
Defines functions read_philips_priv_dicom read_philips_dicom read_siemens_dicom read_uih_dicom read_dicom

read_dicom <- function(fname, verbose, extra) {
  # read full file as raw 
  fsize <- file.info(fname)$size
  fraw  <- readBin(fname, "raw", n = as.integer(fsize), endian = "little")
  # read the SOP class and manufacturer tags
  res <- dicom_reader(fraw, tags = list(sop_class_uid = "0008,0016",
                                        manuf         = "0008,0070"))
  sop_class_uid <- rawToChar(res$sop_class_uid)
  manuf         <- rawToChar(res$manuf)
  if (verbose) cat(paste("SOP class UID :", sop_class_uid), "\n")
  if (verbose) cat(paste("Manufacturer  :", manuf), "\n")
  if (grepl("SIEMENS", manuf, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    if (sop_class_uid == "") {
      if (verbose) cat("Siemens IMA MRS found.\n")
      # SiemensPrivateCSA Non-ImageStorage - AKA ima format
      return(read_ima(fraw, verbose, extra))
    } else if (sop_class_uid == "1.2.840.10008.") { 
      if (verbose) cat("Siemens DICOM MRS found.\n")
      # MR Spectroscopy Storage
      return(read_siemens_dicom(fraw, extra, verbose))
    } else {
      stop(paste0("Unsupported SOP class UID : ", sop_class_uid,
                  ". This doesn't look like MRS data."))
  } else if (grepl("Philips", manuf)) {
    if (sop_class_uid == "") {
      if (verbose) cat("Philips private DICOM MRS found.\n")
      return(read_philips_priv_dicom(fraw, extra, verbose))
    } else if (sop_class_uid == "1.2.840.10008.") {
      if (verbose) cat("Philips DICOM MRS found.\n")
      return(read_philips_dicom(fraw, extra, verbose))
    } else {
      stop(paste0("Unsupported SOP class UID : ", sop_class_uid,
                  ". This doesn't look like MRS data."))
  } else if (grepl("UIH", manuf)) {
      if (verbose) cat("UIH DICOM MRS found.\n")
      return(read_uih_dicom(fraw, extra, verbose))
  } else {
    stop(paste0("DICOM MRS manufacturer format: \"", trimws(manuf),
                "\" is not currently supported."))

read_uih_dicom <- function(fraw, extra, verbose) {
  # list of tags to pull from the dicom file
  tags <- list(data    = "5600,0020",
               fs      = "0018,9052",
               ft      = "0018,9098",
               ipp     = "0020,0032",
               iop     = "0020,0037",
               pixsp   = "0028,0030",
               slice_t = "0018,0050",
               rows    = "0028,0010",
               cols    = "0028,0011",
               slices  = "0018,9159",
               Npt     = "0018,9127",
               tr      = "0018,0080",
               te      = "0018,0081",
               seq_n   = "0018,0024")

  # read em out
  dcm_res <- dicom_reader(fraw, tags)
  # sort out the right datatypes
  fs  <- readBin(dcm_res$fs, "double")
  ft  <- readBin(dcm_res$ft, "double") * 1e6
  ipp <- as.numeric(strsplit(rawToChar(dcm_res$ipp), "\\\\")[[1]])
  iop <- as.numeric(strsplit(rawToChar(dcm_res$iop), "\\\\")[[1]])
  pixsp <- as.numeric(strsplit(rawToChar(dcm_res$pixsp), "\\\\")[[1]])
  slice_t <- as.numeric(rawToChar(dcm_res$slice_t))
  rows <- readBin(dcm_res$rows, "integer", size = 2, signed = FALSE)
  cols <- readBin(dcm_res$cols, "integer", size = 2, signed = FALSE)
  slices <- readBin(dcm_res$slices, "integer", size = 2, signed = FALSE)
  N <- readBin(dcm_res$Npt, "integer")
  te <- as.numeric(rawToChar(dcm_res$te)) / 1e3
  tr <- as.numeric(rawToChar(dcm_res$tr)) / 1e3
  seq_n <- trimws(rawToChar(dcm_res$seq_n))
  row_ori <- iop[1:3]
  col_ori <- iop[4:6]
  sli_vec <- crossprod_3d(row_ori, col_ori)
  pos_vec <- ipp
  fids <- rows * cols * slices
  if (N * 2 * fids * 4 != length(dcm_res$data)) {
    print(N * 2 * fids * 4)
    stop("Unexpected number of data points.")
  # read the fid points 
  raw_vec <- readBin(dcm_res$data, "double", length(dcm_res$data) / 4, size = 4,
                     endian = "little")
  data <- raw_vec[c(TRUE, FALSE)] + 1i * raw_vec[c(FALSE, TRUE)]
  dim(data) <- c(N, rows, cols, slices, 1, 1, 1)
  data <- aperm(data, c(7, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1))
  res <- c(NA, pixsp[2], pixsp[1], slice_t, tr, NA, 1 / fs)
  ref <- def_ref()
  # TODO determine from the data
  nuc <- def_nuc()
  # freq domain vector
  freq_domain <- rep(FALSE, 7)
  pos_vec_affine <- pos_vec
  affine <- cbind(c(row_ori * res[2], 0),
                  c(col_ori * res[3], 0),
                  c(sli_vec * res[4], 0),
                  c(pos_vec_affine, 1))
  affine[1:2,] <- -affine[1:2,]
  meta <- list(EchoTime = te,
               Manufacturer = "UIH",
               SequenceName = seq_n)
  mrs_data <- mrs_data(data = data, ft = ft, resolution = res, ref = ref,
                       nuc = nuc, freq_domain = freq_domain, affine = affine,
                       meta = meta, extra = extra)

