
Defines functions u.datumdecode u.Datumvonheute u.date u.sys Sys.ps.cmd

Documented in Sys.ps.cmd Sys.ps.cmd u.date u.datumdecode u.Datumvonheute u.sys

####--- Utilities -----------------

## Was in ./unix/  -- but is called from pdf.end() / ps.end()  which are here: ./ps.goodies.R
Sys.ps.cmd <- function() {
  sys <- (si <- Sys.info())[["sysname"]]
  if(sys == "Linux") {
    s.rel <- si[["release"]] ## 2013-7: Kurt sees s.rel <- "3.9-1-amd64"
    rel <- c(as.integer(strsplit(s.rel,"[[:punct:]]")[[1]][1:2]) %*% c(1000,1))
    if(is.na(rel)) rel <- 3000
    if(rel >= 2006) "/bin/ps w" ## Linux kernel >= 2.6 (this is true for Ubuntu!)
    else if(rel >= 2002) "/bin/ps --width 1000" ## Linux >= 2.2
    else struct("/bin/ps w", type="BSD")
  else if(sys == "SunOS") "/usr/bin/ps"
  else if(sys == "Darwin") { # macOS
    cmd <- struct("/bin/ps w", type="Darwin/macOS")
    ## test if it *works* (to some extent) {"sandboxed" did not allow /bin/ps to run}
    tmp <- tryCatch(u.sys(cmd, " | grep 'grep'"), error=identity)
    if(!inherits(tmp, "error"))
        stop(cmd," is not working: ", conditionMessage(tmp))
  else {
    warning("Unknown OS [Operating System]; 'ps' may not be compatible")

u.sys <- function(..., intern=TRUE) system(paste0(...), intern=intern)

u.date <- function(short = FALSE)
  format(Sys.time(), paste0("%d/%h/%Y", if(!short) ", %H:%M"))
## Unix-only:  u.sys("date '+%d/%h/%Y", if(!short) ", %H:%M", "'")

u.Datumvonheute <- function(W.tag = 2, Zeit = FALSE)
  ## Ziel: Deutsches (kurzes) Datum (als string)
  ## ==>  ?u.Datumvonheute  [online help]
  ## Unix-only: dat <- as.numeric(system("date '+%w %d %m %Y %H %M' | tr ' ' '\n'",TRUE))
  dat <- as.integer(strsplit(format(Sys.time(),"%w %d %m %Y %H %M"), " ")[[1]])
  ##						 1  2  3  4  5	6
  DMY <- paste0(dat[2], ". ", C.Monatsname[dat[3]], " ", dat[4])
  r <- if (W.tag) {				#-- wollen Wochentag
    W <- ifelse(dat[1]==0, 7, dat[1])
    if (W.tag==2) Wtag <- C.Wochentag[W]
    else	  Wtag <- C.Wochentagkurz[W]
    paste(Wtag, DMY, sep=", ")
  } else DMY
  if(Zeit) {
    paste(r, if (Zeit==2) paste(dat[5:6], collapse=":")  else dat[5],
	  sep="; ")
  } else  r

C.Monatsname <- c("Januar", "Februar", "Maerz", "April", "Mai", "Juni",
	"Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Dezember")

C.Wochentag <- c("Montag", "Dienstag", "Mittwoch", "Donnerstag",
		"Freitag", "Samstag", "Sonntag")
C.Wochentagkurz <- c("Mon", "Die", "Mit", "Don", "Fre", "Sam", "Son")

C.weekday <- c("Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun")

## Months: we had
## C.monthname  === month.name  in R
## C.monthshort === month.abb   in R

##>>> Please: Forget the following !!  it is =====  S function  date() !!
##>>> "u.datum"<- function() unix("date")

u.datumdecode <-
    function(d, YMDHMnames = c("Jahr", "Monat", "Tag", "Std", "Min"))
    ## Ziel: Daten der Form 8710230920 aufspalten in Jahr, Monat, Tag, Std, Min
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Bemerkungen: Dies scheint mir nicht das richtige Konzept.
    ##	Wenn man numerische Datuemer will, soll man doch julianische
    ##	Daten verwenden !! Dann hat man auch eine richtige Zeit-Skala
    ##	Diese Funktionen sind in library(examples) und (verbessert) in
    ##	/u/maechler/s/date.Data !! (Martin Maechler)
    if(length(YMDHMnames) != 5 || !is.character(YMDHMnames))
        stop("invalid `YMDHMnames': must be character(5)")
    n <- length(d)
    z <- matrix(NA, n, 5, dimnames = list(names(d), YMDHMnames))
    for(j in 5:1) {
        h <- d %/% 100
        z[, j] <- d - 100 * h
        d <- h
    drop(z)# vector if `d' was a scalar (length 1)

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