
Defines functions sentry_headers sentry_url capture_exception capture_message capture prepare_payload is_sentry_configured configure_sentry parse_dsn

Documented in capture capture_exception capture_message configure_sentry is_sentry_configured parse_dsn prepare_payload sentry_headers sentry_url

#' Parse a Sentry DSN into its components
#' @param dsn the DSN of a Sentry project.
#' @return a named list with parsed elements of the DSN
#' @export
#' @examples
#' parse_dsn("https://1234@sentry.io/1")
parse_dsn <- function(dsn) {
  if (!is.character(dsn)) {
      paste("dsn must be a character string, not", class(dsn))

  dsn_fields <- stats::setNames(
    as.list(stringr::str_match(dsn, stringr::regex("(.*)://(\\w*)(:(\\w*))?@(.*)/(.*)"))),
    c("dsn", "protocol", "public_key", "ignore", "secret_key", "host", "project_id")

  if (is.na(dsn_fields$dsn)) {
      "Invalid DSN! Expected format is 'https://<public_key>@<host>/<project_id>' ",
      "but received '", dsn, "' instead."

  mandatory_fields_present <- sapply(
    c("public_key", "host", "project_id"),
    function(x) !is.na(dsn_fields[[x]]) & dsn_fields[[x]] != ""

  if (!all(mandatory_fields_present)) {
      "Expected fields 'https://<public_key>@<host>/<project_id>', but can't find ",
        collapse = ", "
      ), " in '", dsn, "'. Please check your DSN."


#' Configure Sentry
#' @param dsn the DSN of a Sentry project.
#' @param app_name name of your application (optional). Default: NULL
#' @param app_version version of your application (optional). Default: NULL
#' @param environment the environment name, such as production or staging (optional). Default: NULL
#' @param ... named lists as extra parameters for the Sentry payload
#' @return populates the .sentry_env environment with character strings
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' configure_sentry("https://12345abcddbc45e49773bb1ca8d9c533@sentry.io/1234567")
#' sentry_env$host # sentry.io
#' }
configure_sentry <- function(dsn, app_name = NULL, app_version = NULL,
                             environment = NULL, ...) {
  if (length(dsn) > 1) {
    stop("Expected one dsn, but received ", length(dsn), " instead.")

  # TODO: more happpy pathing here

  dsn_vars <- parse_dsn(dsn)

  skeleton <- list(
    environment = environment,
    contexts = list(
      app = list(
        app_name = app_name,
        app_version = app_version

  .sentry_env$payload_skeleton <- utils::modifyList(skeleton, list(...))

  invisible(list2env(dsn_vars, .sentry_env))

#' Check if Sentry is configured
#' @return boolean
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' configure_sentry("https://12345abcddbc45e49773bb1ca8d9c533@sentry.io/1234567")
#' is_sentry_configured() # TRUE
#' }
is_sentry_configured <- function() {
  mandatory_fields <- sapply(
    c("public_key", "host", "project_id"),
    function(x) exists(x, envir = .sentry_env)

  all_fields_present <- all(mandatory_fields) && all(!is.na(c(

  if (!all_fields_present) {
        "Expected public_key, host and project_id to be present but can't find ",
          collapse = ", "
        ), "."



#' Prepare JSON payload for Sentry
#' @param ... named parameters
#' @return a JSON character string
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' prepare_payload() # return only the core parameters
#' prepare_payload(tags = list(foo = 123, bar = "meh")) # add tags
#' }
prepare_payload <- function(...) {
  # FIXME: don't allow unnamed lists e.g. prepare_paylaod(list(foo = 12, bar = 45))
  if (any(names(c(...)) == "")) {
    stop("All elements must be named!")

