
Defines functions setAction modDAGnode set.DAG check_expanded check_namesunique parents plotDAG plotSurvEst print.DAG.node print.DAG.action print.DAG get.actname is.DAGlocked is.LTCF is.longfmt is.attrnode is.Bern is.EFUP is.Netnode is.node is.DAGnodelist is.DAG.action is.DAG dprint get_localvecfun debug_off debug_set get_opts vecfun.get vecfun.reset vecfun.remove vecfun.add vecfun.all.print vecfun.print SuppressGivenWarnings GetWarningsToSuppress `.` `%/%` `%+%`

Documented in parents plotDAG plotSurvEst print.DAG print.DAG.action print.DAG.node set.DAG vecfun.add vecfun.all.print vecfun.print vecfun.remove vecfun.reset

#' @import igraph

`%+%` <- function(a, b) paste0(a, b)	# custom cat function
`%/%` <- function(a, b) paste0(a, paste0(b, collapse=","))  # custom collapse with "," function
`.` <- function(...) return(unlist(list(...)))	# defining function . to avoid warnings from the R check

GetWarningsToSuppress <- function() {
  coercwarn <-  c("example warning 1.", "example warning 2.")

SuppressGivenWarnings <- function(expr, warningsToIgnore) {
  h <- function (w) {
    if (w$message %in% warningsToIgnore) invokeRestart( "muffleWarning" )
  withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = h )

opts <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
opts$vecfun <- NULL           # character vector of user-defined vectorized function names
# opts$debug <- TRUE           # debug mode, when TRUE print all calls to dprint()
opts$debug <- FALSE           # debug mode, when TRUE print all calls to dprint()

gvars <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
gvars$misval <- NA_integer_ # the default missing value for observations
gvars$misXreplace <- 0L     # the default replacement value for misval that appear in the design matrix

#' Print Names of Custom Vectorized Functions
#' Print current user-defined vectorized function names.
#' @return A vector of vectorized function names
#' @export
vecfun.print <- function() {
  new <- opts$vecfun
  if (length(new)>1) new <- paste0(new, collapse=",")
  print("current list of user-defined vectorized functions: "%+%new)
#' Print Names of All Vectorized Functions
#' Print all vectorized function names (build-in and user-defined).
#' @return A vector of build-in and user-defined vectorized function names
#' @export
vecfun.all.print <- function() {
  new <- opts$vecfun
  if (length(new)>1) new <- paste0(new, collapse=",")
  print("build-in vectorized functions:"); print(c(vector_ops_fcns, vector_math_fcns))
  print("user-defined vectorized functions: "%+%new)
#' Add Custom Vectorized Functions
#' Add user-defined function names to a global list of custom vectorized functions.
#' The functions in \code{vecfun_names} are intended for use inside the node formulas.
#' Adding functions to this list will generally greatly expedite the simulation run time.
#' Any node formula calling a function on this list will be evaluated "as is", the function should
#' be written to accept arguments as either vectors of length \code{n} or as matrices with \code{n} rows.
#' Adding function to this list will effects simulation from all DAG objects that call this function. See vignette for more details.
#' @param vecfun_names A character vector of function names that will be treated as "vectorized" by the node formula R parser
#' @return An old vector of user-defined vectorized function names
#' @export
vecfun.add <- function(vecfun_names) { # Add vectorized function to global custom vectorized function list and return the old version
  old <- opts$vecfun
  opts$vecfun <- unique(c(opts$vecfun, vecfun_names))
  new <- opts$vecfun
  if (length(new)>1) new <- paste0(new, collapse=",")
  print("current list of user-defined vectorized functions: "%+%new)
#' Remove Custom Vectorized Functions
#' Remove user-defined function names from a global list of custom vectorized functions. See vignette for more details.
#' @param vecfun_names A character vector of function names that will be removed from the custom list
#' @return An old vector of user-defined vectorized function names
#' @export
vecfun.remove <- function(vecfun_names) { # Remove vectorized functions to global custom vectorized function list and return the old version
  old <- opts$vecfun
  idx_remove <- old%in%vecfun_names

  if (sum(idx_remove) < length(vecfun_names)) {
    fun_notfound <- vecfun_names[!(vecfun_names%in%old)]
    if (length(fun_notfound)>1) fun_notfound <- paste0(fun_notfound, collapse=",")
    warning("some of the function names in 'vecfun_names' were not found and cannot be removed: "%+%fun_notfound)
  if (sum(idx_remove)>0) {
    opts$vecfun <- opts$vecfun[-(which(idx_remove))]
  new <- opts$vecfun
  if (length(new)>1) new <- paste0(new, collapse=",")
  print("current list of user-defined vectorized functions: "%+%new)
#' Reset Custom Vectorized Function List
#' Reset a listing of user-defined vectorized functions.
#' @return An old vector of user-defined vectorized function names
#' @export
vecfun.reset <- function() {
  old <- opts$vecfun
  opts$vecfun <- NULL
vecfun.get <- function() opts$vecfun
get_opts <- function() opts$debug # Return Current Debug Mode Setting
debug_set <- function() { # Set to Debug Mode
  mode <- TRUE
  old <- opts$debug
  opts$debug <- mode
debug_off <- function() { # Turn Off Debug Mode
  mode <- FALSE
  old <- opts$debug
  opts$debug <- mode
get_localvecfun <- function(DAG) attr(DAG, "vecfun")
dprint <- function(...) if (opts$debug) print(...) # debug-only version of print
is.DAG <- function(DAG) (("DAG" %in% class(DAG)) || ("DAG.action" %in% class(DAG))) # check its a DAG object
is.DAG.action <- function(DAG) ("DAG.action" %in% class(DAG)) # check its a DAG.action object
is.DAGnodelist <- function(DAG) "DAG.nodelist" %in% class(DAG) # check its a DAG object
is.node <- function(node) "DAG.node" %in% class(node) # check its a DAG.node object
is.Netnode <- function(node) "DAG.net" %in% class(node) # check its a DAG.net object (network node)

