
Defines functions .update_ranef_info .check_outer_at_bound .check_suspect_rho .canonizeNames .allNULL .anyNULL .is.multi .calc_optim_args .calc_init.optim_family_par .init_rdisPars .more_init_optim .init_optim_lambda_ranCoefs .eval_init_lambda_guess .init_optim_phi .wrap_precisionFactorize_ranCoefs .precisionFactorize .get_phantom_map .get_long_precmat_phantom_map .get_long_chol_Q_phantom_map .init_AUGI0_ZX_envir_spprec_info .calc_corrMatrix_precisionFactor__assign_Lunique .TRACE_fn .back2hyperpars .calc_range_info .provide_rho_mapping .check_conflict_init_fixed .provide_AR_factorization_info .get_dist_nested_or_not .check_Earth_coords .checkDistMatrix .get_coordinates .calc_moreargs .reformat_init_lambda_with_NAs .reformat_ranPars .reformat_corrPars .reformat_phi .reformat_lambda

.reformat_lambda <- function(user_lFix, nrand, namesTerms=NULL, full_lambda) {
  if ( ! nrand) return(NULL) # ignores extra lambda # __F I X M E__ add a warning in that case ?
  seq_nrand <- seq_len(nrand)
  if (full_lambda) { # 
    template <- rep(NA,nrand)
    names(template) <- seq_nrand # (character)
  } else if (is.null(user_lFix)) { # NULL input -> NULL output
  } else {
    template <- user_lFix # reformats but not full-length; do not introduce (nor remove) NA/NaN's
    if (is.null(names(template))) names(template) <- seq_along(template)
  if ( ! is.null(user_lFix)) {
    user_names <- names(user_lFix)
    if (length(unique(user_names))!=length(user_names)) stop("Repeated names in names of user-specified lambda. Check your input.")
    # 'user'_names are not necessarily 1,2... (fitted values have names from rhs of ranef terms) 
    matchnames <- paste(seq_nrand)
    extranames <- setdiff(user_names, matchnames)
    # if names are not in "", "2", "3"... try to match to other names 
    # it's easy to specify repeated names inadvertently (cf tests with lambda=c(fitmale$lambda,fitfem$lambda));
    # .cosy_names_lambdas(names(namesTerms)) disambiguates repeated names, 
    if (othernames_tried <- (length(extranames) &&  ! is.null(namesTerms))) { 
      ## a list, which names correspond to the grouping variable, and elements are the names of the coefficients fitted
      matchnames <- .cosy_names_lambdas(names(namesTerms)) # because these are possible names in some uses; namesTerms must be in the 'canonical' order
      extranames <- setdiff(user_names, matchnames)
    if (length(extranames)) { ## no set of names match
      if (length(user_lFix)!=nrand) {
        stop("'fixed lambda' vector cannot be matched to random effects (different lengths & non-standard names).") ## needs to include NA's
      } else template[] <- user_lFix
    } else if (othernames_tried) {
      pos_in_lFix <- seq_nrand[match(user_names,matchnames)]
      if ( ! full_lambda) names(template) <- sort(pos_in_lFix) ## do not modify existing names
      template[as.character(pos_in_lFix)] <- user_lFix 
    } else if (length(user_names)) { # names were 2,3... not assuming completeness nor order
      template[user_names] <- user_lFix
    } else template[] <- user_lFix ## keep lFix names # user did not use any names

.reformat_phi <- function(user_pFix, n_models, full_phi) { # similar to .reformat_lambda() but given it formats to list, it's OK only for mv phi
  seq_nmodels <- seq_len(n_models)
  if (full_phi) { # 
    template <- vector(list(NULL),n_models)
    names(template) <- seq_nmodels # (character)
  } else if (is.null(user_pFix)) { # NULL input -> NULL output
  } else {
    template <- user_pFix # reformats but not full-length; do not introduce (nor remove) NA/NaN's
    if (is.null(names(template))) names(template) <- seq_along(template)
  if ( ! is.null(user_pFix)) {
    user_names <- names(user_pFix)
    if (length(unique(user_names))!=length(user_names)) stop("Repeated names in names of user-specified phi. Check your input.")
    # 'user'_names are not necessarily 1,2... (fitted values have names from rhs of ranef terms) 
    matchnames <- paste(seq_nmodels)
    extranames <- setdiff(user_names, matchnames)
    if (length(extranames)) { ## no set of names match
      if (length(user_pFix)!=n_models) {
        stop("'fixed phi' vector cannot be matched to submodels (different lengths & non-standard names).") ## needs to include NA's
      } else template[] <- user_pFix
    } else if (length(user_names)) { # names were 2,3... not assuming completeness nor order
      template[user_names] <- user_pFix
    } else template[] <- user_pFix ## keep lFix names # user did not use any names

.reformat_corrPars <- function(parlist,corr_families=NULL) {
  if (is.null(parlist$corrPars)) { ## must be exclusive of other rho, nu...
    corrPars <- list()
    if ( ! is.null(corr_families)) {
      for (rd in seq_along(corr_families)) {
        corr_type <- corr_families[[rd]]$corr_family
        if (! is.null(corr_type)) {
          char_rd <- as.character(rd) ## avoidrho <- parlist$shape <- parlist$longdep <- parlist$Nugget creating NULL list elements 
          parnames <- corr_families[[rd]]$names_for_post_process_parlist
          for (st in intersect(parnames,names(parlist))) corrPars[[char_rd]][st] <- parlist[st] ## creates sublist; does not create NULL element if rhs is NULL
          parlist[parnames] <- NULL
    parlist$corrPars <- corrPars

# 3rd argument needed if second not present
.reformat_ranPars <- function(parlist, fitobject, corr_families=fitobject$ranef_info$sub_corr_info$corr_families) {
  if (length(parlist$lambda)) parlist$lambda <- .reformat_lambda(parlist$lambda,nrand = length(corr_families),
                                                                 namesTerms = NULL,full_lambda = FALSE)
  parlist <- .reformat_corrPars(parlist, corr_families=corr_families)

.reformat_init_lambda_with_NAs <- function(init_lambda, nrand, default=NA) {
  if ( ! is.null(init_lambda)) {
    if (length(init_lambda)==nrand) {
      ## According to help(ranPars), the lambda's should be indexed "1",... and presumably init.optim to
      # but they may also be taken from a previous fit and will have complex names (eg test-dhglm) 
      names(init_lambda) <- seq_len(nrand) ## erases complex names
    } else { 
      lambda <- structure(rep(default,nrand),names=seq_len(nrand)) ## default=NA implies that fitme will outer optimize them
      lambda[names(init_lambda)] <- init_lambda ## the lambda's should be indexed "1",...
      if (length(lambda)>nrand) stop("length(lambda)>nrand: case not handled")
      init_lambda <- lambda
  } else init_lambda <- structure(rep(default,nrand),names=seq_len(nrand))

# .post_process_fixed <- function(fixed,corr_families, hyper_info) { 
#   if (is.null(fixed)) return(NULL)
#   fixed <- .reformat_corrPars(fixed,corr_families=corr_families) ## standardize use of corrPars in the parlist
#   # I write "F I X" as a TAG for this modif type attribute:
#   #attr(fixed,"type") <- .relist_rep("fix",fixed) ## on veut une list pour pouvoir supp des elements par <- NULL
#   # if ( ! is.null(fixed$hyper)) {
#   #   for (char_rd in as.character(unlist(hyper_info$ranges))) {
#   #     if (is.null(fixed$corrPars[[char_rd]])) fixed$corrPars[[char_rd]] <- list() ## seems no longer necessary for .expand_hyper()
#   #   }
#   # }
#   return(fixed)
# }

.calc_moreargs <- function(processed, # possibly a list of environments -> .calc_range_info -> scans then to compute a mean(nbUnique) 
                           corr_types, fixed, init.optim, control_dist, NUMAX=50, LDMAX=50, 
                           KAPPAMAX=100.000001, # so that users can set it to 100...
                           init.HLfit, corr_info, verbose, lower, upper) {
  moreargs <- list() # structure(vector("list", length=length(corr_types)), names=seq_along(corr_types))
  for (rd in seq_along(corr_types)) {
    corr_type <- corr_types[[rd]]
    if (! is.na(corr_type)) {
      char_rd <- as.character(rd)
      has_adj <- (corr_type %in% c("SAR_WWt","adjacency") 
                   #&&  is.null(fixed$corrPars[[char_rd]]$rho) 
                   && (! is.numeric(init.HLfit[[char_rd]]$rho))) ## init.HLfit[[]]$rho NULL or NA) 
      if (has_adj) {
        if (corr_type=="SAR_WWt") decomp <- attr(corr_info$adjMatrices[[rd]],"UDU.")
        if (corr_type=="adjacency") decomp <- attr(corr_info$adjMatrices[[rd]],"symSVD")
        # decomp may be missing: cf comments in adjacency()$calc_moreargs
      moreargs[[char_rd]] <- corr_info$corr_families[[rd]]$calc_moreargs(
        fixed=fixed, char_rd=char_rd, init.optim=init.optim, 
        processed=processed, rd=rd, control_dist=control_dist, 
        # quite distinct arguments for adjacency:
        decomp=decomp, verbose=verbose, lower=lower, upper=upper,
        # IMRF...:
        # corrFamily:
        corrfamily=corr_info$corr_families[[rd]] # a bit circular, but providing access to all content of a processed corrFamily
      if (has_adj && ! is.null(rho <- fixed$corrPars[[char_rd]]$rho) ) {
        rhorange <- moreargs[[char_rd]]$rhorange
        if ((dif <- rho-rhorange[1L])<=0) stop(paste0("User-given rho too low by ",signif(dif,6)))
        if ((dif <- rho-rhorange[2L])>=0) stop(paste0("User-given rho too high by ",signif(dif,6)))

.get_coordinates <- function(spatial_term, data) {
  if ( is.null(spatial_term)) {
    stop("An obsolete syntax for the adjacency model appears to be used.")
    ## coordinates <- c("x","y") ## backward compatibility... old syntax with (1|pos) and default values of the coordinates argument
  } else {
    if ( inherits(data,"list")) {
      dataForCheck <- data[[1]]
    } else dataForCheck <- data
    coordinates <- .extract_check_coords(spatial_term=spatial_term,datanames=names(dataForCheck))

#.match_coords_in_uniqueGeo <- function(coords,uniqueGeo) {any(apply(uniqueGeo,1L,identical,y=coords))}

