#' seqimpute: Imputation of missing data in longitudinal categorical data
#' @description The seqimpute package implements the MICT and MICT-timing
#' methods. These are multiple imputation methods for longitudinal data.
#' The core idea of the algorithms is to fills gaps of missing data, which is
#' the typical form of missing data in a longitudinal setting, recursively from
#' their edges. The prediction is based on either a multinomial or a
#' random forest regression model. Covariates and time-dependent covariates
#' can be included in the model.
#' The MICT-timing algorithm is an extension of the MICT algorithm designed
#' to address a key limitation of the latter: its assumption that position in
#' the trajectory is irrelevant.
#' @details The imputation process is divided into several steps, depending on
#' the type of gaps of missing data. The order of imputation of the gaps are:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{Internal gap: }}{there is at least \code{np} observations
#' before an internal gap and \code{nf} after the gap}
#' \item{\code{Initial gap: }}{gaps situated at the very beginning
#' of a trajectory}
#' \item{\code{Terminal gap: }}{gaps situated at the very end
#' of a trajectory}
#' \item{\code{Left-hand side specifically located gap (SLG): }}{gaps
#' that have at least \code{nf} observations after the gap, but less than
#' \code{np} observation before it}
#' \item{\code{Right-hand side SLG: }}{gaps
#' that have at least \code{np} observations before the gap, but less than
#' \code{nf} observation after it}
#' \item{\code{Both-hand side SLG: }}{gaps
#' that have less than \code{np} observations before the gap, and less than
#' \code{nf} observations after it}
#' }
#' The primary difference between the MICT and MICT-timing
#' algorithms lies in their approach to selecting patterns from other
#' sequences for fitting the multinomial model. While the MICT algorithm
#' considers all similar patterns regardless of their temporal placement,
#' MICT-timing restricts pattern selection to those that are temporally
#' closest to the missing value. This refinement ensures that the
#' imputation process adequately accounts for temporal dynamics, resulting
#' in more accurate imputed values.
#' @param data a data frame containing sequences of a categorical
#' variable with missing data (coded as \code{NA})
#' @param var the list of columns containing the trajectories.
#' Default is NULL, i.e. all the columns.
#' @param np number of previous observations in the imputation model
#' of the internal gaps.
#' @param nf number of future observations in the imputation model
#' of the internal gaps.
#' @param m number of multiple imputations (default: \code{5}).
#' @param timing a logical value that specifies if the MICT algorithm
#' (timing=FALSE) or the MICT-timing algorithm (timing=TRUE) should be used.
#' @param frame.radius parameter relative to the MICT-timing algorithm
#' specifying the radius of the timeframe.
#' @param covariates the list of columns containing the covariates to include
#' in the imputation process
#' @param time.covariates the list of columns containing the time-varying
#' covariates to include in the imputation process
#' @param regr a character specifying the imputation method. If
#' \code{regr="multinom"}, multinomial models are used, while
#' if \code{regr="rf"}, random forest models are used.
#' @param npt number of previous observations in the imputation model
#' of the terminal gaps.
#' @param nfi number of future observations in the imputation model
#' of the initial gaps.
#' @param ParExec logical. If \code{TRUE}, the multiple imputations are run
#' in parallel. This allows faster run time depending of how many cores
#' the processor has.
#' @param ncores integer. Number of cores to be used for the parallel
#' computation. If no value is set for this parameter, the number of cores
#' will be set to the maximum number of CPU cores minus 1.
#' @param SetRNGSeed an integer that is used to set the seed in the case of
#' parallel computation. Note that setting \code{set.seed()} alone before the
#' seqimpute function won't work in case of parallel computation.
#' @param verbose logical. If \code{TRUE}, seqimpute will print history and
#' warnings on console. Use \code{verbose=FALSE} for silent computation.
#' @param available a logical value allowing the user to choose whether
#' to consider the already imputed data in the predictive model
#' (\code{available = TRUE}) or not (\code{available = FALSE}).
#' @param pastDistrib a logical indicating if the past distribution should be
#' used as predictor in the imputation model.
#' @param futureDistrib a logical indicating if the future distribution
#' should be used as predictor in the imputation model.
#' @param ... Named arguments that are passed down to the imputation functions.
#' @author Kevin Emery <>, Andre Berchtold,
#' Anthony Guinchard, and Kamyar Taher
#' @return Returns an S3 object of class \code{seqimp}.