is.EFUP <- function(node) (!is.null(node$EFU)) # if the node is end follow-up when value = 1 (EFUP)
# is.EFUP <- function(node) (!is.null(node$EFU))&&(node$EFU) # if the node is end follow-up when value = 1 (EFUP)

is.Bern <- function(node) {
  (node$distr%in%"Bern"||node$distr%in%"rbern") 		# if the node is Bernoulli random variable
is.attrnode <- function(node, DAG) {	# check if the node is an attribute (constant and cannot be intervened upon)
	attnames <- attr(DAG, "attnames")
	if (is.null(attnames)) {
	} else {
		gnodename <- as.character(unlist(strsplit(node$name, "_"))[1])
	    gnodename%in%attr(DAG, "attnames")
is.longfmt <- function(simdat) (attr(simdat, "dataform")%in%c("long")) # check data is in long format
is.LTCF <- function(simdat, outcome) {
	if (is.null(attr(simdat, "LTCF"))) {
	} else {
		attr(simdat, "LTCF")%in%outcome # check last time-point is carried forward (after failure)
is.DAGlocked <- function(DAG) (!is.null(attr(DAG, "locked"))&&attr(DAG, "locked"))
get.actname <- function(DAG) attr(DAG, "actname")

#' Print DAG Object
#' @param x A DAG object.
#' @param ... Other arguments to generic print.
#' @export
print.DAG <- function(x, ...) {
	idx_nodes <- (!sapply(x, is.attrnode, x))
	x_notnull <- lapply(x, function(node) node[!sapply(node, is.null)])

#' Print Action Object
#' @param x An object.
#' @param ... Other arguments to generic print.
#' @export
print.DAG.action <- function(x, ...) {
  actnodes <- unique(attr(x, "actnodes"))
  lenact <- length(actnodes)
  if (lenact>1) {
    if (lenact>5) {
      actnodes <- actnodes[1]%+%", "%+%actnodes[2]%+%", ... , "%+%actnodes[lenact-1]%+%", "%+%actnodes[lenact]
    } else {
      actnodes <- paste0(actnodes, collapse=",")
  print("Action: "%+%attr(x, "actname"))
  print("ActionNodes: "%+%actnodes)
  print("ActionAttributes: "); print(attr(x, "attrs"))
  res <- list(
      Action=attr(x, "actname"),
      ActionNodes=attr(x, "actnodes"),
      ActionAttributes=attr(x, "attrs"))

#' Print DAG.node Object
#' @param x A Node object.
#' @param ... Other arguments to generic print.
#' @export
print.DAG.node <- function(x, ...) str(x)

#' (EXPERIMENTAL) Plot Discrete Survival Function(s)
#' Plot discrete survival curves from a list of discrete survival probabilities by calling \code{\link{plot}} with \code{type='b'}.
#' @param surv A list of vectors, each containing action-specific discrete survival probabilities over time.
#' @param xindx A vector of indices for subsetting the survival vectors in \code{surv}, if omitted all survival probabilities in each \code{surv[[i]]} are plotted.
#' @param ylab An optional title for y axis, passed to \code{\link{plot}}.
#' @param xlab An optional title for x axis, passed to \code{\link{plot}}.
#' @param ylim Optional y limits for the plot, passed to \code{\link{plot}}.
#' @param legend.xyloc Optional x and y co-ordinates to be used to position the legend.
#' Can be specified by keyword or as a named list with (x,y), uses the same convention as in \code{graphics::xy.coords}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{\link{plot}}.
#' @export
plotSurvEst <- function(surv = list(), xindx = NULL, ylab = '', xlab = 't', ylim = c(0.0, 1.0), legend.xyloc = "topright", ...) {
  ptsize <- 0.7
  counter <- 0
  for(d.j in names(surv)){
    counter <- counter+1
    if (is.null(xindx)) xindx <- seq(surv[[d.j]])
    plot(x=xindx, y=surv[[d.j]][xindx], col=counter, type='b', cex=ptsize, ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, ylim=ylim, ...)
  # alternative (coord used by vignette):
  # legend.xyloc = list(x=12,y=0.96)
  legend(legend.xyloc, legend=names(surv), col=c(1:length(names(surv))), cex=ptsize, pch=1)

