
Defines functions approxNormalOrder2 approxNormalOrder integr.control fitMRMEapprox_fixedSigErr nllk_mrme_approx_fixed_sig_err fitMRMEapprox estVarMRMEnaive_pBootstrap estVarMRMEnaive_Godambe fitMRME_naive estVarMRME_pBootstrap estVarMRME_Godambe fitMRME fitMovRes fitMR ncllk.m1.inc cllk.m1 cllk.m1.p dmrbm.m1 hr hm hrm hrr hmr hmm dtr dtm dtr.r dtr.m dtm.r dtm.m dtr.rm dtr.rr dtm.mr dtm.mm dtm.mr.b dtm.mm.b dt.atm rMRME rMovRes rMR simmr.state sim1mr.bbz sim1mr.times.bbz

Documented in approxNormalOrder approxNormalOrder2 dtm dtr estVarMRME_Godambe estVarMRMEnaive_Godambe estVarMRMEnaive_pBootstrap estVarMRME_pBootstrap fitMovRes fitMR fitMRME fitMRMEapprox fitMRME_naive integr.control rMovRes rMR rMRME

#' @importFrom stats dnorm integrate optim rexp rnorm cov na.omit
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom numDeriv hessian
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @useDynLib smam

## simulation of breaking time points bbs
## for a 2 state telegraph process
sim1mr.times.bbz <- function(s, lam1, lam2) {
    tsum <- 0
    tt <- NULL
    state <- NULL
    while (TRUE) {
        tnew <- rexp(1, lam1) ## starting from state 1
        tsum <- tsum + tnew
        tt <- c(tt, tsum)
        state <- c(state, 0)
        if (tsum > s) break
        tnew <- rexp(1, lam2)
        tsum <- tsum + tnew
        tt <- c(tt, tsum)
        state <- c(state, 1)
        if (tsum > s) break
    cbind(tt, state)

## simulation of a realization given breaking times 
sim1mr.bbz <- function(s, sigma, time, brtimes, t0moving=TRUE) {
#### time: time points in [0, s]
    tt <- sort(unique(c(time, brtimes)))
    nt <- length(tt)
    nb <- length(brtimes) 
    x <- rep(NA, nt)
    x[1] <- 0
    status <- as.integer(t0moving)
    tend <- brtimes[1]
    j <- 1
    for (i in 2:nt) {
        if (tt[i] <= tend) { ## status unchanged
            if (status == 1)   ## moving
              x[i] <- x[i - 1] + rnorm(1, sd = sigma * sqrt(tt[i] - tt[i - 1]))
            else               ## resting
              x[i] <- x[i - 1]
        if (tt[i] == tend) {
            status <- 1 - status ## switch status
            j <- j + 1
            tend <- brtimes[j]
    x[tt %in% time]

## figure out the state given breaking times
simmr.state <- function(time, brtimes, t0moving) {
    brstate <- brtimes[, 2]
    brtimes <- brtimes[, 1]
    tt <- sort(unique(c(time, brtimes)))
    nt <- length(tt)
    nb <- length(brtimes) 
    x <- rep(NA, nt)
    tend <- brtimes[1]
    tend.state <- brstate[1]
    j <- 1
    for (i in 1:nt) {
        if (tt[i] <= tend) { ## status unchanged
            x[i] <- tend.state
        if (tt[i] == tend) { ## switch status
            j <- j + 1
            tend <- brtimes[j]
            tend.state <- brstate[j]
    ## return result according to the start state
    if (t0moving) {
        return(1 - x[tt %in% time])
    } else {
        return(x[tt %in% time])

## simulation a moving-resting path given a grid time

#' Sampling from a Moving-Resting Process with Embedded Brownian Motion
#' A moving-resting process consists of two states: moving and resting.
#' The transition between the two states is modeled by an alternating
#' renewal process, with exponentially distributed duration. An animal
#' stays at the same location while resting, and moves according to a
#' Brownian motion while moving.
#' @param time time points at which observations are to be simulated
#' @param lamM rate parameter of the exponential duration while moving
#' @param lamR rate parameter of the exponential duration while resting
#' @param sigma volatility parameter of the Brownian motion while moving
#' @param s0 the state at time 0, must be one of "m" or "r", for moving and
#' resting, respectively
#' @param dim (integer) dimension of the Brownian motion
#' @param state indicates whether the simulation show the states at given
#' time points.
#' @return
#' A \code{data.frame} whose first column is the time points and whose
#' other columns are coordinates of the locations.
#' @references
#' Yan, J., Chen, Y., Lawrence-Apfel, K., Ortega, I. M., Pozdnyakov, V.,
#' Williams, S., and Meyer, T. (2014) A moving-resting process with an
#' embedded Brownian motion for animal movements.
#' Population Ecology. 56(2): 401--415.
#' Pozdnyakov, V., Elbroch, L., Labarga, A., Meyer, T., and Yan, J.
#' (2017) Discretely observed Brownian motion governed by telegraph
#' process: estimation. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability.
#' doi:10.1007/s11009-017-9547-6.
#' @examples
#' tgrid <- seq(0, 10, length=1001)
#' ## make it irregularly spaced
#' tgrid <- sort(sample(tgrid, 800))
#' dat <- rMR(tgrid, 1, 1, 1, "m")
#' plot(dat[,1], dat[,2], xlab="t", ylab="X(t)", type='l')
#' dat2 <- rMR(tgrid, 1, 1, 1, "m", state = TRUE)
#' head(dat2)
#' dat3 <- rMRME(tgrid, 1, 1, 1, 0.01, "m", state = TRUE)
#' head(dat3)
#' plot(dat3[,1], dat3[,3], xlab="t", ylab="Z(t)=X(t)+GWN(0.01)", type="l")
#' @export

rMR <- function(time, lamM, lamR, sigma, s0, dim = 2, state = FALSE) {
    time <- time - time[1]
    stopifnot(s0 %in% c("m", "r"))
    t0moving <- (s0 == "m")
    lam1 <- if (t0moving) lamM else lamR
    lam2 <- if (t0moving) lamR else lamM
    timeIND <- 0
    if (length(time) == 1) {
        timeIND <- 1
        time <- c(0, time)
    tmax <- time[length(time)]
    brtimes <- sim1mr.times.bbz(tmax, lam1, lam2)
    coord <- replicate(dim, sim1mr.bbz(tmax, sigma, time, brtimes[, 1], t0moving))

    stateresult <- simmr.state(time, brtimes, t0moving = t0moving)

    if (timeIND == 1) {
        if (state) {
            return(data.frame(time = time, state = stateresult, coord)[-1, ])
        return(data.frame(time = time, coord)[-1, ])
    if (state) {
        return(data.frame(time = time, state = stateresult, coord))
    data.frame(time = time, coord)

#' 'rMovRes' is deprecated. Using new function 'rMR' instead.
#' @rdname rMR
#' @export
rMovRes <- function(time, lamM, lamR, sigma, s0, dim = 2) {
    rMR(time, lamM, lamR, sigma, s0, dim)

#' 'rMRME' samples from moving-resting process with Guassian measurement error
#' @param sig_err s.d. of Gaussian white noise
#' @rdname rMR
#' @export
rMRME <- function(time, lamM, lamR, sigma, sig_err, s0, dim = 2, state = FALSE){
    time <- time - time[1]
    dat <- rMR(time, lamM, lamR, sigma, s0, dim = dim, state)
    if (state) {
        for (i in 1:dim) {
            dat[, i+2] <- dat[, i+2] + rnorm(length(time), mean = 0, sd = sig_err)
    } else {
        for (i in 1:dim) {
            dat[, i+1] <- dat[, i+1] + rnorm(length(time), mean = 0, sd = sig_err)

