
Defines functions print.slurm_rscript new_rscript save_objects load_packages tcq print.slurm_info list_loaded_pkgs

Documented in new_rscript

#' List loaded packages together with `lib.loc`
#' @noRd
list_loaded_pkgs <- function(exclude_slurmR = TRUE) {

  # Getting the name spaces
  pkgs <- rev(sessionInfo()$otherPkgs)

  # Session
  ans <- structure(
    lapply(pkgs, function(p) {
      gsub(sprintf("/%s/.+", p$Package), "", attr(p, "file"))
    names = names(pkgs)

  if (exclude_slurmR)
    return(ans[setdiff(names(ans), "slurmR")])



#' @export
print.slurm_info <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(x, sep = "\n")

tcq <- function(...) {

  ans <- tryCatch(..., error = function(e) e)
  if (inherits(ans, "error")) {

    ARRAY_ID. <- get("ARRAY_ID", envir = .GlobalEnv)
    msg <- paste0(
      "[slurmR info] An error has ocurred while evualting the expression:\n[slurmR info]   ",
      paste(deparse(match.call()[[2]]), collapse = "\n[slurmR info]   "), "\n[slurmR info] in ",
      "ARRAY_ID # ", ARRAY_ID.,
      "\n[slurmR info] The error will be saved and quit R.\n"
    message(msg, immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)

    ans <- list(
      res        = ans,
      array_id   = ARRAY_ID.,
      job_name   = get("JOB_NAME", envir = .GlobalEnv),
      slurmr_msg = structure(msg, class = "slurm_info")

        tmp_path = get("TMP_PATH", envir = .GlobalEnv),
        job_name = get("JOB_NAME", envir = .GlobalEnv),
        array_id = ARRAY_ID.
    message("[slurmR info] job-status: failed.\n")

    # Status  < 11 are reserved by R
    # q(save = "no", status = 11)


#' Creates an R script
#' @noRd
#' @param pkgs A named list of R packages to load.
load_packages <- function(pkgs, tmp_path, job_name) {

  # For testing purposes, the instalation of the package is somewhere else
  sprintf("library(%s, lib.loc = \"%s\")", names(pkgs), unlist(pkgs))


save_objects <- function(
  compress = TRUE,
  njobs    = NULL,
) {

  # Creating and checking  path
  path <- sprintf("%s/%s", tmp_path, job_name)

  # Saving objects
  for (i in seq_along(objects)) {

    if (!length(njobs)) {

        sprintf("%s/%s.rds", path, names(objects)[i]),
        compress = compress

    } else {

      # Getting the splits
      splits <- parallel::splitIndices(length(objects[[i]]), njobs)

      for (j in seq_len(njobs)) {

          sprintf("%s/%s_%04d.rds", path, names(objects)[i], j),
          compress = compress





#' General purpose function to write R scripts
#' This function will create an object of class `slurmR_rscript` that can be used
#' to write the R component in a batch job.
#' @template njobs
#' @param pkgs A named list with packages to be included. Each element of the list
#' must be a path to the R library, while the names of the list are the names of
#' the R packages to be loaded.
#' @param libPaths A character vector. See [.libPaths].
#' @template job_name-tmp_path
#' @return An environment of class `slurmR_rscript`. This has the following accessible
#' components:
#' - `add_rds` Add rds files to be loaded in each job.", `x` is a named list
#'   with the objects that should be loaded in the jobs. If `index = TRUE` the
#'   function assumes that the user will be accessing a particular subset of `x`
#'   during the job, which is accessed according to `INDICES[[ARRAY_ID]]`. The
#'   option `compress` is passed to [saveRDS].
#'   One important side effect is that when this function is called, the object
#'   will be saved in the current job directory, this is `opts_slurmR$get_tmp_path()`.
#' - `append` Adds a line to the R script. Its only argument, `x` is a character
#'   vector that will be added to the R script.
#' - `rscript` A character vector. This is the actual R script that will be written
#'   at the end.
#' - `finalize` Adds the final line of the R script. This function receives a
#'   character scalar `x` which is used as the name of the object to be saved.
#'   If missing, the function will save a NULL object. The `compress` argument
#'   is passed to [saveRDS].
#' - `set_seed` Adds a vector of seeds to be used across the jobs. This vector
#'   of seeds should be of length `njobs`. The other two parameters of the
#'   function are passed to [set.seed]. By default the seed is picked as follows:
#'   ```
#'   seeds <- sample.int(.Machine$integer.max, njobs, replace = FALSE)
#'   ```
#' - `write` Finalizes the process by writing the R script in the corresponding
#'   folder to be used with Slurm.
#' @export
new_rscript <- function(
  pkgs     = list_loaded_pkgs(),
  libPaths = .libPaths()
  ) {

