
Defines functions str.inla.spde2 .expand_hyper .preprocess_hyper .calc_summingMat_hyper .calc_inits_hyper .expand_multIMRF .get_new_AMatrices .assign_AMatrices_corrFamily .assign_AMatrices_IMRF .calc_AMatrix_IMRF .spaMM_spde.make.A .locate_in_tv .to_grid_coord .Wendland .IMRFcrossfactor IMRF .kappa_inits_from_spde_prior .minKappa .CHM_eigrange

Documented in IMRF str.inla.spde2

# processed$hyper_info <- .preprocess_hyper(.) provides a list used by .calc_inits() -> .calc_inits_hyper() and by .expand_hyper()
# .calc_inits_hyper() fills init.optim$hyper <- structure(hyper,map=hyper_info$map,ranges=hyper_info$ranges), 
#                           which is a nested list of params with attr. The nested list  serves as a template for .makeLowerUpper.
# expand_hyper() is used (notably) by HLCor.obj to fill $corrPars and $trLambda from [ranPars derived from ranefParsVec] and processed$hyper_info

.CHM_eigrange <- function(Qmat) {
  chol_k <- .silent_W_E(Matrix::chol(Qmat)) 
  if (inherits(chol_k,"simpleError")) {
  } else range(diag(as(chol_k,"sparseMatrix")))

.minKappa <- function(thr=1e5, # the target condnum
                      init=0.005, # init kappa
                      k2A #function from kappa:-> matrix whose condnumm is compute 
) {
  x_p <- init
  while (TRUE) {
    eigrange <-  .CHM_eigrange(k2A(kappa=x_p))
    condnum_p <- eigrange[2L]/eigrange[1L]
    if (condnum_p<thr) break
    x_p <- x_p*10
  x_m <- x_p/(dlog <- 10)
  while (TRUE) {
    eigrange <-  .CHM_eigrange(k2A(kappa=x_m))
    condnum_m <- eigrange[2L]/eigrange[1L]
    if (condnum_m<thr) break
    x_m <- x_m * 9
  # assuming a log-log relationship:
  slope <- (log(condnum_p)-log(condnum_m))/(log(x_p)-log(x_m))
  # if (slope>0) return(x_p) # unexpected : condnum increases with kappa
  # targeting a condnum 1e5 for chol factor
  minKappa <- exp((log(thr)-log(condnum_m))/slope)*x_p 
  # decrease the lower bound if possible
  fac <- exp(log(2)/slope) # < 1 if slope <0
  while ({
    eigrange <- .CHM_eigrange(k2A(kappa=minKappa))
    eigrange[2L]/eigrange[1L] < thr/2}) {
    minKappa  <- minKappa*fac

.kappa_inits_from_spde_prior <- function(spde2) {
  # use heuristically the INLA priors (see https://groups.google.com/g/r-inla-discussion-group/c/eqMhlbwChkQ?pli=1) 
  theta_system <- spde2$BLC[c("tau.1","kappa.1"),] # as in .calc_IMRF_Qmat() 
  prior_param <- spde2$f$hyper.default$theta1$param
  mu <- prior_param[1:2]+theta_system[,1]
  sd <- 1/sqrt(prior_param[c(3,6)]) # prior_param[c(3:6)] appears to store the precision matrix of the gaussian (see above link)
  fac <- sqrt(7) # so that pchisq(2 fac^2 , df=2) ~0.999
  prior_spec <- theta_system[,2:3] %*% cbind(mu-fac*sd,mu,mu+fac*sd)
  kappa_spec <- prior_spec[2,]
  names(kappa_spec) <- NULL

