
Defines functions read.org.table prt.DEBUG unif nr.sign.chg code2n n.code quadrant iterate.lin.recursion inv.seq lseq xy.unique.x u.log tapplySimpl rot2 xy.grid diagX col01scale colcenter plotDS seqXtend roundfixS mpl rDatetime is.whole funEnv uniqueL helppdf ichar strcodes chars8bit QUnif sHalton as.integer.basedInt as.intBase bi2int digitsBase polyn.eval capture.and.write wrapFormula bl.string bl.string repChar signi paste.vec histBxp plotStep cum.Vert.funkt errbar empty.dimnames last list_ struct

Documented in as.intBase as.integer.basedInt bi2int bl.string capture.and.write chars8bit code2n col01scale colcenter cum.Vert.funkt diagX digitsBase empty.dimnames errbar funEnv helppdf histBxp ichar inv.seq is.whole iterate.lin.recursion last list_ lseq mpl n.code nr.sign.chg paste.vec plotDS plotStep polyn.eval prt.DEBUG quadrant QUnif read.org.table repChar rot2 roundfixS seqXtend sHalton signi strcodes tapplySimpl u.log unif uniqueL wrapFormula xy.grid xy.unique.x

#### misc-goodies.R
#### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  SfS - R - goodies that are NOT in
####		"/u/sfs/R/SfS/R/u.goodies.R"
####		"/u/sfs/R/SfS/R/p.goodies.R"

###--- Original: From 'S' in /u/sfs/S/misc-goodies.S
###--- ========  But start doing *less* here !

###  Functions <<<<<<<< Please use a few subsections  like "Plotting"...

### ___Note___ we have some of these headers __MESS__
### But we leave it because of RCS {rather dismantle everything into 4-6 pieces

## A fast substitute for structure() *when* we don't need to special case for factor, .Dim, ...
struct <- function(x, ...) `attributes<-`(x, c(attributes(x), list(...)))

##' list_(a, b, cc)  creates a *named* list  using the actual arguments' names
list_ <- function(...)
   `names<-`(list(...), vapply(sys.call()[-1L], as.character, ""))

##-#### Vector, Matrix (or higher Array) stuff ########
##-###  -------------------------------------- ########

last <- function(x, length.out = 1, na.rm = FALSE)
    ## Purpose: last element(s) of a vector
    ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date:  Tue Jan 21 17:29:42 1992
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Arguments:
    ##   x:          vector
    ##   length.out: if positive, return the  length.out last elements of x,
    ##               if negative, the last  length.out  elements are dropped
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
    if (na.rm)
        x <- x[!is.na(x)]
    n <- length(x)

empty.dimnames <- function(a) {
    ## 'Remove' all dimension names from an array for compact printing.
    n <- length(da <- dim(a))
    if(n) dimnames(a) <- lapply(1:n, function(i) rep.int("", da[i]))

##-#### Plot / Devices  related stuff        ########
##-###  -----------------------------        ########
##-### >>>>> "p.goodies.S" or "ps.goodies.S" ########

errbar <- function(x, y, yplus, yminus, cap = 0.015,
		   ylim = range(y, yplus, yminus),
                   xlab = deparse(substitute(x)),
                   ylab = deparse(substitute(y)), ... )
  ## Purpose: Makes a plot with error bars
  ## Authors: Charles Geyer, Statistics, U. Chicago, geyer@galton.uchicago.edu
  ## 	  Martin Maechler, Date:  11 Apr 91  and  Mar 27 1992, 12:32
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: --- see  help(..) page --->  ?errbar
  ## ----------------------------------------=======

  plot( x, y, ylim=ylim, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ... )
  xcoord <- par()$usr[1:2]
  segments( x, yminus, x, yplus )
  smidge <- cap * ( xcoord[2] - xcoord[1] ) / 2
  segments( x - smidge, yminus, x + smidge, yminus )
  segments( x - smidge, yplus, x + smidge, yplus )
## C.Monatsname , etc..  sind jetzt bei der zugehoerigen Funktion
##		u.Datumvonheute  in  /u/sfs/S/u.goodies.S

cum.Vert.funkt <- function(x, Quartile = TRUE, titel = TRUE, Datum = TRUE,
                           rang.axis = n <= 20, xlab = "", main = "", ...)
  ## Ziel: Kumulative Verteilung von x aufzeichnen, auf Wunsch auch Median
  ##       und Quartile
  op <- par(xaxs = "r", yaxs = "r", las = 1)# the default anyway
  r <- plotStep(x, xlab = xlab, main = main, ...)
  #### FIXME : stepfun() / ecdf() instead
  n <- length(x)
      axis(4, at = (0:n)/n, labels = 0:n, pos = par("usr")[1])#, las = 1)
  if(titel) mtext("Kumulative Verteilungsfunktion", 3, line = 0.5)
  if(Quartile) for(i in 1:3) abline(h = i/4, lty = 2)
  if(Datum) p.datum()

## This was "plot.step()" but that's in conflict with S3 methods
plotStep <- function(ti, y,
		      cad.lag = TRUE,
		      verticals = !cad.lag,
		      left.points = cad.lag,
		      right.points = FALSE,
		      end.points = FALSE,

		      add = FALSE,

		      pch = par('pch'),
		      xlab = deparse(substitute(ti)),
		      ylab = deparse(substitute(y)),
		      main = NULL,

