fv.object: Function Value Table

fv.objectR Documentation

Function Value Table


A class "fv" to support the convenient plotting of several estimates of the same function.


An object of this class is a convenient way of storing and plotting several different estimates of the same function.

It is a data frame with extra attributes indicating the recommended way of plotting the function, and other information.

There are methods for print and plot for this class.

Objects of class "fv" are returned by Fest, Gest,Jest, and Kest along with many other functions.



and \rolf

See Also

Objects of class "fv" are returned by Fest, Gest,Jest, and Kest along with many other functions.

See plot.fv for plotting an "fv" object.

See as.function.fv to convert an "fv" object to an R function.

Use cbind.fv to combine several "fv" objects. Use bind.fv to glue additional columns onto an existing "fv" object.

Undocumented functions for modifying an "fv" object include fvnames, fvnames<-, tweak.fv.entry and rebadge.fv.


    K <- Kest(cells)

    K  # prints a sensible summary


spatstat.explore documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:04 a.m.