IMRF <- function(...) {
  canonize <- function(corrPars_rd, cP_type_rd, moreargs_rd, checkComplete, ...) {
    if (!is.null(corrPars_rd$trKappa)) { ## 
      corrPars_rd$kappa <- .kappaInv(corrPars_rd$trKappa,KAPPAMAX=moreargs_rd$KAPPAMAX) 
      corrPars_rd$trKappa <- NULL
      cP_type_rd$kappa <- cP_type_rd$trKappa 
      cP_type_rd$trKappa <- NULL
    kappa <- corrPars_rd$kappa
    if (is.null(kappa) && checkComplete) {
      stop("kappa missing from ranPars (or correlation model mis-identified).")
    return(list(corrPars_rd=corrPars_rd, cP_type_rd=cP_type_rd))
  calc_inits <- function(inits, char_rd, moreargs_rd, user.lower, user.upper, optim.scale, init.optim, ...) {
    inits <- .calc_inits_IMRF(init=inits[["init"]],init.optim=inits$init.optim,init.HLfit=inits$init.HLfit,ranFix=inits$ranFix,
    # # Nugget: remains NULL through all computations if NULL in init.optim
    if (is.null(.get_cP_stuff(inits$ranFix,"Nugget",which=char_rd))) { ## new spaMM3.0 code
      inits$init$corrPars[[char_rd]] <- .modify_list(inits$init$corrPars[[char_rd]],
  calc_corr_from_dist <- function(ranFix,char_rd,distmat,...) { stop("This should not be called for IMRF terms") }
  calc_moreargs <- function(KAPPAMAX, IMRF_pars, processed, rd, ...) {
    moreargs_rd <- list(KAPPAMAX=KAPPAMAX) 
    if ( ! is.null(spde_info <- IMRF_pars$model)) { # alternative being the regular grid stuff (and note that this calc_moreargs() is not called by a corrFamily term)
      range_factor <- .kappa_range_factor(mesh=spde_info$mesh, IMRF_design=spde_info, EEV_required=FALSE)
      moreargs_rd$minKappa <- 0.01/range_factor
      # here I removed a lot of experimental code  => block in devel_code_and_never_tested_functions.R and
  make_new_corr_list <- function(object, old_char_rd, control_dist_rd, geonames, newuniqueGeo, olduniqueGeo, which_mats, make_scaled_dist, new_rd) {
    ## hmmm is that useful ?
  makeLowerUpper <- function() {
    ## hmmm is that useful ?
  # : changes the parent.env of all the member functions.
                 names_for_post_process_parlist= c("kappa"),
                 calc_corr_from_dist=calc_corr_from_dist, # fake function for catching programming errors

.IMRFcrossfactor <- function(xstwm, ystwm, kappa) {
  indices <- expand.grid(seq(xstwm), seq(ystwm))
  nc_I <- nrow(indices)
  locpos0 <- seq(nc_I)
  locpos1 <- seq(xstwm*(ystwm-1L))
  locpos2 <- locpos0[-xstwm*seq(ystwm)]
  B <- sparseMatrix(i=c(locpos0,locpos1,locpos2), j=c(locpos0,locpos1+xstwm,locpos2+1L), 
                    x=c(rep(4+kappa^2,nc_I),rep(-1,length(locpos1)+length(locpos2))), symmetric =TRUE)
  # B <- as(B,"symmetricMatrix") # dsCMatrix ## potentially slow and only useful if speeding a crossprod...
  return(B) ## such that Q= crossprod(B)
  ## or :
  # B <- new("dgCMatrix",i= 0:(nc_I-1L), p=c(0L:(nc_I)), Dim=c(nc_I,nc_I),x=rep(4+kappa^2,nc_I))
  # locpos <- seq(xstwm*(ystwm-1L))
  # B[cbind(locpos,locpos+xstwm)] <- -1
  # locpos <- seq(xstwm*(ystwm-1L))
  # B[cbind(locpos+xstwm, locpos)] <- -1
  # locpos <- seq(nc_I)[-xstwm*seq(ystwm)]
  # B[cbind(locpos, locpos+1L)] <- -1
  # B[cbind(locpos+1L, locpos)] <- -1
  #B <- as(B,"symmetricMatrix") # dsCMatrix

.Wendland <- function(d) {
  res <- 0*d
  islowd <- d<1
  lowd <- d[islowd]
  res[islowd] <- (35*lowd^2 + 18*lowd + 3)*(1-lowd)^6 /3 
  attr(res,"is_incid") <- FALSE

.to_grid_coord <- function(uniqueScal, steplen, origin) {
  for (dt in seq(ncol(uniqueScal))) {
    uniqueScal[,dt] <- (uniqueScal[,dt]-origin[dt])/steplen  

