
Defines functions .partition2partition .labels2partition estimate.partition as.matrix.shallot.pairwiseProbability print.shallot.pairwiseProbability pairwise.probabilities .nullModel process.samples .samplingModel sampling.model partition.pmf .partitionModel sample.partitions.posterior print.shallot.samples.full print.shallot.samples.raw sample.partitions .sampleForward .partitionsToMatrixWithParameters .partitionsToMatrix .sample.ewensPitmanAttraction .ewensPitmanAttraction .sample.ewensAttraction .ewensAttraction .sample.ewensPitman .ewensPitman .sample.ewens .ewens nsubsets.variance nsubsets.average nsubsets.probability nsubsets.random print.shallot.distribution.ddcrp ddcrp print.shallot.distribution.ewensPitmanAttraction ewens.pitman.attraction print.shallot.distribution.ewensAttraction ewens.attraction print.shallot.distribution.ewensPitman ewens.pitman print.shallot.distribution.ewens ewens as.matrix.shallot.attraction print.shallot.attraction .attractionFactory .attraction .distance attraction print.shallot.decay .decayFactory .decay decay.generic decay.subtraction decay.exponential decay.reciprocal print.shallot.temperature temperature print.shallot.permutation .permutationFactory .permutation permutation print.shallot.discount .discountFactory .discount discount print.shallot.mass .massFactory .mass mass adj.rand.index

Documented in as.matrix.shallot.attraction attraction ddcrp decay.exponential decay.reciprocal decay.subtraction discount ewens ewens.attraction ewens.pitman ewens.pitman.attraction mass nsubsets.average nsubsets.probability nsubsets.random nsubsets.variance partition.pmf permutation print.shallot.attraction print.shallot.decay print.shallot.discount print.shallot.distribution.ddcrp print.shallot.distribution.ewens print.shallot.distribution.ewensAttraction print.shallot.distribution.ewensPitman print.shallot.distribution.ewensPitmanAttraction print.shallot.mass print.shallot.permutation print.shallot.samples.raw print.shallot.temperature process.samples sample.partitions temperature

### Development
# library(rscala); library(shallot); s <- shallot:::s

#### Simplified

#' Adjusted Rand Index
#' This function calculates the adjusted Rand index between two
#' clusterings/partitions.
#' The \code{\link{adj.rand.index}} function takes as its input two
#' clusterings/partitions in cluster label notation and computes the adjusted
#' Rand index. The adjusted Rand index is at most \code{1.0} and large numbers
#' indicate high similarity.
#' @param c1 A vector containing cluster labels for a clustering/partition.
#' @param c2 A vector containing cluster labels for a clustering/partition.
#' @return A numeric vector of length one representing the adjusted Rand index
#' between the two clusterings/partitions.
#' @author David B. Dahl \email{dahl@@stat.byu.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{estimate.partition}}
#' @references Hubert, L. and Arabie, P. (1985), Comparing partitions,
#' \emph{Journal of Classification}, \bold{2}, 193-218.
#' @examples
#' truth    <- c(1,1,2,2,2,1,3,3,3)
#' estimate <- c(1,2,2,2,2,1,2,3,3)
#' adj.rand.index(truth,estimate)
#' @noRd
adj.rand.index <- function(c1,c2) {
  n <- length(c1)
  if ( length(c2) != n ) stop("Clusterings must be the same length.")
  t1  <- table(c1)
  t2  <- table(c2)
  t12 <- table(c1,c2)
  expected <- sum(choose(t1,2)) * sum(choose(t2,2)) / choose(n,2)
  numerator <- sum(choose(t12,2)) - expected
  denominator <- 0.5*(sum(choose(t1,2))+sum(choose(t2,2))) - expected
  numerator / denominator

# adj.rand.index(c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3),c(1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2))

#### To be added: "variation of information" by Meila (2007).

#' Mass, Discount, and Temperature Parameters
#' These functions set the mass, discount, and temperature parameters and, in
#' the case of them being random, specify the parameters of their distribution.
#' If no parameters are specified, the mass parameter defaults to \code{1.2},
#' the discount parameter defaults to \code{0.05}, the temperature parameter
#' defaults to \code{3.0}. If the mass parameter is random, the default shape
#' and rate parameters of the gamma distribution are \code{2.5} and \code{2},
#' respectively. If the discount parameter is random, the default shape
#' parameters of the beta distribution are \code{1.0} and \code{1.0}. If the
#' temperature parameter is random, the default shape and rate parameters of
#' the gamma distribution are \code{2} and \code{0.5}, respectively.
#' @aliases mass discount temperature print.shallot.mass print.shallot.discount
#' print.shallot.temperature
#' @param ... A number greater than \code{0.0} representing the value of the
#' mass, discount, or temperaure parameters.  Or, in the case of them being
#' random, a vector of two numbers representing either: i. the shape and rate
#' parameters of the gamma distribution for the mass or temperature, or ii. the
#' shape parameters of the beta distribution for the discount.  This argument
#' is currently ignored for the associated print functions.
#' @param x An object from the \code{\link{mass}}, \code{\link{discount}}, or
#' \code{\link{temperature}} functions.
#' @param fixed If \code{TRUE}, the parameter is fixed.  If \code{FALSE}, the
#' parameter value is samples from either: i. a gamma distribution for the mass
#' or temperature, or ii. a beta distribution for the discount.
#' @return An object of class \code{shallot.mass}, \code{shallot.discount}, or
#' \code{shallot.temperature}.
#' @author David B. Dahl \email{dahl@@stat.byu.edu}
#' @examples
#' mass()
#' mass(1.0)
#' mass(1.4, fixed=FALSE)
#' mass(0.5, 1, fixed=FALSE)
#' discount()
#' discount(0.2)
#' discount(1, 3, fixed=FALSE)
#' temperature()
#' temperature(2)
#' temperature(2, 4, fixed=FALSE)
#' @export mass
mass <- function(...,fixed=TRUE) {
  x <- c(...)
  fixed <- as.logical(fixed)
  value <- 1.2
  shape <- 2.5
  rate <- 2
  if ( length(x) == 0 ) {
  } else if ( length(x) == 1 ) {
    value <- as.double(x[1])
    if ( value <= 0 ) stop("'value' must be positive.")
  } else if ( length(x) == 2 ) {
    if ( fixed ) stop("'fixed' should be FALSE if distribution parameters are specified.")
    shape <- as.double(x[1])
    if ( shape <= 0.0 ) stop("'shape' must be positive.")
    rate <- as.double(x[2])
    if ( rate <= 0.0 ) stop("'rate' must be positive.")
    value <- shape/rate
  } else stop("Incorrect number of arguments.")
  result <- list(value=value,shape=shape,rate=rate,fixed=fixed)
  class(result) <- "shallot.mass"

# Not exported:  Mass wrapper
.mass <- function(mass) s$Mass(mass$value)

.massFactory <- function(mass) {
  if ( mass$fixed ) s$Mass.factory(mass$value)
  else s$Mass.factory(mass$shape,mass$rate,s$rdg())

#' @rdname mass
#' @export
print.shallot.mass <- function(x, ...) {
  if ( x$fixed ) cat("mass fixed at ",x$value,"\n",sep="")
  else cat("mass at ",x$value," and distributed Gamma(shape=",x$shape,",rate=",x$rate,")\n",sep="")

# mass()
# mass(2.3)
# mass(1,fixed=FALSE)
# mass(3,4,fixed=FALSE)

#' @rdname mass
#' @export
discount <- function(...,fixed=TRUE) {
  x <- c(...)
  fixed <- as.logical(fixed)
  value <- 0.05
  shape1 <- 1.0
  shape2 <- 1.0
  if ( length(x) == 0 ) {
  } else if ( length(x) == 1 ) {
    value <- as.double(x[1])
    if ( ( value < 0 ) || ( value >= 1.0 ) ) stop("'value' must be in [0,1).")
  } else if ( length(x) == 2 ) {
    if ( fixed ) stop("'fixed' should be FALSE if distribution parameters are specified.")
    shape1 <- as.double(x[1])
    if ( shape1 <= 0.0 ) stop("'shape1' must be positive.")
    shape2 <- as.double(x[2])
    if ( shape2 <= 0.0 ) stop("'shape2' must be positive.")
    value <- shape1/(shape1+shape2)
  } else stop("Incorrect number of arguments.")
  result <- list(value=value,shape1=shape1,shape2=shape2,fixed=fixed)
  class(result) <- "shallot.discount"

