-01-01", "2099-12-31"),
                             plot = c(FALSE,  TRUE, "silent"),
                             plot_ridgelines = TRUE,
                             as.xts = TRUE,
                             ...) {
  ## CMD check
  .id <- .date <- .sentiment <- .sentiment_scaled <- sentiment <- value <-
    variable <- theta <- s <- ..cols <- prob <-  NULL

  if (!inherits(x, c("LDA", "rJST"))) stop("`sentiment_topics` is only implemented for LDA and rJST models.")

  period <- match.arg(period)
  plot <- as.character(plot)
  plot <- match.arg(plot)
  plot <- as.logical(plot)

  mis <- c()
  if (rolling_window > 1) mis <- c("zoo")
  if (as.xts) mis <- c(mis, "xts")
  if (!isFALSE(plot)) mis <- c(mis, "ggplot2")
  if (missing(plot_ridgelines) & length(missingSuggets("ggridges") > 0)) plot_ridgelines <- FALSE
  if (plot_ridgelines & !isFALSE(plot)) mis <- c(mis, "ggridges")
  mis <- missingSuggets(mis)
  if (length(mis) > 0) stop("Suggested packages are missing for the sentiment_topics function.\n",
                            "Please install first the following packages: ",
                            paste0(mis, collapse = ", "),".\n",
                            "Install command: install.packages(",
                            paste0("'", mis, "'", collapse = ", "),")" )

  # proportions <- dcast(melt(x), .id ~ topic, value.var = "prob", fun.aggregate = sum)
  proportions <- dcast(melt(x)[, list(prob = sum(prob)), by = c("topic", ".id")],
                       .id ~ topic, value.var = "prob")

  if (scale & period != "identity") {
    invisible(sentiment_series(x, period = period, rolling_window = rolling_window, scale = scale, scaling_period = scaling_period, ...))
    tmp_sent <- sentopics_sentiment(x, quiet = TRUE)
    cols <- grepl("^\\.s", names(tmp_sent)) & grepl("_scaled$", names(tmp_sent))
    cols <- names(tmp_sent)[cols]
    tmp_sent <- eval(substitute(tmp_sent[, c(".id", ..cols)], list(..cols = cols)))
    # TODO: re-activate once data.table 1.14.3 is released.
    # tmp_sent <- tmp_sent[, c(".id", ..cols), env = I(list(..cols = cols))]
    names(tmp_sent) <- gsub("(^\\.(?!id))|(_scaled$)", "", names(tmp_sent), perl = TRUE)
  } else {
    tmp_sent <- sentopics_sentiment(x, quiet = TRUE)
    cols <- grepl("^\\.s", names(tmp_sent)) & !grepl("_scaled$", names(tmp_sent))
    cols <- names(tmp_sent)[cols]
    tmp_sent <- eval(substitute(tmp_sent[, c(".id", ..cols)], list(..cols = cols)))
    # TODO: re-activate once data.table 1.14.3 is released.
    # tmp_sent <- tmp_sent[, c(".id", ..cols), env = I(list(..cols = cols))]
    names(tmp_sent) <- gsub("(^\\.(?!id))|(_scaled$)", "", names(tmp_sent), perl = TRUE)

  proportions <- merge(
      by = ".id", sort = FALSE
    by = ".id", sort = FALSE

  ## early return
  if (period == "identity") {
    sCols <- names(proportions)[grepl("^s_", names(proportions))]
    if (length(sCols) == 0) sCols <- "sentiment"
    thetaCols <- sentopics_labels(x, flat = FALSE)[["topic"]]
    topical_sent <- eval(substitute(
      proportions[, c(
        list(.id = .id, date = .date),
        mapply(function(s_i, theta_i) s_i * theta_i,
               theta_i = .SD[, theta], s_i = .SD[, s],
               SIMPLIFY = FALSE))],
      list( s = sCols, theta = thetaCols)))
    # TODO: re-activate once data.table 1.14.3 is released.
    # topical_sent <- proportions[, c(
    #   list(.id = .id, date = .date),
    #   mapply(function(s_i, theta_i) s_i * theta_i,
    #          theta_i = .SD[, theta], s_i = .SD[, s],
    #          SIMPLIFY = FALSE)),
    #   env = I(list( s = sCols, theta = thetaCols))]