## atom at w = t for dtm.m or dtm.r
dt.atm <- function(t, lam) {
    exp(- lam * t)

## dt{mr}.{mr}{mr}
## prob/dens of time spent in state (m or r) by time t,
## the starting state is m or r and ending state is m or r.
## dt{mr}.{mr}
## prob/dens of time spent in state (m or r) by time t,
## the starting state is m or r.
## using besselI function is much faster than my C code
dtm.mm.b <- function(w, t, lamM, lamR) {
    ## The formula of Zacks (2004, p.500, JAP:497-507) mistakenly has
    ## 2 inside the square root!
    lm <- lamM * w
    lr <- lamR * (t - w)
    elmr <- exp(-lm - lr)
    z <- 2 * sqrt(lm * lr)
    ## ifelse(w > t | w < 0, 0, 
    ##        ifelse(w == t, atm(t, lamM),
    ##               elmr * sqrt(lamM * lamR * w / (t - w)) * besselI(z, 1)))
    ifelse(w > t | w < 0, 0,  elmr * sqrt(lamM * lamR * w / (t - w)) * besselI(z, 1))

dtm.mr.b <- function(w, t, lamM, lamR) {
    lm <- lamM * w
    lr <- lamR * (t - w)
    elmr <- exp(-lm - lr)
    z <- 2 * sqrt(lm * lr)
    ifelse(w > t | w < 0, 0, lamM * elmr * besselI(z, 0))

## calling C code yields to using modified besselI (mb) as default
dtm.mm <- function(w, t, lamM, lamR, mb = TRUE) { 
    if (mb) return(dtm.mm.b(w, t, lamM, lamR))
    wlen <- length(w)
    t <- rep(t, length.out = wlen)
    dens <- .C("pmm", as.double(w), as.double(t), as.double(lamM), as.double(lamR), as.integer(wlen), dens = double(wlen), PACKAGE="smam")$dens
    ifelse(w > t | w < 0, 0, dens)
    ##           ifelse(w == t, atm(t, lamM), dens))

dtm.mr <- function(w, t, lamM, lamR, mb = TRUE) {
    if (mb) return(dtm.mr.b(w, t, lamM, lamR))
    wlen <- length(w)
    t <- rep(t, length.out = wlen)
    dens <- .C("pmr", as.double(w), as.double(t), as.double(lamM), as.double(lamR), as.integer(wlen), dens = double(wlen), PACKAGE="smam")$dens
    ifelse(w > t | w < 0, 0, dens)

dtr.rr <- function(w, t, lamM, lamR, mb = TRUE) {
    if (mb) return(dtm.mm.b(w, t, lamR, lamM))
    wlen <- length(w)
    t <- rep(t, length.out=wlen)
    dens <- .C("pmm", as.double(w), as.double(t), as.double(lamR), as.double(lamM), as.integer(wlen), dens = double(wlen), PACKAGE="smam")$dens
    ifelse(w > t | w < 0, 0, dens)
    ##           ifelse(w == t, atm(t, lamR), dens))

dtr.rm <- function(w, t, lamM, lamR, mb = TRUE) {
    if (mb) return(dtm.mr.b(w, t, lamR, lamM))
    wlen <- length(w)
    t <- rep(t, length.out=wlen)
    dens <- .C("pmr", as.double(w), as.double(t), as.double(lamR), as.double(lamM), as.integer(wlen), dens = double(wlen), PACKAGE="smam")$dens
    ifelse(w > t | w < 0, 0, dens)

dtm.m <- function(w, t, lamM, lamR) {
    dtm.mm(w, t, lamM, lamR) + dtm.mr(w, t, lamM, lamR)

dtm.r <- function(w, t, lamM, lamR) {
    dtr.rm(t - w, t, lamM, lamR) + dtr.rr(t - w, t, lamM, lamR)
dtr.m <- function(w, t, lamM, lamR) {
    dtm.mm(t - w, t, lamM, lamR) + dtm.mr(t - w, t, lamM, lamR)

dtr.r <- function(w, t, lamM, lamR) {
    dtr.rm(w, t, lamM, lamR) + dtr.rr(w, t, lamM, lamR)

#' Density for Time Spent in Moving or Resting
#' Density for time spent in moving or resting in a time interval,
#' unconditional or conditional on the initial state.
#' @param w time points at which the density is to be evaluated
#' @param t length of the time interval
#' @param lamM rate parameter of the exponentially distributed duration in moving
#' @param lamR rate parameter of the exponentially distributed duration in resting
#' @param s0 initial state. If \code{NULL}, the unconditional density is
#' returned; otherwise, it is one of "m" or "s", standing for moving and
#' resting, respectively, and the conditional density is returned given
#' the initial state.
#' @return
#' a vector of the density evaluated at \code{w}.
#' @details
#' \code{dtm} returns the density for time in moving;
#' \code{dtr} returns the density for time in resting.
#' @references
#' Yan, J., Chen, Y., Lawrence-Apfel, K., Ortega, I. M., Pozdnyakov, V.,
#' Williams, S., and Meyer, T. (2014) A moving-resting process with an
#' embedded Brownian motion for animal movements.
#' Population Ecology. 56(2): 401--415.
#' @examples
#' lamM <- 1
#' lamR <- c(1/2, 1, 2)
#' lr <- length(lamR)
#' totalT <- 10
#' old.par <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
#' par(mfrow=c(1, 2), mar=c(2.5, 2.5, 1.1, 0.1), mgp=c(1.5, 0.5, 0), las=1)
#' curve(dtm(x, totalT, 1, 1/2, "m"), 0, totalT, lty=1, ylim=c(0, 0.34),
#'       xlab="M(10)", ylab="density")
#' curve(dtm(x, totalT, 1, 1, "m"), 0, totalT, lty=2, add=TRUE)
#' curve(dtm(x, totalT, 1, 2, "m"), 0, totalT, lty=3, add=TRUE)
#' mtext(expression("S(0) = 1"))
#' legend("topleft", legend = expression(lambda[r] == 1/2, lambda[r] == 1,
#'        lambda[r] == 2), lty = 1:lr)
#' curve(dtm(x, totalT, 1, 1/2, "r"), 0, totalT, lty=1, ylim=c(0, 0.34),
#'       xlab="M(10)", ylab="density")
#' curve(dtm(x, totalT, 1, 1, "r"), 0, totalT, lty=2, add=TRUE)
#' curve(dtm(x, totalT, 1, 2, "r"), 0, totalT, lty=3, add=TRUE)
#' mtext(expression("S(0) = 0"))
#' legend("topleft", legend = expression(lambda[r] == 1/2, lambda[r] == 1,
#'       lambda[r] == 2), lty = 1:lr)
#' par(old.par)
#' @export

dtm <- function(w, t, lamM, lamR, s0 = NULL) {
    if (is.null(s0)) { ## unconditional
        pm <- lamR / (lamM + lamR)
        pr <- 1 - pm
        pm * dtm.m(w, t, lamM, lamR) + pr * dtm.r(w, t, lamM, lamR)
    else { ## conditional on s0
        if (s0 == "m") dtm.m(w, t, lamM, lamR)
        else dtm.r(w, t, lamM, lamR)

#' @describeIn dtm Density of time spent in resting
#' @export
dtr <- function(w, t, lamM, lamR, s0 = NULL) {
    if (is.null(s0)) { ## unconditional
        pm <- lamR / (lamM + lamR)
        pr <- 1 - pm
        pm * dtr.m(w, t, lamM, lamR) + pr * dtr.r(w, t, lamM, lamR)
    else { ## conditional on s0
        if (s0 == "m") dtr.m(w, t, lamM, lamR)
        else dtr.r(w, t, lamM, lamR)