#####- FIXME ----------- use stepfun(), plot.stepfun() etc !!! ----------------

  ## Purpose: plot step-function  f(x)= sum{ y[i] * 1_[ t[i-1], t[i] ] (x) }
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: for missing 'y', do empirical CDF; ==> ON-LINE Help "?plot.step"
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Martin Maechler, 1990, U.Washington, Seattle; improved -- Dec.1993
  ## EXAMPLE: ##-- Plot empirical cdf  Fn(x)  for a small n:
  ## 	      xx <- runif(20); plot.step(xx); plot.step( xx, cad.lag = F )
  ##	      plot.step( runif(20), add=T, cad.lag=F)
  if(missing(y)) {
    if(is.vector(ti) && is.numeric(ti)) {   # -- Do empirical CDF --
      nt <- length(ti)
      ti <- sort(ti)
      dt <- (ti[nt] - ti[1])/20
      ti <- c(ti[1] - dt, ti, ti[nt] + dt)
      n <- nt + 1
      y <- (0:nt)/nt
    } else {
      xy <- xy.coords(ti,NULL,NULL,NULL)
      ti <- c(xy$x[1], xy$x)
      y <- xy$y
      n <- length(y)
  } else {
    n <- length(y)
    if(length(ti) != (n + 1))  stop("length(ti) MUST == length(y) + 1")
  if(length(ti) != (n + 1) || length(y) != n)
    stop("NEVER CALLED! --length(ti) MUST == length(y) + 1")
  if(missing(main))  main <- deparse(sys.call())

  n1 <- n+1
  ##-- horizontal segments:
  if (add) segments(ti[-n1], y, ti[-1], y, ...)
  else {
    plot(ti, c(y[1],y), type = 'n', xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, ...)
    segments(ti[-n1], y, ti[-1], y)
  if(left.points)  points(ti[-n1],y, pch = pch)
  if(right.points) points(ti[-1], y, pch = pch)
  ##-- col=0 <==> "erase" :
  if(! end.points) points(ti[c(1,n1)], y[c(1,n)], pch = pch, col = 0)
  if(verticals) {
    if (add) segments(ti[2:n], y[-n], ti[2:n], y[-1], ...)
    else     segments(ti[2:n], y[-n], ti[2:n], y[-1])
  invisible(list(t = ti, y = y))

histBxp <-
    function(x, nclass, breaks, probability = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE,
             xlab = deparse(substitute(x)), ..., width = 0.2,
             boxcol = 3, medcol = 2, medlwd = 5, whisklty = 2, staplelty = 1)
  ## Purpose:   Plot a histogram and a boxplot
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: ---> see help(hist.bxp) !
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Authors: Christian Keller, Date: 10 Nov 95,  (Martin Maechler, Jan 96)
  ##						calls  p.hboxp(.) !

  ## determine the height of the plot
  h <-
        hist(x, include.lowest = include.lowest, plot = FALSE)
	hist(x, nclass = nclass,
             include.lowest = include.lowest, plot = FALSE)
        hist(x, breaks = breaks,
             include.lowest = include.lowest, plot = FALSE)
  ymax <- max(h$counts)
  ymin <-  - ymax * width # range:  (-w,1)*ymax  instead of  (0,1)*ymax

  ##------- drawing the histogram -------------
  hist(x, breaks = h$breaks, probability = probability,
       include.lowest = include.lowest, plot = TRUE, xlab = xlab,
       ylim = c(ymin, ymax), axes = FALSE, ...)
  axis(2, at = pretty(c(0,ymax), n = 5), srt = 90) ## ph, 8.5.00: n instead of nint
  abline(h = 0)				#
  ##-------- drawing the boxplot --------------

  ##-- scale a range
  scale.r <- function(x1,x2, fact = 1.1)
    (x1+x2)/2 + c(-fact,fact) * (x2-x1)/2

  ##-- since 4% extra space above x-axis (just below ymin):
  ##-   cat("par$usr[3:4]:", par("usr")[3:4],
  ##- 	    "  ymin -.04 *(ymax-ymin)",ymin -.04 *(ymax-ymin),"\n")
  ##-- NOTE: Always have (seemingly): par("usr")[3] == ymin -.04 *(ymax-ymin)

##-O- ORIGINAL VERSION (Keller & Keller) :
##-O-   p.hboxp(x, ymin, -.04 *(ymax-ymin),
##-O- 	  boxcol=boxcol, medcol=medcol,
##-O- 	  medlwd=medlwd, whisklty=whisklty, staplelty=staplelty)

  ##---- This is  much better for width <=.1 or so...
  ##-- but you should leave some white space -> scale down
  ##-- The scaling factor is really a  KLUDGE but works for a wide range!
  p.hboxp(x, scale.r(par("usr")[3], 0, ## ph, 8.5.00: changed f=.9 to f=.8
		     fact = .8 - max(0, .15 - width)*(1+(par("mfg")[3] >= 3))),
	  boxcol = boxcol, medcol = medcol,
	  medlwd = medlwd, whisklty = whisklty, staplelty = staplelty)

##-#### Print & Strings  ########
##-###  ===============  ########

ccat <-  ## character 'concat'
  function(...)     paste0(..., collapse = "")
vcat <- ## (numeric) vector 'concat'
  function(vec, sep = " ") paste(vec, collapse = sep)

paste.vec <- function(name, digits = options()$digits)
  ## Purpose: Utility for "showing vectors"
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Example: x <- 1:4;  paste.vec(x)   ##->  "x = 1 2 3 4"
  paste(paste(deparse(substitute(name))), "=",
	paste(format(name, digits = digits), collapse = " "))
signi <- function(x, digits = 6) round(x, digits - trunc(log10(abs(x))))