  if (length(tmp_sent) <= 2) {
    ## then there is only one sentiment column
    if (inherits(x, "rJST")) warning("Sentiment for the rJST model comes from an external source. This means that the sentiment layer of the model is ignored. Was it really your intent? Perhaps should you run `sentopics_sentiment(x, override = TRUE)` on the model before calling this function, or instead remove the sentiment layer by using an LDA.")
    topical_sent <- proportions[, c(lapply(.SD, function(w) sum(w * sentiment) / sum(w) )),
                                .SDcols = -c(".id", ".date", "sentiment"),
                                by = list(date = floor_date(.date, period))]
  } else {
    ## deal with topical sentiment values (rJST)
    sCols <- names(proportions)[grepl("^s_", names(proportions))]
    thetaCols <- sentopics_labels(x, flat = FALSE)[["topic"]]
    topical_sent <- eval(substitute(
      proportions[, mapply(function(s_i, theta_i) sum(s_i * theta_i) / sum(theta_i),
                           theta_i = .SD[, theta], s_i = .SD[, s],
                           SIMPLIFY = FALSE),
                  by = list(date = floor_date(.date, period))],
      list( s = sCols, theta = thetaCols)))
    # TODO: re-activate once data.table 1.14.3 is released.
    # topical_sent <- proportions[, mapply(function(s_i, theta_i) sum(s_i * theta_i) / sum(theta_i),
    #                                      theta_i = .SD[, theta], s_i = .SD[, s],
    #                                      SIMPLIFY = FALSE),
    #                             by = list(date = floor_date(.date, period)),
    #                             env = I(list( s = sCols, theta = thetaCols))]

  topical_sent <- topical_sent[order(date)]

  if (rolling_window > 1) {
    ## Store existing dates
    idx <- topical_sent$date
    ## Fill empty periods
    topical_sent <- merge(data.table(date = seq(min(topical_sent$date),
                                                by = period)),
                          topical_sent, by = "date",
                          all.x = TRUE)

    ## Set default parameter for rolling
    dots <- list(...)
    if (is.null(dots$FUN)) dots$FUN <- mean
    if (is.null(dots$na.rm)) dots$na.rm <- TRUE
    if (is.null(dots$fill)) dots$fill <- NA
    if (is.null(dots$align)) dots$align <- "right"

    cols <- setdiff(names(topical_sent), c("date"))
              (cols) := lapply(.SD, function(col)
                do.call(zoo::rollapply, c(
                  list(data = col, width = rolling_window),
              .SDcols = cols]

    topical_sent <- topical_sent[date %in% idx]

  ## Prepare plot
  if (!isFALSE(plot)) {
    plot_data <- topical_sent[, lapply(.SD, nafill, type = "locf")]
    plot_data <- stats::na.omit(melt(plot_data, id.vars = "date"))

    # if (plot_ridgelines & length(missingSuggets("ggridges")) == 0) {
    if (plot_ridgelines) {
      plot_data <- plot_data[, list(date, value = value / max(abs(value)), variable)]

      p_topical_sent <-
        ggplot2::ggplot(plot_data, ggplot2::aes(date, height = value, y = variable, group = variable, fill = variable)) +
        ggridges::geom_ridgeline(min_height = -100, scale = 1/2) +
        ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = make_colors(x, "L1")) +
        # ggplot2::scale_x_date(expand = c(0,0)) +
        ggplot2::guides(fill = "none") +
        ggplot2::ylab("Topical sentiment") +
    } else {