  # Creating the environment
  env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

  # The first statement is the task id number
  env$rscript <- NULL
  env$njobs   <- njobs

  # Function to append a line
  env$append <- function(x, wrap = TRUE) {

    x <- paste0(
      ifelse(wrap, "tcq({\n  ", ""),
      paste(x, collapse = ifelse(wrap, "\n  ", "\n")),
      ifelse(wrap, "\n})", "")

    env$rscript <- c(env$rscript, x)

  # Checking libpaths
  if (length(libPaths)) {

    if (is.atomic(libPaths) && is.character(libPaths)) {
        paste(libPaths, collapse="\", \"")
        ), wrap = FALSE)
    } else {

      stop("The argument `libPaths` must be either a vector or a character scalar.",
           call. = FALSE)



  # Constants
      "message(\"[slurmR info] Loading variables and functions... \", appendLF = FALSE)",
      sprintf("Slurm_env <- %s", paste(deparse(Slurm_env), collapse = "\n")),
      "ARRAY_ID  <- as.integer(Slurm_env(\"SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID\"))",
      "\n# The -snames- function creates the write names for I/O of files as a ",
      "# function of the ARRAY_ID",
      sprintf("snames    <- %s", paste(deparse(snames), collapse = "\n")),
      sprintf("TMP_PATH  <- \"%s\"", tmp_path),
      sprintf("JOB_NAME  <- \"%s\"", job_name),
      "\n# The -tcq- function is a wrapper of tryCatch that on error tries to recover",
      "# the message and saves the outcome so that slurmR can return OK.",
      paste0("tcq <- ", paste(deparse(tcq), collapse = "\n")),
      "message(\"done loading variables and functions.\")"
    wrap = FALSE

  # We only load packages if loaded...
  pkgs <- load_packages(pkgs, tmp_path = tmp_path, job_name = job_name)
  if (length(pkgs)) {
    env$append("message(\"[slurmR info] Loading packages ... \")", wrap = FALSE)
    env$append("message(\"[slurmR info] done loading packages.\")", wrap = FALSE)

  # Function to finalize the Rscript
  env$finalize <- function(x, compress = TRUE) {

        "saveRDS(%s, %s, compress = %s)",
        if (missing(x)) "NULL" else x,
          "sprintf(\"%s\", ARRAY_ID)",
          snames("rds", tmp_path = tmp_path, job_name = job_name)
        ifelse(compress, "TRUE", "FALSE")
    ), wrap = FALSE)

    env$append("message(\"[slurmR info] job-status: OK.\\n\")", wrap = FALSE)

  env$add_rds <- function(x, split = FALSE, compress = TRUE) {

    # Checking
    if (!is.list(x))
      stop("`x` must be a list.", call. = FALSE)
    if (!length(names(x)))
      stop("`x` must be a named list.", call. = FALSE)

    # Saving the objects
      job_name = job_name,
      tmp_path = tmp_path,
      njobs    = if (split) njobs else NULL,
      compress = compress

    for (i in seq_along(x)) {
      # Writing the line
      line <- sprintf(
        if (split) {
          "%s <- readRDS(sprintf(\"%s/%s/%1$s_%%04d.rds\", ARRAY_ID))"
        } else {
          "%s <- readRDS(\"%s/%s/%1$s.rds\")"

      env$robjects <- c(env$robjects, names(x)[i])



  env$set_seed <- function(x = NULL, kind = NULL, normal.kind = NULL) {

    # Reading the seeds
    if (is.null(x))
      x <- sample.int(.Machine$integer.max, env$njobs, replace = FALSE)

    env$add_rds(list(seeds = x), split = FALSE)
    line <- sprintf("set.seed(seeds[ARRAY_ID], kind = %s, normal.kind = %s)",
                    ifelse(length(kind), kind, "NULL"),
                    ifelse(length(normal.kind), normal.kind, "NULL"))

    # Don't want the seed to be kept in the list
    env$robjects <- env$robjects[1L:(length(env$robjects) - 1L)]
    env$rscript <- c(env$rscript, line)



  env$write <- function() {
      snames("r", tmp_path = tmp_path, job_name = job_name)

  structure(env, class = "slurm_rscript")


print.slurm_rscript <- function(x, ...) {

  cat(x$rscript, sep = "\n")



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slurmR documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 5:06 p.m.