
Defines functions ranger

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#   This file is part of Ranger.
# Ranger is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ranger is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ranger. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Written by:
#   Marvin N. Wright
# Institut fuer Medizinische Biometrie und Statistik
# Universitaet zu Luebeck
# Ratzeburger Allee 160
# 23562 Luebeck
# Germany
# http://www.imbs-luebeck.de
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ranger <- function(formula = NULL, data = NULL, num.trees = 500, mtry = NULL,
                   importance = "none", write.forest = TRUE, probability = FALSE,
                   min.node.size = NULL, max.depth = NULL, replace = TRUE, 
                   sample.fraction = ifelse(replace, 1, 0.632), 
                   case.weights = NULL, class.weights = NULL, splitrule = NULL, 
                   num.random.splits = 1, alpha = 0.5, minprop = 0.1,
                   split.select.weights = NULL, always.split.variables = NULL,
                   respect.unordered.factors = NULL,
                   scale.permutation.importance = FALSE,
                   keep.inbag = FALSE, inbag = NULL, holdout = FALSE,
                   quantreg = FALSE, oob.error = TRUE,
                   num.threads = NULL, save.memory = FALSE,
                   verbose = TRUE, seed = NULL, 
                   dependent.variable.name = NULL, status.variable.name = NULL, 
                   classification = NULL) {
  ## GenABEL GWA data
  if ("gwaa.data" %in% class(data)) {
    snp.names <- data@gtdata@snpnames
    snp.data <- data@gtdata@gtps@.Data
    data <- data@phdata
    if ("id" %in% names(data)) {
      data$"id" <- NULL
    gwa.mode <- TRUE
    save.memory <- FALSE
  } else {
    snp.data <- as.matrix(0)
    gwa.mode <- FALSE
  ## Sparse matrix data
  if (inherits(data, "Matrix")) {
    if (!("dgCMatrix" %in% class(data))) {
      stop("Error: Currently only sparse data of class 'dgCMatrix' supported.")
    if (!is.null(formula)) {
      stop("Error: Sparse matrices only supported with alternative interface. Use dependent.variable.name instead of formula.")
  ## Formula interface. Use whole data frame is no formula provided and depvarname given
  if (is.null(formula)) {
    if (is.null(dependent.variable.name)) {
      stop("Error: Please give formula or dependent variable name.")
    if (is.null(status.variable.name)) {
      status.variable.name <- ""
      response <- data[, dependent.variable.name, drop = TRUE]
    } else {
      response <- survival::Surv(data[, dependent.variable.name], data[, status.variable.name]) #data[, c(dependent.variable.name, status.variable.name)]
    data.selected <- data
  } else {
    formula <- formula(formula)
    if (!inherits(formula, "formula")) {
      stop("Error: Invalid formula.")
    data.selected <- parse.formula(formula, data, env = parent.frame())
    response <- data.selected[, 1]
  ## Check missing values
  if (any(is.na(data.selected))) {
    offending_columns <- colnames(data.selected)[colSums(is.na(data.selected)) > 0]
    stop("Missing data in columns: ",
         paste0(offending_columns, collapse = ", "), ".", call. = FALSE)
  ## Check response levels
  if (is.factor(response)) {
    if (nlevels(response) != nlevels(droplevels(response))) {
      dropped_levels <- setdiff(levels(response), levels(droplevels(response)))
      warning("Dropped unused factor level(s) in dependent variable: ",
              paste0(dropped_levels, collapse = ", "), ".", call. = FALSE)
  ## Treetype
  if (is.factor(response)) {
    if (probability) {
      treetype <- 9
    } else {
      treetype <- 1
  } else if (is.numeric(response) && (is.null(ncol(response)) || ncol(response) == 1)) {
    if (!is.null(classification) && classification && !probability) {
      treetype <- 1
    } else if (probability) {
      treetype <- 9
    } else {
      treetype <- 3
  } else if (inherits(response, "Surv") || is.data.frame(response) || is.matrix(response)) {
    treetype <- 5
  } else {
    stop("Error: Unsupported type of dependent variable.")
  ## Quantile prediction only for regression
  if (quantreg && treetype != 3) {
    stop("Error: Quantile prediction implemented only for regression outcomes.")
  ## Dependent and status variable name. For non-survival dummy status variable name.
  if (!is.null(formula)) {
    if (treetype == 5) {
      dependent.variable.name <- dimnames(response)[[2]][1]
      status.variable.name <- dimnames(response)[[2]][2]
    } else {
      dependent.variable.name <- names(data.selected)[1]
      status.variable.name <- ""
    independent.variable.names <- names(data.selected)[-1]
  } else {
    independent.variable.names <- colnames(data.selected)[colnames(data.selected) != dependent.variable.name &
                                                          colnames(data.selected) != status.variable.name]
  ## respect.unordered.factors
  if (is.null(respect.unordered.factors)) {
    if (!is.null(splitrule) && splitrule == "extratrees") {
      respect.unordered.factors <- "partition"
    } else {
      respect.unordered.factors <- "ignore"

