
Defines functions fitmv_body

Documented in fitmv_body

fitmv_body <- function(processed,
                       # control.dist=list(), ## info in processed
                       control=list(), ## optimizer, <optimizer controls>, precision
                       ... ## cf dotnames processing below 
) {
  dotlist <- list(...) ## forces evaluations, which makes programming easier...
  # if (is.list(processed)) { # actually FALSE in mv fits 
  #   proc1 <- processed[[1L]]
  # } else 
  proc1 <- processed
  verbose <-  proc1$verbose
  HLnames <- (c(names(formals(HLCor)),names(formals(HLfit)),
                names(formals(mat_sqrt)),names(formals(make_scaled_dist))))  ## cf parallel code in HLCor.obj
  ## fill HLCor.args
  good_dotnames <- intersect(names(dotlist),HLnames) ## those specifically for the called fns as def'd by HLnames
  if (length(good_dotnames)) {
    HLCor.args <- dotlist[good_dotnames]
  } else HLCor.args <- list() 
  ## replace some HLCor.args members  
  if (  is.list(processed) ) {
    pnames <- names(processed[[1]])
  } else pnames <- names(processed)
  for (st in pnames) HLCor.args[st] <- NULL 
  # 'processed' may be modified below, then will be copied in HLCor.args (and then removed from this envir for safety)
  optim.scale <- control[["optim.scale"]] 
  if (is.null(optim.scale)) optim.scale="transformed" ## currently no public alternative
  sparse_precision <- proc1$is_spprec
  init$lambda <- .reformat_lambda(init$lambda, nrand=length(processed$ZAlist), 
                                  namesTerms=attr(processed$ZAlist,"namesTerms"), full_lambda=FALSE)
  init$phi <- .reformat_phi(init$phi, n_models=length(processed$unmerged), full_phi=FALSE) # input list -> provide names to list -> output named list
  # Automatically reformatting lower,upper, init NB_shape and COMP_nu would be less trivial as it should have the following format:
  if (length(na.omit(init$NB_shape))!=length(names(init$NB_shape)) ||
      length(na.omit(lower$NB_shape))!=length(names(lower$NB_shape)) ||
  ) stop("Any non-NULL [init|lower|upper]$NB_shape should be a vector of numeric values (no NA),\n    named by index of submodels (e.g. c('2'=1)).")
  if (length(na.omit(init$beta_prec))!=length(names(init$beta_prec)) ||
      length(na.omit(lower$beta_prec))!=length(names(lower$beta_prec)) ||
  ) stop("Any non-NULL [init|lower|upper]$beta_prec should be a vector of numeric values (no NA),\n    named by index of submodels (e.g. c('2'=1)).")
  if (length(na.omit(init$COMP_nu))!=length(names(init$COMP_nu)) ||
      length(na.omit(lower$COMP_nu))!=length(names(lower$COMP_nu)) ||
  ) stop("Any non-NULL [init|lower|upper]$NB_shape should be a vector of numeric values (no NA),\n    named by index of submodels (e.g. c('2'=1)).")
  user_init_optim <- init # more explicit name; will serve as template for canon.init which will serve as template for names of lewer, upper, initvec
  optim_blob <- .calc_optim_args_mv(processed, map_rd_mv=attr(processed$ZAlist, "map_rd_mv"), 
                                    user_init_optim=user_init_optim, fixedS=fixedS, user.lower=lower, user.upper=upper, verbose=verbose, optim.scale=optim.scale)
  # .calc_optim_args() for a familiy with outer disp param (negbin...) may tend to outer optimize lambda when it will tend to inner optimize it for other distribs
  # so we have a bit incorent choices across submodels, that could be improved __FIXME__  
  # modify HLCor.args and <>bounds;   ## distMatrix or uniqueGeo potentially added to HLCor.args:
  # init <- optim_blob$inits$`init` ## list; keeps all init values, all in untransformed scale
  init.optim <- optim_blob$inits$`init.optim` ## list; subset of all estimands, as name implies, and in transformed scale
  init.HLfit <- optim_blob$inits$`init.HLfit` ## list; subset as name implies 
  fixed <- optim_blob$fixed
  corr_types <- optim_blob$corr_types
  LUarglist <- optim_blob$LUarglist
  moreargs <- LUarglist$moreargs
  LowUp <- optim_blob$LowUp
  lower <- LowUp$lower ## list ! which elements may have length >1 !
  upper <- LowUp$upper ## list !
  if ( FALSE && # following is a block for fitme_body which is not suited for mv fits (with proc1$residProcesseds, not proc1$residProcessed !)
