
Defines functions computeRho whitener.evd covwhitener givens.rotation rightskew lca.par temp.orthogonalize genWfromWs orthonormalize

Documented in covwhitener

orthonormalize <- function(xk,X,k) {
  #Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
  #assumes columns of X have length equal to 1
  if(k!=1) {
    t <- numeric(length(xk))
    for (u in 1:(k-1)) {
      a <- sum(xk * X[,u])
      t <- t + a * X[,u]
    xk <- xk - t
  xk / sqrt(crossprod(xk))

genWfromWs <- function(Ws) {
  d = ncol(Ws)
  p = nrow(Ws)
  tempW = cbind(Ws,diag(p)[,(d+1):p])
  for(k in (d+1):p) {
    oldWk = tempW[,k]
    tempWk = tempW[,k]
    for(j in 1:(k-1)) {
      tempWj = tempW[,j]
      tempWk = tempWk - tempWj * crossprod(tempWj,oldWk)/crossprod(tempWj,tempWj)
  tempW[,k] = tempWk/sqrt(crossprod(tempWk))

temp.orthogonalize <- function(V,W) {
  #orthogonalizes the vector V to all columns in W
  #and returns cbind(W,orthV)
  oldWk = V
  tempWk = V
  for(j in 1:(k-1)) {
      tempWj = tempW[,j]
      tempWk = tempWk - tempWj * crossprod(tempWj,oldWk)/crossprod(tempWj)
  tempW[,k] = tempWk/sqrt(crossprod(tempWk))

# symmetric algorithm:
lca.par <- function(xData,W0,Gfunc,maxit,verbose,density,eps,n.comp,df,...) {
  W0 = as.matrix(W0)
  d = ncol(W0)
  if(n.comp!=d) stop('W0 needs to be p x d')
  p = ncol(xData)
  nRow = nrow(xData)
  s <- xData %*% W0
  flist <- as.list(1:d)
  ##  Densities of likelihood components:
  for (j in 1:d) flist[[j]] <- Gfunc(s[, j], df=df,...)
  flist0 <- flist
  crit0 <- mean(sapply(flist0, "[[", "Gs"))
  nit <- 0
  nw <- 10
  repeat {
    nit <- nit + 1
    gS <- sapply(flist0, "[[", "gs")
    gpS <- sapply(flist0, "[[", "gps")
    #t1 <- t(xData) %*% gS/nRow
    t1 <- crossprod(xData,gS)/nRow
    t2 <- apply(gpS, 2, mean)
    if(d>1) W1 <- t1 - W0%*%diag(t2) else W1 <- t1 - W0*t2
    W1 <- orthogonalize(W1)
    if(d>1) nw <- pmse(t(W0), t(W1))^2 else nw <- mean((W0-W1)^2) #Uses a measure that works for non-square matrices -- MSE. The measure is defined for M so here we use transpose of W.
    W0 <- W1
    s <- xData %*% W0
    for (j in 1:d) flist0[[j]] <- Gfunc(s[, j], df=df, ...)
    crit0 <- mean(sapply(flist0, "[[", "Gs"))
    if (verbose) cat("Iter", nit, "G", crit0, "Delta", nw, "\n")
    if ((nit >= maxit)) {
      warning('Max iter reached')
    if (nw < eps) break
  out = list(Ws = W0, loglik = d*nRow*crit0, S = s)
  if(density) out$density = lapply(flist0, "[[", "density")

myMixmat <-  function (p = 2) {
  a <- matrix(stats::rnorm(p * p), p, p)
  sa <- svd(a)
  d <- sort(stats::runif(p,min=1,max=10))
  mat <- sa$u %*% (sa$v * d)
  attr(mat, "condition") <- d[p]/d[1]