## density of process at time s, in either state (m or r), given that
## the starting state is m or r

hmm <- function(x, s, lamM, lamR, sigma) {
    ## x is a matrix, s is a match vector
    ## lamM, lamR, and sigma are scalars.
    if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x) ## make sure x is a matrix
    d <- ncol(x) ## can be univariate or bivariate
    n <- nrow(x)
    s <- rep(s, length.out=n)
    term1 <- exp(-lamM * s) * apply(dnorm(x, sd = sigma * sqrt(s)), 1, prod)
    term2 <- sapply(1:n,
                    function(i) {
                        f <- function(w) {
                            t1 <- prod(dnorm(x[i,,drop=FALSE], sd=sigma*sqrt(w)))
                            t2 <- dtm.mm(w, s[i], lamM, lamR)
                            t1 * t2
                        vf <- Vectorize(f)
                        integrate(vf, 0, s[i])$value
    term1 + term2

hmr <- function(x, s, lamM, lamR, sigma) {
    ## x is a matrix, s is a match vector
    ## lamM, lamR, and sigma are scalars.
    if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x) ## make sure x is a matrix
    d <- ncol(x) ## can be univariate or bivariate
    n <- nrow(x)
    s <- rep(s, length.out=n)
           function(i) {
               f <- function(w) {
                   t1 <- prod(dnorm(x[i,,drop=FALSE], sd=sigma*sqrt(w)))
                   t2 <- dtm.mr(w, s[i], lamM, lamR)
                   t1 * t2
               vf <- Vectorize(f)
               integrate(vf, 0, s[i])$value

hrr <- function(x, s, lamM, lamR, sigma) {
    ## x is a matrix, s is a match vector
    ## lamM, lamR, and sigma are scalars.
    if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x) ## make sure x is a matrix
    d <- ncol(x) ## can be univariate or bivariate
    n <- nrow(x)
    s <- rep(s, length.out=n)
           function(i) {
               f <- function(w) {
                   t1 <- prod(dnorm(x[i,,drop=FALSE], sd=sigma*sqrt(s[i] - w)))
                   t2 <- dtr.rr(w, s[i], lamM, lamR)
                   t1 * t2
               vf <- Vectorize(f)
               integrate(vf, 0, s[i])$value

hrm <- function(x, s, lamM, lamR, sigma) {
    ## x is a matrix, s is a match vector
    ## lamM, lamR, and sigma are scalars.
    if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x) ## make sure x is a matrix
    d <- ncol(x) ## can be univariate or bivariate
    n <- nrow(x)
    s <- rep(s, length.out=n)
           function(i) {
               f <- function(w) {
                   t1 <- prod(dnorm(x[i,,drop=FALSE], sd=sigma*sqrt(s[i] - w)))
                   t2 <- dtr.rm(w, s[i], lamM, lamR)
                   t1 * t2
               vf <- Vectorize(f)
               integrate(vf, 0, s[i])$value

hm <- function(x, s, lamM, lamR, sigma) {
    ## integrate(hm, -infty, +infty) = 1 
    hmm(x, s, lamM, lamR, sigma) + hmr(x, s, lamM, lamR, sigma)

hr <- function(x, s, lamM, lamR, sigma) {
    ## integrate(hr, -infty, +infty) = 1 - exp(-lamR * s)
    hrm(x, s, lamM, lamR, sigma) + hrr(x, s, lamM, lamR, sigma)

## marginal likelihood for inferences
## marginal density of one increment
## x: the increment (not the original locations)
dmrbm.m1 <- function(x, tt, lamM, lamR, sigma) {
    if (lamM <= 0 || lamR <=0 || sigma <= 0) return(NA)
    if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
    n <- nrow(x)
    ## delta <- apply(x, 1, prod) == 0
    delta <- apply(x == 0, 1, all) ## staying
    pm <- 1 / lamM / (1 / lamM + 1 / lamR)
    pr <- 1 - pm
    tt <- rep(tt, length.out = n)
    dens <- pr * exp(-lamR * tt)
    if (!all(delta)) {
        x <- x[!delta, , drop=FALSE]
        tt <- tt[!delta]
        hm <- hmm(x, tt, lamM, lamR, sigma) + hmr(x, tt, lamM, lamR, sigma)
        hr <- hrm(x, tt, lamM, lamR, sigma) + hrr(x, tt, lamM, lamR, sigma)
        dens[!delta] <- pm * hm + pr * hr

## likelihood for given one set of parameter value
cllk.m1.p <- function(x, t, lamM, lamR, sigma) { 
    cllk <- try(sum(log(dmrbm.m1(x, t, lamM, lamR, sigma))), silent=TRUE)
    if (inherits(cllk, "try-error")) NA else cllk

cllk.m1.p2v <- Vectorize(cllk.m1.p, c("lamM", "lamR", "sigma"))

cllk.m1 <- function(theta, data) {
    lamM <- theta[1]
    lamR <- theta[2]
    sigma <- theta[3]
    dinc <- apply(data, 2, diff)
    cllk.m1.p2v(dinc[,-1], dinc[,1], lamM, lamR, sigma)    

ncllk.m1.inc <- function(theta, data, logtr = FALSE) { ## data is increment already
    if (logtr) theta <- exp(theta)
    lamM <- theta[1]
    lamR <- theta[2]
    sigma <- theta[3]
    -cllk.m1.p2v(data[,-1], data[,1], lamM, lamR, sigma)    

#' Fit a Moving-Resting Model with Embedded Brownian Motion
#' Fit a Moving-Resting Model with Embedded Brownian Motion with animal
#' movement data at discretely observation times by maximizing a composite
#' likelihood constructed from the marginal density of increment.
#' Using \code{segment} to fit part of observations to the model. A practical
#' application of this feature is seasonal analysis.
#' @param data a data.frame whose first column is the observation time, and other
#'     columns are location coordinates. If \code{segment} is not \code{NULL},
#'     additional column with the same name given by \code{segment} should be
#'     included. This additional column is used to indicate which part of
#'     observations shoule be used to fit model. The value of this column can
#'     be any integer with 0 means discarding this observation and non-0 means
#'     using this obversvation. Using different non-zero numbers indicate different
#'     segments. (See vignette for more details.)
#' @param start starting value of the model, a vector of three components
#'     in the order of rate for moving, rate for resting, and volatility.
#' @param segment character variable, name of the column which indicates segments,
#'     in the given \code{data.frame}. The default value, \code{NULL}, means using
#'     whole dataset to fit the model.
#' @param likelihood a character string specifying the likelihood type to
#'     maximize in estimation. This can be "full" for full likelihood or
#'     "composite' for composite likelihood.
#' @param logtr logical, if TRUE parameters are estimated on the log scale.
#' @param method the method argument to feed \code{optim}.
#' @param optim.control a list of control to be passed to \code{optim}.
#' @param integrControl a list of control parameters for the \code{integrate}
#'     function: rel.tol, abs.tol, subdivision.
#' @return
#' a list of the following components:
#' \item{estimate}{the esimated parameter vector}
#' \item{loglik}{maximized loglikelihood or composite loglikelihood
#' evaluated at the estimate}
#' \item{convergence}{convergence code from \code{optim}}
#' \item{likelihood}{likelihood type (full or composite) from the input}
#' @references
#' Yan, J., Chen, Y., Lawrence-Apfel, K., Ortega, I. M., Pozdnyakov, V.,
#' Williams, S., and Meyer, T. (2014) A moving-resting process with an
#' embedded Brownian motion for animal movements.
#' Population Ecology. 56(2): 401--415.
#' Pozdnyakov, V., Elbroch, L., Labarga, A., Meyer, T., and Yan, J.
#' (2017) Discretely observed Brownian motion governed by telegraph
#' process: estimation. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability.
#' doi:10.1007/s11009-017-9547-6.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## time consuming example
#' tgrid <- seq(0, 10, length=500)
#' set.seed(123)
#' ## make it irregularly spaced
#' tgrid <- sort(sample(tgrid, 30)) # change to 400 for a larger sample
#' dat <- rMR(tgrid, 1, 2, 25, "m")
#' ## fit whole dataset to the MR model
#' fit.fl <- fitMR(dat, start=c(2, 2, 20), likelihood = "full")
#' fit.fl
#' fit.cl <- fitMR(dat, start=c(2, 2, 20), likelihood = "composite")
#' fit.cl
#' ## fit part of dataset to the MR model
#' batch <- c(rep(0, 5), rep(1, 7), rep(0, 4), rep(2, 10), rep(0, 4))
#' dat.segment <- cbind(dat, batch)
#' fit.segment <- fitMR(dat.segment, start = c(2, 2, 20), segment = "batch",
#'                      likelihood = "full")
#' head(dat.segment)
#' fit.segment
#' }
#' @export
fitMR <- function(data, start, segment = NULL,
                  likelihood = c("full", "composite"),
                  logtr = FALSE,
                  method = "Nelder-Mead",
                  optim.control = list(),
                  integrControl = integr.control()) {
    if (is.null(segment)) {