      # if (plot_ridgelines) message("Package `ggridges` is missing. Defaulting to standard ggplot.")

      p_topical_sent <-
        ggplot2::ggplot(plot_data, ggplot2::aes(date, value, color = variable)) +
        ggplot2::geom_line(linewidth = 1.5) +
        # ggplot2::guides(color = ggplot2::guide_legend(reverse = TRUE, title = "Topic")) +
        ggplot2::guides(color = "none") +
        ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = make_colors(x, "L1")) +
        # ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0), labels = function(breaks) sprintf("%.f%%", breaks * 100) ) +
        ggplot2::scale_x_date(expand = c(0,0)) +
        ggplot2::theme_bw() +
        # ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(date, cum_value, group = variable),
        #                    inherit.aes = FALSE) +
        ggplot2::ylab("Topical sentiment") +
        ggplot2::xlab("Date") +
        ggplot2::facet_wrap(. ~variable)

    if (isTRUE(plot)) print(p_topical_sent)

  if (as.xts & length(missingSuggets("xts")) == 0)
    topical_sent <- xts::as.xts(topical_sent, dateFormat = "Date")

  if (!isFALSE(plot)) attr(topical_sent, "plot") <- p_topical_sent


#' @rdname sentiment_topics
#' @export
plot_sentiment_topics <- function(x,
                                  period = c("year", "quarter", "month", "day"),
                                  rolling_window = 1,
                                  scale =  TRUE,
                                  scaling_period = c("1900-01-01", "2099-12-31"),
                                  plot_ridgelines = TRUE,
                                  ...) {
  period <- match.arg(period)
  if (missing(plot_ridgelines) & length(missingSuggets("ggridges") > 0)) plot_ridgelines <- FALSE
  res <- sentiment_topics(x, period, rolling_window, scale, scaling_period,
                          plot_ridgelines, plot = "silent", as.xts = FALSE, ...)
  attr(res, "plot")

#' Compute the topic or sentiment proportion time series
#' @family series functions
#' @inheritParams sentiment_topics
#' @param x a [LDA()], [JST()] or [rJST()] model populated with internal dates
#'   and/or internal sentiment.
#' @param complete if FALSE, only compute proportions at the upper level of the
#'   topic model hierarchy (topics for [rJST] and sentiment for [JST]). No
#'   effect on [LDA] models.
#' @description Aggregate the topical or sentiment proportions at the document
#'   level into time series.
#' @return A time series of proportions, stored as an [xts::xts] object or as a
#'   data.frame.
#' @export
#' @seealso sentopics_sentiment sentopics_date
#' @examples
#' \donttest{lda <- LDA(ECB_press_conferences_tokens)
#' lda <- grow(lda, 100)
#' proportion_topics(lda)
#' # plot shortcut
#' plot_proportion_topics(lda, period = "month", rolling_window = 3)
#' # with or without ridgelines
#' plot_proportion_topics(lda, period = "month", plot_ridgelines = FALSE)
#' # also available for rJST and JST models
#' jst <- JST(ECB_press_conferences_tokens, lexicon = LoughranMcDonald)
#' jst <- grow(jst, 100)
#' # including both layers
#' proportion_topics(jst)
#' # or not
#' proportion_topics(jst, complete = FALSE)}
proportion_topics <- function(x,
                              period = c("year", "quarter", "month", "day", "identity"),
                              rolling_window = 1,
                              complete = TRUE,
                              plot = c(FALSE,  TRUE, "silent"),
                              plot_ridgelines = TRUE,
                              as.xts = TRUE,
                              ...) {
  ## CMD check
  .date <- value <- variable <- prob <- NULL

  period <- match.arg(period)
  plot <- as.character(plot)
  plot <- match.arg(plot)
  plot <- as.logical(plot)

  mis <- c()
  if (rolling_window > 1) mis <- c("zoo")
  if (as.xts) mis <- c(mis, "xts")
  if (!isFALSE(plot)) mis <- c(mis, "ggplot2")
  if (missing(plot_ridgelines) & length(missingSuggets("ggridges") > 0)) plot_ridgelines <- FALSE
  if (plot_ridgelines & !isFALSE(plot)) mis <- c(mis, "ggridges")
  mis <- missingSuggets(mis)
  if (length(mis) > 0) stop("Suggested packages are missing for the proportion_topics function.\n",
                            "Please install first the following packages: ",
                            paste0(mis, collapse = ", "),".\n",
                            "Install command: install.packages(",
                            paste0("'", mis, "'", collapse = ", "),")" )