# provides the 'points to mesh', p2m in INLA
.locate_in_tv <- function(pointsXY, 
) {
  if (is.data.frame(pointsXY)) pointsXY <- as.matrix(pointsXY)
  # (1) p2m.t : Identify a triangle to which each point belongs  
  p2m.t <- geometry::tsearch(meshloc[,1], meshloc[,2], tv, pointsXY[,1], pointsXY[,2]) 
  # incidentally, when the data are those used to build the mesh, p2m.t (for redundant lcoations in the data) is in <mesh>$idx$loc
  # so in some case we could skip this first step. But  for generally small benefits, it seems too messy to identify these cases and handle  redundancies... 
  if (any(outofmesh <- is.na(p2m.t))) {
    w_out <- which(outofmesh)
    # default method "quadtree" is buggy; check with slower but safer method.
    p2m.t[w_out] <- geometry::tsearch(meshloc[,1], meshloc[,2], tv, 
                                      pointsXY[w_out,1], pointsXY[w_out,2], method="orig") 
    outofmesh <- is.na(p2m.t) # remaining NAs should identify points really out of the mesh. 
    p2m.t[ outofmesh] <- NA_integer_
  # (2) p2m.b : compute barycentric coordinates of each point in its triangle 
  p2m.b <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(pointsXY),ncol=3)
  #for (pt_it in which( ! outofmesh )) p2m.b[pt_it,] <- cart2bary(meshloc[tv[p2m.t[pt_it],],1:2], points[pt_it,,drop=FALSE]) # slow pbbly bc many calls to external fn
  pmul <- cbind(-1,diag(nrow =2))
  for (pt_it in which( ! outofmesh )) { #
    simplex <- meshloc[tv[p2m.t[pt_it],],1:2] # coordinate of vertices of identified triangle
    vM <- pmul %*% simplex # is simplex[-1,]-simplex[1,] for each simplex
    detVM <- vM[4]*vM[1]-vM[2]*vM[3]
    dpt <- (pointsXY[pt_it,]-simplex[1L,])
    if (detVM==0) { ## which should not occur if the mesh is OK
      solve_vM <- ginv(vM) 
      p2m.b[pt_it,2:3] <- dpt %*% solve_vM    
    } else {
      W1 <- (vM[4]*dpt[1]-vM[2]*dpt[2])/detVM
      W2 <- (vM[1]*dpt[2]-vM[3]*dpt[1])/detVM
      p2m.b[pt_it,2:3] <- c(W1,W2)
  p2m.b[,1] <- 1 - p2m.b[,2] - p2m.b[,3]
  return(list(p2m.t=p2m.t, # vector (rather than INLA's 1-col matrix)

.spaMM_spde.make.A <- function(mesh, pointsXY) { # replacement for inla.spde.make.A()
  locations <- .locate_in_tv(pointsXY=pointsXY, # result = the 'points to mesh', p2m in INLA
                             tv = mesh$graph$tv, 
  ti <- locations$p2m.t # vector !
  ii <- which(ok <- (! is.na(ti)))
  # rows of A will remain 0 for points out of the mesh:
  A <- sparseMatrix(dims = c(nrow(pointsXY), mesh$n), 
                    i = rep(ii, 3), 
                    j = as.vector(mesh$graph$tv[ti[ii], ]), 
                    x = as.vector(locations$p2m.b[ii, ]))
  A <- drop0(A) ## there is some noise (or at least, there was en using INLA::inla.spde.make.A() )
  is_incid <- (length(uAx <- unique(A@x))==1L && 
                           uAx==1 )# correct test given constraints on the barycentric coordinates (rows of zero for out-of-mesh points also OK in incidence matrix)
  attr(is_incid,"is01col") <- FALSE
  attr(A,"is_incid") <- is_incid
  #list(t = ti, bary = locations$p2m.b, A = A, ok = ok, A = A) # this is what inla.mesh.project.inla.mesh returns

