
Defines functions .extractSGLayerProperties fetchSoilGrids

Documented in fetchSoilGrids

#' Get SoilGrids 250m properties information from point locations
#' This function obtains SoilGrids properties information (250m raster resolution) given a \code{data.frame} containing site IDs, latitudes and longitudes. SoilGrids API and maps return values as whole (integer) numbers to minimize the storage space used. These values are converted by to produce conventional units by `fetchSoilGrids()``
#' ## Properties
#' |Name     |Description                                                                        |Mapped units   | Conversion factor|Conventional units |
#' |:--------|:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:--------------|-----------------:|:------------------|
#' |bdod     |Bulk density of the fine earth fraction                                            |cg/cm^3        |               100|kg/dm^3            |
#' |cec      |Cation Exchange Capacity of the soil                                               |mmol(c)/kg     |                10|cmol(c)/kg         |
#' |cfvo     |Volumetric fraction of coarse fragments (> 2 mm)                                   |cm^3/dm^3 (vol per mil)  |         10|cm^3/100cm^3 (vol%)|
#' |clay     |Proportion of clay particles (< 0.002 mm) in the fine earth fraction               |g/kg           |                10|g/100g (%)         |
#' |nitrogen |Total nitrogen (N)                                                                 |cg/kg          |               100|g/kg               |
#' |phh2o    |Soil pH                                                                            |pH*10          |                10|pH                 |
#' |sand     |Proportion of sand particles (> 0.05 mm) in the fine earth fraction                |g/kg           |                10|g/100g (%)         |
#' |silt     |Proportion of silt particles (= 0.002 mm and = 0.05 mm) in the fine earth fraction |g/kg           |                10|g/100g (%)         |
#' |soc      |Soil organic carbon content in the fine earth fraction                             |dg/kg          |                10|g/kg               |
#' |ocd      |Organic carbon density                                                             |hg/m^3         |                10|kg/m^3             |
#' |ocs      |Organic carbon stocks (0-30cm depth interval only)                                 |t/ha           |                10|kg/m^2             |
#' SoilGrids predictions are made for the six standard depth intervals specified in the GlobalSoilMap IUSS working group and its specifications. The default depth 
#' intervals returned are (in centimeters): `"0-5"`, `"5-15"`, `"15-30"`, `"30-60"`, `"60-100"`, `"100-200"` for the properties `"bdod"`, `"cec"`, `"cfvo"`, 
#' `"clay"`, `"nitrogen"`, `"phh2o"`, `"sand"`, `"silt"`, `"soc"`, `"ocd"`--each with 5th, 50th, 95th, mean and uncertainty values. Soil organic carbon stocks (0-30cm) (`variables="ocs"`) are returned only for `depth_intervals="0-30"`. The uncertainty values are the ratio
#' between the inter-quantile range (90% prediction interval width) and the median : `(Q0.95-Q0.05)/Q0.50.` All values are converted from "mapped" to "conventional" 
#' based on above table conversion factors. Point data requests are made through `"properties/query"` endpoint of the [SoilGrids v2.0 REST API](https://www.isric.org/explore/soilgrids/faq-soilgrids). 
#' Please check ISRIC's data policy, disclaimer and citation: \url{https://www.isric.org/about/data-policy}.
#' Find out more information about the SoilGrids and GlobalSoilMap products here: 
#'  - \url{https://www.isric.org/explore/soilgrids/faq-soilgrids}
#'  - \url{https://www.isric.org/sites/default/files/GlobalSoilMap_specifications_december_2015_2.pdf}
#' @references Poggio, L., de Sousa, L. M., Batjes, N. H., Heuvelink, G. B. M., Kempen, B., Ribeiro, E., and Rossiter, D.: SoilGrids 2.0: producing soil information for the globe with quantified spatial uncertainty, SOIL, 7, 217-240, 2021. \doi{https://doi.org/10.5194/soil-7-217-2021}
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @param x A `data.frame` containing 3 columns referring to site ID, latitude and longitude.