##' NB:  Since ~ R 3.3.0 (May 2016),  use base R's "new"   strrep(x, times)  instead

repChar <- function(char, no) paste(rep.int(char, no), collapse = "")
## correct, but slower than the next one:
bl.string <- function(no) repChar(" ", no)
## faster:
bl.string <- function(no) sprintf("%*s", no, "")

### symnum :  standard R function !!

wrapFormula <- function(f, data, wrapString = "s(*)")
    ## Purpose: Mainly: Construct a useful gam() formula from  "Y ~ ."
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Arguments: f   : the initial formula; typically something like "Y ~ ."
    ##            data: data.frame to which the formula applies
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 22 May 2007, 18:03

    form <- formula(terms(f, data = data))
    if(length(form) != 3)
        stop("invalid formula; need something like  'Y ~ .'")
    wrapS <- strsplit(wrapString, "\\*")[[1]]
    stopifnot(length(wrapS) == 2)
    cc <- gsub("([^+ ]+)", paste0(wrapS[1], "\\1", wrapS[2]),
    form[[3]] <- parse(text = cc, srcfile = NULL)[[1]]

##' Capture Output and print first and last parts, eliding middle parts.
##' Particularly useful for teaching purposes, and e.g., in Sweave
##' @title Capture output and Write / Print First and Last Parts
##' @param EXPR the (literal) expression the output is to be captured
##' @param first integer: how many lines should be printed at beginning
##' @param last integer: how many lines should be printed at the end.
##' @param middle numeric (or NA logical):
##' @param i.middle index start of middle part
##' @param dotdots string to be used for elided lines
##' @param n.dots number of \code{dotdots}  ....{FIXME}
##' @return return value of \code{\link{capture.output}(EXPR)}
##' @author Martin Maechler
## -> ../man/capture-n-write.Rd
capture.and.write <- function(EXPR, first, last = 2,
                              middle = NA, i.middle,
                              dotdots = " ....... ", n.dots = 2) {
    co <- capture.output(EXPR)
    writeLines(head(co, first))
    catDots <- function(M) cat(rep.int(paste0(dotdots,"\n"), M), sep="")
    if(is.numeric(middle)) {
        stopifnot(length(middle) == 1, middle >= 0, middle == round(middle))
        i0 <- first+2
        if(missing(i.middle)) {
            i.middle <- max(i0, length(co) %/% 2 - middle %/% 2)
        } else { ## !missing(i.middle)
            if(i.middle < i0)
                stop("'i.middle' is too small, should be at least ", i0)
        writeLines(co[i.middle-1 + seq_len(middle)])
    writeLines(tail(co, last))

##-#### "Calculus" Mathematical stuff ########
##-###  ----------------------------- ########

polyn.eval <- function(coef, x)
  ## Purpose: compute coef[1] + coef[2]*x + ... + coef[p+1]* x^p
  ##	if coef is vector, x can be any array; result      : of same dim. as x
  ##	if coef is matrix, x must be vector;   dim(result) = len(x) * nrow(coef)
  ##	    coef = matrix: evaluate SEVERAL polynomials (of same degree)
  ##	    ----   contains coefficient-vectors as ROWS ==> coef[,i] <-> x^{i-1}
  ## Author: Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch>
  if(is.null(dim(coef))) {
    lc <- length(coef)
    if (lc == 0L) 0
    else {
      r <- coef[lc]
      if (lc == 1L)
        r + 0*x # keep dim(x) 
      else { # lc > 1
	for (i in (lc-1):1) r <- coef[i] + r*x
  } else { #-- coef is MATRIX --
    dc <- dim(coef)
    lc <- dc[2]; dc <- dc[1]
    n <- length(x)
    if (lc == 0) matrix(0, n, dc) else {
      r <- matrix(coef[,lc], n, dc, byrow = TRUE)
      if (lc > 1)
	for (i in (lc-1):1) r <- r*x + matrix(coef[,i], n, dc, byrow = TRUE)

## negative x .. may make sense in some cases,.... but not yet :
##digitsBase <- function(x, base = 2, ndigits = 1 + floor(log(max(abs(x)),base)))
digitsBase <- function(x, base = 2, ndigits = 1 + floor(1e-9 + log(max(x,1), base)))
    ## Purpose: Give the vector A of the base-_base_ representation of _n_:
    ## -------  n = sum_{k=0}^M  A_{M-k} base ^ k ,   where  M = length(a) - 1
    ## Value: MATRIX  M where  M[,i]  corresponds to  x[i]
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: Dec 4, 1991
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
    ## ---->  help(digitsBase) !
    ## ------------------------------
    if(any(x < 0))
	stop("'x' must be non-negative integers")
    if(any(x != trunc(x)))
	stop("'x' must be integer-valued")
    r <- matrix(0, nrow = ndigits, ncol = length(x))
    if(ndigits >= 1) for (i in ndigits:1) {
        r[i,] <- x %% base
        if (i > 1) x <- x %/% base
    class(r) <- "basedInt"
    attr(r, "base") <- base

bi2int <- function(xlist, base)
    vapply(xlist, function(u) polyn.eval(rev(u), base), numeric(1))

as.intBase <- function(x, base = 2) {
   xl <- if(is.character(x)) lapply(strsplit(x,""), as.integer)
        else if(is.numeric(x) && is.matrix(x)) tapply(x, col(x), c)
        else if(!is.list(x))
            stop("'x' must be character, list or a digitsBase() like matrix")
   bi2int(xl, base)

as.integer.basedInt <- function(x, ...)
    as.intBase(x, base = attr(x, "base"))

print.basedInt <- function (x, ...) {
    cat(sprintf("Class 'basedInt'(base = %d) [1:%d]\n",
                attr(x,"base"), ncol(x)))
    cx <- x
    attr(cx,"base") <- NULL
    print(unclass(cx), ...)