read_siemens_dicom <- function(fraw, extra, verbose) {
  # list of tags to pull from the dicom file
  tags <- list(data        = "5600,0020",
               fs          = "0018,9052",
               ft          = "0018,9098",
               ipp         = "0020,0032",
               iop         = "0020,0037",
               pixsp       = "0028,0030",
               slice_t     = "0018,0050",
               rows        = "0028,0010",
               cols        = "0028,0011",
               slices      = "0018,9159",
               Npt         = "0028,9002",
               te          = "0018,9082",
               series_desc = "0008,103E",
               series_num  = "0020,0011")

  # read em out
  dcm_res <- dicom_reader(fraw, tags)
  # sort out the right datatypes
  fs  <- readBin(dcm_res$fs, "double")
  ft  <- readBin(dcm_res$ft, "double") * 1e6
  ipp <- as.numeric(strsplit(rawToChar(dcm_res$ipp), "\\\\")[[1]])
  iop <- as.numeric(strsplit(rawToChar(dcm_res$iop), "\\\\")[[1]])
  pixsp <- as.numeric(strsplit(rawToChar(dcm_res$pixsp), "\\\\")[[1]])
  slice_t <- as.numeric(rawToChar(dcm_res$slice_t))
  rows <- readBin(dcm_res$rows, "integer", size = 2, signed = FALSE)
  cols <- readBin(dcm_res$cols, "integer", size = 2, signed = FALSE)
  slices <- readBin(dcm_res$slices, "integer", size = 2, signed = FALSE)
  N <- readBin(dcm_res$Npt, "integer")
  te <- readBin(dcm_res$te, "double") / 1e3
  row_ori <- iop[1:3]
  col_ori <- iop[4:6]
  sli_vec <- crossprod_3d(row_ori, col_ori)
  pos_vec <- ipp
  fids <- rows * cols * slices
  if (N * 2 * fids * 4 != length(dcm_res$data)) {
    # print(length(dcm_res$data))
    # print(N * 2 * fids * 4)
    warning(paste0("Unexpected number of data points for Siemens DICOM,",
                   " attempting to fix."))
    N <- N * 2 # usually needed because remove oversampling is not selected
  # read the fid points 
  raw_vec <- readBin(dcm_res$data, "double", length(dcm_res$data) / 4, size = 4,
                     endian = "little")
  data <- raw_vec[c(TRUE, FALSE)] - 1i * raw_vec[c(FALSE, TRUE)]
  dim(data) <- c(N, rows, cols, slices, 1, 1, 1)
  data <- aperm(data, c(7, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1))
  res <- c(NA, pixsp[2], pixsp[1], slice_t, NA, NA, 1 / fs)
  ref <- def_ref()
  # TODO determine from the data
  nuc <- def_nuc()
  # freq domain vector
  freq_domain <- rep(FALSE, 7)
  pos_vec_affine <- pos_vec
  affine <- cbind(c(row_ori * res[2], 0),
                  c(col_ori * res[3], 0),
                  c(sli_vec * res[4], 0),
                  c(pos_vec_affine, 1))
  affine[1:2,] <- -affine[1:2,]
  meta <- list(EchoTime          = te,
               Manufacturer      = "Siemens",
               SeriesDescription = rawToChar(dcm_res$series_desc),
               SeriesNumber      = as.integer(rawToChar(dcm_res$series_num)))
  mrs_data <- mrs_data(data = data, ft = ft, resolution = res, ref = ref,
                       nuc = nuc, freq_domain = freq_domain, affine = affine,
                       meta = meta, extra = extra)

read_philips_dicom <- function(fraw, extra, verbose) {
  # list of tags to pull from the dicom file
  tags <- list(data    = "5600,0020",
               fs      = "0018,9052",
               ft      = "0018,9098",
               ipp     = "0020,0032",
               iop     = "0020,0037",
               pixsp   = "0028,0030",
               slice_t = "0018,0050",
               rows    = "0028,0010",
               cols    = "0028,0011",
               slices  = "0018,9159",
               Nframes = "0028,0008",
               Npt     = "0028,9002",
               te      = "0018,9082")