#' Plot DAG
#' Plot DAG object using functions from \code{igraph} package.
#' The default setting is to keep the regular (observed) DAG nodes with \code{shape} set to "none", which can be over-ridden by the user.
#' For latent (hidden) DAG nodes the default is to:
#' 1) set the node color as grey;
#' 2) enclose the node by a circle; and
#' 3) all directed edges coming out of the latent node are plotted as dashed.
#' @param DAG A DAG object that was specified by calling \code{\link{set.DAG}}
#' @param tmax Maximum time-point to plot for time-varying DAG objects
#' @param xjitter Amount of random jitter for node x-axis plotting coordinates
#' @param yjitter Amount of random jitter for node y-axis plotting coordinates
#' @param node.action.color Color of the action node labels (only for action DAG of class DAG.action). If missing, defaults to red.
#' @param vertex_attrs A named list of \code{igraph} graphical parameters for plotting DAG vertices. These parameters are passed on to \code{add.vertices} \code{igraph} function.
#' @param edge_attrs A named list of \code{igraph} graphical parameters for plotting DAG edges. These parameters are passed on to \code{add.edges} \code{igraph} function.
#' @param customvlabs A named vector of custom DAG node labels (replaces node names from the DAG object).
#' @param excludeattrs A character vector for DAG nodes that should be excluded from the plot
# @param latentv A character vector of latent (unobserved) DAG nodes which: 1) will be colored in grey; 2) will be enclosed in a circle; and 3) have dashed directed edges.
#' @param verbose Set to \code{TRUE} to print messages on status and information to the console.
#'  Turn this off by default using options(simcausal.verbose=FALSE).
#' @references Sofrygin O, van der Laan MJ, Neugebauer R (2017).
#' "simcausal R Package: Conducting Transparent and Reproducible Simulation Studies of Causal Effect Estimation with Complex Longitudinal Data."
#' Journal of Statistical Software, 81(2), 1-47. doi: 10.18637/jss.v081.i02.
#' @export
plotDAG <- function(DAG, tmax = NULL, xjitter, yjitter, node.action.color, vertex_attrs = list(), edge_attrs = list(), excludeattrs, customvlabs, verbose = getOption("simcausal.verbose")) {
  if (!requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("igraph package is required for this function to work. Please install igraph.",
      call. = FALSE)
  DAG_orig <- DAG
  # Get a list of parent nodes
  par_nodes <- attr(DAG, "parents")
  latent.v <- attr(DAG, "latent.v")
  # Get a list of attributes
  # attrs <- attr(DAG, "attrs")
  # print("par_nodes"); print(par_nodes)

  # ID attribute DAG nodes (those with missing order) and have them plotted separately (so as not to mess up the grid)
  ordervec <- sapply(DAG, '[[', "order")
  nullorder_idx <- which(sapply(ordervec, is.null))
  if (length(nullorder_idx)>0) {
    DAG <- DAG[-nullorder_idx]
    class(DAG) <- "DAG"
    par_nodes_nullorder <- par_nodes[nullorder_idx]
    par_nodes <- par_nodes[-nullorder_idx]

  # SUBSET A DAG by tmax
  if (!is.null(tmax)) {
    t_idx_all <- Nattr(DAG, "t") # a list of t values from current DAG (including NULLs)
    idx_tmax <- which(t_idx_all%in%tmax)
    if (length(idx_tmax)==0) {
      warning("tmax argument could not be matched, using all available time points")
    } else {
     DAG <- DAG[1:max(idx_tmax)]
     par_nodes <- par_nodes[1:max(idx_tmax)]
     class(DAG) <- "DAG"

  # Remove nodes that are part of vector "excludeattrs":
  if (!missing(excludeattrs)) {
    excl.nodes <- names(par_nodes)%in%excludeattrs
    if (sum(excl.nodes)>0) {
      par_nodes <- par_nodes[!excl.nodes]
      DAG <- DAG[!excl.nodes]
      class(DAG) <- "DAG"

  # Define x-axis coordinates
  x_layout <- c(0:(length(par_nodes)-1))
  if (!missing(xjitter)) {
    # x_layout <- x_layout + rnorm(length(x_layout))/5
    x_layout <- x_layout + rnorm(n = length(x_layout), mean = 0, sd = xjitter)

  # custom layout where x_axis is arranged by order ranking and y_axis is random only for a type of variable, but not by time
  # x_layout <- 3*c(0:(length(par_nodes)-1))

  # Plot when no t:
  if (is.null(DAG[[length(DAG)]]$t)) {
    arrow.width <- 0.6
    arrow.size <- 0.5
    vertsize <- 10

  	tmax <- 0
    num_bsl <- length(par_nodes)
    num_tv <- 0
    # y_bsl <- rep(c(0,1), length.out = num_bsl) + rnorm(n = num_bsl)     # y placement for bsl nodes
    y_bsl <- rep(c(0,1), length.out = num_bsl)     # y placement for bsl nodes
    y_layout <- y_bsl