        ## normal process
        if (!is.matrix(data)) data <- as.matrix(data)
        dinc <- apply(data, 2, diff)
        objfun <- switch(likelihood,
                         composite = ncllk_m1_inc,
                         full = nllk_inc,
                         stop("Not valid likelihood type.")
        integrControl <- unlist(integrControl)
        fit <- optim(start, objfun, data = dinc, method = method,
                     control = optim.control, 
                     integrControl = integrControl, 
                     logtr = logtr)
        ## get variance estimate
        varest <- matrix(NA_real_, 3, 3)
        estimate <- if (logtr) exp(fit$par) else fit$par
        if (likelihood == "full") {
            ## always do this without log transformation
            hess <- tryCatch(numDeriv::hessian(
                                           objfun, estimate, data = dinc,
                                           integrControl = integrControl, logtr = FALSE),
                             error = function(e) e)
            if (!is(hess, "error")) varest <- solve(hess)
            ## not -hess because objfun is negative llk already
        result <- return(list(estimate    = estimate,
                              varest      = varest,
                              loglik      = -fit$value,
                              convergence = fit$convergence,
                              likelihood  = likelihood))
        attr(result, "class") <- "smam_mr"

    } else {

        ## seasonal process
        result <- fitMR_seasonal(data, segment, start, likelihood,
                                 logtr, method, optim.control, integrControl)
        attr(result, "class") <- "smam_mr"


#' 'fitMovRes' is deprecated. Using new function 'fitMR' instead.
#' @rdname fitMR
#' @export
fitMovRes <- function(data, start, likelihood = c("full", "composite"),
                      logtr = FALSE,
                      method = "Nelder-Mead",
                      optim.control = list(),
                      integrControl = integr.control()) {
    fitMR(data= data, start = start, likelihood = likelihood,
          logtr = logtr, method = method, optim.control = optim.control,
          integrControl = integrControl)

#' Fit a Moving-Resting Model with Measurement Error
#' 'fitMRME' fits a Moving-Resting Model with Measurement Error. The measurement
#' error is modeled by Guassian noise. Using \code{segment} to fit part
#' of observations to the model. A practical application of this feature
#' is seasonal analysis.
#' @param data a data.frame whose first column is the observation time, and other
#'     columns are location coordinates. If \code{segment} is not \code{NULL},
#'     additional column with the same name given by \code{segment} should be
#'     included. This additional column is used to indicate which part of
#'     observations shoule be used to fit model. The value of this column can
#'     be any integer with 0 means discarding this observation and non-0 means
#'     using this obversvation. Using different non-zero numbers indicate different
#'     segments. (See vignette for more details.)
#' @param start starting value of the model, a vector of four components
#'     in the order of rate for moving, rate for resting, volatility, and
#'     s.d. of Guassian measurement error.
#' @param segment character variable, name of the column which indicates segments,
#'     in the given \code{data.frame}. The default value, \code{NULL}, means using
#'     whole dataset to fit the model.
#' @param lower,upper Lower and upper bound for optimization.
#' @param print_level print_level passed to nloptr::nloptr. Possible values: 0 (default):
#'     no output; 1: show iteration number and value of objective function; 2: 1 + show
#'     value of (in)equalities; 3: 2 + show value of controls.
#' @param method the method argument to feed \code{optim}.
#' @param optim.control a list of control to be passed to \code{optim}.
#' @param integrControl a list of control parameters for the \code{integrate}
#'     function: rel.tol, abs.tol, subdivision.
#' @return
#' a list of the following components:
#' \item{estimate}{the esimated parameter vector}
#' \item{loglik}{maximized loglikelihood or composite loglikelihood
#' evaluated at the estimate}
#' \item{convergence}{convergence code from \code{optim}}
#' \item{data}{fitted data}
#' @references
#' Hu, C., Elbroch, L.M., Meyer, T., Pozdnyakov, V. and Yan, J. (2021),
#' Moving-resting process with measurement error in animal movement modeling.
#' Methods in Ecology and Evolution. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13694
#' @author Chaoran Hu
#' @examples
#' ## time consuming example
#' #tgrid <- seq(0, 10*100, length=100)
#' #set.seed(123)
#' #dat <- rMRME(tgrid, 1, 0.5, 1, 0.01, "m")
#' ## fit whole dataset to the MRME model
#' #fit <- fitMRME(dat, start=c(1, 0.5, 1, 0.01))
#' #fit
#' ## fit whole dataset to the MRME model with naive composite likelihood
#' #fit.naive <- fitMRME_naive(dat, start=c(1, 0.5, 1, 0.01))
#' #fit.naive
#' ## fit whole dataset to the MRME model with approximate error
#' #fit.approx <- fitMRMEapprox(dat, start=c(1, 0.5, 1, 0.01))
#' #fit.approx
#' ## fit part of dataset to the MR model
#' #batch <- c(rep(0, 5), rep(1, 17), rep(0, 4), rep(2, 30), rep(0, 4), rep(3, 40))
#' #dat.segment <- cbind(dat, batch)
#' #fit.segment <- fitMRME(dat.segment, start = c(1, 0.5, 1, 0.01), segment = "batch")
#' #fit.segment.approx <- fitMRMEapprox(dat.segment, start = c(1, 0.5, 1, 0.01), segment = "batch")
#' #head(dat.segment)
#' #fit.segment
#' @export
fitMRME <- function(data, start, segment = NULL,
                    lower = c(0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001),
                    upper = c(10, 10, 10, 10),
                    print_level = 3,
                    #method = "Nelder-Mead",
                    #optim.control = list(),
                    integrControl = integr.control()) {
    if (is.null(segment)) {

        if (!is.matrix(data)) data <- as.matrix(data)
        dinc <- apply(data, 2, diff)
        integrControl <- unlist(integrControl)

        fit <- nloptr::nloptr(x0 = start, eval_f = nllk_mrme,
                              data = dinc,
                              integrControl = integrControl,
                              lb = lower,
                              ub = upper,
                              opts = list("algorithm"   = "NLOPT_LN_COBYLA",
                                          "print_level" = print_level,
                                          "maxeval" = -5))

        result <- list(estimate    =  fit[[18]],
                       loglik      = -fit[[17]],
                       convergence =  fit[[14]],
                       data = data)

        attr(result, "class") <- "smam_mrme"


        ## fit <- optim(start, nllk_mrme, data = dinc, method = method,
        ##              control = optim.control, integrControl = integrControl)

        ## estimate <- fit$par
        ## return(list(estimate    = estimate,
        ##             loglik      = -fit$value,
        ##             convergence = fit$convergence))

    } else {

        ## seasonal process
        result <- fitMRME_seasonal(data, segment, start,
                                   lower, upper, print_level,
                                   #method, optim.control,

        result$data <- data

        attr(result, "class") <- "smam_mrme"



#' Variance matrix of estimators from moving-resting process with measurement error
#' 'estVarMRME_Godambe' uses Godambe information matrix to obtain variance matrix
#' of estimators from 'fitMRME'.
#' 'estVarMRME_pBootstrap' uses parametric bootstrap to obtain variance matrix
#' of estimators from 'fitMRME'.
#' 'estVarMRMEnaive_Godambe' use Godambe information matrix to obtain variance matrix
#' of estimators from 'fitMRME_naive'.
#' 'estVarMRMEnaive_pBootstrap' uses parametric bootstrap to obtain variance matrix
#' of estimators from 'fitMRME_naive'.
#' @param est_theta estimators of MRME model
#' @param data data used to process estimation
#' @param nBS number of bootstrap.
#' @param numThreads the number of threads for parallel computation. If its value
#' is greater than 1, then parallel computation will be processed. Otherwise,
#' serial computation will be processed.
#' @param integrControl a list of control parameters for the \code{integrate}
#' function: rel.tol, abs.tol, subdivision.
#' @param gradMethod method used for numeric gradient (\code{numDeriv::grad}).
#' @return variance-covariance matrix of estimators
#' @author Chaoran Hu
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## time consuming example
#' tgrid <- seq(0, 10*100, length=100)
#' set.seed(123)
#' dat <- rMRME(tgrid, 1, 0.5, 1, 0.01, "m")
#' estVarMRME_Godambe(c(1, 0.5, 1, 0.01), dat, nBS = 10)
#' estVarMRME_pBootstrap(c(1, 0.5, 1, 0.01), dat, nBS = 10)
#' estVarMRMEnaive_Godambe(c(1, 0.5, 1, 0.01), dat, nBS = 10)
#' estVarMRMEnaive_pBootstrap(c(1, 0.5, 1, 0.01), dat, nBS = 10)
#' estVarMRME_Godambe(c(1, 0.5, 1, 0.01), dat, nBS = 10, numThreads = 6)
#' estVarMRME_pBootstrap(c(1, 0.5, 1, 0.01), dat, nBS = 10, numThreads = 6)
#' estVarMRMEnaive_Godambe(c(1, 0.5, 1, 0.01), dat, nBS = 10, numThreads = 6)
#' estVarMRMEnaive_pBootstrap(c(1, 0.5, 1, 0.01), dat, nBS = 10, numThreads = 6)
#' estVarMRMEnaive_pBootstrap(c(1, 0.5, 1, 0.01), dat, nBS = 10, numThreads = 6)
#' }