.checkDistMatrix <- function(distMatrix,data,coordinates) {
  if (inherits(distMatrix,"dist")) {
    userdistnames <- labels(distMatrix)
  } else if (inherits(distMatrix,"matrix")) {
    userdistnames <- rownames(distMatrix)
  } else message(paste("(!) 'distMatrix' is neither a 'matrix' or 'dist' object. Check the input. I exit."))
  ## chol() fails on distances matrices with repeated locations
  ## the following code assumes that distMatrix deals only with unique locations, and checks this
  ## HENCE ******* distMatrix must refer to unique values of a grouping variable *********
  # .checkDistMatrix() is called after a number of operations on the input distMatrix,
  # including a possible reduction of the .distMatrix for a Matern(LHS|.) term. 
  # In that case, left_of_bar variables in Matern(X|.) are not available here. 
  # Therefore, I cannot distinguish here whether :
  # a distance is missing from the distmat after reduction because the position is not retained according to X (which may be correct), 
  # or if the position should really be there.
  # This leads to a perhaps weaker check than ideal : (_F I X M E_ ?)
  checknames <- setdiff(userdistnames, rownames(data)) 
  if (length(checknames)) {
    warning("The rownames of 'distMatrix' are not contained in those of the 'data'. Further checking of 'distMatrix' is not possible.", immediate=TRUE)
    # nbUnique <- NA # => init rho is NA =>bug (and one does not even see the warning)    
    nbUnique<- nrow(unique(distMatrix))
  } else { # further checking on uniqueness of coordinates (ie on their 'levels') and their order
    dist_ordered_uniqueGeo <- .calcUniqueGeo(data=data[userdistnames, coordinates, drop=FALSE]) ## check that this corresponds to unique locations
    nbUnique <- nrow(dist_ordered_uniqueGeo)
    if (nbUnique != nrow(distMatrix)) {
      stop(paste0("The dimension of 'distMatrix' (",nrow(distMatrix),
                  " rows) does not match the number of levels (",nbUnique,") of the grouping variable"))
    } else { ## check order
      dataordered_namesindist <- intersect(rownames(data),userdistnames)
      if (! all(userdistnames==dataordered_namesindist)) {
        stop("The order of appearance of locations in 'distMatrix' is not the same as that in the 'data'.")
  nbUnique ## if stop() did not occur

.check_Earth_coords <- function(coord_within, uniqueGeo) {
  if (grepl("lat", coord_within[1])) warning("Hmm... the first coordinate should be longitude, but seems to be latitude.")
  if (max(abs(uniqueGeo[,1])-180>1e-14)) warning("Hmm... max(abs(longitude)) should be <= 180, but is not.")
  if (max(abs(uniqueGeo[,2])-90>1e-14)) warning("Hmm... max(abs(latitude)) should be <= 90, but is not.")

.get_dist_nested_or_not <- function(spatial_term, data, distMatrix, uniqueGeo, dist.method, as_matrix=FALSE,
                                    needed=c(), geo_envir, allow_DIST=TRUE) {
  if (is.na(needed["distMatrix"])) needed["distMatrix"] <- FALSE 
  if (is.na(needed["uniqueGeo"])) needed["uniqueGeo"] <- FALSE 
  if (is.na(needed["nbUnique"])) needed["nbUnique"] <- FALSE 
  if (is.na(needed["notSameGrp"])) needed["notSameGrp"] <- FALSE 
  coordinates <- .get_coordinates(spatial_term=spatial_term, data=data)
  geoMats <- list(coordinates=coordinates)
  if (is.null(distMatrix) || needed["notSameGrp"]) { # In principle we avoid computing anything new if 
    #                     distMatrix (implying uniqueGeo too )has been computed
    #                     but for grouped effects, defining the optim range may have used distMatrix in a case where we now need notSameGrp.
    coord_within <- .extract_check_coords_within(spatial_term=spatial_term) 
    coords_nesting <- setdiff(coordinates,coord_within)
    coord_within <- setdiff(coordinates, coords_nesting)
    ## needed in most cases for evaluation of further elements:
    if (is.null(uniqueGeo) ) { ## then construct it from the data ## this should be the routine case, except for AR1
      uniqueGeo <- .calcUniqueGeo(data=data[,coord_within,drop=FALSE])
      if ( ! is.null(dist.method) && 
           dist.method %in% c("Earth","EarthChord") ) .check_Earth_coords(coord_within, uniqueGeo)
      ## Attempt to reduce the size of matrices for nested ranefs using 'activelevels' never worked. See comments in .init_assign_geoinfo()
      # activelevels were data-ordered levels; .calcUniqueGeo must produce data-ordered values.
      # if (!is.null(geo_envir$activelevels)) uniqueGeo <- uniqueGeo[geo_envir$activelevels,,drop=FALSE]
      # Setting 'raw_levels' as row names to allow levels check in .calc_ZAlist(): 
      x <- t(uniqueGeo)
      # pastestring <- paste("list(",paste("x","[",seq_len(nrow(x)),",]",sep="",collapse=","),")",sep="") 
      raw_levels <- .pasteCols(x=x) # do.call(paste,c(eval(parse(text = pastestring)),sep=":"))
      rownames(uniqueGeo) <- raw_levels # same levels in .as_factor. Nevertheless, not needed when (coords_nesting)...?
      # BUT : this uniqueGeo overwritten if (length(coords_nesting)...). 
    geoMats$nbUnique <- nrow(uniqueGeo) ## only serves to control RHOMAX and should not be computed from the final uniqueGeo in case of nesting
    if (length(coords_nesting) && any(needed[c("distMatrix","uniqueGeo","notSameGrp")]) ) {
      ## should now (>2.3.9) work on data.frames, nesting factor not numeric.
      e_uniqueGeo <- .calcUniqueGeo(data=data[,coordinates,drop=FALSE])  # recycles .calcUniqueGeo() but here coordinates include grouping factor
      ## The rows_bynesting <- by(e_uniqueGeo ,e_uniqueGeo[,coords_nesting],rownames) line in .[sparse_]expand_GeoMatrices()
      #  works only if the cols are not factors ! (an as.matrix() ?). Unless we have a fix for this,
      #  e_uniqueGeo classes should not be factor; and as.integer(<factor>) can produce NA's hence as.character()
      # same operation was performed to generate uniqueGeo in .calc_AR1_sparse_Q_ranges()
      for (nam in coords_nesting) {if (is.factor(fac <- e_uniqueGeo[[nam]])) e_uniqueGeo[[nam]] <- as.character(levels(fac))[fac]}
      if (needed["notSameGrp"]) geoMats$notSameGrp <- .expand_grouping(w_uniqueGeo=uniqueGeo, e_uniqueGeo=e_uniqueGeo, 
                                                            coords_nesting=coords_nesting, coord_within=coord_within)
      if (any(needed[c("distMatrix","uniqueGeo")])) {
        # NOTE does not obey the present fn's 'as_matrix' argument (which would be inappropriate)
        eGM <- .sparse_expand_GeoMatrices(w_uniqueGeo=uniqueGeo, e_uniqueGeo=e_uniqueGeo, 
                                   coords_nesting=coords_nesting, coord_within=coord_within,dist.method=dist.method,
        distMatrix <- eGM$distMatrix
      uniqueGeo <- e_uniqueGeo
    } else if (needed["distMatrix"]) {
      notnumeric <- ! unlist(lapply(uniqueGeo,is.numeric))
      if (any(notnumeric)) stop(paste0("Variables(s) '",paste(names(which(notnumeric)),collapse="' '"),"'",
                                      " are not numeric, hence not suitable for computation of distance matrix."))
      distMatrix <- .dist_fn(uniqueGeo,method=dist.method)
      if (as_matrix) distMatrix <- as.matrix(distMatrix) ## useful to select rows or cols in predict() 
    if (needed["distMatrix"]) geoMats$distMatrix <- distMatrix ## not always computed
    uniqueGeo <- structure(uniqueGeo, coord_within=coord_within, coords_nesting=coords_nesting)
    geoMats$uniqueGeo <- uniqueGeo ## always computed (needed for distMatrix)
  } else { ## there is a distMatrix, this is what will be used by HLCor
    if (needed["nbUnique"]) geoMats$nbUnique <- .checkDistMatrix(distMatrix,data,coordinates)

.try_RSpectra <- local({
  RSpectra_warned <- FALSE
  function(M, symmetric) {
    if (requireNamespace("RSpectra",quietly=TRUE)) { # https://scicomp.stackexchange.com/questions/26786/eigen-max-and-minimum-eigenvalues-of-a-sparse-matrix
      # may generate (Rcpp::warning): only 1 eigenvalue(s) converged, less than k = 2  
      if (inherits(M,c("matrix", "dgeMatrix", "dgCMatrix"))) {
        if (symmetric) {
          eigrange <- suppressWarnings(RSpectra::eigs_sym(M, k=2, which="BE", opts=list(retvec=FALSE))$values)
          if ( length(eigrange)==2L) {
            resu <- list(eigrange=range(eigrange)) # only the extreme eigenvalues;  range() for consistent ordering but is the reverse of the eigen one...
          } else resu <- NULL
        } else { # "eigs() with matrix types "matrix", "dgeMatrix", "dgCMatrix" and "dgRMatrix" can use "LM", "SM", "LR", "SR", "LI" and "SI"" =>hence not "BE"
          largest <- suppressWarnings(RSpectra::eigs(M, k=1, which="LR", opts=list(retvec=FALSE))$values)
          if ( length(largest)) {
            lowest <- suppressWarnings(RSpectra::eigs(M, k=1, which="SR", opts=list(retvec=FALSE))$values)
            if ( length(lowest)) {
              resu <- list(eigrange=c(lowest,largest))
            } else resu <- NULL
          } else resu <- NULL
      } else {
        eigrange <- suppressWarnings(RSpectra::eigs(M, k=2, which="BE", opts=list(retvec=FALSE))$values) 
        if ( length(eigrange)==2) {
          resu <- list(eigrange=range(eigrange)) # only the extreme eigenvalues;  range() for consistent ordering but is the reverse of the eigen one...
        } else resu <- NULL
    } else {
      if ( ! RSpectra_warned) { #if ( ! identical(spaMM.getOption("RSpectra_warned"),TRUE)) {
        message("If the 'RSpectra' package were installed, an extreme eigenvalue computation could be faster.")
        RSpectra_warned <<- TRUE # .spaMM.data$options$RSpectra_warned <- TRUE
        # an alternative would be irlba::partial_eigen but https://bwlewis.github.io/irlba/comparison.html suggests that RSpectra is faster for partial eigenvalue problems.
}) # extreme eigenvalues ordered as range()