sHalton <- function(n.max, n.min = 1, base = 2, leap = 1)
    ## Purpose: Halton sequence H(k,b) for k=n.min:n.max -- for Quasi Monte Carlo
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 29 Jul 2004, 21:34

    stopifnot((leap <- as.integer(leap)) >= 1)
    ## now do this via digitsBase(), later go directly
    nd <- as.integer(1 + log(n.max, base))
    dB <- digitsBase(if(leap == 1) n.min:n.max else seq(n.min, n.max, by=leap),
		     base = base, ndigits = nd)

QUnif <- function(n, min = 0, max = 1, n.min = 1, p, leap = 1, silent = FALSE)
  ## Purpose: p-dimensional ''Quasi Random'' sample in  [min,max]^p
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 29 Jul 2004, 21:43
  ## Example: plot(QUnif(1000, 2), cex=.6, pch=20, xaxs='i', yaxs='i')
    stopifnot(1 <= (n <- as.integer(n)), length(n) == 1,
              1 <= (p <- as.integer(p)), length(p) == 1,
	      length(min) == p || length(min) == 1,
	      length(max) == p || length(max) == 1,
	      1 <= (n.min <- as.integer(n.min)),
              1 <= (leap  <- as.integer(leap)),
              (n.max <- n.min + (n - 1:1)*leap) < .Machine$integer.max)
    pr. <- c(2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,
             179,181,191, 193,197,199,211,223,227,229,233,239,241,251,257,263,
    if(length(pr.) < p) {
	    message("enlarging internal prime table for \"large\" p=",p)
	Lp <- log(p)
	pr. <- primes(p*(Lp + log(Lp))) ## using p_n/n < log n + log log n
    pr <- pr.[1:p]
    if(leap > 1 && any(leap == pr) && length(pr.) >= p+1) # take a non-leap pr
        pr <- c(pr[leap != pr], pr.[p+1])
    max <- rep.int(max, p)
    min <- rep.int(min, p)
    dU <- max - min
    r <- matrix(0., n, p)
    for(j in 1:p)
	r[,j] <- min[j] + dU[j] *
	    sHalton(n.max, n.min, base = pr[j], leap = leap)

chars8bit <- function(i = 1:255)
    ## Purpose: Compute a character vector from its "ASCII" codes.
    ## We seem to have to use this complicated way thru text and parse.

    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Original date: Wed Dec 4, 1991
    ## this is an improved version of  make.ASCII() from ~/S/Good-string.S !
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
    i <- as.integer(i)
    if(any(i < 0 | i > 255)) stop("'i' must be in 0:255")
    if(any(i == 0))
	warning("\\000 (= 'nul') is no longer allowed in R strings")
    i8 <- apply(digitsBase(i, base = 8), 2, paste, collapse="")
    c8 <- paste0('"\\', i8, '"')
    eval(parse(text = paste0("c(",paste(c8, collapse=","),")")))

strcodes <- function(x, table = chars8bit(1:255))
    ## Purpose: R (code) implementation of old S's ichar()
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Arguments: x: character vector
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 23 Oct 2003, 12:42

    lapply(strsplit(x, ""), match, table = table)

## S-PLUS has  AsciiToInt() officially, and   ichar() in  library(examples):
AsciiToInt <- ichar <- function(strings) unname(unlist(strcodes(strings)))

helppdf <- function(topic, viewer = getOption("pdfviewer"), quiet = !interactive(),
                    ...) {
    if(!tryCatch(is.character(topic) && length(topic) == 1L,
		 error = function(e) FALSE))
	topic <- deparse1(substitute(topic))
    hh <- help(topic, help_type = "pdf", ...)
    pdfile <- with(attributes(hh), paste(topic, type, sep="."))
    ## almost all rendering & pdf creation happens here:
    print(hh, msg=!quiet)# utils:::print.help_files_with_topic() |--> .show_help_on_topic_offline()
	system(paste(viewer, pdfile), wait = FALSE)
    ans <- file.path(getwd(), pdfile)
    if(quiet) invisible(ans) else ans

##-#### "Miscellaneous" (not any other category) ########
##-###   ============= ------------------------- ########

uniqueL <- function(x, isuniq = !duplicated(x), need.sort = is.unsorted(x))
    ## return list(ix, uniq)
    ## such that   all(x == uniq[ix])  and (of course)	uniq == x[isuniq]
    if(need.sort) {
	xs <- sort(x, index.return = TRUE)
	ixS <- xs $ ix
	isuniq <- isuniq[ixS]
	x <- xs$x
    ix <- as.integer(cumsum(isuniq))
	ix <- ix[sort.list(ixS)]
    list(ix = ix, xU = x[isuniq])