.calc_AMatrix_IMRF <- function(term, # its attr(.,"pars") carries grid parameters
                               data, # only for .get_dist_nested_or_not()  
                               dist.method, old_AMatrix_rd=NULL, 
                               pars=attr(attr(term,"type"),"pars"), # for the INLA stuff only spde_info <- pars$model is needed
                               ) { ## scale is in steps units so does not depend on the step length in users' coordinates
  blob <- .get_dist_nested_or_not(term, data=data, distMatrix=NULL, uniqueGeo=NULL, 
                                  dist.method = dist.method, needed=c(uniqueGeo=TRUE),  geo_envir=NULL)
  uniqueScal <- blob$uniqueGeo
  uniqueScal_levels_blob <- .as_factor(txt=paste(colnames(uniqueScal), collapse="+"), 
                                       mf=uniqueScal, type=.spaMM.data$options$uGeo_levels_type) # to match the call in .calc_Zmatrix()
  if ( ! is.null(spde_info <- pars$model)) { # F I X M E does not handle nesting
    # Amatrix <- INLA:::inla.spde.make.A(spde_info$mesh, as.matrix(uniqueScal)) 
    if (inherits(spde_info,"inla.spde2")) {
      Amatrix <- .spaMM_spde.make.A(mesh=spde_info$mesh, 
      if (fit. && any((rs <- rowSums(Amatrix))<0.99)) {
        wbad <- which(rs<0.99)
        mess <- paste(length(wbad), 
                      "'data' locations appear out of the mesh: ",
                      paste(head(wbad), collapse=","), 
                      if(length(wbad)>6L) "...",
                      "\n Mismatched inputs, or strong mesh cutoff?")
        message(mess) # check this only for the fit.
      # Amatrix rows are, with the default arguments, ordered as uniqueScal rows
      rownames(Amatrix) <- uniqueScal_levels_blob$factor # not levels(.) which are alphanumerically ordered !  
    } else stop("Unhandled model class for IMRF")
  # ELSE case of regular grid+Wendland
  if ( ! is.null(old_AMatrix_rd)) {
    uniqueScal <- .to_grid_coord(uniqueScal,steplen= attr(old_AMatrix_rd,"steplen"),
                                 origin=attr(old_AMatrix_rd,"origin")) #IXME would be nicer if ti kept row names.
    grid_arglist <- attr(old_AMatrix_rd,"grid_arglist") ## reconstruct the original grid
    scale <- attr(old_AMatrix_rd,"scale")
  } else {
    nc <- ncol(uniqueScal)
    ranges <- diffs <- grid_arglist <- vector("list",nc) ## typically nc=2
    for (dt in seq(nc)) { 
      ranges[[dt]] <- range(uniqueScal[,dt]) 
      diffs[[dt]] <- diff(ranges[[dt]])
    widedim <- which.max(unlist(diffs))
    steplen <- diffs[[widedim]]/(pars[["nd"]]-1L)
    origin <- numeric(nc)
    for (dt in seq(nc)) {
      if (pars$ce) {
        origin[dt] <- ranges[[dt]][1L] - (diffs[[dt]] %% steplen)/2 ## or using trunc... ## 0 for the wide dimension
      } else origin[dt] <- ranges[[dt]][1L] # ce=FALSE reproduces the LatticeKrig results
      nd_dt <- (diffs[[dt]] %/% steplen) +1L ## central grid node for dim dt
      grid_arglist[[dt]] <- (-pars$m):(nd_dt+pars$m-1L) ## sequence of nodes in grid coordinates for dim dt
    uniqueScal <- .to_grid_coord(uniqueScal, origin=origin, steplen=steplen)
  rownames(uniqueScal) <- uniqueScal_levels_blob$factor # these names must be retained in the output (otherwise visible error in .calc_ZAlist())  
  grid <- expand.grid(grid_arglist) ## INTEGER GRID
  scaldistmat <- .dist_fn(x=uniqueScal,y=grid,method=dist.method) ## coordinates of data in grid units
  if ( ! is.null(old_AMatrix_rd)) {  
    # colnames(scaldistmat) <- colnames(old_AMatrix_rd) # not always true as old_AMatrix_rd cols may have been permuted after original call to .calc_AMatrix_IMRF() 
    return(as(.Wendland(scaldistmat[]/scale),"sparseMatrix")) ## dividing the matrix not most economical but clearer # [] convert crossdist to matrix
  } else {
    colnames(scaldistmat) <- apply(grid,1L,paste0,collapse=":") ## provide colnames(ZA), expected at least by ranef.HLfit 
    return(structure(as(.Wendland(scaldistmat[]/scale),"sparseMatrix"), ## dividing the matrix not most economical but clearer # [] convert crossdist to matrix
                     grid_arglist=grid_arglist, origin=origin, steplen=steplen, scale=scale,
                     is_incid=FALSE)) ## attributes for quick reconstruction in prediction