  # Plot when t nodes are present:
  } else {
    arrow.width <- 0.3
    arrow.size <- 0.2
    vertsize <- 7
    y_vec <- NULL # y coordinates for each DAG node
    # get node t values in a DAG as a list (including NULLs)
    t_idx_all <- Nattr(DAG, "t") # a list of t values from current DAG (including NULLs)
    tunique <- unique(unlist(t_idx_all))
    t_idx_miss <- sapply(t_idx_all, is.null) # finding all nodes where t is undefined (null)
    t_idx_miss <- which(t_idx_miss%in%TRUE)
    if (length(t_idx_miss)>0) {
      y_vec <- c(y_vec, seq(length(t_idx_miss)))
    for (t in tunique) { # finding node indices for each t value in the DAG
      idx_t <- which(t_idx_all%in%t)
      if (length(idx_t)>0) {
        y_vec <- c(y_vec, seq(length(idx_t)))
    y_layout <- y_vec

  if (!missing(yjitter)) {
    y_layout <- y_layout + rnorm(n = length(y_layout), mean = 0, sd = yjitter)
  layoutcustom_2 <- cbind(x_layout, y_layout)

  # create a layout for attribute nodes
  # check if any of the attributes are on the exclude list, if so, do not plot those nodes
  if (length(nullorder_idx) > 0) {
    gennames <- sapply(strsplit(names(par_nodes_nullorder), "_"), '[[', 1)
    excl <- rep(FALSE, length(par_nodes_nullorder))
    if (!missing(excludeattrs)) {
      excl <- gennames%in%excludeattrs
      if (sum(excl)>0) {
        par_nodes_nullorder <- par_nodes_nullorder[!excl]
    x_layout_nullorder <- rep(-2, length(par_nodes_nullorder))
    maxy <- max(layoutcustom_2[,2])
    y_layout_nullorder <- seq(from=1, to=maxy, length.out=length(par_nodes_nullorder))
    layout_nullorder <- cbind(x_layout_nullorder, y_layout_nullorder)
    layoutcustom_2 <- rbind(layout_nullorder, layoutcustom_2)
    par_nodes <- c(par_nodes_nullorder, par_nodes)

  # collect all attributes (must be named)
  attnames_ver <- names(vertex_attrs)
  attnames_edge <- names(edge_attrs)
  if (length(vertex_attrs) != 0 && (is.null(attnames_ver) || any(attnames_ver==""))) {
    stop("please specify name for each attribute in vertex_attrs")
  if (length(edge_attrs) != 0 && (is.null(attnames_edge) || any(attnames_edge==""))) {
    stop("please specify name for each attribute in edge_attrs")
  vertex_attrs_default <- list(color=NA, label.color = "darkblue", shape="none", size=vertsize, label.cex=0.5, label.dist=0)
  edge_attrs_default <- list(color="black", width=0.2, lty=1, arrow.width=arrow.width, arrow.size=arrow.size)
  vertex_attrs <- append(vertex_attrs, vertex_attrs_default[!(names(vertex_attrs_default)%in%attnames_ver)])
  edge_attrs <- append(edge_attrs, edge_attrs_default[!(names(edge_attrs_default)%in%attnames_edge)])
  if (verbose) {
    message("using the following vertex attributes: "); message(vertex_attrs)
    message("using the following edge attributes: "); message(edge_attrs)

  g <- igraph::graph.empty()
  # g <- igraph::add.vertices(g, nv=length(names(par_nodes)), color=NA, shape="circle", size=vertsize, label.cex=0.5, label.dist=0)

  vlabs <- names(par_nodes)
  g <- igraph::add.vertices(g, nv=length(vlabs), attr=vertex_attrs)
  igraph::V(g)$name <- vlabs
  for (i in c(1:length(names(par_nodes)))) {
    if (length(par_nodes[[i]])>0) {
      # check that parent nodes exist and already have been defined:
      parents_i <- par_nodes[[i]]
      # ind_parexist <- parents_i%in%(names(par_nodes)[1:i])
      ind_parexist <- parents_i%in%(names(par_nodes))
      if (!all(ind_parexist)) {
        par_outvec <- parents_i[!ind_parexist]
        if (length(par_outvec)>1) par_outvec <- paste0(par_outvec, collapse=",")
        if (verbose) {
          message("some of the extracted parent nodes weren't defined in the DAG and are being omitted: "%+%par_outvec)
        parents_i <- parents_i[ind_parexist]
      if (length(parents_i)>0) {
        # g <- igraph::add.edges(g, t(cbind(parents_i, names(par_nodes)[i])), color="black", width=0.2, arrow.width=arrow.width, arrow.size=arrow.size)
        g <- igraph::add.edges(g, t(cbind(parents_i, names(par_nodes)[i])), attr=edge_attrs)
  # mark intervention node labels with another color:
  if ("DAG.action"%in%class(DAG_orig)) {
    actnodenames <- attr(DAG_orig, "actnodes")
    if (missing(node.action.color)) node.action.color <- "red"
    igraph::V(g)[igraph::V(g)$name%in%actnodenames]$label.color <- node.action.color
  # setting attributes for latent variables
  if (!is.null(latent.v)) {
    latent.idx <- which(names(par_nodes)%in%latent.v)