.provide_AR_factorization_info <-function(adjMatrix, sparse_precision, corr.model) {
    if (corr.model  %in% c("SAR_WWt")) {
      decomp <- eigen(adjMatrix,symmetric=FALSE) ## could be symmetric=TRUE if adjMatrix is dsC as in adjacency case.
    # ELSE
    if (corr.model  %in% c("adjacency")) { # adjMatrix is dsC from .preprocess -> ... -> .sym_checked(adjMatrix)
      ## extreme eigenvalues needed in all cases for the bounds. Full decomp not always needed
      if ( sparse_precision) {
         decomp <- .try_RSpectra(adjMatrix, symmetric=TRUE)
        if (is.null(decomp)) {
          eigvals <- eigen(adjMatrix, symmetric=TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values # first converts to dense matrix, so quite inefficient.
          decomp <- list(eigrange=range(eigvals)) 
      } else {
        decomp <- eigen(adjMatrix, symmetric=TRUE)
        svdnames <- names(decomp)
        svdnames[svdnames=="values"] <- "d"
        svdnames[svdnames=="vectors"] <- "u"
        names(decomp) <- svdnames
        decomp$adjd <- decomp$d

.check_conflict_init_fixed <- function(fixed, init, errstring) {
  fixed_cP <- fixed$corrPars
  init_cP <- init$corrPars
  for (char_rd in unique(names(fixed_cP),names(init_cP))) {
    fixed_rd <- fixed_cP[[char_rd]]
    init_rd <- init_cP[[char_rd]]
    for (st in intersect(names(fixed_rd), names(init_rd))) {
      if ( (! is.null(fixed_rd[[st]])) && (! is.null(init_rd[[st]])) ) {
        stop(paste0("(!) '",st,"'" ,errstring))    

.provide_rho_mapping <- function(control.dist, coordinates, rho.size) {
  rho_mapping <- control.dist$rho.mapping ## may be NULL
  if (is.null(rho_mapping) ) { ## && length(coordinates)>1L ?
    if (length(coordinates)==rho.size) { ## rho.size comes from explicit rho from user
      rho_mapping <- seq_len(rho.size)           
      names(rho_mapping) <- coordinates
    } else if (length(rho.size)>1L) stop("'rho.mapping' missing with no obvious default from the other arguments.")
  } ## then (for given corr.model's) there is rho_mapping
  return(rho_mapping) ## if length(rho)>1 and input rho.mapping was NULL, output rho.mapping is named 1 2 3... 

.calc_range_info <- function(rho.size, processed, it, control_dist_rd) {
  if (rho.size<2) { ## can be 0 if no explicit rho in the input  
    if (is.list(processed)) {
      dist.method <- control_dist_rd$dist.method 
      maxs <- numeric(length(processed))
      mins <- numeric(length(processed))
      nbUnique <- 0L
      for (lit in seq_along(processed)) {
        geo_envir <- .get_geo_info(processed[[lit]], which_ranef=it, which=c("distMatrix","uniqueGeo","nbUnique"), 
                                   dist_method_rd=dist.method) ## this is all for ranef [[it]]:
        maxs[lit] <- max(c(-Inf,geo_envir$distMatrix)) ## les Inf to handle dist(0)..
        mins[lit] <- min(c(Inf,geo_envir$distMatrix)) ## list over proc envirs not over ranefs!
        nbUnique <- nbUnique + geo_envir$nbUnique
      maxrange <- max(maxs)-min(mins)
      nbUnique <- nbUnique/length(processed)
    } else {
      geo_envir <- .get_geo_info(processed, which_ranef=it, which=c("distMatrix","uniqueGeo","nbUnique"), 
                                 dist_method_rd=control_dist_rd$dist.method) ## this is all for ranef [[it]]:
      ## => assuming, if (is.list(processed)), the same matrices across data for the given ranef term.
      # handling infinite values used in nested geostatistical models
      if ( inherits(geo_envir$distMatrix,"dsCMatrix") ) { # "dsCDIST" case
        maxrange <- diff(range( na.omit(geo_envir$distMatrix@x) ))
      } else maxrange <- max(geo_envir$distMatrix[! is.infinite(geo_envir$distMatrix)])-min(geo_envir$distMatrix)
      nbUnique <- geo_envir$nbUnique
  } else { 
    if (is.list(processed)) { ## rho.size >1 FIXME remove the local functions...
      dist.method <- control_dist_rd$dist.method 
      uniqueGeo <- vector("list",length(processed))
      nbUnique <- 0L
      for (lit in seq_along(processed)) {
        geo_envir <- .get_geo_info(processed[[lit]], which_ranef=it, which=c("distMatrix","uniqueGeo","nbUnique"), 
                                   dist_method_rd=dist.method) ## this is all for ranef [[it]]:
        uniqueGeo[[lit]] <- geo_envir$uniqueGeo   
        nbUnique <- nbUnique + geo_envir$nbUnique
      rho_mapping <- .provide_rho_mapping(control_dist_rd, geo_envir$coordinates, rho.size) ## using the last geo_envir
      maxrange <- lapply(unique(rho_mapping), function(idx) {
        ranges <- matrix(unlist(lapply(uniqueGeo, function(uu){
          if (nrow(uu)>1) {
          } else c(Inf,-Inf) ## encore des Inf to handle dist(0)...
      nbUnique <- nbUnique/length(processed)
    } else { 
      geo_envir <- .get_geo_info(processed, which_ranef=it, which=c("distMatrix","uniqueGeo","nbUnique"), 
                                 dist_method_rd=control_dist_rd$dist.method) ## this is all for ranef [[it]]:
      ## => assuming, if (is.list(processed)), the same matrices across data for the given ranef term.
      rho_mapping <- .provide_rho_mapping(control_dist_rd, geo_envir$coordinates, rho.size)
      u_rho_mapping <- unique(rho_mapping)
      maxrange <- numeric(length(u_rho_mapping))
      for (uit in u_rho_mapping) {
        idx <- u_rho_mapping[uit]
        maxrange[uit] <- diff(range(.dist_fn(geo_envir$uniqueGeo[,rho_mapping==idx],method=control_dist_rd$dist.method)))
      nbUnique <- geo_envir$nbUnique
    maxrange <- unlist(maxrange)
    return(list(maxrange=maxrange,nbUnique=nbUnique, rho_mapping=rho_mapping)) ## possibly modified (more explicit) rho_mapping

.back2hyperpars <- function(ranPars, ranges) {
  for (char_hyper_it in names(ranges)) {
    rd_range <- ranges[[char_hyper_it]]
    char_rd_range <- as.character(rd_range)
    first_char_rd <- char_rd_range[1L]
    ranPars$hyper[[char_hyper_it]] <- list(hy_kap=ranPars$corrPars[[first_char_rd]]$kappa,
    for (char_rd in char_rd_range) {
      ranPars$corrPars[[char_rd]]$kappa <- NULL
    ranPars$lambda <- ranPars$lambda[setdiff(names(ranPars$lambda),char_rd_range)]
  if ( ! length(ranPars$lambda)) ranPars$lambda <- NULL # numeric vector of length zero not handled by some replacement code

.TRACE_fn <- function(ranFix, processed) {
  ranPars <- .canonizeRanPars(ranFix,corr_info=NULL,checkComplete = FALSE, rC_transf=.spaMM.data$options$rC_transf)
  if ( ! is.null(ranPars$hyper)) ranPars <- .back2hyperpars(ranPars, ranges=processed$hyper_info$ranges) 
  if (length(ranPars$phi)>1) {
    if (is.null(processed$vec_nobs)) { # Is this to catch the case where a full phi vector is provided ? 
      cat("(phi fixed) ")
      ranPars[["phi"]] <- NULL
    } else { # mv case
      if (is.list(phi <- ranPars[["phi"]])) { # HYPOTHETICAL mv case
        for (mv_it_st in names(phi)) {
          if (length(phi[[mv_it_st]])>1) {
            cat(paste0("(phi_",mv_it_st, "fixed) "))
            ranPars[["phi"]][mv_it_st] <- list(NULL)
      } else { # but the simple mv case is that of a phi vector
  ntC <- names(ranPars)
  digits <- getOption("digits")
  for (lit in seq_along(ranPars)) {
    urP <- unlist(ranPars[[lit]]) ## ranPars$corrPars can be list() in which case urP is NULL 
    if (!is.null(urP)) cat(ntC[lit],"=",paste(signif(urP,digits),collapse=" ")," ")
  if ( ! is.null(beta <- attr(processed$off,"beta"))) cat("beta=",paste(signif(beta,digits),collapse=" ")," ") # outer beta

.calc_corrMatrix_precisionFactor__assign_Lunique <- function(processed, rd) {
  cov_info_mat <- processed$corr_info$cov_info_mats[[rd]]
  if (inherits(cov_info_mat,"precision")) {
    sparse_Qmat <- drop0(cov_info_mat[["matrix"]])
  } else stop(' ! inherits(cov_info_mat,"precision")')
  # Compared to more general case, we don't need to store a template! This is always ONE-TIME CODE.
  #  I once had a problem with perm_Q=TRUE in test-predVar-Matern-corrMatrix -> predict(f2,.) so make sure to check this when changing the code
  if (is.null(perm_Q <- .spaMM.data$options$perm_Q)) { # assuming dsC...
    perm_Q <- (length(sparse_Qmat@x)/ncol(sparse_Qmat)^2)<0.8 # quick exclusion of precision matrices that are fully dense so that no permutation would be useful. 
  Q_CHMfactor <- Cholesky(sparse_Qmat,LDL=FALSE,perm=perm_Q) 
  if (perm_Q) {
    .ZA_update(rd, Q_CHMfactor, processed, 
    # One-time ZA updating, but also here specifically for corrMatrix, one-time construction of sparse_Qmat
    permuted_Q <- attr(processed$corr_info$AMatrices[[as.character(rd)]],"permuted_Q") 
    # $Qmat <- sparse_Qmat will be used together with ZA independently from the CHM to construct the Gmat
    # If we use permuted Chol, then we must permute sparse_Qmat, by 
    if (identical(permuted_Q,TRUE)) sparse_Qmat <- tcrossprod(as(Q_CHMfactor,"CsparseMatrix")) 
    # precisionFactorList[[rd]]$template <- Q_CHMfactor # No updating ever needed
  processed$AUGI0_ZX$envir$LMatrices[[rd]] <- .Lunique_info_from_Q_CHM(
    processed=processed, rd=rd, Q_CHMfactor=Q_CHMfactor, type="from_Q_CHMfactor") # with default corr_type and spatial_term
  attr(processed$AUGI0_ZX$envir$LMatrices,"is_given_by")[rd] <- "from_Q_CHMfactor" 
  list(Qmat=sparse_Qmat, # should by *dsC* 
       chol_Q=as(Q_CHMfactor, "CsparseMatrix")) # Linv