       # This means that outer_optim_resid is far from ready in mv fits
       ! is.null(residproc1 <- proc1$residProcessed) && 
       identical(spaMM.getOption("outer_optim_resid"),TRUE)) { 
    # spaMM.getOption("outer_optim_resid") being a private option, NULL By default, THIS IS NOT RUN 
    ## Problem is that outer optim at the mean model level is useful if we can avoid computation of the leverages 
    ## But here anyway we need the leverages of the 'mean' model to define the resid model response.
    resid_optim_blob <- .calc_optim_args(proc_it=residproc1, processed=proc1,
                                         user_init_optim=proc1$residModel[["init"]], fixed=proc1$residModel$fixed, ## all user input must be in proc1$residModel
                                         lower=proc1$residModel$lower, upper=proc1$residModel$upper, ## all user input must be in proc1$residModel
                                         verbose=c(SEM=FALSE), optim.scale=optim.scale, For="fitme") 
    resid_init.optim <- resid_optim_blob$inits$`init.optim` ## list; subset of all estimands, as name implies, and in transformed scale
    proc1$residModel$`init.HLfit` <- resid_optim_blob$inits$`init.HLfit` ## list; subset as name implies 
    proc1$residModel$fixed <- resid_optim_blob$fixed
    ##### residproc1$corr_types <- resid_optim_blob$corr_types
    # resid_user.lower <- resid_optim_blob$user.lower
    # resid_user.upper <- resid_optim_blob$user.upper
    init.optim <- c(init.optim,list(resid=resid_init.optim))
    lower <- c(lower,list(resid=resid_optim_blob$LowUp$lower))
    upper <- c(upper,list(resid=resid_optim_blob$LowUp$upper))
    LowUp <- list(lower=lower,upper=upper)
    moreargs <- c(moreargs,list(resid=resid_optim_blob$LUarglist$moreargs))
  processedHL1 <- proc1$HL[1] 
  needHLCor_specific_args <- (length(unlist(lower$corrPars, use.names = FALSE)) || 
                                length(intersect(corr_types,c("Matern","Cauchy","adjacency","AR1","corrMatrix", "IMRF","corrFamily"))))
  if (needHLCor_specific_args) {
    HLcallfn.obj <- "HLCor.obj" 
    HLcallfn <- "HLCor"
    control.dist <- vector("list",length(moreargs))
    for (nam in names(moreargs)) control.dist[[nam]] <- moreargs[[nam]]$control.dist 
    HLCor.args[["control.dist"]] <- control.dist ## always reconstructed locally, not in the fitme_body call
  } else {
    HLcallfn.obj <- "HLfit.obj"
    HLcallfn <- "HLfit"
  HLCor.args$fixed <- fixed ## to be modified by objective function (at least in HLCor case)
  HLCor.args$init.HLfit <- init.HLfit
  HLCor.args$processed <- processed ## for the <...>.obj and <...>_body functions  
  anyHLCor_obj_args <- HLCor.args
  ## HLCor.obj uses a vector + skeleton
  initvec <- unlist(init.optim)
  if (needHLCor_specific_args) {
    anyHLCor_obj_args$skeleton <- structure(init.optim, moreargs=moreargs, ## moreargs is a list over ranefs 
                                            type=relist(rep("fix",length(initvec)),init.optim) )
  } else {
    anyHLCor_obj_args$skeleton <- structure(init.optim,
                 paste0("return_only <- \"",proc1$objective,"APHLs\""))
  if (length(initvec)) {
    augZXy_phi_est <- NULL ## the value assumed by later code when augZXy was not used  
    if (.safe_true(verbose["getCall"][[1L]])) { ## to get an optim call with its initial value. Then HLcallfn is called and its call returned.
      ## confint -> get_HLCorcall needs an HLCor call with the following ranFix
      ranPars_in_refit <- structure(.modify_list(fixed,init.optim),
                                    # I label this "F I X" as a TAG for this modif type attribute:
                                    type=.modify_list(.relist_rep("fix",fixed), #attr(fixed,"type"), 
                                                      relist(rep("outer",length(initvec)),init.optim)) )
    } else {
      use_SEM <- (!is.null(processedHL1) && processedHL1=="SEM")
      time2 <- Sys.time()
      if (use_SEM) {
        if (is.null(proc1$SEMargs$control_pmvnorm$maxpts)) {
          .assignWrapper(processed,"SEMargs$control_pmvnorm$maxpts <- quote(250L*nobs)") 
        } ## else default visible in SEMbetalambda
        ## its names should match the colnames of the data in Krigobj = the  parameters of the likelihood surface. Current code maybe not general.