    # shift the y.grid for latent vars (U) by -0.25 of the minimum y value:
    min.y <- min(layoutcustom_2[, 2])
    max.y <- max(layoutcustom_2[, 2])
    layoutcustom_2[latent.idx, 2] <- min.y-0.25

    igraph::V(g)[igraph::V(g)$name%in%latent.v]$label.color <- "black"
    igraph::V(g)[igraph::V(g)$name%in%latent.v]$shape <- "circle"
    # igraph::E(g)[from(igraph::V(g)[igraph::V(g)$name%in%latent.v])]$lty <- 2 # dashed
    # to prevent a NOTE from using undeclared global "from" in igraph indexing
    Eg.sel <- eval(parse(text="igraph::E(g)[from(igraph::V(g)[igraph::V(g)$name%in%latent.v])]$lty <- 5")) # long dash
  # use user-supplied custom labels for DAG nodes:
  if (!missing(customvlabs)) {
    igraph::V(g)$name <- customvlabs
  # print("layoutcustom_2: "); print(layoutcustom_2)
  g <- igraph::set.graph.attribute(g,'layout',layoutcustom_2)
  igraph::plot.igraph(g, asp=0.5)

#' Show Node Parents Given DAG Object
#' Given a vector of node names, this function provides the name(s) of node parents that were obtained by parsing the node formulas.
#' @param DAG A DAG object that was specified by calling \code{\link{set.DAG}}
#' @param nodesChr A vector of node names that are already defined in DAG
#' @return A list with parent names for each node name in nodesChr
#' @examples
#'D <- DAG.empty()
#'D <- D + node(name="W1", distr="rbern", prob=plogis(-0.5))
#'D <- D + node(name="W2", distr="rbern", prob=plogis(-0.5 + 0.5*W1))
#'D <- D + node(name="A", distr="rbern", prob=plogis(-0.5 - 0.3*W1 - 0.3*W2))
#'D <- D + node(name="Y", distr="rbern", prob=plogis(-0.1 + 1.2*A + 0.3*W1 + 0.3*W2), EFU=TRUE)
#'D <- set.DAG(D)
#'parents(D, c("W2", "A", "Y"))
#' @export
parents <- function(DAG, nodesChr) {
	parents_list <- attr(DAG, "parents")
	node_names <- names(parents_list)
	# print("node_names"); print(node_names)
	parents <- lapply(nodesChr, function(nodeChr) as.character(parents_list[[which(node_names%in%nodeChr)]]))
	names(parents) <- nodesChr

# Internal function that checks all DAG node objects have unique name attributes
check_namesunique <- function(inputDAG) {
	# node_names <- sapply(inputDAG, "[[", "name")
  node_names <- names(inputDAG)

# Internal function that checks all DAG node objects are already in expanded format ((length(t)==1, length(order)==1))
check_expanded <- function(inputDAG) {
	for (node in inputDAG) {
		if (length(node$t)>1 | length(node$order)>1) {
			stop("node "%+% node$name %+% " is not expanded. Call constructor function node() first: node(name, t, distr, mean, probs, var, EFU, order)")

#' Create and Lock DAG Object
#' Check current DAG (created with \code{node}) for errors and consistency of its node distributions, set the observed data generating distribution.
#' Attempts to simulates several observations to catch any errors in DAG definition. New nodes cannot be added after function set.DAG has been applied.
#' @param DAG Named list of node objects that together will form a DAG.
#' Temporal ordering of nodes is either determined by the order in which the nodes were added to the DAG (using \code{+node(...)} interface)
#' or with an optional "order" argument to \code{node()}.
#' @param vecfun A character vector with names of the vectorized user-defined node formula functions. See examples and the vignette for more information.
#' @param latent.v The names of the unobserved (latent) DAG node names. These variables will be hidden from the observed simulated data and will be marked differently on the DAG plot.
#' @param n.test Non-negative simulation sample size used for testing the consistency of the \code{DAG} object.
#' A larger \code{n.test} may be useful when simulating a network of a fixed size (see \code{?network}) or when testing \code{DAG} for rare-event errors.
#' A smaller \code{n.test} can be better for performance (faster validation of the \code{DAG}).
#' Set \code{n.test=0} to completely skip the simulation test (use at your own risk, since calling \code{sim()} on such un-tested \code{DAG} may lead to uninterpretable errors).
#' Note that when using \code{n.test=0}, the \code{plotDAG} function \emph{will not} draw \emph{any} child-parent relationships, since the formula parsing is not performed.
#' @param verbose Set to \code{TRUE} to print messages on status and information to the console. Turn this off by default using options(simcausal.verbose=FALSE).
#' @return A DAG (S3) object, which is a list consisting of node object(s) sorted by their temporal order.
#' @example tests/examples/set.DAG.R
#' @references Sofrygin O, van der Laan MJ, Neugebauer R (2017).
#' "simcausal R Package: Conducting Transparent and Reproducible Simulation Studies of Causal Effect Estimation with Complex Longitudinal Data."
#' Journal of Statistical Software, 81(2), 1-47. doi: 10.18637/jss.v081.i02.
#' @export
set.DAG <- function(DAG, vecfun, latent.v, n.test = 10, verbose = getOption("simcausal.verbose")) {
  assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.count(n.test) || as.integer(n.test)==0L)
  # Parent environment is saved as a DAG attribute and then passed to formula parser for evaluation as: eval(form, envir = df, enclos = env)
  user.env <- parent.frame()
  rndseed <- NULL
  # set of allowed named arguments:
  node_args_all <- c("name", "mv.names", "t", "distr", "dist_params", "EFU", "order", "node.env")
  # set of required named arguments:
  node_args_req <- c("name", "distr", "order")
  # set of optional named arguments:
  node_args_opt <- c("t", "mv.names", "dist_params", "EFU", "node.env")