# Not exported:  Discount wrapper 
.discount <- function(discount) s$Discount(discount$value)

.discountFactory <- function(discount) {
  if ( discount$fixed ) s$Discount.factory(discount$value)
  else s$Discount.factory(discount$shape1,discount$shape2,s$rdg())

#' @rdname mass
#' @export
print.shallot.discount <- function(x, ...) {
  if ( x$fixed ) cat("discount fixed at ",x$value,"\n",sep="")
  else cat("discount at ",x$value," and distributed Beta(shape1=",x$shape1,",shape2=",x$shape2,")\n",sep="")

# discount()
# discount(0.1)
# discount(0.1,fixed=FALSE)
# discount(3,4,fixed=FALSE)

#' Permutation
#' These function define a permutation for subsequent use.
#' A valid permutation of length \code{n} is an integer vector of length
#' \code{n} containing each integer \code{1}, \code{2},... \code{n} only once.
#' @aliases permutation print.shallot.permutation
#' @param ... For the function \code{\link{permutation}}, a permutation of the
#' integers \code{1}, \code{2},... \code{n}, where \code{n} is the length of
#' the vector.  For the function \code{\link{print.shallot.permutation}}, this
#' is ignored.
#' @param n.items An optional argument provided instead of \code{...} to
#' request a random partition.  The argument \code{fixed} must be \code{FALSE}.
#' @param x An object of class \code{shallot.permutation}.
#' @param fixed Should the permutation be fixed?
#' @return An object of class \code{shallot.permutation}.
#' @author David B. Dahl \email{dahl@@stat.byu.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{attraction}}
#' @references \href{https://doi.org/10.1080/01621459.2016.1165103}{Dahl, D. B.,
#' Day, R., and Tsai, J. (2017), Random Partition Distribution Indexed by
#' Pairwise Information, \emph{Journal of the American Statistical
#' Association}, 112, 721-732. <DOI:10.1080/01621459.2016.1165103>}
#' @examples
#' ## Demonstrate permutation.
#' permutation(c(3, 1, 2, 5, 4))
#' permutation(c(3, 1, 2, 5, 4), fixed=FALSE)
#' permutation(n.items=5, fixed=FALSE)
#' @export permutation
permutation <- function(...,n.items=NULL,fixed=TRUE) {
  x <- c(...)
  fixed <- as.logical(fixed)
  if ( length(x) == 0 ) {
    if ( is.null(n.items) ) stop("'n.items' must be specified if permutation is not given.")
    n.items <- as.integer(n.items[1])
    if ( fixed ) stop("'fixed' must be FALSE if permutation is not given.")
    x <- sample(1:n.items)
  } else {
    if ( is.null(n.items) ) n.items <- length(x)
    n.items <- as.integer(n.items[1])
    if ( n.items != length(x) ) stop("'n.items' is not equal to the length of the permutation.")
    if ( length(unique(x)) != n.items ) stop("A permutation cannot have repeated values.")
    if ( min(x) < 1 ) stop("The smallest value in a permutation should be 1.")
    if ( max(x) > n.items ) stop("The largest value in a permutation should be its length.")
  result <- list(value=as.integer(x),n.items=n.items,fixed=fixed)
  class(result) <- "shallot.permutation"

.permutation <- function(permutation) {

.permutationFactory <- function(permutation) {
  if ( permutation$fixed ) {
  } else {

#' @rdname permutation
#' @export
print.shallot.permutation <- function(x, ...) {
  if ( x$fixed ) {
    cat("permutation of ",x$n.items," items fixed at\n",sep="")
  else {
    cat("permutation of ",x$n.items," items distributed uniformly whose value is\n",sep="")

# permutation(n.items=30,fixed=FALSE)
# permutation(2,3,4,1)
# permutation(2,3,4,1,fixed=FALSE)

#' @rdname mass
#' @export
temperature <- function(...,fixed=TRUE) {
  x <- c(...)
  fixed <- as.logical(fixed)
  value <- 3
  shape <- 2
  rate <- 0.5
  if ( length(x) == 0 ) {
  } else if ( length(x) == 1 ) {
    if ( ! fixed ) stop("'fixed' should be TRUE if value is specified.")
    value <- as.double(x[1])
  } else if ( length(x) == 2 ) {
    if ( fixed ) stop("'fixed' should be FALSE if distribution parameters are specified.")
    shape <- as.double(x[1])
    if ( shape <= 0.0 ) stop("'shape' must be positive.")
    rate <- as.double(x[2])
    if ( rate <= 0.0 ) stop("'rate' must be positive.")
    value <- shape/rate
  } else stop("Incorrect number of arguments.")
  result <- list(value=value,shape=shape,rate=rate,fixed=fixed)
  class(result) <- "shallot.temperature"

#' @rdname mass
#' @export
print.shallot.temperature <- function(x, ...) {
  if ( x$fixed ) cat("temperature fixed at ",x$value,"\n",sep="")
  else cat("temperature at ",x$value," and distributed Gamma(shape=",x$shape,",rate=",x$rate,")\n",sep="")

# temperature()
# temperature(2,4,fixed=FALSE)
# temperature(2)

#' Decay Functions
#' These functions specify the decay to map distances to attractions.
#' There are currently three choices for decay functions: reciprocal,
#' exponential, and subtraction.
#' The reciprocal decay maps a distance \code{d} to an attraction \code{a} as
#' follows: \code{a = 1/d^t}, where \code{t} is the temperature.
#' The exponential decay maps a distance \code{d} to an attraction \code{a} as
#' follows: \code{a = exp(-t*d)}, where \code{t} is the temperature.
#' The subtract decay maps a distance \code{d} to an attraction \code{a} as
#' follows: \code{a = (m-d)^t}, where \code{t} is the temperature and \code{m}
#' is the maximum distance in \code{distance} multiplied by the supplied
#' \var{multiplier}.
#' @aliases decay decay.reciprocal decay.exponential decay.subtraction
#' print.shallot.decay
#' @param temperature An object of class \code{shallot.temperature}.
#' @param distance An object of class \code{dist}.
#' @param multiplier An scalar greater than \code{1.0} to ensure that
#' attractions from \code{decay.subtraction} are finite.
#' @param x An object of class \code{shallot.decay}.
#' @param ... Currently ignored.
#' @author David B. Dahl \email{dahl@@stat.byu.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{dist}}, \code{\link{temperature}},
#' \code{\link{attraction}}
#' @references \href{https://doi.org/10.1080/01621459.2016.1165103}{Dahl, D. B.,
#' Day, R., and Tsai, J. (2017), Random Partition Distribution Indexed by
#' Pairwise Information, \emph{Journal of the American Statistical
#' Association}, 112, 721-732. <DOI:10.1080/01621459.2016.1165103>}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' temp <- temperature(1.0)
#' distance <- dist(scale(USArrests))
#' decay1 <- decay.reciprocal(temp,distance)
#' decay2 <- decay.exponential(temp,distance)
#' decay3 <- decay.subtraction(temp,distance)
decay.reciprocal <- function(temperature,distance) {
  if ( ! inherits(distance,"dist") ) stop("'distance' must be of class 'dist'")
  x1 <- -log(.Machine$double.xmin)/log(max(distance))
  x2 <- -(log(.Machine$double.xmax)-log(attr(distance,"Size")))/log(min(distance))
  x <- Inf
  if ( x1 > 0 ) x <- min(x,x1)
  if ( x2 > 0 ) x <- min(x,x2)
  max.temperature <- x

#' @rdname decay.reciprocal
#' @export
decay.exponential <- function(temperature,distance) {
  if ( ! inherits(distance,"dist") ) stop("'distance' must be of class 'dist'")
  x1 <- -log(.Machine$double.xmin)/max(distance)
  x2 <- -(log(.Machine$double.xmax)-log(attr(distance,"Size")))/min(distance)
  x <- Inf
  if ( x1 > 0 ) x <- min(x,x1)
  if ( x2 > 0 ) x <- min(x,x2)
  max.temperature <- x