#' @export
estVarMRME_Godambe <- function(est_theta, data, nBS,
                               numThreads = 1,
                               gradMethod = "simple",
                               integrControl = integr.control()) {
    ## get J matrix in Godambe information matrix via bootstrap
    getJ_MRME <- function(est_theta, data, nBS, numThreads, gradMethod, integrControl) {
        tgrid <- data[, 1]
        dim <- ncol(data) - 1
        lamM <- est_theta[1]
        lamR <- est_theta[2]
        sigma <- est_theta[3]
        sig_err <- est_theta[4]

        p_m <- 1/lamM/(1/lamM + 1/lamR)
        p_r <- 1 - p_m

        integrControl <- unlist(integrControl)

        if (numThreads <= 1) {
            result <- matrix(NA, ncol = 4, nrow = nBS)

            for (i in seq_len(nBS)) {
                start_state <- sample(c("m", "r"), size = 1, prob = c(p_m, p_r))
                datBS <- rMRME(tgrid, lamM, lamR, sigma, sig_err, s0 = start_state, dim = dim)
                datBS <- as.matrix(datBS)
                dincBS <- apply(datBS, 2, diff)
                grad_cart <- numDeriv::grad(func = nllk_mrme, x = est_theta,
                                            method = gradMethod,
                                            data = dincBS,
                                            integrControl = integrControl)
                result[i, ] <- -grad_cart
        } else {

            ## create parallel backend
            cl = parallel::makeCluster(numThreads)
            on.exit(close(pb), add = TRUE)
            on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cl), add = TRUE)
            pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = nBS, style = 3)
            progress <- function(n) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)
            opts <- list(progress = progress)

            i = 1 #Dummy line for Rstudio warnings

            result <- foreach(i = 1:nBS, .combine = rbind, .options.snow = opts) %dopar% {
                start_state <- sample(c("m", "r"), size = 1, prob = c(p_m, p_r))
                datBS <- rMRME(tgrid, lamM, lamR, sigma, sig_err, s0 = start_state, dim = dim)
                datBS <- as.matrix(datBS)
                dincBS <- apply(datBS, 2, diff)
                grad_cart <- numDeriv::grad(func = nllk_mrme, x = est_theta,
                                            method = gradMethod,
                                            data = dincBS,
                                            integrControl = integrControl)


        ## test code only ##
        ## print(result)
        ## test code only ##

    ## get H matrix in Godambe information matrix
    getH_MRME <- function(est_theta, data, integrControl) {
        data <- as.matrix(data)
        dinc <- apply(data, 2, diff)
        integrControl <- unlist(integrControl)

        numDeriv::hessian(func = nllk_mrme, x = est_theta, data = dinc,
                          integrControl = integrControl)

    Jmatrix <- getJ_MRME(est_theta, data, nBS, numThreads, gradMethod, integrControl)
    Hmatrix <- getH_MRME(est_theta, data, integrControl)

    solve(Hmatrix %*% solve(Jmatrix) %*% Hmatrix)


#' @param detailBS whether or not output estimation results during bootstrap,
#' which can be used to generate bootstrap CI.
#' @rdname estVarMRME_Godambe
#' @export
estVarMRME_pBootstrap <- function(est_theta, data, nBS, detailBS = FALSE,
                                  numThreads = 1,
                                  integrControl = integr.control()) {

    tgrid <- data[, 1]
    dim <- ncol(data) - 1
    lamM <- est_theta[1]
    lamR <- est_theta[2]
    sigma <- est_theta[3]
    sig_err <- est_theta[4]

    p_m <- 1/lamM/(1/lamM + 1/lamR)
    p_r <- 1 - p_m

    if (numThreads <= 1) {
        result <- matrix(NA, ncol = 4, nrow = nBS)

        for (i in seq_len(nBS)) {
            start_state <- sample(c("m", "r"), size = 1, prob = c(p_m, p_r))
            datBS <- rMRME(tgrid, lamM, lamR, sigma, sig_err, s0 = start_state, dim = dim)
            result[i, ] <- fitMRME(datBS, start = est_theta,
                                   integrControl = integrControl)$estimate

    } else {

        ## create parallel backend
        cl = parallel::makeCluster(numThreads)
        on.exit(close(pb), add = TRUE)
        on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cl), add = TRUE)
        pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = nBS, style = 3)
        progress <- function(n) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)
        opts <- list(progress = progress)

        i = 1
        result <- foreach(i = 1:nBS, .combine = rbind, .options.snow = opts) %dopar% {
            start_state <- sample(c("m", "r"), size = 1, prob = c(p_m, p_r))
            datBS <- rMRME(tgrid, lamM, lamR, sigma, sig_err, s0 = start_state, dim = dim)
            fit <- fitMRME(datBS, start = est_theta, integrControl = integrControl)$estimate
    if (detailBS) {
        return(list(cov = cov(na.omit(result)),
                    BS_detail = result))
    } else {

#' 'fitMRME_naive' fits moving-resting model with measurement error
#' by MLE with a naive composite llk, that pretend two consecutive
#' increments are independent.
#' @rdname fitMRME
#' @export
fitMRME_naive <- function(data, start, segment = NULL,
                          lower = c(0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001, 0.000001),
                          upper = c(10, 10, 10, 10),
                          #method = "Nelder-Mead",
                          #optim.control = list(),
                          integrControl = integr.control()) {
    if (is.null(segment)) {

        if (!is.matrix(data)) data <- as.matrix(data)
        dinc <- apply(data, 2, diff)
        integrControl <- unlist(integrControl)

        fit <- nloptr::nloptr(x0 = start, eval_f = nllk_mrme_naive_cmp,
                              data = dinc,
                              integrControl = integrControl,
                              lb = lower,
                              ub = upper,
                              opts = list("algorithm"   = "NLOPT_LN_COBYLA",
                                          "print_level" = 3,
                                          "maxeval" = -5))

        result <- list(estimate    =  fit[[18]],
                       loglik      = -fit[[17]],
                       convergence =  fit[[14]])

        ## fit <- optim(start, nllk_mrme_naive_cmp, data = dinc, method = method,
        ##              control = optim.control, integrControl = integrControl)

        ## estimate <- fit$par
        ## return(list(estimate    = estimate,
        ##             loglik      = -fit$value,
        ##             convergence = fit$convergence))

    } else {

        ## seasonal process
        result <- fitMRME_naive_seasonal(data, segment, start,
                                         lower, upper,
                                         #method, optim.control,