.assign_AMatrices_IMRF <- function(corr_info, Zlist, exp_barlist, data, control_dist,
                                  scale=2.5, ## scale value from Nychka et al 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10618600.2014.914946, p. 584
                                  centered=TRUE) { 
  corr_types <- corr_info$corr_types
  isIMRF <- (corr_types=="IMRF")
  if (any(isIMRF, na.rm=TRUE)) {
    if (is.null(corr_info$AMatrices)) corr_info$AMatrices <- list()
    for (rd in which(isIMRF)) {
      corr_info$AMatrices[[as.character(rd)]] <- .calc_AMatrix_IMRF(
        term=exp_barlist[[rd]], # its attr(.,"pars") carries grid parameters
        data=data, dist.method=control_dist[[rd]][["dist.method"]], scale=scale, fit.=TRUE)

.assign_AMatrices_corrFamily <- function(corr_info, Zlist, exp_barlist, data, control_dist, 
                                         scale=2.5, ## scale value from Nychka et al 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10618600.2014.914946, p. 584
                                         ...) { 
  corr_types <- corr_info$corr_types
  is_corrF <- (corr_types=="corrFamily")
  if (any(is_corrF, na.rm=TRUE)) {
    if (is.null(corr_info$AMatrices)) corr_info$AMatrices <- list()
    for (rd in which(is_corrF)) {
      Af <- corr_info$corr_families[[rd]][["Af"]] # call for fit
      # In an mv fit the corrFamily is a stub when .preprocess is called. .assign_AMatrices_corrFamily() is called again in .merge_processed()
      if ( ! is.null(Af)) { # The corrFamily depends on an A matrix
        corr_info$AMatrices[[as.character(rd)]] <- Af(newdata=data, 
                                                      fit.=TRUE, scale=scale)

.get_new_AMatrices <- function(object, newdata) { 
  if (object$spaMM.version > "3.10.22") {
    amatrices <- object$ranef_info$sub_corr_info$AMatrices
  } else amatrices <- attr(object$ZAlist,"AMatrices")
  exp_spatial_terms <- attr(object$ZAlist,"exp_spatial_terms")
  corr_types <- attr(exp_spatial_terms,"type")
  isIMRF <- (corr_types == "IMRF")
  for (rd in which(isIMRF)) {
    char_rd <- as.character(rd)
    perm <- attr(amatrices[[char_rd]], "perm") # the 'perm' slot of a CHMfactor
    amatrices[[char_rd]] <- .calc_AMatrix_IMRF(term=exp_spatial_terms[[rd]], data=newdata, 
                                         old_AMatrix_rd = amatrices[[char_rd]])
    if ( ! is.null(perm)) amatrices[[char_rd]] <- .subcol_wAttr(amatrices[[char_rd]], j=perm, drop=FALSE)
  corr_types <- object$ranef_info$sub_corr_info$corr_types
  is_corrF <- (corr_types=="corrFamily")
  if (any(is_corrF, na.rm=TRUE)) {
    corr_families <- .get_from_ranef_info(object)$corr_families
    for (rd in which(is_corrF)) {
      char_rd <- as.character(rd)
      perm <- attr(amatrices[[char_rd]], "perm") # the 'perm' slot of a CHMfactor
      Af <- corr_families[[rd]][["Af"]] # call for new A matrix
      if ( ! is.null(Af)) { # The corrFamily depends on an A matrix
        amatrices[[char_rd]] <- Af(newdata=newdata, 
        if ( ! is.null(perm)) amatrices[[char_rd]] <- .subcol_wAttr(amatrices[[char_rd]], j=perm, drop=FALSE)
      } else if ( ! is.null(amatrices[[char_rd]])) # check presence of Amatrix in original fit object =>
        warning('is.null(corr_families[[rd]][["Af"]]) is suspect here in .get_new_AMatrices()') # __F I X M E__ remove check? might be helpful to catch pb if I change the interface for AMatrix