#' @rdname decay.reciprocal
#' @export
decay.subtraction <- function(temperature,distance,multiplier=1.01) {
  if ( ! inherits(distance,"dist") ) stop("'distance' must be of class 'dist'")
  if ( ( length(multiplier) != 1 ) || ( ! is.numeric(multiplier) ) || ( multiplier <= 1.0 ) ) stop("'multiplier' must be a scalar greater than 1.")
  max <- max(distance)
  min <- min(distance)
  max.dist <- multiplier*max
  d1 <- ( max.dist - min )
  d2 <- ( max.dist - max )
  x1 <- log(.Machine$double.xmin)/log(d2)
  x2 <- (log(.Machine$double.xmax)-log(attr(distance,"Size")))/log(d1)
  x <- Inf
  if ( x1 > 0 ) x <- min(x,x1)
  if ( x2 > 0 ) x <- min(x,x2)
  max.temperature <- x

decay.generic <- function(temperature,distance,type,max.temperature,max.distance=NULL) {
  if ( ! inherits(temperature,"shallot.temperature") ) stop("'temperature' must be of class 'shallot.temperature'")
  result <- list(temperature=temperature,distance=distance,type=type,max.temperature=max.temperature,max.distance=max.distance)
  class(result) <- "shallot.decay"

.decay <- function(decay) {
  temp <- min(decay$temperature$value,decay$max.temperature)
       if ( decay$type == "reciprocal" )  s$.new_decay.ReciprocalDecay(temp)
  else if ( decay$type == "exponential" ) s$.new_decay.ExponentialDecay(temp)
  else if ( decay$type == "subtraction" ) s$.new_decay.SubtractionDecay(temp,decay$max.distance)

.decayFactory <- function(decay) {
  if ( decay$temperature$fixed ) {
    temp <- min(decay$temperature$value,decay$max.temperature)
         if ( decay$type == "reciprocal" )  s$.decay.ReciprocalDecayFactory.factory(temp)
    else if ( decay$type == "exponential" ) s$.decay.ExponentialDecayFactory.factory(temp)
    else if ( decay$type == "subtraction" ) s$.decay.SubtractionDecayFactory.new(decay$max.distance)$factory(temp)
  } else {
    shape <- decay$temperature$shape
    rate <- decay$temperature$rate
         if ( decay$type == "reciprocal" )  s$.decay.ReciprocalDecayFactory.factory(shape,rate,s$rdg())
    else if ( decay$type == "exponential" ) s$.decay.ExponentialDecayFactory.factory(shape,rate,s$rdg())
    else if ( decay$type == "subtraction" ) s$.new_decay.SubtractionDecayFactory(decay$max.distance)$factory(shape,rate,s$rdg())

#' @rdname decay.reciprocal
#' @export
print.shallot.decay <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(x$type,"decay function with ")
  if ( x$temperature$fixed ) cat("temperature fixed at ",x$temperature$value,"\n",sep="")
  else cat("temperature sampled from Gamma(shape=",x$temperature$shape,",rate=",x$temperature$rate,")\n",sep="")

# decay.reciprocal()
# decay.reciprocal(4)
# decay.reciprocal(2,4,fixed=FALSE)
# decay.reciprocal(Inf,distance=d)
# decay.exponential()
# decay.exponential(4)
# decay.exponential(2,4,fixed=FALSE)
# decay.exponential(Inf,distance=d)
# decay.subtraction(distance=d)
# decay.subtraction(4,distance=d)
# decay.subtraction(2,4,fixed=FALSE,distance=d)
# decay.subtraction(Inf,distance=d)

#' Attraction
#' This function creates an attraction from a permutation and a decay in
#' preparation for use in the \code{\link{ewens.attraction}},
#' \code{\link{ewens.pitman.attraction}}, and \code{\link{ddcrp}} functions.
#' For details on each of these arguments, please see the links below.
#' @aliases attraction print.shallot.attraction as.matrix.shallot.attraction
#' @param permutation An object of class \code{shallot.permutation} encoding
#' the permutation of the items.
#' @param decay An object of class \code{shallot.decay} detailing the
#' transformation from distances to attractions.
#' @param x An object of class \code{shallot.attraction}.
#' @param ... Currently ignored.
#' @return An object of class \code{shallot.attraction}.
#' @author David B. Dahl \email{dahl@@stat.byu.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{ddcrp}}, \code{\link{decay}},
#' \code{\link{ewens.attraction}}, \code{\link{ewens.pitman.attraction}},
#' \code{\link{permutation}}
#' @references \href{https://doi.org/10.1080/01621459.2016.1165103}{Dahl, D. B.,
#' Day, R., and Tsai, J. (2017), Random Partition Distribution Indexed by
#' Pairwise Information, \emph{Journal of the American Statistical
#' Association}, 112, 721-732. <DOI:10.1080/01621459.2016.1165103>}
#' @examples
#' permutation <- permutation(n.items=50,fixed=FALSE)
#' decay <- decay.exponential(temperature(1.0),dist(scale(USArrests)))
#' attraction(permutation, decay)
#' @export attraction
attraction <- function(permutation, decay) {
  if ( ( is.vector(permutation) ) && ( length(permutation) == 1 ) && ( missing(decay) ) ) {
    result <- list(constant=TRUE,n.items=as.integer(permutation))
  } else {
    if ( ! inherits(permutation,"shallot.permutation") ) stop("'permutation' must be of class 'shallot.permutation'")
    if ( ! inherits(decay,"shallot.decay") ) stop("'decay' must be of class 'shallot.decay'")
    result <- list(constant=FALSE,n.items=permutation$n.items, permutation=permutation, decay=decay, names=attr(decay$distance,"Labels"))
  class(result) <- "shallot.attraction"

.distance <- function(distance) {

.attraction <- function(attraction) {
  if ( attraction$constant ) {
  } else {
    ,error = function(e) stop("Attraction is invalid because 'distance' and 'decay' appear to be incompatible.  Perhaps lower the 'temperature'."))

.attractionFactory <- function(attraction) {
  if ( attraction$constant ) {
  } else if ( attraction$permutation$fixed && attraction$decay$temperature$fixed ) {
    ,error = function(e) stop("Attraction is invalid because 'distance' and 'decay' appear to be incompatible.  Perhaps lower the 'temperature'."))
  } else if ( attraction$permutation$fixed ) {
    ,error = function(e) stop("Attraction is invalid because 'distance' and 'decay' appear to be incompatible.  Perhaps lower the 'temperature'."))
  } else if ( attraction$decay$temperature$fixed ) {
    ,error = function(e) stop("Attraction is invalid because 'distance' and 'decay' appear to be incompatible.  Perhaps lower the 'temperature'."))
  } else {
    ,error = function(e) stop("Attraction is invalid because 'distance' and 'decay' appear to be incompatible.  Perhaps lower the 'temperature'."))

#' @rdname attraction
#' @export
print.shallot.attraction <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("attraction for ",x$n.items," items\n",sep="")
  if ( ! is.null(x$distance) ) {
    cat("  ")
  if ( ! is.null(x$permutation) ) {
    cat("  ")
  if ( ! is.null(x$decay) ) {
    cat("  ")

#' @rdname attraction
as.matrix.shallot.attraction <- function(x, ...) {
  stop("No yet implemented.")
  y <- x$ref$toArray()
  structure(y, dimnames=list(x$names,x$names))

# attraction(10)
# attraction(d,permutation(n.items=attr(d,"Size"),fixed=FALSE),decay.exponential(fixed=FALSE))
# attraction(d,permutation(n.items=attr(d,"Size"),fixed=FALSE),decay.exponential(fixed=TRUE))
# attraction(d,permutation(1:attr(d,"Size"),fixed=TRUE),decay.exponential(fixed=FALSE))
# attraction(d,permutation(1:attr(d,"Size"),fixed=TRUE),decay.exponential(fixed=TRUE))

# d <- dist(scale(USArrests))
# a <- attraction(d,permutation(n.items=attr(d,"Size"),fixed=FALSE),decay.exponential(fixed=FALSE))