#' @rdname estVarMRME_Godambe
#' @export
estVarMRMEnaive_Godambe <- function(est_theta, data, nBS,
                                    numThreads = 1,
                                    gradMethod = "simple",
                                    integrControl = integr.control()) {
    ## get J matrix in Godambe information matrix via bootstrap
    getJ_MRMEnaive <- function(est_theta, data, nBS, numThreads, gradMethod, integrControl) {
        tgrid <- data[, 1]
        dim <- ncol(data) - 1
        lamM <- est_theta[1]
        lamR <- est_theta[2]
        sigma <- est_theta[3]
        sig_err <- est_theta[4]

        p_m <- 1/lamM/(1/lamM + 1/lamR)
        p_r <- 1 - p_m

        integrControl <- unlist(integrControl)

        if (numThreads <= 1) {

            result <- matrix(NA, ncol = 4, nrow = nBS)

            for (i in seq_len(nBS)) {
                start_state <- sample(c("m", "r"), size = 1, prob = c(p_m, p_r))
                datBS <- rMRME(tgrid, lamM, lamR, sigma, sig_err, s0 = start_state, dim = dim)
                datBS <- as.matrix(datBS)
                dincBS <- apply(datBS, 2, diff)
                grad_cart <- numDeriv::grad(func = nllk_mrme_naive_cmp, x = est_theta,
                                            method = gradMethod,
                                            data = dincBS,
                                            integrControl = integrControl)
                result[i, ] <- -grad_cart

        } else {

            ## create parallel backend
            cl = parallel::makeCluster(numThreads)
            on.exit(close(pb), add = TRUE)
            on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cl), add = TRUE)
            pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = nBS, style = 3)
            progress <- function(n) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)
            opts <- list(progress = progress)

            i = 1 #Dummy line for Rstudio warnings

            result <- foreach(i = 1:nBS, .combine = rbind, .options.snow = opts) %dopar% {
                start_state <- sample(c("m", "r"), size = 1, prob = c(p_m, p_r))
                datBS <- rMRME(tgrid, lamM, lamR, sigma, sig_err, s0 = start_state, dim = dim)
                datBS <- as.matrix(datBS)
                dincBS <- apply(datBS, 2, diff)
                grad_cart <- numDeriv::grad(func = nllk_mrme_naive_cmp, x = est_theta,
                                            method = gradMethod,
                                            data = dincBS,
                                            integrControl = integrControl)


    ## get H matrix in Godambe information matrix
    getH_MRMEnaive <- function(est_theta, data, integrControl) {
        data <- as.matrix(data)
        dinc <- apply(data, 2, diff)
        integrControl <- unlist(integrControl)

        numDeriv::hessian(func = nllk_mrme_naive_cmp, x = est_theta, data = dinc,
                          integrControl = integrControl)

    Jmatrix <- getJ_MRMEnaive(est_theta, data, nBS, numThreads, gradMethod, integrControl)
    Hmatrix <- getH_MRMEnaive(est_theta, data, integrControl)

    solve(Hmatrix %*% solve(Jmatrix) %*% Hmatrix)


#' @rdname estVarMRME_Godambe
#' @export
estVarMRMEnaive_pBootstrap <- function(est_theta, data, nBS, detailBS = FALSE,
                                       numThreads = 1,
                                       integrControl = integr.control()) {

    tgrid <- data[, 1]
    dim <- ncol(data) - 1
    lamM <- est_theta[1]
    lamR <- est_theta[2]
    sigma <- est_theta[3]
    sig_err <- est_theta[4]

    p_m <- 1/lamM/(1/lamM + 1/lamR)
    p_r <- 1 - p_m

    if (numThreads <= 1) {
        result <- matrix(NA, ncol = 4, nrow = nBS)

        for (i in seq_len(nBS)) {
            start_state <- sample(c("m", "r"), size = 1, prob = c(p_m, p_r))
            datBS <- rMRME(tgrid, lamM, lamR, sigma, sig_err, s0 = start_state, dim = dim)
            result[i, ] <- fitMRME_naive(datBS, start = est_theta,
                                         integrControl = integrControl)$estimate

    } else {
        ## create parallel backend
        cl = parallel::makeCluster(numThreads)
        on.exit(close(pb), add = TRUE)
        on.exit(parallel::stopCluster(cl), add = TRUE)
        pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = nBS, style = 3)
        progress <- function(n) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)
        opts <- list(progress = progress)

        i = 1
        result <- foreach(i = 1:nBS, .combine = rbind, .options.snow = opts) %dopar% {
            start_state <- sample(c("m", "r"), size = 1, prob = c(p_m, p_r))
            datBS <- rMRME(tgrid, lamM, lamR, sigma, sig_err, s0 = start_state, dim = dim)
            fit <- fitMRME_naive(datBS, start = est_theta,
                                 integrControl = integrControl)$estimate
    if (detailBS) {
        return(list(cov = cov(na.omit(result)),
                    BS_detail = result))
    } else {

#' 'fitMRMEapprox' also fits moving-resting model. However, in this function,
#' the gaussian error is approximated with two discrete distributions.
#' @param approx_norm_even,approx_norm_odd numeric matrixes specify the
#'     discrete distributions used to approximate standard normal distribution.
#'     The first column is support of discrete distribution and the second
#'     column is probability mass function. \code{approx_norm_even} is used to
#'     approximate even step error and \code{approx_norm_odd} is used to
#'     approximate odd step error. We mention that the supports of these two
#'     discrete distributions should not have any common elements.
#' @rdname fitMRME
#' @export
fitMRMEapprox <- function(data, start, segment = NULL,
                          approx_norm_even = approxNormalOrder(5),
                          approx_norm_odd  = approxNormalOrder(6),
                          method = "Nelder-Mead",
                          optim.control = list(),
                          integrControl = integr.control()) {
    if (is.null(segment)) {

        if (!is.matrix(data)) data <- as.matrix(data)
        dinc <- apply(data, 2, diff)
        integrControl <- unlist(integrControl)
        fit <- optim(start, nllk_mrme_approx, data = dinc, method = method,
                     approx_norm_odd = approx_norm_odd,
                     approx_norm_even = approx_norm_even,
                     control = optim.control, integrControl = integrControl)
        return(list(estimate    = fit$par ,
                    loglik      = -fit$value,
                    convergence = fit$convergence))

    } else {

        ## seasonal process
        result <- fitMRMEapprox_seasonal(data, segment, start,
                                         approx_norm_odd, approx_norm_even,
                                         method, optim.control, integrControl)


## the following code is for testing purpose only ############
nllk_mrme_approx_fixed_sig_err <- function(theta, sig_err, data, integrControl,
                                           approx_norm_even, approx_norm_odd) {
    nllk_mrme_approx(c(theta, sig_err), data, integrControl,
                     approx_norm_even, approx_norm_odd)

fitMRMEapprox_fixedSigErr <- function(data, start, sig_err,
                                      approx_norm_even = approxNormalOrder(5),
                                      approx_norm_odd  = approxNormalOrder(6),
                                      method = "Nelder-Mead",
                                      optim.control = list(),
                                      integrControl = integr.control()) {
    if (!is.matrix(data)) data <- as.matrix(data)
    dinc <- apply(data, 2, diff)
    integrControl <- unlist(integrControl)
    fit <- optim(start, nllk_mrme_approx_fixed_sig_err,
                 data = dinc, sig_err = sig_err, method = method,
                 approx_norm_odd = approx_norm_odd,
                 approx_norm_even = approx_norm_even,
                 control = optim.control, integrControl = integrControl)
    return(list(estimate    = fit$par ,
                loglik      = -fit$value,
                convergence = fit$convergence))

## test code ends here #####################################

## the following code is for testing purpose only ############
## fitMRME_fixed_sig_err <- function(data, start, sig_err,
##                                   method = "Nelder-Mead",
##                                   optim.control = list(),
##                                   integrControl = integr.control()){
##     ## start here contains lam1, lam0, sigma
##     ## sig_err should be given as known
##     if (!is.matrix(data)) data <- as.matrix(data)
##     dinc <- apply(data, 2, diff)
##     integrControl <- unlist(integrControl)
##     fit <- optim(start, nllk_mrme_fixed_sig_err, sig_err = sig_err,
##                  data = dinc, method = method,
##                  control = optim.control, integrControl = integrControl)

##     estimate <- fit$par
##     return(list(estimate    = estimate,
##                 loglik      = -fit$value,
##                 convergence = fit$convergence))
## }