.expand_multIMRF <- function(bar, levels, margin, coarse=10L, norm=TRUE, centered=TRUE, ...) {
  #nodes_per_dim <- (coarse)*2^seq(levels) # +2*arglist$margin
  nodes_per_dim <- (coarse-1L)*2^(seq(levels)-1L)+1L 
  bar <- paste0(bar, ", nd=", nodes_per_dim, ", m=",margin, ", no=", norm, ", l=",seq(levels), ", ce=",centered)
  as.formula(paste("~ ( IMRF(", paste(bar, collapse = ") + IMRF("), ") )"))[[2]]

# called by .preprocess_formula():

.expand_multIMRFs <- local({ 
  levels <- NULL
  function (term,init=TRUE) {
    if (init) levels <<- numeric(0)
    if (!is.name(term) && is.language(term)) {
      if (term[[1]] == as.name("(")) {
        term[[2]] <- .expand_multIMRFs(term[[2]],init=FALSE)
      term1 <- as.character(term[[1]])
      if (term1 == "multIMRF") {
        args <- paste(paste(names(term),"=",term)[-c(1,2)], collapse=",")
        arglist <- eval(parse(text = paste("list(",args,")")))
        arglist$bar <- paste0(deparse(term[[2]]))
        levels <<- c(levels,arglist$levels)
        return(do.call(".expand_multIMRF", arglist)) # fn call => uses standard R argument matching setting defaults for coarse, norm...
      } else if (term1 == "IMRF") levels <<- c(levels,NA) # NA: placeholder for other IMRF.
      term[[2]] <- .expand_multIMRFs(term[[2]],init=FALSE)
      if (length(term) == 3) 
        term[[3]] <- .expand_multIMRFs(term[[3]],init=FALSE)
    if (init && length(levels)) {
      return(structure(term, hyper_info=list(levels=levels)))
    } else return(term)

.calc_inits_hyper <- function(inits, hyper_info, fixed, moreargs ) {
  # the "expanded" corrPars and trLambda have been prefilled by .calc_inits_IMRF() for the reason explained there. 
  # We remove them here if hyper parameters are to be used. 
  if ( ! is.null(hyper_info)) {
    init.optim <- inits$init.optim ## currently mixes the canon.init and the user init, with conflicting info. 
    ##                                The following code rsolves such conflicts
    canon.init <- inits[["init"]]
    ranges <- hyper_info$ranges
    hyper <- hyper_info$template
    for (char_hyper_it in names(hyper)) {
      char_rd_range <- as.character(ranges[[char_hyper_it]])
      firstrand <- (char_rd_range)[1L]
      fix_cP <- fixed$hyper[[char_hyper_it]]
      if ( is.null(fix_cP$hy_trK) && is.null(fix_cP$hy_kap) ) { # if NOT fixed
        hy_kap <- init.optim$hyper[[char_hyper_it]]$hy_kap # user init
        if (is.null(hy_kap)) {
          hy_trK <- init.optim$corrPars[[firstrand]]$trKappa
          hy_kap <- .kappaInv(hy_trK, moreargs[[firstrand]]$KAPPAMAX)
        } else hy_trK <- .kappaFn(hy_kap, moreargs[[firstrand]]$KAPPAMAX)
        canon.init$hyper[[char_hyper_it]]$kappa <- hy_kap
        hyper[[char_hyper_it]]$hy_trK <- hy_trK
        for (char_rd in char_rd_range) { 
          init.optim$corrPars[[char_rd]]$trKappa <- NULL 
      for (char_rd in char_rd_range) { ## in all cases because either tracking the init.optim removal, or the fact it is fixed
        canon.init$corrPars[[char_rd]]$kappa <- NULL 
      if (is.null(fix_cP$hy_trL) && is.null(fix_cP$hy_lam)) {
        hy_lam <- init.optim$hyper[[char_hyper_it]]$hy_lam # user init
        if (is.null(hy_lam)) hy_lam <- init.optim$lambda[firstrand]
        canon.init$hyper[[char_hyper_it]]$hy_lam <- hy_lam
        hyper[[char_hyper_it]]$hy_trL <- .dispFn(hy_lam)
      ## In all cases because either tracking the init.optim$hyper, or the fact it is fixed:
      init.optim$lambda[char_rd_range] <- NA # tag for removal below
      canon.init$lambda[char_rd_range] <- NA # tag for removal below
    } # but for fiXed values, expanded values are still in init.optim hence remove_from_parlist() below
    if (length(unlist(hyper, use.names = FALSE))) init.optim$hyper <- hyper # if some hyper_params are not fixed
    # 'fixed' must have expanded values for use in remove_from_parlist and for all further purposes
    # 'init.optim' must still have expanded values for use in remove_from_parlist
    init.optim <- remove_from_parlist(init.optim, inits$ranFix) # removes fixed 'hyper', for example
    # if hyper still there, we add attributes (which would have been lost by remove_from_parlist())
    if ( ! is.null(init.optim$hyper)) init.optim$hyper <- 
                hy_info=hyper_info) # hy_info: *environment*: for .makeLowerUpper, with distinct name for easier tracking 
    # Now it is important to remove NA's from expanded values:
    init.optim$lambda <- init.optim$lambda[!is.na(init.optim$lambda)]
    inits[["init.optim"]] <- init.optim
    # And parallel removal in canon.init
    canon.init$lambda <- canon.init$lambda[!is.na(canon.init$lambda)] 
    inits[["init"]] <- canon.init ## as this is used as a template for lower$trLambda...

