
Defines functions .mstep.mml.npirt

## File Name: rasch.mml.npirt.R
## File Version: 2.13

.mstep.mml.npirt <- function( pjk, r.jk, n.jk, theta.k, npformula, npmodel, G, I,
            npirt.monotone, ICC_model_matrix ){
                    rjk0 <- r.jk[,,1]
                    njk0 <- n.jk[,,1]
                    if (G > 1){
                        for (gg in 2:G){
                            rjk0 <- rjk0 + r.jk[,,gg]
                            njk0 <- njk0 + n.jk[,,gg]

        if ( is.null( npformula ) ){
                    pjk <- t(rjk0 / njk0 )
                    if (npirt.monotone){
                        # monotone smoothing
                        pjk <- monoreg.colwise(yM=pjk, wM=t(njk0) )

        # estimation using a formula for ICC estimation
        if ( ! is.null(npformula) ) {
                LK <- length(theta.k)
                        cat("ICC estimation |")
                        prbar <- floor( 10 * ( 1:I )    / I )
                        prbar <- c( 1, diff(prbar))
                        for (ii in 1:I){
                                #ii <- 3
#                            dfr1 <- data.frame( "theta"=theta.k, "y"=1, "wgt"=rjk0[ii,] )
#                            dfr0 <- data.frame( "theta"=theta.k, "y"=0, "wgt"=njk0[ii,] - rjk0[ii,] )
#                            dafr <- data.frame( rbind( dfr0, dfr1 ) )
                            if ( prbar[ii]==1){ cat("~"); utils::flush.console() }
#                            theta <- dafr$theta.k
#                            wgt <- dafr$wgt
#                            y <- dafr$y
#                            ICC_ <- model.matrix( npformula[[ii]], dafr )
                            y <- rep( c(0,1), each=LK)
                            wgt <- c( njk0[ii,] - rjk0[ii,], rjk0[ii,]  )
                            ICC_ <- ICC_model_matrix[[ii]]
                            npmodel[[ii]] <- stats::glm( y ~ 0 + ICC_, weights=wgt, family="binomial",
                                        control=list(maxit=4) )
#                            npmodel[[ii]] <- glm( npformula[[ii]],
#                                        data=dafr, weights=dafr$wgt, family="binomial")
                            pjk[,ii] <- stats::fitted( npmodel[[ii]] )[ seq( 1, LK ) + LK ]
                    res <- list( "pjk"=pjk, "npmodel"=npmodel)

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