  # TODO: check that user_inputs contains only valid names
  # according to Sentry's documentation

  # Hexadecimal string representing a uuid4 value.
  # The length is exactly 32 characters. Dashes are not allowed.
  uuid <- gsub(
    pattern = "-", replacement = "",
    x = uuid::UUIDgenerate(use.time = TRUE)

  sys_info <- Sys.info()

  system_parameters <- list(
    logger = "R",
    platform = "R", # Sentry will ignore this for now
    sdk = list(
      name = "SentryR",
      version = .sentry_env$pkg_version
    contexts = list(
      os = list(
        name = sys_info[["sysname"]],
        version = sys_info[["release"]],
        kernel_version = sys_info[["version"]]
      runtime = list(
        version = sprintf("%s.%s", R.version$major, R.version$minor),
        type = "runtime",
        name = "R",
        build = R.version$version.string
    # Sentry will treat the timezone as UTC/GMT by default
    timestamp = strftime(as.POSIXlt(Sys.time(), tz = "GMT"), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"),
    event_id = uuid

  overrides <- list(...)

  system_parameters <- utils::modifyList(

  if (!is.null(.sentry_env$payload_skeleton)) {
    with_all_fields <- utils::modifyList(

    without_nulls <- rm_null_obs(with_all_fields)
  } else {
    without_nulls <- rm_null_obs(system_parameters)

  # rm_null_obs transforms everything into a list, and we need
  # the stacktrace as a data.frame/tibble
  without_nulls$exception$stacktrace <- system_parameters$exception$stacktrace

  payload <- jsonlite::toJSON(
    auto_unbox = TRUE,
    na = "null"


#' Send a message to a Sentry server
#' @param ... named parameters
#' @return sends message to Sentry
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' capture(message = "oh hai there!") # send message to sentry
#' }
capture <- function(...) {
  if (!is_sentry_configured()) {
    warning("Sentry is not configured. Nothing was reported!")

  payload <- prepare_payload(...)

  resp <- httr::POST(
    url = sentry_url(),
    body = payload, encode = "json",
    httr::add_headers(.headers = sentry_headers())

  resp_status_code <- httr::status_code(resp)

  if (resp_status_code == 201 || resp_status_code == 200) {
    resp_body <- httr::content(resp)
    message("Your event was recorded in Sentry with ID ", resp_body$id)
  } else {
      "Error connecting to Sentry:",
      httr::content(resp, "text", encoding = "UTF-8")

#' Report a message to Sentry
#' @param message message text
#' @param ... optional additional named parameters
#' @param level the level of the message. Default: "info"
#' @return nothing; sends message to Sentry
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' capture_message("this is an important message", logger = "my.logger")
#' }
capture_message <- function(message, ..., level = "info") {
  # TODO: hello? happy path?
  capture(message = message, ..., level = level)

#' Report an error or exception object
#' @param error an error object
#' @param ... optional additional named parameters
#' @param level the level of the message. Default: "error"
#' @return nothing; sends error to Sentry
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' capture_exception(simpleError("foo"), tags = list(version = "1.0"))
#' }
capture_exception <- function(error, ..., level = "error") {
  # TODO: hello? happy path?
  # TODO: wrangling the error should be a pure function prepare_error()

  if ("function_calls" %in% names(error)) {
    stacktrace <- calls_to_stacktrace(error$function_calls)
  } else {
    stacktrace <- calls_to_stacktrace(sys.calls())

  error_type <- class(error)[[1]]
  error_message <- gsub('(\\n|\\")', "", as.character(error))

  # tibble allows list-columns, which jsonlite translate to array of maps
  exception_payload <- list(
    type = error_type,
    value = error_message,
    stacktrace = list(
      frames = stacktrace

  capture(exception = exception_payload, ..., level = level)

#' Build the sentry.io call URL
#' @export
#' @return a character string
sentry_url <- function() {
    .sentry_env$protocol, .sentry_env$host, .sentry_env$project_id

#' Set the sentry.io call header
#' @export
#' @return a character vector
sentry_headers <- function() {
  if (is.null(.sentry_env$secret_key)) {
    stop("No secret key available. Did you set the DSN with configure_sentry?")

  if (!is.na(.sentry_env$secret_key)) {
    c("X-Sentry-Auth" = sprintf(
      "Sentry sentry_version=7,sentry_client=sentryR/%s,sentry_timestamp=%s,sentry_key=%s,sentry_secret=%s",
  } else {
    c("X-Sentry-Auth" = sprintf(
      "Sentry sentry_version=7,sentry_client=sentryR/%s,sentry_timestamp=%s,sentry_key=%s",

Try the sentryR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

sentryR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:18 a.m.