##' Constructor of a "list" (really an environment) of functions (and more)
##' which all *share* the same environment in which they exist
##' --> ../man/funEnv.Rd
##'  	~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
funEnv <- function(..., envir = NULL, parent = parent.frame(),
                   hash = (...length() > 100), size = max(29L, ...length())) {
    e <- list2env(list(...), envir=envir, parent=parent, hash=hash, size=size)
    for(n in names(e)) ## iff function or formula, set environment to 'e':
	if(is.function(e[[n]]) || (is.call(e[[n]]) &&
				   inherits(e[[n]], "formula")))
	    environment(e[[n]]) <- e

is.whole <- function(x, tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
    ## Tests if a numeric scalar (or vector, matrix or array) is a whole
    ## number; returns an boolean object of the same dimension as x, each entry
    ## indicating whether the corresponding entry in x is whole.
    is.whole.scalar <-
	if (is.integer(x)) {
	    function(x) TRUE
	} else if (is.numeric(x)) {
	    function(x) isTRUE(all.equal(x, round(x), tolerance = tolerance))
	} else if (is.complex(x)) {
		isTRUE(all.equal(Re(x), round(Re(x)), tolerance = tolerance)) &&
		isTRUE(all.equal(Im(x), round(Im(x)), tolerance = tolerance))
	} else stop("Input must be of type integer, numeric or complex.")

    if (is.null(dim(x)))
	vapply(x, is.whole.scalar, NA)
	apply(x, seq_along(dim(x)), is.whole.scalar)

##' @title Generate Random Date/Time Sequences
##' @param n number of entries to generate
##' @param min, max character strings or \R objects inheriting from \code{"POSIXt"}.
##' @return vector
##' @author Martin Maechler
## FIXME: consider  'mean = Sys.time(), delta.tim = "1 month"'
## -----  ==> min = mean - as.difftime(delta.tim),
##            max = mean - as.difftime(delta.tim)
##  now <- Sys.time(); del <- as.difftime(100, units="weeks")
##  rDatetime(100, now-del, now+del)
rDatetime <- function(n, min = "1900-01-01", max = "2100-12-31") {
    if(is.character(min) || inherits(min, "POSIXt"))
        min <- as.POSIXct(min)
    else stop("'min' must be string (coercable to \"POSIXct\") or \"POSIXt\" object")
    if(is.character(max) || inherits(max, "POSIXt"))
        max <- as.POSIXct(max)
    else stop("'max' must be string (coercable to \"POSIXct\") or \"POSIXt\" object")
    stopifnot(length(min) == 1, length(max) == 1)
    struct(runif(n, as.numeric(min), as.numeric(max)),
           class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "")

### autoreg(),  mean.cor()  etc ... not yet
### if  we take them, use different file !!


####========== This is from /u/maechler/S/Good.S =============
####========== --------------------------------- =============

##-#### Plot / Devices  related stuff ########
##-### ----------------------------- ########

mpl <- function(mat, ...) {
  matplot(1:nrow(mat), mat, xaxt = 'n',...)
  if(0 == length(dn <- dimnames(mat)[[1]]))
    axis(1) else
    axis(1, at = 1:nrow(mat), labels = dn)

roundfixS <- function(x, method = c("offset-round", "round+fix", "1greedy"))
    ## Purpose: y := r2i(x) with integer y  *and* sum(y) == sum(x)
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, 28 Nov 2007
    n <- length(x)
    x0 <- floor(x)
    e <- x - x0 ## == (x %% 1) in [0, 1)
    S. <- sum(e)
    stopifnot(all.equal(S., (S <- round(S.))))
    method <- match.arg(method)

    ## The problem is equivalent to transforming
    ##   e[] \in [0,1)  into  f[] \in {0,1},  with sum(e) == sum(f)
    ## Goal: transform e[] into f[] gradually, by "shifting" mass
    ##       such that the sum() remains constant

           "offset-round" = {
               ## This is going to be equivalent to
               ##  r := round(x + f)  with the correct     f \in [-1/2, 1/2], or
               ##  r == floor(x + f + 1/2) = floor(x + g), g \in    [0, 1]
               ## Need  sum(floor(e + g)) = S;
               ## since sum(floor(e)) == 0, sum(floor(e+1)) == n,
               ## we just need to floor(.) the S smallest, and ceiling(.) the others
	       if(S > 0) {
		   r <- numeric(n) # all 0; set to 1 those corresponding to large e:
		   r[sort.list(e, decreasing=TRUE)[1:S]] <- 1
		   x0 + r
	       } else x
           }, ## end{offset-round}

           "round+fix" = {
               r <- round(e)
               if((del <- S - sum(r)) != 0) { # need to add +/- 1 to 'del' entries
		   s <- sign(del) ## +1 or -1: add +1 only to r < x entries,
		   aD <- abs(del) ##          and -1 only to r > x entries,
                   ## those with the "worst" rounding are made a bit worse
                   if(del > 0) {
                       iCand <- e > r
                       dx <- (e - r)[iCand] # > 0
                   } else { ## del < 0
                       iCand <- e < r
                       dx <- (e - x)[iCand] # > 0
                   ii <- sort.list(dx, decreasing = TRUE)[1:aD]
		   r[iCand][ii] <- r[iCand][ii] + s

               return(x0 + r)