  ## Old version of respect.unordered.factors
  if (respect.unordered.factors == TRUE) {
    respect.unordered.factors <- "order"
  } else if (respect.unordered.factors == FALSE) {
    respect.unordered.factors <- "ignore"
  ## Recode characters as factors and recode factors if 'order' mode
  if (!is.matrix(data.selected) && !inherits(data.selected, "Matrix")) {
    character.idx <- sapply(data.selected, is.character)
    if (respect.unordered.factors == "order") {
      ## Recode characters and unordered factors
      names.selected <- names(data.selected)
      ordered.idx <- sapply(data.selected, is.ordered)
      factor.idx <- sapply(data.selected, is.factor)
      independent.idx <- names.selected %in% independent.variable.names
      recode.idx <- independent.idx & (character.idx | (factor.idx & !ordered.idx))

      if (any(recode.idx) & (importance == "impurity_corrected" || importance == "impurity_unbiased")) {
        warning("Corrected impurity importance may not be unbiased for re-ordered factor levels. Consider setting respect.unordered.factors to 'ignore' or 'partition' or manually compute corrected importance.")
      ## Numeric response
      if (is.factor(response)) {
        num.response <- as.numeric(response)
      } else {
        num.response <- response

      ## Recode each column
      data.selected[recode.idx] <- lapply(data.selected[recode.idx], function(x) {
        if (!is.factor(x)) {
          x <- as.factor(x)
        if (length(levels(x)) == 1) {
          ## Don't order if only one level
          levels.ordered <- levels(x)
        } else if ("Surv" %in% class(response)) {
          ## Use median survival if available or largest quantile available in all strata if median not available
          levels.ordered <- largest.quantile(response ~ x)
          ## Get all levels not in node
          levels.missing <- setdiff(levels(x), levels.ordered)
          levels.ordered <- c(levels.missing, levels.ordered)
        } else if (is.factor(response) & nlevels(response) > 2) {
          levels.ordered <- pca.order(y = response, x = x)
        } else {
          ## Order factor levels by mean response
          means <- sapply(levels(x), function(y) {
            mean(num.response[x == y])
          levels.ordered <- as.character(levels(x)[order(means)])
        ## Return reordered factor
        factor(x, levels = levels.ordered, ordered = TRUE, exclude = NULL)
      ## Save levels
      covariate.levels <- lapply(data.selected[independent.idx], levels)
    } else {
      ## Recode characters only
      data.selected[character.idx] <- lapply(data.selected[character.idx], factor)
  ## Input data and variable names, create final data matrix
  if (!is.null(formula) && treetype == 5) {
    data.final <- data.matrix(cbind(response[, 1], response[, 2],
    colnames(data.final) <- c(dependent.variable.name, status.variable.name,
  } else if (is.matrix(data.selected) || inherits(data.selected, "Matrix")) {
    data.final <- data.selected
  } else {
    data.final <- data.matrix(data.selected)
  variable.names <- colnames(data.final)
  ## If gwa mode, add snp variable names
  if (gwa.mode) {
    variable.names <- c(variable.names, snp.names)
    all.independent.variable.names <- c(independent.variable.names, snp.names)
  } else {
    all.independent.variable.names <- independent.variable.names
  ## Error if no covariates
  if (length(all.independent.variable.names) < 1) {
    stop("Error: No covariates found.")
  ## Number of trees
  if (!is.numeric(num.trees) || num.trees < 1) {
    stop("Error: Invalid value for num.trees.")
  ## mtry
  if (is.null(mtry)) {
    mtry <- 0
  } else if (!is.numeric(mtry) || mtry < 0) {
    stop("Error: Invalid value for mtry")
  ## Seed
  if (is.null(seed)) {
    seed <- runif(1 , 0, .Machine$integer.max)
  ## Keep inbag
  if (!is.logical(keep.inbag)) {
    stop("Error: Invalid value for keep.inbag")
  ## Num threads
  ## Default 0 -> detect from system in C++.
  if (is.null(num.threads)) {
    num.threads = 0
  } else if (!is.numeric(num.threads) || num.threads < 0) {