#' @examples
#' # Default multiple imputation of the trajectories of game addiction with the
#' # MICT algorithm
#' \dontrun{
#' set.seed(5)
#' imp1 <- seqimpute(data = gameadd, var = 1:4)
#' # Default multiple imputation with the MICT-timing algorithm
#' set.seed(3)
#' imp2 <- seqimpute(data = gameadd, var = 1:4, timing = TRUE)
#' # Inclusion in the MICt-timing imputation process of the three background
#' # characteristics (Gender, Age and Track), and the time-varying covariate
#' # about gambling
#' set.seed(4)
#' imp3 <- seqimpute(data = gameadd, var = 1:4, covariates = 5:7,
#' time.covariates = 8:11)
#' # Parallel computation
#' imp4 <- seqimpute(data = gameadd, var = 1:4, covariates = 5:7,
#' time.covariates = 8:11, ParExec = TRUE, ncores=5, SetRNGSeed = 2)
#' }
#' @references HALPIN, Brendan (2012). Multiple imputation for life-course
#' sequence data. Working Paper WP2012-01, Department of Sociology,
#' University of Limerick.
#' @references HALPIN, Brendan (2013). Imputing sequence data: Extensions to
#' initial and terminal gaps, Stata's. Working Paper WP2013-01,
#' Department of Sociology,
#' University of Limerick.
#' @export
seqimpute <- function(data, var = NULL, np = 1, nf = 1, m = 5, timing = FALSE,
frame.radius = 0, covariates = NULL,
time.covariates = NULL, regr = "multinom",
npt = 1, nfi = 1, ParExec = FALSE, ncores = NULL,
SetRNGSeed = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, available = TRUE, pastDistrib = FALSE,
futureDistrib = FALSE,...)
call <-
covariates <- covxtract(data, covariates)
time.covariates <- covxtract(data, time.covariates)
data <- dataxtract(data, var)
if (timing == FALSE) {
imputed <- seqimpute_standard(data,
np = np, nf = nf, m = m, covariates = covariates,
time.covariates = time.covariates, regr = regr, nfi = nfi, npt = npt,
available = available, pastDistrib = pastDistrib,
futureDistrib = futureDistrib, noise = 0, ParExec = ParExec,
ncores = ncores, SetRNGSeed = SetRNGSeed, verbose = verbose, ...)
method <- "MICT"
}else {
imputed <- seqimpute_timing(data,
np = np, nf = nf, m = m, covariates = covariates,
time.covariates = time.covariates, regr = regr, nfi = nfi, npt = npt,
available = available, pastDistrib = pastDistrib,
futureDistrib = futureDistrib, noise = 0, ParExec = ParExec,
ncores = ncores, SetRNGSeed = SetRNGSeed, verbose = verbose, ...)
method <- "MICT-timing"
seqimpobj <- list(data = data, imp = imputed, m = m, method = method,
np = np, nf = nf, regr=regr, call = call)
oldClass(seqimpobj) <- "seqimp"
seqimpute_standard <- function(data,
covariates = matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 1),
time.covariates = matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 1), np = 1, nf = 1, m = 1,
regr = "multinom", nfi = 1, npt = 1, available = TRUE, pastDistrib = FALSE,
futureDistrib = FALSE, noise = 0, ParExec = FALSE, ncores = NULL,
SetRNGSeed = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...)
if (inherits(data, "stslist")) {
valuesNA <- c(attr(data, "nr"), attr(data, "void"))
data <- data.frame(data)
data[data == valuesNA[1] | data == valuesNA[2]] <- NA
if (sum( == 0) {
if (verbose == TRUE) {
message("This dataset has no missing values!")