           }, ## end{round+fix}

           "1greedy" = {
               ii <- e != 0
               while(any(ii)) {
                   ci <- cumsum(ii) # used to revert  u[ii] subsetting
                   m <- length(e. <- e[ii])
                   ie <- sort.list(e.)  # both ends are relevant
                   left <- e.[ie[1]] < 1 - e.[ie[m]]
                   iThis  <- if(left) 1 else m
                   iother <- if(left) m else 1
                   J <- which.max(ci == ie[iThis]) ## which(.)[1]  but faster
                   I <- which.max(ci == ie[iother])
                   r <- x[J]
                   x[J] <- k <- if(left) floor(r) else ceiling(r)
                   mass <- r - k        # if(left) > 0 else < 0
                   if(m <= 2) {   # short cut and evade rounding error
                       if(m == 1) {     # should happen **rarely**
                           if(!(min(abs(mass), abs(1-mass)) < 1e-10))
                               warning('m==1 in "1greedy" w/ mass not close to {0,1}')
                       } else { ## m==2
                           x[I] <- round(x[I] + mass)
                       break ## ii <- FALSE
                   else { ## m >= 3
                       e[J] <- if(left) 0 else 1
                       ii[J] <- FALSE
                       ## and move it's mass to the other end:
                       e.new <- e[I] + mass
                       if(e.new > 1)
                           stop("e[I] would be > 1 -- internal error")
                       else if(e.new < 0)
                           stop("e[I] would be < 0 -- internal error")
                       x[I] <- x[I] + mass
                       e[I] <- e.new
                   } ## m >= 3
               }     ## end{while}

           }) # end{switch}
}## roundfixS

seqXtend <- function(x, length., method = c("simple","aim","interpolate"),
                    from = NULL, to = NULL)
  ## Purpose: produce a seq(.) covering the range of 'x' and INCLUDING x
  ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 28 Nov 2007 =======> ../man/seqXtend.Rd
    x <- unique(sort(x))
    n <- length(x)
    method <- match.arg(method)
    if(length. > n) {
        if((from_is1 <- is.null(from))) from <- x[1]
        if((from_isL <- is.null(to)))   to   <- x[n]
        if(method == "interpolate") {
            if(!from_is1) {
                if(from > x[1])
                    stop("'from' > min(x) not allowed for method ", method)
                x <- c(from, x)
            if(!from_isL) {
                if(to < x[n])
                    stop("'to' < max(x) not allowed for method ", method)
                x <- c(x, to)
            n <- length(x)
            dx <- x[-1] - x[-n] ## == diff(x)
            w  <- as.numeric(x[n]  - x[1])  ## == sum(dx);
            ##    as.n..(.) -> works with "Date" etc
            nn <- length. - n ## need 'nn' new points in 'n - 1' intervals
            ## how many in each?
            ## Want them approximately equidistant, ie. of width ~=  w / (nn + 1)
            ## but do this smartly such that  dx[i] / (k1[i] + 1) {= stepsize in interval i}
            ## is approximately constant
            k1 <- (nn + n-1) * dx / w  - 1 ## ==> sum(k1) == nn
            ## now "round" the k1[] such that sum(.) remains == nn
            k <- roundfixS(k1) ## keep the right border, drop the left
            seqI <- function(i) seq(x[i], x[i+1], length.out=k[i]+2)[-1]
            l.seq <- lapply(1:(n-1), seqI)
            ## do.call(c, *), e.g. for new (R-devel 4.1.x) c.Date() [KH]:
            c(x[1], if(is.object(x)) do.call(c, l.seq) else unlist(l.seq))
        } else {
            nn <- switch(method, "simple" = length.,
                         "aim" = length. - n + from_is1 + from_isL)
            ## a more sophisticated 'method' would have to use iteration, *or*
            ## interpolate between the 'x' values instead
            ## which might be considered to be too far from seq()
            unique(sort(c(x, seq(from, to, length.out = nn))))
    } else x
}## {seqXtnd}

plotDS <-
function(x, yd, ys, xlab = "", ylab = "", ylim = rrange(c(yd, ys)),
         xpd = TRUE, do.seg = TRUE, seg.p = .95,
         segP = list(lty = 2, lwd = 1,   col = 2),
         linP = list(lty = 1, lwd = 2.5, col = 3), ...)
    ## Purpose:   Plot Data & Smooth
    ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Arguments: do.seg: logical, plot "residual segments" iff T (= default).
    ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, 1990-1994
    ##  2007: allow  ys to be a  (xs,ys)-xycoords structure, where {x[] \in xs[]}
    if((hasMoreSmooth <- !is.numeric(ys))) {
        ysl <- xy.coords(ys)
        ixs <- match(x, ysl$x)
            stop("'x' inside the 'ys' structure must contain all the observational 'x'")
        ys <- ysl$y[ixs]
    if(is.unsorted(x)) {
        i <- sort.list(x)
        x <- x[i]
        yd <- yd[i]
        ys <- ys[i]
    addDefaults <- function(listArg) {
        ## trick such that user can call 'segP = list(col = "pink")' :
        nam <- deparse(substitute(listArg))
        P <- as.list(formals(sys.function(sys.parent()))[[nam]])[-1] # w/o "list"
        for(n in names(listArg)) P[[n]] <- listArg[[n]]

    plot(x, yd, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ylim = ylim, ...) #pch = pch,
        linP <- addDefaults(linP)
        lines(ysl,    xpd = xpd, lty = linP$lty, lwd = linP$lwd, col = linP$col)
    else lines(x, ys, xpd = xpd, lty = linP$lty, lwd = linP$lwd, col = linP$col)
    if(do.seg) {
            segP <- addDefaults(segP)
        segments(x, seg.p*ys + (1-seg.p)*yd, x, yd,
                 xpd = xpd, lty = segP$lty, lwd = segP$lwd, col = segP$col)


##-#### Matrix (or higher Array) stuff ########
##-### ------------------------------ ########

colcenter <- function(mat)  sweep(mat,2, apply(mat,2,mean))

col01scale <- function(mat, scale.func = function(x) diff(range(x)),
		       location.func = mean)
  ##-- See also 'scale' (std. S func) --
  mat <-  sweep(mat,2, apply(mat,2, location.func))
  sweep( mat, 2, apply(mat,2, scale.func), "/")