  # DAG specification errors checks
  # *) check DAG is a list and all of its items are also lists
  if (!(is.list(DAG))) stop("DAG must be a list")
  # *) if DAG is a empty create a wanring and return empty DAG
  if (length(DAG)==0) {
    warning("trying to lock an empty DAG, add nodes before calling set.DAG()")
    # attr(DAG, "locked") <- TRUE

  if (!(all(sapply(DAG, is.list)))) stop("each of DAG items must be a list specifying DAG node(s)")
  class(DAG) <- "DAG"

  # *) check all DAG have order attribute defined, if not, assign the order based on the node location in the list
  check.order <- sapply(Nattr(DAG, "order"), is.null)
  # print("check.order"); print(check.order)
  if (any(check.order)) {
    if (verbose) message("...automatically assigning order attribute to some nodes...")
    for (inode in which(check.order)) {
      if (inode==1) {
        DAG[[inode]]$order <- 1
      } else {
        DAG[[inode]]$order <- DAG[[inode-1]]$order+1
      if (verbose) message("node "%+%DAG[[inode]]$name%+%", order:"%+%DAG[[inode]]$order)
  # *) check each node contains required named arguments
  checknames.req <- unlist(lapply(DAG, function(node) {
                              if ("DAG.node" %in% class(node)) {
                              } else {
  if (!all(checknames.req)) stop(paste0("some nodes are missing required named arguments, check node(s): ",
  								paste0(which(!checknames.req), collapse=",")))
  # *) check all DAG names are unique
  if (!check_namesunique(DAG)) stop("All DAG nodes must have unique name attributes")
  # *) check the DAG nodes are already in expanded format (length(t)==1, length(order)==1), if not,
  # in the future give warning and call node() constructor on not expanded nodes
  # for now just throws an exception and quits

  # Sort DAG (by order) - giving order argument supersedes the order in which the nodes were added to the DAG
  Nsublists <- length(DAG)
  Nnodes <- Nsublists	# Actual number of nodes that will appear in DAG (Nnodes) (for now equal to number of sublists)
  inputDAG <- sortbyorder(DAG)	# Sort sublists by order value
  for (node_idx in c(1:length(inputDAG))) {	# add all optional missing named arguments as 'argname'=NULL (when DAG is entered without node() constructor)
    if (!("DAG.net" %in% class(inputDAG[[node_idx]]))) {
      inputDAG[[node_idx]] <- createNodeObj(inputDAG[[node_idx]], node_args_all)

  # Returning the full DAG object (expanded + nodes renamed + sorted by order)
  # Saved each node as an object node that has a fixed named items (=NULL when not used)
  class(inputDAG) <- "DAG"
  # Add vectorized functions to vectorized function list and DAG attribute "vect_fun"
  if (!missing(vecfun)) {
    oldvecfun <- vecfun.add(vecfun)
    # oldvecfun <- vecfun_add(vecfun)
    # print("get_vecfun"); print(get_vecfun()); newvecfun <- vecfun_reset(oldvecfun); print("get_vecfun"); print(get_vecfun())
    attr(inputDAG, "vecfun") <- vecfun

  # Adding the user calling environment for evaluation of node formulas
  attr(inputDAG, "user.env") <- user.env
  # Adding the names of the latent.v (hidden) nodes
  if (!missing(latent.v)) attr(inputDAG, "latent.v") <- latent.v
  # Adding the simulation test sample size (n.test), to be used on actions
  attr(inputDAG, "n.test") <- n.test
  # Checking for correct DAG specification by simulating n.test observation if n.test>0
  if (n.test > 0L) {
    obs.df <- try(simobs(inputDAG, n = n.test, rndseed = rndseed))
    if(inherits(obs.df, "try-error")) {
      stop("\n...attempt to simulate data from DAG failed...")
    attr(inputDAG, "parents") <- attr(obs.df, "parents")
  } else {
    parents <- lapply(seq(inputDAG), function(x) vector(mode="character", length=0))
    names(parents) <- names(inputDAG)
    attr(inputDAG, "parents") <- parents
  attr(inputDAG, "locked") <- TRUE