#' Partition Distributions
#' These functions specify the Ewens, Ewens-Pitman, Ewens attraction,
#' Ewens-Pitman attraction, and ddCRP distributions which would then be used in
#' the \code{\link{sample.partitions} function.}
#' @aliases partition.distribution ewens print.shallot.distribution.ewens
#' ewens.pitman print.shallot.distribution.ewensPitman ewens.attraction
#' print.shallot.distribution.ewensAttraction ewens.pitman.attraction
#' print.shallot.distribution.ewensPitmanAttraction ddcrp
#' print.shallot.distribution.ddcrp
#' @param mass An object of class \code{shallot.mass}.
#' @param discount An object of class \code{shallot.discount}.
#' @param attraction An object of class \code{shallot.attraction}.
#' @param n.items An integer containing the number of items to partition.
#' @param names A character vector containing the names of the items.  The
#' default names are of the form \dQuote{c1}, \dQuote{c2}, etc.
#' @param x An object of class \code{shallot.distribution}.
#' @param ... Currently ignored.
#' @return An object of class \code{shallot.distribution}.
#' @author David B. Dahl \email{dahl@@stat.byu.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{mass}}, \code{\link{discount}},
#' \code{\link{attraction}}, \code{\link{sample.partitions}}
#' @references \href{https://doi.org/10.1080/01621459.2016.1165103}{Dahl, D. B.,
#' Day, R., and Tsai, J. (2017), Random Partition Distribution Indexed by
#' Pairwise Information, \emph{Journal of the American Statistical
#' Association}, 112, 721-732. <DOI:10.1080/01621459.2016.1165103>}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pd1 <- ewens(mass(1),50)
#' decay <- decay.exponential(temperature(1.0),dist(scale(USArrests)))
#' attraction <- attraction(permutation(n.items=50,fixed=FALSE), decay)
#' pd2 <- ewens.pitman.attraction(mass(1), discount(0.05), attraction)
#' pd3 <- ddcrp(mass(1), attraction)
ewens <- function(mass, n.items, names=paste0("c",1:n.items)) {
  n.items <- as.integer(n.items[1])
  if ( n.items < 0 ) stop("'n.items' must be nonnegative.")
  if ( ! inherits(mass,"shallot.mass") ) stop("'mass' must be a result from the 'mass' function.")
  result <- list(mass=mass,n.items=n.items,names=names)
  class(result) <- "shallot.distribution.ewens"

#' @rdname ewens
#' @export
print.shallot.distribution.ewens <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Ewens distribution with\n")
  cat("  ",x$n.items," items\n",sep="")
  cat("  ")

# ewens(mass(fixed=FALSE),50)

#' @rdname ewens
#' @export
ewens.pitman <- function(mass, discount, n.items, names=paste0("c",1:n.items)) {
  n.items <- as.integer(n.items[1])
  if ( n.items < 0 ) stop("'n.items' must be nonnegative.")
  if ( ! inherits(mass,"shallot.mass") ) stop("'mass' must be a result from the 'mass' function.")
  result <- list(mass=mass,discount=discount,n.items=n.items,names=names)
  class(result) <- "shallot.distribution.ewensPitman"

#' @rdname ewens
#' @export
print.shallot.distribution.ewensPitman <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Ewens Pitman distribution with\n")
  cat("  ",x$n.items," items\n",sep="")
  cat("  ")
  cat("  ")

# ewens.pitman(mass(fixed=FALSE),discount(fixed=FALSE),50)

#' @rdname ewens
#' @export
ewens.attraction <- function(mass, attraction) {
  if ( ! inherits(mass,"shallot.mass") ) stop("'mass' must be a result from the 'mass' function.")
  result <- list(mass=mass,attraction=attraction,n.items=attraction$n.items,names=attraction$names)
  class(result) <- "shallot.distribution.ewensAttraction"

#' @rdname ewens
#' @export
print.shallot.distribution.ewensAttraction <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Ewens Attraction distribution with\n")
  cat("  ")
  x <- capture.output(print(x$attraction))
  cat(paste("  ",x,"\n",sep=""))

# ewens.attraction(mass(fixed=FALSE),a)

#' @rdname ewens
#' @export
ewens.pitman.attraction <- function(mass, discount, attraction) {
  if ( ! inherits(mass,"shallot.mass") ) stop("'mass' must be a result from the 'mass' function.")
  result <- list(mass=mass,discount=discount,attraction=attraction,n.items=attraction$n.items,names=attraction$names)
  class(result) <- "shallot.distribution.ewensPitmanAttraction"

#' @rdname ewens
#' @export
print.shallot.distribution.ewensPitmanAttraction <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Ewens Pitman Attraction distribution with\n")
  cat("  ")
  cat("  ")
  x <- capture.output(print(x$attraction))
  cat(paste("  ",x,"\n",sep=""))

# ewens.pitman.attraction(mass(fixed=FALSE),discount(fixed=FALSE),a)

#' @rdname ewens
#' @export
ddcrp <- function(mass, attraction) {
  if ( ! inherits(mass,"shallot.mass") ) stop("'mass' must be a result from the 'mass' function.")
  result <- list(mass=mass,attraction=attraction,n.items=attraction$n.items,names=attraction$names)
  class(result) <- "shallot.distribution.ddcrp"

#' @rdname ewens
#' @export
print.shallot.distribution.ddcrp <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("ddCRP distribution with\n")
  cat("  ")
  x <- capture.output(print(x$attraction))
  cat(paste("  ",x,"\n",sep=""))

# ddcrp(mass(2.3),a)

#' Number of Subsets
#' These functions either sample the number of subsets for supported partition
#' distributions or computes probabilities, means, and variances of these
#' distributions.
#' @aliases nsubsets.random nsubsets.probability nsubsets.average
#' nsubsets.variance
#' @param x An object of class \code{shallot.distribution}.
#' @param n.samples An integer containing the number of samples.
#' @param n.subsets An integer containing the number of subsets.
#' @return The \code{\link{nsubsets.random}} function returns a vector of
#' random samples of the number of subsets in the distribution \var{x}.
#' The \code{\link{nsubsets.probability}} function returns the probability that
#' the number of subsets is \var{n.subsets} in the distribution \var{x}.
#' Depending on the number of items and the value of \var{n.subsets}, this
#' function can be computationally intensive.
#' The \code{\link{nsubsets.average}} and \code{\link{nsubsets.variance}}
#' functions return the mean and variances, respectively, of the number of
#' subsets in the distribution \var{x}.
#' @author David B. Dahl \email{dahl@@stat.byu.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{partition.distribution}}
#' @references \href{https://doi.org/10.1080/01621459.2016.1165103}{Dahl, D. B.,
#' Day, R., and Tsai, J. (2017), Random Partition Distribution Indexed by
#' Pairwise Information, \emph{Journal of the American Statistical
#' Association}, 112, 721-732. <DOI:10.1080/01621459.2016.1165103>}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' pd <- ewens.pitman.attraction(
#'         mass(1),
#'         discount(0.05),
#'         attraction(permutation(n.items=50,fixed=FALSE),
#'           decay.exponential(temperature(1.0),dist(scale(USArrests)))))
#' mean(nsubsets.random(pd,1000))
#' nsubsets.average(pd)
#' pde <- ewens(mass(1),50)
#' nsubsets.variance(pde)
#' nsubsets.probability(pde,4)
#' \dontshow{
#' rscala::scalaDisconnect(shallot:::s)
#' }
#' }
nsubsets.random <- function(x,n.samples) {
  n.samples <- as.integer(n.samples)
  if ( n.samples < 0 ) stop("'n.samples' must be positive.")
  if ( any( ! ( c("mass","n.items") %in% names(x) ) ) ) stop("Unrecognized distribution.")
  mass <- .massFactory(x$mass)
  n.items <- x$n.items
  if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewens") ) {
  } else if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewensAttraction") ) {
  } else {
    discount <- .discountFactory(x$discount)
    if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewensPitman") ) {
    } else if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewensPitmanAttraction" ) ) {
    } else stop("Unrecognized distribution.")

# nsubsets.random(ewens.pitman.attraction(mass(fixed=FALSE),discount(fixed=FALSE),a),1000)

#' @rdname nsubsets.random
#' @export
nsubsets.probability <- function(x,n.subsets) {
  n.subsets <- as.integer(n.subsets)
  if ( any( ! ( c("mass","n.items") %in% names(x) ) ) ) stop("Unrecognized distribution.")
  if ( ! x$mass$fixed ) stop("'mass' must be fixed for this function, but emperical estimates are available through the 'nsubsets.random' function.")
  mass <- .mass(x$mass)
  n.items <- x$n.items
  if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewens") ) {
  } else if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewensAttraction") ) {
  } else {
    if ( ! x$discount$fixed ) stop("'discount' must be fixed for this function, but emperical estimates are available through the 'nsubsets.random' function.")
    discount <- .discount(x$discount)
    if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewensPitman") ) {
    } else if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewensPitmanAttraction") ) {
    } else stop("Unrecognized distribution.")