    stop("Error: Invalid value for num.threads")
  ## Minumum node size
  if (is.null(min.node.size)) {
    min.node.size <- 0
  } else if (!is.numeric(min.node.size) || min.node.size < 0) {
    stop("Error: Invalid value for min.node.size")
  ## Tree depth
  if (is.null(max.depth)) {
    max.depth <- 0
  } else if (!is.numeric(max.depth) || max.depth < 0) {
    stop("Error: Invalid value for max.depth. Please give a positive integer.")
  ## Sample fraction
  if (!is.numeric(sample.fraction)) {
    stop("Error: Invalid value for sample.fraction. Please give a value in (0,1] or a vector of values in [0,1].")
  if (length(sample.fraction) > 1) {
    if (!(treetype %in% c(1, 9))) {
      stop("Error: Invalid value for sample.fraction. Vector values only valid for classification forests.")
    if (any(sample.fraction < 0) || any(sample.fraction > 1)) {
      stop("Error: Invalid value for sample.fraction. Please give a value in (0,1] or a vector of values in [0,1].")
    if (sum(sample.fraction) <= 0) {
      stop("Error: Invalid value for sample.fraction. Sum of values must be >0.")
    if (length(sample.fraction) != nlevels(response)) {
      stop("Error: Invalid value for sample.fraction. Expecting ", nlevels(response), " values, provided ", length(sample.fraction), ".")
    if (!replace & any(sample.fraction * length(response) > table(response))) {
      idx <- which(sample.fraction * length(response) > table(response))[1]
      stop("Error: Not enough samples in class ", names(idx), 
           "; available: ", table(response)[idx], 
           ", requested: ", (sample.fraction * length(response))[idx], ".")
    if (!is.null(case.weights)) {
      stop("Error: Combination of case.weights and class-wise sampling not supported.")
  } else {
    if (sample.fraction <= 0 || sample.fraction > 1) {
      stop("Error: Invalid value for sample.fraction. Please give a value in (0,1] or a vector of values in [0,1].")
  ## Importance mode
  if (is.null(importance) || importance == "none") {
    importance.mode <- 0
  } else if (importance == "impurity") {
    importance.mode <- 1
  } else if (importance == "impurity_corrected" || importance == "impurity_unbiased") {
    importance.mode <- 5
  } else if (importance == "permutation") {
    if (scale.permutation.importance) {
      importance.mode <- 2
    } else {
      importance.mode <- 3
  } else {
    stop("Error: Unknown importance mode.")
  ## Case weights: NULL for no weights
  if (is.null(case.weights)) {
    case.weights <- c(0,0)
    use.case.weights <- FALSE
    if (holdout) {
      stop("Error: Case weights required to use holdout mode.")
  } else {
    use.case.weights <- TRUE
    ## Sample from non-zero weights in holdout mode
    if (holdout) {
      sample.fraction <- sample.fraction * mean(case.weights > 0)
    if (!replace && sum(case.weights > 0) < sample.fraction * nrow(data.final)) {
      stop("Error: Fewer non-zero case weights than observations to sample.")
  ## Manual inbag selection
  if (is.null(inbag)) {
    inbag <- list(c(0,0))
    use.inbag <- FALSE
  } else if (is.list(inbag)) {
    use.inbag <- TRUE
    if (use.case.weights) {
      stop("Error: Combination of case.weights and inbag not supported.")
    if (length(sample.fraction) > 1) {
      stop("Error: Combination of class-wise sampling and inbag not supported.")
    if (length(inbag) != num.trees) {
      stop("Error: Size of inbag list not equal to number of trees.")
  } else {
    stop("Error: Invalid inbag, expects list of vectors of size num.trees.")
  ## Class weights: NULL for no weights (all 1)
  if (is.null(class.weights)) {
    class.weights <- rep(1, nlevels(response))
  } else {
    if (!(treetype %in% c(1, 9))) {
      stop("Error: Argument class.weights only valid for classification forests.")
    if (!is.numeric(class.weights) || any(class.weights < 0)) {
      stop("Error: Invalid value for class.weights. Please give a vector of non-negative values.")
    if (length(class.weights) != nlevels(response)) {
      stop("Error: Number of class weights not equal to number of classes.")

