
## ----echo=FALSE, results='hide'------------------------------------------

cat("<style> body { font-size: 500%; background:red; } </style>")

## ----message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, include=TRUE--------------------------

ped_file_1000genomes = system.file("examples", "20130606_g1k.ped", package = "sim1000G")

ped = read.table(ped_file_1000genomes,h=T,as=T,sep="\t")

pop1 = c("CEU","TSI","GBR")
id1 = ped$Individual.ID [ ped$Population %in% pop1 ]

id2 = ped$Individual.ID [ ped$Population == "ASW" ]

pop_map = ped$Population
names(pop_map) = ped$Individual.ID

write_sample_files = 0

if(write_sample_files == 1) {
  # cat(c(id2),file="/tmp/samples2.txt",sep="\n")

## ----echo=TRUE, fig.height=12, fig.width=12, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE , results = 'hide'----

vcf_file = "/tmp/chr4-80-filt.vcf.gz"

if(1) {
examples_dir = system.file("examples", package = "sim1000G")
vcf_file = file.path(examples_dir, "region-chr4-93-TMEM156.vcf.gz" )

vcf  = readVCF(vcf_file,   maxNumberOfVariants = 200 , min_maf = 0.02, max_maf = 0.32)

table( pop_map[ vcf$individual_ids ])

C = cor(t( vcf$gt1+vcf$gt2))^2
gplots::heatmap.2(C,col=rev( heat.colors(100) ) ,Rowv=F,Colv=F,trace="none",breaks=seq(0,1,l=101))

#gplots::heatmap.2(cor(t(vcf2$gt1))^2,col=rev( heat.colors(100) ) ,Rowv=F,Colv=F,trace="none")

if(0) {
ids = vcf$individual_ids

id_pop1 = which(ids %in% id1)
id_pop2 = which(ids %in% id2)

gplots::heatmap.2(cor(t( vcf$gt1[,id_pop1]+vcf$gt2[,id_pop1]))^2,col=rev( heat.colors(100) ) ,Rowv=F,Colv=F,trace="none",breaks=seq(0,1,l=101))

gplots::heatmap.2(cor(t( vcf$gt1[,id_pop2]+vcf$gt2[,id_pop2]))^2,col=rev( heat.colors(100) ) ,Rowv=F,Colv=F,trace="none",breaks=seq(0,1,l=101))


## ----echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE, fig.width=12, fig.height=12------------------
#  #
#  startSimulation(vcf, subset = id1)
#  saveSimulation("pop1")
#  N = 200
#  id = c()
#  for(i in 1:N) id[i] = SIM$addUnrelatedIndividual()
#  genotypes = retrieveGenotypes(id)
#  gplots::heatmap.2(cor( genotypes )^2,col=rev( heat.colors(100) ) ,Rowv=F,Colv=F,trace="none",breaks=seq(0,1,l=101))
#  startSimulation(vcf, subset = id2)
#  saveSimulation("pop2")
#  N = 200
#  id = c()
#  for(i in 1:N) id[i] = SIM$addUnrelatedIndividual()
#  genotypes2 = retrieveGenotypes(id)
#  gplots::heatmap.2(cor( genotypes2 )^2,col=rev( heat.colors(100) ) ,Rowv=F,Colv=F,trace="none",breaks=seq(0,1,l=101))

## ---- eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
#  library(SKAT)
#  loadSimulation("pop1")
#  plot(apply(genotypes,2,mean), apply(genotypes2,2,mean))
#  gt = rbind(genotypes,genotypes2)
#  #gt = genotypes
#  dim(gt)
#  maf = apply(gt,2,mean,na.rm=T)/2
#  apply(gt,2,function(x) sum(
#  flip  = which(maf > 0.5) ; gt[,flip] = 2 - gt[,flip]
#  #gt = genotypes
#  dim(gt)
#  maf = apply(gt,2,mean,na.rm=T)/2
#  plot(maf)
#  sum(maf==0)
#  apply(gt,2,function(x) sum(
#  flip  = which(maf > 0.5)
#  gt[,flip] = 2 - gt[,flip]
#  dim(gt)
#  effect_sizes = rep(0, ncol(gt))
#  nvar = length(effect_sizes)
#  s = sample(1:nvar, 33)
#  effect_sizes[s] = 5
#  apply(gt[,s],1,sum)
#  predictor2 = function(b, geno) {
#      x = b[1]
#      for(i in 1:ncol(geno)) { x = x  + b[i+1] * ( geno[,i] > 0) + b[i+1] * ( geno[,i] > 1)   }
#      exp(x) / (1+exp(x) )
#  }
#  p =predictor2 (  c(-1.5,effect_sizes) ,  gt)
#  phenotype = rbinom( length(p) , 1 , p )
#  #phenotype = sample(phenotype)
#  obj<-SKAT_Null_Model(phenotype ~ 1, out_type="D")
#  library(SKAT)
#  SKATBinary((gt),obj)$p.value

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sim1000G documentation built on June 10, 2019, 1:01 a.m.