## creates precisionFactorList if it doesn't exist, and partially fills it with Diagonal()'s + corrMatrix info
.init_AUGI0_ZX_envir_spprec_info <- function(processed) {
  AUGI0_ZX_envir <- processed$AUGI0_ZX$envir
  if (is.null(precisionFactorList <- AUGI0_ZX_envir$precisionFactorList)) {
    nranef <- length(AUGI0_ZX_envir$finertypes)
    updateable <- rep(FALSE,nranef) # initial value of criterion for saving CHMfactor for reuse: elements modified immediately, or in some later fns depending on ranPars
    precisionFactorList <- vector("list",nranef) ## will contain diagonal matrices/info for non-trivial (diagonal) precision matrices
    cum_n_u_h <- processed$cum_n_u_h
    for (rd in seq_len(nranef)) {
      finertype <- AUGI0_ZX_envir$finertypes[rd]
      if (processed$ranCoefs_blob$is_composite[rd]) { 
        if (processed$corr_info$corr_types[[rd]]=="corrMatrix") {
          # .process_ranCoefs needs this: 
          processed$ranCoefs_blob$new_compos_info[rd] <- TRUE 
      } else if ( finertype %in% c("adjacency","AR1") ) {
        ## terms of these types must be dealt with by ad hoc code for each type elsewhere
      } else if ( finertype=="corrMatrix") {
        precisionFactorList[[rd]] <- .calc_corrMatrix_precisionFactor__assign_Lunique(processed, rd)
      } else if ( finertype=="IMRF" ) {
        ## terms of these types must be dealt with by ad hoc code for each type elsewhere, but we can set
        updateable[rd] <- TRUE
      } else if ( finertype =="(.|.)" ) { # EXcludes "ranCoefs"
        nc <- ncol(processed$ZAlist[[rd]])
        precisionFactorList[[rd]] <- list(Qmat=.symDiagonal(n=nc), ## used independently of chol_Q_list, see precisionBlocks
                                          chol_Q=new("dtCMatrix",i= 0:(nc-1L), p=0:(nc), Dim=c(nc,nc),x=rep(1,nc)) )
        # All chol_Q's must be dtCMatrix so that bdiag() gives a dtCMatrix
        updateable[rd] <- TRUE
      } else if ( finertype %in% c("Matern", "Cauchy") ) { 
        updateable[rd] <- TRUE
      # } else if ( finertype == "ranCoefs") {
      #   # precisionFactorList[[rd]] will be filled by .wrap_precisionFactorize_ranCoefs(), with elements chol_Q and precmat,
      #   # including for case with LHS_levels
      }  else if (identical(processed$corr_info$corr_types[[rd]], "corrFamily")) {
        updateable[rd] <- TRUE # if the corrFamily $template is dense, it is always updateable; otherwise least-sparsity of each new Cf(parvec) is checked. 
        # Note that for CORR algos, AUGI0_ZX_envir$updateable was initialized to FALSE for most finertypes, and is not modified later.  
      } else if (finertype != "ranCoefs") stop(paste("sparse-precision methods were requested, but",
                        finertype,"terms are not yet handled by sparse precision code."))
    diff_n_u_h <- diff(cum_n_u_h)
    AUGI0_ZX_envir$precisionFactorList <- precisionFactorList
    AUGI0_ZX_envir$updateable <- updateable
  ## environment modified, no return value

.get_long_chol_Q_phantom_map <- function(envir, Xi_ncol) {
  if (is.null(envir$long_chol_Q_phantom_map)) {
    map_X <- matrix(seq(Xi_ncol^2),nrow=Xi_ncol,ncol=Xi_ncol)
    phantom_X <- lower.tri(map_X, diag=TRUE)
    map_X <- map_X*phantom_X
    phantom_Y <- as(as(as(envir$kron_Y_chol_Q,"lMatrix"),"triangularMatrix"),"CsparseMatrix") # sparse logical matrix...
    LHS <- .makelong_kronprod(map_X, kron_Y=phantom_Y) # dropping O's but others values are integers in numeric format
    phantom_X <- as(as(as(phantom_X,"lMatrix"),"triangularMatrix"),"CsparseMatrix")
    envir$long_chol_Q_phantom_map <- list(
      LHS_x= as.integer(LHS@x), # OK bc with a tolerance of .Machine$double.eps
      RHS=.makelong_kronprod(phantom_X, kron_Y=envir$kron_Y_chol_Q) # likewise, dropping 0's but other values should be more than a previous drop0(,tol>0) tolerance

.get_long_precmat_phantom_map <- function(cov_info_mat, Xi_ncol) {
  envir <- attr(cov_info_mat,"blob")
  if (is.null(envir$long_precmat_phantom_map)) {
    map_X <- forceSymmetric(matrix(seq(Xi_ncol^2),nrow=Xi_ncol,ncol=Xi_ncol))
    phantom_Y <- as(as(as(cov_info_mat$matrix,"lMatrix"),"symmetricMatrix"),"CsparseMatrix")# sparse logical matrix...
    LHS <- .makelong_kronprod(map_X, kron_Y=phantom_Y) 
    phantom_X <- as(as(map_X,"lMatrix"),"symmetricMatrix") # (why does conversion to lsC does not work?) 
    envir$long_precmat_phantom_map <- list(
      LHS_x= as.integer(LHS@x), # OK bc with a tolerance of .Machine$double.eps
      RHS=.makelong_kronprod(phantom_X, kron_Y=cov_info_mat$matrix) 

.get_phantom_map <- function(longsize, Xi_ncol) {
  Ysize <- longsize %/% Xi_ncol
  mapX <- matrix(seq(Xi_ncol^2),nrow=Xi_ncol,ncol=Xi_ncol)
  map_X <- mapX*lower.tri(mapX, diag=TRUE)
  phantom_Y_ltC <- new("ltCMatrix",i=seq(0,Ysize-1L),p=seq(0,Ysize), x=rep(TRUE,Ysize),Dim=c(Ysize,Ysize),uplo="L")
  ltCLHS <- .makelong_kronprod(map_X, kron_Y=phantom_Y_ltC) # dropping O's but others values are integers in numeric format
  map_X <- forceSymmetric(mapX)
  phantom_Y_lsC <- new("lsCMatrix",i=seq(0,Ysize-1L),p=seq(0,Ysize), x=rep(TRUE,Ysize),Dim=c(Ysize,Ysize),uplo="L")
  lsyLHS <- .makelong_kronprod(map_X, kron_Y=phantom_Y_lsC) 
    lsyLHS_x= as.integer(lsyLHS@x), 
    ltCLHS_x= as.integer(ltCLHS@x), 
    lsyRHS=.makelong_kronprod(as(as(map_X,"lMatrix"),"symmetricMatrix"),  # lsy
    ltCRHS=.makelong_kronprod(as(as(lower.tri(map_X, diag=TRUE),"lMatrix"),"CsparseMatrix"), # ltC

.precisionFactorize <- function(latentL_blob, rt, 
                                longsize, # from LMatrices or ZAlist
                                # template=processed$ranCoefs_blob$longLv_templates[[rt]]
                                ) {
  if ( ! is.null(attr(cov_info_mat,"blob")) # &&                       ## *fixed* corrMatrix => use "blob" envir with chol_Q (etc) of kron_Y corrMatrix
       # inherits(cov_info_mat$matrix, "dsCMatrix")
       ) { ## (could it be otherwise ? symDiag ?).
    ## Cf logic in .wrap_makelong_outer_composite:
    Xi_ncol <- ncol(latentL_blob$compactchol_Q)
    phantasmapic <- .get_long_chol_Q_phantom_map(envir=attr(cov_info_mat,"blob"), Xi_ncol = Xi_ncol)
    chol_Q <- phantasmapic$RHS
    asmat_ccQ <- as.matrix(latentL_blob$compactchol_Q) # as.matrix() before subsetting.
    chol_Q@x <- chol_Q@x * asmat_ccQ[phantasmapic$LHS_x] 
    # if (any(asmat_ccQ[phantasmapic$phantom_X]==0)) chol_Q <- drop0(chol_Q) 
    phantasmapic <- .get_long_precmat_phantom_map(cov_info_mat, Xi_ncol=Xi_ncol)
    precmat <- phantasmapic$RHS
    asmat_cpm <- as.matrix(latentL_blob$compactprecmat) # as.matrix() before subsetting.
    precmat@x <- precmat@x * asmat_cpm[phantasmapic$LHS_x]
    # if (any(asmat_cpm==0)) precmat <- drop0(precmat) 
  } else if (is.null(cov_info_mat)) { # kronecker product hiden in the def of the phantom_map. Called in (indeed elementary) ranCoefs cases. 
    Xi_ncol <- ncol(latentL_blob$compactchol_Q)
    phantasmapic <- processed$ranCoefs_blob$phantom_maps[[rt]] # => .get_phantom_map(longsize=longsize, Xi_ncol = Xi_ncol) => list with elements as used below
    chol_Q <- phantasmapic$ltCRHS
    asmat_ccQ <- as.matrix(latentL_blob$compactchol_Q) # as.matrix() before subsetting.
    chol_Q@x <- chol_Q@x * asmat_ccQ[phantasmapic$ltCLHS_x] 
    precmat <- phantasmapic$lsyRHS
    asmat_cpm <- as.matrix(latentL_blob$compactprecmat) # as.matrix() before subsetting.
    precmat@x <- precmat@x * asmat_cpm[phantasmapic$lsyLHS_x]
  } # else if (is.character(cov_info_mat)){ # i.e. "'cov_info_mat' not (yet) stored" 
  # } else { # This seems fictitious; not tested by long tests; "template" is not triangular but compactchol_Q is, so first .makelong() call fails. 
  #   chol_Q <- .makelong(latentL_blob$compactchol_Q, longsize=longsize, template=template, 
  #                       kron_Y=attr(cov_info_mat,"blob")$kron_Y_chol_Q) ## from promise created by .init_assign_geoinfo()
  #   precmat <- .makelong(latentL_blob$compactprecmat,longsize=longsize, template=template, 
  #                        kron_Y=cov_info_mat$matrix )  
  # }
  if ( ! inherits(chol_Q,"dtCMatrix")) stop("chol_Q should be a 'dtCMatrix'.") ## and lower tri