    ## Reorder (C++ expects order as appearing in the data)
    class.weights <- class.weights[unique(as.numeric(response))]
  ## Split select weights: NULL for no weights
  if (is.null(split.select.weights)) {
    split.select.weights <- list(c(0,0))
    use.split.select.weights <- FALSE
  } else if (is.numeric(split.select.weights)) {
    if (length(split.select.weights) != length(all.independent.variable.names)) {
      stop("Error: Number of split select weights not equal to number of independent variables.")
    split.select.weights <- list(split.select.weights)
    use.split.select.weights <- TRUE
  } else if (is.list(split.select.weights)) {
    if (length(split.select.weights) != num.trees) {
      stop("Error: Size of split select weights list not equal to number of trees.")
    use.split.select.weights <- TRUE
  } else {
    stop("Error: Invalid split select weights.")
  ## Always split variables: NULL for no variables
  if (is.null(always.split.variables)) {
    always.split.variables <- c("0", "0")
    use.always.split.variables <- FALSE
  } else {
    use.always.split.variables <- TRUE
  if (use.split.select.weights && use.always.split.variables) {
    stop("Error: Please use only one option of split.select.weights and always.split.variables.")
  ## Splitting rule
  if (is.null(splitrule)) {
    if (treetype == 5) {
      splitrule <- "logrank"
    } else if (treetype == 3) {
      splitrule <- "variance"
    } else if (treetype %in% c(1, 9)) {
      splitrule <- "gini"
    splitrule.num <- 1
  } else if (splitrule == "logrank") {
    if (treetype == 5) {
      splitrule.num <- 1
    } else {
      stop("Error: logrank splitrule applicable to survival data only.")
  } else if (splitrule == "gini") {
    if (treetype %in% c(1, 9)) {
      splitrule.num <- 1
    } else {
      stop("Error: Gini splitrule applicable to classification data only.")
  } else if (splitrule == "variance") {
    if (treetype == 3) {
      splitrule.num <- 1
    } else {
      stop("Error: variance splitrule applicable to regression data only.")
  } else if (splitrule == "auc" || splitrule == "C") {
    if (treetype == 5) {
      splitrule.num <- 2
    } else {
      stop("Error: C index splitrule applicable to survival data only.")
  } else if (splitrule == "auc_ignore_ties" || splitrule == "C_ignore_ties") {
    if (treetype == 5) {
      splitrule.num <- 3
    } else {
      stop("Error: C index splitrule applicable to survival data only.")
  } else if (splitrule == "maxstat") {
    if (treetype == 5 || treetype == 3) {
      splitrule.num <- 4
    } else {
      stop("Error: maxstat splitrule applicable to regression or survival data only.")
  } else if (splitrule == "extratrees") {
    splitrule.num <- 5
  } else {
    stop("Error: Unknown splitrule.")
  ## Maxstat splitting
  if (alpha < 0 || alpha > 1) {
    stop("Error: Invalid value for alpha, please give a value between 0 and 1.")
  if (minprop < 0 || minprop > 0.5) {
    stop("Error: Invalid value for minprop, please give a value between 0 and 0.5.")