  # read em out
  dcm_res  <- dicom_reader(fraw, tags)
  # sort out the right datatypes
  fs  <- readBin(dcm_res$fs, "double")
  ft  <- readBin(dcm_res$ft, "double") * 1e6
  ipp <- as.numeric(strsplit(rawToChar(dcm_res$ipp), "\\\\")[[1]])
  iop <- as.numeric(strsplit(rawToChar(dcm_res$iop), "\\\\")[[1]])
  pixsp <- as.numeric(strsplit(rawToChar(dcm_res$pixsp), "\\\\")[[1]])
  slice_t <- as.numeric(rawToChar(dcm_res$slice_t))
  rows <- readBin(dcm_res$rows, "integer", size = 2, signed = FALSE)
  cols <- readBin(dcm_res$cols, "integer", size = 2, signed = FALSE)
  slices <- readBin(dcm_res$slices, "integer", size = 2, signed = FALSE)
  dyns <- as.numeric(rawToChar(dcm_res$Nframes))
  N <- readBin(dcm_res$Npt, "integer")
  te <- readBin(dcm_res$te, "double") / 1e3
  row_ori <- iop[1:3]
  col_ori <- iop[4:6]
  sli_vec <- crossprod_3d(row_ori, col_ori)
  pos_vec <- ipp
  fids <- rows * cols * slices * dyns
  if (N * 2 * fids * 4 != length(dcm_res$data)) {
    warning("Unexpected number of data points.")
  # read the fid points 
  raw_vec <- readBin(dcm_res$data, "double", length(dcm_res$data) / 4, size = 4,
                     endian = "little")
  data <- raw_vec[c(TRUE, FALSE)] - 1i * raw_vec[c(FALSE, TRUE)]
  dim(data) <- c(N, rows, cols, slices, dyns, 1, 1)
  data <- aperm(data, c(7, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1))
  res <- c(NA, pixsp[2], pixsp[1], slice_t, NA, NA, 1 / fs)
  ref <- def_ref()
  # TODO determine from the data
  nuc <- def_nuc()
  # freq domain vector
  freq_domain <- rep(FALSE, 7)
  pos_vec_affine <- pos_vec
  affine <- cbind(c(row_ori * res[2], 0),
                  c(col_ori * res[3], 0),
                  c(sli_vec * res[4], 0),
                  c(pos_vec_affine, 1))
  affine[1:2,] <- -affine[1:2,]
  meta <- list(EchoTime = te,
               Manufacturer = "Philips")
  mrs_data <- mrs_data(data = data, ft = ft, resolution = res, ref = ref,
                       nuc = nuc, freq_domain = freq_domain, affine = affine,
                       meta = meta, extra = extra)

read_philips_priv_dicom <- function(fraw, extra, verbose) {
  # list of tags to pull from the dicom file
  tags <- list(data      = "5600,0020",
               fs        = "2005,1030",
               ft        = "2001,1083",
               te        = "2005,1310",
               Npts      = "0018,9127",
               Nframes   = "0028,0008",
               prot_name = "0018,1030")
  dcm_res  <- dicom_reader(fraw, tags)
  fs        <- readBin(dcm_res$fs, "double", size = 4, n = 2)[1]
  ft        <- as.numeric(rawToChar(dcm_res$ft)) * 1e6
  te        <- readBin(dcm_res$te, "double", size = 4) / 1e3
  Npts      <- readBin(dcm_res$Npts, "integer")
  Nframes   <- as.numeric(rawToChar(dcm_res$Nframes))
  prot_name <- rawToChar(dcm_res$prot_name)
  raw_vec <- readBin(dcm_res$data, "double", length(dcm_res$data) / 4, size = 4)
  data    <- raw_vec[c(TRUE, FALSE)] - 1i * raw_vec[c(FALSE, TRUE)]
  N <- length(data)
  dim(data) <- c(N, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
  data <- aperm(data, c(7, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1))
  res <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 1 / fs)
  ref <- def_ref()
  # TODO determine from the data
  nuc <- def_nuc()
  # freq domain vector
  freq_domain <- rep(FALSE, 7)
  meta <- list(EchoTime = te,
               Manufacturer = "Philips")
  mrs_data <- mrs_data(data = data, ft = ft, resolution = res, ref = ref,
                       nuc = nuc, freq_domain = freq_domain, affine = NULL,
                       meta = meta, extra = extra)
  if (verbose) {
    cat(paste("N          :", N), "\n")
    cat(paste("Npts       :", Npts), "\n")
    cat(paste("Nframes    :", Nframes), "\n")
    cat(paste("Prot. name :", prot_name), "\n")
  if (N == Npts) {
  } else if (N == 2 * Npts) {
    metab_mrs <- crop_td_pts(mrs_data, end = Npts)
    ref_mrs   <- crop_td_pts(mrs_data, start = Npts + 1)
    out       <- list(metab = metab_mrs, ref = ref_mrs)
    class(out) <- c("list", "mrs_data")
  } else {
    warning(paste0("Expecting ", Npts, ", but found ", N, " data points."))

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