## fitMRME_one_chain <- function(data, start,
##                               method = "Nelder-Mead",
##                               optim.control = list(),
##                               integrControl = integr.control()){
##     ## start here contains lam1, lam0, sigma, sig_err
##     if (!is.matrix(data)) data <- as.matrix(data)
##     dinc <- apply(data, 2, diff)
##     integrControl <- unlist(integrControl)
##     fit <- optim(start, nllk_mrme_one_chain,
##                  data = dinc, method = method,
##                  control = optim.control, integrControl = integrControl)

##     estimate <- fit$par
##     return(list(estimate    = estimate,
##                 loglik      = -fit$value,
##                 convergence = fit$convergence))
## }

## fitMRME_one_chain_fixed_sig_err <- function(data, start, sig_err,
##                                             method = "Nelder-Mead",
##                                             optim.control = list(),
##                                             integrControl = integr.control()){
##     ## start here contains lam1, lam0,m sigma
##     ## sig_err should be given as known
##     if (!is.matrix(data)) data <- as.matrix(data)
##     dinc <- apply(data, 2, diff)
##     integrControl <- unlist(integrControl)
##     fit <- optim(start, nllk_mrme_one_chain_fixed_sig_err,
##                  sig_err = sig_err,
##                  data = dinc, method = method,
##                  control = optim.control, integrControl = integrControl)

##     estimate <- fit$par
##     return(list(estimate    = estimate,
##                 loglik      = -fit$value,
##                 convergence = fit$convergence))
## }
## test code ends here #####################################

#' Auxiliary for Controlling Numerical Integration
#' Auxiliary function for the numerical integration used in the
#' likelihood and composite likelihood functions. Typically only
#' used internally by 'fitMR' and 'fitMRH'. 
#' @param rel.tol relative accuracy requested.
#' @param abs.tol absolute accuracy requested.
#' @param subdivisions the maximum number of subintervals.
#' @details
#' The arguments are the same as \code{integrate}, but passed
#' down to the C API of Rdqags used by \code{integrate}.
#' @return
#' A list with components named as the arguments.
#' @export
integr.control <- function(rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^.25,
                           abs.tol = rel.tol, subdivisions = 100L) {
    if (!is.numeric(rel.tol) || rel.tol <= 0) 
        stop("value of 'rel.tol' must be > 0")
    if (!is.numeric(abs.tol) || abs.tol <= 0) 
        stop("value of 'abs.tol' must be > 0")
    if (!is.numeric(subdivisions) || subdivisions <= 0) 
        stop("maximum number of subintervals must be > 0")
    list(rel.tol = rel.tol, abs.tol = abs.tol, subdivisions = subdivisions)

#' Auxiliary for Preparing Discrete Distribution
#' used to approximating Standard Normal Distribution
#' Auxiliary for preparing discrete distribution used to
#' approximate standard normal. This function generates
#' order statistics of standard normal with same probability
#' assigned. Then, the discrete distribution is standardized
#' to variance one and mean zero.
#' @param m int, the number of order statistics used
#' @details
#' This function use \code{EnvStats::evNormOrdStats} to get
#' the order statisics of standard normal distribution. The
#' same probability is assigned for each order statistics.
#' @return
#' A numeric matrix with first column is support of discrete
#' distribution and second column is corresponding p.m.f..
#' @seealso \code{EnvStats::evNormOrdStats} for order
#' statisics of standard normal. \code{\link{fitMRMEapprox}}
#' for fit MRME with approximated measurement error.
#' @author Chaoran Hu
#' @export
approxNormalOrder <- function(m){
    result <- matrix(1/m, ncol = 2, nrow = m)
    result[, 1] <- EnvStats::evNormOrdStats(m)
    var <- sum((result[,1]-mean(result[,1]))^2)/m
    result[, 1] <- result[, 1] / sqrt(var)

#' 'approxNormalOrder2' generates a even space grid first.
#' Then, the probability is calculated as normal kernal.
#' Finally, it is also standardized to variance one and
#' mean zero.
#' @param width the width between two consecutive grid points.
#' @rdname approxNormalOrder
#' @export
approxNormalOrder2 <- function(m, width) {
    ## generate grid with even space
    if (m %% 2 == 0) {
        grid <- seq(width/2, (m/2-1)*width + width/2, by = width)
        grid <- c(-rev(grid), grid)
    } else {
        grid <- seq(0, ((m-1)/2)*width, by = width)
        grid <- c(-rev(grid), grid[-1])
    ## generate probability with norm kernel
    result <- cbind(grid, dnorm(grid)/sum(dnorm(grid)))
    ## standardize it to var 1 and mean 0
    var <- sum(((result[,1]-mean(result[,1]))^2) * result[, 2])
    result[, 1] <- result[, 1] / sqrt(var)

## the following code is for testing purpose only ############
## The R version of composite likelihood estimation
## Kept only for comparison check with fitMR using cl = TRUE
## fitMovRes.cl <- function(data, start, logtr = FALSE, method = "Nelder-Mead",
##                          optim.control = list()) {
##     if (!is.matrix(data)) data <- as.matrix(data)
##     dinc <- apply(data, 2, diff)
##     fit <- optim(start, ncllk.m1.inc, data = dinc, method = method,
##                  control = optim.control, logtr = logtr)
##     list(estimate    = fit$par,
##          loglik      = -fit$value,
##          convergence = fit$convergence)
## }

## ### not public function ###
## ## llk for moving-resting model with given state
## ## param data: time state locations
## llk_mr <- function(data, theta, integrControl = integr.control()) {
##     if (!all(data[, 2] == 0 | data[, 2] == 1)) stop("state must be 0 or 1")
##     if (!is.matrix(data)) data <- as.matrix(data)
##     dinc <- apply(data[, -2], 2, diff)
##     integrControl <- unlist(integrControl)
##     mrllk_state(theta, dinc, data[, 2], integrControl)
## }
## test code ends here #####################################

## dx <- function(x, t, lamM, lamR, Sigma) {
##     pm <- 1 / lamM / (1 / lamM + 1 / lamR)
##     pr <- 1 - pm
##     hm <- dxmm(x, t, lamM, lamR, Sigma) + dxmr(x, t, lamM, lamR, Sigma)
##     hr <- dxrm(x, t, lamM, lamR, Sigma) + dxrr(x, t, lamM, lamR, Sigma)
##     pm * hm + pr * hr
## }

## cllk.1inc <- function(theta, xinc, t) {
##     Sigma <- diag(rep(theta[3], 2))
##     sum(log(dx(xinc, t, theta[1], theta[2], Sigma)))
## }

## #################################################################
## ## old code
## #################################################################
## dmnorm <- function(x, Sigma, w) {
##   ## x is a single observation vector
##   ## w is a vector
##   ## need to return a vector of the same length as w
##   if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
##   if (!is.matrix(Sigma)) Sigma <- as.matrix(Sigma)
##   sapply(w, function(t) dmvnorm(x, sigma = t * Sigma))
## }
## dxmm <- function(x, s, lamM, lamR, Sigma) {
##   if (is.vector(x)) x <- matrix(x)
##   d <- ncol(x)
##   xlen <- nrow(x)
##   s <- rep(s, length.out=xlen)
##   val <- rep(NA, xlen)
##   for (i in 1:xlen) {
##     f <- function(w) dmnorm(matrix(x[i, ], 1, d), Sigma, w) * dtm.mm(w, s[i], lamM, lamR)
##     val[i] <- integrate(f, 0, s[i])$value
##     val[i] <- val[i] + exp(-lamM * s[i]) * dmnorm(matrix(x[i, ], 1, d), Sigma, s[i])
##   }
##   val
## }

## ## hmr(x, t)
## dxmr <- function(x, s, lamM, lamR, Sigma) {
##   if(is.vector(x)) x <- matrix(x)
##   d <- ncol(x)
##   xlen <- nrow(x)
##   s <- rep(s, length.out=xlen)
##   val <- rep(NA, xlen)
##   for (i in 1:xlen) {
##     f <- function(w) dmnorm(matrix(x[i, ], 1, d), Sigma, w) * dtm.mr(w, s[i], lamM, lamR)
##     val[i] <- integrate(f, 0, s[i])$value
##   }
##   val
## }