  if (complete) {
    proportions <- switch(class(x)[1],
                          LDA = {dcast(melt(x), .id ~ topic, value.var = "prob")},
                          rJST = {dcast(melt(x), .id ~ topic + sent, value.var = "prob")},
                          JST = {dcast(melt(x), .id ~ sent + topic, value.var = "prob")},
                          stop("Undefined input"))
  } else {
    proportions <- switch(class(x)[1],
                          LDA = {dcast(melt(x), .id ~ topic, value.var = "prob")},
                          rJST = {
                            # dcast(melt(x), .id ~ topic, value.var = "prob", fun.aggregate = sum)
                            dcast(melt(x)[, list(prob = sum(prob)), by = c("topic", ".id")],
                                  .id ~ topic, value.var = "prob")
                          JST = {
                            # dcast(melt(x), .id ~ sent, value.var = "prob", fun.aggregate = sum)
                            dcast(melt(x)[, list(prob = sum(prob)), by = c("sent", ".id")],
                                  .id ~ sent, value.var = "prob")
                          stop("Undefined input"))

  proportions <- merge(
    by = ".id", sort = FALSE

  ## early return
  if (period == "identity") {
    data.table::setnames(proportions, ".date", "date")

  proportions <- proportions[, c(lapply(.SD, mean)),
                              .SDcols = -c(".id", ".date"),
                              by = list(date = floor_date(`.date`, period))]
  proportions <- proportions[order(date)]

  ## quick check
  if (!isTRUE(all.equal(
    rowSums(proportions[, -c("date")]),
    rep(1, nrow(proportions)))))
    stop("Computation of breakdown failed. Please contact the author of the package to work on a solution.")

  if (rolling_window > 1) {
    ## Store existing dates
    idx <- proportions$date
    ## Fill empty periods
    proportions <- merge(data.table(date = seq(min(proportions$date),
                                                by = period)),
                          proportions, by = "date",
                          all.x = TRUE)

    ## Set default parameter for rolling
    dots <- list(...)
    if (is.null(dots$FUN)) dots$FUN <- mean
    if (is.null(dots$na.rm)) dots$na.rm <- TRUE
    if (is.null(dots$fill)) dots$fill <- NA
    if (is.null(dots$align)) dots$align <- "right"

    cols <- setdiff(names(proportions), c("date"))
                 (cols) := lapply(.SD, function(col)
                   do.call(zoo::rollapply, c(
                     list(data = col, width = rolling_window),
                 .SDcols = cols]

    proportions <- proportions[date %in% idx]

  ## Prepare plot
  if (!isFALSE(plot)) {
    plot_data <- proportions[, lapply(.SD, nafill, type = "locf")]
    plot_data <- stats::na.omit(melt(plot_data, id.vars = "date"))

    if (inherits(x, "LDA") | !complete) colorScope <- "L1" else colorScope <- c("L1", "L2")

    # if (plot_ridgelines & length(missingSuggets("ggridges")) == 0) {
    if (plot_ridgelines) {
      plot_data <- plot_data[, list(date, value = value / max(abs(`value`)), `variable`)]

      p_proportions <-
        ggplot2::ggplot(plot_data, ggplot2::aes(date, height = value, y = variable, group = variable, fill = variable)) +
        ggridges::geom_ridgeline(min_height = 0, scale = 1/1.1) +
        # ggplot2::scale_x_date(expand = c(0,0)) +
        ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = make_colors(x, colorScope)) +
        ggplot2::guides(fill = "none") +
        ggplot2::ylab(ifelse(inherits(x, "JST"), "Sentiment proportion", "Topical proportion")) +