rownamesDataset <- rownames(data)
nrowsDataset <- nrow(data)
# 0. Initial tests and manipulations on parameters --------------------------
dataOD <- preliminaryChecks(OD = data, CO = covariates,
COt = time.covariates, np = np, nf = nf, nfi = nfi, npt = npt,
pastDistrib = pastDistrib, futureDistrib = futureDistrib)
dataOD[c("pastDistrib", "futureDistrib", "totV", "totVi", "totVt",
"noise")] <- InitCorectControl(regr, dataOD$ODClass, dataOD$OD, dataOD$nr,
dataOD$nc, dataOD$k, np, nf, dataOD$nco, dataOD$ncot, nfi, npt,
pastDistrib, futureDistrib, dataOD$totV, dataOD$totVi, dataOD$totVt, noise)
# 1. Analysis of OD and creation of matrices ORDER, ORDER2 and ORDER3
dataOD[c("MaxInitGapSize", "InitGapSize", "MaxTermGapSize", "TermGapSize",
"MaxGap", "ORDER", "ORDER2", "ORDER3")] <- OrderCreation(dataOD$OD,
dataOD$nr, dataOD$nc)
# 2. Computation of the order of imputation of each MD
if (max(dataOD$ORDER) != 0) {
dataOD[c("ORDERSLGLeft", "ORDERSLGRight", "ORDERSLGBoth", "LongGap",
"MaxGap", "REFORD_L", "ORDER")] <- ImputeOrderComputation(dataOD$ORDER,
dataOD$ORDER3, dataOD$MaxGap, np, nf, dataOD$nr, dataOD$nc)
} else {
dataOD$ORDERSLGLeft <- matrix(nrow = dataOD$nr, ncol = dataOD$nc, 0)
dataOD$ORDERSLGRight <- matrix(nrow = dataOD$nr, ncol = dataOD$nc, 0)
dataOD$ORDERSLGBoth <- matrix(nrow = dataOD$nr, ncol = dataOD$nc, 0)
dataOD$LongGap <- FALSE
# Setting parallel or sequential backend and random seed
if (ParExec & (parallel::detectCores() > 2 & m > 1)) {
if (is.null(ncores)) {
Ncpus <- min(m, parallel::detectCores() - 1)
} else {
Ncpus <- min(ncores, parallel::detectCores() - 1)
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(Ncpus)
if (SetRNGSeed) {
# set progress bar for parallel processing
pb <- txtProgressBar(max = m, style = 3)
progress <- function(n) setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)
opts <- list(progress = progress)
# condition used to run code part needed for parallel processing
ParParams <- TRUE
} else {
if (ParExec & m == 1) {
if (verbose == TRUE) {
message("/!\\ The number of multiple imputation is 1, parallel
processing is only available for m > 1.")
} else if (ParExec) {
if (verbose == TRUE) {
message(paste("/!\\ The number of cores of your processor does not
allow paralell processing, at least 3 cores are needed."))
if (SetRNGSeed) {
opts <- NULL
# condition used to run code part needed for sequential processing
ParParams <- FALSE
# Beginning of the multiple imputation (imputing "mi" times)
o <- NULL
RESULT <- foreach(o = 1:m, .inorder = TRUE,
.options.snow = opts) %dopar% {
if (!ParParams) {
if (verbose == TRUE) {
cat("iteration :", o, "/", m, "\n")
# 3. Imputation using a specific model --------------------------------
if (max(dataOD$ORDER) != 0) {
# Otherwise if there is only 0 in ORDER,
# there is no need to impute internal gaps
# and we directly jump to the imputation of
# external gaps (i.e. points 4. and 5.)
if (verbose == TRUE) {
print("Imputation of the internal gaps...")
dataOD[["ODi"]] <- ModelImputation(OD = dataOD$OD,
covariates = dataOD$CO, time.covariates = dataOD$COt,
ODi = dataOD$ODi, MaxGap = dataOD$MaxGap, totV = dataOD$totV,
totVi = dataOD$totVi, regr = regr, nc = dataOD$nc, np = np, nf = nf,
nr = dataOD$nr, ncot = dataOD$ncot, COtsample = dataOD$COtsample,
pastDistrib = dataOD$pastDistrib,
futureDistrib = dataOD$futureDistrib, k = dataOD$k,
available = available, REFORD_L = dataOD$REFORD_L,
noise = dataOD$noise, verbose,...)
# 4. Imputing initial NAs ---------------------------------------------
if ((nfi != 0) & (dataOD$MaxInitGapSize != 0)){
if (verbose == TRUE) {
print("Imputation of the initial gaps...")
# # we only impute the initial gaps if nfi > 0
dataOD[["ODi"]] <- ImputingInitialNAs(OD = dataOD$OD,
covariates = dataOD$CO, time.covariates = dataOD$COt,
ODi = dataOD$ODi, totVi = dataOD$totVi, COtsample = dataOD$COtsample,
futureDistrib = dataOD$futureDistrib,
InitGapSize = dataOD$InitGapSize,
MaxInitGapSize = dataOD$MaxInitGapSize, nr = dataOD$nr,
nc = dataOD$nc, ud = dataOD$ud, nco = dataOD$nco,
ncot = dataOD$ncot, nfi = nfi, regr = regr, k = dataOD$k,
available = available, noise = dataOD$noise, ...)
