
Defines functions R2noharm.jackknife

Documented in R2noharm.jackknife

## File Name: R2noharm.jackknife.R
## File Version: 1.13

#**** jackknife R2noharm
R2noharm.jackknife <- function( object, jackunits=NULL )
    # INPUT:
    # object     ... R2noharm object
    # jackunits ... units for jackknife
    #                    can be a number or a vector of jackknife units
    # modtype permitted?
    modtype <- object$modtype
    if (modtype %in% 1:2 ){
            stop("Jackknife not allowed for exploratory factor analysis.\n")
    # define jackknife units
    cat("NOHARM4\nJackknife Estimation of Standard Errors\n")
    Nobs <- object$Nobs
    if ( length(jackunits) > 1){
            jackunits <- match( jackunits, unique( jackunits) )
    if ( is.null( jackunits ) ){ jackunits <- seq(1,Nobs) }
    if ( length(jackunits)==1){ jackunits <- 1 + floor( seq( 1, Nobs - .01 ) / ( Nobs/jackunits ) ) }
    # define progress bar
    u.jackunits <- unique( jackunits )
    UJ <- max( u.jackunits)
    cat( UJ, "Jackknife Units are used\n" )
    prbar <- paste( "|", paste(rep("-", 4 ), collapse=""), "PROGRESS",
                    paste(rep("-", 4 ), collapse=""), "|", sep="")
    # initialize matrices
    j.tanaka <- rep(NA, UJ )
    j.rmsr <- rep(NA, UJ )
    if (modtype %in% 3:4){
        j.chisquare_df <- j.rmsea <- j.rmsr
    if ( modtype==4){
        j.difficulties <- matrix(NA, nrow=object$Nitems, ncol=UJ )
    j.uniquenesses <- j.final.constants <- j.thresholds <- j.discriminations <- matrix(NA, nrow=object$Nitems, ncol=UJ )
    j.pm <- matrix( NA, nrow=nrow(object$pm)*ncol(object$pm), ncol=UJ)
    if ( modtype==3){
        j.factor.cor <- matrix( NA, nrow=prod( dim( object$factor.cor) ), ncol=UJ )
        j.loadings <- matrix( NA, nrow=prod( dim( object$loadings) ), ncol=UJ )
        j.loadings.theta <- matrix( NA, nrow=prod( dim( object$loadings.theta) ), ncol=UJ )
    # calculate jackunits indices when progress should be displayed
    prbar.display <- floor( seq( 1, max(u.jackunits), len=16 ) )
    for ( uu in u.jackunits ){
        weights.uu <- object$weights[ jackunits !=uu ]
        mod.uu <- R2noharm( dat=object$dat[ jackunits !=uu, ],
                    guesses=object$guesses, noharm.path=object$noharm.path,
                                F.pattern=object$F.pattern, F.init=object$F.init,
                                P.pattern=object$P.pattern, P.init=object$P.init, digits.pm=5, writename="model_jackknife",
                                display.fit=5, dec=object$dec, display=FALSE  )
        j.tanaka[uu] <- mod.uu$tanaka
        j.rmsr[uu] <- mod.uu$rmsr
        if (modtype %in% 3:4){
            j.rmsea[uu] <- mod.uu$rmsea
            j.chisquare_df[uu] <- mod.uu$chisquare / mod.uu$df
        if ( modtype==4){
            j.difficulties[,uu] <- mod.uu$difficulties
            j.discriminations[,uu] <- mod.uu$discriminations
        j.thresholds[,uu] <- mod.uu$thresholds
        j.uniquenesses[,uu] <- mod.uu$uniquenesses
        j.final.constants[,uu] <- mod.uu$final.constants
        if (modtype==3){
            j.factor.cor[,uu] <- matrix( mod.uu$factor.cor, ncol=1 )
            j.loadings[,uu] <- matrix( mod.uu$loadings, ncol=1 )
            j.loadings.theta[,uu] <- matrix( mod.uu$loadings.theta, ncol=1 )
        j.pm[,uu] <- matrix( as.matrix(mod.uu$pm), ncol=1 )
        if ( uu %in% prbar.display ){ cat("-") ; flush.console() }
    # collect jackknife parameters
    jackknife.pars <- list( "j.tanaka"=j.tanaka, "j.rmsr"=j.rmsr )
    if (modtype %in% 3:4){
        jackknife.pars$rmsea <- j.rmsea
        jackknife.pars$chisquare_df <- j.chisquare_df
    if (modtype==4){
    if (modtype==3){
        jackknife.pars$j.factor.cor <- j.factor.cor
        jackknife.pars$j.loadings <- j.loadings
        jackknife.pars$j.loadings.theta <- j.loadings.theta
    # calculate jackknife statistics