  ## Extra trees
  if (!is.numeric(num.random.splits) || num.random.splits < 1) {
    stop("Error: Invalid value for num.random.splits, please give a positive integer.")
  if (splitrule.num == 5 && save.memory && respect.unordered.factors == "partition") {
    stop("Error: save.memory option not possible in extraTrees mode with unordered predictors.")

  ## Unordered factors  
  if (respect.unordered.factors == "partition") {
    names.selected <- names(data.selected)
    ordered.idx <- sapply(data.selected, is.ordered)
    factor.idx <- sapply(data.selected, is.factor)
    independent.idx <- names.selected != dependent.variable.name & names.selected != status.variable.name
    unordered.factor.variables <- names.selected[factor.idx & !ordered.idx & independent.idx]
    if (length(unordered.factor.variables) > 0) {
      use.unordered.factor.variables <- TRUE
      ## Check level count
      num.levels <- sapply(data.selected[, factor.idx & !ordered.idx & independent.idx, drop = FALSE], nlevels)
      max.level.count <- .Machine$double.digits
      if (max(num.levels) > max.level.count) {
        stop(paste("Too many levels in unordered categorical variable ", unordered.factor.variables[which.max(num.levels)], 
                   ". Only ", max.level.count, " levels allowed on this system. Consider using the 'order' option.", sep = ""))
    } else {
      unordered.factor.variables <- c("0", "0")
      use.unordered.factor.variables <- FALSE
  } else if (respect.unordered.factors == "ignore" || respect.unordered.factors == "order") {
    ## Ordering for "order" is handled above
    unordered.factor.variables <- c("0", "0")
    use.unordered.factor.variables <- FALSE
  } else {
    stop("Error: Invalid value for respect.unordered.factors, please use 'order', 'partition' or 'ignore'.")

  ## Unordered maxstat splitting not possible
  if (use.unordered.factor.variables && !is.null(splitrule)) {
    if (splitrule == "maxstat") {
      stop("Error: Unordered factor splitting not implemented for 'maxstat' splitting rule.")
    } else if (splitrule %in% c("C", "auc", "C_ignore_ties", "auc_ignore_ties")) {
      stop("Error: Unordered factor splitting not implemented for 'C' splitting rule.")
  ## Warning for experimental 'order' splitting 
  if (respect.unordered.factors == "order") {
    if (treetype == 3 && splitrule == "maxstat") {
      warning("Warning: The 'order' mode for unordered factor handling with the 'maxstat' splitrule is experimental.")
    if (gwa.mode & ((treetype %in% c(1,9) & nlevels(response) > 2) | treetype == 5)) {
      stop("Error: Ordering of SNPs currently only implemented for regression and binary outcomes.")

  ## Prediction mode always false. Use predict.ranger() method.
  prediction.mode <- FALSE
  predict.all <- FALSE
  prediction.type <- 1
  ## No loaded forest object
  loaded.forest <- list()
  if (respect.unordered.factors == "order"){
    order.snps <- TRUE
  } else {
    order.snps <- FALSE
  ## Clean up

  ## Call Ranger
  result <- rangerCpp(treetype, dependent.variable.name, data.final, variable.names, mtry,
                      num.trees, verbose, seed, num.threads, write.forest, importance.mode,
                      min.node.size, split.select.weights, use.split.select.weights,
                      always.split.variables, use.always.split.variables,
                      status.variable.name, prediction.mode, loaded.forest, snp.data,
                      replace, probability, unordered.factor.variables, use.unordered.factor.variables, 
                      save.memory, splitrule.num, case.weights, use.case.weights, class.weights, 
                      predict.all, keep.inbag, sample.fraction, alpha, minprop, holdout, prediction.type, 
                      num.random.splits, order.snps, oob.error, max.depth, 
                      inbag, use.inbag)
  if (length(result) == 0) {
    stop("User interrupt or internal error.")
  ## Prepare results
  if (importance.mode != 0) {
    names(result$variable.importance) <- all.independent.variable.names