.calc_summingMat_hyper <- function(nrand, hyper_map, ranges) {
  blocs <- list()
  rd <- blocit <- 1L
  # Matrix::bdiag ignores names
  rowN <- colN <- list()
  while (rd < nrand+1L) {
    if (is.na(hyper_it <- hyper_map[rd])) {
      char_rd <- as.character(rd)
      blocs[[blocit]] <- 1
      rowN[[blocit]] <- colN[[blocit]] <- char_rd 
      rd <- rd+1L
    } else {
      bllen <- length(ranges[[hyper_it]])
      blocs[[blocit]] <- rep(1,bllen)
      seq_rd <- rd-1L + seq(bllen)
      rowN[[blocit]] <- paste(seq_rd)
      colN[[blocit]] <- paste0(seq_rd[1L],":",seq_rd[bllen]) 
      rd <- rd+bllen
    blocit <- blocit+1L
  summingMat <- as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(blocs))
  rownames(summingMat) <- unlist(rowN)
  colnames(summingMat) <- unlist(colN)

.preprocess_hyper <- function(processed) { ## needs $predictor, $ZAlist
  level_info <- attr(processed$predictor,"hyper_info")$levels
  hy_levels <- na.omit(level_info)   ## level_info is a vector of number of levels, provided by .expand_multiMRFs()
  NA_pos <- attr(hy_levels,"na.action") # position of non-multIMRF IMRFs
  if (len <- length(hy_levels)) { # if multIMRF's...
    template <- ranges <- structure(vector("list",len),names=paste(seq(len))) # could we use ranges as template ?
    nrand <- length(processed$ZAlist)
    hyper_map <- rep(NA_integer_, nrand) ## maps rd to elements of hyper
    level_info[NA_pos] <- 1L
    IMRF_ranges <- c(0,cumsum(level_info))
    which_IMRF <- which(attr(processed$ZAlist,"exp_ranef_types") =="IMRF")
    hy_pos <- seq_along(level_info)
    if ( ! is.null(NA_pos)) hy_pos <- hy_pos[- NA_pos]
    for (it in seq_along(hy_pos)) { # the names of the 'ranges' list do NOT refer to ranefs. They are just 1,2... whatever the affected ranefs
      hy_it <- hy_pos[it]
      rd_range <- which_IMRF[(IMRF_ranges[hy_it]+1L):(IMRF_ranges[hy_it+1L])]
      hyper_map[rd_range] <- it 
      ranges[[as.character(it)]] <- rd_range ## inverse map ; ranges not an ideal name
    names(hyper_map) <- paste(seq_len(length(hyper_map)))
    summingMat <- .calc_summingMat_hyper(nrand, hyper_map, ranges)
    return(list2env(list(map=hyper_map,ranges=ranges, template= template, summingMat=summingMat),
                    parent=emptyenv()) )