# nsubsets.probability(ewens.pitman.attraction(mass(n.items=a$n.items,fixed=TRUE),discount(0.1,fixed=TRUE),a),4)

#' @rdname nsubsets.random
#' @export
nsubsets.average <- function(x) {
  if ( any( ! ( c("mass","n.items") %in% names(x) ) ) ) stop("Unrecognized distribution.")
  if ( ! x$mass$fixed ) stop("'mass' must be fixed for this function, but emperical estimates are available through the 'nsubsets.random' function.")
  mass <- .mass(x$mass)
  n.items <- x$n.items
  if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewens") ) {
  } else if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewensAttraction") ) {
  } else {
    if ( ! x$discount$fixed ) stop("'discount' must be fixed for this function, but emperical estimates are available through the 'nsubsets.random' function.")
    discount <- .discount(x$discount)
    if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewensPitman") ) {
    } else if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewensPitmanAttraction") ) {
    } else stop("Unrecognized distribution.")

# nsubsets.average(ewens.pitman.attraction(mass(2,fixed=TRUE),discount(0.1,fixed=TRUE),a))

#' @rdname nsubsets.random
#' @export
nsubsets.variance <- function(x) {
  if ( any( ! ( c("mass","n.items") %in% names(x) ) ) ) stop("Unrecognized distribution.")
  if ( ! x$mass$fixed ) stop("'mass' must be fixed for this function, but emperical estimates are available through the 'nsubsets.random' function.")
  mass <- .mass(x$mass)
  n.items <- x$n.items
  if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewens") ) {
  } else if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewensAttraction") ) {
  } else {
    if ( ! x$discount$fixed ) stop("'discount' must be fixed, but emperical estimates are available through the 'nsubsets.random' function.")
    discount <- .discount(x$discount)
    if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewensPitman") ) {
      stop("Unsupported distribution, but emperical estimates are available through the 'nsubsets.random' function.")
    } else if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewensPitmanAttraction") ) {
      stop("Unsupported distribution, but emperical estimates are available through the 'nsubsets.random' function.")
    } else stop("Unrecognized distribution.")

# nsubsets.variance(ewens.attraction(mass(2,fixed=TRUE),a))

# Sample for partition distributions.
.ewens <- function(x, samplingModel=.nullModel()) {
  mass <- .mass(x$mass)

.sample.ewens <- function(nItems, massFactory) s(nItems=as.integer(nItems[1]),massFactory=massFactory) ^ '
  val samplingModel = NullSamplingModel
  val partitionModelFactory = Ewens.factory(samplingModel,massFactory)

.ewensPitman <- function(x, samplingModel=.nullModel()) {
  mass <- .mass(x$mass)
  discount <- .discount(x$discount)

.sample.ewensPitman <- function(nItems, massFactory, discountFactory) s(nItems=as.integer(nItems[1]),massFactory=massFactory,discountFactory=discountFactory) ^ '
  val samplingModel = NullSamplingModel
  val partitionModelFactory = EwensPitman.factory(samplingModel,massFactory,discountFactory)

.ewensAttraction <- function(x, samplingModel=.nullModel()) {
  mass <- .mass(x$mass)
  attraction <- .attraction(x$attraction)

.sample.ewensAttraction <- function(nItems, massFactory, attractionFactory) s(nItems=as.integer(nItems[1]),massFactory=massFactory,attractionFactory=attractionFactory) ^ '
  val samplingModel = NullSamplingModel
  val partitionModelFactory = EwensAttraction.factory(samplingModel,massFactory,attractionFactory)

.ewensPitmanAttraction <- function(x, samplingModel=.nullModel()) {
  mass <- .mass(x$mass)
  discount <- .discount(x$discount)
  attraction <- .attraction(x$attraction)

.sample.ewensPitmanAttraction <- function(nItems, massFactory, discountFactory, attractionFactory) s(nItems=as.integer(nItems[1]), massFactory=massFactory, discountFactory=discountFactory, attractionFactory=attractionFactory) ^ '
  val samplingModel = NullSamplingModel
  val partitionModelFactory = EwensPitmanAttraction.factory(samplingModel,massFactory,discountFactory,attractionFactory)

.partitionsToMatrix <- function(x) s(x=x) * '

.partitionsToMatrixWithParameters <- function(x) s(x=x) ^ '
  val labelsWithParameters = x.map(_.toLabelsWithParameters)
  val labels = labelsWithParameters.map(_._1).toArray
  val parameters = labelsWithParameters.map(_._2.map(_.toString)).toArray
  (labels, parameters)

.sampleForward <- function(nSamples, rdg, sampler, parallel=TRUE) {
  s(nSamples=as.integer(nSamples), sampler=sampler, parallel=parallel) ^ '
    if (!parallel) sampler(nSamples, rdg)
    else {
      val nCores = Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors
      val nSamplesPerCore = (nSamples / nCores) + 1
      val randomGenerator = rdg.getRandomGenerator
      val rdgList = scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParVector.fill(nCores) { new RDG(randomGenerator) }
      rdgList.map(r => sampler(nSamplesPerCore, r)).toList.flatten

#' Sample Partitions from Partition Distributions
#' This function samples partitions from the Ewens, Ewens-Pitman, Ewens
#' attraction, Ewens-Pitman attraction, and ddCRP distributions.
#' @aliases sample.partitions print.shallot.samples.raw
#' @param x An object of class \code{shallot.distribution} obtained, for
#' example, from the \code{\link{ewens.pitman.attraction}} function.
#' @param n.draws An integer representing the desired number of samples.  Due
#' to parallelization, slightly more samples may be returned.
#' @param parallel Should sampling be done in parallel by simultaneously using
#' all CPU cores?
#' @return An object of class \code{shallot.samples.raw} which can be
#' subsequently be used in \code{\link{process.samples}}.
#' @note If this function is interrupted by the user, the computation engine
#' will be broken and subsequent calls to package functions may fail until a
#' new session is started.
#' @author David B. Dahl \email{dahl@@stat.byu.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{partition.distribution}},
#' \code{\link{process.samples}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' example(shallot)
#' }
#' @export sample.partitions
sample.partitions <- function(x, n.draws, parallel=TRUE) {
  forwardSampler <- if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewens") ) {
  } else if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewensPitman") ) {
  } else if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewensAttraction") ) {
  } else if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewensPitmanAttraction") ) {
#  } else if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.DDCRP") ) {
#    .sample.DDCRP(x$n.items,.massFactory(x$mass),.discountFactory(x$discount),.attractionFactory(x$attraction))   
  } else stop("Unrecognized partition distribution.")
  ref <- .sampleForward(n.draws,s$rdg(),forwardSampler,parallel)
  structure(list(ref=ref, names=x$names), class="shallot.samples.raw")

#' @export sample.partitions
#' @export
print.shallot.samples.raw <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("raw partition samples --- use the 'process.samples' function to extract information\n")

#' @export sample.partitions
#' @export
print.shallot.samples.full <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("raw partition samples with hyperparameter values --- use the 'process.samples' function to extract information\n")