## updates precisionFactorList with LMatrices info for outer ranCoefs.
.wrap_precisionFactorize_ranCoefs <- function(processed, LMatrices=NULL,
                                              corr_types=processed$corr_info$corr_types) { # called by <HLfit_body> functions
  if ( ! is.null(LMatrices)) {
    AUGI0_ZX_envir <- processed$AUGI0_ZX$envir
    precisionFactorList <- AUGI0_ZX_envir$precisionFactorList
    updateable <- AUGI0_ZX_envir$updateable
    is_given_by <- attr(LMatrices,"is_given_by")
    ranCoefs_blob <- processed$ranCoefs_blob
    for (rt in which(is_given_by %in% c("ranCoefs")) ) {# ie _outer_ ranCoefs
      latentL_blob <- attr(LMatrices[[rt]],"latentL_blob")
      nc <- ncol(latentL_blob$compactcovmat)
      necess4updateable <- (length(which(latentL_blob$compactchol_Q@x!=0)) == nc*(nc+1L)/2L)
      if (ranCoefs_blob$is_composite[rt]) { 
        cov_info_mat <- processed$corr_info$cov_info_mats[[rt]]
        if (corr_types[rt]=="corrMatrix") {
          if (use_corrMatrix_fast_code <- TRUE) { # ____TAG___ OK bc unpermuted Chol for corrMatrix
            # only makelongs and ranCoefs's compact-matrix operations 
            precisionFactorList[[rt]] <- 
                                  rt=rt, longsize=ncol(LMatrices[[rt]]), processed=processed,
            updateable[rt] <- necess4updateable
          } else { # allowing permuted cholesky:
            # use possible structures of Lmatrix for ranCoefs spprec (cf .Lunique_info_from_Q_CHM()):
            long_Q_CHMfactor <- LMatrices[[rt]]
            if ( ! inherits(long_Q_CHMfactor, "dCHMsimpl")) long_Q_CHMfactor <- attr(long_Q_CHMfactor,"Q_CHMfactor")  
            precisionFactorList[[rt]] <- list(
              chol_Q= as(long_Q_CHMfactor,"CsparseMatrix"), 
                                template= ranCoefs_blob$longLv_templates[[rt]],
                                kron_Y=cov_info_mat$matrix, # should be dsC
                                drop0template=FALSE # assuming the template is sparse and that compactprecmat won't be sparse most of the time
            updateable[rt] <- necess4updateable ## ___TAG___   corrMatrix specific ! additional conditions needed for parametric correlation models
        # for other corr_types, do nothing here: e.g. AR1 case, dealt in two steps,
        # (1) produce the RHS Qmat in .assign_geoinfo_and_LMatrices_but_ranCoefs()
        # (2) produce the composite-model precisionFactorList[.] in .process_ranCoefs() 
      } else {
        precisionFactorList[[rt]] <- 
                              rt=rt, longsize=ncol(LMatrices[[rt]]), processed=processed,
        updateable[rt] <- necess4updateable
    for (rt in which(is_given_by=="inner_ranCoefs")) {
      # : need to initialize because spprec IRLS requires the present function to have filled all matrices
      nc <- ncol(ranCoefs_blob$longLv_templates[[rt]] )
      precisionFactorList[[rt]] <- list(precmat=.symDiagonal(n=nc), 
                                        chol_Q=new("dtCMatrix",i= 0:(nc-1L), p=0:(nc), Dim=c(nc,nc),x=rep(1,nc)) )
      updateable[rt] <- TRUE
    AUGI0_ZX_envir$precisionFactorList <- precisionFactorList
    AUGI0_ZX_envir$updateable <- updateable
  ## environment modified, no return value

.init_optim_phi <- function(phimodel, processed, init.optim, nrand, reasons_for_outer) {
  if (phimodel == "phiScal") {
    if (reasons_for_outer) {
      ## default method is outer but can be reversed if init is NaN (and to test NaN we need to test NULL)
      not_inner_phi <- is.null(init.optim$phi) || ! is.nan(init.optim$phi) ## outer if NULL, NA or numeric
    } else {
      ## default is inner but can be reversed if numeric or NA (hence neither NULL nor NaN)
      not_inner_phi <- ! (is.null(init.optim$phi) || is.nan(init.optim$phi))
  } else not_inner_phi <- FALSE ## complex phi model, we weed inner optim
  if (not_inner_phi) {
    if (is.null(init.optim$phi)) { 
      init.optim$phi <- .get_inits_by_xLM(processed)$phi_est/(nrand+1L) ## at least one initial value should represent high guessed variance
      # if init.optim$phi too low (as in min(.,2)) then fitme(Reaction ~ Days + AR1(1|Days) + (Days|Subject), data = sleepstudy) is poor
  } else {
    init.optim$phi <- init.optim$phi[ ! is.nan(init.optim$phi)]
    if ( ! length(init.optim$phi)) init.optim["phi"] <- NULL
  return(list(not_inner_phi=not_inner_phi, init.optim=init.optim))

.eval_init_lambda_guess <- function(processed, stillNAs, ZAL=NULL, cum_n_u_h, For) {
  nrand <-  length(processed$ZAlist)
  if (is.null(processed$main_terms_info$Y)) { ## for resid model
    if (For=="optim") { 
      guess_from_glm_lambda <- 0.1 ## (FIXME ad hoc) Cannot let it NA as this will be ignored by further code, namely
      #                               optim_lambda_with_NAs[which_NA_simplelambda] <- init_lambda[which_NA_simplelambda]
      #                               init.optim$lambda <- optim_lambda_with_NAs[!is.na(optim_lambda_with_NAs)]
    } else guess_from_glm_lambda <- NA
  } else {
    inits_by_xLM <- .get_inits_by_xLM(processed) 
    if (For=="optim") { 
      guess_from_glm_lambda <- inits_by_xLM$lambda*(3L*nrand)/((nrand+1L)) # +1 for residual
    } else guess_from_glm_lambda <- inits_by_xLM$lambda*(3L*nrand+2L)/((nrand+1L)) # +1 for residual  ## old code was *5/(nr+1) ## f i x m e super ad hoc
  init_lambda <- rep(NA,nrand)
  rand.families <- processed$rand.families
  lcrandfamfam <- attr(rand.families,"lcrandfamfam")
  corr_types <- processed$corr_info$corr_types
  for (rd in stillNAs) { ## fam_corrected_guess for each ranef in stillNAs
    if ( ! is.null(processed$families)) {
      which_mv <- attr(processed$ZAlist[[rd]],"which_mv")
      link_ <- .unlist(lapply(processed$families[which_mv],`[[`,i="link")) 
      trunc_ <- .unlist(lapply(processed$families[which_mv],`[[`,i="zero_truncated")) 
    } else {
      link_ <- processed$family$link
      trunc_ <- processed$family$zero_truncated
    if (is.null(ZAL)) {
      ZA <- processed$ZAlist[[rd]]
    } else if (inherits(ZAL,"ZAXlist")) {
      ZA <- ZAL@LIST[[rd]]
      if (inherits(ZA,c("ZA_QCHM","ZA_Kron"))) ZA <- ZA$ZA
    } else {
      u.range <- (cum_n_u_h[rd]+1L):cum_n_u_h[rd+1L]
      ZA <- ZAL[,u.range,drop=FALSE]
    denom <- colSums(ZA*ZA) # colSums(ZA*ZA) are diag crossprod(ZA) (memo: length=ncol(ZA)). 
    denom <- denom[denom!=0] ## so that same result in dense and sparse if ZA has empty cols in sparse
    ZA_corrected_guess <- guess_from_glm_lambda/sqrt(mean(denom)) 
    #if (corr_types[it]=="AR1") ZA_corrected_guess <- log(1.00001+ZA_corrected_guess) ## ad hoc fix but a transformation for ARphi could be better FIXME
    fam_corrected_guess <- .calc_fam_corrected_guess(guess=ZA_corrected_guess, link_=link_, trunc_=trunc_, For=For, processed=processed, nrand=nrand)
    init_lambda[rd] <- .preprocess_valuesforNAs(rd, lcrandfamfam=lcrandfamfam, 
                                                rand.families=rand.families, init.lambda=fam_corrected_guess)
  if (For != "optim") {   ## If called by HLfit: the present pmax() matters.
    init_lambda[stillNAs] <- pmax(init_lambda[stillNAs],1e-4) 
  } ## ELSE If called by fitme: calc_init_dispPars runs pmax on the whole vector

