
Defines functions .sfcr_broyden .broyden_solver

Documented in .broyden_solver .sfcr_broyden

#' Broyden solver algorithm
#' @param .x0 Vector with initial guess for x.
#' @param .fn A function containing the system of equations.
#' @param max_ite Maximum number of iterations allowed
#' @param tol A numeric value indicating the accepted tolerance to declare convergence.
#' @note Check https://www.math.usm.edu/lambers/mat419/lecture11.pdf for a quick reference
#' on the algorithm.
#' @author João Macalós
#' @keywords internal
.broyden_solver <- function(.x0, .fn, max_ite, tol) {

  # First round

  #D0 <- pracma::jacobian(.fn, .x0)
  D0 <- rootSolve::jacobian.full(.x0, .fn)
  g0 <- .fn(.x = .x0)
  D0inv <- solve_armadillo(D0)
  d0 <- -D0inv %*% g0

  nx <- .x0 + d0

  ite <- 1

  if (isFALSE(all(purrr::map2_lgl(.x0, nx, ~{abs(.x - .y)/(.y + 1e-15) < tol})))) {

    x0 <- nx

    # Iterator
    for (.ite in 1:max_ite) {
      ite <- .ite + 1

      ng <- .fn(.x = x0)
      u0 <- D0inv %*% ng
      c0 <- t(d0) %*% (d0 + u0)
      term1 <- u0 %*% t(d0)
      term1 <- term1 / c(c0)
      D1inv <- D0inv - term1 %*% D0inv

      d1 = -D1inv %*% ng
      nx <- x0 + d1

      if (isFALSE(all(purrr::map2_lgl(x0, nx, ~{abs(.x - .y)/(.y + 1e-15) < tol})))) {
        x0 <- nx
      } else {


  return(list(x = nx, ite = ite))


#' Broyden solver wrapper
#' @param m The initialized matrix obtained with \code{.make_matrix()}.
#' @param equations Prepared equations with \code{.prep_equations()}.
#' @param periods Total number of rows (periods) in the model.
#' @param max_ite Maximum number of iterations allowed per block per period.
#' @param tol Tolerance accepted to determine convergence.
#' @details This function implements the Broyden method to solve the cyclical
#' blocks of equations.
#' @author João Macalós
#' @keywords internal
.sfcr_broyden <- function(m, equations, periods, max_ite, tol) {

  blocks <- unique(sort(equations$block))

  equations_id <- purrr::map(blocks, ~equations[, "id"][equations[, "block"] == .x])

  cnd_statements <- equations %>%
    dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(.data$rhs, "if"),
                  stringr::str_detect(.data$rhs, "else")) %>%

  eqs2 <- equations %>%
    dplyr::mutate(lhs2 = gsub(.pvar(.data$lhs), "m\\[.i, '\\1'\\]", .data$lhs, perl = T)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(rhs2 = paste0(.data$rhs, " - ", .data$lhs2)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(lhs2 = stringr::str_replace_all(.data$lhs2, c("\\[" = "\\\\[", "\\]" = "\\\\]")))

  blk <- purrr::map(blocks, ~eqs2[eqs2$block == .x,])

  blk <- purrr::map(blk, .prep_broyden)

  block_names <- purrr::map(blocks, ~paste0("block", .x))

  ## Parsed non-linear expressions
  exs_nl <- purrr::map(blk, function(.X) purrr::map(.X$rhs2, ~rlang::parse_expr(.x)))

  ## Parsed linear expressions
  exs_l <- purrr::map(blk, function(.X) purrr::map(.X$rhs, ~rlang::parse_expr(.x)))

  block_foo <- function(.time, .x, parms) {
    .y <- numeric(length(exs))
    for (.id in seq_along(exs)) {
      .y[.id] <- eval(exs[[.id]])

  for (.i in 2:periods) {
    for (.b in blocks) {

      block <- blk[[.b]]
      idvar_ <- equations_id[[.b]]

      ## CND statement must be dealt separately
      if (.b %in% cnd_statements) {

        m[.i, idvar_] <- eval(exs_l[[.b]][[1]])

      } else {

        if (vctrs::vec_size(block) == 1) {

          m[.i, idvar_] <- eval(exs_l[[.b]][[1]])

        } else {

          xstart <- m[.i-1, idvar_]
          exs <- exs_nl[[.b]]

          x <- .broyden_solver(xstart, block_foo, max_ite, tol)

          for (.v in seq_along(x$x)) {
            m[.i, idvar_[[.v]]] <- x$x[.v]
            m[.i, block_names[[.b]]] <- x$ite





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