#' Sample Partitions from Posterior Distribution of Partition
#' This function samples partitions from the posterior distribution of a
#' partition based on a user-supplied likelihood and the following prior
#' partition distributions: Ewens, Ewens-Pitman, Ewens attraction, Ewens-Pitman
#' attraction, and ddCRP distributions.
#' @param partition An object of class \code{shallot.distribution.data}
#' @param sampling.model An object of class \code{shallot.distribution.data}
#' obtained from the \code{\link{sampling.model}} function.
#' @param partition.model An object of class \code{shallot.distribution}
#' obtained, for example, from the \code{\link{ewens.pitman.attraction}}
#' function.
#' @param n.draws An integer representing the desired number of samples.
#' @param massRWSD The standard deviation of the random walk proposal for
#' updating the mass parameter.
#' @param discountRWSD The standard deviation of the random walk proposal for
#' updating the discount parameter.
#' @param k The number of items to shuffle when proposing an update for the
#' permutation.
#' @param temperatureRWSD The standard deviation of the random walk proposal
#' for updating the temperature parameter.
#' @param progress.bar Should a progress bar be shown while sampling?
#' @return An object of class \code{shallot.samples.raw} which can be
#' subsequently be used in \code{\link{process.samples}}.
#' @note If this function is interrupted by the user, the computation engine
#' will be broken and subsequent calls to package functions may fail until a
#' new session is started.
#' @author David B. Dahl \email{dahl@@stat.byu.edu}
#' @importFrom utils capture.output txtProgressBar
#' @seealso \code{\link{partition.distribution}},
#' \code{\link{process.samples}}, \code{\link{sample.partitions}}
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' 1+2
#' #\donttest{
#' #mass <- mass(1.0, fixed=TRUE)
#' #discount <- discount(0.05, fixed=TRUE)
#' #distance <- dist(scale(USArrests[1:9,]))
#' #if ( min(distance[upper.tri(distance)],na.rm=TRUE) == 0 )
#' #  stop("Oops, distances must be strictly positive.")
#' #
#' #n.items <- attr(distance,"Size")
#' #permutation <- permutation(n.items=n.items, fixed=FALSE)
#' #temperature <- temperature(2,fixed=TRUE)
#' #attraction <- attraction(permutation,decay.exponential(temperature,distance))
#' #partition.distribution <- ewens.pitman.attraction(mass, discount, attraction)
#' #
#' ### Model inputs.
#' #data <- c(-1.48, -1.40, -1.16, -1.08, -1.02, 0.14, 0.51, 0.53, 0.78)
#' #sigma  <- 0.1
#' #mu0    <- 0.0
#' #sigma0 <- 1.0
#' #
#' ### Derived values.
#' #s2 <- sigma * sigma
#' #s02 <- sigma0 * sigma0
#' #s02Inv <- 1.0 / s02
#' #c <- -1.0 / (2.0 * s2)
#' #
#' ### Sampling model of Neal (JCGS, 2000)
#' ### Function to perform an MCMC update of the parameter.
#' #sample.parameter <- function(indices=scalaType("D1"), parameter=scalaType("D0")) {
#' #  sum <- sum(data[indices])
#' #  variance <- 1 / (s02Inv + length(indices) / s2)
#' #  mean <- variance * (mu0 / s02 + sum / s2)
#' #  rnorm(1, mean, sqrt(variance))
#' #}
#' #
#' #library(rscala)
#' #s <- shallot:::s
#' #sample.parameter.compiled <- s(data=data,mu0=mu0,s2=s2,s02=s02,s02Inv=s02Inv) ^ sample.parameter
#' #
#' #
#' ### Function to evaluate the likelihood contribution for an observation.
#' #log.density <- function(i=scalaType("D0"), indices=scalaType("D1"), parameter=scalaType("D0")) {
#' #  resid <- data[i] - parameter
#' #  c * resid * resid
#' #}
#' #
#' #log.density.compiled <- s(data=data,c=c) ^ log.density
#' #
#' #sampling.model <- sampling.model(sample.parameter, log.density)
#' #
#' ### Perform posterior sampling.
#' #initial.partition <- rep(1,length(data))
#' #n.draws <- 10
#' #raw <- sample.partitions.posterior(initial.partition,sampling.model,partition.distribution,
#' #                                   massRWSD=3,temperatureRWSD=1,n.draws)
#' #samples.format1 <- process.samples(raw)
#' #parameterMatrix <- t(sapply(seq_len(n.draws), function(i) {
#' #  unlist(samples.format1$parameters[[i]])[samples.format1$labels[i,]]
#' #}))
#' #
#' #tail(samples.format1$hyperparameters)
#' #
#' ### Shrinkage to group means?
#' #plot(data,apply(parameterMatrix,2,mean))
#' #abline(a=0,b=1)
#' #
#' #samples.format1$hyperparameters
#' #
#' ### Post processing to find the partition estimate.
#' #library(salso)
#' #pp <- psm(samples.format1$labels)
#' #est <- salso(pp)
#' #plot(confidence(est$estimate,pp))
#' #\dontshow{
#' #rscala::scalaDisconnect(shallot:::s)
#' #}
#' #}
sample.partitions.posterior <- function(partition, sampling.model, partition.model, n.draws, massRWSD=0.5, discountRWSD=0.1, k=min(length(partition),25), temperatureRWSD=0.5, progress.bar=interactive()) {
  pmR <- partition.model
  sampler <- function(p=s$".null_Partition[org.ddahl.rscala.RObject]"(),
                      progressBar, showProgressBar=TRUE) s(p=p,sm=sm,pm=pm,pmType=pmType,rdg=rdg,progressBar=progressBar,showProgressBar=showProgressBar) ^ '
    val nDraws = R.evalI0("as.integer(n.draws[1])")
    val k = R.evalI0("as.integer(k[1])")
    val massRWSD = R.evalD0("as.double(massRWSD[1])")
    val discountRWSD = R.evalD0("as.double(discountRWSD[1])")
    val temperatureRWSD = R.evalD0("as.double(temperatureRWSD[1])")
    val updateMass = R.evalL0("identical(pmR$mass$fixed,FALSE)")
    val monitorMass = AcceptanceRateMonitor()
    val (massShape, massRate) = if ( updateMass ) {
      (R.evalD0("pmR$mass$shape"), R.evalD0("pmR$mass$rate"))
    } else (0.0, 0.0)
    val updateDiscount = R.evalL0("identical(pmR$discount$fixed,FALSE)")
    val monitorDiscount = AcceptanceRateMonitor()
    val (discountShape1, discountShape2) = if ( updateDiscount ) {
      ( R.evalD0("pmR$discount$shape1"), R.evalD0("pmR$discount$shape2") )
    } else (0.0, 0.0)
    val updatePermutation = R.evalL0("identical(pmR$attraction$permutation$fixed,FALSE)")
    val monitorPermutation = AcceptanceRateMonitor()
    val updateTemperature = R.evalL0("identical(pmR$attraction$decay$temperature$fixed,FALSE)")
    val monitorTemperature = AcceptanceRateMonitor()
    val (temperatureShape, temperatureRate) = if ( updateTemperature ) {
      (R.evalD0("pmR$attraction$decay$temperature$shape"), R.evalD0("pmR$attraction$decay$temperature$rate"))
    } else (0.0, 0.0)
    abstract class Sampler {
      protected var _partition = p
      def partition = _partition
      def hyperparameters: Array[Double]
      def labels: Array[String]
      def next(): Unit
    val sampler: Sampler = pmType match {
      case "org.ddahl.shallot.distribution.EwensPitmanAttraction[org.ddahl.rscala.RObject]" => new Sampler {
          var _distribution = pm.asInstanceOf[org.ddahl.shallot.distribution.EwensPitmanAttraction[org.ddahl.rscala.RObject]]
          def next() = {
            _partition = AuxiliaryGibbsSampler(_partition, sm, _distribution, rdg)._1
            if ( updateMass ) 
              _distribution = monitorMass(MassSampler.gaussianRandomWalk(_distribution, _partition, massShape, massRate, massRWSD, rdg))
            if ( updateDiscount ) {
              _distribution = monitorDiscount(DiscountSampler.gaussianRandomWalk(
                                  _distribution, _partition, discountShape1, discountShape2, discountRWSD, rdg))
            if ( updatePermutation ) {
              _distribution = monitorPermutation(PermutationSampler.update(_distribution, _partition, k, rdg, Set()))
            if ( updateTemperature ) {
              _distribution = monitorTemperature(TemperatureSampler.gaussianRandomWalk(
                                  _distribution, _partition, temperatureShape, temperatureRate, temperatureRWSD, rdg))
          def hyperparameters = Array(_distribution.mass.value, _distribution.discount.value, _distribution.attraction.decay.temperature,
                                      monitorMass.rate, monitorDiscount.rate, monitorPermutation.rate, monitorTemperature.rate)
          def labels = Array("mass","discount","temperature","rate.mass","rate.discount","rate.permutation","rate.temperature")
      case "org.ddahl.shallot.distribution.EwensAttraction[org.ddahl.rscala.RObject]" => new Sampler {
          var _distribution = pm.asInstanceOf[org.ddahl.shallot.distribution.EwensAttraction[org.ddahl.rscala.RObject]]
          def next() = {
            _partition = AuxiliaryGibbsSampler(_partition, sm, _distribution, rdg)._1
            if ( updateMass ) 
              _distribution = monitorMass(MassSampler.gaussianRandomWalk(_distribution, _partition, massShape, massRate, massRWSD, rdg))
            if ( updatePermutation ) {
              _distribution = monitorPermutation(PermutationSampler.update(_distribution, _partition, k, rdg, Set()))
            if ( updateTemperature ) {
              _distribution = monitorTemperature(TemperatureSampler.gaussianRandomWalk(
                                  _distribution, _partition, temperatureShape, temperatureRate, temperatureRWSD, rdg))
          def hyperparameters = Array(_distribution.mass.value, _distribution.attraction.decay.temperature,
                                      monitorMass.rate, monitorPermutation.rate, monitorTemperature.rate)
          def labels = Array("mass","temperature","rate.mass","rate.permutation","rate.temperature")
      case "org.ddahl.shallot.distribution.EwensPitman[org.ddahl.rscala.RObject]" => new Sampler {
          var _distribution = pm.asInstanceOf[org.ddahl.shallot.distribution.EwensPitman[org.ddahl.rscala.RObject]]
          def next() = {
            _partition = AuxiliaryGibbsSampler(_partition, sm, _distribution, rdg)._1
            if ( updateMass ) 
              _distribution = monitorMass(MassSampler.gaussianRandomWalk(_distribution, _partition, massShape, massRate, massRWSD, rdg))
            if ( updateDiscount ) {
              _distribution = monitorDiscount(DiscountSampler.gaussianRandomWalk(
                                  _distribution, _partition, discountShape1, discountShape2, discountRWSD, rdg))
          def hyperparameters = Array(_distribution.mass.value, _distribution.discount.value, monitorMass.rate, monitorDiscount.rate)
          def labels = Array("mass","discount","rate.mass","rate.discount")
      case "org.ddahl.shallot.distribution.Ewens[org.ddahl.rscala.RObject]" => new Sampler {
          var _distribution = pm.asInstanceOf[org.ddahl.shallot.distribution.Ewens[org.ddahl.rscala.RObject]]
          def next() = {
            _partition = AuxiliaryGibbsSampler(_partition, sm, _distribution, rdg)._1
            if ( updateMass ) 
              _distribution = monitorMass(MassSampler.gaussianRandomWalk(_distribution, _partition, massShape, massRate, massRWSD, rdg))
          def hyperparameters = Array(_distribution.mass.value, monitorMass.rate)
          def labels = Array("mass","rate.mass")
      case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown partition distribution type.")
    val samplesPartition = new scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Partition[org.ddahl.rscala.RObject]]()
    val samplesHyperparameters = new scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Array[Double]]()
    var counter = 0
    for ( i <- 1 to nDraws ) {
      sampler.next() // AuxiliaryGibbsSampler(partition, sm, pm, rdg)._1
      samplesPartition       += sampler.partition
      samplesHyperparameters += sampler.hyperparameters
      if ( showProgressBar && ( 100*i % nDraws == 0 ) ) {
        counter += 1
        // R.eval("setTxtProgressBar(%-, %-)",progressBar,counter)
    (samplesPartition.toList, samplesHyperparameters.toArray, sampler.labels)
  sm <- .samplingModel(sampling.model)
  pm <- .partitionModel(partition.model, sm)
  p <- .labels2partition(partition, sm)
  rdg <- s$rdg()
  pb <- if ( progress.bar ) txtProgressBar(min=0, max=100, style=3) else NULL
  full <- sampler(p,sm,pm,scalaType(pm),rdg,scalaPush(pb,s),progress.bar)
  if ( progress.bar ) close(pb)
  raw <- structure(list(ref=full$"_1"(), names=partition.model$names), class="shallot.samples.raw")
  hyperparameters <- full$"_2"()
  colnames(hyperparameters) <- full$"_3"()
  hyperparameters <- as.data.frame(hyperparameters)
  structure(list(raw=raw, hyperparameters=hyperparameters), class="shallot.samples.full")