.init_optim_lambda_ranCoefs <- function(proc1, other_reasons_for_outer_lambda, init.optim, nrand, 
                                        ranCoefs_blob, var_ranCoefs, user_init_optim) {
  lFix <- proc1$lambda.Fix ## only for 'simple" ranefs with Xi_cols=1
  if (proc1$augZXy_cond || 
      anyNA(init.optim$lambda) || # NA or NaN in user's explicit lambda
      other_reasons_for_outer_lambda) { ## Tests show it is very inefficient to use outer optim on lambda (at least) when phi must be inner optimized
    optim_lambda_with_NAs <- .reformat_init_lambda_with_NAs(init.optim$lambda, nrand=nrand, default=NA)
    ## handling fitme call for resid fit with meanfit-optimized parameters (if input is NULL, output is all NA):
    optim_resid_lambda_with_NAs <- .reformat_init_lambda_with_NAs(proc1$envir$ranPars$lambda, nrand=nrand, default=NA)
    which_NA_simplelambda <- which(is.na(lFix) & 
                                     is.na(optim_resid_lambda_with_NAs) & 
                                     (is.na(optim_lambda_with_NAs) & ! is.nan(optim_lambda_with_NAs)) & ## explicit NaN's will be inner-optimized
                                     ! ranCoefs_blob$isRandomSlope) ## exclude random slope whether set or not
    if (length(which_NA_simplelambda)) { # user's explicit lambda=NaN have been removed from the count, but explicit NA count
      init_lambda <- .eval_init_lambda_guess(proc1, stillNAs=which_NA_simplelambda, For="optim") #calls .get_inits_by_xLM 
                    # and .calc_fam_corrected_guess (with arguments handling mv families)
      optim_lambda_with_NAs[which_NA_simplelambda] <- init_lambda[which_NA_simplelambda]
      init.optim$lambda <- optim_lambda_with_NAs[ ! is.na(optim_lambda_with_NAs)] ## NaN now rmoved if still there (cf is.na(c(1,NA,NaN))) BUT
      # ... it's dubious that we have augZXy_cond || other_reasons_for_outer_lambda if we requested inner estimation of lambda by a NaN                                                  
    init.optim$lambda <- init.optim$lambda[ ! is.nan(init.optim$lambda)] ## removes users's explicit NaN, which effect is documented in help(fitme)
  } else { ## else use inner optimization  for simple lambdas if inner_phi is necessary
    if (identical(attr(proc1$family,"multi"),TRUE)) { # __F I X M E__ more elegant test?
      warning("No initial lambda provided: the model fitted may change over spaMM versions. See help('multi') for how to avoid that.")
    init.optim$lambda <- user_init_optim$lambda # we reach here when there was no NA in user's init lambda
    # but there was possibly explicit numerical values (e.g. test-nloptr comparisons)
  if (any(var_ranCoefs)) {
    # Not super clear why I considered nranterms (user level ??) instead of nrand. FIXME.
    nranterms <- sum(var_ranCoefs | is.na(lFix)) ## var_ranCoefs has FALSE elements for non-ranCoefs (hence it is full-length)
    # Use .eval_init_lambda_guess() rather than the next lines ? possibly better for mv fits ___F I X M E___
    # but the logic in .eval_init_lambda_guess is different: (1) get inits by xLM (2) adjust according to ZA (3) adjust according to family
    # Here it is (1) get inits by xLM (2) adjust according to family (3) (sort of) adjust according to ZA 
    guess_from_glm_lambda <- .get_inits_by_xLM(proc1)$lambda * (3L*nranterms)/((nranterms+1L)) # +1 for residual
    fam_corrected_guess <- .calc_fam_corrected_guess(guess=guess_from_glm_lambda, For="optim", processed=proc1) ## divides by nrand...
    for (rt in which(var_ranCoefs)) {
      char_rt <- as.character(rt)
      if (is.null(init.optim$ranCoefs[[char_rt]])) {
        Xi_cols <- attr(proc1$ZAlist,'Xi_cols')
        Xi_ncol <- Xi_cols[rt]
        rc <- rep(0,Xi_ncol*(Xi_ncol+1L)/2L)
        #rc <- rep(0.0001,Xi_ncol*(Xi_ncol+1L)/2L)
        if (FALSE) { # guess to find good initial value, but no useful impact...
          # gaussian at least: fits the model y~Zv and uses the corr of the v's...
          ZAlist <- proc1$ZAlist
          ZA <- .compute_ZAL(NULL,proc1$ZAlist[rt], as_matrix=FALSE)
          coef <-.lmwith_sparse_QRp(ZA,1.0*(as.numeric(proc1$y)*1.0-proc1$off),returntQ = FALSE,returnR = TRUE)$coef 
          cor <- cov2cor(cov(matrix(coef,ncol=Xi_ncol)))
          rc <- cor[lower.tri(cor,diag = TRUE)]
        lampos <- rev(length(rc) -cumsum(seq(Xi_ncol))+1L)  ## NOT cumsum(seq(Xi_cols))
        rc[lampos] <- fam_corrected_guess/(Xi_ncol)
        #rc[lampos] <- 1e-3*fam_corrected_guess/(Xi_ncol)
        #rc[lampos[1]] <- fam_corrected_guess/(Xi_ncol)
        init.optim$ranCoefs[[char_rt]] <- rc ## see help(ranCoefs)

# NOT called by corrHLfit...
.more_init_optim <- function(proc1, processed, corr_types, init.optim, phi_by_augZXy,user_init_optim) {
  ## trying to guess all cases where optimization is useful. But FIXME: create all init and decide afterwardsS
  phimodel1 <- proc1$models[['phi']]
  allPhiScalorFix <- all(processed$models[['phi']] == "phiScal" | 
                         (processed$models[['phi']] == "phiGLM" & .unlist(processed$p_fixef_phi)==0L) | # identify offset-only phi models. 
                           processed$models[['phi']] == "")
  ranCoefs_blob <- processed$ranCoefs_blob
  is_MixedM <- ( ! is.null(ranCoefs_blob) )
  if (is_MixedM) {
    var_ranCoefs <- (ranCoefs_blob$isRandomSlope & ! ranCoefs_blob$is_set) # vector !
    has_corr_pars <- length(corr_types[ ! is.na(corr_types)])
  } else var_ranCoefs <- has_corr_pars <- FALSE
  calc_dvdlogdisp_needed_for_inner_ML <-  (processed$vecdisneeded[2] && processed$HL[2L]) 
  sufficient_reasons_for_outer_lambda <- (
    anyNA(init.optim$lambda) || # first one meaning that the user explicitly set a NA init lambda
      any(var_ranCoefs) || # includes mv()
      (has_corr_pars && calc_dvdlogdisp_needed_for_inner_ML) || # should be TRUE for Loaloa fit used gentle intro'scomparisons, 
                                                                #       and FALSE for fit_REML in test-devel-predVar-AR1
      # *** next case ad hoc but motivated by 'ahzut' example in private test-COMPoisson-difficult.R ***
    ( has_family_par <- (( ! is.null(init.optim$COMP_nu)) || ( ! is.null(init.optim$NB_shape)) || 
                           ( ! is.null(init.optim$beta_prec)) || ( ! is.null(init.optim$rdisPars))) ) # lambda + family pars 
  other_reasons_to_chech_inner_costs <- ( # when there are other outer-estimated parameters ## 
    has_corr_pars ||
    ( other_submodel_has_family_par <- identical(attr(processed$families,"has_estim_families_par"), TRUE)) ## identical bc absent in multi() case
  if (sufficient_reasons_for_outer_lambda || other_reasons_to_chech_inner_costs ||  
    var(proc1$y)<1e-3 || # mixed model with low response variance (including case where phi is fixed (phimodel="") )
    # Next two lines of code quite contrived: basic idea is that we might switch to outer lambda estim 
    #  if phi is outer/Fix or if we enforce outer_optim_resid 
    (phimodel1 == "phiHGLM" && identical(spaMM.getOption("outer_optim_resid"),TRUE)) ||
    allPhiScalorFix || # lambda + phi
    { # reach here if several (lambda || fixed ranCoefs) and no var_ranCoefs; 
      lFix <- processed$lambda.Fix
      if (! is.null(ranCoefs_blob)) lFix <- lFix[ ! ranCoefs_blob$isRandomSlope] # Fixed ranCoefs count as a NA in $lambda.Fix so we remove them to count variable lambda's
      length(which(is.na(lFix)))>1L # so that two lambdas is handled as 1 lambda+phi
  ) { ## All cases where outer optimization MAY be better for dispersion parameters (or forced outer optim)
    nrand1 <- length(proc1$ZAlist)
    # Up to public version 3.7.2, reasons_for_outer_phi [or rather "reasons_for_outer"] was initiated by sufficient_reasons_for_outer_lambda ["sufficient_reasons_for_outer"] 
    # The reasons_for_outer_phi may be ineffective (if phi is fixed...)
    outer_phiScal_spares_costly_comput <- outer_spares_costly_dleve_comput <- ( 
      # the dleve computations for HL[2L] with costly .calc_dvdlog...Mat_new() occur in inner for HL[2L] irrespective of vecdisneeded[3]
      # and in particular even for canonical link GLMM. The dleve terms should be nonzero when GLM weights !=1 i.e vecdisneeded[2] (or [1])
      #  "dense" : test_adjacency_long which has n_u_h=1000 one tested the threshold (not currently the case)
      # "sparse" : bigranefs has n_u_h=23290 and rasch has 2110
      (nrand1 && (tail(processed$cum_n_u_h,1) > (if (processed$QRmethod=="dense") {500L} else {5000L}) )) && 
    if ( ! outer_phiScal_spares_costly_comput) {
      ## we look whether the hatval_Z are needed or not in .calc_sscaled_new(), hence in fitme() with outer estim of dispersion params
      hatval_xx_is_costly <- ( NROW(processed$y)>1000L || 
                                (nrand1>0L && processed$cum_n_u_h[length(processed$cum_n_u_h)]>200L))
      outer_phiScal_spares_costly_comput <- outer_spares_costly_hatval_xx <- ( ## "but inner requires it"
        hatval_xx_is_costly && allPhiScalorFix && (
        #   hatval_Z_needed_for_inner_ML <-  (! NCOL(processed$X.Re)) ## X.Re is a 0-col matrix
        # ) && ( 
          hatval_xx_not_needed_for_sscaled <- ! (processed$HL[1L] && any(processed$vecdisneeded)) 
    # so that outer_phiScal_spares_costly_comput = ( outer_spares_costly_dleve_comput || outer_spares_costly_hatval_xx)
    # But is phiGLM/HGLM, these hatval computations cannot be spared => two cases for other_reasons_for_outer_lambda
    if (is.null(proc1$phi.Fix) && ! phi_by_augZXy ) { # Set (or not) outer optimization for phi: 
      if (nrand1) {
        # chicken-egg problem for phi and lambda|rC outer estimation => first check whether 
        # there will be the latter even if not the former. 
        # => two calls to .init_optim_lambda_ranCoefs(). Some 'elegant' shortcuts might be thought of,
        # but this is safe.
        prospective_init.optim <- .init_optim_lambda_ranCoefs(
          other_reasons_for_outer_lambda = (sufficient_reasons_for_outer_lambda), 
          init.optim, nrand1, proc1$ranCoefs_blob, var_ranCoefs,
        init_optim_will_have_lambda_or_ranCoefs_anyway <- 
          length(.unlist(prospective_init.optim[c("lambda","ranCoefs")])) #  any(var_ranCoefs) appears to be a sufficient condition here.
      } else init_optim_will_have_lambda_or_ranCoefs_anyway <- FALSE
      init_optim_phi_blob <- 
        .init_optim_phi(phimodel1, proc1, init.optim, nrand1, 
                        reasons_for_outer=init_optim_will_have_lambda_or_ranCoefs_anyway || 
      other_reasons_for_outer_lambda <- init_optim_phi_blob$not_inner_phi
      init.optim <- init_optim_phi_blob$init.optim
    } else other_reasons_for_outer_lambda <- outer_phiScal_spares_costly_comput
    if (nrand1) {
      # Set outer optimization for lambda and ranCoefs (handling incomplete ranFix$lambda vectors) through call to .init_optim_lambda_ranCoefs()
      init.optim <- .init_optim_lambda_ranCoefs(
        other_reasons_for_outer_lambda = (sufficient_reasons_for_outer_lambda || other_reasons_for_outer_lambda), 
        init.optim, nrand1, proc1$ranCoefs_blob, var_ranCoefs,
    if (anyNA(beta <- user_init_optim$beta)) {
      inits_by_xLM <- .get_inits_by_xLM(processed)  
      beta[names(is.na(beta))] <- inits_by_xLM$beta_eta[names(is.na(beta))]
      init.optim$beta <- beta      
    if (length(init.optim$lambda) > nrand1) {
      mess <- paste0("Initial value for lambda: (",
                       init.optim$lambda, collapse=","),
                     ") has more elements than there are random effects.\n   The fit will likely fail.")
      warning(mess, immediate.=TRUE)
  } ## else no addition to the inits, everything will be inner optimized