#' @param loc.names Optional: Column names referring to site ID, latitude and longitude. Default: `c("id", "lat", "lon")`
#' @param depth_intervals Default: `"0-5"`, `"5-15"`, `"15-30"`, `"30-60"`, `"60-100"`, `"100-200"`
#' @param variables Default: `"bdod"`, `"cec"`, `"cfvo"`, `"clay"`, `"nitrogen"`, `"phh2o"`, `"sand"`, `"silt"`, `"soc"`, `"ocd"`
#' @param verbose Print messages? Default: `FALSE`
#' @param progress logical, give progress when iterating over multiple requests; Default: `FALSE`
#' @return A SoilProfileCollection
#' @export fetchSoilGrids
#' @author Andrew G. Brown
#' @examplesIf curl::has_internet()
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   library(aqp)
#'   your.points <- data.frame(id  = c("A", "B"), 
#'                            lat = c(37.9, 38.1), 
#'                            lon = c(-120.3, -121.5), 
#'                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#'   x <- try(fetchSoilGrids(your.points))
#'   if (!inherits(x, 'try-error'))
#'    aqp::plotSPC(x, name = NA, color = "socQ50")
#'   # organic carbon stocks use 0-30cm interval
#'   y <- try(fetchSoilGrids(your.points[1, ], 
#'                           depth_interval = c("0-5", "0-30", "5-15", "15-30"),
#'                           variables = c("soc", "bdod", "ocd", "ocs")))
#'   # extract horizons from a SoilProfileCollection where horizon 2 overlaps 1, 3, and 4
#'   h <- aqp::horizons(y)
#'   # "ocs" (organic carbon stock 0-30cm interval)
#'   h[2, ]
#'   h$thickness_meters <- ((h$hzdepb - h$hzdept) / 100)
#'   # estimate "ocs" from modeled organic carbon and bulk density in 0-5, 5-15, 15-30 intervals
#'   #  (sum the product of soc, bdod, and thickness in meters)
#'   #  (1 gram per cubic decimeter = 1 kilogram per cubic meter)
#'   sum(h$socmean * h$bdodmean * h$thickness_meters, na.rm = TRUE)
#'   # estimate "ocs" from modeled organic carbon density in 0-5, 5-15, 15-30 intervals
#'   #  (sum the product of "ocd" and thickness in meters)
#'   sum(h$ocdmean * h$thickness_meters, na.rm = TRUE)
#' }
fetchSoilGrids <- function(x,
                           loc.names = c("id", "lat", "lon"),
                           depth_intervals = c("0-5", "5-15", "15-30", 
                                               "30-60", "60-100", "100-200"),
                           variables = c("bdod", "cec", "cfvo", "clay", 
                                         "nitrogen", "phh2o", "sand", "silt", 
                                         "soc", "ocd"),
                           verbose = FALSE,
                           progress = FALSE) {
  locations <- x
  spatial_input <- FALSE
  if (inherits(locations, 'sf') || inherits(locations, 'Spatial')) {
    if (requireNamespace("sf")) {
      if (inherits(locations, 'Spatial') ||
          inherits(locations, 'SpatVector')) {
        # convert sp -> sf & terra -> sf
        locations <- sf::st_as_sf(locations)
      # only supporting POINT geometry for now
      if (inherits(sf::st_geometry(locations), 'sfc_POINT')) {
        if (is.na(sf::st_crs(locations)$wkt)) {
          message("CRS is missing; assuming WGS84 decimal degrees (EPSG:4326)")
          sf::st_crs(locations) <- sf::st_crs(4326)
        locations <- data.frame(id = 1:nrow(locations), 
                                do.call('rbind', sf::st_geometry(locations)))
        spatial_input <- TRUE
        colnames(locations) <- c("id", "lon", "lat")
        loc.names <- c("id", "lat", "lon")
      } else {
        stop("only POINT geometries are supported as input", call. = FALSE) 
  if (is.null(loc.names)) {
    loc.names <- c("id", "lat", "lon")
  if (length(loc.names) != 3 | any(!loc.names %in% colnames(locations))) {
    stop("argument `loc.names` must contain three column names: site ID, latitude and longitude", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.numeric(locations[[loc.names[2]]]) || 
      !is.numeric(locations[[loc.names[3]]])) {
    stop(sprintf("latitude (%s) and longitude (%s) must be numeric values in decimal degrees", loc.names[2], loc.names[3]), call. = FALSE)
  if (progress) {
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(locations), style = 3)
  res <- vector('list', nrow(locations))
  locsplit <- split(locations, f = locations[[loc.names[1]]])
  for (i in seq_along(res)) {
    yd <- locsplit[[i]]
    id <- as.character(yd[[loc.names[1]]])
    lat <- as.numeric(yd[[loc.names[2]]])
    lon <- as.numeric(yd[[loc.names[3]]])
    if (any(length(lat) == 0, length(lon) == 0)) {
      if (verbose)
        message(sprintf("skipped site ID (%s); 0-length coordinates", id))
      res[[i]] <- NULL    