## ## hrr(x, t)
## dxrr <- function(x, s, lamM, lamR, Sigma) {
##   if(is.vector(x)) x <- matrix(x)
##   d <- ncol(x)
##   xlen <- nrow(x)
##   s <- rep(s, length.out=xlen)
##   val <- rep(NA, xlen)
##   for (i in 1:xlen) {
##     f <- function(w) dmnorm(matrix(x[i, ], 1, d), Sigma, s[i] - w) * dtr.rr(w, s[i], lamM, lamR)
##     val[i] <- integrate(f, 0, s[i])$value
##   }

##   val
## }

## ## hrm(x, t)
## dxrm <- function(x, s, lamM, lamR, Sigma) {
##   if(is.vector(x)) x <- matrix(x)
##   d <- ncol(x)
##   xlen <- nrow(x)
##   s <- rep(s, length.out=xlen)
##   val <- rep(NA, xlen)
##   for (i in 1:xlen) {
##     f <- function(w) dmnorm(matrix(x[i, ], 1, d), Sigma, s[i] - w) * dtr.rm(w, s[i], lamM, lamR)
##     val[i] <- integrate(f, 0, s[i])$value
##   }

##   val
## }

## ## conditional density
## ## Pr[ X_s in (x, x + dx), X_t - X_s in (y, y + dy) | s(0) = 1]
## dxxm <- function(x, y, s, t, lamM, lamR, Sigma) {
##   pm <- 1 / lamM / (1 / lamM + 1 / lamR)
##   pr <- 1 - pm
##   dxxm.m <- dxmm(x, s, lamM, lamR, Sigma) * (dxmm(y, t - s, lamM, lamR, Sigma) +
##                                             dxmr(y, t - s, lamM, lamR, Sigma))
##   dxxm.r <- dxmr(x, s, lamM, lamR, Sigma) * (dxrr(y, t - s, lamM, lamR, Sigma) +
##                                             dxrm(y, t - s, lamM, lamR, Sigma))
##   dxxm.m+dxxm.r 
## }

## ## Pr[ X_s in (x, x + dx), X_t - X_s in (y, y + dy) | s(0) = 0]
## dxxr <- function(x, y, s, t, lamM, lamR, Sigma) {
##   pm <- 1 / lamM / (1 / lamM + 1 / lamR)
##   pr <- 1 - pm
##   dxxr.m <- dxrm(x, s, lamM, lamR, Sigma) * (dxmm(y, t - s, lamM, lamR, Sigma) +
##                                             dxmr(y, t - s, lamM, lamR, Sigma))
##   dxxr.r <- dxrr(x, s, lamM, lamR, Sigma) * (dxrr(y, t - s, lamM, lamR, Sigma) +
##                                             dxrm(y, t - s, lamM, lamR, Sigma))
##   dxxr.m+dxxr.r  
## }

## ## Pr[ X_s in (x, x + dx), X_t - X_s in (y, y + dy) | s(0) = 1 or 0]
## dxx <- function(x, y, s, t, lamM, lamR, Sigma) {
##   pm <- 1 / lamM / (1 / lamM + 1 / lamR)
##   pr <- 1 - pm
##   dxxm(x, y, s, t, lamM, lamR, Sigma) * pm + dxxr(x, y, s, t, lamM, lamR, Sigma) * pr  
## }

## BDd <- function(y, t, lamM, lamR, Sigma) {
##   pm <- lamR / (lamR + lamM)
##   pr <- lamM / (lamR + lamM)
##   hm <- dxmm(y, t, lamM, lamR, Sigma) + dxmr(y, t, lamM, lamR, Sigma)
##   hr <- dxrm(y, t, lamM, lamR, Sigma) + dxrr(y, t, lamM, lamR, Sigma)
##   bdd <- pm * hm + pr * hr
##   bdd
## }

## ## pr[ X(u) in dx | X(t) = y] 
## BD <- function(x, y, s, t, lamM, lamR, Sigma) {
##   pm <- lamR / (lamR + lamM)
##   pr <- lamM / (lamR + lamM)

##   if(is.vector(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
##   d <- ncol(x)
##   xlen <- nrow(x)
##   zero <- ifelse(d == 1, 0, matrix(0, 1, d))

##   bd <- matrix(NA, length(s), xlen)
##   bdd <- BDd(y, t, lamM, lamR, Sigma)

##   for(j in 1:xlen) {  
##      # x != 0, y != 0, x != Y
##     if((!identical(matrix(as.numeric(x[j,]), 1, d), zero)) & (!identical(y, zero)) & (!identical(matrix(as.numeric(x[j,]), 1, d), y))) {
##       bdn <- sapply(1:length(s), function(i) dxx(matrix(x[j,], 1, d), y - matrix(x[j,], 1, d), s[i], t, lamM, lamR, Sigma))
##      # bdn <- sapply(1:length(s), function(i) pm * dxxm(x = matrix(x[j,], 1, d), y = y - matrix(x[j,], 1, d), s[i], t, lamM, lamR, Sigma) + pr * dxxr(x = matrix(x[j,], 1, d), y = y - x[j,], s[i], t, lamM, lamR, Sigma))
##       bd[, j] <- sapply(1:length(s), function(i) ifelse(bdd > 0, bdn[i] / bdd, 0))
##     }
##     # x = 0, y != 0
##     else if ((identical(matrix(as.numeric(x[j,]), 1, d), zero)) & (!identical(y, zero))) {  
##       bd[, j] <- sapply(1:length(s), function(i) ifelse(bdd > 0, (pr * exp(-lamR*(s[i])) * (dxrm(y, t-s[i], lamM, lamR, Sigma)+dxrr(y, t-s[i], lamM, lamR, Sigma))) / bdd, 0))
##     }
##     # x = y, y != 0
##     else if ((identical(matrix(as.numeric(x[j,]), 1, d), y)) & (!identical(y, zero))) {  
##       bd[, j] <- sapply(1:length(s), function(i) ifelse(bdd > 0, (pr * exp(-lamR*(t-s[i])) * (dxrm(y, s[i], lamM, lamR, Sigma)+dxrr(y, s[i], lamM, lamR, Sigma))) / bdd, 0))
##     }
##     # y = 0
##     else if (identical(y, zero)) {
##       bd[, j] <- sapply(1:length(s), function(i) ifelse(identical(matrix(as.numeric(x[j,]), 1, d), zero), 1, 0))
##     }

##   }

##   bd
## }

## BDIni <- function(x, y, s, t, lamM, lamR, Sigma) {
##   pm <- lamR / (lamR + lamM)
##   pr <- lamM / (lamR + lamM)

##   if(is.vector(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
##   d <- ncol(x)
##   xlen <- nrow(x)
##   zero <- matrix(0, 1, d)

##   bd <- matrix(NA, length(s), xlen)
##   bdd <- BDd(y, t, lamM, lamR, Sigma)

##   for(j in 1:xlen) {
##     # x = 0, y != 0
##     bd[, j] <- sapply(1:length(s), function(i) ifelse(bdd > 0, (pr * exp(-lamR*(s[i])) * (dxrm(y, t-s[i], lamM, lamR, Sigma)+dxrr(y, t-s[i], lamM, lamR, Sigma))) / bdd, 0))

##   }

##   bd
## }

## BDEnd <- function(x, y, s, t, lamM, lamR, Sigma) {
##   pm <- lamR / (lamR + lamM)
##   pr <- lamM / (lamR + lamM)

##   if(is.vector(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
##   d <- ncol(x)
##   xlen <- nrow(x)
##   zero <- matrix(0, 1, d)

##   bd <- matrix(NA, length(s), xlen)
##   bdd <- BDd(y, t, lamM, lamR, Sigma)

##   for(j in 1:xlen) {
##     # x = y, y != 0
##     bd[, j] <- sapply(1:length(s), function(i) ifelse(bdd > 0, (pr * exp(-lamR*(t-s[i])) * (dxrm(y, s[i], lamM, lamR, Sigma)+dxrr(y, s[i], lamM, lamR, Sigma))) / bdd, 0))
##   }

##   bd
## }

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