.partitionModel <- function(x, samplingModel=.nullModel()) {
  if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewens") ) {
    .ewens(x, samplingModel)
  } else if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewensPitman") ) {
    .ewensPitman(x, samplingModel)
  } else if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewensAttraction") ) {
    .ewensAttraction(x, samplingModel)
  } else if ( inherits(x,"shallot.distribution.ewensPitmanAttraction") ) {
    .ewensPitmanAttraction(x, samplingModel)
  } else stop("Unrecognized partition distribution.")

#' Obtain the Probability Mass Function of a Partition Distribution
#' This function returns the probability mass function (pmf) of a partition
#' distribution.
#' @param x An object of class \code{shallot.distribution} obtained, for
#' example, from the \code{\link{ewens.pitman.attraction}} function.
#' @return A function that takes a partition (as a vector in cluster label
#' notation) and returns the probability --- or, if \code{log=TRUE}, the log of
#' the probability --- of the supplied partition.
#' @author David B. Dahl \email{dahl@@stat.byu.edu}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' example(shallot)
#' }
#' @export partition.pmf
partition.pmf <- function(x) {
  distribution <- .partitionModel(x)
  pmf <- distribution$logProbability
  function(x, log=TRUE) {
    partition <- if ( is.vector(x) ) .labels2partition(x,.nullModel())
    else if ( is.list(x) ) .partition2partition(x)
    else stop("'x' should be: i. a vector of cluster labels, or ii. a list containing partitions.")
    v <- pmf(partition)
    if ( log ) v else exp(v)

#' Specifying a Sampling Model
#' These functions set the mass, discount, and temperature parameters and, in
#' the case of them being random, specify the parameters of their distribution.
#' @param sample.parameter A function taking two arguments with names
#' \code{indices} and \code{parameter} having default values \code{c()} and
#' \code{NULL}, respectively.  With those default values, the function should
#' return a sample from the centering distribution as an object of any type.
#' Otherwise, \code{indices} is a vector of integers indicating the cluster
#' elements and \code{parameter} is the current value of the parameter for the
#' cluster, and the function should return an updated value for the cluster
#' parameter based on a valid MCMC update.
#' @param log.density A function taking three arguments with names \code{i},
#' \code{indices}, and \code{parameter} and returning a double giving the log
#' of the likelihood contribution of item \code{i} to a clustering with members
#' \code{indices} and parameter \code{parameter}.
#' @return An object of class \code{shallot.distribution.data}.
#' @author David B. Dahl \email{dahl@@stat.byu.edu}
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' ## Model inputs.
#' data <- c(-1.48, -1.40, -1.16, -1.08, -1.02, 0.14, 0.51, 0.53, 0.78)
#' sigma  <- 0.1
#' mu0    <- 0.0
#' sigma0 <- 1.0
#' ## Derived values.
#' s2 <- sigma * sigma
#' s02 <- sigma0 * sigma0
#' s02Inv <- 1.0 / s02
#' c <- -1.0 / (2.0 * s2)
#' ## Sampling model of Neal (JCGS, 2009)
#' ## Function to perform an MCMC update of the parameter.
#' sample.parameter <- function(indices=c(), parameter=NULL) {
#'   sum <- sum(data[indices])
#'   variance <- 1 / (s02Inv + length(indices) / s2)
#'   mean <- variance * (mu0 / s02 + sum / s2)
#'   rnorm(1, mean=mean, sd=sqrt(variance))
#' }
#' ## Function to evaluate the likelihood contribution for an observation.
#' log.density <- function(i, indices, parameter) {
#'   resid <- data[i] - parameter
#'   c * resid * resid
#' }
#' sm <- sampling.model(sample.parameter, log.density)
#' sm
sampling.model <- function(sample.parameter, log.density) {
  if ( ! is.function(sample.parameter) ) stop("'sample.parameter' should be a function.")
  if ( length(formals(sample.parameter)) != 2 ) stop("'sample.parameter' should take two arguments named 'indices' and 'parameter'.")
  if ( ! identical(names(formals(sample.parameter)),c("indices","parameter")) )
    stop("'sample.parameter' should take two arguments named 'indices' and 'parameter'.")
  if ( ! is.function(log.density) ) stop("'log.density' should be a function.")
  if ( length(formals(log.density)) != 3 ) stop("'log.density' should take three arguments named 'i', 'indices', and 'parameter'.")
  if ( ! identical(names(formals(log.density)),c("i","indices","parameter")) )
    stop("'log.density' should take three arguments named 'i', 'indices', and 'parameter'.")
  tryCatch(p <- sample.parameter(double(),double(1)), error=function(e) stop("'sample.parameter' should sample from the centering distribution when arguments are double(), double(1)."))
  tryCatch(d <- log.density(1,I(1),p), error=function(e) stop("'log.density' should doesn't pass sanity check log.density(1,I(1),p)."))
  if ( ( ! is.vector(d) ) || ( length(d) != 1 ) ) stop("'log.density' should return a numeric vector of length one.")
  r <- list(sample.parameter=sample.parameter, log.density=log.density)
  structure(r, class="shallot.distribution.data")

