#' @importFrom dplyr n
#' partition expressions
#' Find longest ordered not created and used in same block chains.
#' We assume the sequence of expressions is in a valid order
#' (all items available before use). This function partitions the expressions
#' into ordered longest "no new value used blocks" by greedily scanning forward
#' remaining expressions in order taking any that: have all their values available from earlier groups,
#' do not use a value formed in the current group, and do not overwrite a value formed in the current group.
#' @param de frame of expressions
#' @return ordered list of mutate_se assignment blocks
#' @noRd
partition_mutate_d <- function(de) {
n <- nrow(de)
# find step to step dependences
mostRecent <- list()
deps <- vector(mode = 'list', length = n)
for(i in 1:n) {
si <- de$syms[[i]]
depsi <- numeric(0)
dkeys <- intersect(si, names(mostRecent))
if(length(dkeys)>0) {
depsi <- as.numeric(mostRecent[dkeys])
deps[[i]] <- depsi
mostRecent[de$lhs[[i]]] <- i
de$deps <- deps
de$origOrder = 1:n
de$group <- 0L
group <- 1L
while(any(de$group<=0)) {
# sweep forward in order greedily taking anything
have <- which(de$group>0)
usedInGroup <- NULL
formedInGroup <- NULL
for(i in 1:n) {
if( (de$group[[i]]<=0) && # available to take
(!(de$lhs[[i]] %in% formedInGroup)) && # not assigned to in this block
(!(de$lhs[[i]] %in% usedInGroup)) && # not used to in this block
(length(intersect(de$deps[[i]], formedInGroup))<=0) && # not using a new value
(length(setdiff(de$deps[[i]], have))<=0) # all pre-conditions met
) {
usedInGroup <- unique(c(usedInGroup, de$syms[[i]]))
formedInGroup <- c(formedInGroup, de$lhs[[i]])
de$group[[i]] <- group
if(length(formedInGroup)<=0) {
# should only get here in error
# but if we don't stop we will spin forever
stop("seplyr::partition_mutate_d pass failed to accumulate steps")
group <- group + 1L
de <- de %.>%
arrange_se(., c("group", "origOrder"))
# break out into mutate_se blocks
res <- rep(list(character(0)), max(de$group))
gnames <- paste0('group', sprintf("%05g", 1:max(de$group)))
names(res) <- gnames
for(i in 1:n) {
gi <- gnames[[de$group[[i]]]]
res[[gi]] <- c(res[[gi]], de$lhs[[i]] := de$rhs[[i]])
#' Scan for symbols.
#' @param nexpr language item
#' @return R language element with substitutions
#' @noRd
find_symbols <- function(nexpr) {
n <- length(nexpr)
# just in case (establishes an invarient of n>=1)
if(n<=0) {
# basic recurse, establish invariant n==1
if(n>1) {
if( {
nexpr <- nexpr[-1]
if(length(nexpr)<=0) {
res <- unlist(lapply(nexpr, find_symbols))
res <- Filter(function(ri) {!is.null(ri)}, res)
if(is.expression(nexpr)) {
# this is the main re-mapper
if(is.symbol(nexpr)) { # same as
# fall-back
#' Partition a sequence of mutate commands into longest ordered no create/use blocks.
#' We assume the sequence of expressions is in a valid order
#' (all items available before use). This function partitions the expressions
#' into ordered longest "no new value used blocks" by greedily scanning forward
#' remaining expressions in order taking any that: have all their values available from earlier groups,
#' do not use a value formed in the current group, and do not overwrite a value formed in the current group.
#' For an example please see \url{}.
#' @param exprs list of source-text of a sequence of mutate expressions.
#' @return ordered list of mutate_se assignment blocks
#' @examples
#' partition_mutate_se(c("a1" := "1", "b1" := "a1", "a2" := "2", "b2" := "a1 + a2"))
#' @export
partition_mutate_se <- function(exprs) {
res <- data.frame(lhs = names(exprs),
rhs = as.character(exprs),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
res$syms <- lapply(res$rhs,
function(ei) {
find_symbols(parse(text = ei))
#' Capture the expressions of a mutate-style command.
#' @param ... mutate expressions with := or = used for assignment.