## diag.ex <- function(n)  --- now renamed :
diagX <- function(n)
  ## Purpose: Returns "the other diagonal" matrix
  ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: Tue Jan 14 1992; Nov.2002
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: n: integer dimension of matrix
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------
    m <- numeric(n * n)
    m[1L+ (n-1L)* seq_len(n)] <- 1
    dim(m) <- c(n,n)

xy.grid <- function(x,y)
  ## Purpose: Produce the grid used by  persp, contour, .. as  N x 2 matrix
  nx <- length(x)
  ny <- length(y)
  cbind(rep.int(x,rep.int(ny,nx)),	rep.int(y,nx))

rot2 <- function(xy, phi)
  ## Purpose:  rotate xy-points by angle  'phi' (in radians)
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: xy :  n x 2 matrix;   phi: angle (in [0, 2pi])
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 26 Oct 94, 22:16
  co <- cos(phi); s <- sin(phi)
  xy %*% t( matrix(c(co,s, -s, co), 2,2) )

tapplySimpl <- function(X, INDEX, FUN, ...)
  ## Purpose: Nicer result for tapply(..) when Function returns
  ## 	      vector AND there is >= 2 "INDEX", i.e., categories.
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: as for tapply,
  ##	FUN: Must return [named, if possible] FIXED length vector
  ##	      [num/char]   EVEN for  NULL and NA !
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 14 Jun 93, 17:34
  rl <- tapply(X, INDEX, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE)
  if (is.list(rl)) { #-- when  >=2 indices  AND  length(FUN(x)) > 1  ---
    if(any(Nas <- unlist(lapply(rl, is.null))))
      rl[Nas]  <- list(FUN(NULL))
	  dim = c(length(rl[[1]]), dim(rl)),
	  dimnames = c(list(names(rl[[1]])), dimnames(rl)) )
  } else rl

##-#### "Calculus" Mathematical stuff ########
##-### ----------------------------- ########

u.log <- function(x, c = 1)
  ## Purpose:  log(.) only for high x- values ... identity for low ones
  ##  This  f(x) is  continuously differentiable (once).
  ##  f(x) = x				  for |x| <= c
  ##  f(x) = sign(x)*c*(1 + log(|x|/c))       for |x| >= c
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: x: numeric vector;  c: scalar > 0
  ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 24 Jan 95, 17:28
  if(!is.numeric(c)|| c < 0) stop("'c' must be positive number")
  r <- x
  to.log <- abs(x) > c ; x <- x[to.log]
  r[to.log] <- sign(x) * c * (1 + log(abs(x/c)))

xy.unique.x <- function(x, y, w, fun.mean = mean, ...)
    ## Purpose: given 'smoother data' (x_i, y_i) [and maybe weight  w_i]
    ##	      with multiple x_i, use unique x's, replacing y's by their mean
    ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date:  8 Mar 93, 16:36
    ##--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*-- x,y,w  treatment --*--*--*--*--*--*--*--*--
    if(missing(x)) x <- time(y)  else
    if(missing(y)) {
        if(is.list(x)) {
            if(any(is.na(match(c("x", "y"), names(x)))))
                stop("cannot find x and y in list")
            y <- x$y; x <- x$x; if(!is.null(x$w)) w <- x$w
        } else if(is.complex(x)) {
            y <- Im(x); x <- Re(x)
        } else if(is.matrix(x) && ncol(x) == 2) {
            y <- x[, 2]; x <- x[, 1]
        } else if(is.matrix(x) && ncol(x) == 3) {
            y <- x[, 2]; w <- x[, 3]; x <- x[, 1]
        } else {
            y <- x; x <- time(x)
    n <- length(x)
    if(n != length(y)) stop("lengths of x and y must match")
    if(missing(w))  w <- rep.int(1,n)
    else if(n != length(w)) stop("lengths of x and w must match")
    gr <- match(x, ux <- unique(x, ...))
    cbind(x = ux,
          y = tapply(y, gr, FUN = fun.mean),
          w = tapply(w, gr, FUN = sum))

##-#### Non-calculus ("Discrete") Mathematical stuff ########
##-### -------------------------------------------- ########

lseq <- function(from, to, length)
    ## Purpose: seq(.) : equidistant on log scale
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date:  3 Feb 2005, 08:34
    stopifnot(from > 0)
    exp(seq(log(from), log(to), length.out = length))

inv.seq <- function(i) {
  ## Purpose: 'Inverse seq': Return a short expression for the 'index'  'i'
  ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments: i: vector of (usually increasing) integers.
  ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date:  3 Oct 95, 18:08
  ## --------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## EXAMPLES: cat(rr <- inv.seq(c(3:12, 20:24, 27, 30:33)),"\n"); eval(rr)
  ##           r2 <- inv.seq(c(20:13, 3:12, -1:-4, 27, 30:31)); eval(r2); r2
  li <- length(i <- as.integer(i))
  if(li == 0) return(expression(NULL))
  else if(li == 1) return(as.expression(i))
  ##-- now have: length(i) >= 2
  di1 <- abs(diff(i)) == 1	#-- those are just simple sequences  n1:n2 !
  i <- i + 0 # coercion to "double", so result has no 'L' appended integers.
  s1 <- i[!c(FALSE,di1)] # beginnings
  s2 <- i[!c(di1,FALSE)] # endings
  mkseq <- function(i, j) if (i==j) i else call(':', i, j)
	    mapply(s1, s2, FUN=mkseq, SIMPLIFY=FALSE, USE.NAMES=FALSE)))