# 5. Imputing terminal NAs ----------------------------------------------
if ((npt != 0) & (dataOD$MaxTermGapSize != 0)) {
# we only impute the terminal
# gaps if npt > 0
if (verbose == TRUE) {
print("Imputation of the terminal gaps...")
dataOD[["ODi"]] <- ImputingTerminalNAs(OD = dataOD$OD,
covariates = dataOD$CO, time.covariates = dataOD$COt,
ODi = dataOD$ODi, COtsample = dataOD$COtsample,
MaxTermGapSize = dataOD$MaxTermGapSize,
TermGapSize = dataOD$TermGapSize, pastDistrib = dataOD$pastDistrib,
regr = regr, npt = npt, nco = dataOD$nco, ncot = dataOD$ncot,
totVt = dataOD$totVt, nr = dataOD$nr, nc = dataOD$nc, ud = dataOD$ud,
available = available, k = dataOD$k, noise = dataOD$noise, ...)
# 6. Imputing SLG NAs --------------------------------------------------
# Checking if we have to impute
# left-hand side SLG
if (max(dataOD$ORDERSLGLeft) != 0) {
if (verbose == TRUE) {
print("Imputation of the left-hand side SLG...")
dataOD[["ODi"]] <- LSLGNAsImpute(OD = dataOD$OD, ODi = dataOD$ODi,
covariates = dataOD$CO, time.covariates = dataOD$COt,
COtsample = dataOD$COtsample, ORDERSLG = dataOD$ORDERSLGLeft,
pastDistrib = dataOD$pastDistrib,
futureDistrib = dataOD$futureDistrib, regr = regr, np = np,
nr = dataOD$nr, nf = nf, nc = dataOD$nc,
ud = dataOD$ud, ncot = dataOD$ncot,nco = dataOD$nco, k = dataOD$k,
noise = dataOD$noise, available = available, ...)
# right-hand side SLG
if (max(dataOD$ORDERSLGRight) != 0) {
# Checking if we have to impute right-hand
# side SLG
if (verbose == TRUE) {
print("Imputation of the right-hand side SLG...")
dataOD[["ODi"]] <- RSLGNAsImpute(OD = dataOD$OD, ODi = dataOD$ODi,
covariates = dataOD$CO, time.covariates = dataOD$COt,
COtsample = dataOD$COtsample, ORDERSLGRight = dataOD$ORDERSLGRight,
pastDistrib = dataOD$pastDistrib,
futureDistrib = dataOD$futureDistrib, regr = regr, np = np,
nr = dataOD$nr, nf = nf, nc = dataOD$nc,
ud = dataOD$ud, ncot = dataOD$ncot,nco = dataOD$nco, k = dataOD$k,
noise = dataOD$noise, available = available, ...)
# Checking if we have to impute
# Both-hand side SLG
if (dataOD$LongGap){
if (verbose == TRUE) {
print("Imputation of the both-hand side SLG...")
for (h in 2:np) {
if (sum(dataOD$ORDERSLGBoth[, h - 1] == 0 &
dataOD$ORDERSLGBoth[, h] != 0) > 0) {
tt <- which(dataOD$ORDERSLGBoth[, h - 1] == 0 &
dataOD$ORDERSLGBoth[, h] != 0)
tmpORDER <- matrix(0, nrow(dataOD$ORDERSLGBoth),
tmpORDER[tt, h:ncol(dataOD$ORDERSLGBoth)] <- dataOD$ORDERSLGBoth[tt,
dataOD[["ODi"]] <- RSLGNAsImpute(OD = dataOD$OD, ODi = dataOD$ODi,
covariates = dataOD$CO, time.covariates = dataOD$COt,
COtsample = dataOD$COtsample, ORDERSLGRight = tmpORDER,
pastDistrib = dataOD$pastDistrib,
futureDistrib = dataOD$futureDistrib, regr = regr, np = h - 1,
nr = dataOD$nr, nf = nf, nc = dataOD$nc, ud = dataOD$ud,
ncot = dataOD$ncot, nco = dataOD$nco, k = dataOD$k,
noise = dataOD$noise, available = available, ...)
if (ParParams) {
names(RESULT) <- paste0("imp",1:m)
# RESULT <- rbind(cbind(replicate(dataOD$nr, 0), dataOD$OD), RESULT)
# X. Final conversions -----------------------------------------------------
RESULT <- lapply(RESULT,FinalResultConvert, ODClass = dataOD$ODClass,
ODlevels = dataOD$ODlevels, rownamesDataset = rownamesDataset,
nrowsDataset = nrowsDataset, nr = dataOD$nr, nc = dataOD$nc,
rowsNA = dataOD$rowsNA, mi = m)
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