.init_rdisPars <- function(rdisPars_init, # from inits$init.optim
                           fixed,  disp_env, init_by_glm=1) {
  fullnames <- disp_env$colnames_X
  rdisPars <- rep(0, length(fullnames))
  names(rdisPars) <- fullnames  
  if ("(Intercept)" %in% fullnames) {
    rdisPars["(Intercept)"] <- log(init_by_glm)
  if ( length(rdisPars_init)) rdisPars[names(rdisPars_init)] <- rdisPars_init
  fixd1 <- fixed$rdisPars
  if (is.list(fixd1)) fixd1 <- fixd1[[1]] # cf comments in .rename_ranPars(). But prehaps this should no longer be a list here ?
  # fixd2 <- disp_env$etaFix
  if ( ! is.null(fixd1) #  || ! is.null(fixd2) 
       ) {
    fixnames1 <- names(fixd1)
    if (length(setdiff(fixnames1,fullnames))) {
      stop(paste("names for rdisPars' 'fixed' value not within:", paste(fullnames, collapse=" ")))
    # fixnames2 <- names(fixd2)
    # if (length(setdiff(fixnames1,fullnames))) {
    #   stop(paste("names for resid.model's $etaFix value not within:", paste(fullnames, collapse=" ")))
    # }
    # remove the user-level fixed values
    rdisPars[fixnames1] <- NA
    # rdisPars[fixnames2] <- NA
  # if ( ! is.null(init <- disp_env$init)) {
  #   initnames <- names(init)
  #   varnames <- names(na.omit(rdisPars))
  #   if (length(setdiff(initnames,varnames))) {
  #     stop(paste("names for resid.model's $init value not within (not fixed) coefficients:", paste(varnames, collapse=" ")))
  #   }
  #   rdisPars[initnames] <- init
  # }  
  rdisPars <- na.omit(rdisPars)
  if ( length(rdisPars)) { # if estimation is needed, do it on sclaed matrix
    disp_env$scaled_X <- .scale(disp_env$X)
    disp_env$X <- NULL
    rdisPars <- .scale(disp_env$scaled_X, rdisPars)
  } else rdisPars <- NULL

.calc_init.optim_family_par <- function(family, init.optim, fixed, processed, 
                                        inits_by_xLM=.get_inits_by_xLM(processed)) {
  if (family$family=="COMPoisson") {
    if (inherits(substitute(nu, env=environment(family$aic)),"call")) {
      if (processed$models$rdispar=="rdiForm") {
        init.optim$rdisPars <- .init_rdisPars(init.optim$rdisPars, fixed=fixed, disp_env=family$resid.model)
      } else if (is.null(init.optim$COMP_nu)) init.optim$COMP_nu <- 1 # template: .calc_inits will modify it according to lower, upper 
    } else {
      if ( ! is.null(init.optim$COMP_nu)) {
        warning("initial value is ignored when 'COMP_nu' is fixed.") # i.e. anything but Intercept model
        init.optim$COMP_nu <- NULL
      } # and this should have the effect that user lower and upper values should be ignored too.
  } else if (family$family %in% c("beta_resp","betabin")) {
    if (inherits(substitute(prec, env=environment(family$aic)),"call")) {
      if (processed$models$rdispar=="rdiForm") {
        init.optim$rdisPars <- .init_rdisPars(init.optim$rdisPars, fixed=fixed, disp_env=family$resid.model,
      } else if (is.null(init.optim$beta_prec)) {
        init.optim$beta_prec <- inits_by_xLM$beta_prec # template: .calc_inits will modify it according to lower, upper 
    } else {
      if ( ! is.null(init.optim$beta_prec)) {
        warning("initial value is ignored when 'beta_prec' is fixed.") # i.e. anything but Intercept model
        init.optim$beta_prec <- NULL
      } # and this should have the effect that user lower and upper values should be ignored too.
  } else if (family$family  %in% c("negbin1","negbin2")) {
    if (inherits(substitute(shape, env=environment(family$aic)),"call")) {
      # If NB_shape init is 5 :
      # => trShape is 1 given current .NB_shapeFn) 
      #    => the next points tried are 2 and 0 on transformed scale (=> NB_shape=1e6 and 1)
      # which does not wor kell in all cases 
      # test cases are the twinR fit_05 case, some in test-LLM, and negbin example in gentle intro (using optimize() -> initial value cannot be controlled)
      # Overall, finding the good starting value for shape seems important.
      if (processed$models$rdispar=="rdiForm") {
        init.optim$rdisPars <- .init_rdisPars(init.optim$rdisPars, fixed=fixed, disp_env=family$resid.model,
      } else if (is.null(init.optim$NB_shape)) init.optim$NB_shape <- inits_by_xLM$NB_shape # template: .calc_inits will modify it according to lower, upper 
    } else {
      if ( ! is.null(init.optim$NB_shape)) {
        warning("initial value is ignored when 'NB_shape' is fixed.") # i.e. anything but Intercept model
        init.optim$NB_shape <- NULL
      } # and this should have the effect that user lower and upper values should be ignored too.
  # } else if (processed$models$rdispar=="rdiForm") { # "speculative outer phiGLM 2023/07/09" 
  #   init.optim$rdisPars <- .init_rdisPars(init.optim$rdisPars, fixed=fixed, disp_env=family$resid.model,
  #                                         init_by_glm=inits_by_xLM$phi_est)