  ## Set predictions
  if (treetype == 1 && is.factor(response) && oob.error) {
    result$predictions <- integer.to.factor(result$predictions,
    true.values <- integer.to.factor(unlist(data.final[, dependent.variable.name]),
    result$confusion.matrix <- table(true.values, result$predictions, 
                                     dnn = c("true", "predicted"), useNA = "ifany")
  } else if (treetype == 5 && oob.error) {
    if (is.list(result$predictions)) {
      result$predictions <- do.call(rbind, result$predictions)
    if (is.vector(result$predictions)) {
      result$predictions <- matrix(result$predictions, nrow = 1)
    result$chf <- result$predictions
    result$predictions <- NULL
    result$survival <- exp(-result$chf)
  } else if (treetype == 9 && !is.matrix(data) && oob.error) {
    if (is.list(result$predictions)) {
      result$predictions <- do.call(rbind, result$predictions)
    if (is.vector(result$predictions)) {
      result$predictions <- matrix(result$predictions, nrow = 1)
    ## Set colnames and sort by levels
    colnames(result$predictions) <- unique(response)
    if (is.factor(response)) {
      result$predictions <- result$predictions[, levels(droplevels(response)), drop = FALSE]
  ## Splitrule
  result$splitrule <- splitrule
  ## Set treetype
  if (treetype == 1) {
    result$treetype <- "Classification"
  } else if (treetype == 3) {
    result$treetype <- "Regression"
  } else if (treetype == 5) {
    result$treetype <- "Survival"
  } else if (treetype == 9) {
    result$treetype <- "Probability estimation"
  if (treetype == 3) {
    result$r.squared <- 1 - result$prediction.error / var(response)
  result$call <- sys.call()
  result$importance.mode <- importance
  result$num.samples <- nrow(data.final)
  result$replace <- replace
  ## Write forest object
  if (write.forest) {
    if (is.factor(response)) {
      result$forest$levels <- levels(response)
    result$forest$independent.variable.names <- independent.variable.names
    result$forest$treetype <- result$treetype
    class(result$forest) <- "ranger.forest"
    ## In 'ordered' mode, save covariate levels
    if (respect.unordered.factors == "order" && !is.matrix(data)) {
      result$forest$covariate.levels <- covariate.levels
  class(result) <- "ranger"
  ## Prepare quantile prediction
  if (quantreg) {
    terminal.nodes <- predict(result, data, type = "terminalNodes")$predictions + 1
    n <- result$num.samples
    result$random.node.values <- matrix(nrow = max(terminal.nodes), ncol = num.trees)
    ## Select one random obs per node and tree
    for (tree in 1:num.trees){
      idx <- sample(1:n, n)
      result$random.node.values[terminal.nodes[idx, tree], tree] <- response[idx]
    ## Prepare out-of-bag quantile regression
    if(!is.null(result$inbag.counts)) {
      inbag.counts <- simplify2array(result$inbag.counts)
      random.node.values.oob <- 0 * terminal.nodes
      random.node.values.oob[inbag.counts > 0] <- NA
      ## For each tree and observation select one random obs in the same node (not the same obs)
      for (tree in 1:num.trees){
        is.oob <- inbag.counts[, tree] == 0
        num.oob <- sum(is.oob)
        if (num.oob != 0) {
          oob.obs <- which(is.oob)
          oob.nodes <- terminal.nodes[oob.obs, tree]
          for (j in 1:num.oob) {
            idx <- terminal.nodes[, tree] == oob.nodes[j]
            idx[oob.obs[j]] <- FALSE
            random.node.values.oob[oob.obs[j], tree] <- save.sample(response[idx], size = 1)
      ## Check num.trees
      minoob <- min(rowSums(inbag.counts == 0))
      if (minoob < 10) {
        stop("Error: Too few trees for out-of-bag quantile regression.")
      ## Use the same number of values for all obs, select randomly
      result$random.node.values.oob <- t(apply(random.node.values.oob, 1, function(x) {
        sample(x[!is.na(x)], minoob)

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