    } else {

      # if (plot_ridgelines) message("Package `ggridges` is missing. Defaulting to standard ggplot.")

      # plot_data[, cum_value := cumsum(value), by = "date"]
      p_proportions <-
        ggplot2::ggplot(plot_data, ggplot2::aes(date, value, fill = variable)) +
        ggplot2::geom_area(position = ggplot2::position_stack(reverse = TRUE)) +
        # ggplot2::guides(fill = ggplot2::guide_legend(reverse = TRUE,
        #                                              title = ifelse(inherits(x, "JST"), "Sentiment", "Topic"))) +
        ggplot2::guides(fill = "none") +
        ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = make_colors(x, colorScope)) +
        ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0), labels = function(breaks) sprintf("%.f%%", breaks * 100),
                                    limits = c(0, NA)) +
        ggplot2::scale_x_date(expand = c(0,0)) +
        ggplot2::ylab(ifelse(inherits(x, "JST"), "Sentiment proportion", "Topical proportion")) +
        ggplot2::xlab("Date") +
        ggplot2::facet_wrap(. ~variable)

      # for non-LDA models, draw line only at intersection between upper layer
      # labels
      ## With the update and the built-in facet wrap, the distinction no longer
      ## make sense
      # if (inherits(x, "LDA") | !complete) {
        p_proportions <- p_proportions +
          ggplot2::geom_line(position = ggplot2::position_stack(reverse = TRUE))
      # } else {
      #   tmp <- create_labels(x, flat = FALSE)
      #   tmp <- sapply(tmp$L1, paste0, "_", tmp$L2[length(tmp$L2)], USE.NAMES = FALSE)
      #   plot_data_alt <- plot_data[, list(variable, value = cumsum(value)), by = "date"]
      #   plot_data_alt <- plot_data_alt[variable %in% tmp]
      #   p_proportions <- p_proportions +
      #     ggplot2::geom_line(data = plot_data_alt)
      # }


    if (isTRUE(plot)) print(p_proportions)

  if (as.xts & length(missingSuggets("xts")) == 0)
    proportions <- xts::as.xts(proportions, dateFormat = "Date")

  if (!isFALSE(plot)) attr(proportions, "plot") <- p_proportions


#' @rdname proportion_topics
#' @export
plot_proportion_topics <- function(x,
                                   period = c("year", "quarter", "month", "day"),
                                   rolling_window = 1,
                                   complete = TRUE,
                                   plot_ridgelines = TRUE,
                                   ...) {
  period <- match.arg(period)
  if (missing(plot_ridgelines) & length(missingSuggets("ggridges") > 0)) plot_ridgelines <- FALSE
  res <- proportion_topics(x, period, rolling_window, complete, plot_ridgelines,
                             plot = "silent", as.xts = FALSE, ...)
  attr(res, "plot")

#' @keywords internal
days_period <- function(date, period) {
  if (period == "day") return(rep(1, length(date)))
  tmp <- data.table::transpose(
    lapply(date, function(x)  rev(seq(x, by = period, length.out = 2)) ))
  for (i in seq_along(tmp)) {
    class(tmp[[i]]) <- "Date"
  as.numeric(difftime(tmp[[1]], tmp[[2]]))

#' @keywords internal
make_colors <- function(x, dimrange = c("L1", "L2")) {
  params <- sentopicmodel_params(x)
  if (!("L2" %in% dimrange)) params$L2 <- 1L
  if (params$L1 < 10) {
    cols <- unlist(lapply(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(max(params$L1, 3), "Set1"), spreadColor, params$L2, range = .2))
  else cols <- unlist(lapply(
    grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(7, "Set1"))(params$L1),
    spreadColor, params$L2, range = .2))

#' @keywords internal
sentopicmodel_params <- function(x) {
  x <- as.sentopicmodel(x)
    x[c("L1", "L2",
        # "L1prior", "L2prior", "beta",
        "initLDA", "smooth", "initType", "L1cycle", "L2cycle")],
    attributes(x)[c("reversed", "Sdim")],
    L1_name = ifelse(attr(x, "reversed") == TRUE, "topic", "sentiment"),
    L2_name = ifelse(attr(x, "reversed") == FALSE, "topic", "sentiment")

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sentopics documentation built on May 31, 2023, 8:26 p.m.