iterate.lin.recursion <- function(x, coeff, delta = 0, nr.it)
  r <- c(x, numeric(nr.it))
  n <- length(x)
  ic <- length(coeff):1
  for(i in 1:nr.it)
    r[n + i] <- delta + c(coeff %*% r[n + i - ic])

quadrant <- function(x,y=NULL) {
    xy <- xy.coords(x,y); x <- xy$x; y <- xy$y
    Sgn <- function(u) ifelse(u >= 0, 1, -1)
    y <- Sgn(y); 2 - y + (y != Sgn(x))

n.code <- function(n, ndig = 1, dec.codes = c("","d","c","k"))
  ##-- convert "round integers" to short char.strings
  ##-- useful to build-up  variable names in simulations
  ##-- e.g.,
  nd <- length(dec.codes)
  e10 <- pmin(floor(log10(n) + 1e-12), nd - 1)
  if (any(e10 < 0)) {
      e10 <- pmax(0, e10) ; warning("some 'n' too small")
  ## IDEA: Things like
  ## ---- n.code(c(2000,1e4,5e4,6e5,7e6,8e7),
  ##             dec. = c("","d","c","k","-","-","M"))
  ## could work;  (not quite yet, see ex. above)
##-   if(any(id <- is.na(dec.codes) | dec.codes == "-")) {
##-       ## then use previous code for these (things like "20k", "300k")
##-       ## sequentially from the left:
##-       for(k in which(id)) {
##-           dec.codes[k] <- dec.codes[k - 1]
##-           ii <- 1+e10 == k
##-           e10[ii] <- e10[ii] - 1
##-       }
##-   }
  paste0(round(n/ 10^(e10 + 1 - ndig)), dec.codes[1 + e10])

code2n <- function(ncod, ndig = 1, dec.codes = c("","d","c","k"))
  ## The inverse function to n.code
  le <- nchar(ncod)
  cod <- substring(ncod, le, le)
  as.integer(substring(ncod, 1, le-1)) * 10^(match(cod, dec.codes)-1)

nr.sign.chg <- function(y)
  ## Purpose:  Compute number of sign changes in sequence
  ## Be careful with y[i] that were 0 !!
  y <- sign(c(y))
  y <- y[y != 0]
  sum(y[-1] != y[-length(y)])

unif <- function(n, round.dig = 1 + trunc(log10(n)))
  ## Purpose: Give regular points on [-c,c] with mean 0 and variance ~= 1
  if(n %% 2 == 0) {
    if(n > 0) round((2 * 1:n - (n + 1)) * sqrt(3/(n * (n + 1))), round.dig)
  } else {
    m <- n %/% 2 #--> m+1 = (n+1)/2
    ( - m:m) * round(sqrt(6/((m + 1) * n)), round.dig)

prt.DEBUG <- function(..., LEVEL = 1) {
  stop("prt.DEBUG() is defunct: use a 'verbose' argument or options(verbose=.) instead")
  ## if (exists("DEBUG", where = 1) && DEBUG >= LEVEL )#
  ## ##
  ## cat(paste0("in '", sys.call(sys.nframe()-1)[1], "':"), ..., "\n")

##' @title Read an Emacs Org Table by read.table()
## --> ../man/read.org.table.Rd
read.org.table <- function(file, header = TRUE, skip = 0,
                           encoding = "native", fileEncoding = "",
                           text, quiet=FALSE, ...) {
    ## file - text   handling --- cut'n'paste from read.table()'s header
    if (missing(file) && !missing(text)) {
	file <- textConnection(text, encoding = "UTF-8")
    if(is.character(file)) {
        file <- if(nzchar(fileEncoding))
            file(file, "rt", encoding = fileEncoding) else file(file, "rt")
    if(!inherits(file, "connection"))
        stop("'file' must be a character string or connection")
    if(!isOpen(file, "rt")) {
        open(file, "rt")
    if(skip > 0L) readLines(file, skip)
    ll <- readLines(file, encoding=encoding)
    close(file); on.exit()
    ## drop |--------+---------+--------+--|  :
    if(length(i <- grep("---+\\+--", ll[1:3]))) ll <- ll[-i]
    ## drop beginning and ending "|" :
    ll <- sub("^ *\\|", "",
              sub("\\| *$", "", ll))
    if(header) { ## assume header in first 2 lines
        ii <- if(nchar(ll[1]) < 2) 2 else 1
        ## header line
        hl <- ll[ii]
        ## drop header line(s)
        ll <- ll[-seq_len(ii)]
        ## split the header lines into column names
        col.names <- sub("^ +", "", sub(" +$", "", strsplit(hl, " *\\| *") [[1L]]))
    ## drop empty lines at end only
    while(grepl("^ *$", tail(ll, 1L))) ll <- ll[-length(ll)]
    nent <- count.fields(textConnection(ll), sep="|")
    ok <- nent == (p <- length(col.names))
    nrows <- if(all(ok)) length(ok)
             else match(FALSE, ok) - 1L # 1..n, where n+1 contains the first non-match
    if("nrows" %in% ...names())
        nrows <- min(nrows, list(...)$nrows)
    else if(!quiet && nrows < 0.95*length(nent))
            sprintf("Will read the first %d rows (of each %d columns) of %d (non-empty non-header) lines",
                    nrows, p, length(nent)))
    f.ll <- textConnection(ll)# , encoding = "UTF-8"  is *NOT* good
    read.table(f.ll, header=FALSE, sep = "|",
               col.names = col.names, nrows=nrows, ...) # , encoding = "UTF-8" *not* good

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