.expand_hyper <- function(ranPars, hyper_info, moreargs) { # called to build inits, in HLCor.obj, and for refit
  # DO NOT assume any type attribute here => no attributes management here
  if (!is.null(hyper_info)) {
    ranges <- hyper_info$ranges ## e.g list("1"=1:3)
    trLam <- hyper_info$map # template
    trLam[] <- NA
    trLam[names(ranPars$trLambda)] <- ranPars$trLambda ## initialization with value for other ranefs
    ## ranPars$trLambda typically NULL from user input (in $lambda), but no longer so after ranPars_in_refit <- ... 
    ## FIXME ideally ranPars$trLambda has char_rd names... but I'm not sure it's always the case.
    for (rg_it in seq_along(ranges)) { # then: 1
      hyper_el <- ranPars$hyper[[rg_it]]
      char_rd_range <- as.character(ranges[[rg_it]]) 
      if (is.null(hy_lam <- hyper_el$hy_lam)) {
        hy_trL <- hyper_el$hy_trL
        if ( ! is.null(hy_trL)) hy_lam <- .dispInv(hyper_el$hy_trL) # else hy_lam remains NULL
      if (! is.null(hy_lam)) {
        lam_fac <- c(1, 2^(-2*(seq_len(length(char_rd_range)-1L)))) # 1, 1/4, 1/16
        lambdas <- hy_lam * lam_fac/sum(lam_fac) 
        trLam[char_rd_range] <- .dispFn(lambdas) ## over-writes temporary NaN ## names needed for remove_from_parlist() later
      if (is.null(hy_trK <- hyper_el$hy_trK)) {
        hy_kap <- hyper_el$hy_kap
        if (!is.null(hy_kap)) {
          KAPPAMAX <- moreargs[[char_rd_range[1L]]]$KAPPAMAX
          if ( hy_kap > KAPPAMAX - 5e-07) {
            warning("Fixed value of IMRF's kappa appears above allowed upper value. I reduce it to the allowed maximum. ")
            hy_kap <- KAPPAMAX - 1e-06
          hy_trK <- .kappaFn(hy_kap,KAPPAMAX=KAPPAMAX)
      if (! is.null(hy_trK)) {
        for (char_rd in char_rd_range) {
          ranPars$corrPars[[char_rd]]$trKappa <- hy_trK ## same SAR parameter for all levels
    trLam <- trLam[ ! is.na(trLam)]
    if (length(trLam)) ranPars$trLambda <- trLam
  return(ranPars) ## with trLambda, $corrPars modified with TRANSFORMED values

.strip_cF_args <- function (term) { ## compare to lme4:::nobars_ ; 'term is formula or any term, recursively
  if (!("|" %in% all.names(term))) 
  if (term[[1]] == as.name("IMRF") || term[[1]] == as.name("multIMRF") || as.vector(term[[1]],"character") %in% .spaMM.data$keywords$all_cF) {
    return(term[c(1,2)]) # (lhs|rhs) without the pars 
  if (length(term) == 2) {
    nb <- .strip_cF_args(term[[2]])
    if (is.null(nb)) 
    term[[2]] <- nb
  nb2 <- .strip_cF_args(term[[2]])
  nb3 <- .strip_cF_args(term[[3]])
  if (is.null(nb2)) 
  if (is.null(nb3)) 
  term[[2]] <- nb2
  term[[3]] <- nb3

str.inla.spde2 <- function(object, verbose=("package:INLA" %in% search()), ...) {
  if (verbose) {
    class(object) <- setdiff(class(object), "inla.spde2") # to call default str() methods
    str(object, ...)
  } else {
    cat("<inla.spde2 object>; load INLA, or use str(.,verbose=TRUE) if you want to str() this object.\n")

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