
Defines functions `plot.HLfit`

`plot.HLfit` <- function(x, which=c("mean","ranef"),
                         titles = list(
                           meanmodel=list(outer="Mean model",devres="Deviance residuals", absdevres="|Deviance residuals|",
                                          resq="Residual quantiles", devreshist="Deviance residuals"),
                           ranef=list(outer="Random effects and leverages",qq="Random effects Q-Q plot",
                                      levphi=expression(paste("Leverages for ",phi)), levlambda=expression(paste("Leverages for ",lambda)))
                         control = list() , ask=TRUE, ...) {
  residuals <- residuals(x, which="std_dev_res") 
  fitted.values <- x$fv
  ## possible modif of 'which':
  # if (is.null(residuals)) {## possible if disp pars in ranFix
  #   if ("mean" %in% which) {
  #     message("No 'mean' plot produced because computation of leverages for phi was not needed to fit the model.")
  #     which <- setdiff(which,c("mean")) ## all 'mean' diagnostic plots involve these residuals
  #   }
  # }
  if ("predict" %in% which) {
    plot(x$y,predict(x),xlab="Response",ylab="Predicted response",...)
  if ("ranef" %in% which) {
    if (! x$family$family %in% c("gaussian","Gamma")) { 
      lev_phi <- NULL # i.e. no plot for them
    } else lev_phi <- hatvalues(x, type="std", which="resid")
    lev_lambda <- hatvalues(x, type="std", which="ranef")
    ranef <- .get_u_h(x)
    nranplots <- length(which(c(length(lev_lambda)>0,length(lev_phi)>0,length(ranef)>0)))
    if (nranplots==0L) which <- which[which!="ranef"]
  pch <- control$pch  
  if (is.null(pch)) pch <- "+"   
  pcol <- control$pcol  
  if (is.null(pcol)) pcol <- "blue"  
  lcol <- control$lcol  
  if (is.null(lcol)) lcol <- "red" 
  for (i in seq_len(length(which))) {
    typ <- which[i]
    if (i > 1) {
      dev.new() ## =: meaning of having different elements in 'which'  
      if (interactive()) oldask <- devAskNewPage(ask=ask) 
    if (typ =="mean") { ## diagnostic plots for mean model => 4 subplots
      oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2), oma = c( 0, 0, 2, 0 ), pty = "s", ...) ## 4 subplots for mean !!
      loess.fit <- stats::loess.smooth(fitted.values, residuals)
      plot(fitted.values, residuals, xlab = "Fitted Values", 
           ylab = titles$meanmodel$devres, pch = pch, col = pcol, bty = "n", main = titles$meanmodel$devres)
      lines(loess.fit$x, loess.fit$y, col = lcol)
      loess.fit <- stats::loess.smooth(fitted.values, abs(residuals))
      plot(fitted.values, abs(residuals), xlab = "Fitted Values", 
           ylab = titles$meanmodel$absdevres, pch = pch, col = pcol, bty = "n", main = titles$meanmodel$absdevres)
      lines(loess.fit$x, loess.fit$y, col = lcol)
      qqnorm(residuals, col = pcol, pch = pch, bty = "n", 
             xlab = "Normal quantiles", ylab = titles$meanmodel$resq, main = titles$meanmodel$resd)
      qqline(residuals, col = lcol)
      hist(residuals, density = 15, xlab = titles$meanmodel$devreshist, main = "", col = pcol)
    if (typ == "ranef") {
      if (nranplots<3) {
        oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1, nranplots), oma = c( 0, 0, 2, 0 ), pty = "s", ...)
      } else { oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2), oma = c( 0, 0, 2, 0 ), pty = "s", ...) } ## 
      if (length(ranef)) {
        std_ranef <- ranef/sqrt(1-lev_lambda)
        qqnorm(ranef, col = pcol, pch = pch, bty = "n", 
               xlab = "Normal quantiles", ylab = expression(paste("Standardized ",italic(u)," quantiles")), main = titles$ranef$qq)
        qqline(ranef, col = lcol)
      if (!is.null(lev_phi)) plot(lev_phi, ylab = "", main = titles$ranef$levphi , pch = pch, col = pcol, bty = "n")
      if (length(lev_lambda)) plot(lev_lambda, ylab = "", main= titles$ranef$levlambda , pch = pch, col = pcol, bty = "n")

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