.samplingModel <- function(samplingModel) {
  s ^ '
    val sp = R.evalObject("samplingModel$sample.parameter")
    val ld = R.evalObject("samplingModel$log.density")

    new SamplingModel[org.ddahl.rscala.RObject] {

      def logDensity(i: Int, subset: Subset[org.ddahl.rscala.RObject]): Double = {
        R.evalD0("as.double(%-(%-, %-, %-))", ld, i+1, subset.toArray.map(_+1), subset.parameter)

      def sample(subset: Subset[org.ddahl.rscala.RObject]): org.ddahl.rscala.RObject = {
        R.evalObject("%-(%-, %-)", sp, subset.toArray.map(_+1), subset.parameter)

      def sample(): org.ddahl.rscala.RObject = {
        R.evalObject("%-()", sp)


#' Process Sampled Partitions
#' This function extracts the partitions from the results of the
#' \code{\link{sample.partitions} function.}
#' This function extracts the sampled partitions from the results of the
#' \code{\link{sample.partitions} function.}
#' @param x An object from the \code{\link{sample.partitions}} function.
#' @return A list containing a matrix of cluster labels in which each row
#' represents a clusterings.  The list also contains sampled model parameters
#' if \code{sample.parameter} is not \code{NULL}.
#' @author David B. Dahl \email{dahl@@stat.byu.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{sample.partitions}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' example(shallot)
#' }
#' @export process.samples
process.samples <- function(x) {
  if ( ( ! inherits(x,"shallot.samples.raw") ) && ( ! inherits(x,"shallot.samples.full") ) ) stop("'x' should be a result from the functions 'sample.partitions' or 'sample.partitions.posterior'.")
  if ( inherits(x,"shallot.samples.full") ) {
    result <- scalaPull(x$raw$ref, "clustering", names=x$raw$names, withParameters=TRUE)
    result[['hyperparameters']] <- x$hyperparameters
  } else {
    result <- scalaPull(x$ref, "clustering", names=x$names, withParameters=TRUE)

# Null sampling model
.nullModel <- function() s$'.new_GeneralNullSamplingModel[org.ddahl.rscala.RObject]'()

#' Pairwise Probabilities
#' These functions relate to the pairwise probabilities that two items are
#' clustered together, i.e., belong to the same subset in a partition.
#' \code{\link{pairwise.probabilities}} calculates the pairwise probabilities
#' that two items are clustered together, i.e., belong to the same subset in a
#' partition.
#' \code{\link[=as.matrix.shallot.pairwiseProbability]{as.matrix}} converts the
#' results of \code{\link{pairwise.probabilities}} to an matrix.
#' @aliases pairwise.probabilities print.shallot.pairwiseProbability
#' as.matrix.shallot.pairwiseProbability
#' @param x An object of class \code{shallot.samples.raw} when supplied to
#' \code{\link{pairwise.probabilities}} or an object of class
#' \code{shallot.pairwiseProbability} when supplied to \code{\link{print}} and
#' \code{\link{as.matrix}}.
#' @param parallel Should all of the CPU cores should be used?  Defaults to
#' \code{TRUE}.
#' @return The \code{\link{pairwise.probabilities}} function returns an object
#' of class \code{shallot.pairwiseProbability}.
#' The \code{\link[=as.matrix.shallot.pairwiseProbability]{as.matrix}} function
#' returns a square matrix.
#' @author David B. Dahl \email{dahl@@stat.byu.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{sample.partitions}}, \code{\link{process.samples}},
#' \code{\link{estimate.partition}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' example(shallot)
#' }
#' @noRd
pairwise.probabilities <- function(x, parallel=TRUE) {
  if ( inherits(x,"shallot.samples.full") ) x <- x$raw
  if ( ! inherits(x,"shallot.samples.raw") ) stop("'x' should be a result from the functions 'sample.partitions' or 'sample.partitions.posterior'.")
  start.time <- proc.time()
  ref <- s$.PairwiseProbability(x$ref,as.logical(parallel))
  result <- list(ref=ref,n.items=ref$nItems(),names=x$names,proc.time=proc.time()-start.time)
  structure(result, class="shallot.pairwiseProbability")

print.shallot.pairwiseProbability <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("pairwise probabilities for ",x$n.items," items --- use 'as.matrix' function to obtain matrix\n",sep="")

as.matrix.shallot.pairwiseProbability <- function(x, ...) {
  structure(x$ref$toArray(), dimnames=list(x$names,x$names))

#' Estimate Partition
#' This function returns a partition that summarizes the partition distribution
#' using the least-square clustering method (Dahl 2006), with extensions to
#' perform greedy optimization and limit the number of subsets.
#' @param x An object from the \code{\link{sample.partitions}} function.
#' @param pairwise.probabilities An object of class
#' \code{shallot.pairwiseProbability} obtained from
#' \code{\link{pairwise.probabilities}}.  If not supplied, it will be computed
#' from \var{x}.
#' @param max.subsets An integer limiting the number of subsets.  Defaults to
#' \code{0}, which does not impose a constraint on the number of subsets.
#' @param max.scans An integer controlling the greedy search.  Defaults to
#' \code{0}, which disables the greedy search.
#' @param parallel Should all of the CPU cores should be used?  Defaults to
#' \code{TRUE}.
#' @return A partition as a vector of cluster labels.
#' @author David B. Dahl \email{dahl@@stat.byu.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{sample.partitions}}, \code{\link{process.samples}},
#' \code{\link{plot.partition}}, \code{\link{adj.rand.index}}
#' @references \href{https://doi.org/10.1080/01621459.2016.1165103}{Dahl, D. B.,
#' Day, R., and Tsai, J. (2017), Random Partition Distribution Indexed by
#' Pairwise Information, \emph{Journal of the American Statistical
#' Association}, 112, 721-732. <DOI:10.1080/01621459.2016.1165103>}
#' Dahl, D. B. (2006), Model-Based Clustering for Expression Data via a
#' Dirichlet Process Mixture Model, in \emph{Bayesian Inference for Gene
#' Expression and Proteomics}, Kim-Anh Do, Peter Mueller, Marina Vannucci
#' (Eds.), Cambridge University Press.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' example(shallot)
#' }
#' @noRd
estimate.partition <- function(x, pairwise.probabilities=NULL, max.subsets=0, max.scans=0, parallel=TRUE) {
  if ( inherits(x,"shallot.samples.full") ) x <- x$raw
  if ( ! inherits(x,"shallot.samples.raw") ) stop("'x' should be a result from the functions 'sample.partitions' or 'sample.partitions.posterior'.")
  if ( is.null(pairwise.probabilities) ) pairwise.probabilities <- pairwise.probabilities(x)
  ref <- s$.MinBinder(
      pairwise.probabilities$ref, x$ref, as.integer(max.subsets), as.integer(max.scans), as.logical(parallel))
  structure(ref$toLabels(), names=x$names)

# Misc
.labels2partition <- function(partition, samplingModel) {
  s(partition=as.integer(partition),samplingModel=samplingModel) ^ '
    Partition((i: Int) => samplingModel.sample(),partition)

.partition2partition <- function(partition) {
  stop("Not yet implemented.")

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