    .est.jackknife.bias <- function( jvec, est, UJ ){
        # newly derived estimators
        if ( is.vector(jvec) ){
            Tn <- UJ * est - (UJ - 1) * jvec
            M <- mean(Tn)
#            se <- sqrt( sum( (Tn - M )^2 ) / (UJ-1 ) )
            se <- sqrt( sum( ( jvec - mean(jvec) )^2 ) * (UJ-1 )/UJ )
        if ( is.matrix(jvec) ){
            Tn <- UJ * est - (UJ - 1) * jvec
            M <- rowMeans(Tn)
#            se <- sqrt( rowSums( (Tn - M )^2 ) / (UJ-1 ) )
            se <- sqrt(  rowSums( ( jvec - rowMeans(jvec) )^2 ) * (UJ-1 )/UJ )
           res <- list( "est.jack"=M, "se"=se)

    res <- .est.jackknife.bias( jvec=j.tanaka, est=object$tanaka, UJ )
    tanaka.stat <- data.frame( "est"=object$tanaka,
#                                "se"=sqrt( ( UJ - 1 ) / UJ * sum( ( j.tanaka - object$tanaka )^2 ) )
    rownames(tanaka.stat) <- "tanaka"

    res <- .est.jackknife.bias( jvec=j.rmsr, est=object$rmsr, UJ )
    rmsr.stat <- data.frame( "est"=object$rmsr,
                                "se"=res$se )
    rownames(rmsr.stat) <- "rmsr"

    if (modtype %in% 3:4){

        res <- .est.jackknife.bias( jvec=j.rmsea, est=object$rmsea, UJ )
        rmsea.stat <- data.frame( "est"=object$rmsea,
                                "se"=res$se )
        rownames(rmsea.stat) <- "rmsea"

        res <- .est.jackknife.bias( jvec=j.chisquare_df, est=object$chisquare / object$df, UJ )
        chisquare_df.stat <- data.frame( "est"=object$chisquare / object$df,
                                "se"=res$se )
        rownames(chisquare_df.stat) <- "chisquare_df"


    if (modtype==4){

        jvec <- j.difficulties
        est <- object$difficulties
        res <- .est.jackknife.bias( jvec=jvec, est=est, UJ )
        difficulties.stat <- data.frame( "est"=est,
                                "se"=res$se )

        jvec <- j.discriminations
        est <- object$discriminations
        res <- .est.jackknife.bias( jvec=jvec, est=est, UJ )
        discriminations.stat <-  data.frame( "est"=est,
                                "se"=res$se )

        jvec <- j.thresholds
        est <- object$thresholds
        res <- .est.jackknife.bias( jvec=jvec, est=est, UJ )
        thresholds.stat <- data.frame( "est"=est, "est.jack"=res$est.jack, "se"=res$se )

        jvec <- j.final.constants
        est <- object$final.constants
        res <- .est.jackknife.bias( jvec=jvec, est=est, UJ )
    final.constants.stat <-data.frame( "est"=est, "est.jack"=res$est.jack, "se"=res$se )

        jvec <- j.uniquenesses
        est <- object$uniquenesses
        res <- .est.jackknife.bias( jvec=jvec, est=est, UJ )
    uniquenesses.stat <- data.frame( "est"=est, "est.jack"=res$est.jack, "se"=res$se )

    if (modtype==3){

        jvec <- j.factor.cor
        est <- as.vector(matrix( object$factor.cor, ncol=1 ))
        res <- .est.jackknife.bias( jvec=jvec, est=est, UJ )
        factor.cor.stat <- data.frame( "est"=est, "est.jack"=res$est.jack, "se"=res$se )
        a1a <- rep( rownames(object$factor.cor), each=ncol( object$factor.cor ) )
        a1b <- rep( colnames(object$factor.cor), nrow( object$factor.cor ) )
        a1 <- paste( a1a, a1b, sep="-" )
        rownames(factor.cor.stat) <- a1

        jvec <- j.loadings
        est <- as.vector(matrix( object$loadings, ncol=1 ))
        res <- .est.jackknife.bias( jvec=jvec, est=est, UJ )
        loadings.stat <- data.frame( "est"=est, "est.jack"=res$est.jack, "se"=res$se )
        a1a <- rep( rownames(object$loadings), ncol( object$loadings ) )
        a1b <- rep( colnames(object$loadings), each=nrow( object$loadings ) )
        a1 <- paste( a1a, a1b, sep="-" )
        rownames(loadings.stat) <- a1

        jvec <- j.loadings.theta
        est <- as.vector(matrix( object$loadings.theta, ncol=1 ))
        res <- .est.jackknife.bias( jvec=jvec, est=est, UJ )
        loadings.theta.stat <- data.frame( "est"=est, "est.jack"=res$est.jack, "se"=res$se )
        a1a <- rep( rownames(object$loadings.theta), ncol( object$loadings.theta ) )
        a1b <- rep( colnames(object$loadings.theta), each=nrow( object$loadings.theta ) )
        a1 <- paste( a1a, a1b, sep="-" )
        rownames(loadings.theta.stat) <- a1

    # collect objects with estimates and standard errors
    se.pars <- list( "tanaka.stat"=tanaka.stat, "rmsr.stat"=rmsr.stat )
    if (modtype %in% 3:4){
        se.pars$rmsea.stat <- rmsea.stat
        se.pars$chisquare_df.stat <- chisquare_df.stat
    if (modtype==4){
    if (modtype==3){
        se.pars$factor.cor.stat <- factor.cor.stat
        se.pars$loadings.stat <- loadings.stat
        se.pars$loadings.theta.stat <- loadings.theta.stat
    # create parameter table
    res <- se.pars
    LL <- length(res)
    dfr <- NULL
    for (ll in 1:LL ){
        dfr.ll <- res[[ll]]
        dfr.ll <- data.frame( "type"=names(res)[ll], "parameter"=rownames(dfr.ll), dfr.ll )
        dfr <- rbind( dfr, dfr.ll )
    rownames(dfr) <- NULL

    # output
    res <- list( "partable"=dfr, "se.pars"=se.pars, "jackknife.pars"=jackknife.pars,
            "u.jackunits"=u.jackunits )
    class(res) <- "R2noharm.jackknife"

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