#Function to make most extreme values for the skewed tail positive, i.e., force all distributions to be right skewed, and order ICs by skewness.
rightskew=function(S,M=NULL,order.skew=TRUE) {
 #If order = TRUE, then ICs are organized from HIGHEST to LOWEST skewness where skewness is forced to be positive for all ICs.
  nObs <- nrow(S)
  #if(ncol(S)>nObs) stop('S must be n x d')
  skewness<-function(x,n = nObs) (sum((x - mean(x))^3)/n)/(sum((x - mean(x))^2)/n)^(3/2)
  if(!is.null(M)) M.new=t(diag(sign))%*%M
  if(order.skew==TRUE) {
    if(!is.null(M)) M.new=M.new[perm,]
  if(is.null(M)) {
  } else

givens.rotation <- function(theta=0, d=2, which=c(1,2))
  # For a given angle theta, returns a d x d Givens rotation matrix
  # Ex: for i < j , d = 2:  (c -s)
  #                         (s  c)
  c = cos(theta)
  s = sin(theta)
  M = diag(d)
  a = which[1]
  b = which[2]
  M[a,a] =  c
  M[b,b] =  c
  M[a,b] = -s
  M[b,a] =  s

# Returns square root of the precision matrix for whitening:
#' Returns square root of the precision matrix for whitening
#' @param X Matrix
#' @param n.comp the number of components
#' @param center.row whether to center
#' @import MASS
#' @return square root of the precision matrix for whitening
covwhitener <- function(X,n.comp=ncol(X),center.row=FALSE) {

  #X must be n x d
  if(ncol(X)>nrow(X)) warning('X is whitened with respect to columns')
  #Creates model of the form X.center = S A, where S are orthogonal with covariance = identity.
  if(center.row==TRUE) x.center = x.center - rowMeans(x.center)
  covmat = stats::cov(x.center)
  evdcov = eigen(covmat,symmetric = TRUE)
  whitener = evdcov$vectors%*%diag(1/sqrt(evdcov$values))%*%t(evdcov$vectors)
  #NOTE: For whitened X, re-whitening leads to different X
  #The output for square A is equivalent to solve(K)



whitener.evd = function(xData) {
  est.sigma = stats::cov(xData)  ## Use eigenvalue decomposition rather than SVD.
  evd.sigma = svd(est.sigma)
  whitener = evd.sigma$u%*%diag(evd.sigma$d^(-1/2))%*%t(evd.sigma$u)
  list(whitener=whitener,zData = xData%*%whitener)

# BRisk 27 January 2020: added comments, did not change any calculations
computeRho <- function(JBvalX, JBvalY, Mxall, Myall, rjoint){
  # Compute the minimal value of rho so that the joint components have lower starting objective than individual
  # JBvalX, JBvalY - JB values for all components, first are assumed to be joint
  # Mxall, Myall - corresponding mixing matrices
  # rjoint - number of joint components
  rho = 0
  nx = length(JBvalX)
  ny = length(JBvalY)
  if ((nx == rjoint)|(ny == rjoint)) {return(0)}

  Mxscaled = Mxall %*% diag(sqrt(1/colSums(Mxall^2)))
  Myscaled = Myall %*% diag(sqrt(1/colSums(Myall^2)))

  Mxy = crossprod(Mxscaled, Myscaled)

  chordalJ = rep(0, rjoint)
  for (k in 1:rjoint){
    chordalJ[k] = 2 - 2 * Mxy[k, k]^2

  for (i in (rjoint + 1):nx){ # ith individual from X
    for (j in (rjoint + 1):ny){ # jth individual from Y

      ratio = rep(NA, rjoint) # rhs/lhs for each joint
      for (k in 1:rjoint){ #kth joint
        rhs = max(JBvalX[i] - JBvalX[k] + JBvalY[j] - JBvalY[k], 0)
        # Brisk comment: 2 - 2*Mxy[i,j]^2 is chordal norm between individual components in X and Y
        lhs = 2 - 2 * Mxy[i, j]^2 - chordalJ[k]
        if (lhs <= 0){
          ratio[k] = NA
          ratio[k] = rhs/lhs
      rho = max(rho, max(ratio, na.rm = T))

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