
Defines functions gridat gridlines degreeLabelsEW degreeLabelsNS

Documented in degreeLabelsEW degreeLabelsNS gridat gridlines

degreeLabelsNS = function(x) {
	pos = sign(x) + 2
	dir = c("*S", "", "*N")
	paste0(abs(x), "*degree", dir[pos])
degreeLabelsEW = function(x) {
	x <- ifelse(x > 180, x - 360, x)
	pos = sign(x) + 2
	if (any(x == -180))
		pos[x == -180] = 2
	if (any(x == 180))
		pos[x == 180] = 2
	dir = c("*W", "", "*E")
	paste0(abs(x), "*degree", dir[pos])

gridlines = function(x, easts = pretty(bbox(x)[1,]),
	norths = pretty(bbox(x)[2,]), ndiscr = 100)
	if (missing(x)) {
		if (missing(easts) && missing(norths)) {
			easts = seq(-180, 180, 20)
			norths = seq(-80, 80, 20)
			bb = matrix(c(-180, 180, -90, 90), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE)
		crs = CRS("+init=epsg:4326")
	} else {
		bb = bbox(x)
		crs = slot(x, "proj4string")
		easts <- easts[easts >= bb[1,1] & easts <= bb[1,2]]
		norths <- norths[norths >= bb[2,1] & norths <= bb[2,2]]
	#easts <- easts[easts > bb[1,1] & easts < bb[1,2]]
	eastlist <- vector(mode="list", length=length(easts))
	for (i in 1:length(easts))
		eastlist[[i]] <- Line(cbind(rep(easts[i], ndiscr),
			seq(bb[2,1], bb[2,2], length.out=ndiscr)))
	#norths <- norths[norths > bb[2,1] & norths < bb[2,2]]
	northlist <- vector(mode="list", length=length(norths))
	for (i in 1:length(norths))
		northlist[[i]] <- Line(cbind(seq(bb[1,1], bb[1,2], length.out=ndiscr),
			rep(norths[i], ndiscr)))
	SpatialLines(list(Lines(northlist, "EW"), Lines(eastlist, "NS")), crs)

gridat <- function(x, easts = pretty(bbox(x)[1,]),
	norths = pretty(bbox(x)[2,]), offset=0.5, side="WS")
	isp = is.projected(x)
	if (is.na(isp) || isp) stop("x must not be projected")
	bb = bbox(x)
        ac <- ifelse (side == "WS", 1L, 2L)
	easts <- easts[easts > bb[1,1] & easts < bb[1,2]]
	norths <- norths[norths > bb[2,1] & norths < bb[2,2]]
	a1 <- cbind(easts, rep(bb[2,ac], length(easts)))
	a1lab <- degreeLabelsEW(a1[,1])
	a2 <- cbind(rep(bb[1,ac], length(norths)), norths)
	a2lab <- degreeLabelsNS(a2[,2])
	as <- SpatialPoints(rbind(a1, a2), slot(x, "proj4string"))
	res <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(as,
		data.frame(labels = c(a1lab, a2lab),
			pos = c(rep(1L+((ac-1)*2), length(easts)),
                        rep(2L+((ac-1)*2), length(norths))),
			offset = rep(offset, length(easts)+length(norths)),
                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE

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