
Defines functions alpha.aickin lc2.agreement lc2.data.prep

## File Name: lc.2raters.aux.R
## File Version: 0.10

# data preparation exchanegable raters
lc2.data.prep <- function(data){
    maxK <- max( data )
    m1 <- matrix( NA, maxK+1, maxK+1 )
    rownames(m1) <- colnames(m1) <- paste0("Cat", 0:maxK)
    for (kk1 in 0:maxK){
    for (kk2 in 0:maxK){
        m1[kk1+1,kk2+1] <- sum( ( data[,1]==kk1 ) * ( data[,2]==kk2 ) )
    m1 <- m1+t(m1)
    m1 <- m1/2
    res <- list("m1"=m1, "maxK"=maxK)

# agreement measures: input is a frequency table
lc2.agreement <- function( m1 ){
    # agreement and kappa measures
    # agreement
    res <- list( "agree0"=sum( diag( m1 ) ) / sum( m1 ) )
    K <- ncol(m1)
    qk <- outer( 1:K, 1:K, "-")
    res$agree1 <- sum( m1 * ( abs(qk) <=1 ) ) / sum(m1)
    p1 <- m1 / sum(m1)
    # kappa
    pk <- colSums( m1 )
    pk <- pk/sum(pk)
    pek <- sum( pk^2 )
    res$kappa <- ( sum( diag(p1) ) - pek ) / ( 1 - pek )

    # weighted kappa

    # define weights
    wgt <- 1 - abs( qk ) / ( K - 1 )
    pa <- sum( wgt * p1 )
    pek <- sum( outer( pk, pk )*wgt )
    res$wtd.kappa.linear <- ( pa - pek) / ( 1 - pek )

    wgt <- 1 - qk^2 / ( K - 1 )^2
    pa <- sum( wgt * p1 )
    pek <- sum( outer( pk, pk )*wgt )
    res$wtd.kappa.quadratic <- ( pa - pek) / ( 1 - pek )

    # Gwet's AC(1) statistic
    pek <- sum( pk*(1-pk) ) / ( K - 1 )
    pa <- sum( diag(p1))
    res$AC1 <- ( pa - pek) / ( 1 - pek )
    res$alpha.aickin <- alpha.aickin(m1)
    res <- unlist(res)

# Aickin's alpha
# Aickin (1990) Biometrics
alpha.aickin <- function(m1){
    # Aickin's alpha statistic
    p1 <- m1 / sum(m1)
    pk <- colSums(p1)
    pek <- sum( pk^2 )
    pa <- sum( diag(p1) )
    ckappa <- ( pa - pek ) / ( 1 - pek )
    Q <- ncol(m1)
    alpha <- ckappa
    pkH <- pk
    pet <- sum( pkH^2 )
    conv <- .001
    iter <- 0
    maxit <- 100
    par.change <- 1
    while( ( par.change > conv ) & ( iter < maxit ) ){
        alpha0 <- alpha
        pkH0 <- pkH
        # update hard-to-classify probabilities
        pkH <- pk / ( ( 1 - alpha ) + alpha * pkH / pet )
        # update alpha
        pet <- sum( pkH^2 )
        alpha <- ( pa - pet ) / ( 1 - pet )
        par.change <- max( abs( c( alpha - alpha0, pkH - pkH0 ) ) )
        iter <- iter + 1
#        print( par.change )

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