#' @return ordered list of mutate_se assignment blocks
#' @examples
#' assignments <- quote_mutate(a1 := 1, b1 = a1, a2 := 2, b2 := 7*(a1 + a2))
#' data.frame(x=1) %.>% mutate_se(., assignments)
#' @export
quote_mutate <- function(...) {
#' Run a sequence of quoted mutate blocks.
#' @param d data.frame to work on
#' @param blocks list of sequence named char-array of mutate blocks
#' @param env environment to work in.
#' @return d with blocks applied in order
#' @examples
#' plan <- partition_mutate_qt(a1 := 1, b1 := a1, a2 := 2, b2 := a1 + a2)
#' print(plan)
#' d <- data.frame(x = 1) %.>% mutate_seb(., plan)
#' print(d)
#' @export
mutate_seb <- function(d, blocks,
env = parent.frame()) {
if(!( || dplyr::is.tbl(d))) {
stop("seplyr::mutate_seb first argument must be a data.frame or tbl")
for(bi in blocks) {
d <- mutate_se(d, bi, splitTerms = FALSE, env = env)
#' Partition a sequence of mutate commands into longest ordered no create/use blocks.
#' We assume the sequence of expressions is in a valid order
#' (all items available before use). This function partitions the expressions
#' into ordered longest "no new value used blocks" by greedily scanning forward
#' remaining expressions in order taking any that: have all their values available from earlier groups,
#' do not use a value formed in the current group, and do not overwrite a value formed in the current group.
#' For an example please see \url{}.
#' Note: unlike \code{\link{mutate_nse}} \code{partition_mutate_qt} does not perform
#' substitutions.
#' @param ... mutate expressions with := used for assignment.
#' @return ordered list of mutate_se assignment blocks
#' @examples
#' plan <- partition_mutate_qt(a1 := 1, b1 := a1, a2 := 2, b2 := a1 + a2)
#' print(plan)
#' d <- data.frame(x = 1) %.>% mutate_seb(., plan)
#' print(d)
#' @export
partition_mutate_qt <- function(...) {
terms <- wrapr::qae(...)
lhs <- names(terms)
rhs <- as.character(terms)
res <- data.frame(lhs = lhs,
rhs = rhs,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
syms <- lapply(res$rhs,
function(ei) {
find_symbols(parse(text = ei))
res$syms <- syms
#' Re-write a \code{dplyr::mutate()} into safe blocks.
#' Note: not for use with \code{rlang} expressions (guesses variable names by text inspection).
#' See also: \url{}.
#' @param ... mutate terms
#' @param factor_mutate_warn_msg logical if TRUE issue a warning message on non-trivial mutates.
#' @return partitioned dplyr::mutate() source text
#' @examples
#' cat(factor_mutate(
#' choice_a = rand_a >= 0.5,
#' a_1 = ifelse(choice_a, 'T', 'C'),
#' a_2 = ifelse(choice_a, 'C', 'T'),
#' choice_b = rand_b >= 0.5,
#' b_1 = ifelse(choice_b, 'T', 'C'),
#' b_2 = ifelse(choice_b, 'C', 'T'),
#' choice_c = rand_c >= 0.5,
#' c_1 = ifelse(choice_c, 'T', 'C'),
#' c_2 = ifelse(choice_c, 'C', 'T'),
#' choice_d = rand_d >= 0.5,
#' d_1 = ifelse(choice_d, 'T', 'C'),
#' d_2 = ifelse(choice_d, 'C', 'T'),
#' choice_e = rand_e >= 0.5,
#' e_1 = ifelse(choice_e, 'T', 'C'),
#' e_2 = ifelse(choice_e, 'C', 'T'),
#' factor_mutate_warn_msg = FALSE ))
#' cat(factor_mutate(
#' choice = rand_a >= 0.5,
#' a_1 = ifelse(choice, 'T', 'C'),
#' a_2 = ifelse(choice, 'C', 'T'),
#' choice = rand_b >= 0.5,
#' b_1 = ifelse(choice, 'T', 'C'),
#' b_2 = ifelse(choice, 'C', 'T'),
#' choice = rand_c >= 0.5,
#' c_1 = ifelse(choice, 'T', 'C'),
#' c_2 = ifelse(choice, 'C', 'T'),
#' choice = rand_d >= 0.5,
#' d_1 = ifelse(choice, 'T', 'C'),
#' d_2 = ifelse(choice, 'C', 'T'),
#' choice = rand_e >= 0.5,
#' e_1 = ifelse(choice, 'T', 'C'),
#' e_2 = ifelse(choice, 'C', 'T'),
#' factor_mutate_warn_msg = FALSE))
#' @export
factor_mutate <- function(...,
factor_mutate_warn_msg = TRUE) {
plan <- partition_mutate_qt(...)