# given a DAG and a newnode, find the DAG node by name and change its values to those in newnode (that aren't equal to NULL)
modDAGnode <- function(oldDAG, newnode) {
  mod_name <- newnode$name
  oldDAG_names <- sapply(oldDAG, function(node) node$name)
  idxDAG <- which(oldDAG_names%in%mod_name)
  if (length(idxDAG)>1) stop("non-unique intervention node name found in DAG")
  oldnode <- oldDAG[[idxDAG]]
  if (as.character(oldnode$name)!=as.character(newnode$name)) stop("names of action node and DAG node do not match")
  oldnodenames <- names(oldnode) # only change node values for items that already exist in DAG node (NOT TO OVERWRITE THE ENTIRE NODE)
  newnodenames <- names(newnode)
  common_items <- intersect(newnodenames, oldnodenames)
  common_items <- common_items[!sapply(newnode[common_items], is.null)] # only replace DAG values from newnode (action node) values that are not NULL
  oldnode[common_items] <- newnode[common_items]
  oldDAG[[idxDAG]] <- oldnode
# An internal function that processes an action by finding intervention nodes and returning modified DAG object
# ******************************
# TODO: Make action attributes vars part of the evaluation environment rather than adding them as DAG nodes
# ******************************
# Define intervention DAG(s) consisting of action node(s)
# inputDAG - Previously defined DAG object
# actnodes - List of action nodes, describing actions for any number of nodes
# attr -  Named list with intervention-specific real-valued vectors that will be added as constant-value or time-dependent nodes to the modified DAG
setAction <- function(actname, inputDAG, actnodes, attr=list()) {
  rndseed <- NULL
    # given attribute name, returns several "constant" TV nodes (attname_t) if attvals is a vector, otherwise returns one baseline node (attname)
	expandattr <- function(attname, attvals, tvals) {
		if (!is.numeric(attvals)) stop("action attribute values must be numeric: "%+%attname)
    # ***ASSUMPTION***: We are assuming if the attribute vector is of length 1 than it is TIME-INVARIANT (e.g., theta=0.5)
		if (length(attvals)>1) {
			if (length(attvals)!=length(tvals)) stop("vector-valued attributes of length > 1 must be equal to the number of action node time points: "%+%attname)
			new_nodes <- sapply(seq(attvals), function(i) node(name=attname, t=tvals[i], distr="rconst", const=.(attvals[i])))
		} else {
      # ***NOTE***: If action nodes are defined over time points, make time-invariant node t=0, other t=NULL/Missing
      # above doesn't work for formula references, alternative is define the time t=0 but leave name unchanged, i.e., theta, not theta_0
      # if (!is.null(tvals)) {
      #   new_nodes <- node(name=attname, t=0, distr="rconst", const=.(attvals))
      # } else {
        new_nodes <- node(name=attname, distr="rconst", const=.(attvals))
      # }
    class(new_nodes) <- "DAG.nodelist"

	if (!is.DAG(inputDAG)) stop("inputDAG argument is not of class DAG, run set.DAG function first")

	modDAG.full <- inputDAG # This is either observed data DAG (locked) or already existing DAG.action
  n.test <- attr(inputDAG, "n.test") # the testing sample size used in original DAG
  latent.v <- attr(inputDAG, "latent.v") # check that not intervening on latent nodes
  dagattrs_saved <- attributes(inputDAG) # save existing attributes
  dagattrs_saved$parents <- NULL  # remove all parents
  dagattrs_saved$actions <- NULL  # and actions
  class(actnodes) <- "DAG.nodelist"
  mod_names <- unlist(Nattr(actnodes, "name")) # get intervention node names
  DAG_names <- unlist(Nattr(inputDAG, "name"))  # get DAG node names
	checkintnames <- mod_names %in% DAG_names
	if (!all(checkintnames)) stop(paste0("setActions(): some intervention node(s) do not exist in the original DAG: ", paste0(mod_names[!checkintnames], collapse=",")))
	if (!is.null(latent.v)) {
    if (any(mod_names %in% latent.v)) {
      stop(paste0("setActions(): cannot intervene on latent node(s): "%+%paste0(mod_names[mod_names %in% latent.v], collapse=",")))

  DAG_chgnodes <- match(mod_names, DAG_names)	# nodes indices in DAG that need to be modified
	if (length(DAG_chgnodes)!=length(mod_names)) stop("setActions(): action node and DAG node names do not make a unique pair match")
	for (inode in (1:length(mod_names))) {	# MODIFY DAG NODES w/ action nodes
		modDAG.full <- modDAGnode(modDAG.full, actnodes[[inode]]) # launch a function for each pair (DAG_node <-> Intervention Node) that modifies DAG_node

  dprint("actnodes"); dprint(actnodes)

	if (!is.null(actnodes[[1]]$t)) {
		# mod_tvals <- sort(unique(sapply(actnodes, function(node) node$t)))	# get unique time points for this intervention
    mod_tvals <- sort(unique(unlist(Nattr(actnodes, "t"))))  # get unique time points for this intervention
	} else {
		mod_tvals <- NULL

	dprint("mod_tvals"); dprint(mod_tvals)

	if (length(attr)>0) {	# either add attribute as a new DAG node or modify existing attribute node
		attnames <- names(attr)
		for (i in seq(attr)) {
      DAG_names <- unlist(Nattr(modDAG.full, "name"))  # get DAG node names
      gennamesall <- as.character(sapply(strsplit(DAG_names, "_"), '[', 1))
      gattr_nm <- attnames[i] # generic attribute name (without t)

			attr_nodes <- expandattr(attnames[i], attr[[attnames[i]]], mod_tvals)
      mod_names_attr <- unlist(Nattr(attr_nodes, "name"))

			checkattrexist <- (mod_names_attr%in%DAG_names)
      checkgenexist <- (gattr_nm%in%DAG_names) # check if generic attribute under the same name already exists