# called by fitme_body/corrHLfit_body/(fitmv_body on individual models) hence no multivariate input except possibly through 'processed'
.calc_optim_args <- function(proc_it, 
                             processed, # multi() and mv
                             user_init_optim, fixed, lower, upper, verbose, optim.scale, For) {
  corr_info <- proc_it$corr_info 
  # modify HLCor.args and <>bounds;   ## distMatrix or uniqueGeo potentially added to HLCor.args:
  corr_types <- corr_info$corr_types
  if ( ! is.null(fixed)) fixed <- .reformat_corrPars(fixed, corr_families=corr_info$corr_families)
  if ( ! is.null(user_init_optim$phi) ) {
    if (proc_it$models[["phi"]]=="") {
      warning("initial value for 'phi' is ignored when there is no phi parameter (e.g. poisson or binomial families)") # i.e. anything but Intercept model
      user_init_optim$phi <- NULL # erase the un-usable value otherwise the residModel would be ignored!
    } else if (proc_it$models[["phi"]]!="phiScal") {
      warning("initial value for 'phi' is ignored when there is a non-default resid.model") # i.e. anything but Intercept model
      user_init_optim$phi <- NULL # erase the un-usable value otherwise the residModel would be ignored!
  init.optim <- .reformat_corrPars(user_init_optim, corr_families=corr_info$corr_families)
  init.HLfit <- proc_it$init_HLfit #to be modified below ## dhglm uses fitme_body not (fitme-> .preprocess) => .update_phifitarglist() and .update_port_fit_values_residModel code $init_HLfit
  # used by .more_init_optim:
  family <- proc_it$family
  init.optim <- .calc_init.optim_family_par(family, init.optim, fixed=fixed, processed=proc_it)
  ##### init.optim$phi/lambda will affect calc_inits -> calc_inits_dispPars.
  # outer estim seems useful when we can suppress all inner estim (thus the hatval calculations). 
  # ./. Therefore, we need to identify all cases where phi is fixed, 
  # ./. or can be outer optimized jointly with lambda:  
  # Provide ranCoefs inits by calling .init_optim_lambda_ranCoefs:
  user.lower <- .reformat_corrPars(lower,corr_families=corr_info$corr_families)
  user.upper <- .reformat_corrPars(upper,corr_families=corr_info$corr_families) ## keep user input 
  if (For %in% c("fitme","fitmv") && proc_it$HL[1]!="SEM") { ## for SEM, it's better to let SEMbetalambda find reasonable estimates
    augZXy_cond <- proc_it$augZXy_cond # processed$augZXy_cond would fail in multi() case
    # We may use augZXy to estimate lambda and phi (more exactly, a scaling factor common to them), or lambda only
    # In .preprocess_augZXy(), we decided not to use it to estimate lambda when there is an init phi. 
    # But we could have decided otherwise (still use augZXy to estimate lambda in that case)
    # Now we check if there is an upper|lower phi, in which case we cannot use it to estimate phi
    # But we face the same question of using augZXy to estimate lambda in that case
    if (FALSE) { # This is hypothetical code for the case where we wish to maximize use of augZXy:
      # In that case .preprocess_augZXy() should be modified to allow augZXy to estimate lambda in the presence of an init phi;
      # phi_by_augZXy should depend on this init; and phi_by_augZXy should not affect proc1$augZXy_cond
      phi_by_augZXy <- ( augZXy_cond && is.null(init.optim$phi) && is.null(user.lower$phi) && is.null(user.upper$phi)) 
      # NOTHING TO DO to processed$augZXy_cond
      # but 'phi_by_augZXy' still separately needed in call below.
    } else { # This is for the case where we decide not to use augZXy_cond for lambda when we cannot use it for phi:
      # (yet we seem to do that in .makeCovEst1()... as controlled by the "inner" attribute)
      # In that case .preprocess_augZXy() must have set augZXy to FALSE in the presence of an init phi; and:
      phi_by_augZXy <- ( augZXy_cond && is.null(user.lower$phi) && is.null(user.upper$phi)) 
      if (augZXy_cond && ! phi_by_augZXy) {
        proc_it$augZXy_cond <- structure(phi_by_augZXy, inner=attr(proc_it$augZXy_cond, "inner"))
#        .do_TRACE(processed) # all the more hypothetical as this might no longer work if .do_TRACE() is called twice. 
                             # .do_TRACE() now expects a string in processed$HLfit_body_fn, and this is no longer a string after .do_TRACE() has been called once.  
    # Now create a template for optimization, deciding for outer/inner optimisations:
    if (For=="fitmv") {
      init.optim <- .more_init_optim(proc1=proc_it, 
                                     processed=processed, # critical mv info 
                                     corr_types=corr_types, init.optim=init.optim, 
                                     phi_by_augZXy = phi_by_augZXy,
    } else init.optim <- .more_init_optim(proc1=proc_it, 
                                          processed=proc_it, # even for multi()
                                          corr_types=corr_types, init.optim=init.optim, 
                                          phi_by_augZXy = phi_by_augZXy,
  .check_conflict_init_fixed(fixed,init.optim, "given as element of both 'fixed' and 'init'. Check call.")
  .check_conflict_init_fixed(init.HLfit,init.optim, "given as element of both 'init.HLfit' and 'init'. Check call.") ## has quite poor effect on fits
  if ( ! is.null(rC.Fix <- fixed$ranCoefs)) {
    for (char_rd in names(rC.Fix)) if (attr(rC.Fix[[char_rd]],"isDiagFamily")) init.optim$ranCoefs[[char_rd]] <- 
        init.optim$ranCoefs[[char_rd]][is.na(rC.Fix[[char_rd]])] # keeps only variable ones in lambda-positions
  if (For=="fitmv") { # in that case the ranefs differ across submodels and we want submodel-specific proc1 to be used eg in 
    #   IMRF_pars=attr(attr(attr(processed$ZAlist,"exp_spatial_terms")[[rd]],"type"),"pars")
    moreargs <- .calc_moreargs(processed= proc_it, 
                               # We might need something equiv to .calc_range_info computing a mean(nbUnique) from multi()-processed
                               # But (1) .makeLowUp_stuff_mv() is *the* place for handling processed itself, 
                               #           so does it or can it deal with that ? __FIXME__
                               #     (2) structure of mv-processed differs from that of multi()-processed.
                               #     (3) Even the structure of ranefs of mv-processed$unmerged differs from that of multi()-processed.
                               corr_types=corr_types, fixed=fixed, init.optim=init.optim, control_dist=proc_it$control_dist, 
                               init.HLfit=init.HLfit, corr_info=corr_info, verbose=verbose, lower=lower, upper=upper)  
  } else moreargs <- .calc_moreargs(processed=processed, 
                             corr_types=corr_types, fixed=fixed, init.optim=init.optim, control_dist=proc_it$control_dist, 
                             init.HLfit=init.HLfit, corr_info=corr_info, verbose=verbose, lower=lower, upper=upper)
  fixed <- .expand_hyper(fixed, hyper_info=proc_it$hyper_info, moreargs=moreargs)
  inits <- .calc_inits(init.optim=init.optim, # user, + added automatic ones
                       ranFix=fixed,  corr_info=corr_info,
                       user.lower=user.lower, user.upper=user.upper,
                       For=For, hyper_info=proc_it$hyper_info
  .check_conflict_init_fixed(fixed,inits$init.optim, "present in both 'fixed' and 'inits$init.optim'. Contact the maintainer.")
  .check_conflict_init_fixed(init.HLfit,inits$init.optim, "present in both 'init.HLfit' and 'inits$init.optim'. Contact the maintainer.") 
  if (For == "fitmv") {
    # The local moreargs may be defective for adjacency models 
    # (as we try to avoid determining spprec and what depends on it when preprocessing eahc submodel)
    # And then, any merged LowUp will be defective.
    # Instead, .makeLowUp_stuff_mv() will compute mv-LUarglist and mv-LowUp from the global "processed"  and the merged other arguments
    return(list(inits=inits, fixed=fixed, corr_types=corr_types))
  } else {

    if ( ! is.null(inits$`init`$rdisPars)) {
      famdisp_lowup <- .wrap_calc_famdisp_lowup(processed)
    } else famdisp_lowup <- NULL
    if (FALSE && ! is.null(inits$`init`$beta)) { # outer beta... FALSE && ...because the effect is not convincing (___F I X M E___). 
      # The COMP example currently works only without this and with a vector of O's as initial values.
      fixef_lowup <- .calc_fixef_lowup(processed)
    } else fixef_lowup <- NULL
    LUarglist <- list(canon.init=inits$`init`, 
                      ranFix=fixed, # inits$ranFix, # Any change in $ranFix would be ignored 
                      fixef_lowup=fixef_lowup) ## list needed as part of attr(,"optimInfo")
    LowUp <- do.call(".makeLowerUpper",LUarglist) 
    return(list(inits=inits, fixed=fixed, corr_types=corr_types, LUarglist=LUarglist,LowUp=LowUp))
   ## LowUp: a list with elements lower and upper that inherits names from init.optim, must be optim.scale as init.optim is by construction

.is.multi <- function(family) {
  # Where call at the end of fitting fn, 'family' is the evaluated argument of the call, possibly not yet interpreted as final family()
  # i.e,, "negbin2" -> character, negbin2-> function, negbin2() -> family (which is also a list!)
  # EXCEPT that multi(...) -> list but not family
    is.list(family) && # i.e. value of multi(...), or value of <family>() 

.anyNULL <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x)) {
  } else if (is.list(x)) {
    if (is.null(anyNULL <- attr(x,"anyNULL"))) anyNULL <- any(lengths(x)==0L)
  } else return(FALSE) # stop("Unhandled 'x' class in .anyNULL().") # if numeric, not any null...

.allNULL <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x)) {
  } else if (is.list(x)) {
    if (is.null(allNULL <- attr(x,"anyNULL"))) allNULL <- all(lengths(x)==0L)
  } else  return(FALSE) # stop("Unhandled 'x' class in .allNULL().") # if numeric, not all null...

.canonizeNames <- function(trNames) {
  trNames <- gsub("trNu","nu",trNames)
  trNames <- gsub("trRho","rho",trNames)
  trNames <- gsub("trPhi","phi",trNames)
  trNames <- gsub("trLambda","lambda",trNames)
  trNames <- gsub("trNB_shape","NB_shape",trNames)
  trNames <- gsub("trbeta_prec","beta_prec",trNames)

.check_suspect_rho <- function(corr_types, ranPars_in_refit, LowUp) {
  locmess <- NULL
  if (any(geostat <- corr_types %in% c("Matern","Cauchy"))) {
    char_rnf <- as.character(which(geostat))
    corlow <- unlist(LowUp$lower$corrPars[char_rnf])
    if (length(corlow)) {
      corpars <- unlist(ranPars_in_refit$corrPars[char_rnf])[names(corlow)]
      corup <- unlist(LowUp$upper$corrPars[char_rnf])
      at_lower_bound <- which((corpars-corlow)/(corup-corlow)<1e-5)
      if ( length(at_lower_bound) && 
           any(grepl("trRho", names(at_lower_bound)))) {
        if (length(which(grepl("trRho", names(corpars))))>1L) {## at least two rho's (but not necess both at lower bound)
          locmess <- paste0("The estimate(s) of some 'rho' scale parameter(s) equal(s) their lower optimization bound.\n",
                            "This suggests that distinct intercepts should be fitted for some group-specific random effects,\n ",
                            "but that the model term(s) for intercepts do not allow that.")
        } else {
          cnames <- .canonizeNames(names(at_lower_bound) )
          locmess <- paste0(paste(cnames, collapse=", "), " are at their lower optimization bound.")

.check_outer_at_bound <- function(object, thr=1e-05, bool=TRUE) {
  optimInfo <- attr(object,"optimInfo")
  if (length(optimInfo)) {
    optim.pars <- unlist(optimInfo$optim.pars, recursive = TRUE, use.names = FALSE)
    LowUp <- do.call(.makeLowerUpper, optimInfo$LUarglist)
    lower <- unlist(LowUp$lower, recursive = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)
    upper <- unlist(LowUp$upper, recursive = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)
    lowerAB <- (optim.pars-lower)/(upper-lower) < thr
    upperAB <- (upper-optim.pars)/(upper-lower) < thr
    anyAB <- any(c(lowerAB,upperAB))
    if (anyAB) {
      if (bool) {
      } else {
        corr_info <- .get_from_ranef_info(object)
        # .canonizeRanPars() can change the order of elements, so we cannot use the above boolean vectors to get elements from its result => 
        # ugly but safe solution only requesting that .canonizeRanPars() handles NA's:
        parlist <- optim.pars
        parlist[ ! lowerAB] <- NA
        parlist <- relist(parlist,attr(object,"optimInfo")$LUarglist$init.optim)
        attr(parlist,"moreargs") <- attr(object,"optimInfo")$LUarglist$moreargs
        lowerAB <- na.omit(unlist(.canonizeRanPars(parlist, corr_info=corr_info)))
        parlist <- optim.pars
        parlist[ ! upperAB] <- NA
        parlist <- relist(parlist,attr(object,"optimInfo")$LUarglist$init.optim)
        attr(parlist,"moreargs") <- attr(object,"optimInfo")$LUarglist$moreargs
        upperAB <- na.omit(unlist(.canonizeRanPars(parlist, corr_info=corr_info)))
        return(c(lower=lowerAB, upper=upperAB))
    } else return(NULL)
    # ELSE inner optim only:
  } else if (bool) {
  } else return(NULL)   

# Conceived to add 'moreargs' to $ranef_info, then found a way to avoid this post-HLfit_body() operation. 
# The better way requires that 'fixed' attributes are not lost on the way from [fitme|fitmv|corrHLfit]_body to HLfit_body... looks OK.
.update_ranef_info <- function(object, ...) {
  if (inherits(object,"HLfitlist")) {
    for (it in seq_along(object)) object[[it]] <- .update_ranef_info(object[[it]], ...)
  } else {
    dotlist <- list(...)
    for (st in names(dotlist)) object$ranef_info[[st]] <- dotlist[[st]] # $ranef_info is a list, not an envir

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