if(factor_mutate_warn_msg && (length(plan)>1)) {
warning("Mutate should be split into more than one stage.")
steps <- vapply(seq_len(length(plan)),
function(i) {
pi <- plan[[i]]
terms <- paste(names(pi), "=", pi)
ti <- paste(terms, collapse = ",\n ")
paste0(" mutate(., ", ti, ")")
}, character(1))
r <- paste(steps, collapse = " %.>%\n")
paste(r, "\n")
#' Simulate a per-row block-\code{if(){}else{}}.
#' This device uses expression-\code{ifelse(,,)} to simulate the
#' more powerful per-row block-\code{if(){}else{}}. The difference is
#' expression-\code{ifelse(,,)} can choose per-row what value to express,
#' whereas block-\code{if(){}else{}} can choose per-row where to assign multiple
#' values. By simulation we mean: a sequence of quoted mutate expressions
#' are emitted that implement the transform (versus a using a custom
#' \code{dplyr} pipe stage or function). These expressions can then
#' be optimized into a minimal number of no-dependency
#' blocks by \code{\link{partition_mutate_se}} for efficient execution.
#' The idea is the user can write legible code in this notation, and
#' the translation turns it into safe and efficient code suitable for
#' execution either on \code{data.frame}s or at a big data scale using
#' \code{RPostgreSQL} or \code{sparklyr}.
#' Note: \code{ifebtest_*}
#' is a reserved column name for this procedure.
#' @param testexpr character containing the test expression.
#' @param thenexprs named character then assignments (altering columns, not creating).
#' @param elseexprs named character else assignments (altering columns, not creating).
#' @examples
#' # Example: clear one of a or b in any row where both are set.
#' d <- data.frame(a = c(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
#' b = c(0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
#' edited = FALSE)
#' program <- if_else_device( # detect rows with both a and b set
#' testexpr = qe((a+b)>1),
#' thenexprs = c(
#' if_else_device( # randomly clear one of a or b
#' testexpr = qe(runif(dplyr::n()) >= 0.5),
#' thenexprs = qae(a := 0),
#' elseexprs = qae(b := 0)),
#' qae(edited := TRUE)))
#' print(program)
#' plan <- partition_mutate_se(program)
#' print(plan)
#' res <- d %.>%
#' mutate_seb(., plan) %.>%
#' select_se(., grepdf('^ifebtest_.*', ., invert=TRUE))
#' print(res)
#' @export
if_else_device <- function(testexpr,
thenexprs = NULL,
elseexprs = NULL) {
# TODO: maybe use testexpr as is when it is already a symbol.
if((length(thenexprs) + length(elseexprs))<=0) {
knownsyms <- c(names(thenexprs), names(elseexprs))
repeat {
testsym <- paste0('ifebtest_',
as.character(paste(sample(c(letters, c(0:9)),
12, replace = TRUE),
collapse = '')))
if(!(testsym %in% knownsyms)) {
program <- c(testsym := testexpr) # this statement is special, perculates out
# the idea is we don't have to nest testsym generation as it is a unique
# name, so can not be confused with other values.
prepStmts <- function(stmts, condition) {
ret <- NULL
n <- length(stmts)
if(n<=0) {
isSpecial <- startsWith(names(stmts), 'ifebtest_')
if(any(isSpecial)) {
spc <- stmts[isSpecial]
stmts <- stmts[!isSpecial]
ret <- c(ret, spc)
n <- length(stmts)
if(n<=0) {
nexprs <- vapply(1:n,
function(i) {
paste0('ifelse( ', condition,
', ', stmts[[i]],
', ', names(stmts)[[i]],
}, character(1))
names(nexprs) <- names(stmts)
ret <- c(ret,nexprs)
program <- c(program,
prepStmts(thenexprs, testsym))
program <- c(program,
prepStmts(elseexprs, paste('!(', testsym, ')')))
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