      if ((!any(checkattrexist)) & checkgenexist) { # no TV attribute values were defined yet but the generic (nonTV) already exists
      # give warning and delete non-TV attribute, add TV attribute
        gnode_idx <- which(DAG_names%in%gattr_nm)
        modDAG.full <- modDAG.full[-gnode_idx]
        class(modDAG.full) <- "DAG"
        warning("\nAction: " %+% actname %+% "; Attribute: " %+% gattr_nm %+% ".\nScalar attribute value is overwritten by a vector of time-varying values.")
        # warning("\nNon-time-varying attribute ("%+% gattr_nm %+% ") was overwritten by time-varying attribute values")
      # for generic node being added (theta), need to check that no TV nodes under the same name already exist (theta_i)
      if (!checkgenexist) { # the generic (nonTV) node doesn`t exist yet but the TV node already does
        if ((length(attr_nodes)==1) && (mod_names_attr==gattr_nm) && any(gennamesall%in%gattr_nm)) { # check its a non-TV attribute that is being added:
          # give warning and delete old node, add new ones
          gnode_idx <- which(gennamesall%in%gattr_nm)
          modDAG.full <- modDAG.full[-gnode_idx]
          class(modDAG.full) <- "DAG"
          warning("\nAction: " %+% actname %+% "; Attribute: " %+% gattr_nm %+% ".\nVector of time-varying attribute values is overwritten by a single scalar value.")
          # warning("\nTime-varying attribute ("%+% gattr_nm %+% ") was overwritten by non-time-varying attribute values")

      # either add or overwrite existing attribute values
      exist_attr <- which(names(dagattrs_saved$attrs)%in%gattr_nm)
      if (length(exist_attr)>0) {
        dagattrs_saved$attrs[exist_attr] <- attr[i]
      } else {
        dagattrs_saved$attrs <- c(dagattrs_saved$attrs, attr[i])

      attr_insert <- attr_nodes[which(!checkattrexist)]
      # 12/23/2014 OS: attributes no longer inserted at their corresponding time slots in the DAG, inserted at the beginning of the DAG as was originally designed
      modDAG.full <- append(modDAG.full, attr_insert, 0) # append new attributes as a first item(s) of the DAG
      class(modDAG.full) <- "DAG"
      # for attributes that already exists in the DAG, just modify the current node:
			for (inode in which(checkattrexist)) modDAG.full <- modDAGnode(modDAG.full, attr_nodes[[inode]])
	} else {
		attnames <- NULL

  dagattrs_saved$names <- attr(modDAG.full, "names")
  attributes(modDAG.full) <- dagattrs_saved
  dprint("attributes(modDAG.full) in setAction(): "); dprint(attributes(modDAG.full))

  # check data can be simulated from modified DAG:
  if (n.test > 0) {
    full.df <- try(simobs(modDAG.full, n=n.test, rndseed=rndseed))
    if(inherits(full.df, "try-error")) {
      stop("\n...attempt to simulate data from action DAG failed...")
    attr(modDAG.full, "parents") <- attr(full.df, "parents")
  # attributes(modDAG.full) <- c(attributes(modDAG.full)["names"], dagattrs_saved)
  attr(modDAG.full, "actname") <- actname
	attr(modDAG.full, "actnodes") <- unique(c(attr(modDAG.full, "actnodes"), mod_names))
	attr(modDAG.full, "acttimes") <- unique(c(attr(modDAG.full, "acttimes"), mod_tvals))
	attr(modDAG.full, "attnames") <- unique(c(attr(modDAG.full, "attnames"), attnames))
  class(modDAG.full) <- "DAG.action"


# Internal function creates an object of class node/actionode
# Deprecated & is used for backward compatibility when specifying DAG directly through lists (not using node() constructor)
# Define and set to NULL all missing node arguments
# input.node - node content (names+values)
# node_args_all - all node arguments
createNodeObj <- function(input.node, node_args_all) {
  indx_missargs <- which(!(node_args_all %in% names(input.node)))
  temp <- list()	# temp list with NULL args that weren`t defined yet
  length(temp) <- length(indx_missargs)
  names(temp) <- node_args_all[indx_missargs]
  input.node <- c(input.node, temp)	# add NULL named items to action node
  order_nms <- order(match(names(input.node),node_args_all)) # sort node names according to name order in newnode_args_all
  node_obj <- input.node[order_nms] # reassign old node vals to reordered + NULL node vals
  if (!identical(class(node_obj), "DAG.node")) class(node_obj) <- "DAG.node"
  # return(input.node[order_nms])

# Sort a named list of node objects by node$order value -> get a DAG object
sortbyorder <- function(DAG) {
  node_names_L <- names(DAG)
  node_names_attr <- sapply(DAG, '[[', "name")

  # if (length(node_names_L)!=length(node_names_attr)) stop("DAG list names of node objects and node name arguments do not match in length...")
  # if (!all(node_names_L==node_names_attr)) stop("DAG list names of node objects and node name arguments don't match")

  order_vals <- sapply(DAG, '[[', "order")
  if ((length(order_vals)!=length(DAG)) | any(is.null(order_vals))) stop("node order argument is either incorrectly specified or missing")
  if (length(unique(order_vals))!=length(order_vals)) stop("some nodes have identical order values - all order values must be unique")
  if (min(order_vals)<1) stop("node order values must start at 1")
  # order_indx <- c(1:length(order_vals))	# the ordering that we want to sort by
  order_indx <- sort(order_vals)
  new_order_indx <- order(match(order_vals,order_indx)) # sort observed order values in increasing order and get new index vector for Input node list

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