    response <- try(httr::GET(sprintf("https://rest.isric.org/soilgrids/v2.0/properties/query?lat=%s&lon=%s", lat, lon)), silent = !verbose)
    if (inherits(response, 'try-error')) {
      if (verbose)
        message(sprintf("SoilGrids API request failed for %s, %s", lat, lon))
      res[[i]] <- NULL    
    r.content <- httr::content(response, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
    jres <- jsonlite::fromJSON(r.content)
    # add handling for messages from api about erroneous input
    if (!is.null(jres$detail)) {
      if (!is.null(jres$detail$msg)) {
        if (!is.null(jres$detail$loc) && length(jres$detail$loc) > 0)
          message("Check ", 
                  paste0(jres$detail$loc[[1]], collapse = " "), 
                  " (", loc.names[1], ":", locations[[loc.names[1]]][i], "); ",
    # create new horizon data, merge in each property using standard depth labels
    depth.intervals <- match.arg(gsub(" ", "", depth_intervals), 
                                 c("0-5", "5-15", "15-30", "0-30",
                                   "30-60", "60-100", "100-200"), 
                                 several.ok = TRUE)
    hz.data0 <- data.frame(id = id, latitude = lat, longitude = lon, 
                          label = depth.intervals, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # values returned for each layer include the following properties
    data.types <- match.arg(gsub(" ", "", variables), c("bdod", "cec", "cfvo", 
                                                        "clay", "nitrogen", "phh2o",
                                                        "sand", "silt", "soc",
                                                        "ocd", "ocs"), several.ok = TRUE)
    # numeric values are returned as integers that need to be scaled to match typical measurement units
    data.factors <- c(bdod = 0.01, cec = 0.1, cfvo = 0.1, clay = 0.1, nitrogen = 0.01, 
                      phh2o = 0.1, sand = 0.1, silt = 0.1, soc = 0.1, ocd = 0.1, ocs = 0.1)
    data.factor <- data.factors[data.types]
    hz.data <- hz.data0
    all_x <- FALSE
    for (d in 1:length(data.types)) {
      hz.data <- merge(
          merge(hz.data0, hz.data, by = c("label", "id", "latitude", "longitude"),
                sort = FALSE, all.x = TRUE),
          .extractSGLayerProperties(jres, data.types[d], data.factor[d]),
          all.x = all_x, sort = FALSE, by = "label"
      all_x <- TRUE
    rownames(hz.data) <- NULL
    if (progress) {
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    res[[i]] <- hz.data
  # combine horizon data together
  spc <- data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(res, fill = TRUE))
  # calculate top and bottom depths from label
  labelsplit <- strsplit(as.character(spc$label), split = "-")
  #  note sort order of labels may differ from sort order of depths
  spc$hzdept <- as.numeric(lapply(labelsplit, function(x) x[1]))
  spc$hzdepb <- as.numeric(lapply(labelsplit, function(x) x[2]))
  spc <- spc[order(spc$id, spc$hzdept, spc$hzdepb),]
  # promote to SoilProfileCollection
  aqp::depths(spc) <- id ~ hzdept + hzdepb
  # move location information to site
  aqp::site(spc) <- ~ longitude + latitude
  # if (utils::packageVersion("aqp") >= 2.0) {
  #   aqp::initSpatial(spc, crs = "OGC:CRS84") <- ~ longitude + latitude
  # } else {
    aqp::coordinates(spc) <- ~ longitude + latitude
    aqp::proj4string(spc) <- "EPSG:4326"
  # }
  # merge the rest of the sf object into the site table 
  if (spatial_input) {
    aqp::site(spc) <- cbind(id = 1:nrow(x), sf::st_drop_geometry(x))

.extractSGLayerProperties <- function(jsonres, x, scaling.factor = 1) {
  out <-  jsonres$properties$layers[jsonres$properties$layers$name == x,]$depths[[1]]
  # rescale integer values to common units
  sgvalues <-  out[, "values"][, c("Q0.05", "Q0.5", "Q0.95", "mean")] * scaling.factor
  # uncertainty is always scaled by a factor of 10, even for bdod and nitrogen (whose data are scaled by 100)
  uncertainty <- out[, "values"][, "uncertainty"] * 0.1
  out[["values"]] <- cbind(sgvalues, uncertainty)
  # fix names and labels for downstream
  out <- out[, colnames(out)[grep("range", colnames(out), invert = TRUE)]]
  out <- cbind(label = gsub("cm", "", out$label), values = out$values)
  colnames(out) <- gsub("\\.Q0\\.", "Q", colnames(out))
  colnames(out) <- gsub("Q5", "Q50", colnames(out))
  colnames(out) <- gsub("values", x, colnames(out))
  colnames(out) <- gsub("\\.", "", colnames(out))

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soilDB documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 1:09 a.m.