plot.studpermutest: Plot a Studentised Permutation Test

plot.studpermutestR Documentation

Plot a Studentised Permutation Test


Plot the result of the studentised permutation test.


  ## S3 method for class 'studpermutest'
plot(x, fmla, ...,
          lty = NULL, col = NULL, lwd = NULL,
          lty.theo = NULL, col.theo = NULL, lwd.theo = NULL,
          lwd.mean = if (meanonly) 1 else NULL,
          lty.mean = lty, col.mean = col,
          separately = FALSE, meanonly = FALSE,
          main = if (meanonly) "group means" else NULL,
          xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, ylab = NULL,
          legend = !add, legendpos = "topleft", lbox = FALSE, add = FALSE)



An object of class "studpermutest" generated by studpermu.test and representing the result of a studentised permutation test for spatial point pattern data.


Plot formula used in plot.fv.


Additional graphical arguments passed to plot.fv.

lty, col, lwd

Line type, colour, and line width of the curves plotting the summary function for each point pattern in the original data. Either a single value or a vector of length equal to the number of point patterns.

lty.theo, col.theo, lwd.theo

Line type, colour, and line width of the curve representing the theoretical value of the summary function.

lty.mean, col.mean, lwd.mean

Line type, colour, and line width (as a multiple of lwd) of the curve representing the group mean of the summary function.


Logical value indicating whether to plot each group of data in a separate panel.


Logical value indicating whether to plot only the group means of the summary function.


Character string giving a main title for the plot.

xlim, ylim

Numeric vectors of length 2 giving the limits for the x and y coordinates of the plot or plots.


Character string or expression to be used for the label on the y axis.


Logical value indicating whether to plot a legend explaining the meaning of each curve.


Position of legend. See plot.fv.


Logical value indicating whether to plot a box around the plot.


Logical value indicating whether the plot should be added to the existing plot (add=TRUE) or whether a new frame should be created (add=FALSE, the default).


This is the plot method for objects of class "studpermutest" which represent the result of a studentised permutation test applied to several point patterns. The test is performed by studpermu.test.

The plot shows the summary functions for each point pattern, coloured according to group. Optionally it can show the different groups in separate plot panels, or show only the group means in a single panel.




Ute Hahn.

Modified for spatstat by \spatstatAuthors.

See Also



  np <- if(interactive()) 99 else 19
  testpyramidal <- studpermu.test(pyramidal, Neurons ~ group, nperm=np)
  plot(testpyramidal, meanonly=TRUE)
  plot(testpyramidal, col.theo=8, lwd.theo=4, lty.theo=1)
  plot(testpyramidal, . ~ pi * r^2)
  op <- par(mfrow=c(1,3))
  plot(testpyramidal, separately=TRUE)
  plot(testpyramidal, separately=TRUE, col=2, lty=1, lwd.mean=2, col.mean=4)

spatstat.explore documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:04 a.m.