        loclist <- list(anyHLCor_obj_args=anyHLCor_obj_args,  ## contains $processed
                        LowUp=LowUp,init.corrHLfit=init.optim, ## F I X M E usage of user_init_optim probably not definitive
        optr <- .probitgemWrap("iterateSEMSmooth",arglist=loclist, pack="probitgem") # do.call("iterateSEMSmooth",loclist) 
        optPars <- relist(optr$par,init.optim)
        if (!is.null(optPars)) attr(optPars,"method") <-"optimthroughSmooth"
        refit_info <- control[["refit"]] ## may be a NULL/ NA/ boolean or a list of booleans 
        if ( is.null(refit_info) || is.na(refit_info)) refit_info <- FALSE ## alternatives are TRUE or an explicit list or NULL
      } else {
        optPars <- .new_locoptim(init.optim, ## try to use gradient? But neither minqa nor _LN_BOBYQA use gradients. optim() can
                                 control, objfn_locoptim=.objfn_locoptim, 
                                 HLcallfn.obj=HLcallfn.obj, anyHLCor_obj_args=anyHLCor_obj_args, 
                                 grad_locoptim=NULL, verbose=verbose[["TRACE"]])
        refit_info <- attr(optPars,"refit_info") ## 'derives' from control[["refit"]] with modification ## may be NULL but not NA
      optim_time <- .timerraw(time2)
      augZXy_phi_est <- proc1$augZXy_env$phi_est ## may be NULL: if phi was not estimated by augZXy
      refit_args <- .get_refit_args(fixed, optPars, processed, moreargs, proc1, refit_info, HLCor.args, augZXy_phi_est)
      HLCor.args <- refit_args$HLCor.args
      ranPars_in_refit <- refit_args$ranPars_in_refit
    } ## end if ...getCall... else
    # refit_info is list if so provided by user, else typically boolean. An input NA should have been converted to something else (not documented).
    if (needHLCor_specific_args) attr(ranPars_in_refit,"moreargs") <- moreargs 
    HLCor.args$fixed <- ranPars_in_refit 
    # initiate *phi*  and resid models for refit, up to random effect
    residProcesseds <- processed$residProcesseds
    for (mv_it in seq_along(residProcesseds)) {
      if (length(residinfo_it <- residProcesseds[[mv_it]]$port_env$port_fit_values)) { # implies that there was a phi-resid.model 
        # next line typically creates a list, from possibly nonfirst element... untidy, but this seems OK. 
        HLCor.args$init.HLfit$phi[[mv_it]] <- residinfo_it$fv # The phi of the mean-response model is initiated by fitted values of the resid.model
        processed$residModels[[mv_it]]$init.HLfit <- residinfo_it$init_HLfit # may have fixef, v_h, and more generally the elements of get_inits_from_fit(phifit,inner_lambdas = TRUE)$init.HLfit
    # At this point there may be null elements in the init.HLfit$phi list, but .denullify() should handle this.
    # 'cover_residM_reinit' fit in test-mv-extra covers this code.
  } else if (len_ranPars <- length(unlist(HLCor.args$fixed, use.names = FALSE))){ ## Set attribute
    HLCor.args$fixed <- structure(HLCor.args$fixed,
                                    type = relist(rep("fix", len_ranPars), HLCor.args$fixed),
                                    moreargs=moreargs) ## moreargs needed if user handles fixed(<transformed params>) ('hyper' tests)
  # not local to anyHLCor_obj_args$processed: change processed globally
  .assignWrapper(HLCor.args$processed,"return_only <- NULL") 
  .assignWrapper(HLCor.args$processed,"verbose['warn'] <- TRUE") ## important!
  hlcor <- do.call(HLcallfn,HLCor.args) ## recomputation post optimization, or only computation if length(initvec)=0, or the HLCorcall
  if (is.call(hlcor)) {
    if (length(initvec)) {
      attr(hlcor,"optimInfo") <- list(LUarglist=LUarglist, init.optim=init.optim,
    return(hlcor) ## HLCorcall
  } else {
    if ( processed$fitenv$prevmsglength) { # there was output for a phi-resid.model. The fit object may then be printed...
      processed$fitenv$prevmsglength <- 0L
  # hlcor<- .update_ranef_info(hlcor, moreargs=moreargs)
  if (length(initvec)) {
    attr(hlcor,"optimInfo") <- list(LUarglist=optim_blob$LUarglist, optim.pars=optPars, 
                                    augZXy_phi_est=augZXy_phi_est, ## gives info to interpret optim.pars in confint.HLfit()
                                    rC_transf=.spaMM.data$options$rC_transf) ## processed was erased for safety
    locoptr <- attr(optPars,"optr")
    if (attr(optPars,"method")=="nloptr") {
      if (locoptr$status<0L) hlcor$warnings$optimMessage <- paste0("nloptr() message: ",
                                                                   locoptr$message," (status=",locoptr$status,")")
    } else if ( attr(optPars,"method")=="optim" ) {
      if (locoptr$convergence) hlcor$warnings$optimMessage <- paste0("optim() message: ",locoptr$message,
                                                                     " (convergence=",locoptr$convergence,")")
    } else if ( attr(optPars,"method")== "optimthroughSmooth") {
      # provide logL estimate from the smoothing, to be used rather than the hlcor logL :
      logLapp <- optr$value
      attr(logLapp,"method") <- "  logL (smoothed)" 
      hlcor$APHLs$logLapp <- logLapp
    hlcor$warnings$suspectRho <- .check_suspect_rho(corr_types, ranPars_in_refit, LowUp)
    if ( ! is.null(PQLdivinfo <- processed$envir$PQLdivinfo)) {
      hlcor$divinfo <- PQLdivinfo
      hlcor$warnings$divinfo <- "Numerical issue detected; see div_info(<fit object>) for more information."
  ## substantial effect on object size! :
  lsv <- c("lsv",ls())

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